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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty A Trickster In the Woods

Fri May 18, 2012 1:32 am

Suzu Zumizimu

The sun was shining and birds was singing. Their was a sweet smell filling the air.suzu was wearing a purple hoodie and a white button down shirt under it and a pair of short shorts. on her hands black gloves to hide her hollow hole in the palm of her right hand. but on her lift hand their was a full finger talon ring. that was in a skeletal pattern but looked to be metal not bone.

suzu was in the forest and had just got an experiment done. now she had time to kill. " hmmm going back to the lab.... would be boring... O I know since I am in the living world why not have some fun." suzu would walk in the direction of the closest life form she could feel. human, hollow or even soul-reaper. it did not matter to her. she would make it entertaining either way. suzu would slide her hand up removing her eye patch. "I won't be needing this for now" she would hide her own spiritual presence as best as she can and keep walking till she come to meat the life form she was feeling

"come on Let me cut you up ..."
Andrew Takahashi
Andrew Takahashi
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Sun May 20, 2012 1:51 am
Is there something wrong Andrew?

"I don't know Tetsu, I thought I felt something strange but I guess it was just my mind playing tricks on me."

Andrew had been in his own little world as he had one of his books out writing down some notes in his head so that he wouldn't forget in the future. He seemed to be adding new information when he could be able to and today he had been getting more into detail about the Latin he heard a while back. He had wondered about what kinds of incantations that could pull something like that off, but not even all of his knowledge of Kidō could be able to help him. He tapped on the paper with a contemplative expression on his face before figuring out what to write next. As he wrote down the details of his venture, he added as a side note "Will try to get more information about this later". After writing that the vizard sighed softly and closed the book. There were plenty of times in his life that he had felt like he was for the lack of a better word Rip Van Winkle and he found himself in a new and strange time. He hoped that he could get as much information as he can, and was at the very least thankful that the Vizard corp was more than happy to bring him in. Dusting himself off, he put his book away and grabbed his zanpaktou before venturing off into the forest. He now had his mind on getting something to eat and right now his inner desire happened to be chili dogs. He could find the hot dogs easily, but he always considered making his own chili over using chili in a can. He wasn't even sure if there was any canned chili anymore so he had a brighter smile at the very thought of making some of his meat chili. Naturally though Andrew knew better to make both mild and spicy forms of it since he didn't know how much heat any of his comrades could be able to take.
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Sun May 20, 2012 8:08 am
as Suzu could feel the life form near her ... she would start to run a bit in order to close in on it faster with out using her energy. the sounds of sticks breaking and leaves being crushed under her feet can be heard tho. she would not in any way try to masked the sound it this

Suzu would now have sight of the male through the trees. she would call out to him." HEY!" and wave in the air happily. she was not interested in giving a lot a thought into how to approach him. so she simply called out to him like so." HI What are you doing out here?" she had made up her mind on one think she was going to play a game and act like she was a Shinigami. she worked the minor details out in her head. Suzu would keep walking up to him now more calmly. "its a lovely day isn't it? their is nothing like a good sunny day." in truth suzu hated the sun and preferred darkly light rooms. but there was no need for the truth right now..lying made things mush more fun.
Andrew Takahashi
Andrew Takahashi
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Sun May 27, 2012 1:54 am
What in the world...?

Careful Andrew, it could be a trap.

Yeah but still Tetsu...

There were very few things that would give Andrew a legitimate double take when he sees someone that made him second guess things and today was no different. There were very few shinigami that he knew personally that had a different view when it came to vizards. And for him different meant that he wasn't going to need to fear having his head mounted on someone's wall. In fact there had been only one shinigami that seemed to be cool about what he was and from what he could see on her body this was not the one. So the only question was this: were there other shinigami that were cool about vizards or was this some kind of ploy to lull him into a false of security. In either case, he knew better to not play the paranoia card so quickly and blatantly. He needed to play along for now to ascertain what the girl's intent was. Closing his book, he kept it to his side while attaching the pen to his top as he looked at her with a smile. "Well I had been writing some things down so I do not forget anything today. Lately my memory had been a little bit hazy so I made a to do list so I know what to do for the whole day." Standing up, he dusted himself off as he looked at her with a kind smile on his face. For the moment he was going to play along so he extended his hand to her, keeping an eye out for a possible shinigami ambush. "My name is Andrew, and if you don't mind me asking what's your name? I don't remember seeing you in my divisions."
Cross Out
Cross Out
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Sun May 27, 2012 6:55 pm
Tree limbs are cracking on the ground. Leaves crunching under steps. The cool air that once resided in the forest left like it never existed. Everything seemed abnormal. No birds or frogs could be heard in the middle of the forest. Sitting down against the tree was a lonesome arrancar. No number was represented on his body, his tan skin was the first thing most people would see from him, unless they count red hair as distracting. Then that would be the first thing other people would see.

Stretching his hands up in the air, he yawned as he rubbed the Dust out of his eyes. "Such a nice day for a nap.." He said with his tone affected from his yawn. In all truth, this arrancar was much different than the others most see. He cared for this forest and all living things in it. He has even helped a human go back to Karakura central when they got lost. Cross was no ordinary Arrancar. Cross actually understood feelings, what it would be like to have a heart.

His blade laid beside him laying against the tree. It's green sheath matched the grass that remained underneath it. Rolling his shoulders, He slowly stood up, grabbing his blade still yawning. "Yeah. That was a nice nap." The smile on his face was as wide as a kid on Christmas morning. He could of been shunned for it by other arrancar or hollows, but most don't mention it from his power. He defiantly wasn't the strongest, but he wasn't weak.

In all rights, he tried to avoid fighting and make new friends. Now, it did seem like a weird theory. How many shinigami currently are friends with an arrancar? Yeah, see? He just wanted to show that a few hollows can turn good. He was in all sense a goofball. Always tripping, or making jokes with the trees or something.
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Mon May 28, 2012 2:52 am
" A to do list? does that mean you got no free time? that is no fun." she would keep playing her game for now after all it will make it that much funner later. suzu would give a friendly smile back to Andrew. "My name is suzu It's a pleasure to meet you Andrew." suzu would extend her hand out to him and firmly grasp Andrew's. " ya I'm kinda new I just got out of Shino Academy so I'm not in a division yet. I have applied for a officers position. I even already got a shikai." she would rest the palm of her right hand on the hilt of her sword. "i was really hoping to find a hollow or some thing. In the Academy was ok but we was always in groups. never got to show my own skill. I need some thing to get the higher up's to look at me a little closer. " suzu was laughing heavily on the inside. but she would not show it at all in the out side. Suzu was good at controlling her emotions when lying or at anytime. the flaws if any in her lies is that some times she is careless and some things don't all ways add up.

knowing his division would give her a grate deal of information on him. it could tell her what kinda Shinigami he is rather he is a healer/ fighter or other. the idea that he could be healer was... enjoyable. Suzu loved fighting people that relayed on Kidō as most soul reapers that have healing powers did. the happy smile would nave leave her face. "so what division are you in mister Andrew? "

(side note cross) i would have reacted your post to but ^.^ you did not say if u approached us. so suzu would not really care about you being their.
Cross Out
Cross Out
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Mon May 28, 2012 10:41 am
Ooc: All good ^^. That was just the entrance post haha so I didn't expect a response to him. ]]

Looking left and right, Cross rubbed his hand up his face. He was quite lonely in the forest. Not having much to do, or someone to talk to. Animals could help him, but he would rather have a actual Response. He slid his weapon in his waist, Stretching his hands out again while he continued to yawn. "This is so boring. Atleast I wanna see some random people get lost." Something cross didn't like was feeling lonely. He wasn't a bad guy, he didn't join other arrancar like him. He was just different.

Taking a slow stride, He begins to walk throughout the forest. Moving fast enough to go through it, but slow enough to look at the details of random flowers or trees. He placed both hands behind his head as he raises his arms. Sighing, he looked around the area. Looking at trees, flowers, bugs anything that moved honestly caught his eye.

Closing his eyes, he focused for reiatsu signatures throughout the forest. He found two, both shinigami, but he didn't move quick enough to be interested. He dragged his feet once he started to get bored. "Nothing is catching my interest. It's the same thing over and over."He complained, slowly raising his reiatsu with his emotions. Sweat beads started to form on his forehead, rolling down his chin

A Trickster In the Woods CrossSig
Andrew Takahashi
Andrew Takahashi
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Tue May 29, 2012 1:55 am
"Nice to meet you too Suzu."

Anything Andrew?

No but I wonder...

The vizard had the gears in his head turning slowly as he assessed who she was. She applied to an officer's position, and yet had not specified what division she had belonged to. And though she spoke of her talents in the Shino academy, she had been very vague on what abilities she had in store. Much of her story had not added up in his mind. He would have thought that a shinigami who had just achieved their shikai would have been more than happy to show someone what it looked like. But to be this tight lipped about it made him think something was strange for this situation. But for now he needed to get her into a corner so that he could understand what was going on. "Well I had been in the fifth for my Kidō knowledge but I joined the tenth division to help my elemental skill before heading on back. Hey out of curiosity Suzu, you wouldn't mind too much if I saw your shikai right? I mean, it couldn't hurt to see it right?" He had a kind smile on his face but then turned his head when he felt an increase of reiatsu. He turned to look at Suzu again as he held his hand up. "Um, hold that thought for a moment okay? I am going to see what is going on."

Andrew's curiosity had gotten the better of him as he went to see what was going on. He saw the young man, his gut telling him to be careful. He kept in the shadows as he spoke with a clear tone. "Okay, so what's up? Is there a reason that you let your reiatsu out like that?"
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A Trickster In the Woods Empty Re: A Trickster In the Woods

Sat Oct 13, 2012 1:47 am
She had a physical reaction to Andrew's words. Suzu's face was radiating with energy as her eyes looked glossed over with
passion as if someone released the floodgates that was holding her happiness in. "YES!~ I would absolutely positively LOVE to show you." In her mind she was thinking -I think this
little show of over enthusiasm will help things nicely in the long run.- She reached her hand down gripping hers words hilt and it would look as if she swung the sword from its sheath. She did this in one solid motion at high speed. By doing this Suzu did not only show her speed and control with her blade but how comfortable she was with it as the blade would stop right in
front of her nose with only 3 cm between them. Suzu would make up a release phrase off the top of her head. "Now gaze upon them.. Boszorkány" And as Suzu kissed the blade a purple and black jolts of energy would shoot thru the blade and the hand guard's forked like emblem would form a red gem
and black energy engulfed the sword as its hole form would
be come altered just as if she did use shikai.

" And" is all she got out be for Andrew asked her to 'hold that thought' Witch she had felt the other person...but she did not really care enough to act on it just yet.. no not only that but by not acting on it would show a week ability to feel other spiritual
energies as some one who just got out of the academy would be lacking in. Suzu would follow behind Andrew to check it out. But she would make sure that it appears hard for her to barely keep up to Andrews speed.

(original sword form)

(altered Zanpakutô )
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