Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:04 pm
"Yeah a little nervous, never been here before." He replied. He didnt so much as see her stop as much as feel her sudden change in mood. He turned slightly so that she was in his pereferal view he watched her use what appeared to be a Kidō and then tell him that they were surrounded. From this his nervousness seemed to completely disappear, this is the kind of situation he excelle in. Though in his mind he was doing the math, she was in fourth, not saying that they were not useful in a fight, but he thought the odds was probably high that he would be carrying home the greatest percentage of this fight...which was completely fine with him.

Moves into a back to pack position with Kanna, drawing out the katana. Twelve Hollows were still a 6 to 1 advantage for the Hollows, low level or not this was not a situation that was necessarily ideal. He placed his hand on the back of his katana considering awakening the sword, but he thought better of it. It was possible that the low level hollows had only surrounded them becuase they possibly though him and Kanna easy pickings due to possible lack of Shikai. If he activated it now it might draw in more powerful Hollows.

"Suggestions?" He asked her when she mentioned not overdueing it, she was right of course, his store of Reitsu was not infinite, and if they were going to fight this battle the odds of them keeping track of what direction they were traveling in and what was a straight line was most likely about to go out the window.

He lowered himself slightly into a defensive position, his sword was partially seratted about 4 inches from the hand guard of the hilt and was about 28 inches long an shon brightly in the sunlight that was coming down on them. He reached up and pulled off his sunglasses and tucked them into the inside of his jacket, they were pretty hard to come across for him, and he really preferred to not break them. "Wonder what their waiting for?" He exclaimed in a whisper over his shoulder to her.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:31 pm
Kanna glanced back to him only momentarily as he moved into a back to back position with her. She did not know whether this was him being nervous, or just his style of fighting, but she was glad to see that he took the 'I've got your back' statement rather seriously. At least that's what she thought. Turning her attention back towards the situation at hand. She unsheathed her Zanpakutō and took in a deep breath.

"Suggestions?" She raised an eyebrow. "Slice through the white mask... Kill them." Her tone was rather cold, but it was the was now a battle and emotions weren't going to be running like normal. "Not sure what they're waiting for, but I'm done standing around. I have places to be." She narrowed her eyes angrily at the Hollows that dared surround them and make them wait. She barely shifted her weight to begin running forward and the Hollows all attacked at once. It seemed they were waiting for the two of them to get moving and attack first. She didn't know Hollows to be intelligent creatures, so this was slightly surprising and mildly impressive.

Six in the air, six on the ground. They almost seemed as if they were or had been planning this. "Interesting..." She thought to herself. One of the Hollows leaped down towards her head, but she was easily able to move out of the way. Another came from behind her at almost perfect timing, but these Hollows were not as fast as she was and she was able to move out of the way again. "That seemed planned..." She narrowed her eyes and began to wonder if someone was actually controlling these things, and that this was not just some random attack. Another Hollow jumped towards her feet and she pushed herself into the air, making him move under her, but at that exact moment, one of the larger Hollows swung a large arm towards her. She moved her Zanpakutō in the way of the arm. Being in mid-air when it hit, she was sent flying towards a tree. She was easily able to regain her footing and spun in mid air. Her feet landed against the tree and she used this to push herself towards the large Hollow that had just hit her. Swinging her Zanpakutō, she sliced straight through the mask of the Hollow and it soon disintegrated before her eyes.

The moment that they had moved and the Hollows attacked, six of them too went for Shinji as well. The first attack came from a smaller Hollow that shot himself for his feet. Another immediately attacked, swinging a tail like part of his body towards Shinji's waist. At the same time, one of the larger ones swung his claw towards Shinji's back. They continued attacked, almost as if they were waiting for something to happen.

Suddenly a red light began to glow. The one large Hollow that had now attacked yet was purposely standing back. He was readying a cero while the two Shinigami were distracted. The cero shot forward towards them both since they seemed perfectly lined up to get hit. This definitely seemed planned. These Hollows were smarter than most, which was not impossible, nor was it unheard of. Kanna had just assumed because of their power levels that they were weak minded as well.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 5:55 pm
He snarled as the hollows attacked with a purpose and a very well thought out tactical plan, this was unusual to him. So he held up his sword and snarled out the words Ten-te ga watashi o mamoru which translated to Heaven's Hand Protect Me. As the blade of the Katana started to glow with yellow red flames, and started to grow, an increase of 6 inches in length, and about an inch in width. He had just awoken the Shikai in his Zanpakutō.

His movements were not overly fast but they were methodical and powerful, he slammed the blade downwards and powerfully into the mask of the small hollow that came in fast at his legs, virtually chopping its entire head in half plowing the thing into the ground. Probably dead, if not he could get back to it, he swung his large sword around in an arc and aimed to chop the tail off before it reached him, he really did not want to be touched by one of theses things.

Just as the the bigger creature aimed to take a swing at his back(which he didnt see) he saw the other hollow powering up the cero and he thre himself forward tackling Kanna to the ground and putting himself right into the path of the Cero, which would slamd into his chest dead center, and would send Shinji flying backwards away from Kanna.

The landing would hurt, but that was about it, the last thing that Kanna would have seen (if she was looking) when he got hit she would see that the Cero had struck a blue energy of some sort and was stopped about an inch from Shinji's actual body, and it was the kinetic force that sent him flying away from her and sliding across the ground. The back of his uniform was going to be torn to crap from the slide, but when he stood up, he had a pissed off look on his face and nothing else.

"YOU RUINED MY FAVORITE UNIFORM!!!" He yelled at the Hollow and snarled as he brough both hands up pointing towards the firing Hollow and snarled as a Cero tore out of his hand right back at the hollow that had fired on him. But this wasn't a reflection of the Hollows Cero, this blast was a different color all together. He reached down and collected his sword and dropped into a defensive stance waiting for the next incoming attack.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 6:39 pm
Kanna was surprised by him releasing his Zanpakutō. After her warning about his spiritual pressure, she didn't think that he would actually do it. She could release hers as well, but her Shikai would be sort of pointless since it was all defensive. The Hollow he had struck with his released Zanpakutō did die, disintegrating and vanishing from sight. The tail was cut and the Hollow seemed to panic, scurrying about like a bug and then rolling over onto it's back to die as well. Shinji was lucky because his movements had prevented the large Hollow from taking advantage of his not looking and he ended moving out of the way of that Hollows strike.

Although he had been moved out of the way of the large Hollow's attack, he had purposely moved himself in the way of a cero. Not only had he done it protecting Kanna, but had been thrown away from her. She stared at him for only a minute, noticing he had not taken much, if any, damage to his body. Two Hollows down and dead, ten more to go. At least that was what she thought.

She heard him yell and raised an eyebrow, turning her head back to him to see that he was standing once more. She watched in slight curiosity as he fired a cero back towards the Hollow and actually blinked in surprise. Glancing from the newly killed Hollow and back to Shinji, she only raised an eyebrow as if to say "okaaayy.... Something I will be asking him about." The Hollows did not stop their attacks there. Three of their 'men' dead seemed to mean nothing to them. Kanna moved over to Shinji's side, keeping an emotionless gaze onto the now charging hollows.

"Let's get this done... I want to go home." She was getting slightly irritated now. Raising her katana, she decided to step up her game and shunpo'd forward. Vanishing and then reappearing rather quickly in front of the face of one of the larger Hollows. It didn't even see her coming. She swung her sword around, slicing through it's mask and on her way back to the ground, she noticed another Hollow in her way. Spinning in the air, she brought her sword around and down through that Hollow's mask. Once she landed, the Hollow's disintegrated and vanished from sight like normal. Four down, eight to go.

When she charged, she moved passed three of the other Hollows, one of them being the last larger one. Those Hollows ignored her and went charging towards Shinji as fast as they could. Two of them leaped, while one continued to run. The two that jumped into the air, brought scythe like arms down towards Shinji's shoulder. The larger one seemed to attempt at a tackle.

A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:12 pm
Jaeden had detected the scene and seemed to be letting his spiritual pressure off to let these hollows know a monster was coming. Sure others were stronger, but most wouldn't step in to help those here. Both were quite strong, perhaps he wasn't needed after all. He brought his Zanpakutō up and spoke softly to Seiryu as he glanced down at the two from the sky. Vanishing with a shunpo he took location of twelve o'clock from the five. So these were the only one's left he would do anything too. Because he acknowledged their strength as he looked at the remaining hollows.

Jaeden moved towards one of the hollows, deciding he would play with them. See if they could comprehend his swordsmanship in it's true nature. His eyes looked at the scene so far, he didn't have any great lines to give. But he'd show these people something. He seemed to be between two of them, both hollows were decently angled up. His back to one and the other in the from, his eyes remained closed, he had excellent skills within the other art forms.

Grant it this was a bad position but he wondered if they would take the bait. Sure it was an interesting chance to attack him from behind, but they didn't know the extent of him and perhaps the people here didn't either. But he was going to offer them help and that was the end of it.

"I am well aware you both could of handled this situation alone, but allow my sword to give you some help. If you'd like I can pull back and allow you to fight to your hearts content. I simply wished to offer you a hand, that's all."

Jaeden said speaking to the other shinigami here. No uniform of the gotei was worn by this man, just a rogue Shinigami who'd gotten far with his skills. Perhaps this wasn't the place for him to be using Tengu Kenjutsu, but it was well enough. His eyes closed he waited for responses from the enemies, sounds things of that nature. Certainly he could detect them from other things, the ground felt nice and firm where he'd chosen to stand.

Let the storm begin.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:33 pm
Smiled as the three of them came storming in on him, Taking aim at the center Hollow he opened fire again with a cero, right at the things head, if it would disenegrate the thing and eventually the entire hollow right down to what tows the thing had. The two that jumped down on him, he parried one and barely got out of the way of the second, the thing tore away the rest of his uniform jacket an leaving a thin cut along his skin. It barely called him to irk in pain, pushed against the scythe he had blocked with enough strength to cause the one to stumble.

The power required for the Cero attack wasn't an insignificant amount and having fired off two of them had put a bit of a drain on him. Tho he was still in good shape. He spun around and brought the sword around at about the waist level of the Hollows, if the Hollows didn't remove themselves from his immediate area, no less then one of them would be cut in half, leaving him in perfect position to Coup De Gras both of them in quick succession afterwards.

He snarled for a moment as he looked around and took scale of the situation, 5 down 7 to go and if these two died that would mean 7 down. But then he heard the third voice and looked up. Standing there was Jaeden, some backup. This was good, there was now three of them, and alot of shinigami power between Jaeden, Shinji and Kanna.

If the hollows wanted to defeat the three of them, they would really need to bring in a hell of alot more strength to the fight then they did. If his attacks were successfull agaist the hollows he would stab straight down into one Hollows mask and the other one he would bring down his large foot down directly on the mask attempting to crush it directly under foot. He smiled remembering to add four new stripes to his next uniform jacket, making his hollow number kill up to 5 now.

"Never look a gift horse in the mouth, welcome to the fight." He welcomed Jaeden, as he moved forward to bring himself back to the fight where Kanna was, he didnt move very fast but he would cut down any hollow that decided to attack him down quick enough.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 7:57 pm
Kanna was quick to sense another presence, but had no clue what it was as of yet. The Hollows Shinji was encountering seemed to be giving a decent fight. The one he fired the cero at had no time to move and was hit perfectly. It's body fell to the floor and soon vanished like the others. Five down. Out of the two that jumped down to him, one was actually able to land a hit, showing Kanna that Shinji had used a decent amount of his spiritual pressure. Now standing rather close to one another, since one of the hollows ended up stumbling to do the strength behind Shinji's block, she watched as he swung his sword around. One was sliced through, but the other used what the Shinigami call a shunpo and vanished from sight, reappearing behind Shinji with one of his scythe shaped arms already ready for a strike.

"Sho." Kanna mumbled a bit pointing towards the hollow. An easy Kidō to get the Hollow away from Shinji. It slammed into the side of the Hollow, causing it to stumble back into a tree. At that moment another face appeared. Kanna looked to see the man that she had sensed a bit earlier, wondering whether he was friend or foe. She actually hoped he was friend, because his power seemed a bit stressed, like he was purposely holding it back. She didn't want to be forced to fight someone of his power at the moment. When the man offered his help, she silently accepted by sheathing her Zanpakutō and stepping away.

The Five Hollows all took notice to the man that had appeared and without thinking, they all leaped into action, except for one. A single Hollow, thin and snake like slithered it's way into the ground and once it was away from sight it's spiritual pressure was gone completely. As four visible hollows attacked, two went immediately for the man's back, while another went for his gut, and the last went for his legs, thinking that coming in lower might help his chances. The Hollow behind Shinji, that had previously been knocked down, was once again up and ready to battle. It Shunpo'd in front of Shinji once more, already in mid attack with his scythe arm rising above his head.

A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:15 pm
Jaeden's lips curved into a smile, moving at something of a fast speed, Tengu style wasn't bound to one target in fact if the user wanted. It could cut one enemy in the fruit and slice one behind him. As they approached him Jaeden wasn't really into the idea of going into a full on fight here, besides this was the way of the world here, hollows vs soul reapers. He made two slashes at the two infront of him.

The first to taste Seiryu's cold steel was the one coming for his legs. The next one coming pry didn't even realize what had happened before a thin line arrived on the creature. His eyes were closed and this was something of the true method of using Tengue Kenjutsu. His sword had gone upwards at an angle, before coming down just as swiftly on the other coming from the front. The two in the back were both struck by the direction blade, it had no real lore to it. He was well aware of the fleeing one, perhaps it wasn't quite fleeing.

But whatever the case this had been a situation he could of lived without these little things. The male had accepted his help and so he would do just that. The fifth was drastically mistaken if it thought escape was possible. Though it had vanished, trembling in the ground was something he could often feel with his heightened sense of touch. So had it decided to attack from their it would be dealt with just as quickly as the others. Using another move, the Dance of Crow's stance had been his choice. From this stance, his sword could cut and cut behind him or at anywhere within a 360 degrees.

Each cut had been well placed towards slicing the hollows in half, no mercy was truly shown by him. Though he expected none in return, they were hollows and this was the way to save them. Those two had been rather impressive, he waited mumbling something under his breath as he wasn't quite able to be heard.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 8:32 pm
When he cut down the Hollow and the body flopped around on the ground he brought down his foot hard on the mask and smashing it peices, destroying the Hollow at his foot. When the second Hollow reappeared in front of him after shunpoing back in front of him, Shinji wasn't very fast, but he was powerful, built for power and endurance. He stepped into the hollow so their 'noses' were milimeters away from each other, and the swing range of the scythes were all but negated. He then, using all of the power in his body...Headbutted the creature in the mask with his own forehead.

It was not particularly smart, in fact it smarted...alot. The attack was most likely not enough to shatter the mask, but was most likely enough to crack the mask an stagger him back a few steps, where Shinji brought his sword up and swung it down on the Hollows head hard aiming to finish the creature off hard. He smiled as the creature would disappear. The fight was obviously going their way, and now that Jaeden had joined the fight the end result was just a formality.

He saw another hollow attempting to come at Kanna from behind and he brought his sword up and over his head brought it down in front of him like he was swinging an axe. But instead he released the sword, causing it to summersaul through the air and go at the hollow right through its chest (if it hit) and would drive the creature back into a tree. Even tho it wasnt a kill blow against the creature the thing would find it impossible to lift or remove the super dense Katana from his chest.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 2 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Thu Jun 14, 2012 10:35 pm
Kanna had watched everything through her peripheral vision. From the killing of each visible Hollow to the one that snuck it's way into the ground. She felt wind suddenly push by her, and glanced to her right to see that Shinji had tossed his blade into the chest of the Hollow. Within the next few moments, they were all gone, disintegrating and vanishing into the air above. Except that last one. Kanna had seen him move into the ground. The snake-like Hollow, she could no longer sense it. She narrowed her eyes and glanced from left to right, waiting for it to strike as they stood in silence.

Suddenly the ground beneath her crumbled, and the snake like Hollow shot out from the dirt beneath, right under her feet. Her eyes widened as she was pushed into the air. It was just luck that her feet had caught hold and she didn't fall. She was caught off guard though. As her body flew into the air and her feet left contact with it's head, it swung it's head around and shot out a cero straight towards Shinji. After that, it shifted it's head and turned towards the man to try and do the same thing. Kanna caught herself and twisted her body so that she would land on her feet. She blinked a few times and looked up to see what had happened to both Shinji and the man who had come to help.
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