Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Mon Jun 18, 2012 8:45 pm
"We'll mention it a bit later... Although, telling Kenpachi about it might not be the smartest idea." Kanna told him as she moved swiftly through the obstacle of trees in front of her, "If he is friend, we don't want him annihilated." Finally the sun went completely down and it was fully dark. Suddenly the feeling of a strong spiritual pressure came over her, a bright blue light beginning to shine about twenty feet in front of her. Her eyes widened in shock. "A CERO!" she shouted and shunpo'd off to the side, hiding behind a tree. The cero was shot off, blasting powerfully through multiple trees and clearing the area, leaving a large scar on the path it took.

Kanna's hair was blown passed her eyes as the cero flew passed. The power being one at least equal to her own spiritual pressure. Once it died down, she looked over to see what had happened to Shinji and then peaked her head around the corner to look at what had attacked them. "Damn it." she narrowed her eyes at what she saw. It was about six foot tall with broad shoulders. It had a long tail coming down from it's backside and crouched over much like a gorilla would. If it stood, it would more than likely be eight foot tall or larger. It's mask was small just like it's head, it's shoulders protecting it slightly.

"Are you all right?" she called out to Shinji, keeping herself hidden from the hollow. She reached around to her side, grabbing onto the hilt of her Zanpakutō. Depending on Shinji's condition will effect what she decides to do next. Although, she kept her guard up and made herself alert to make sure that this thing did end killing them. She glanced around the tree again, her eyes narrowing when she realized that the hollow was gone, hiding once more within the darkness of the trees.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Mon Jun 18, 2012 9:36 pm
The Cero missed him, by a matter of inches, but he showed no sign of even flinching. He hel up a hand to her indicating that it might be better for her to remain were she was. He reached up pulled off the remains of his jacket an tosses it to the side, his back was too the hollow, he reached down and drew out his Zanpakutō, whispering 'Ten-te ga watashi o mamoru" which would translate roughly to Heavens Hand Protect Me. The activation of the Shikai would have no visible effect on his body, only lengthening and widening the sword a little bit.

"Hmmm. Your stronger then the others, but not invincible." He slowly turned to face the creature, rolling his head and his shoulders, cracking the joints. "Let me give you just a taste of what you are up against." He smile barely showing any teeth, as he raise a hand to the skies over them "Emperor of the North wind whose blessings I seek, breath upon my foes and let them witness true terror! Hadō number 35!" he yelled.

As he did so, above them and in the area surrounding them, an bellow the treeline storm clouds began to appear and grow. After a moment rain also started to fall, and that rain eventually was joined by hail stones. But as the rain would hit the ground and pummel Kanna a bit the hail stones seemed to stop just a foot above Shinjins head. "Time to die!" Shinjin exclaimed, as just before the Ape like hollow began to move, Shinjin crushed his outstretched hand into a fist over his head.

When he did crush his hand into a fist the Hail stones suddenly shifted from a downward direction to moving horizontally directly at the hollow. The large hailstones, some of them the size of golf balls would move incredibly fast directly at the hollow, the hailstones somehow managing to miss both Shinji and Kanna all together on the path to the Hollow. The force of the stones would be crushing.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Mon Jun 18, 2012 10:56 pm
Kanna was surprised to see that he was okay, but at the same time relieved a bit. She watched him as he went forward, her eyebrow raising when hail seemed to come down onto her head. Her left eye twitched as she watched this. As Shinji went to strike the hollow, it vanished from sight, reappearing behind him and swinging his large tail around towards his side. The hollow howled out rather loudly, his mouth opening once more and immediately going to shoot another cero right at Shinji and at semi-close range.

"Hadō 1... Sho." Kanna pointed her finger towards the hollow, a clear burst of energy shooting forth and pushing the hollow off it's aim just enough as the cero was fired. It went slightly upwards and towards the trees. Obviously angry, the hollow turned to her and fired another one off. She shunpo'd out of the way, appearing on the opposite side of him and behind a tree. She once again kept herself hidden to where the hollow would not be able to see her. Angry, it let out another howl and turned it's attention back towards Shinji, bringing it's tail around and swinging at him once more. It stepped forward, it's body moving in the way of a gorilla, it's shoulders hunched upward and it's head slightly sunk into it's body.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Mon Jun 18, 2012 11:11 pm
Spins around as it appeared behind him he snarled "Smart son of a ***** aren't you." He took his sword and attempted to stab the thing right through its foot, to pin it to the ground. In Shikai form his Katana was about 6 inches longer then a normal Katana, making it about 34 inches long and about 2.5 inches wide, however it wasn't the only difference that the katana underwent. The Katana became super dense an super heavy, making it all but impossible for anyone but Shinji to lift up.

He would leap backwards, hopefully with the Hollow pinned to the ground long enough for his next move, bringing his hands together, his index fingers meeting together and pointing at the hollow as he yells "Carry the arched fool to the gates of torn hearts! Hadō number 15!" As he did what looked like a Hadō number four ripples out of his finger tips, First it would strike the blade of his Katana, but it did not stop there, it then shot over to the creatures leg that was pinned, then lept over to the free foot, then lept to the creatures tail tip, and then would shoot directly into the Hollows mask, the lightning was a chain lightning shot.

He rolled himself on the ground an back to his feet, he was seperate from his sword but he was ready for the fight The Hollow (had the attack been successful) was now pinned in one place and if he wanted to free himself he would have to do severe damage to its own leg, which would do some serious damage to its combat effectness.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:27 am
Kanna saw the attempt to stab the foot of the Hollow, but it went to move it. She repeated the previous Hadō she had used, "Sho." and pushed the hollows leg right back into position. As the foot was pierced and the hollow was pinned, it let out a devastating howl and shot forth another cero towards Shinji, but Shinji had automatically dodged it with his leap backwards. As he set the Kidō in motion, the hollow howled even louder before as it felt the pain it caused. Once it stopped, it was not dead, but angrier than before. It brought it's tail around to swing at Shinji and sending another cero, but five times as large as those previous, towards him as well. It seemed the Hollow had been pushed into a fit of rage as it ran forward, allowing the sword to severely damage it's own leg out of the act of revenge. It charged towards the male who had wounded it.

She knew that she wasn't helping much in this fight, but truly hoped that Shinji had the ability to defeat him. Besides her Kidō, she was completely useless in a battle. All of her abilities had to do with barriers and healing. Everything with her was defensive. "Hm... Horin!" She held out her hand towards the hollow, a orange colored rope like energy coming from her hand and moving to wrap around the Hollow.

"Get your sword... That won't last for long..." she came out and looked to Shinji, giving him a reassuring nod. She wasn't one to seriously exert herself in a battle. It was honestly what she was taught in Shino Academy since her powers were nothing but defensive and healing. Her state of mind was to protect and prevent. If she were to go full on in battle and got hurt, who would heal fellow Gotei 13 members if they were badly injured? She knew Shinji didn't know this, so he was probably going to be slightly irritated with her refusal to do any major damage in the fight, but she was ready for it nonetheless.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Tue Jun 19, 2012 1:49 am
Allows the tail to ram into him, as at his range he would not be able to get out of the range of the Cero, the hit would send him flying, unfortunately he would get clipped by the Cero. Fortunately 80% of the power of the Cero woul waste itself away on his sheild, bright blue energy shining across his body as he basically got hit so har that he ended up rolling in whats looks like a barrel roll. Before slamming shoulder first into a tree, it was his left arm that got caught, and his entire arm was a burnt crisp now, and it was the same shoulder that got slammed into the tree.

He seemed to slump to the ground, this looked like it was really really bad, but when the creature though he had won and either turned on Kanna or came in to finish the job on him, he would turn over hissing with pure unadulterated hatred and pain, his good hand palm upwards as a cero tore out of his hand with power exactly equal to the Hollows last cero. The shot was aimed at the upper body of the hollow as he attempted to simply disenegrate the entire upper portion of the things body.

The arm was hanging basically useless at his side at the moment, He was obviously hurt badly, but he wasn't going to go down that easily, and no way Pain was going to keep him down. He forced himself up to his feet, he was rather shakey on his feet, but for the moment he was still concious.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3498
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Location : Dumbfuck State

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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Tue Jun 19, 2012 2:30 am
Kanna's eyes widened in slight worry for the male as his body was thrown into a tree. She could see his arm was badly damaged, looking almost black. It had obviously been burnt badly and still the Hollow was charging at him for it's revenge after her Kidō had broken and let it free. As Shinji raised his palm to send the cero right back towards the hollow, it seemed to duck only slightly. A large hole appeared in it's upper right shoulder, dropping it's arm to the floor and causing blood to gust out of him. In a frenzy now, the Hollow continued it's charge. Kanna mentally cursed herself for not using a Kidō that was stronger, reaching around for her Zanpakutō. She pulled it out, at the same time, "Raise your shield Nobuye."

The moment Shinji had stood up, the Hollow was in his face, mouth open and ready to fire another cero at point blank range. Kanna quickly swung her sword, not towards the hollow, but towards Shinji himself. A compressed blue sheet of energy shot forward and, right on time, made it's way between the Hollow and Shinji. A barrier was erected to protect him and immediately began healing his arm and any other injuries he may have while it was up. The cero was not able to make it's way through, only angering the Hollow. It turned towards Kanna in it's fit of rage and shot a cero at her. She shunpo'd out of the way of that one, but it continued shooting one, following her movements.

"Get him now! Send that attack once more!" Kanna yelled to Shinji as she continued Shunpo'ing in and out of the way of the hollows cero. Because of the circumstance, he was unable to grab his sword like she had told him to, and the hollow had made it too close. Now she hoped that he would quickly get up and stop him. His arm by now would have already been half way healed, as long as he stayed inside the barrier. If he had left it, his arm would have only been a quarter of the way healed and he would still be in a lot of pain.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Tue Jun 19, 2012 11:24 am
He force himself to his feet and Shunpoed from behind the sheild and over to the sword, luckily for him this beast was slowed due to the damage to its foot, He grabbed his sword, and before the creature turned around he unleashed another Cero shot directly at the beasts back. This one was a hell of alot tougher then he origonally thought, but he was still upright....for the moment. Even tho Kanna had used her healing power on him he was still in pain, he stretched out the arm a bit, as he used his still good arm to grab the sword out of the ground.

Turning around he charged directly at the hollow, at the moment his shield was still up so for the moment he was ignoring cero's shot at him. If the Hollow didnt move he would lower the tip of the sword into a position like a lance or spear, but would not stop and stab the Hollow, instead he charged right into him, the sword tip would slam right into his body right to the hilt an would be followed a moment later by Shinji's entire body, attempting to bring the Hollow to the ground. In which he would then stab further and harder, attempting to penetrate the things entire body and pin it to the ground.

If successful it would leave the hollow in the perfect position for Kanna to Shunpo in and Finish the thing off with a straight shot to its mask.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
The Gotei 13 Advocate
Joined : 2012-05-29
Posts : 3498
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Tue Jun 19, 2012 6:20 pm
The Hollow was completely distracted with Kanna. Constantly shooting cero's at her, causing her to be forced to just shunpo out of the way. That all ended with Shinji's well placed stab through the body of the beast. It stopped shooting it's cero and howled out loudly, trying to shake it's way loose, but only causing more damage to himself. Kanna, finally able to stop shunpoing, moved over to the hollow and raised her fingers to the middle of it's forehead. Watching it squirm around and let out it's annoying howl, she narrowed her eyes in anger.

"Byakurai..." she said and a thread of lightning shot from her finger tips. It shot through the mask and body of the hollow, killing him and soon his body vanished. Kanna looked up to Shinji and raised her Zanpakutō. Once again, a blue shield surrounded the mans body and began to heal him. "This trip back to the Seireitei is more dangerous than I first thought it would be."

Kanna stepped over to him and looked down to his arm. It was healing at twenty five times the speed that it would with Kidō being used by someone of the Fourth. She sighed and waited for a few minutes. After about ten minutes, the wound would have completely healed and his pain would be gone. This ability has nothing to do with spiritual pressure. That would be the one difference between her and those of the Fourth. Her Zanpakutō was not able to restore the spiritual pressure of one who was injured.
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A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed) - Page 4 Empty Re: A journey home for the day (open)(Thread closed)

Tue Jun 19, 2012 7:01 pm
Nodded as he rubbed his arm, he reached down and picked up his sword sliding it into the sheath, the sword being sealed as he did. "Thank you." he replied as he stretched out his arm a bit. "We should get moving faster, at this rate i'm not liking the pattern that we are seeing." He replied, reaching down and once again picking up the jacket to his uniform and wrapping it around his shoulders.

He shook his head "We are going to have to tell someone that there is something odd going on in these woods here." He explained as he turned and started to move quickly towards the Seireiti, moving out from behin the barrier before it fully finished its job, still leaving a portion of his lower arm blackened from where he got clipped by the Cero.

But he didnt get too far ahead of her incase the hollows came back and tried to seperate the two of them and attack again. He shook his head, the hit with the tree had stunned him a bit but now he was feeling the effects a bit.

Squad: ??
Position: ??

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,
Cannon in front of them
Volley'd and thunder'd;
Storm'd at with shot and shell,
Boldly they rode and well,
Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Hell
Rode the six hundred.
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