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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Queen Of The Sands
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue60/100To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (60/100)

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Thu Jun 07, 2012 5:49 am

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 VibrantAshlei

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 Ashleiname-1

Ashlei's attack had gone almost unnoticed as Radio blasted a wave of energy in her direction from behind. This was not going to end well but what Radioactive was forgetting, was just how versatile and special Ashlei's own blood was. She had placed enough of the blood in front of her to quite literally, ride the energy wave backwards. Using this blood as a cushion between her and the wave, she blasted off skyward to dodge the attack only a second after it had struck her blood. The blood she had used to do that however was now gone, absorbing what it could and weakning his attack but not by enough to stop it. Ashlei hovered in the air with her wings flapping and her body shaking from the lack of blood. She needed to refill her body and this was not going to happen if she just stayed here. Drinking her own blood again won't work every time. Looking around, Ashlei spotted something in the distance. Something was moving closer, maybe something she could use. For now though, she could only do this much.

Ashlei reached under her dress to a strap on her left leg. yanking off a small vial, she crushed it in her hand and proceeded to lick up the red liquid inside. this, was concentrated blod she had stored from her own body in times of need. it wasn't enough to keep her alive, but enough to allow her some time to float there. Ashlei's attention however rapidly changed as she heard the screams of her younger sister being thrown across the decimated forest. her eyes widened to watch the little girl be flung and battered by the shark. This, fuelled her rage but her body was at loss for blood. if this was somebody else, she would have caused enough damage to drink theirs but radio was tediously different. She could only watch, protecting herself from the shark as her little sister was beaten. but this did not last long. A blast of red energy erupted from the little girl, throwing Ashlei back so she had to fight her own body to keep herself airbourne. Looking back down, Flea had changed.

" this?"

Ashlei had not known of this form. What had Flea done? She couldn't hear the girl from up there, but something Flea had kept a secret just exploded around her. This was bad. However, an opportunity arose when the sounds of helicopters reached Ashlei's ears. She turned to see one coming rather close, and took advantage of it. Holding up her right arm, she pulled down a tattered sleeve to reveal something strapped to it. Ashlei had always been full of surprised and this time, it was a new toy. A click could be heard as the wooden frame unfolded from her wrist showing the signs of a wrist mounted Crossbow. Taking what looked like a red tipped bolt from her other arm, she proceeded to arm the crossbow. usually she would be doing this faster than you could blink, but she was losing energy fast. It's lucky her blade didn't cut those parts of her arm otherwise she might have had to do something risky. Pointing her arm above the helicopter, she fired the bolt. It travelled some distance before dipping, and aiming for the window. As it got close however, the olt seemed to detopnate, spewing blood from the red tip. This was in fact, a vial of blood on the end of a bolt. the bloodm coursed through the air and penetrated the helicopter before Flea could reach it. Ashlei moved the blood around, smashing one man in the face and hurling him out of the windiow.

Using sonido, Ashlei managed to hurl herslef underneath the man as he fell, taking him down to ground level and out of sight. Down here, she hid from radio and Flea, suppressing her energies and feasting on this man as he attempted to scream out to his comrades. it was no use as the helicopter fell from the sky. She dug deep into the mans kin, drinking as much as she could. Taking her nails, she literally dug into his flesh and began pulling him apart, organs, bone and everything was being tossed into the air so she could get to all of the blood. This man was going to be run dry and Ashlei, was tom be completely healed once more. This was how she worked. her body began to rapidly rejuvenate as she tore the man apart rendering him unrecognisable. A few moments passed, and she had finished with what was now a skeleton covered in a fleshy mess. Ashlei then began to walk in the direction of what could only be an explosion, and stepped out of cover, watching what was happening between the other two.

"I suppose I can't do anything here..."

She began to say as she realised that Flea had pretty much dragged the sky on top of Radioactive. there were no openings for Ashlei at this point as the shark was coated in a wave of black metal, all bound to explode on impact. Ashlei watched, smiling slightly at her sisters power, but also worried that something bad was going to happen again and was ready to move if need be. It would also be wise to notice, Ashlei now looked completely unharmed. Well, her clothes make it look like she had a wrestle with a bear though...

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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Fri Jun 08, 2012 2:01 am



Song: Under
Artist: Breaking Point
Taking a brief moment to pause after delivering some heavy blows to Flea's armor, Radioactive took a deep breath as it seemed as if this storm was never ending. Faster, harder, louder and fiercer then before; the storm overtook the area as it was nothing but a torrential downpour of agony. Staring down at his worthy opponent, Radioactive pondered if she would be able to recover from the severe blow. Most people could barely withstand too many direct hits from The Beast at close range, so this would be yet another challenge and testament to prove her worth to him. If she were able to get up once more to engage in combat, she would once again deem herself an admirable opponent to stand alongside Radioactive in the fires of war. If she failed to do so? Heh, well, that's just the way it goes. If The Royal Knight were to fall here, they could both rest knowing that she died a champion of the battlefield. So, all that was left to do was wait and see what would happen in Radioactive's mind as he tilted his head downward to get a better view of her.

However, while doing this, something strange began to happen as he felt there was something off about her. A familiar presence, if you will, was screaming at The Shark's senses. "Huh, it seems everything about this battle is just bringing echo's of the past ringing back in my mind. Will I be able to handle this pressure? My undying love for you seems to counter that possible outcome with the force of one hundred thousand savage beast rushing to the lines of war. So, it just keeps getting better and better." Uttered Radioactive to himself before chuckling at the situation he found himself in from getting tangled up into this fight. This whole day wasn't planned, yet it was so right. "Hm?" It seemed as if he wouldn't have too much time to dwell on these thoughts spiraling inside of his head as there appeared to be a second wind coming amongst his opponent. From the looks of the energy he was picking up, it was known to all in this war zone she wasn't dead just yet. Perfect.

Yet another test was passed by Radioactive as he got into a offensive pose by putting both of his fist up above his face and bracing for whatever Flea had to offer him this round. "What...?" Despite preparing for combat, something else had caught The Shark off guard. The voice uttered out of Flea's mouth sounded so familiar, yet so distant. If he didn't know any better, he knew JUST WHO it was and stood there briefly shocked before regaining his focus on the task at hand which was dealing with this new found power radiating from Flea's body. 'That voice....I know it couldn't have been here. Even if she were to go MIA....' But then Radioactive paused for a moment. What if Chinchuro wasn't as invincible as he once believed? Shaking his head for a brief moment, the inner consciousness of this man had to come to possible grips that it was very possible someone who had a primal nature such as his wife would have died in the lines of combat. It's just...there would have been some sort of shock waves about that kind of defeat, would it not?

Wasting no more time on useless thoughts like that, Radioactive proceeded to watch as this new found power in Flea was displayed for all to see across the battlefield. Judging by what he could see and feel, it was brought to his attention that a dozen or so tentacles had outreached from her back and impaled some innocent bystanders converging on the area in some sort of fleet of aerial vehicles. "This should be easy enough to deal with. Come on, bring every trick out of the bag." However, before he could proceed would going on the offensive, Radioactive decided to have the nagging pain of his left eye be permanently dealt with. With one foul swoop, Radioactive digged into his left eye socket, ripped out what was left of his eye and tossed nonchalantly into a deeper part of the forest that would lead to a special house. "Now, to deal with this metal shitstorm heading my way. Should be interesting!"

Pulling his right arm backwards slowly, Radioactive cackled while punching the air with enough force to generate a massive vortex of pressure that would be enough to destroy every piece of metal that was heading his way with relative ease; all without so much as moving from the spot he had stood. But, as The Shark Beast would soon find out, that was nothing more to a ruse for Flea to generate enough energy to create a massive mile wide energy blast that was twenty feet tall. Staring upwards at this massive onslaught of destruction, Radioactive could only stood there with glee on his face despite his earlier sorrows. "It seems she has finally learned how to harness her inner beast. She's constantly being pushed in battle in order to become a primal animal such as myself!" Laughing at this point, Radioactive would hold out each of his hands in order to take on this blast physically. "It's such a thrill to be able to hold such raw primal instincts physically! IT'S TOO MUCH!"

Feeling the sensation of his hands burning, Radioactive was now officially caught in the moment as he was seen with his feet dug deep in the ground, but still being pushed back about one hundred feet or so before finally summoning his own ghastly energy finally. "Let our fangs reach other once again in one final blow! THE FINALE!" And with those words shouted with all of his might, The Radioactive Shark Beast had began to activate his nuclear core in order summon up his own massive energy blast. Howling with pure adrenaline, he went on to summon a blast equal height and width as the one Flea shot in order to send upwards into the sky and away from the battlefield entirely. Then, as Radioactive turned his head towards the clouds above him, he smirked with pure delight while watching each of their collective energy blast rip apart the skies above them in a bellowing explosion that blinded the area for five miles. It was enough to make the ground tremble before them, shake the heavens themselves and stop the sorrow filled tears that the god's were weeping for each of these fighters.

Not paying any mind to the spectacle occurring in the sky, nor the fact that each of his hands had smoldering fumes steadily being released from his palms from grabbing her attack directly; Radioactive simply watched in awe as the skies began to clear, the rain stopped and the sun was seem beaming down brightly upon the wet forest floor once again. And with that, the stand of the Royal Knight known as Flea appeared to be over and done with. Taking his time and walking towards the edge of the smokey carter, Radioactive put his right arm on the cliff of this carter, rested his right arm on said leg and grinned with delight at Flea. "You know, Flea, you are quite the force and you don't even know it. I'm not gonna declare any sort of verdict on this battle of ours, but know that you have earned the right to live in order to fight another day." Standing upwards now, Radioactive glanced over towards Ashlei direction as he figured she would have fled by now.

"Rat, make sure that this knight gets the proper medical treatment performed on her. After this combat experience, she'll come back even stronger then before. I guarantee that this showdown will give great results for whatever bullshit you are planning." Turning his back towards both of the royal women, Radioactive started to walk away from this whole scene as there seemed to be too much attention for his own taste beginning to converge on the area. "As for me? I'll always be waiting to take on either of you whenever you are ready. No matter when, where or how; I'll always stand tall in the field of war to take on the true champions of the battlefield. Never forget me, Arrancar Scum, for I am sure our claws will reach each other very soon with this war." With a red gleam in his remaining eye, Radioactive looked somewhat ominously back towards Ashlei with a sinister force to him as a red aura could briefly be seen radiating around him before he started to wander off deeper into the forest.

"With that, I bid you two fair ladies farewell. Any final words better be said now." And with those words spoken, this would possibly bring a draw to this brief, but extremely intense showdown between The Royal Arrancar Sisters and The Nuclear Shark Beast. Parts of the forest lay in ruins, dozens of bodies had piled up in the field and this was going to be one hell of a mess for someone to clean up after all of these forces had clashed.

Heh, but that wasn't his problem for today.


Last edited by [THEFROST] on Thu Feb 27, 2014 11:48 am; edited 1 time in total

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 WVMWLOu
Queen Of The Sands
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To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 Empty Re: To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive)

Sat Jun 09, 2012 2:17 pm

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 VibrantAshlei

To understand a monster (open with a special invite to Radioactive) - Page 2 Ashleiname-1

[Chi has requested her turn be skipped]

Ashlei watched the events unfold like a bystander to a baseball game. In all honesty, the things happening around her were not really exciting her anymore. True she was angry she was insulted and that her sister was brutally injured, but at the same time she found a safe comfort within it all. Radioactive wasn't just going to kill Flea right there and then. Something about the way he was acting made him seem like he wasn't planning on finishing anyone off today. That was good, but also a little disappointing. Ashlei wouldn't show anything more than she already had to the shark so his guesses at what she was capable of were completely different to the truth. It was a little sickening the way his voice carried amateur detail to what she was really up to.

Nevertheless, Ashlei simply watched as her sister attempted to take on this monster. Ashlei was prepared to rescue her if needed, but it didn't look like it was necessary. So quite content, she watched. Flea dragged the helicopters down from the sky, killing several people in a fiery explosion mixed with the the fang of the shark, devastating the entire structure of the machines to dust. This entire fight method was starting to look the same. get angry and explode? Wouldn't a simple sonido fix that situation? Well not everybody has a brain so we can't count on the stupid to know the easiest ways out of things. Ashlei folded her arms and wathced sternly at the small battle taking place in front of her. Flea was actually pulling off some sneaky abilities she had never shown Ashlei which was actually somewhat interesting to see. Attention on Radio quickly simmered as the blast was deflected, shot into the sky, parting clouds and beaming sunlight or something like that. Apparently the floor was wet and it was brighter. It just shows how much attention Ashlei gave to her surroundings. She just knew they were tussling again

Throughout this fight however, the several explosions that occurred around Ashlei did not cause her to run or move. In fact she quite happily stood there and brushed her hair with her hand, almost out of boredom while her clothing fluttered violently. Flea was unexpectedly holding her ground and almost like a parent picking up their child from school, she waited for her sister to finish playing. However it was radio that decided to put an end to the game. He devastated a lot of the area but none of it was enough to force Ashlei to move backwards from where she was currently standing. She felt it of course, who wouldn't? he was the renown nuclear shark but because he wasn't trying to hit the Cero Espada, she had little to worry about. After the dust had settled and Radio began his speech, Ashlei began to walk closer.

Ashlei walked up to Flea, resting her hand on the little girls head as she cooled down. She did however, ignore absolutely every word Radio said from that point on. Why? Well nothing he had to say meant anything to her really. the bloody Queen held Flea close, feeling the little girls deep breathes on her chest almost as if this was Ashlei's way of praising her little sister. Once Radio finished his little speech and turned away, Ashlei began to address the shark.

"Finally, you've stopped that verbal Diarrhea. You can boast, talk and say whatever you wish, what really matters is the final result."

Ashleu ckuckled at the idea of her next few words. She knew somebody would be agitated by it and so she began to open a Gargantua beneath herself and Flea so they could fall right through and shut it rapidly. As she did this though, she spoke to Radio again of whom was probably ignroing her.

"Honestly Shark, your nothing special..."

She chuckled again, then fell down into the Gargantua with Flea in her arms.



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