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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Thu May 31, 2012 2:24 pm
A loud cracking squish noise filled the otherwise silent air of the forest some 30 miles to the east of Karakura town. Bright pinkish brain matter splattered against the brown bark of a pine tree. The echo of the impact faded off, leaving only the silence of the day. No animal stirred, no bird sang on this day. They knew what the poor owner of before mentioned brain matter did not: that a monster was around.
The body of the rather hefty hiker feel to a pile on the pine needle covered ground. Blood continued to slowly drain from the body as it settled into its death. The head of the hiker looked as if a bomb had gone off. It no longer had so much a skull as it did a peice of what once a skull. The rest of the former skull appeared with the various splatters of brain matter that littered several trees. The bone closest to the center of the death hit had even turned to a fine dust from the impact.
A form wearing a black cloak turned away from the mess and shook its right hand as bodily material was freed from the special plate mail gloves the figure wore.

''I now understand how power can corrupt. When you have the power to destroy one so easily it is difficult not to act it out.''

The voice was female, young female exactly. She turned her head to look at her compainion, a hollow horse whose body seemed to be made of fire. The horse snorted and looked to the body of the hiker.

''That is why you must learn to control yourself. If you do not you may end up like that you wish to destroy.''

''I will never be like that monster!'' The girl fired back. ''I will never kill as indiscriminately as that monster! The death of that man was merciful compaired to what it would of done.''

She turned to look at the dead hiker again, closing her eyes which were hidden in the shadow of the cloaks hood. To fight for only the destroy for the joy of it...she was starting to understand the mindset of that monster named Radioactive...or atleast she thought she did. But in the end the quest to kill that monster had to take a back seat to her main loyalty, her sister Ashlei. She would follow her sister where ever the journey went. That was all she could do for the one who accepted her above all others. To be strong enough to fight her sisters fight...that had to be the goal.
As she turned towards the hollowed horse she spotted a small demon hiding in the grass. It looked at the dead hiker like a vulcher. The girl simply pointed a finger at the discusting green demon bird and blew its head off with a concentrated release of power. The demon's head exploded and its body fell over. It felt....good to have that kind of power. Power to make things suffer....or to save them.
The midmorning sun glinted off her reietsu platemail armor like gold. Her blade rest by her side, held to her by a black belt matching her cloak. This was Flea, the young former Fraccion and loyal knight of Ashlei Clixx.

Queen Of The Sands
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Fri Jun 01, 2012 3:37 pm

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) AshleiTemplateThree

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Ashleiname-1

the forest was dark around this hour. the nocturnal animals were starting to come out. Those include hollows and demons alike that used this place as a home. This was well and truly known by a certain someone darting overhead, her wings flapping rapidly as she searched the forest from above. Itb was vast, big enough to see it go on into the distance. She sped on to try and find what she was looking for. Suddenly, a voice rung through her head. brushing her long red hair aside, she listened to what it said.

'My lady, Your sister is several yards to your left'

the girl nodded, almost expecting the voice to understand she had done so. Darting left now, she zoomed across the sky towards where she thought the girl might be. This woman was indeed Ashlei Clixx, elder sister of the Mischevang family and to the girl we saw just before with the horse. Ashlei could feel a rise in spiritual pressure. Flea must be down there. Dashing down now, Ashlei burst through the tree's to ground level and stopped moving. A body of a dead man lay on the ground, his head completely blown off. She then looked up to see the body of a demon, it;'s head also in pieces along the tree's. Ashlei smiled, she could see the girl and horse standing before her. Folding her arms, the red haired girl yelled out to her little sister.


maybe that would scare the little one and make her fall over or something. That would be funny, but she just wanted what was best for her little sister. Flea was always getting into trouble and her recent obsession with killing Radioactive has become....dangerous...

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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Sat Jun 02, 2012 4:36 am



Song: WHY
Artist: I.O.N.
The day was hot, warm and rather quiet all throughout the forest. Many animals laid in a hushed lull, there wasn't a trace of any sort of life that could be detected through natural means and all throughout the grasslands had been set to a stand still. It was the sort of eerie backdrop that was the prelude to something horrid occurring throughout the lands such as some sort of mass destruction based event seen in the movies, a wave of genocide blaring across a foreign village or simply the commencement of someone's final day. No matter what the scenario would be today, this entire forest was about to get the wake up call of the century very soon as there was a true beast making his way into these dark woods. From his sheer presence, anything around him that had some sort of heart beat knew better then stand in his way. Walking throughout a very straight cut trail many types of woodland life dared not to stay too long near this... monstrosity. Bears, deers, lizards, birds, bug life, low level hollow's & demon's; not many had the stomach to be around whatever force was making it's way towards the pair of Royal Arrancar's.

As to enclose closer and closer onto the location of Ashlei Clixx & Flea it seemed that even if one did not have some sort of special power claimed to their body, even the most basic human being would be able to hear very loud footsteps coming from the forest floor as even the trees shook in his presence. Something BIG was coming. However, whatever was currently enclosing in on the vicinity didn't seem too chaotic on this day. It was walking slowly, patiently and rather mild mannered when compared to previous outings. Though, judging from just how casually this beast was strolling throughout the forest, you could tell just by his actions he didn't seemed too threatened by anything that would be thrown in his path.

With each foot step that got him closer and closer towards his destination, more of his...shark like presence could be filled as this guy, even when holding his own spiritual energy back, felt like the embodiment of murderous intent itself. It felt as if eons of war, strife and bloodshed had been amplified to near infinity level's of insanity and raw power. Most ordinary people, and even average fighters, would have sense enough to leave while they can now. As the breath of a lone gust of wind bellowed across the area, the..beast could finally be seen on the edge of his trail that stood above the pair of highborn females that stood below him. If they were to pierce their eyes towards his direction, they wouldn't be able to visible see just who he was yet. All that could be seen was a large cloak that was black in color that hide a massive body frame that put even the most top notch body builder to shame. In fact, this guy didn't even seem like he had a human-like height. Whatever the hell he was, he stood at the daunting height of eight feet and two inches. So, right off the bat, this guy was clearly not of the human variety.

Rising his right arm to his face that was hidden in his hood, the mysterious beast rubbed his nose as he let out an amused chuckle at what he had discovered in his little trip around the world. Never would he have believed the Espada Leader herself would be in a place such as this that was located near one of the most well guarded places...well...anywhere. Not to mention that one of his previous opponents that he had faced in harsh fierce combat had appeared to be in this location as well. Taking a closer look at the woman riding her regal hollowfied horse, the man seemed to have a large, shark filled grin emerge across his lips as he seemed even more thrilled then previously without speaking a single word yet. Having brief flashbacks of this female warrior on her trusty steed, the stranger began to recollect his thoughts on her as she appeared to be one of the select few people he had encountered in his life time that showed no fear of his power despite the massive gap in power.

It's one thing to take on a beast such as himself if you have near or equal power, but it was an entirely different story when the difference in power was as obvious as night and day. This is what made her stand out from a large majority of his opponents as she valiantly leaped into the flames of battle without a single thought other then slay him. All of this, all of this happening while her master, the other female who was next to her, was more timid in fighting such an opponent as the behemoth her loyal knight had faced off against; albeit short lived. It was such an amazing display of courage, bravery and sheer primal nature that Radioactive had deemed her worthy of being remembered unlike the thousands of other worthless ghouls he had encountered in his hundreds of years of existing. It's why he even bothered sparing her life on that hellish battlefield near this very same date one year ago, when he could have simply killed her and let the struggle be over with a long time ago.

Lifting off his hood at this point, the fiend himself decided to reveal his identity as if wasn't obvious to someone with the least bit of spiritual detection skills in their arsenal. Long black hair that flowed in the ever-so-gentle breeze, razor sharp teeth that seemed as if they could chop straight through anything, two pierced shark fins standing boldly atop his head and a shark face for a head. Yes indeed, whatever was standing before them was not human, could barely be classified as a Shinigami and was only left to be known as: Radioactive, The Shark Nuclear Beast. Having each of his arms claw their way out of his cloak to reveal some of his muscular traits, Radioactive threw his ragged goods downward towards the two queenly Arrancar below them in order to get their attention as he let out a very loud bellowing laugh that showed he was very happy to see them. If his greeting would be met back with the same wavelength? Nobody could be sure of that at this point.

"Well, well, well!" He began, savoring this moment even more with his chortle, "I never would have thought I'd find someone who was as spineless as a rat having the balls of steel to come near such a place as THAT!" Pointing towards Karakura Central which could be seen in the distant past the trees, the shark beast nudged his head towards Ashlei Clixx's direction as he made it clear he was speaking towards her first. "Shouldn't you be in the shadow's gently plotting the demise of this world or whatever it is you demon rats do when in the safety of your hivemind?" Scratching his head, Radioactive shook his head, but kept his relaxed demeanor. "Ah well. I suppose my respect from our last encounter has gone up, ya' think? I would have thought that white haired fellow would have devoured you by now. So, hats off to you, Espada Queen for surviving through all your trials, tribulations, struggles and whatever other obstacle that has stood in your way for us to meet in this soon to be damned forest." Turning his attention away from the Queen Bee, Radioactive set his sights on the Noble Knight, Flea.

"And the last bit of what I said to your master? That goes triple for you." As if that sinister grin of his could get wider, Radioactive was very pleased to see that she had lasted long enough for them to encounter each other once again after he held back his finishing blow to the loyal knight. "It seems you've been through quite the bit of changes, excellent!" Throwing off his cloak and blowing caution to the wind, Radioactive was seen jumping from trail and down about twenty to ten feet away from the duo of Arrancar's. In this series of actions, even this minor move was enough to make most of the forestland around them tremble in his wake as he created a small hole in the ground where his feet was, caused the ground to crack all around them and sent some of the forest life into a tizzy. Lifting each of his feet out of the hole he had created, Radioactive stared each of them down as he wasn't quite what was going to go down on this unexpected day, but he knew it was going to be one not soon forgotten.

"So, will you strike me down, tell me your grand stories or do you have something else in mind?" Tilting his head to the side while chuckling, Radioactive awaited to see how the two would react to his presence in the area. Would it be positive? Would it be negative? Would it be bloody? Ah, it didn't really matter. Anything that happened at this point was just another bump in the pathway of The Shark Beast's life. But, a very interesting pothole none the less. Hopefully these two would provide him some amusement before he reaches his new found goal.

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) WVMWLOu
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Sat Jun 02, 2012 1:55 pm
Despite the arrival of her elder sister and Master, Flea did not move. In fact she seemed not to take the slight bit of notice, her eyes locked firmly on a path just ahead of her. There was a presence in this forest that was sinister, murderous and just plain mosterous. It was a feeling that made nightmares reality, made death as scary as a loaf of bread. Compaired to this feeling in the air that was slowly building up...all lifes fears seemed worthless.

''He's coming.''

Those were the words that the girl released as she pulled herself out of her own flight instincts. Ever reasonable bit of her body yelled at her to run away and hide. Even with the training an increase in power she had made since last seeing this thing, she was still not strong enough to reasonably take it on. Then suddenly it appeared up the path, moving slowly towards the three. She could not visually identify this beasts, but the sheer bloodlust of it's being filled her. This thing could only be one being. So even without seeing it she knew who it was, and with this knowledge a smile slowly formed on her face.

As the figure lowered it's black cloak to reveal it's features the girl stared silently at it. She kept her cool this time, not letting the intensity of the moment overwhelm her. To react on the creatures aura, or to let emotions cloud her would result in god only knows what. It threw before mentioned cloak down to the groud before them as if they had not noticed him. Flea did not know about War or Ashlei, but she had had a feeling that the beasts would make an appearence.

''Well, well, well!" It began. "I never would have thought I'd find someone who was as spineless as a rat having the balls of steel to come near such a place as THAT!" Upon saying this slightly vular statement it pointed one of its fingers towards the town of Karakura, which could just be seen some miles away. "Shouldn't you be in the shadow's gently plotting the demise of this world or whatever it is you demon rats do when in the safety of your hivemind?" The beasts was obviously refering to her elder sister, made more clear by a slight gesture of his head towards her. "Ah well. I suppose my respect from our last encounter has gone up, ya' think? I would have thought that white haired fellow would have devoured you by now. So, hats off to you, Espada Queen for surviving through all your trials, tribulations, struggles and whatever other obstacle that has stood in your way for us to meet in this soon to be damned forest." He had such a relaxed and noncaring attitude towards them that Flea almost snapped and lost her cool, but as she felt rage towards the monster building she took a deep breath to calm herself.

"And the last bit of what I said to your master? That goes triple for you." It now turned its attention towards Flea. The girl looked up at him with calmness in her eyes. A relaxation in the face of pure destruction that had taken months to master. "It seems you've been through quite the bit of changes, excellent!" With that the beast mouth turned into a sinister grin. It jumped from its perch and onto the ground just a few feet from the three, his feet creating small holes in the forest floor below. "So, will you strike me down, tell me your grand stories or do you have something else in mind?"

Flea stared at the monster for a moment. The gap in power was not as large as their first meeting, but it was still a universe against a galaxy. The only big difference this time was that Flea had spent time meditating on Radioactive. She studied what was known about him and his power. She did not know how much it would help, if at all, but she felt more prepaired this time then last.

Flea reached up to unclasp the cloak from her armor, letting the black cloth flow off with the gust of wind. At the moment no one existed but her and the monster. She put her arms to her side and slowly began to scream as a cyclone of spirit energy whirled around her. Tree's for 20 feet all around suddenly exploded into a mass of splinters that flowed along with the cyclone. Pinestraw and dirt joined it. As her spirit energy raised she looked at Radioactive. The color of her eyes turned pure white, as it the iris had disappered. All the while her spirit energy soared higher untill finally it reached its max for unressurected. It only took a few seconds, but the destruction to the area was phenomenal.

With that she speeds towards Radioactive with her sword dragging the ground slightly, blade glinting in the sun as it swings towards the beast chest. This was just the decoy though. Assuming, as she did, that the beast would take the hit as he was overconfident in his power, she would aim a finger towards its eye and fire a cero for the right eye. Assuming he dodged she would land and react for it, putting up her sword and arms to attempt to block a hit into her face and body. In the event he just knocked her away...well she would fly off in one direction 10 feet before recovering and steping back to await his next move.
Queen Of The Sands
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Tue Jun 05, 2012 5:51 pm

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Ashleiheadertwo

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Ashleiname-1

Shit, this wasn't good at all. With everything happening around her, Ashlei;s mind had to over-clock to make sure she could take in both what this thing was saying, come up with responses and also devote attention to her little sister. Firstly, the man had yet to arrive at their location and Ashlei strolled over to her little sister, stroking the side of this horse as she passed. It was a brilliant beast. One fitting a knight like Flea. It was soon after Ashlei moved past the horse that things started to change. Ashlei's sensed trigger instantly and this was abruptly reinforced by a message inside her mind from Lucy once more.

'My lady, I'm picking up signs of an unknown entity moving towards your location. Databases can only conclude that this creature is the same man you had met before at Chaos Island."

Ashlei smirked, not because she was entertained but because she now knew things were going to go down. At this very moment however, Ashlei wanted to avoid confrontation with anything that held enough power to stop her. In a past attempt, Ashlei failed to kill this man as unpredicted events caused their battle to end. Even with masked reitsu and a hidden figure, Ashlei hadn't come to this forest unprepared. Who do you take her for? Lucy was to thank for all these informative readings so when the cloaked figure made it's appearance, Ashlei knew exactly where to look to see it. The thing was above them, and Ashlei reacted quickly to create a defensive stance. Reaching under her dress, an almost snapping sound could be heard from her leg as she yanked what appeared to be a knife hidden inside of her thigh. Blood drenched, Ashlei held the red dagger in her right hand and bent her knee's ready for anything to happen.

It removed it's hooded cloak, tossing it aside like an old rag. It vanished from Ashlei;s sight, but it wasn't the highlight of her attention. This man was Radioactive. He had some renown about the antagonist side of the world. They knew who he was and what he was capable of so Ashlei was not expecting anything less than a crater where she was now standing. It was when the shark began to pretty much insult the Queen, she lost a bit of her ground. Her eye twitched as she looked away from him, pissed off at his words.

"Spineless? You expect such a fragile city to frighten the likes of me? You do not understand the meaning of fear, fish."

Now Ashlei was also aware of something. She had dropped some blood just now. Now, from her knowledge of sharks and from what rumours she has mustered, this would probably cause the shark to attack her head on. is it bad this is half what she actually wants though? The rest is sent to worry for her little sister as her feelings for this monster were great. They both wanted him dead to some extent. Radio wouldn't let down on his tedious insults either. Did this man kiss his mother with that mouth or did he bite her face off? The answer was probably obvious. Ashlei looked up at him, still looking a little ticked off.

"You dare compare me to the state of a demon? I may plot in the shadows but for a walking rogue tuna, are you not the one that truly works from darkness?"

it wasn't soon after this that Ashlei grew slightly confused. White haired man? who is he referring to? Ashlei only knew one man that was closely linked like that to her. He must be speaking of another male.

"I think you will find I am perfectly capable of tearing whoever this white man is in half with my sharp hands. You speak as though your trying to get underneath my skin..."

After this trade of words, Ashlei couldn't help the little Flea Mischevang was changing her mood. She seemed tense. Too tense. SUddenly, the little girl burst from the earth, dashing directly for the shark. Ashlei registered this quickly and had to react before Flea did something that would kill her. the winds around her blew Ashlei's hair across her face with enough force to even make Ashlei have to cover her eyes from the dust. She did however quickly respond.


Ashlei's feet too left the earth but the main difference was how the earth beneath Ashlei's feet cracked, shunting up slightly behind her as the force of her movement shifted the very dirt she stood on. Moving faster than any Arrancar seen today, she moved herself between the shark and little girl, her hand swung around to backhand the sword strike and allowing it to dig right into her wrist. yanking her arm back so the sword bounced out of her skin, Ashlei smacked the cero her little girl fired towards the sky and to also keep her other hand up, ready to defend against the shark if he chose to retaliate. Flea would have dashed backwards afterwards, her cero now zoomed off into the sky never to be seen again. Ashlei stood perfectly still between them, a stern look on her face though she was not pleased with Flea's actions, but also because she feared not for her own safety, but for the life of her little sister. Blood now covered Ashleis entire right arm as she shook, holding the knife in a quivering hand.

"Felli, do not attack this creature so abruptly. Who know's what he will do if you actually strike him..."

Ashlei turned her back to flea to look at the shark. If he tried absolutely anything, Ashlei would use her perfected movement technique to grab Flea and dart into the sky, out of explosion range. She could register movement. She was capable of doing this calculation alone. Her version of the Sonido was faster...

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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Wed Jun 06, 2012 8:34 am



Song: Falling Down
Artist: Breaking Point
It seemed that things were beginning to heat up in this secluded forest between the Mighty Shark Beast and the pair of Royal Arrancar. From the looks of it, without so much as passing one word to Radioactive that his new rival, Flea, had attempted to charge towards Radioactive at break neck speeds and power as he took notice of most of the trees being turned into piles of splinters in the wake of her power. Chuckling out of pure amusement, Radioactive was truly pleased with her increase in strength. She had appeared to somehow become a more formidable force after their last encounter on Chaos Island. "It seems I made the right choice in sparing your life on that island, Flea. You've proven yourself to be someone who can summon that primal nature to awaken your inner animal and reach the true definition of raw strength and power." Spoke Radioactive out of admiration towards Flea for her dedication towards this remarkable day.

"Heh, with the kind of strength on your side, you'll be able to possibly outrank that woman following you. It's even commendable enough to be apart of my short list of rivals. I never would have thought I'd find someone like you who isn't fearful of my power and just wildly charges into battle without so much as a single thought to the safety of your own well-being. It's all giving me the chills and thrills needed in order to face you in combat on this very day!" Said Radioactive as he seemly ignored most of the blockage that was occurring when Asheli Clixx had deflected most of Flea's attack's that were meant for Radioactive's hide. Normally, Radioactive wasn't this talkative in battle as he preferred to smash first and ask questions later. However, this was one of those rare opportunities where he found an opponent who was truly worth his words and time. Glancing down towards The Queen of Arrancar's, Radioactive merely grinned at her futile display to protect her knight.

In reality, Radiaoctive was actually beginning to think that the roles should be reversed in terms of Flea's of attitude at the matter at hand. Watching this fearsome leader shake, quiver and bled in the wake of these two warrior's was nothing more then a sign that this woman wasn't even valuable enough to stand in the presence of either of these fighters who had clearly awakened their primal nature in The Shark Beast's eyes. "Woman, I'd recommend you hand your position to someone more fitting of the role as a leading protector. As I told you in our previous battle on that sinking island, your fellow comrade has more heart, valor and courage then you will ever obtain in any of your collective lifetimes." Staring down at Ashlei further, he really began to analyze her more as it seemed she hadn't done much of anything in terms of changing her inner nature to find the spirit needed in order to provoke her own primal instincts to guide her through battle.

"It's a shame with all that power you've gained since our last meeting that you are still no match for me. Why are attempting to put on that pitiful display of false murderous intent to make it appear as if you have the nerve to actually defeat me, much less kill me?" Not showing any signs that he was going to attack her, Radioactive merely sighed with a hint of irritation as he shook his head in self-disgust with this damned bitch. "Even I'm not so sure of that question. I'm not the brightest person around, but if you plan to protect this girl you should forget it entirely, little girl." Rising his arm in the air, Radioactive would then use his physical energy to give his arm a quick burst of speed needed in order to hopefully backhand Ashlei in the face with enough force to tear through even Captain-Class warriors with relative ease based on the sheer physical might of Radioactive's body; making it seem as if he were possibly even stronger then Zaraki Kenpachi. In addition to that, the impact compulsion of this strike would be enough to send shockwaves of pain throughout the Queen's body in order to break bones to effectively slow her down, shatter organs to generate more intense damage and cause internal brain damage to possibly even put this fight to an end before it started.

Moreover, even if this slap did not make some sort of direct hit, the side swipe of it was enough to blow through about five hundred meters of trees and turn it into nothing but a pile of debris, ash clouds and utter destruction. Not only that, but the gust of wind generated from his hand would be enough to count as an intense force of pressure capable of being felt throughout the area that could cause extreme amounts of pain by those whom are hit with it, cover the entire body in cuts, bruises and possible scars from this monster's absurd strength and ultimately send a person flying for a good distance. In any case, Radioactive would spit on the ground in utter disgust at Ashlei for having the passive nerve to stand in between him and Flea's exchange of words. They may seemed like nothing but mere attack's to any type of person who didn't have the balls needed to take Radioactive on, but to him they were simply words used to communicate on a deeper level between two combatants.

"Learn your place, get on your knees and stay clear of the real champions of the battlefield." Simply walking around Ashlei, Radioactive would use his bulky and slow flash step to have a chance at appearing in front of Flea as he stated down at her. "I will not attack you until you make a pass at me. Since your miserable poltroon of a leader had dismantled your attacks, I will allow you a free ticket to have any sort of attack hit my body as a sign of respect." Taking a few steps backwards from wherever he was in any sort of event, Radioactive would take a deep breath to relax his nerves from wasting oxygen on that witch, have that toothy shark grin of his appear across his lips and prepare to take whatever Flea had to dish out on him head on without any sort of regrets, second thoughts or hesitation in his mind.

"Do not take this act for pity as I applaud your needed courage to face me down in combat. Do not throw a temper tantrum based on this free hit to do whatever you will to my physical body. Do give me the needed respect to hit me with everything you got and show me what your primal instinct can do to me. Display to your cowardice leader what being a true knight is all about." Spreading his legs out, Radioactive took a quick glance at wherever The Queen of Arrancar's would be at this point and time in any sort of event that would have occurred after his smack to her face. "And, if you aren't going to do the same, don't bother getting up from that spot for I will knock you down once more with twice the strength until you are put into a coma. As of now, you aren't even worth my time anymore and should leave this area for the time being until we are done brawling. Spend this time to reflect on your actions, the type of scum you are and come back when you are able to stand your ground with me AND Flea."

With those harsh words uttered from Radioactive's lips, he would then give his immediate attention towards Chi's direction as he cracked his neck to loosen up any sort of tension in his neck from his exchange with that damned brat. Chuckling to himself, Radioactive did have this to say and didn't care who had happened to hear it as he wasn't one to hide his thoughts; "It's really a pain when people who have no right to power end up receiving it anyway. All of these false warrior's always leave a foul taste in my mouth whenever I have to breath the same air as them. It makes someone even as foul as myself sick to my stomach." Spitting on the once more, Radioactive lifted his head upwards to stare Flea in the eye as he expected her to attack at this point after all that was said, done and seen from Radioactive's course of action. So, he would say these last words and brace himself for the battle at hand: "Prove it. Prove to me that you are a true warrior and COME at me with everything you got. Do not break my expectations of you, Flea."

And with that, the tone had been set and everything that happens from this point onward would be up in the air as all eyes would be on this trio of fighters in Karakura Forest as they marked their grounds for something fierce.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:47 am; edited 1 time in total

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) WVMWLOu
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Wed Jun 06, 2012 2:33 pm

The expersion of Flea's face was on of shock as her sister either blocked of deflected the attacks meant for the monster that had appeared before them. Blood, or something like it, started to drip down Ashlei's arm from where she had blocked the strike intended for Radioactive.

"Felli, do not attack this creature so abruptly. Who know's what he will do if you actually strike him..."

She then turned to face Radioactive, acting as a sort of shield between the two as she seemed to be ready to do something should the monster attack.

In this moment Flea had an odd mixture of feelings. Her eyes were enlarged and wavered with emotion as she looked down to the blood dripping from her sisters wrist...blood she had drawn. It was something strickly forbidden for a knight to harm that which they protected. She had broken the most serious of taboo's of her new found vocation. She also felt a moment of helplessness...or more like the feeling of being small. Here she was being protected by the person she had sworn to protect. It was role reversal at its finest. Last but not least was a feeling of anger. Anger that her sister had stepped in. Anger at herself for not stopping the swing in time to prevent the damage to her sister. It was all overwhelming for that brief moment.

As Flea felt out her feelings, Radioactive began to talk more then any of the information on him would of suggested he would. Flea was in all honesty not really even listening to the shark beast as she struggled to settle her emotions again. For all her self training, she had not yet mastered the art of holding your emotions back at all times.

Suddenly she felt Radioactive's pressure skyrocket as he moved a monsterous hand towards Ashlei with great speed. The hollowed horse, War, suddenly was in frost of the two royal arrancar and exploded as the force of the monsters hit smashed him. The beast was torn to peices and bits and peices lay here and there of the once mighty steed.

At the sight of her best friends murder, Flea lost controll of herself, apparently forgetting that War had the ability to reform back to normal after some time. Tears ran down her cheeks as she bent down and hugged a shattered peice of War to her chest. The forest around them was now more like a valley as the monster had again shown his love of wonton destruction. She was not sure what had become of her sister, or even cared at this particular moment. All she knew was her best friend and mentor had died to protect them.

Slowly she stood up. There was a look in her eyes like never before. This was no longer the innocent Flea that Ashlei knew and loved. At this moment her eyes had a blood lust and anger that oozed out of her. Her body shivered from it for a moment before stopping. The look in her eyes had not changed, but the aura of uncontrolled power and hate around her had become more calm.

She slowly placed the head of her friend and mentor to the ground.

''You are a greater knight then I could ever be my friend. I am sorry.''

She gently kissed the hollowed horses head before looking back up to the monster who apparently was waiting for her to release the first strike. At this moment she could be certifiably crazy. The monster had already shown a flash of power that was off the charts when he killed War. Anyone sane would run to fight another day. Not Flea. Not now.

''Ashlei...I love you...please allow me this one blow before doing anything...please...''

There was a calm sadness in her voice as she spoke. She looked towards the monster and his wide shark toothed grin, waiting for her to strike. Faster then Shadin it seemed she was in Radioactive's face from the 10 yard distance between them, the blade of her sword aiming to sink directly into the left eye of the monster. He had taken her mentor and best friend...she would take his eye. A memory for a memory. Hopefully the monster would remember her always now.

As the attack, or whatever, took place she relaxed herself for Ashlei to do as she pleased, or for Radio to smack away. It mattered not at the moment as she hopefully got what she wanted.
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Wed Jun 06, 2012 5:14 pm

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) VibrantAshlei

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Ashleiname-1

Ashlei listened on, her hand shaking from the blood coating it. Ashlei's face however was showing only tired signs of listening to this creature babble on about bullshit. he understood nothing about Ashlei and so making judgements like that was absolutely callous. Such an insensitive and cruel man spouting such devious words and insults. it made Ashlei's blood boil. In fact it didn't just do that, it gushed through Ashlei;s minds and emotions like a raging fire. How dare this man speak so lowly of her. How dare he rub absolutely everything she stood for into the dirt. He had absolutely no right to stand up to her in this manner. What kind of beast was this shark? No wonder he was such a loner. Nobody could speak to this shark for a minute before they felt like throwing up their hatred for him into a death wish in his direction. Did that make any sense? no? good. It wasn't supposed to.

Ashlei stood firmly, her arm still raised and trickling. She slowly lowered it to her side and watched Radio move. He wasn't going to take Ashlei;s interefance lightly. In fact, it seemed Radio had a hatred for Ashlei's movement, screeching hatred at her with every spiteful word. Each, stabbing Ashlei in her heartless chest creating gaping wounds for her to cry upon. or is that what you expected? Ashlei did not step down. She listened sure, but she did not take any of it in as factual truth. She ignored his stupid remarks. She did however reply before he began his attack.

"Such a savage beast, you do not comprehend the bonds created between sisters. She is not just my knight, but my little treasure. Have you ever tried to take a precious jewel away from a vampire?..."

radio wasn't listening. He swung his arm at a monstrous rate. Ashlei did however read this as an attack on her. She needed to act fast and simply running was not going to get her anywhere. In fact, this shark would probably spit more bullshit about her being a frightened little girl. Ashlei was not frightened. She was not a little girl. She was not the pathetic weakling Radioactive said she was. She was much more than that and soon, he would see exactly what the Queen of Hollows, the Queen of Blood, The soon to be ruler of all can possibly do. Radioactives arm shot forwards, aiming to practically bitch slap Ashlei out of the way. This was an issue as her speed may be great, but her blood may not travel fast enough. Luckily, there was a distraction. War, Flea's horse had moved into the way of the attack. This alone granted Ashlei perfect timing to make her move. Through the sudden debree of the creature, Ashlei raised her arm again, splashing blood up into the air and instantly broadening it's shape to create a shield shaped wall in front of her. It looked thin, but this was no normal blood. Radio's arm would automatically smash into this if it went through war, of which it did. His fist connected with the blood wall and this was followed by a sonic boom that shattered the area around them. If shit hadn't fallen over by now, then they were certainly destroyed now.

The blood, had caught the attack. Utilizing extremely potent cells, the punch regardless of it's force would have been absorbed into it's structure and spread evenly about it;s surface. Nonetheless, the blood did indeed shatter like glass into Ashlei's direction but quickly turned back into a liquid, splashing across the Espada's body. The hand of Radio would have penetrated this barrier, but most of the force behind it would have been absorbed. Ashlei kept her arm raised. She had no time to lower it after all, and proceeded to block the hand with her arm. Her arm was still coated in blood however, so the force was once again spread among it's surface and her body received minimal force. There was an obvious amount of damage however as Ashlei;s lips began to dribble a thin streak of red to her chin. This did not phase her however. Ashlei used this moment to move, teleporting backwards so she had some distance between her and the shark, she checked her arm to make sure it wasn't too busted. Well, it was pretty much dead at this point. It didn't hurt at all, but her finger's were not moving. She cursed under her breath before biting into her wrist, sucking her own blood.

Her body replenished it's energy, her fingers began to move again and her wounds were now perfectly healed. In fact, a sudden burst of rietsu coursed about her body as she stood there feasting on herself. Soon, she would stop and release her fangs from her veins, taking in a deep breath after circulating her pulse around her organs. It felt wonderful, a vast wave of pleasure better than anything a mere human could feel. She waited in wonder as she watched Flea move. Her instinct to protect her sister now faded as she took on a different aspect. Her bloodthirsty nature was now taking over her mind. She did not decide to take advantage whilst flea was attacking in a rage, she bode her time. Flea managed to get very close and proceeded to stab the shark in the eye. If this man was at all respectable he would have let her take the strike and keep his word. Maybe then he could stand up to his own words.

"Good job Felli.... now get out of my way..."

Ashlei didn't want Flea to get mixed up in what she was planning to do. Taking her knife, Ashlei stabbed her shoulder and dug deep down to her wrist, wincing at the pain she could not feel, but let it seep through anyway so she could devour the pleasure. She removed the knife and did it to the other arm, creating gaping holes in her arms when she had finished. Staring down radio, she was now fully aware of how tonight was going to end. The sisters were having fish for dinner. After flea had attacked, Ashlei would take initiative. instant;y, she moved behind Radio and slightly to the side Flea aimed to struck him. Hopefully she blinded the shark. From here, Ashlei's entire body coated itself in a shell of defensive blood to absorb his radiowaves. Then in a horrific display, Ashlei let out a terrific scream of pain as spikes, blades and sharp tentacles of blood erupted form her body towards radio, but only for a short distance. Enough to stab him throughout his entire body if he chose not to dodge to the sides or up. Jumping forwards, her spikes would still be long enough to reach him. Afterwards, her blood would rapidly return to her, still covering her body for defence and then sonido into the distance to gain some footing advantage. She can't stand too close to a ticking time bomb could she?

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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Thu Jun 07, 2012 3:27 am



Song: Under
Artist: Breaking Point
As the sky began to darken around the lively forest in the wake of these immensely powerful champions of the battlefield, tensions below began to tighten increasingly with every second that had passed from this showdown of the Shark Beast and The Regal Arrancar duo. It all started when Radioactive had attempted to smack the life out of The Queen of Arrancar's in order to make a bold statement that weak-willed individuals such as herself should stay clear away from the front lines of war. However, what he hadn't counted on was that horse getting in the way of his plans as he noticed that just one smack from his ridiculous strength was enough to send every piece of that poor creature throughout the woodland floor, or what was left of the section of Karakura Forest that each of them were fighting in at the moment. Gauging from how attached Flea seemed to the once royal horse, Radioactive figured that she would come at him with the rage of an entire battalion of soldiers in order to avenge her fallen comrade.

With a loud clap of thunder blazing the skies above them, the storm in the skies was becoming as intense as the whirlwind of emotions flaring inside of the combat zone. Staring down hardened nerve of Flea, Radioactive had began to have a more contemplative expression come into view across his face that was abnormal from his usual grinning self. Judging solely upon his body language, it appeared as if he was beginning to take this fight much more seriously. For, as stated many times beforehand, The Shark Beast had a great amount of respect and admiration for The Royal Knight with whom he called a worthy advisory. "That is the way. Let your primal nature lead you to my level. Do not hesitate for even a single second." While he spoke these words another clap of thunder roared across the area, and with it brought heavy amounts of rain pouring down upon the scared battlefield. It was the perfect backdrop to cement the utter display of raw backbone to over the impossible odds for the small knight and the unmoving Shark Beast.

Now, as the winds all around them began to howl a sorrow-filled melody, a cyclonic imagery of scenes from days long passed began to dance around inside the mind of Radioactive. With each step that had brought Flea closer to him, it seemed as if the shark beast had started to hallucinate; though only known to himself. Holding his ground as boldly as ever, The Shark Beast kept his emotional side from overwhelming his rational senses as he paid witness to false visions of late wife charging at him in the place of Flea. "Chinchuro...." Uttered Radioactive quietly to himself; as mentally he bit his lip at letting that name escape his lips. What he was seeing inside of his head was that the Experimental Form of Chinchuro Chiromaka was coming to strike him once again. This vision from the past tested the psychological endurance that this Shark Beast had.

For you see, over four hundred years ago Radioactive had once found love in the form if a feisty fox-kitten. They were both colleagues-in-arms due to their affiliations with the mad scientist known as KJ Yunashi. Through a series of trying missions, intense personal moments between the two, the power in which this woman possessed to rival Radioactive's own physical strength and the odd chemistry that had happened to be at work; he had fallen madly in love with this woman. This passion was so strong for this woman that he was even willing to display his true human shape to her; something this is a rare occurrence for Radioactive. Revealing to her his actual-self, each of them decided in that captivated night they would marry one another, start a loving family and eventually quick their line of work altogether in seek of a more relaxed lifestyle. Honestly, it was a great change of pace for The Shark Beast from his long lifetime of constant murder, battle and destruction. Having a wife, two hybrid children and a warm-filled house in the middle of the forest was all that he needed in that period of his life.

"But it all had to end only to return in her...." Speaking quietly to himself while still maintaining his wall like composure. Grainy images from the day he had encountered Experimental Chinchuro clawed inside of his head that opened up scars from the past. He had recalled that on day she had engaged him in combat in order to confirm who was stronger, to assert her beast like nature and to kill Radioactive quite possibly. Despite all of that riding on the cliffs, Radioactive couldn't bare the thought of rising a single hand against his significant other. So, at the expense of Karakura Town, The Shark Beast took one of his few defeats as she had the strength at her disposal to smash him across nearly every square inch of that city until she had finally exhausted herself and Radioactive lay with his beloved in a pile of rubble with her closely in his arms still and a genuine smile across his face while they both lay in a puddle of his own blood.

"..for it to come full circle to her resting place. It's all too right for it happen here." Now, with an imminent threat of losing his eye, The Beastly Shark still stood his ground as brazenly as ever; remembering just what had happened on that day in Karakura Town all those years ago when he decided to live the code of the primal beast. The love for Chinchuro and his family, the reanimated images of the past coming in the embodiment of Flea, the return to Karakura Forest to once again see his wife at rest and the strong sense of memories from the past all came crashing down in one final blow...a gushing blow. Blood was spewing everywhere as Radioactive stood calmly still at the successful strike to his left eye in which Flea had severely damaged to the point where he could no longer see out of it. It was an unnerving sight to see the mighty beast flushing so much blood from his body, but what stood even more that apart from a deep sigh to any onlookers in the area was the fact that there was no scream or yell coming from Radioactive at the loss of his eye, there was no type of flinching seen in his body movement and it appeared that his mental nerve had overwhelmed any type of pain-filled response an average person would feel at this point.

"It's all too right. This is just what I'd expect from someone who has awakened the primal nature within themselves. The feeling of my blood flowing down on my skin, the bound between two warriors through exchange of blows and even the heavens themselves weeping for the two of us. We are just two beast damned to our internal instincts in a never ending gridlock of combat. We fight and fight and fight until we reach the point of gaining ultimate power or achieving the endless night of death. It's all that is absolute in mother nature." Thunder bellowing across the area in the wake of Radioactive's words and then lighting clashed throughout the area to show just had deep Flea's sword had wounded him. It wasn't enough to pierce his skull, but it was obvious that his eye was damaged beyond all repair. And the peculiar part? He seemed alright with this turn of events. It was truly boggling for all to see, yet it's all too fitting for Radioactive's nature. No matter the circumstance, this man's actions will always be louder then his words. With the courage of the shark, nothing seemed too small or too big for him to handle. Not even the loss of his own eye.

"Let our words speak through her actions so that her valiant hearts stay true to our nature. I have felt your pain, now shall have a taste of my own internal turmoil." Grabbing the sword with his left hand, Radioactive would take this opportunity in order to hopefully smash the sword into shattered fragments with his raw decimating strength alone. After which he would then go on to use his right fist to hopefully make a direct hit with Chi's right shoulder in order to send a horrifying wave of pressure, force and power surging throughout the area. It would be enough to blow back the soaring rain for one thousand meters, destroy all oxygen within this contained area and create a massive carter in the wake of his fist finally coming down like a guillotine upon Flea. Therefore, is this hit were to make the anticipated blow Radioactive had hoped for it would be enough to blow out her shoulder blade, rip through her arm in order to server it off completely and shatter every single bone in her body in order to give Flea but a small taste of his inner world.

Glancing backward as all of Ashlei's actions up until this point had been rendered completely irrelevant, he appeared to notice that she was going on the offensive in order to protect Flea and guard herself. Not having much patience for this pitiful excuse for a fighter, Radioactive wasted no time having her dealt with as small holes in the back of Radioactive had started to open up. "You aren't worth my fist nor Flea's presence, begone!" And with those words the nuclear core within Radioactive had began to awaken as he sent out a massive wave of yellow light towards The Former Cero Espada's direction. It was enough to cover a twenty thousand meter area in both width and height; so by it's sheer power alone the blast would have had enough impact to hopefully reduce most of the spikes shot at him into nothing but mere ashes. But, of course, this wasn't going to be the only effect from this blast. Even if she were not effected on a radiation level, this blast still had enough energy to possibly shatter her shield, inflict a decent amount of damage upon her and send her hurdling a few miles away from Radioactive and Flea.

Moreover, some of the side effects of being caught inside of this blast would be that the opponent would possibly have moderate difficulties using their racial energies such as Spiritual Energy or Chaos Energy based on the fact that the explosion was one meant to attack at one internally and externally. On the inside, the particles from this blast would be hard at work disrupting all the different flow's of energy going in and out of a person to weaken them, while the extensive might of this blast would do a number on someone physically and on a spiritual level as it would delay, reduce or possible stop certain types of racial or special powers such as regeneration, healing, speed and Hierro as it would temporarily dispel most of those techniques for two to three post.

So, needless to say, that would hopefully keep Ashlei busy as he turned his sights towards Flea not even bothering to follow-up on what happened to her or anything more fierce to that attack. "My internal self is roaring down like an angry god upon you and your sister. Can you feel my fangs reaching you? Are you still breathing, my worthy opponent? Take this pain for the pain you have given me so that our nature's may come together at a crossing. Do not back down from me until you can no longer move or continue this fight." And with those words stated out in the open, Radioactive would then go on to headbutt Chi with enough force to hopefully bash in a part of head, rip open a decent sized wound in her forehead and add more shock waves of pain soaring throughout her body with enough pressure to send her flying backwards if all worked out according to plan.

Thus, with Flea hopefully having her hands filled at the moment, Radioactive would gaze upon the crying sky above him; believing for a brief second that he had seen a ghost from the past in the shape of his wife. Chuckling dryly to himself and inaudible to Flea, he'd his wife was watching down from whatever kingdom in the sky her soul wandered off to and watched this display of pure strength in her honor. 'I've had to confront my feelings for your lost, Chinchuro. It's been a long road paved with the blood of many men, a road that has brought me to the brink of my insanity for your loss and Ella's loss. Even for a monster such as myself, I wasn't sure if I could handle it, but I have yet to fall prey to my mind's dark desires. My fangs, claws and will won't let such thoughts play tomfoolery with my inner self. So, I will keep up this never ending fight until I come across my ultimate goal of reuniting with you once again. Rather it be in this world or the next? It doesn't matter, I'll keep fighting, killing, destroying and evolving my inner primal self such as you showed me all those years ago. It's my undying love'

Closing his thoughts of the past, the shark beast would tune himself back into reality as it seemed that now with the chips tossed out on the field by all sides, there was nothing left to do but watch the actions of these three courageous fighters echo out throughout the world around them.

Last edited by [THEFROST] on Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:47 am; edited 1 time in total

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) WVMWLOu
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Thu Jun 07, 2012 4:40 am

The left eye of Radioactive had been dealt a fatal blow by the blade of vengence that had been thrust into it, penetrating the ball and forever destroying a part of the beast body. This was a major victory in itself as few had ever managed to draw blood from the monster...nevermind that it was a free hit. Flea stood staring at the monsters now bloody face, she has a breif thought of just how close she was to being able to kill the monster. How close was she to the brain? A few inches? So very very close but oh so far.

Flea's eyes were full of an angered determination. Her face was calm, but her eyes fierce. She saw something in the remaining eye of Radioactive, some emotion that one would never expect from such a monster. Was it sadness? She did not really believe it capable of feeling such a thing, but the look....

In any case, somewhere in the back of Flea's mind she was surprised that Radioactive did not react at all to the loss of his eye. No flinch. No howl of pain. For all the victory of a battle it was to take the eye, he had won the war. He did not give the satisfaction of a scream of pain or a flinch of weakness. Nothing. It was almost unfair in that she had done so much but come up short.

"Let our words speak through her actions so that her valiant hearts stay true to our nature. I have felt your pain, now shall have a taste of my own internal turmoil."

With that his left hand gripped at the blade of her sword, assumingly pulling it out of his shattered eye. His grip was monsterous, cracking the blade to almost the point of shattering. Flea's eyes suddenly widened as the monsters right fist slammed into her shoulder blade, sending her twisting and turning backwards. She skipped off the ground with several thuds before coming to a stop some 100 yards away.

The sky looked dark. Had it started to rain? She had not noticed till now. Her mind was a spiral of images and sounds. She saw...well lots of things. She had flashes of her life as an arrancar, what must of been her short life as a human. There were other images there as well. Memories of a past life maybe...before the human who became Flea. It was hazy, but she suddenly had a flash of a badly wounded Radioactive.

Flea took alot of damage in that hit. Her armor had saved her internals for the most part. The armor had, in fact, saved her life. The right side of the armor was now nearly nonexistant, having shattered in the blow. Small chunks of the chest plate and arm lay scattered in the path Flea had bounced down. A trail of blood lead down to her body where it was pooling. Her right arm was broken, but the armor had prevented its complete removal in the blow.

She began to regain consciousness as rain drops fell on her. She briefly wondered why it had not been raining on her before, but the pain in her body brought that to an end. The blow had happened less than a minute ago, but it felt like an eternity. Suddenly her chest felt like it had exploded. The ''air'' was knocked out of her body as blood bubbled out and through her mouth and nose. Apparently the monster was not done with her as he had just headbutted her chest. What was left of her chest plate had saved her from instant death, but had not saved her internals from injury as before.

Am I going to die? Not like this...please...

She gasped for air as she started to black out again.

Sorry sister...I was not good enough to....

Suddenly Flea's body started to glow a pinkish color. The pink suddenly became and evil, sinister red. Suddenly a laugh came from the broken body of the girl, but somehow it wasn't exactly Flea's laugh. Suddenly an explosion of sinister red spirit energy blew a shock wave of pure power for a mile in all directions. The girl was suddenly on her feet, her body glowing in that same red color as she looked at Radioactive with eyes that were no where near the same as they had been before. Angelic wings spread forth from her back. A halo of gold shone just above her head, but this was no angel that looked at Radioactive.

Nice to see you again...

That was a very...odd statement for her to make. Even more so seeing as it was not Flea's voice that spoke. It was completely different. It was as if something had possessed the girls body. Whatever or whoever had said that did not care to expand on that words as it picked up the now shattered blade that belonged to Flea. It held its hilt for a moment before tossing it aside.

In the distance several helicopters could be seen coming from the city. Apparently the battle had not gone unnoticed by the residence of the city. The body of the girl floated into the air as a black backpackish object appeared on her back. Six black tentacles slithered from it as thunder roared again, interupting the silence of the moment. Suddenly all six flew towards the group of 12 or so helicopters that were closing it. Each one impaled a copter and pulled it towards the group at great speeds.

Suddenly it would be raining helicopters on Radioactive. This nuclear disaster zone would look like a warzone soon as people screaming inside the copters could be heard. From the act of being dragged out of the air and tossed or from the burning of nuclear energy into them was unknown.

From all directions the copters would fall towards radioactive, a shower of metal and what not. But this was only the distraction. From an outstreched left hand the form fired a blast of pure dark plasma at Radioactive. A mile wide and 20 feet high it would blast from the front as the copters and tentacles came from all other sides.

It could be called the last effort of a dying girl as immediately after the girl would fall to the crator she came out of, a 5 year old version of herself there. The radioactive energy would start to burn her flesh, but she was now out cold and would not notice.
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