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Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Fri Jun 22, 2012 11:57 pm
Kanna Aikotsuki was a six foot seven woman with an athletic build. She has long snow white hair and bright blue eyes. With her personality, she was one to be completely honest and blunt in ANY situation that she is put in. She trusts no one, but will still do her best to help another out. This honest habit of hers, on this day, was going to create a very interesting and unknowingly awkward situation between her and the Vice Captain of Squad One. She walked into her office and on her desk was a letter addressed to her. By it's appearance, it was more of a personal letter, instead of some call out for a mission or anything like that. After she had opened it up and read it, she only raised an eyebrow at it's content, showing no emotion towards what was said at all, although the sender shocked her.

Now, an hour later, she was walking through the Seireitei and was now on her way to the place in which a certain man had asked her to meet him. Why she was chosen? She had absolutely no clue at all, but she wasn't one to turn away from a Seated Officer of Gotei 13. She was now currently headed to the Library within Shino Academy. Once she arrived, she went silently inside to look around. She had come a few minutes early for just in case reasons and didn't know whether he had already arrived. Taking a deep breath and sighing it out quietly, she stepped forward. She looked around, examining tables to see if he was there. She also began looking down the aisles of bookshelves and then went to the computer area.

Seeing that he wasn't there, she thought for a moment and then nodded. She realized something and hoped that she was right. Although this wasn't the same as the library for those within Gotei 13, she assumed that certain areas would be set aside for others. Little rooms for people who study in groups, and since this was one of those cases, she went there. After searching for a minute, she found her way to a line of four small rooms. She peeked in through the windows and finally she saw him.

"Lieutenant Okami." she opened the door and stepped inside to greet him. Closing the door silently behind her, she turned towards the man and raised an eyebrow at him, "I understand that you are the one that sent the letter? What is it you wished for my help with?" Her gaze was stern and emotionless. She seemed to look at this as more business, although she would soon find out that it was not the case. She sat down at the table across from him, waiting for his explanation on why exactly she was brought here.

Last edited by SerenityVerdant on Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:19 am

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro's face was buried in a book. Yes, with his nose in the center of the creases and his head on the cold top of the library table, he was completely, one hundred percent in what he was doing. Which was sleeping and snoring at the absolute top of his lungs. He hadn't meant to be doing this. However, he didn't have a lot of choice; although he went after what he was looking for with a drive, he was met with his greatest enemy...

...Reading a book. Now, Kuro had no problems with reading; however, it was due to the nature of his job that he had been incredibly bored and stressed when he DID read outside of work, which included doing quite a lot of paperwork and assignments day in and day out. As such, he had come to the library, planning to look for a book about marriage, sex, and having children. However, as soon as he got a good (in his mind) book about "Getting into a relationship." He had opened it up, and as he read the title of the first chapter, he had found himself often looking away, not really focusing on the book but trying. However, before he had finished the first page of tiny writing...

..He was reduced to this. Luckily, Kuro was a light sleeper; and as such, he awoke instantly as he heard the door open. "WHOZZAT?" He exclaimed, blinking as he jerked back up in his chair, his back laying flat against it... with the book following, stuck to his nose, resulting with him laying back in the chair with a book plastered to his up looking face, as he looked his right eye at the woman that had walked into his study place, blinking at her as she spoke. As she asked him what he needed, he nodded, blinking as he felt the book's grip loosen and fall down his face, his eyes tracing it fell down, hitting down onto the floor with a CLACK, it's title wide open, Kuro looking back at the people who entered his room.

"I'd like to know how people get married, what marriage means, what sex is, and... how to have kids." He said simply, without any hesitation; he hadn't a clue what he was doing. The only reason that he had asked Kanna was that she was a doctor, someone that he had spent a considerable amount of time with, considering his injuries lately. He would have asked Unohana, but she... scared him.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:35 am
Kanna did see humor in what Kuro had just done. Falling asleep with his face in a book, waking up suddenly, and then it falling to the floor. Her first impression of him on the outside of healing his injuries since most of the time he was sleeping or unconscious, was that he was a total and utter... idiot. His questions towards her were actually about the human condition when it comes to love and sex? Is he serious? She would have thought it was a joke, but the seriousness in his words and the fact that there were a few books laying around with that exact intention made her think otherwise.

"Okay, so he's serious..." she thought to herself as she picked up one of the books he had laying around. She flipped through a few pages, not knowing exactly how to react to this, but she knew she'd have to. Setting the book back down, she glanced behind her and noticed that the windows had blinds to keep people from watching them. Raising an eyebrow one what probably happened in this room between the students of Shino Academy, she just stood up and went to the window. Closing the blinds, she returned to her seat and sat up perfectly straight, keeping a serious look on her face the entire time.

"Lieutenant Okami... There is a lot I can teach you on... well all of those subjects, but before I take a chance on getting myself into a mess, why don't you explain to me exactly what this is for? And then explain to me exactly WHY you do not know about this stuff yourself?" Her tone was quick, serious, and slightly demanding. If he wanted her to help him, she would, but she definitely wanted a reason, especially since it wasn't exactly on the most cleanest of subjects.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:43 am

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro watched her as she walked up to the blinds, closing them shut, his eyes wide and at attention as she did so. As she sat back down and asked him her questions, he blinked, thinking to himself. "Well, Kaminari is my girlfriend." He said simply, not knowing any other word for it, clear from the look on his face. "I don't really know that much about it, but she wants to get married to me... Which from what I know means that we'll belong to one another forever... But I don't know anything about it, mostly because I grew up with no one but animals for company while I was alive. And most people here tend to assume you know these things bay now!" He said, a slight frown on his face as he explained his angst to her, earnest in his efforts and completely serious about the matter.

"...I wanna help Nariri however I can... but I don't know enough about the things she wants to have us do... like getting some kind of ring..." He explained, his lip quivering slightly as he thought about disappointing Kaminari. It wasn't something he had done YET,a nd he was certain as hell that he wasn't going to end up doing it over this. So all he could do was watch and wait for her to answer, hoping that his reason was good enough...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:13 am
Kanna was taken slightly by surprise when listening to everything he had said. One thing that most notice about her, besides her blunt and honest nature, was the fact that she refuses to speak until she knew that the person she was talking to was silent and going to stay that way. Being interrupted when she was talking, or interrupting someone else was not something she liked doing. So, once he was done speaking, she leaned forward over the table, thinking a bit and at the same time confirming whether he was staying silent. Once she realized he was, she nodded and took a deep breath.

"Kaminari, huh?" Kanna raised an eyebrow, having previously thought that the girl would never have found someone that she'd open herself up to, "I remember her from a few times I visited her class. Smart kid. Pretty too. I can't say I thought of her as the marrying type, but since you both are as naive and childish as the other, I guess it's a perfect match. All right, Lieutenant Okami. I'll help you. I'll answer every single question you've got and give you my opinion about certain things, along with explaining to you exactly what things are. If needed, I will have certain things brought here as well to explain in better detail." She stopped talking for a moment, keeping an eye on him, an obvious look of distrust in her eyes. Kaminari was always a kind girl, although the two of them hadn't ever talked too much. And since Kanna was so distrusting, she highly doubted the honesty of any man who spoke to her, naive or otherwise.

"The first thing you mentioned was how people get married. Usually there is a priest or some sort of official that has the ability to bind two people together legally and spiritually. Yes, legally as well." She clarified that, assuming that neither him, nor Kaminari realized that there were also legal things that were in the process as well. "The woman, traditionally, wears a white dress, holds a bouquet of flowers, and walks down an aisle with lots of friends and family from both sides watching. The man stands at the alter, which is at the end of the aisle, watching her come to him. Once she arrives the priest or who you have doing it, will start the ceremony.... Got that so far?" She didn't really wait to find out whether he actually understood it and continued on anyway...

"Now... The second thing you asked about was sex and how to have kids." She knew that this part was probably going to shock the shit out of him, especially if he really had no clue what any of this was, "Usually on the first time, which I am pretty sure it will be yours and Kaminari's first time... but on the first time, usually the woman lays on her back, naked. The man will move on top of her and slide himself inside. When I say himself, I am referring to your dick, or penis if you will..."

"You have a stick..." Kanna then held up a finger, "And she has a hole, called the vagina." She then held up her other hand and made a very small circle with her index finger and thumb. "You take your penis and stick it into her vagina." She also demonstrated that by pushing her finger through the hole she created with her others. "Now with this, ever girl is different, but sometimes it can hurt the first time. After a while her muscles will calm themselves down and it will begin to feel much, much better." She added a second much just to help him out.

"Now... Babies are something for later. Anything about that you didn't understand or want me to clarify?" She blinked a single time, the look on her face still as serious as ever, as if none of this was awkward or shocking to her.
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 9:53 am

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


Kuro listened carefully to her, blinking repeatedly as she explained the entire process. His hands were on his knees and he was staring at her with determination, nodding and trying to accept each new fact into his head as she spoke it. So... Nariri would be in a dress like she was the other day... And she'd be holding a lot of flowers? Questions began rising in his mind as she continued to speak, causing him to reflect on her words. ...So it has more than one name? He thought, glancing down briefly at his crotch, assuming that is what she meant as she explained what he needed to know about it. ...b-but... He thought weakly as she said that it would hurt Kaminari. That was something he NEVER, EVER wanted to do. As she had said it, a look of devastation hit his face; he knew that Kaminari wanted to do it; she had said as much, very excited for their future... but if it hurt her...

When Kanna said that it got better, however, he merely blinked, relaxing slightly but wondering what exactly she meant by that. He wondered what she meant by muscles, but he was intensely curious as to why she used two much's. IT seemed to him something else was going on about this that he would have to find out. He wondered why she didn't want to talk about babies. "Alright, I Do have some questions." He said, slightly shifting in his seat. "...Um... Where do you get the ring to get married? Nariri said I would need a ring... but I really don't know what kind to get her or where from and it worries me!" He explained, a downcast look on his face.

"Second... If she wears a... dress, what do I wear? And why does she carry flowers?" He felt the impulse to ask these questions, and so he went along with it. "...Why do people have sex then, because it's... better?" He asked her again, just overwhelming with his questions. "And does it hurt the woman for very long?!?!" He continued. "What do you mean by muscles? And last of all, what do you mean by much, much better?" He was picking the layers of what she said away, trying to wrap his brain around it. He knew where babies came from; but he didn't know they process by which they were created. So, he could merely wait for Kanna, hoping that she would answer his questions...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Sat Jun 23, 2012 10:22 am
"Oh, the ring." She thought for a moment how to explain that and then came up with a way, "In all honesty, the best place to get one is in a jewelry store in The World Of The Living. They have hundreds, if not thousands of rings you can choose from. Just remember that the point of the ring... Is for you to give it to her at a special time. You get down on one knee, hold the ring up to her, and ask her to marry you. And when it comes to what kind of ring you'd get, either gold or silver... I think she's more of a silver girl, but that's up to you. As long as it is something you like, and it means something to you, then she will love it and wear it with pride...."

Next topic and question. "Well you would wear a tux, usually black and a tie. And when it comes to the flowers... That dates very, very, very far back in time. It's really just tradition, but certain flowers represent certain things... Roses for love, lilies for virtue... Things like that. I don't think the flowers have a big meaning anymore, it's really just tradition."

Kanna almost burst out into laughter at his next question. Luckily for her, she was able to hold it in and her emotionless face did not change at all. She had to force herself to just stare blankly at him for a good few seconds before she was able to once again open her mouth and speak. She leaned back in her chair and cleared her throat to continue on. "Well, Lieutenant Okami. People have sex with one another for three reasons. One, because they love each other. Two, because they want to have kids. And three, because it feels really good. And as I said, it is different with every single woman. Some girls, it could hurt the entire first time and even after that. There are even girls that it doesn't hurt at all. It just depends on the girl. Oh... and what I mean by muscles... When you two decide to... well have sex, you will be able to feel her muscles naturally stretch and contract around you. It loosen up and at times become tighter. I believe that is something you are going to have to learn with experience."

"And when I say much better, I mean after it starts and she is in a little bit of pain, the muscles will loosen up..." She could tell that he was completely confused, so she decided to use an example. "All right... Think of it like this. Let's say a woman has a fear of men, but she meets this guy who is truly kind and after a bit of talking and getting to know one another, the woman realizes that he is okay... It's like that. At first, her body will not be used to such an intrusion and it will naturally try to fight back, but once her body realizes that you mean it no harm, it will relax and allow everything to move and feel much better."
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 12:58 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


He listened very carefully to Kanna, nodding as she explained each point about the ring. “I'll remember, and I think I'll get her silver then.” He determined, picturing himself getting on one knee with his white hair flapping down all around him as he held up a small box to her, a smile but a serious one on his face as he asked the girl he loved to marry him. He blinked at her explanation of flowers; he didn't really understand symbolism, but he could understand tradition.

He looked at her staring at him blankly, and realized how lucky he was that she was helping him with this. He nodded at her first answer, unsure of exactly how that connected to it, but deciding to keep listening before asking anything. At the second, his eyes widened slightly; he had known that sex with animals lead to cubs, but he wasn't sure that it was the same with humans. And the third reason... made him feel very weird. He wasn't sure, but it didn't sound right for him; all he knew of it so far was that people who loved one another did it. Wouldn't that make it special for them? Didn't that make doing it without loving the other person... not true? He wasn't sure why he was having these thoughts, but he felt they were true. Her words at first distressed him; what if Kaminari was always hurting during it?!?! However, her next words both calmed him and confused him. He was glad, immensely glad, there was a chance it wouldn't hurt at all. He was confused because she had just gave him two totally different possibilities.

Her talk about muscles made him wonder. He didn't really, truly understand what it was Kanna was talking about.. but he was able to get a tiny idea... as he began to feel his face as if it were heating up, the first time that it had ever done so before. He nodded as she said that he would need to learn from experience; he decided to trust her, even if she didn't trust him. “...Well then I only have one question...” He said as she finished her analogy, looking up at her and blinking. “...When do we do it, exactly? Have sex, I mean?” He said, feeling that weird heat coming back to his face again, once again for reasons he didn't completely understand... but he felt he was getting there...


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
Seʀeɴוᴛy ♫
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:30 pm
Okay. This Lieutenant Kuro was so funny in her eyes, whether she showed it or not. His mere innocence and seriousness at the same time was... well cute. And that wasn't something that she would say very often. He intriuged her, but her trust was still nonexistent. Taking in a deep breath and slowly letting it out in a sigh. She thought for a moment on how to explain his last question without overwhelming him or making him feel like he might do it wrong.

"Okay... You have to listen closely." She leaned forward onto the table, placing her arms in front of her as she looked in straight into the eye, "If you love her the way I am hoping you do, then you have to wait until you know it is the right time. She has to tell you that she is ready for it. BUT remember... If you wait TOO long to ask her about it, she'll end up thinking you don't want to be with her. AND if you try it too soon and she is not completely ready for that step, she'll end up regretting it and feel like she was forced into it... Got it?"
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed] Empty Re: Kuro Asked The WRONG Woman [Closed]

Sat Jun 23, 2012 1:50 pm

I'm being serious here!

Lieutenant Colonel of Squad One


As she told him to listen closely, Kuro stood up, putting his arms forward as he stared at her directly in the eye, turning his head so that she would speak right to him. He was determined to hear what it was she wanted to tell him, and even if it resulted in this comical position, it was what he thought that he had to do. However, what she said proceeded to confuse him. He made sure to listen very, VERY closely and think as hard as he could, trying to force himself through his own confusion.

So... I have to tell, no wait, ask her if she wants to do it. But... not to soon... but... not too late either. So I shouldn't force her to do it ever, especially if its not too soon. And I want her to always think I love her, so I should wait a small amount of time. I think... I get it.

He finished his thought processing, breathing out a sigh of relief before nodding to Kanna, leaning back again and sitting in his chair, picking up the book that he had been reading and closing it shut. “...Thank you very much, Lieutenant Kanna.” He said, smiling at her. “I just have one more question. Will it make her happy?” He asked her with a worried look on his face. That was lal he really wanted in the end; to make sure Kaminari was happy. After her reply, he spoke once more. “...Before you go, is there anything else at all that you think I should know?” He asked, making sure he was very through with this. After all, to him, it was very, very important.


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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