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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP]

Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:59 pm

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] 6EdIfMt


Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] NhXP1km

» Name: Cirno Iramasha
» Titles: Iramasha Of The Ice
» Age By Appearance: Anywhere from five years old to early 20's
» Age: 101 Years Old [Feb 14, 2316]
» Gender: Female
» Affiliation/Rank: The Iramasha Clan
» Job: Unknown

» Residence: For the time being, Cirno currently stays near a very cold and foggy lake somewhere within the Iramasha Outlands. To most Iramasha, this location has been dubbed as "The Misty Lake" and, most of the time, you can most likely find Cirno there. So, since this place has been made into Cirno's own little territory, she has even built a massive igloo like fortress where most ice or water type Iramasha are welcome to enter.

You can often see all types of snow and ice like creature exiting it's doors or entering them, Cirno herself constantly making this thing even more impressive then the last day with her ice power and it's actually even moderately guarded by all types of different Iramasha Gems that have become mobile by Cirno.

They are known as "The Snowmen Gems!" by Cirno and are used to guard, alert or otherwise protect the snow base Cirno has set-up in the forest as she knows she cannot see everything all of the time and isn't always there all of the time. So it's best to have some kind of security system, eh?

» Hair: Cirno's hair is one of her more outstanding features. It is medium in hair length; extending downward to about her neck. Someday's, depending on how much excess energy she has, it can be shorter or longer as Cirno has noticed that for some unknown reason, to her at least, her Chaos Energy can really develop her hair to be longer or shorter then it actually it is.

Cirno also seems to theorize that is is probably why her hair is also an icy sky blue. From what she understands, it's just taking the true color as her "soul". Her hair can sometimes even completely change into different hues of blue in some instances.

» Eyes: For the most part, her eyes are mostly an icy colored blue on any given day. Though, like both her hair and energy color, Cirno's eyes can often change to almost any style of blue given the circumstance. An example would be if that Cirno was extremely happy, sometimes her eyes may begin to shine a very bright and glowing blue color to display her joyful she is in that instance. Or, if she is feeling particularly down, sometimes her eyes can turn into a faded and dull blue color to display to others she is feeling rather sad about a particular issue or two.

In other cases, her eyes can even become entirely white if she is trying to summon a vast amount of power in order to combat an enemy. So, for the most part, it appears that Cirno's eyes might actually revolve around what type of mood she is in rather then it being based around variable rates of energy surging within her body as she once thought.

» Wings: One of Cirno's defining traits, these wings are present in any form that Cirno assumes. On average, there are at least three wings comprised of a supernatural ice that is constantly floating behind Cirno. Depending on how much excess energy she has to spare, these wings can sometimes multiple and as many as a dozen of them can be seen behind. However, she typically only keeps it at four to six wings on any given day.

And, as one would assume, they are extremely cold to the touch if Cirno isn't careful. She often tries to keep them at a temperature equal to that of a meat locker, but if she isn't paying attention, it can easily begin to freeze an entire person's hand if she doesn't set the right adjustments. So, with that said, these also have unique traits to them that can be used for combat, but they'll be explained later on in her Iramasha Class Skills and abilities as The Angel of Ice.

» Body Type: Being that Cirno has a child-like body, it's no surprise that she would turn out rather short when compared to other Iramasha. While standing at about 4'8, she obviously isn't going to win any height competitions. Though, it does make her very nimble, faster then normal and easy to hide or get into places bigger or taller people normally would. So there is an actual benefit. And, on the subject of weight, Cirno's weight can actually fluctuate very wildly.

While she is in an idle state of being, she'll most likely weigh no more then any other average elementary school girl. However, depending on how much ice, water and snow she calls upon in addition to more powerful bulks of energy being made; Cirno can multiply her weight substantially to the point where she'll be heavier then grown men. So, looks aren't everything when it comes to this girl's body type.

It's even possible for her to accelerate or deaccelerate her growth through having her Chaos Energy speed up her body tissue to grow older. Eventually forming into something she refers to as "Cirno-Nee"; a teenage to adult sized version of herself.



Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] LByQgpC

» Friendly: To most people, Cirno is a pretty sociable Iramasha. Almost a bit too sociable. Whenever someone decides to make conversation with her, Cirno can pretty much yammer on for hours if they give her the chance. She never seems to tire out in this regard as she can keep a dialogue going for hours on end until someone needs to exit themselves from the situation or stop her from talking altogether.

So, with that said, it's rather easy to make friends with Cirno if you ever happen to run into her as she is usually open arms about making new playmates. It's merely a matter of how much you withstand being around someone who is as childish, hyperactive and fast moving as Cirno is. Ideally, you would need to be someone with a load of patience, a good deal of energy yourself and a understanding thought pace in some cases in order to be around her.

» Childlike: (Only in Kid Form) While she may be very old when compared to the average human of the 21st century, for Cirno's age she is still considered a child and often acts like one. For instance, she'll often be seen playing many types of different games with new people she meets. It could be anything from hide-n-seek, to a fun sport of tag or possibly even something revolving around her powers and playing an on-the-spot version of dodge ball with shards of ice. No matter the case, Cirno is usually looking to have some sort of fun as a child often does.

So, as a result, Cirno has a pretty short attention span for anything that doesn't otherwise sustain her interest. If something starts to become boring? Cirno will either walk away from it altogether, figure out some zany way to spice it up or begin to whine and complain if she cannot otherwise leave the area and go into a temper tantrum in some cases. Therefore, it is often wise to keep her from getting too bored or she'll get insane from the dullness of it all.

» Energetic: Cirno seems to be the type that has a never ending stream of energy for anything she does. Often times she can be seen skipping, running or flying around Iramasha Island with an extra pip in her step then others around her. Other times she can be seen always putting in a huge amount of focus and energy into any given task. If she were to train? Cirno would spend all day putting the most extreme amounts of efforts into utilizing and furthering her powers.

If she were given a job to deliver a message to Iramasha Town hall? She'd Chaos Warp or fly just about faster then anyone else in the skies or roads in order to make it there BEFORE the deadline. So, with all of that said, Cirno is an Iramasha with tons of personal energy to slap on to any given circumstance that life decides to throw her way. After all, having this child like body has to have some benefits, eh? Most around her surmise that this is probably the main cause in her having this much zest for life. And they'd probably be right.

» Diligent: Despite her appearances, Cirno is actually a very hard-working individual. There may be all sorts of mistakes, mishaps and misunderstandings when trying to teach her, but Cirno will always try her best at the end of the day to keep up with the rest of the Iramasha's on Iramasha Island. In fact, she has even made it one of her goals to become one of the strongest ice elemental Iramasha's to ever exist. Eventually, after that mission is completed, she hopes to aim to become one of the strongest Angel Iramasha's currently living on Iramasha Island and throughout the known world.

Then, with a bit more time and practice, Cirno desires to be one of the best Iramasha to ever exist if she can pretty damn help it. It's going to be a long road, that's no doubt in her mind, but she'll always consider herself the strongest in order to self-affirms herself every day in order to keep her targets, intentions and the overall destination in her life relative every day. So, at the end of day, she doesn't understand the meaning of ego or pride when calling herself "The Strongest", but rather using it as a motivational tool and bringing her prophecy to life with positive professions.

» Confident: This is a strong part of Cirno's personality core, in all forms, that keeps everything together and her sense of self firmly intact. There is not a single person in this universe, inside of Cirno's mind, that has the capacity tear apart and destroy the sort of self-assurance she has invested in herself, her abilities and what she can do. So long as she is able to maintain this sense of positive thinking inside of herself, Cirno believes that the sky is the limit when it comes to setting out her goals, ambitions and anything else she desires within this life.

While it may lead to her getting a bit an ego from time to time, when she decides to get more level-headed, she knows that, at the end of the day, maintaining a positive affirmation of one's self-image can never be harmful. After all, with Shiro generally watching over The Ice Fairy, there is no way that she would allow her child to reach such egotistical levels as the sort of people she had encountered in her life.

» Adventurous: If there is one aspect of Cirno's personality that is flaring with boldness, it's this trait. This ice fairy has a strong taste and desire to seek out all sorts of adventures in her life. Rather they be discovering new lands, fighting against ancient levels, stumbling upon ancient weapons of the gods or simply going on a mission to save a village from the likes of evil; Cirno will usually jump into action at the slightest hint of exploit. In synchronization with a desire to be among one of the strongest Iramasha, she will do whatever it takes to generally prove her worth in actions.

While these decisions may lead to things going off course during the trial, such as Cirno attempting to act on her own with disregard for the leader at times, she generally has learned to keep at her pace to more then make up for these rash choices she makes when the adventure spirit hits her hard. Thus, with a sense of bravery, courage and valor; Cirno triumphantly will take any challenge you toss at her and take it head on.

» More Focus Minded: (Only in Cirno-Nee State) When Cirno enters her Cirno-Nee state, she generally takes all sorts of urgent matters with a more mature mind. You see, it is not only her powers or skills that are enhanced when growing into this adult form, her mental state goes for a ride as well. When she is in this developed body her mind is often cleared of those childish antics that she once displayed while in her adolescent form, but she still retains that soft hearted nature and keeps the kid inside of her still alive.

Alongside that, she has also been noted as becoming more precise in her attacks when entering this state. Her intellect, knowledge of her powers and ability to handle stressful stresses arises while in Cirno-nee's form and she is able to fully to handle these circumstances like a well adjusted adult. Therefore, the tables can turn quite greatly for whoever may be around Cirno when she enters this state. They can see a side of this ice fairy that change any sort of perception, thought or notion they may have once had of her while in her child form.

» Urge To Protect: (Only in Cirno-Nee) If there is danger afoot and Cirno is in her adult form? More often then not, Cirno-Nee will jump into action in order to protect her clansmen, her family and any friends she may or may not have. This is because she gains more empathy for others around her as her state of mind matures. This isn't to become some sort of grand superhero, which her childish half may do to some extents to shield others while in that state. Instead, she has a desire to take care of those who cannot otherwise fend for themselves. In this world of super powered beings, there are bound to be individuals whom will use their strengths to overpower or otherwise abuse those below them. This goes with any sort of system that happens to grant beings power.

However, Cirno hopes to be the middle man or force that prevents these twisted people from being able to get their way. Such as when she makes some trips to Earth in order to protect the humans there from the likes of Shadow Fall and other similar organizations. It honestly makes her sick just thinking about those sorts of sadistic groups of persons. Thus, she will do everything in her power to protect that which is fair or right in line with her minds view.

» Highly Skilled Battle Tactician: (Only when in Shiro-Nee/Shiro Cirno State) While Cirno may be able to hold her own when it comes to utilizing the might of her powers, Shiro's had much more experience and time to gather knowledge about the realm of combat. Being that she had served in the Iramasha Guard for a number of years, it's quite obvious that Shiro would have perfected her battle skills with each fight that pushed her limits throughout the many years that she had lived.

For that reasoning she had learned about the physics of most of her attacks, the inner workings of many types of contrasting physiology's of all races, a great understanding of her winter element and how all sorts of distinctive particles, those of a spiritual variety and physical, worked. Thence, when Shiro is able to assume full control of Cirno, the overall attack patterns, combinated moves and use of their powers skyrockets. And, as a result, whomever Cirno or Shiro may have targeted will be in for one hell of a battle if they are pit against her intellect.

» Guardian: (Only for Shiro-Nee/Shiro) Being that Cirno was spawned of herself, Shiro actually considers The Young Ice Fairy to be her own daughter of sorts. The fact that she was Shiro's spawn was even well established since the first day Cirno had wandered the Earth. Upon Izayoi explaining to The Angel of Ice just how she was constructed, Shiro had felt a deep desire to protect Cirno from any harm and guide her along her life's path. Since she did not mind sharing her body with another being, it was not much of a headache for Shiro to shield her from any harm.

It's the very reason why Dual-Link was established, instead of her attempting to banish Cirno from out of her body. Therefore, she shares an extremely strong bond with the Angel of the Ice and hopes to keep this pact between them strong for the years to come as she stabilizes herself in this realm. After all, if it weren't for Cirno just staying alive all of those years, Shiro may not have even been able to be gifted this new outlook on life, a new way to experience existence and evolve pass the need for a physical body.



Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] ZJ9oXlE

Early memories of life only bring visions of snow, ice and cold for Cirno Iramasha. This is because she had essentially awaken to find herself naked, cold and alone in the wilderness of the Antarctica. Even to this very day, Cirno is not entirely sure how she had arrived in this destination upon her birth into this world. What she does know, however, is that it most likely has something to do with her affinity for the cold elements. So, grasping the situation as logically as she could, it's safe to assume that she had been brought to life by a freak accident of Chaos Energy giving birth to her.

When, in reality, the young ice fairy had been brought into existence with the death of an unknown, but extremely formidable Ice user of Iramasha origin whom was called Shiro Iramasha. Shiro was a female Iramasha whom had disbanded from the Iramasha after she had came down with a freak terminal illness. Living out the reminder of her days in the cold, Shiro had valiantly fought against the many sorts of Arrancar, Demon's and Hollow's that had plagued Earth.

During one final showdown, she was even able to take out an unnamed Archduke and Grand Duke of the former Sin Fall's army. In this explosion she had destroyed them, thousands of their followers and had essentially set free one of the cities that was under the Demon's Control in World War Three. Following the result of her demise? A strange girl formed from the winter air and Shiro Iramasha had essentially taken on new life inside of what would now be known as Cirno Iramasha.

Not knowing what had happened to her at that point, Cirno simply kept wandering the icy continent for many days. When she had emerged from the steep carter of cold and snow that had been her womb, it first took relearning how to walk once again to free herself from this location. Thankfully, she was somehow able to receive the needed memories to relearn how to walk. This was made possible by Shiro's own energies allowing The Ice Fairy to tap into the needed thoughts that had been associated with the acts of crawling, walking, running and sprinting even.

Once that feat had been accomplished, The Angel of the Ice had swiftly made her way out of the carter and would awaken to find herself in the ruins of a city. She had noted seeing many sorts of soldiers converging on the area, bodies scattered all throughout the vicinity, strong amounts of condensed Chaos Energy within the carter and a strange flow of power beginning to seep into her being. She wasn't quite sure what it was at the time, but she had later discovered this was most likely what was left of Shiro being infused inside of herself.

Never the less, in her panicked state, she had ran as fast and hard as she could from the area. It seemed like hours had passed as she had dashed through the snow, ice and harsh temperatures that the Antarctic had during the dead of winter. It eventually ended, however, when she had found a safe, quiet and isolated spot that was miles and miles away from the spot she had been born at.

Thus, exhausted from her brief few hours of life spent in heart racing sprint, she had collapsed in a pile of flurries and was believed to have blacked out at this point, as Cirno herself did not remember what had occurred leading up to that lost period of time. What she was able to retain, following the moments that had occurred after fainting, was that she had began have the transference of more critical memories from Shiro start to rush in her head. Over the time span of the next twenty four hours, The Lovely Ice Fairy had essential recollections of Shiro's past that would allow her to become to at least have a functioning level of a adolescent, despite only being over a day old at this point.

These visions of the past were related to functions such as talking, speech patterns, basic table matters, the Physiology of the Iramasha, limited information of how her powers and racial attributes works and so many other subjects that most people take for granted on the daily bases that make a normal life possible.

By the time that Cirno has arisen in the calm, frosty morning; she had awakened with the knowledge to protect herself in this chaotic world. Though, she would not have time to dwell much into these thoughts. Instead, the young ice fairy had been greeted by the likes of a strange, silver-haired woman with phenomenal power. Unsure of wherever she was friend or foe at this point, Cirno braced herself for the worse and attempt'd to summon what energy she had at the time to protect her well being.

Fortunately, this peculiar newcomer had defused the situation by letting her know she was nothing more then an ally of the Iramasha. This was made apparent to the Ice Child when her new fond associate had radiated her raw Chaos Energy to Cirno to show they were one of the same race. Not having much else to go on at this point, the child had lowered her energy levels and let the mysterious, but powerful Iramasha do the talking from that point to possibly explain this whole mess to the confused, naked and cold fairy.

Thus, as she informed Cirno of the matters at her, the first thing to come falling out her mouth was the fact that her name was Izayoi Sakuya. And so, she had a name to attach in this face. Which, in that precise moment, had reawakened a brief memory of this woman from the recollections of Shiro Iramasha. From the thoughts that had buzzed around in the former Iramasha's head, this woman had appeared to be some sort of Royal Councilmen of the Iramashsa. Having recalled that much from the reminiscence of Shiro's mind, it was at that time where she felt safe for the time being and was told of the battle that took place.

From the observations Izayoi had gathered from that very battlefield in which Cirno was birthed in, she had appeared to be an anomaly of the last bits of Shiro's energy that, when condensed, had materialized itself into a new body that was made with elements of the snow, ice and cold in which she was created and forged in; giving birth to a reborn creature and a new lease on life in her child. This potentially made Shiro Cirno's mother and gave a shocked reaction upon hearing this news; especially in the destructive way in which she had ended her life in that final blaze of pure glory.

Furthermore, Izayoi had informed The Angel of the Ice just what the Iramasha were. Sitting her down, she explained the origins of her native race, where they had been located and why it might be a better idea for her to return to this home until she was able to sort out this dilemma she had been placed into. And, after a short burst of thinking, the Young Cirno thought it might have been a solid choice in action to follow along with this strange woman back to the home of the Iramasha Clan.

After all, when one is naked, confused and lost in the Antarctic, you generally won't argue against someone willing to take you in and knows a great deal of your origins; more so then even you yourself could ever hope to understand. So, with that train of thought in mind, The Ice Fairy had agreed to travel alongside this peculiar woman back to their uncharted world. It was going to be a big step in Cirno's direction to find a solid place to call home, but somehow she felt that everything was going to be alright regardless of what occurred from this point.

Thus, in a flash of blinding white light, the duo had faded away from the likes of the human world and would start anew in the Iramasha's Realm. Upon their arrival onto this sacred island, Izayoi had decided to have Cirno checked out by some of the most expert medical professionals that their clan had to offer. During an analysis of the Ice Fairy's body, it was discovered that she had already been gifted with enough Chaos Energy to possibly rival a Modern day Vice Captain and outclass some of the most finest Shinigami Academy and Seated Officers the Gotei 13 had to offer.

While others were truly boggled by the fact an Iramasha, who wasn't even a week old, had possessed this sort of power...Izayoi was not. This was all of the confirmation that she needed to be assured in the fact Cirno was a reincarnated version of Shiro Iramasha. As such, they all would inform The Young Iramasha of what would come next in her life, with the fact of her being a reborn entity clearly on the table.

Consoling her with understanding, compassion and counselling; they had steadily gotten deeper into the core of The Angel's being and stated that she may need to be watched over by the likes of Izayoi and others in the clan whom had followed her. This was because, although she had an abnormally high amount of power for a newborn Iramasha, it was going to take some time for her body to stabilize. And, as a result of that, she may need to fine tune her link with the Chaos Force, keep watch for any sudden changes in her body's mental health and just have time to be a kid.

For this reason, Izayoi would agree to watch over The Young Ice Fairy for a period of ten to twenty years in order to oversee she develops quite nicely. Having no real objections to what was purposed, Cirno happily agreed and had went to conform herself to her her new start in the Iramasha Clan. It could lead to things such as friendship, adventure and a rediscovering of self for her; but she'd deal with it as it all came.

So, as the years would go on after this point, Izayoi would begin to form a mother/daughter relationship with the young Cirno. While she may have seemed distant at times, they both had a strong perception of each other because of the fact Izayoi could not constantly watch over the Young Iramasha based on her duty to the clan.

However, during the initial stages of her life, Izayoi would begin to teach Cirno had to properly use her powers. Everything from how to deliver deadly physical blows, to utilizing her full speed, to defending herself in the hells of combat and strengthening her link to Chaos Energy; all of the basics of fighting had been greatly instilled into The Angel's well being. However, at the same time, she also educated Cirno. Izayoi had taught her much about mathematics, the metaphysics in the world in which they lived in, knowledge about the Soul Society, how spirit bodies worked, The Human World, Iramasha History and other similar subjects to give the child a more firm understanding of how the two worlds she may travel back and forth to had worked.

Even more then her intense training, immense studying and time spent with Izayoi; the overall objective was to get her adjusted to civilian life as well. So, during Cirno's free time, she was allotted access to freely wonder across Iramasha Island.

From this, she had more time in order to adjust her social skills with others on the island. She had traveled to all sorts of locations and hot spots on Iramasha Island. During her ventures she had seen the Royal Iramasha Village, been to almost every shop within the Iramasha Town Center, fought against other junior Iramasha in the local training circuit and she has even covered a good portion of the Iramasha Forest.

Yet, no visit was more essential to her well being then the the La'Miou Shrine, owned by Reimu Iramasha. The Shrine Maiden of this deictic-like place had allowed her Cirno access one day when she was paying donations to the shrine. Already put at ease by the child's offering, The Shrine Maiden had taken a great liking to her at that point.

Following many more visits to this holy place over the years, The Young Ice Fairy had started to gather more and more bonds from all the people whom paid tribute to this hot spot on Iramasha Island. From the likes of The Owner of Said Shrine, to an associate of Izayoi and fellow councilmen, Kaguyami Iramasha and even the likes of Koichi Iramasha during his brief stays there. Acquiring these people into her social circle had allowed Cirno to become beloved by others as she had gotten to forge additional friendships from the people these four had known. This ultimately allowed the childlike Iramasha to blossom into a very energetic, care free and happy adult as time would go on.

Yet, while all of this was going on, there was something else taking shape inside of The Angel's heart and mind. Something, or rather, someone was beginning to piece together the shattered pieces of themselves and attempted to make contact with The Angel of the Ice. This is where the rebirth of Shiro Iramashsa would steadily begin and take Cirno's strength pass her wildest dreams.

One day, while she was wandering the vast forest of Iramasha Island, something inside of The Iramasha had made Cirno fall to her knees. It wasn't painful, no, not at all. A strong sensation of "completion" had struck the Ice Angel right to the core. Visions of a former life, as a different person, danced around in the Young Fairy's head. During these moments, flashes of a family she did not yet know of span all throughout her head and the pressing thoughts of a being named "Shiro" surged about and it eventually became fully clear to Cirno just what was going on with her at that point.

Throughout the many years The Ice Fairy had stabilized herself, Shiro Iramasha had been given enough time to restore her sense of being within the depths of Cirno's mind. Thus, in a sudden explosion of consciousness, Shiro had been made whole once again and it was quite the overwhelming experience for Cirno's body to withstand, yet she was able to endure the tense nature of this transformation within herself.

Once the metamorphosis had been completed, Shiro had presented herself as a force not wishing to cause any sort of negative influence upon Cirno's well being. This, however, wasn't an issue for the young ice fairy. Because they were essentially two of the same being, Cirno automatically accepted her with open arms. Surprised, but not disappointed by this turn of events, Shiro had returned the affection she was showered with and informed The Angel of the Ice just who she was. Thus, in regards to that title, the two of them entered an extensive conversation which covered many bases, filled many holes in the Ice Fairy's life and ultimately informed her of the forgotten person she once was. So, for starters, Shiro had informed Cirno that she was originally The Angel of the Ice.

It was said that the reason why Cirno could command the winter elements with relative ice, and with such a strong control at a young age, was because the cells which had stored this knowledge were retained inside of the energies that were scattered about as a result of Shiro's death. Through this event, Cirno was able to readily speed the formation of her powers, the growth of her physical body, the ability to swiftly adapt to new changes and was essentially re-learning how to live life in order to bring about Shiro's rebirth within her.

Furthermore, she had enlightened The New Angel of The Ice that she may continue to use her powers as she sees fit. This was because, as a result of her death, Shiro had transcended the need for a physical body anymore. At the time of this heart-to-heart, she was not able to mend herself a physical form in the material plane, but said that would always have a place inside of Cirno so long as she were breathing. But, even more then that, she had promised to always protect the Young Iramasha by imposing her will within the depths of Cirno's ice.

Being that she was a byproduct of Shiro's actions, she felt it was within her duty to guide The New Angel of the Ice down the proper path. Ergo, she had evolved into her guardian Angel and gave her word to Cirno that she would always look out for her very well being. So, while Cirno may have been overwhelmed with joy; to the point of nearly crying, she knew that the unification of them would make this..strange body...complete once more.

A while later, following the events of this union, The Young Iramasha had then came across a new ability. When Cirno and Shiro had finally finished catching up with one another's lives, the two of them had noticed yet another shift within the physiology of The Angel's inner working. With Shiro's know how, she was able to decipher that thanks to the two of them forging a bond, Cirno had been allowed a variation of body-shaping in order to allow for an adult form. Wanting to test this out for herself, Cirno had accelerated her bodies growth into to transform into this mature form. In a bright flash of light, she was pleased to find that her new body had...even'd out so well.

This body had curves, perky breast, extended hair and all the works that lovely young adult would have. It was in this instant, that Cirno had decided that it was most likely time to start living life by her own accord. Having this fluctuation within herself made The Ice Fairy decide to stomp to Izayoi's house to claim her independence in her new body that she had quickly called "Cirno-Nee".

And so, much to Izayoi's astonishment at Cirno's sudden growth, she had come to terms with the rapid change in The Icy Fairy. After explaining how this came to be, and letting Shiro smooth things over, The Iramasha Councilman felt that the time was right to let Cirno explore the hidden depths of this world on her own. Baring in mind that they should keep contact with each other, Izayoi and The Angel of The Ice had set apart from one another after that. Free to travel between the Living Realm and Soul Society as she saw fit, The Ice Fairy decided to construct a base within Iramasha Forest.

There she would keep mementos of her otherworldly travels, have a place to call her own and start living life as a grown adult. Thus, she went on to build a massive Igloo Fortress inside the base of this mystic forest. After making a few alterations to the area by making it a cold, snowy and icy place; Cirno was pleased with her work and knew that this would be the next chapter in her life that she was ready to take on head on.

For decades after that point, she would be known as the Ice Iramasha of the Lake. She was treated as a rather friendly and familiar face of the Iramasha Outlands. She'd usually try to tag along with anyone she met, was always very friendly to visitors and was sometimes known to challenge other people if they were willing to play along with her. These trials would be revolved around all sorts of games, races and even physical combat in order to push her own senses further and make a lasting bond with those who were able to keep up with her or, in some events, utterly outmatch her.

Thus, she is a strong part of the Iramasha Community, but also is fairly sovereign as well. This is because The Ice Fairy is a girl who loves adventure and is known to travel the many known realms seeking her thrills. Rather it be fighting off the forces of evil in the pit of Hueco Mundo, sailing the seven seas of the Human World or outmatching Shinigami in friendly combat within the Soul Society; Cirno is always looking towards the next adventure and generally expanding her life's horizons.

Which finally brings us up to date to where The Angel of The Ice is in the present day. In the year 2413, Cirno is now a very happy soul who calls no single place home, but feels at place no matter where she goes. Cirno is confident, brave, bold and very entertaining to be around. She is willing to fight the best of the best to prove her worth, always seeking the next thrill and lives her life at a very fast pace. Where things can at this point? She isn't quite sure.

The living world appears to be in great parallel, lives have been at risk and thrown out of balance with this potential war brewing between Shadow Fall and it's allies and it's time for new heroes to give rise. With all of this talk going on between the known realms, she knows her time to shine will come soon enough and she will earn the title as one of the strongest Iramasha's to be produced from the clan. With her friends at her side, Shiro having her back and her skills sharpened; Cirno is ready to tackle the world and anyone else in it.

So, prepare enter the Chronicles of Cirno Iramasha.



Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] JI3W7iY

» Kazumi Sakurai: What else is there but strong affection and care for her girlfriend? This is the strongest she has ever cared for someone whom was not Izayoi Sakuya (Cirno's Step Mother) herself. All of the new feelings, powerful emotions and new strength Cirno attains from this relationship is something that she'll never forget; nor let go of.

All she wants to do is protect her beloved and do whatever means is necessary to reach that level of strength to be her guardian angel. This is her first love and she has certainly gone full head over heels for Kazumi. It makes her whole being warm just thinking about the positives of this relationship.

Yet -- there are many parts of herself that are very well scared of this. As Cirno is not accustomed to caring for another being this much and entrusting her heart to another. What if she is unable to protect Kazumi? What if what they have isn't meant to be? What should happen if Cirno herself is slain? How would she go on?

That fear of losing her -- is too intense.

Hence, there are many doubts and concerns that lay in her head when it comes to this relationship. However, it's all worth it whenever she is embraced by her lover. Seeing that smile of hers, feeling that touch and hearing her sweet words are enough to make Cirno feel as if she is the single strongest being in this universe.

And that -- is all she needs.

So long as her affection is returned, Cirno will continue with the strongest determination she has felt in her century of living.

» Izayoi Sakuya: She is the one who gave her back the world after being lost in her cycle of rebirth. Ever since the day she was made "The Angel of The Ice", Izayoi Sakuya was there. Educating her, training her, sheltering her and loving her every step of the way through her progression back into a whole person. Therefore, while Cirno has no known biological parents, she often considers Izayoi to be her step mother; if not her real mother.

However, in recent years, there seems to be conflicting feelings about this relationship. Primarily, it has to do with her disappearance since Izayoi's status of being MIA. It gave Cirno feelings of abandonment, lost and disappointment to have someone that close to her -- simply leave her. It didn't make sense that Izayoi would leave no mention of her departure. As Cirno is certain that her mother is still alive by the faint acknowledgement of her life's energy force somewhere in the halls of existence.

Yet -- it isn't there with her -- and that hurts. To have someone whom is like a mother figure vanish is just a pain Cirno wishes to forget about. Therefore, it can be assumed that this is a rather touchy and sentimental subject when it comes to this relationship. As the feelings for Izayoi can range from positive to negative on a given day for The Iramasha.

» Moonie Iramasha:

» Shisome Saihossoku:

» Sumashuu Sagumi:

» Sou Yuuki: This male -- is dangerous. With the way he so viciously releases his power without a second thought, Cirno has deemed him as a monster and is one that should be stopped at all cost if she should ever see him again. The reason for this is because during their clash in the Inverse Realm of Earth, these two crossed paths and he stopped at nothing in order to obliterate every single person from entering the core of that infection which threatened the very stability of Earth.

Nay. The man is mad enough to wipe away entire countries, so he is not someone to be reasoned with. And, given the foul mouth on this individual, the psychotic words this hot-headed male utters does not do him favors. Cirno hates him and just wishes to see him dead. It just serves as a reminder that sometimes humans are more monster than the monsters themselves.

» Reimu Iramasha: This shrine maiden was another figure in making The Angel of The Ice want to protect her people further. As, this was another Iramashsa Royal that seemed to befriend her the more she came to visit her shrine with gifts from the human world. After bugging her enough times, the two of them seemed to forge a tender friendship with one another and always have each others backs in time peril.

Since, when Cirno's mind was in such a state of despair after Australia, Reimu was there to help heal her, seek out assistance and bring Cirno back to health gradually over time. So there is a definite and strong trust that the Angel has for the Shrine Maiden.

» Yukuri Iramasha:

» Eric Zarathos: The King of Baka's -- that is what this guy is! Of course he was hellishly strong, but his strength didn't mean anything when his intelligence handicapped him so much. During his attempted invasion of Iramasha Island, the guy went on long-winded speeches, couldn't control his power and gave awful commands to his army.

It all resulted in him getting outsmarted and outmatched by Cirno -- at least until Moonie came into the picture, anyway. She has a hard time imagining him as a threat, but she hopes he finds his way and stops with the villain routine as it totally doesn't suit a baka like him.

» Koichi Iramasha: Over the past few years since she has joined the Iramashsa Guard, Koichi has always been there to help try and refine her combative potential. These things pertained to him always giving her pointers on hand-to-hand techniques, how to control her power how and reach a calm state of mind in the midst of battle.

Cirno was surprised that a royal Iramasha leader would waste time with a solider like her. However, even when thinking that, the little fairy isn't opposed to that thought of being accepted. It makes the military feel more like home and further instills her trust in it. So, to make her canine friend proud, she wants to be the strongest angel she can be for the Iramasha Guard.

» Reigen Akogi:

» Kiriel Asthavon: This demon is nothing but big fat coward. That's what this guy is. Oh, and don't forget bully. Cirno does not like Kiriel Asthavon one bit because he endangered many innocents during his demonic rampage during the Iceland Conflict.

After sending a nuclear assault which endangered the life of her beloved Kazumi, Cirno wanted to beat this man to a pulp; but he had the gall to cower and back away from the site. So, to her, this man is utterly disgusting and weak. If she ever sees him again, she'll be sure to give him a good beating or two for measure.

» Jin Hoshigawai: This was one of her first companions that Cirno came across during her adventures outside of Iramasha Island. Therefore, there is a special sort of friendship felt between them. As, when they first, each of them had the time of their lives fighting against one another in the forests of the Soul Society. Until, well, Jin became injured.

Then it was up to Cirno to play nurse and patch herself back together at the same time! It was a fun day that she recalled and she is a bit saddened that perhaps the fate of this man led to him being killed sometime during Demonic Incursion. She truly hopes he is ok because it was her first non-Iramashsa friend made.

» Azure Iramasha: They haven't interacted much, but Cirno seems to think he is a pretty strong Iramasha given what she has heard from Koichi during her training with him. So, she does have a slight desire to meet him and hopefully get another recruit on board with the Iramasha Military forces. She feels that the Iramasha need to unite together as one force and he'd be a great person to help with that task.

Furthermore, given the rumors she has heard of how his psyche changed after Iceland, she may even be inclined to give the male a stern talking to if she ever confronts him. As, for Cirno, it reminded her of the way her mind became distorted following the war with Australia. So, as apart of her justice and angelic duty, there is an intention of seeing if there is anyway she can assist a fellow Iramasha in their time of need.

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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] WVMWLOu
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Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:15 am

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] 6EdIfMt


Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] YIZECpn

» Dense Durability & Offense: In regards to her ice attributes, Cirno has actually modified her body to the point of having a very dense structure when it comes to her muscles and bones. With that said, this has increased her defensive attributes quite a bit. An example of this would be if a sword based opponent were to pierce through her body.

In regards to her body's composition, they would have a more difficult time attempting to phase through her layers of ice that are appiled externally throughout her body. If they were able to break those? Then they would face further challenges trying to create injury to Cirno's body because her dense body structure allows her to endure higher levels of pain, produce damage control when offensive blows come into contact with her body and allow her to last longer in a fight by dealing with a multitude of destructive attacks that bombard her body during any given fight.

However, this also works in regards of increasing the impact of her physical assaults. If Cirno decides to get physical with her opponent, she is more then capable of producing blows that can level full city blows in one swift motion as a feat of her offensive capacity. Provided that she can amply her attributes, then she can take this further and level one to two dozen strikes for some of her elemental attributes that she obtains thanks in part to her Iramasha Class.

This would ultimately make her a lethal fighting machine as she could find relative ease in lifting vehicles, creating heavy damage to an opponents internal body arrangement by the amount of force that can be found in her punches or kicks and this is ultimately something that should not be underestimated out of Cirno's basic powers.

» Varying Levels of Bodyshifting: Cirno does possess the ability to morph her body to certain extents. One of the first examples of this trait being put into action? From what Cirno has observed of herself, she seems to be able to shift between her outward age appearing to be that of a ten year old girl, to presenting herself in the body that looks around that of a young adult woman.

Accompanying these growths or shrinks are the characteristic's in this strange bodily physiological which allow her to adjust the length or color of her hair, tweak the tone of her voice and even change the colors of her spiritual energy when outputting large quantities of spiritual or Chaos Energy.

Furthermore, for brief periods of time, Cirno appears to be even able to change her entire body structure into that of creature purely comprised of ice, cold and spiritual/chaos energy. It may take up more resources out of Cirno, and possibly even cause physical exhaustion, but Cirno has have the capacity to say, in combat, morph her entire arm into an ice state and proceed to have all sorts of spiked objects generate from said arm in order to harm the opponent.

The primary drawbacks to this, though, generally deal with trying to maintain it. It takes some focus in order to bend into. That means, Cirno generally visualizes the part of herself she wishes to morph and it has to act accordingly.

Alongside that, this can use anyway from a miniscule amount of energy to change small things such as her hair, voice, eyes and so on ward; to using a fairly noticeable chunk of energy to do full body morphs into her element. While it may not instantly take her out of the fight, too much use of this can generally tire Cirno out after awhile and she chooses to be watchful of when she does these entire bodily shifts.

» Basic Wind Control: Cirno does hold the capacity in order to harness the element of wind at her disposal. From what Shiro informed the young Ice Fairy of, this body that they now co-exist within must have picked up on the fragmented memories from the remains of Shiro's body and reawakened her ability to utilize the power of the wind, but at a more limited level then Shiro could. While in it's current state, Cirno is able to perform most feats other manipulators/generators of air can perform.

One of the first is that she can offensively use this in order to mentally direct the many different types of air particles around her. With that link to this element, she unlocks the aptitude to manipulate wind in order to construct sudden gusts of wind that have the capacity to reflect attacks when amplified with her spiritual energy.

This can be useful in attempting to redirect more lethal attacks from her being. Another method in which method of airbending can be used is that she can merge it with her other powers in order to form all sorts of twisters comprised of cold, snow, ice and her own energy to overwhelm the opponent.

Additionally, with Shiro's training, Cirno has even learned to use her aerial prowess in order to further her Density Offense/Defense. By solidifying the air around her body, she can essentially advance this trait her body has in order to increase her physical and durability stats during combat in order to increase the likelihood of her winning or enduring the battle much longer then normally.

And, on the note of that, Shiro believes this ability she once had was mostly to be used in conjunction with her other ice affinities. Such as combining Air Breath + Ice Breath in order to create a far more augmented attack in offensive potential, fusing razor winds and sub zero temps to cause further damage to an opponent and so on. The two of them have even figured out a technique which allows Cirno a temporary boost in speed by riding currents of air to temporarily improve her speed.

With that said, the only known drawbacks that BOTH of them know of this power is that it can be difficult to perform when under mental stress and may sometimes take concentration in order to use fully. Accompanying that side effect, Cirno has noted that it is usually takes a small amount of energy to properly guide, control or produce the air she manipulates. Outside of these limitations, they surmise they can do as they please with element of wind on this level of usage.

» Chaos Powers:

» Freeze Burst: This power is primarily used for evasion, but Cirno seems to have picked up on some of Izayoi's traits and conjured up her own form of Temporal Displacement that works in accordance with her freezing aspects. By releasing a sudden rush of Chaos Energy from the pores of her skin or directing this force into a swift burst of metaphysical force, Cirno has the capacity to hold most objects/attacks/forces, within a five to twenty meter radius, in a state of frozen time.

Ergo, it's similar to a stasis effect, but made more possible thanks to mixing the metaphysical into this practice in order to induce a more lasting effect. If this force is able to make contact with the intended target(s), then it is very possible or them to reframe frozen in place for one to three posts.

During this time, it allows Cirno to attempt to evade the attacks OR figure out a counter to disburse them. Such as using this ability with her swift speed and Chaos Warp in order to use her Chaos Energy to teleport the object in question somewhere else.

Unfortunately, there are drawbacks to this. One of the first is that she can only use this, at a maximum, of two times per post. Following that, she will generally have a one to two post cool down until she can utilize this technique once again. Furthermore, it usually takes a consecrated amount of Chaos Energy to be released on Cirno's End for it to at full strength.

And, more then that, it is possible for other time users to attempt to temper with the effects of Cirno's Freeze Burst if they have a strong enough mastery over their element of time. Therefore, this is not an absolute force, but more or less used to evade unfavorable attacks.

» Dual-Link: The wings that are seen across Cirno's back? Heh, those aren't just for show. They are actually used as antenna's for Shiro, the spirit from which Cirno's body was forged from, uses in order to work alongside The Angel of the Ice at times. This means, that when Cirno is too overwhelmed by an opponent, it is very probable for Dual Link to be used in order for Shiro to cover Cirno's sides, back and essentially a full 360 degree angel by manifesting her will from Cirno's Ice and Chaos Energy.

This special channel is also used in order for Shiro to share information Shiro has gathered about the surrounding area, the opponent at hand from her observations and more precise ways to use her ice attributes. To be more direct, this is a private telepathic connection that these two share in order to coordinate more lethal fighting styles when in combat.

It even allows for this spirit, Shiro, to assume total control at times in order to fully realize Cirno's potential and act as a partner of sorts. Making Dual-Link a lifesaver when Cirno is outmatched or KO'd.

Furthermore, it is even possible to see an additional tier boost when Shiro is able to take full control of Cirno. This is because, while they may share the same body, Shiro appears to have a slightly different variation of Chaos Energy. In other words, it's apparent enough to Cirno that Shiro can summon her own pool of Chaos Energy to merge alongside Cirno's to fuse them together and ultimately see a massive boost in their energy volumes, quantities, mass and output.

However, this state cannot last forever and will typically go away they have either drained their resources, decided to defuse once more or they ran up to a time limit of between ten to fifteen post. So, with all of these facts stated, Dual-Link is something that has brought Cirno's fighting potential well on par with more elder members of her race when it comes to her combat skills and knowledge. And, when used with Shiro's Witt, Cirno's Will Power and the devastating flow of Chaos Energy that radiates within them; these two make quite the deadly team.

» Chaos Link: Another use that Cirno's wings appear to have is that they allow her an accelerated rate in which she can consume Outer Chaos Energy. It is said that the conversion of Outer Energy to Inner Chaos Energy is a process similar to converting salt water to drinkable water for humans. Well, in Cirno's Case, her wings act as a purifier of sorts. Within 1-3 post, she can usually gather up enough Outer Chaos Energy to steadily refuel her Inner Chaos Energy reserves.

Furthermore, if truly pressed for time, she can even attempt to direct Outer Chaos Force, within a five hundred meter radius, as if it were her own energy at the cost of causing physical strain on her body. Therefore, this can be used as an essential skill to Cirno. As, not only are the wings capable of sucking this Outer Force from the air, they are also capable of storing it. Within each set of wings, Cirno has enough Spiritual, Chaos and Winter-Like Energies stored in them to assist her in emergency situations and are heavily infused inside of these wings.

This is because one of the drawbacks that the Chaos Link has is that it becomes more difficult to control and direct as Cirno takes more damage in combat. While it may allow her to swiftly restore her energy supplies, it does not balance out her overall health.

Ergo, if the opponent were to keep up the heat on her, this link could essentially be rendered useless to Cirno if she were too critically injured. Therefore, she always prefers to have an extreme stockpile on her elements and energy in case she is ever placed into a circumstance where a combatant is able to damage her that badly.

Custom Ranmyaku Blast

Name: Heart Throbbing Erupter
User Type: Angel

Effects: This is a technique that is only active while Cirno is in her Love Aura State. While that ability is active, Cirno has the capacity to produce a powerful Chaos Blast that has the potential to reach a destruction zone of roughly six hundred meters. It is powered by her undying affection for Kazumi and thusly is shaped in the form of a heart. It is hot white in color, while the edges of the energized attack are neon pink in color.

Once this blast is released from Cirno's hand, it is capable of moving at speeds comparable to a master shunpo user; so it makes it quite hard to evade in most cases.

Now, once it impacts, The Heart is meant to attune itself to the strength of affection that Cirno yields for Kazumi. Therefore, if it's an explosive passion, then this blast yields the potential to become as destructive as three Cero Oscuras fired off at once at its max power.

It will drain a bit of Cirno's energy resources to summon it, but it more so depletes her supplemental source of mental power to achieve these will based abilities. Having said that, with her capacity to fire off speedy attacks, this assault can often be large within the same post if she has enough area to clear to ensure no innocents get vaporized by this attack depending on how wide and how powerful she creates it to be.

So, in terms of raw power, this is going to break through many types of defenses. Even if they are on Grand Master level, most foes will feel the raw carnage of Cirno's unyielding love burning down upon them. However, the more impact part of this attack also deals with the will based aspect of it. The Heart Throbbing Erupter is also meant to expunge and deplete a foes concentration, will to fight and ultimately bring them down into a numbed state of emotion; as if their head had been assaulted by some sort of banshee or another.

As shown below, the effectiveness of the will depletion is illustrated based on will skill.

Will Depletion Effects:

Grand Master: Ten percent effectiveness
Master: Twenty percent effectiveness
Advanced: Forty Percent effectiveness
Adept: Eighty Percent Effectiveness
Beginner: Ninety five percent effectiveness.
No Will Skill: Ninety nine percent effectiveness.

Additionally, in terms of energy depletion, this will be done based on tier as similar with the will depletion did in terms of skills. See below:

Energy Depletion Effects:

0 Tier: 20% OVERALL energy depletion
1 Tier: 40% overall energy depletion
2 Tier: 60% overall energy depletion
3 Tier: 80% overall energy depletion
4 Tier: 90% overall energy depletion
5 Tier: 100% Energy Depletion

Now, none of these are set in stone, but they are the standard damage rates to be expected when this blast attacks. They can also be much more effective and potent if the opponents durability is already lowered at the time this attack is fired off.

Having said that, there is no cool down period for how many times Cirno can use this attack in a row. However, whether the energy comes form herself, her mental reserves, chaos energy or spiritual energy; it will often take around 15% of her energy to perform. So, in theory, she is limited to 6 at best. And that is provided she doesn't wear her body out long before that point due to the amount of chaotic energy it takes to summon. Therefore, it is possible, but VERY unpractical and UNWISE to do because it can lead to SERIOUS injury.

Notes: Go Yuri Power Go!


Iramasha Class

» Class Title: The Angel of The Ice

» Ice Control: As expected from the title, Cirno has an immensely strong control over ice. This applies to ice generation, ice manipulation and an ability to call upon naturally made ice. Therefore, judging from this description, it's safe to assume that she has control over the many associations that this type of power of would have.

Thus, despite appearances, this little ice 'gal does possess a fairly skilled amount of knowledge when it comes over things related to the domain of the chilled, cold and downright frigid ice sets. Below, there will be some of the related powers that Cirno has gained from her Iramasha Class and how she uses them in combat. Be warned, these may be amplified much more whenever Cirno-Nee is activated.

This based on the fact that Cirno-Nee actually accelerates more then just her growth, but it increases her mental capacity and thought to the point of being much more aware of the potential her prowess possess.

• Winter Boost: Whenever Cirno is around most elements that are associated with the dead of winter, she can generally see an augmentation boost, as her body can feed on this type of surrounding change quite easily. This can occur easily enough through various methods.

One of the first ways this can be accomplished is if she is somehow able to consume or absorb the quantities of ice and snow. She could perform this by opening up the pores on her skin, making a mad dash throughout the snow and attempting to have her body suck up all the bits of cold, ice and snow in the area in order to give her body the fuel it needs to sustain itself in battle.

An alternative method to do this is if she is able to break down the makings of a variety of different ice attacks that are used against her, harness that energy for herself and give herself temporary enhancements. No matter how her body is able to obtain it, once this consumption is complete after reaching a state where the amount of winter elements is roughly half her body weight, she can obtain an overall increase in most of her physical, racial and unique attributes for up to ten post before needing a three post cooldown to recover from it.

• Extreme Resistance To Cold & Other Winter Elements: Based on the fact that Cirno had been practically born into this icy element, she is nearly immune to the effects of other sorts of chilling, freezing, ice, snow and other elements that are otherwise associated with the likes winter.

An example of this would be if one were to shoot a burst of ice towards The Ice Fairy and attempt to freeze her solid. While she may be delayed for a few moments, it is very possible for her to swiftly phase through the ice, break down it's components and then use it to empower herself.

Another illustration of this effect being put into place would be if someone were to shoot off an energy blast that had been infused with a winter element, such as cold or ice. Thus, in this case, an ice cero will do. In this scenario, she would most likely be able to severely lower to the effects which the frost may have had and simply get hit by the energy itself.

It's even possible for her to zap this blast of it's ice element, use it against the energy blast as her own power and attempt to negate it by having these two forces collide.

So, with that said, it's very difficult for even some of the most skilled ice users to cause much damage to Cirno utilizing these methods. As, if pushed to the extreme, Cirno is capable of surviving in temperatures well below sub zero.

Meaning, that If she were to return to the place in which she was born today? Her body would be able to endure temperatures reaching roughly around −89.2 °C (−128.6 °F) and would be able to treat it as if she were having another day in the park.

Thus, having all of these facts put on the table, The Angel Of Ice essentially has a slim to none chance of really being phased much by being attacked by her own element. Making it quite the handy trait to possess when deafening with other opponents that happen to be utilizing this force against her or constructs from it.

• The Ice's Fairies Freeze:
Associated with her affinity for the cold, Cirno is able to easily adjust the temperature around her and freeze off a large vicinity that is roughly six hundred meters wide. It's possible for her to rise the temperature for hotter climates, but since this is not her element, it takes quite a bit of work in order to perform that sort of task.

Thus, with her focusing mostly on coldness, Cirno tends to use this thermal control in order to swiftly ice over various objects or beings that happen to come into close contact with her. For instance, if someone tried to throw a bolder at Cirno? In most circumstances, she'd quickly activate this power and freeze the bolder in place.

As, thanks to her Chaos Energy, it's even possible for this ability to be taken on a higher level by freezing things on a supernatural level. Translating into the fact that it is even possible for her to freeze over assaults such as cero's or energy attacks if she has enough energy to work with and focus.

In fact, Cirno has even noted that she was once able to take her freezing time to such a high level, that it was able to even halt the attack of a trespassing demon on Iramasha Island. The attack in question? From what she was able to understand, it was some sort of magical based attribute and lead Cirno to think she even has the power to freeze things such as Kidō or even other Iramasha's Chaos Moves.

Though, one of the primary drawbacks of this, if she applies on that sort of level, is that it can steadily drain her of energy. Therefore, she usually just saves that sort of applications for if she can't do anything else to avoid a nasty outcome. Additionally, she is limited to only two to four actions to be made with this power per post. This is because too much use of this power can generally wear her out physically and mentally; as a lot of this power is based on her controlling it from her mind.

• Winter Generation:
As the title implies, Cirno is able to produce most constructs that are related to the season of winter. This means that she otherwise influence, control or produce large quantities of snow, ice, thermal alterations and even self-sustain herself through this ability.

For instance, she could easily spread her influence throughout a given area and quickly swift the surrounding vicinity, which will be roughly one thousand to two thousand meters; from a hot sunny today, to a overcast, frigid, winter wonderland in a matter of movements with her precise control over the winter elements; leading into some levels of weather manipulation at moments.

However, she doesn't need to ensure that the environment around her needs to be corrected to utilize this attribute. So long as she has her spiritual or Chaos Energy, she can usually ensure the use of this ability. However, modification in her general fighting space will lead to further augmentation of her ice attributes; as they will have more fuel to feed off of.

Moving onward from this tactic of her Winter Formation, she will generally use this craft all sorts of shields, objects, appendages and other weapons from her during combat. A perfect sampling of this attribute would be Cirno being able to forge herself layers of ice throughout and inside of her body to gain additional sheets of defense against offense attacks.

If enhanced with her Chaos/Spiritual energy, this can be taken to a higher level and even have a heightened resistance against attacks of this caliber when it comes to blows that deal in all sorts of energies; sometimes resulting in protection from other elements even when her energy resources get sucked into this deadly mix.

A different case in which Cirno would use this winter generation with this sort of method would be to conjure up solid masses of ice, enhance them with her chaos energy and use it in order to ward off attacks with all kinds of different types of shields or barriers when defending against destructive attacks.

Additionally, there is the potential for Cirno to even create up to three dozen elemental clones of herself. This may take a bit of energy to forge, but they can be used to fool the opponent if she uses her spiritual energy to give them false flesh.

If this does not occur, then she can simply use them on the offense and enhance their strength through the winter elements until they are destroyed by the opponent; which can happen fairly quickly as they are all generally weaker then Cirno herself. Lastly, and probably the most obvious of uses, is that she can harness this power in order to produce all sorts of burst of cold, ice and snow in the area.

A show case of this attribute is that this ice fairy is very capable of producing sudden rushes of winter elements from either her eyes, mouth or individual body parts in order to swiftly freeze her opponents, blow them back with the winter air and infuse her winter elements into most sorts of energy attacks to give them a freezing edge.

And so, with that said, the drawbacks to this power are quite obvious. One of the first is that it generally takes some concretion in order to make proper and full use of this ability. A case of this happening would be that Cirno may need to focus on an immediate range, of most likely one hundred to two hundred meters, in order for her to expect quick morphs in the area around her to match a winter landscape.

Following that, an additional limitation of this is that she generally needs energy in order to harness it on a spiritual level. Meaning, that if she can figure out a way to manipulate or control the ice naturally? Then it's probably within her best interest to do so if she is in a setting that has already provided these conditions for her to control her powers.

Relying too much on her energy can eventually lead to her suffering symptoms of fatigue, deplete her energy reserves and, sooner or later, cease the use of Cirno utilizing her Winter Generation on that level.


Love Aura: This is a special an emotion based ability that has developed within Cirno following her relationship with Kazumi. As a result of her high state of willpower that has manifested itself time and again in battle for Cirno, this Love Aura seems to be a branch off of that capacity. It feeds off the intense affection that she has for Kazumi and empowers her.

Once she is able to manifest it and imagine that intense passion within her mind, body, heart and soul; this fondness for her partner resonates into an actual body shift and her embodiment responds mentally and physically to this extreme state of love.

This results in Cirno having a pink aura intermix around her usual crystal blue glow whenever she exudes spiritual or chaos based energies from her body. Other bodily changes can also include having heart shaped pupils, flares of rose hued shades illuminating in her eyes and some of her attacks either being coated in a blush colored glow. Energy blast can resemble the pigments of bubblegum colors, weapons can glitter with a pink shine and even her wings can a core of deep pink light sealed within them.

But, aesthetics aside, the more important matter here is that Cirno attains is an augmentation boost of 1.5 to 3.5 times her original capacity. Health, stamina, energy, speed, offense, defense, mental functions; these areas and more are often highlighted upon the awaking of this Love Aura coming into play.

In fact, she is capable of going beyond her limits for the duration that Love Aura is activated. For example, if one of her chaos had a blast range of one hundred meters, she could extend it upwards from one hundred fifty meters to three hundred thirty five meters. If a special form (not including Love Aura) lasted three post? She could extend upwards from four to six post.

More than that, if applicable, Cirno could also achieve a 0-2 while in her child form to 0-2++ in her adult state with the peaks of Love Aura is in effect. Since it suppose to break the boundaries of her limitations through the power of love, it would make sense that her tier could temporarily become enhanced; if only for a few post. It would obviously leave her more exhausted after that period is nulled and eat up her natural resources once her body depowered back to it's non-augmented state.

Additionally, if Cirno has suffered injury, this Love Aura is able of recovering her injuries and health upwards of thirty percent at max potency. Imagine if it were an RPG game and her health was at 50%. Through the power of Love Aura, it would restore it back to 80% in order to better help sustain Cirno's resilience in the fight and trudge on with the sensation of passion and love literally allowing her to move forward.

At any rate, there a few limitations to this ability. The first is that it will often an active period six post in correlation with the art of numerology. This is because six is often associated with with Venus; love; harmony; sincerity. And there is nothing but pure and unassuming affection to be had within the being of Cirno when reflecting upon the love Kazumi instills within her.

After that period, there will be a time of three to six post where the augmentation effects of Love Aura shall become inactive for three to six post depending on the extent in which it was used. Additionally, it is only capable of being utilized six times per thread to go back with the theme of sixes.


Love Aura: Unity Bond Boost: On the flip side, Love Aura is also capable of being reflected upon Kazumi herself. If Cirno is willing to burn through her own energy supplies, she does have the capacity to augment and bolster Kazumi's strength, energy, health and so on to nearly match her own. Essentially, she is reflecting her own soul's strength on to Kazumi.

The only requirements on her end is that she must have a similar type of affection and love for Cirno in order for Unity Bond to work. And, in terms of distance, she needs to be within one hundred meters of Cirno. If she goes outside that range, then the ability will deactivate.

Now, as to how this works? Unity Bond is primarily achieved through the will based functions of Love Aura's functions and the burden is placed on Cirno's mind, body and soul. As, normally, a sudden boost of power of that strong would utterly rip apart of soul. However, due to her strong amount of passion for Kazumi, Cirno tanks it and mask the pain it takes with her heightened state of willpower and determination while Love Aura is active.

She is capable of sustaining it for twelve post as it is in association with Devotion Overdrive (See the technique below). After that period, it will deactivate for a time, but Cirno's influence will continue to protect her through other means after that point.

Additional Notes: this can also be considered a form of energy fusion. It is said that Iramasha are capable of fusing with other beings in order to bolster their power. In this case, Cirno was able to bridge the racial gap through her willpower and formulate this technique to help further protect Kazumi.


Devotion Overdrive: This is ONLY active if Kazumi is within a sixty meter radius of Cirno. Devotion Overdrive is simply Love Aura, but brought to a much higher level. The augmentation boost she receives on her stats is multiplied by six times; instead of the usual 1.5 to 3.5 boost she receives by itself. Additionally, the length in which Love Aura is sustained through Devotion Overdrive is extended to twelve post; doubling the amount of time it is active. This is because Cirno's actual soul resonates highly with Kazumi's and her will is brought to its apex point with the love of another in her range of sight. Cirno would almost compare it to feeling as if she had another half of herself doubling her power.

And, in essence, one could almost consider it that. The world they live in is a very spiritual and metaphysical one. So it isn't entirely out of question for two souls whom are in sync with one another to achieve a technique like this. Specifically when the Iramasha are already able to bolster their power by uniting the energies of their own kind with one another in order to improve their power as a unit. This shatters that boundary and applies it soley upon her lover to bring Cirno's power far beyond any limit she had ever known until this point in any of her forms.

Thus, the cooldowns for this technique are also non-existent and are more regulated through physical strain when Kazumi is in the same thread as Cirno. So, instead, Cirno will often have to lower and then rise her Devotion Overdrive in order to prevent from straining herself due to the high level of boost that can occur while Devotion Overdrive is in effect. For example, with her limits dramatically broken, it is fairly easy for her to break bones, rupture organs and burn up energy wildly if she is not careful in the way she utilizes this boost. Therefore, she mediates it and it is balanced by her only using so much of the boost per post to avoid burning out. This is to prevent spamming and overkill.


Love Line: This is is a form of danger sense for Cirno. Most Iramasha are capable of producing some form of telepathic link with each other through Iramasha Sync. Well, with Love Line, Cirno again bypassed the rules of her racial traits and applied it to Kazumi. This occurred when Cirno was busy sealing her energy into Kazumi during their initial training.

By remotely accessing the spiritual particles that are dormant within her partner, Cirno is able to communicate with her, send her thoughts and become aware if her body is in some sort of mortal danger. This remains constant even when they are between different worlds. Such as if Cirno ventures into the Soul Society and Kazumi is stuck on Earth during one of Cirno's missions for the Iramasha Guard. This ability was crafted so that Cirno could always keep a watch on Kazumi and ensure she is never in harms way.

Love Touch: The beginnings of Love Aura began to emerge the moment that Cirno and Kazumi started to embrace each other. This is because Cirno's body reacted in a way to induce passion and affection within the human's heart. While it can be assumed that Kazumi had some tender feelings for Cirno, these were highlighted and amplified by Cirno's energy.

Therefore, it can be assumed that The Iramasha is unwittingly able to inject feelings of adoration, lust and fondness within other creatures through her will subconsciously acting on its own. Of course, it's up to the user to accept these feelings or not as well; as Cirno asked Kazumi if she would accept them as well. If not, then this ability will simply fizzle out within the user.

Though, it's also worth noting that it also seemed to worked in reverse of Cirno as well. As once her subconscious desires for a companion started coming up within her mind, this ability worked further to increase Cirno's own emotions, affection and infatuation for Kazumi.

After having been nearly left alone following the MIA status of of her adoptive mother, and enduring many harsh trails during her adventures on Earth, this ability seems to mostly stem from a need of a partner within her heart. Something to protect and cherish is what Cirno greatly wants -- and she hopes Kazumi can accept and reflect those feelings of love as well.


General Skills

o Durability: Master
o General Speed: Master
o Strength: Master
o Weapon Skill: Advanced

Will Skills

o Willpower/Determination: Master
o Mental Deduction: Advanced
o Pain Endurance: Master
o Focus: Advanced

Iramasha Skills

o Chaos Energy Skill: Master
o Chaos Warp: Advanced
o Chaos Fighting Styles: Advanced
o Race Control: Advanced

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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] WVMWLOu
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Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:15 am

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] 6EdIfMt


Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Z7a8ve1

Custom Iramasha Gem

Name: Sword Of Justice: Sakurai's Blade
Type: Weaponry
User Type: Angel

Sakura's Blade Appearance: The blade itself is rather slim and thin. This is so that the weapon is rather easy to use and swift in its strikes. The Sakurai Blade is no longer than twenty fives and resembles a wakizashi in terms of it's length. While, on it's handle, there is nothing but pure gold glistening with the greatest shine possible. And along it's blade, there is an icy, glittery glow which exudes from the sword and gives off a wicked chill colder than that of the frigidness of space itself. Indeed, The Sakurai Blade is one piece of work that Cirno developed.

Background Information: This sword was forged shortly after the events of The Platinum Heart Tournament. It took roughly one month to perfect after Cirno instilled all the values she desired into the gemblade. Primarily, Cirno needed to ensure all of the energies which comprised the effects of Sakurai's Blade were in harmony and stable. Additional testing was then needed to test them out in practical combat and even out the edges. And her capacity to manipulate the forces of Chaos Magic were further tampered with to a bridge connection to her heart's innermost desire and enforce the blade's abilities.

As for it's name? Well, this sword's title was taken from a few key elements that have influenced Cirno's life. The first of which is being her desire to be a true champion and heroine of justice. So, it was only natural to her to call the first bit "Sword of Justice". While, the latter half was meant to take into account her partner's last name: "Kazumi Sakurai". Hence, Sakurai's Blade.

Now, having said that, this weapon was meant to otherwise enforce Cirno's own sense of justice. Her perception of it can be as followed:

1. Ensure that those who cannot defend themselves are defended.

2. Do what you can to make the world a bit of a better place with whatever power you have.

3. Do not kill unless it cannot be avoided or is being committed for a truly just cause.

4. If a soul is lost, guide them to the light and utilize your power as an angel with care.

5. Do not tolerate forces which damage or destroy innocents property or well being if they lack proper reason or justification.

6. Become charitable and kind to help your fellow man.

7. Stand up for what is right even if you are alone in the matter.

8. Allow common sense to prevail over iron fist law.

These principles are what were forged into her sword. If any of them are endangered or need to be enforced, she will call upon this blade when needed and seek to help influence the world for the better through her morality. And, while it is true Cirno understands she cannot force her way upon others, this does not stop that desire to want to do good and act accordingly to the impulse. For what is more important is intent and the willingness to stand up for your own values; so long as they do not harm the greater good.

Hence, we can then begin to understand the abilities of Sakurai's Blade.


Judgement Oversight: Judgement Oversight is the unique ability that Sakurai's Blade possesses. Essentially, it applies the values of Cirno's justice into an a materialized form of attack. Therefore, once one of her values are marked, the blade goes on and carries out Cirno's judgement. These can result in Cirno altering the world around her based upon the verdicts deemed appropriate by her own code of justice. Ergo, it can range from a variety of sword slashes which can seal, banish, erase, augment or otherwise enforce Cirno's authority as an angel of justice.

These abilities can be energy drainers at time for the blade, but they are quite the game changers in the way that it is used. However, to keep things balanced, only way special move may be used in a given post. Although, she isn't limited to these techniques, she primarily uses them because they are fleshed our concepts clearly defined. To create a new abilities would drain her in combat and she would need to put the utmost of effort into making new Judgement Rulings.

It should also be known that while only one ability at a time should be used, that doesn't restrict her from making multiple applications of it. For example, it is possible for Cirno to activate one Judgement Ruling and utilize it in numerous sword slashes until the ability defuses and deactivates from extensive usage. It will just require focus and the utmost of care to wield in those moments.

Now, below are the applied abilities of Judgement Oversight:

Judgement Ruling - Erasure Strike: This mode is devised purely for combat; as opposed to living beings. Whenever something is deemed an obstruction of Cirno's judgement, she is given permission to utilize Erasure Strike in order to vaporize the target. So, one can think of this as an expunging type of ability that is fueled by her natural angelic inclination to purify and eradicate unjust phenomenon in the world. Once this mode of Sakurai's Blade is active, Cirno could, for example, attempt to abolish all of a major portion of something akin to an energy attack. In this way, she would be nulling the wrongful assault and attempting to enforce her justice by stopping the obstruction in question.

Of course, it isn't just limited to that. It could be used on a whole variety of barriers, seals, objects and so on. However, the potency will vary depending on whatever she is up against as nothing is absolute and set in stone. For example, she could attempt to use it to break through a mystic barrier, but perhaps she would only destroy one layer of it and would have to apply more power in order to try and break through the other sheets of protection. Or, a foe could attempt to pull back an attack, face partial damage and then finish her with the fractured attack.

Although, it is also worth mentioning that she could apply this effect to physical attacks as well. An illustration of this would be if a foe attempted to deliver a punch that could flatten numerous city blocks against Cirno. She would rise the blade, attempt to align it with their strike and have the sword null the blow by absorbing it and disbursing of its destructive power.

Now, with all of this said, it does come with the most obvious drawback: it takes up power to activate and use this ability. SO each time an application of Erasure Strike is put into effect, it is steadily drawing at the resources of Cirno's Purification Core; which is a cluster of internal energy the sword uses to generate its effects. Once that core is out of energy, then the effects no longer are usable and this ability becomes moot. Therefore, each slash needs to be on point and accurate in order for this not to be wasted energy and effort.

Judgement Ruling - Impaling Punishment: This is meant to be one of the final punishments that Cirno dishes out. Essentially, Impaling Punishment is an ability that allows her to seal that which is injustice according to her sense of mortality. So, for example, there be a serial killer on the loose whom is attempting to slaughter any and everyone he sees. Having observed this, Cirno would activate Impaling Punishment, impale him in the stomach and attempt to seal off all or a majority of his powers. The effectiveness depends on how deep her strike is able to penetrate their spiritual or physical being; as it will attune itself to whatever energy the opponent operates on. And due to the wide variety of opponents Cirno has encountered, it is ready for most unorthodox energies that exist within the PH Verse.

Having said that, we'll go back to the potency of the attack and how efficient it can be. In some cases, she can end up severing half of a persons power; in other case she can do as much as one hundred percent if the conditions are right or their durability is down. It is also able top be applied to attacks as well in order to sever and seal off its attack power. Such as if a foe attempted to later the reality around Cirno, she could pierce the range of effect and attempt to shatter and banish the opposing force with Impaling Punishment. So, it can stand to reason that this ability is quite adjustable and dangerous.

Therefore, Cirno must use it with care and be careful with it because it is quite the energy drainer given it's effects. It can quickly leave the sword drained if misused or abused. Henceforth, she needs to be totally assured that this strike is going to make it in order for her attempts not to be wasted. Additionally, none of the effects of Impaling Punishment are absolute and are able to be countered if a foe has something to fight back against it with. They can move out of the way, attempt to shield themselves with a barrier or imagine some other means of defense since this is still a sword strike; after all.

Note: This just severs the power for the thread. After they start their next thread, it'll come back.

Judgement Ruling - Charitable Tap [Plot Based Ability]: Charitable Tap stems from the principle that one should be hospitable to their fellow man. Thus, This function of Judgement Oversight is one that allows for Cirno to share the wealth and attempt to augment her allies and unlock the potential of those who desire it. This works through a will based system where Cirno is able to utilize her willpower as a medium to otherwise connect with an opponent and attempt to release their hidden power. If they should accept, then they may find themselves receptive to undergoing massive changes.

For instance, if this was utilized during a training session with one of her pupils, Cirno could attempt to help them reach the next level through Charitable Tap altering their body and inducing accelerated growth in order to assist in unleashing a new form akin to shikai or bankai. Or, if someone was having difficulty attempting to reach the next tier level, Cirno could utilize Charitable Tap in order to pierce them in the chest and transfer her power into them in order to assist with that means.

Now, while this sounds simple enough, they must then undergo some act to prove they are worthy of retaining this power. This can be done either by sparring with Cirno herself, committing a heroic act or otherwise doing something that requires great willpower. But, no matter what the user does, they must make that first step towards this blessing they were given. And, if they do not pass the buck, or use it for good, then there is a fair chance the grace will dissipate after one usage.

Waning Generosity: It is also possible to use Charitable Tap to a lesser extent by temporarily augmenting someone's power for a period of three to six post. This can lead to her allies becoming empowered anywhere from having one tier level boosted (from 1-1 to 0-5), augmentation boost that help enhance skills (up to master) and enhance abilities to become more potent. However, it often has a cool down period of three post before it can be used again. Additionally, excessive usage of it can lead to the user feeling somewhat drained from having pushed their body to a high level of skill in such a short amount of time. So it is advised to be used once for good measure.

Additionally, it's worth noting that Cirno can apply this to allies attacks as well or objects. For instance, if someone was firing off a cero at an advanced level, it would be possible for her to use Sakurai's Blade in order to take it up to master and increase it's potency. Of course, each action takes away energy from the blade, so it must be used with caution and guidance. Otherwise, sh'ell just be wasting energy.


Purified Core: In order to tax Cirno less, the blade has infused within it a secondary gem that generates a high sum of power. In fact, it is comparable to roughly the same amount of energy that Cirno's own body produces. This core was created due to the fact that some of its abilities are quite taxing and drain through energy. Therefore, it was devised that this cluster of energy would be used to otherwise support the blade's effects. If it is damaged, then the blade will either need a secondary power source or Cirno herself will have to power it with her energy.

Wicked Effectiveness: Arrancar, Hollow, Demon's and other creatures that exude negative energy are more prone to being effected by the attacks of the Sakurai Blade. It extends upwards into the range of being 1.5 to two times more effective than usual. This is in part because her purification core reaches into Cirno's angelic blood and seeks to purify these tainted spirits. So it stands to reason that one should be highly cautious against this blade if you are under that wicked alignment.

Tainting Resistance: Additionally, due to the dense amount of angelic energy placed within the blade, it is heavily resistant against corroding, corrupting or tainting effects. So most will find it difficult to blemish this weapon; lest they possess an equal strength comparable to Cirno's own. And, even then, she will be able to strongly hold up against such vile energies until the last dying breathe thanks in part to its unearthly durability. So those who wish to defile this blade will have quite the hard time enacting such a thing.

An Angel's Blessing: The material of Sakurai's Blade was made through the power of Cirno's energy. This energy derives from her soul and willpower; so one can assume that her will's blessing is cast upon the blade. Therefore, the durability of the blade itself is comparable to a grand master's hierro due to the fact that this otherworldly matter is immensely resistant against supernatural and physical assaults thrown against it. It can be damaged, sure, but most foes are going to have to hard work for it. For reference, it's about as durable as a Shinigami's own Zanpukto to further clarify how resilient this blade is.

Extension Of The Soul: Cirno's abilities are able to be extended from this blade. Since it is one in the same with her spirit, it would only make sense that it yielded this ability. So most powers that Cirno wields can channel themselves through the blade. However, it will cost Cirno her own energy in order to augment and combine them. That is, if she attempted to channel one of her frozen attacks through the blade, the initial command will drain her of energy; although the sword may try and share it's energy. So the potential for combined moves, techniques and abilities are possible.

A Heavenly Edge: With it's mystic material also comes an otherworldly cutting power. Powered by the divine blessings of Cirno's angelic blood, this sword is capable of cutting or piercing through even the most rigorous of materials known to both natural and supernatural limits. For example, it yields the potential to slash through grand master hierro with enough power behind the strike. Or, it could endure the harsh power of an grand ray cero and attempt to split it off. In these two illustrations, one can begin to get a sense of how strong the cutting power is when it comes to Sakurai's Blade.

A Frigid Blade: Due to the fact that the material of the Sakurai Blade is an extension of Cirno's own soul, it makes no surprise that the blade is immensely cold. A single touch would be enough to freeze a persons hand if The Angel of The Ice did not tame the sword properly. So it goes without saying that many sorts of opponents and attacks could stand to be frozen by this blade. For instance, if a cero was heading towards Cirno, she could unleash the blade, cut it and attempt to freeze the energy blast in place since the Sakurai Blade can effect both the physical and metaphysical aspects of combat.

And, unlike the other functions of the blade, this comes naturally and is less taxing on the Purification Core's energy reserves. Since, after all, ice is Cirno's most natural element. Therefore, one should watch themselves when engaging in combat with the Sakurai Blade because of this. Even getting so much as grazed can turn into a lethal affair quite quickly if one is not careful fighting Cirno.


Custom Iramasha Gem

Name: The Guard Of Kazu, Kazu Guard, Shield Of Kazu
Type: Weaponry
User Type: Angel

The Guard Of Kazu's Appearance:
The aesthetics of this shield focus more on practicality than looks. So, the apperance is quite easy to remember. It has a diamond like shape and is crystal blue in hue with the frozen gems which were used to compromise the shield. There also appears to be a silver emblem of the Iramasha Clan's symbol infused into the front of the shield to identify who Cirno is affiliated with in combat. Lastly, there is a small handle behind the shield in order for Cinro to easily grab it. With how light the material is, this makes for the perfect tool so not to waste physical energy carrying around something clanky and heavy.

Background Information: The Guard Of Kazu was forged after Cirno returned from The Black World Arc. She was under the impression that some sort of tool was going to be needed in order to deal with opponents whom were capable of dropping immensely ridiculous explosions which rivaled atomic explosions, nuclear blast and hydrogen eruptions. Therefore, The Guard Of Kazu was put into place. After spending roughly a month working on the shield in her spare time, Cirno was able to create this piece of craft in order to deal with said threats.

As for how the name itself was developed and it's meaning? Since Cirno had recently gotten into a relationship around that time, she decided to base it's name on her partners petname "Kazu". While, on the former, the guard on it was meant to symbolize her desire to protect said lover. Thus, it made sense enough to her to call it "The Guard of Kazu" as it is meant to shield and defend.


Physical Deflection: In terms of pure physical attacks, The Guard Of Kazu needs no energy what-so-ever to deal with them. This is because the material of the shield is made out of a fabric forged by Cirno's soul and is made to be as durable as a Captain Commander's Zanpukto. Combining her natural ability to create dense ice, Cirno infused her gem creation ability with her natural affinity over the winter elements to produce one mean piece of armor. As, for the most part, this guard is able to absorb a majority of kinetic energy that bombards it and diverts a very minuscule amount of force from each impact back to Cirno. This then transfers into the fact that Cirno does not does not feel backfire or transferred impact forces from shielding herself against attacks.

As an illustration of this, an opponent with grand master strength can deliver a punch capable of shattering mountains and the shield can potential consume much of the colliding force it was given. Otherwise saving Cirno from taking little to no damage. In fact, it is capable of taking the force of an atomic bomb straight to itself and still remain standing. Now, of course, this doesn't mean that the shield is impenetrable. As the battle wears on and it takes heavy abuse, the durability will gradually lessen and eventually Cirno will feel more of the impact until she is forced to otherwise substitute the shield and let it repair itself until its peak endurance has returned.

It is just going to take something awfully powerful in order to make a heavy dent in it because it is meant to be a potent and high quality shield. One capable of standing up to the demi-gods of physical might to better improve Cirno's chances of enduring a fight. As, if nothing else, it is still just a shield and only works in a frontal motion. Meaning, that they can strike the shield, but if the foe is fast enough, they can attempt to just attack Cirno in one of her less defended areas; such as her head or arms.

Density Shift: Another ability that The Guard of Kazu possesses is the capacity to change it's weight. Upon mental command from Cirno, the shield is able of naturally increasing it's density to the point where it would be able to smash through mountains with relative ease, create massive carters in the earth that expand for hundreds of meters and can outright pulverize and squash opponents who are not defended properly. So, it is very useful for brute-force combat. This guard would be able to smash through high-level barriers, injure opponents with layers of defense and otherwise is useful for bludgeoning someone.

Of course, this function will take a bit of Cirno's mental energy away because she has to focus the armor into a center focal point. Not only that, but it cannot stay in this state forever due to the amount of unearthly weight it takes to wield it and the strain it places on Cirno's body. So it is often used in one-shot moments or to overpower a foe quickly before she grows tired of wielding it. Often times, she'll shift it to a certain weight and then return it back to it's slender status after her action is done. Which, in it of itself, can grow tiring mentally because of the fast moving calculations needed in combat when combined with other constantly changing factors in a fight.

Mystic Diffusion: This ability takes the natural blocking capacity of The Kazu Guard and applies to to the metaphysical. By tapping into either Cirno's energy or its own core, this shield is able to block out supernatural assaults. This is made possible by the energy around the tool becoming so dense that it obstructs any sort of effect from bypassing it. For example, someone could shoot off a spell that is meant to decay the shield with something akin to DE Energy. In theory, Cirno could create a spiritual wall of sorts in order to form a blockade where the shield outright tanks and nulls the phenomenon from occurring. Thus, creating a form of metaphysical negation through the shield's superb durability/

Of course, since this takes energy to induce, it's not an ability that lasts infinitely. Repeated usage of it could begin to draw down on Cirno's resources or the shield's. Eventually, it will stop working if there is no fuel to power it. Additionally, it still takes focus and may take away precious mental energy from Cirno when combined with other attacks she may be using at the time. Furthermore, since it is a shield, it requires contact to be made and opponents can bypass by targeting other areas of Cirno's body. And, finally, it is not absolute in nature. There is no certainty that this method will work, as these are theories and actual practice may vary.

Supplemental Energy: Like Cirno's other gem-based weaponry, this tool also has as an internal core of energy in order to help bolster and augment its effects. Within it contains a cluster of fuel with enough energy to rival half of Cirno's own. Therefore, it can help when dealing with any sort of supernatural application that this shield can do under. And, thanks to this link, it is also possible for Cirno combine powers, abilities and techniques through the armor in order to make nasty combination moves. As, since it is an extension of her soul, it only makes sense she could utilize in that fashion.


Custom Iramasha Gem

Name: Cloak Of Kazu-Kazu
Type: Weaponry
User Type: Angel

Cloak Of Kazu-Kazu's Appearance: The Cloak Of Kazu-Kazu is a rich and brilliant shade of bright white. One that commands attention and awe whenever it is adorned across Cirno's back. In the center most portion of it there is even the Iramasha Clan's Symbol engraved in pure gold gems to otherwise signify she is an Iramasha Guard Elite. While, on the front, there is nothing but gold trimmings across her collar and throat area. Indeed, The Cloak Of Kazu-Kazu is one dazzling cape to call hers!

Background Information:
Following the events of the Black World Arc and Platinum Heart Tournament, Cirno came to the conclusion that she should have some sort of snazzy war outfit to better identify her as one of the Iramasha's Elite fighters. Therefore, she crafted The Cloak of Kazu-Kazu after about a week of making stabilization adjustments. She took the most enriched priorities of her soul, mended it into gem and converted the material to make on fabulous cape. So, this cape is not only designed to look absolutely royal, but has a nasty bite to boot and isn't just for show!

Now, In terms of the latter part of this item's title, the name itself originated from one of the petnames Cirno gave her Partner: "Kazu-Kazu". While, on the former, she decided to go with the name Cloak because it just sounded cool to her. But, more importantly, she wanted to reference her crush in the latter and keep getting stronger for her benefit to protect her!


Gale Rider: This is a pretty straight forward ability. What Gale Rider does for Cirno is that it allows her to tap into the air around her, absorb it and then utilize for increased burst of speed. For example, she could be in the middle of a nasty windstorm and Gale Rider would consume the gust of air in order to filter the force of nature into a tangible form of energy to help bolster her general speed and short-range teleporation speeds. In this way, she can better adjust herself to faster opponents who move up to grand master.

Additionally, as a secondary function, it seems that the cape is also capable of taking in kinetic energy formed from Cirno's movement as well to further help with this cause. And, if push comes to shove, it is even capable of absorbing the kinetic force of attacks that come from behind and touch the cloak. For example, an opponent can come in for a fast punch, but Cirno could potentially negate it and null it by having the cape ingest the kinetic force and potentially even redirect it back on the foe. Making this a rather useful post-haste technique if someone gets the jump on her and decides to tamper with the cloak.

Of course, each usage of the cape's Gale Rider ability does take energy from either Cirno herself or the cloak. As, nothing in this world can be done without a cost to it. So, fortunately for her, she had the wisdom to infuse an additional core within the cape to help utilize this function of its utility. Although, it will still take a bit of telepathic cost and take away bits of her focus in order to command the cape to do these feats. As, it isn't a passive function. This is why Shiro, the former Angel Of The Ice, seems to possess this cloak from time to in order to help Cirno fight.

Cape Thrasher: This ability is one that is fairly easy to understand as well. Due to the fact Cirno is so heavily attuned to her weapon, it is possible for it to harmonize with Cirno's mind and she can manually activate it in order to turn into a chainsaw of sorts. By focusing either her own Chaos Energy, or the energy found in the cloak's Energized Root, Cirno is capable of turning the entity of the cape into one razor sharp tool. When this occurs, the cloak will often resemble flames and let out a buzzing sound.

When this is function of Kazu-Kazu is in motion, she can then use the cape in order to slash through a variety of material. For example, if someone had a master durability and they touched the cloak with their barehanded while this ability was in use -- chances are they may either lose it suffer deep lacerations and cuts. This is because Cape Thrasher is also in touch with the metaphysical and physical of the world and often attacks both at once due to that fact. So, it can also make for quite the useful tool if she needs to buzzsaw her way through some sort of barrier or another. Especially since she can add on the layers the cloak has to make it a more fearsome cutting tool.

Of course, obviously, this is going to take resources away from Cirno and the cape. A bit of mental energy will be taken from Cirno because she has to focus on making sure the ability is used properly. While Cirno herself, or the cloak, will lose energy when this ability is performed. Something cannot come from nothing in this universe, after all.

Maneuvering Coat To make this a more useful weapon, Cirno has also made the material on the cape quite adjustable and mend-able. For example, she is able of adjusting the length and width of the cloak in order to shield herself or allies. This can extend upwards of roughly one hundred meters if push comes to shove. It's also possible for her to shrink or have additional appendages of the cape emerge.

As an illustration of this would be being able to compromise giant fist from the sides or back of her cloak to assist her in combat in order to smash opponents to bits. While, if needed, she can retract it and create a nasty shock wave if she extended it far enough and pulled it back with the utmost of speed.

Every shift does take a bit of energy to perform, and Cirno needs to make the correct calculations in her mind on top of that. So, the cost of using this ability does come with taking resources from her mental energy and either the energy of Cirno's body itself or the Energized Root sealed inside the cape.

Coattail Warp: This can be considered a passive function of The Cloak of Kazu Kazu. If Cirno allows it, she can have the cape begin to spread trace amounts of spirit or energy particles in the air. As she dashes around the field, she will then be able to create a network of designated pathways for her to travel on. Once she activates them with an infusion of her own mental command being carried out through additional chaos or spiritual energy, Cirno is able to tap into this network and create pathways of energy that allow her to travel at speeds comparable to GM shunpo; rivaling that of teleporters nearly.

For example, imagine if Cirno maneuvered herself to create a 360 sphere of energy around the opponent during fast paced movement. She could potentially tap into Coattail Warp, move at blinding momentum and take the opponent by surprise by having such a deadly swift movement. However, the catch is that the speed will swiftly dissipate after one usage. So, if she travels on the this speed network and makes a path, it will defuse after the action is made and take her back to regular speeds until another path is made. And these paths both take mental and some form of tangible energy to create.

Therefore, she needs to set-up these paths with the utmost of care and ensure she is ready to assault without delay. If she makes one wrong mistake while travelling at these unstable speeds, then it is possible for it to backfire and result in Cirno harming herself. For example, if she doesn't maintain her balance, it is likely that she can fall off the path, fly in the air and hit something like a cliff side if unprepared. So she needs to ensure control is at peak when using this technique.

Note: As an additional bit of information, it is possible for her to do this for her attacks or allies as well.

Note 2: As another example of how it is used, look at the spoiler image below as to what Coattail Warp is suppose to function as. It needs to have a projected path and is not something Cirno can freely do. It's merely meant to be used as a booster. So, for another example, she could create a twenty meter long speed ramp in order to try and catch up with an opponent by sacrificing sums of her energy in order to achieve the feat under precise guidance. It is not something that should be abused or used too many times due to the amount of focus she needs to have.




Energized Root: The golden symbol of the Iramasha Clan is not just put there on Cirno's back for show, either. It is actually a secondary gem that Cirno placed i n order to allow the cape to have it's own energy resource to siphon from in order to produce it's effects. In this way, Cirno herself wouldn't be easily worn down when trying to use some of its feats in combat. The core has roughly three thirds of Cirno's overall energy sealed within it; so it should prove suitable enough to use as a companion in battle.

An Angel's Touch: The material of the cloak is, of course, made of an unworldly fabric. A matter that comes from Cirno's soul itself is no laughing matter. So, due to this divine blessing, the cloth of this weapon is quite sturdy and able to take quite the abuse. The durability could be comparable to a Zanpukto or Grand Master Hierro because of the fact it is an extension of Cirno's spirit with the amount of care placed into it's creation. Therefore, destroying it is meant to be a taxing endeavor for the foe.

Power Extension: And, like with most weapons Cirno has forged, this cape has the capacity to function and sync with Cirno's natural abilities. So the cape and Cirno can potentially share powers while in combat due to how in sync their cores are. So this could make for quite the gruesome amount of combination techniques to otherwise make this a more versatile weapon.

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Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:17 am

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Meaning Behind Erna's Name: The reason why her name changed to Erna is because that is her Fallen Angel Form. It's essentially a personified state of her mind's negativity infused into one being. It's suppose to take the more twisted aspects of her former heroism where she believed being savage, fighting dirty, losing herself to her own psychotic nature and pushing herself to be the strongest in order to become dominant was the way to force her heroism on the world.

It stems from a thread which occurred between her and Reigen post-Australia; and the name itself is the Feminine form of German Ernust, meaning "battle (to the death), serious business." It's why Erna first encounter against Nemain began with this line:

"As for who I am? My name is Erna Iramasha: The Fallen Angel and Lost Hero. Let us have a nice and serious battle."

Since it refers to the meaning of her name and the fact that she is the embodiment of what Cirno has suppressed and worked to avoid becoming fully.

Appearance: The Appearance of Erna can take on two states; just as Cirno herself can. More often than not, many will often meet the visage of a young blonde child with hair no longer than her necks length. She'll often have eyes as red as freshly drawn blood, while her height will be no more than 4'10. Her skin may be as smooth and tender as a newborns with a pigment akin as warm as orche, or it may be as pale and dissolved as the whites of her eyes.

Alternatively, when Erna assumes a fuller sense of power and control, or deems an opponent or person worthy of seeing her evolved form; this Fallen may also shift and grow into a 5'7 form. She will have golden hair that spans down to her waist, while her bosom will become more plush and well developed. She turns into what can be assumed as a woman in her early to mid 20's by this point. And this is to signify her own spiritual progression as well as Cirno's for having found the balance to maintain this state of being fluently.

General Purpose: Erna is suppose to be the sum total of Cirno's sin and corruption. Therefore, I've designed her to be an alter ego that is capable of taking on the sins of others. So, I feel her purpose and theme is to allow other characters redemption. While, at the same time, Cirno could keep her sanity through Erna herself being sacrificed. Additionally, she'd also be a more savage protagonist then Cirno and one capable of making more aggressive, lethal and daring decisions to better deal with the sadistic minds which inhabit the Platinum Hearts Universe.

Erna is also designed with the intention of absolving, understanding, mastering and coping with sin. As these are major elements in her personality and power design which come about quite frequently. Since Erna herself is capable of cleansing spirits of all sorts of negativity, evils and sins; while at the same time she herself is a mass cluster of it and she understands the nature of foul and decency to form a more whole person. In turn, her powers reflect the core of her embodiment and seek to enforce it through Immoral Mind's power.

At the same time, she is also being crafted to further add more depth to Cirno's personality by showcasing how fractured and severed her mind is. As, over all, Erna was born so that Cirno's consciousness could be clear and so her focus and willpower could become as strong as it is now. And, for Cirno to have accepted this portion of herself was also meant to show how at peace and in control she was of both her positive and negative portions of her spirit. Ultimately paving way for a happy medium as the overall goal of her training

Background: Essentially, to prove a point to Nemain, Cirno decided to release a seal placed on her mind. It contained a lot of trauma infused within her head following the Australia War. At the time, Cirno had greatly suppressed her mind to the point where she was almost deluded into thinking the world outside of the Iramasha Realm was suppose to be a carefree place. The Soul Society at the time was stable (enough) to the point where she believed that her own strength could change the world and she had entered the war for glory ultimately.

However, after taking part in her first war and seeing how her actions produced a lot of horrible results (Shisome being put into a coma despite her attempts to seal off Lilium, losing her soldiers on the field of war, seeing Moonie go apeshit, conflicting feelings towards Sagumi since she wanted to protect Shisome from him at the time and Australia ultimately ending up in a non-conclusive state after the war despite all the lost), she was put into a questionable state of mind.

One where her values were put into question, the person who she was had became uncertain and she was at a vulnerable place. Reigen then capitalized on this, broke Cirno a bit mentally and formed that persona you saw in the thread taking place. It was a manifestation of him showing how murderous Cirno could gbe when she was caught up in herself; since he had her accidently kill a few bystanders in the fight, forced her to fight him with a more serious intent and eventually had her transform into a fallen Angel.

After that clash, she eventually had to seek out treatment by the Iramasha and The Psycho Seal was made to otherwise suppress that. Since that form she took was the cluster of her mind and spirit's instability and Nemain's chaotic and maddening influence had triggered it to come out. So, by showing her that portion of her soul, she would show that while the entire essence of Cirno was not holy and right, she was trying to work from it and that you didn't have to be chained to it.

As, more than anything else, she felt they had a lot of in common and were two opposite sides of the chain. And, in that moment, she practiced what she had taught her own pupils in the act of gaining a greater control of her soul's own darker and negative portions in order to lessen the need for the psycho seal bit by bit.

And, in doing so, she was able to enhance her own mercy, forgiveness and generous nature that her child self originally tried to strive for and it turns out that her different forms all just wanted to be strong; but in their own different ways. The child Cirno wanted to be strong so she could gain fame and strength to fight against the strongest Iramasha, the matured mind of Cirno only wanted to gain power in order to change the world for the better, protect others who could not protect themselves and to become a proper Angel; and the Psycho Seal only desired to be strong so that she could assert her dominance over others, extend the reach of her child form's desire and reach a point of trying to emulate what Reigen taught her about the world and being ruthless in her own form "heroism"; since she labeled herself as "The Lost Hero" given her Fallen Angel status.

With that said, she ultimately concluded things by trying to remove the sins from Nemain's body, giving her a second chance and hugging her and wishing that she could understand before getting blown away by her final attack. An attack which had enough strength to destroy a good chunk of the moon; and managed to place burns across 100% of Cirno's body. However, in response to a calamitous event taking place, Cirno used one of her event abilities called "MIracle Break" in order to summon a miracle that would suppress the brunt of the explosion, prevent a mass lost of life event from occurring and to empower all protags by two times in the event after it's energy dissipated.

Following that, Cirno started to faint in a mile deep crater and was waiting for the medics to begin healing some of her injuries. Though, ultimately, Cirno only desired for Nemain to have her mind ever so suggestively changed. She doubted that she could ever pull her away from the alignment of antagism, but if she could manage to quell Nemain's maddening rage to the point where it was only dished out at her targets, and away form innocents, perhaps that form of mercy would be enough to prove her worth as an angel in producing a miracle of the heart and mind.


I. Personality Section

» Direct: For the most part, Erna is a very direct person. If she means something? She'll say it plainly and without any mysticism behind it. This is on contrast to Cirno's more refined and matured symbolic tone that she has grown into following her personal evolution. Erna prefers for everyone and everything to know exactly where she stands on the matter. If she believes you look like a sorry sack of crap? She'll damn sure let you know and tell you how to stop being such a sorry sack of crap.

This personality trait was spawned as a result of being a more direct and confrontational version of Cirno. And, since Cirno struggles with this form of bluntness, Erna is often used to dispel that and get straight to the point without much drivel and bullcrap to get in between. So many opponents, allies and family alike may find this rather off-putting in the sense that she doesn't hold back. However, if Erna is around those whom Cirno is found of, she'll often try and add a hint of niceness to it and give them the tools to correct themselves.

For example: there was an incident between her and Henrex where he was mourning the lost of his family. She outright told him there is nothing she can do about the past, but she did offer to be his sister and assist him in whatever power she had in finding those who whom he had lost. This illustrates that direct, but loving sense of nature. As, after all, she still considers herself a hero. Just a more aggressive and violent one. Therefore, if someone needs her help, she won't shy away from it and she'll more than let them know that she is helping them.

» Earnest: One can assume that Erna has a high drive of willpower and determination from the fact that she isn't afraid to aggressively throw herself into any situation. She is willing to give her all at a moments notice in order to finish any task thrown at her. This seems to stem from the fact that she feels she is a protector and a protector must be one who is strong willed, determined and resolved enough to handle anything which may come their way. As she is the anchor which keeps Cirno balanced and she will guard their body and psyche with every last bit of strength she can muster.

Although, from Cirno's giddiness, Erna is also more earnest to jump into non-combative or training situations. For example, if someone offered to teach her to cook, and Erna had a desire to do so, there is a high chance she would just leap at the opportunity and go at it with everything she had as that is the nature of Erna sometimes. Granted, she isn't like this all of the time, as there limits to ones own mental stamina and energy; but it wouldn't be out of character for her to take a high interest and drive in something if it suit her fancy enough.

Strong Confidence: It would take a supernova level explosion to dissolve the confidence of Erna. She can almost be considered the strongest state of self-assurance that Cirno possesses because of the fact she refuses to let anything corrode her belief within herself. This is because she needs to be strong for herself, Cirno and their family and all who follow behind their justice. Therefore, she feels a calling and that external force helps to amplify and intensify Erna's tenacity to near unbreakable levels so long as she knows the path to take to guide Cirno and herself to their ideal reality.

Granted, Erna is aware of it's faults as well. Anyone can have immovable confidence, but it's another to have the self-awareness to work alongside it to understand when it blinds you. Which, in a sense, makes her assurance that much stronger. As, even if Erna is outmatched, outwitted or in over her head; she has sense enough to know when to call it quits for the time being, but she will rack her mind and spirit over ways to continue and will rarely be discouraged by setbacks. As, there is no easy path to success in her mind and there will be obstacles. And, it is those obstacles which help build character and form the foundation which resolve and confidence rely upon.

As, even if everything goes to all hell, Erna has belief in herself that she will be able to endure the storm that comes. Whether the days be blissful and sunny, or filled with damnation, bloodshed and fire; she is ready for whatever will come and is ready to face it with the utmost of self-assurance in herself, in her ability and in her spirit to preserve.

» Violent: While Cirno has her moments when triggered, Erna does not spare any expense once an enemy target has been identified to her justice. She will skewer limbs, destroy organs, torture and outright kill whatever the threat is until it has surrendered, made unable to fight or is terminated. Being that she grew out of Cirno's mind, Erna knows every bit of what Cirno is capable of doing and enforces her potential to the greatest extent of her ability.

This violence comes from the fact that she sees the world as nothing more than savage beast ready to be slayed at a moments notice. She's seen how the world operates, how cruel it can be and how she must protect herself, Cirno and their justice in order for anything to be done about it and to change it. After all, there is little doubt that the world would show her mercy: so why should she? As, more importantly, Erna represents the aggressive and cut-throat nature which The Angel of The Ice consumed herself within following the Australia Arc. And it is that nature which she believes gets things done when Cirno herself cannot handle the task.

Since, more than anything else, Erna often is summoned or takes control when she needs to handle a dirty job. Whether it be a truly sadistic opponents, demons or just having to put the final kill into something; this violent hero will do what it takes to make sure that desire is done and she won't hold back punches while doing so. Anything less and she feels she would have fallen short of what she was born and designed to do. Sure, it may be extensive at times as she isn't afraid to create collateral damage, but this Fallen Angel believes that someone must do what others can't and she is more than willing to bare that burden for Cirno. For she loves her and this is her savage love.

» Realist: Unlike Cirno, Erna doesn't have much optimistic or hope for the world. There isn't much to be happy about, there is a lot that is chaotic and the future only looks blacker than the void itself. Indeed, she sees the whole world as a dull, destructive and hellish place to call ones existence. It's a miserable realm and she considers it rather sub-par when compared to the wonders of the Iramashsa Realm or Heaven itself. Most of the people are disgusting, many of the villains of this world are deprived and the sense of balance is more than skewed to say the least.

However, on the flip side, that does not negate her desire to want to be a hero and uphold her demented sense of justice in the world. For while she accepts there are many things that are foul in the world, Erna still believes that angels are there to help and she feels that her foul nature is needed when more proper methods of the angel race fail. Furthermore, she still is, in essence, a portion of Cirno's ego. Therefore, it would also make sense from that prospective that she would want to continue her will even if things look more than a little grim.

She still has Cirno's willpower, determination and impulse beating within her conscious; so she intends to carry that and uphold in a more "real" manner. At least, what she considers real, anyway. It can be assumed that Erna is a rather grim and pessimistic individual, but she thrives and feeds off that despondent point of view. You can't be disappointed, caught off guard or sad if you already accepted everything is horrible. So, it can only go up until she or Cirno dies. Thus, she feels this gives her a sense of invincibility as nothing is scared, attached or bound to her thanks to what she believes she sees in this world. Everything is finite and foul, so she is free to do as she pleases because of the fact she is prepared for the worst and embraces it.

» Jovial: Now, while Erna has all these wonderfully violent and aggressive traits, that doesn't mean she is some depressive harpy whose only goal in life is vengeance and bloodshed. No, no. Erna is actually quite the happy and lively indivdual to be around; both in the middle and outside of combat. When not in some kind of battle, Erna seems more relaxed and very nonchalant about a lot of matters. She doesn't care what kind of problem people have, she doesn't care how dire or grim circumstances are and she certainly doesn't care about proper etiquette; all she cares about is having a good time and extracting pleasure from life. So she likes to shake people up, drag them out of their shell and see how they respond to her rather upfront and very cordial behavior.

Though, in battle, this turns a bit more grim. For instance, she isn't above laughing, taunting or playing games with her opponents while in the middle of a fight. To this extent, there also seems to be a sadistic trait to the woman as she likes to see the pain and fear in their eyes when fighting against an opponent. If she can't get that, then seeing them get irritated or upset does the trick as well.

An instance of this occurring took place during her match against Nemain Calliope during Shadow Fall's invasion of the Vanguard's moon base. When this encounter took place, Erna was noted as making jabs, insults and laughs at the expense of Nemain. The reason for this is because she was pleased to finally see her beginning to lose her cool after doing much of the same to Cirno. So, she had more than enough amusement in throwing her weight around and extracting a karma based sense of justice on The Espada because of the fact she felt she deserved for all the sickening acts she committed.

So, this can both be a positive and negative trait in Erna's disposition. It is good because she can easily insert herself into any social circumstance and not feel the least bit out of place. While, on the more extreme side, one can assume she has psychotic and sadistic traits when more of her violent nature begins to come out during combat.

Guarding: This entity did not come into creation by chance or by random. No. Erna was made with a purpose to protect the depth of Cirno's happiness. The base of The Fallen Angel simply wishes to protect the innocence, naivety and essence of Cirno's pure spirit. Even in Erna, this beauty of a child-like glow is still ever so faint. To remember those days without worry, without stress and without pain; they seem like a distant past, but it was HER past as she IS Cirno, but in a different light. So, with this prospective, Erna understands that reality does not measure up to these sublime memories. However, Erna is ok with being the crux and foundation that The Angel's confidence, will and good spirit can stand on by carrying this realistic outlook for Cirno

It does not matter if she will be looked at as a killer, savage or someone not befitting of the title as Angel. No. Erna only cares about saving herself and allowing Cirno to live without that guilt and worry of those she has killed, those who she has wronged and the mistakes of her past that pile on like an endless tidal wave of heartache. For it is that pain which makes her powers so potent and why she fights so hard to prevent others from having to turn into the foul monster she considers herself to be.

For while she was initially thought of by Cirno as a scary monster that should be suppressed, locked away and beaten into submission; both Cirno and Erna have come to understand that they need each other. Erna yang to Cirno's yin; for neither cannot exist without the other. They are bind and intertwined at the core of The Angel's psyche. And, after coming to accept this, they have a better union and state of being because of it. As, more than anything else, Erna just wants Cirno to be saved.

Even if Erna herself is long pass the point of being saved, if she can just allow Cirno a new start with her desire to be a hero, then Erna will seek it out and destroy, kill and push away any and everything to keep that precious dream alive. Body by body, fire by fire and sin by sin; Erna will use these building blocks to nurse their ego back together and she'll use herself as sacrifice to make it happen. Nothing else in this whole world matters more than that.

A Sense That All Will Be Right: The mind of Cirno is one that is in a great amount of disarray. There are so many different fractions of herself that are lost, broken, changing or in a total state of confusion. These little things make it very hard for both Cirno and Erna to sometimes understand the fine line between themselves; despite being the same entity and sharing the same vessel that they call a body and mind. Yet, despite how decayed and distorted their essence and ego is, both of them understand one thing -- it will be okay.

It does not matter how strained, dismayed, busted or lost they are; they both understand that they have the strength and will of mind to overcome these obstacles. They have a higher goal, a higher meaner and a great sense of comprehension on where they are in life at this point. Even if the future turns out to be the grim view that Erna views it, they are both prepared and ready to embrace this path and Erna allowed for this feeling to blossom within them. Yet, she herself needed this feeling most of all and it helps to prevent them both from totally being devoured by the weight of their sins. This is their way to make their life work and to move on from the pain.


Immoral Mind

Immoral Mind can be considered a primary power of Erna Iramasha. Before getting too in depth into the power, the bases of this ability stems from the fact that Fallen Angel's are often referred to as angels who have sinned. With that much known, there is a core of "immoral" (note: Immoral Aether is what Cirno refers to it as) Aether which is activated within Cirno's body when the persona shift into Erna occurs. When it is awakened, Erna gains the power to pull into a well of power that is based off of sins.

Thus, this power set allows her to become empowered by a wide variety of sins which encompass different religions and beliefs. However, this only applies to those that have been documented throughout time. For instance, if there is no written scripture to refer to, then Erna is not able to otherwise manipulate it and bring it to life. That is one of the primary principles of her Aether in this state because it needs a source of reference in order for it to work. And, when Erna takes over, there is an in-depth library of magical grimoires stored in her mind to allow The Fallen Angel a point of reference to build upon when invoking her powers.

This is because Immoral Mind's principles rely that it take a form of pre-existing ideological premise to induce it's effects. Without that crux, there isn't a medium for Erna's mind to pull resource from and it cannot translate that into her aiblities. Thus, her Aether would not have a link to attach it and could not produce Immoral Mind's abilities or techniques.

Though, with that said, it's more important to understand each ability and technique has it's own set of different limitations. So, in order to better understand how Immoral Mind works, one must begin to view and observe it's many different abilities. Thus, in the sections below, Immoral Mind different feats will be listed out.

Bodily Benefits Of Immoral Mind

Access To Cirno's Abilities: Since Erna can still be considered Cirno, it makes sense that she would have access to all of her abilities as well. In fact, Erna even considered herself to have a greater edge than Cirno when it comes to using their powers, abilities and techniques. This is because she does not hold back her punches and isn't afraid to create more lethal and disarming blows as she doesn't have the same patience or tenderness Cirno does when fighting. Hence, she is more prone to using the best of their abilities to swiftly take down opponents without hesitation.

Immoral Core: While Erna assumes control of Cirno, there seems to be an additional source of energy and Aether which brews within the depths of her body. This allows for Erna to have double the amount of stamina, speed, strength and potency that Cirno would normally have because this core serves to give them more resources and fuel to work with. Therefore, it is the reason why Erna can become so aggressive and swift with her attacks because she has more energy to burn through than Cirno would normally. When Erna deactivates herself, however, Cirno loses access to this extra energy core.

Corruption Resistance: What exactly is Corruption Resistance? Since Erna can be considered a corrupted version of Cirno, it stands to reason that the metaphysical nature of her ethereal body can resist abilities that otherwise decay, corrupt or taint her existence. She can be considered the sum total of Cirno's sin and her very essence reeks of that of a Fallen Angel. Hence. by this definition, it specifically works on a spectrum of powers, abilities or techniques which corrode Erna or Cirno.

To give a better illustration of this bodily ability take Death Energy. Most owners of this energy possess a trait that allows them to corrode and rot out materials or living beings with the energy they use. In Erna's case, she could have a resistance against this due to the nature of her own body. This would not totally negate it, but there is a strong chance it could reduce the potency and effectiveness of these techniques by roughly close to half.

Sometimes more depending on variables related to the potency of the opponents attack, the amount of energy put into the attack, the amount of skill behind it, if Erna is worn down, if the opponent is worn down and things such as that can determine if this goes up or down in it's effectiveness.

Sin's Embrace: When Erna is in the presence of sin, in context to her libraries of various religions stored within her minds grimoires, Erna gains a sense of mental, physical and energy enhancements. Mentally? She'll feel more aware, awake and process things faster because of the fact she is in the presence of her powers nature. Additionally, her body will be able to siphon this abstract energy, break it down and convert it to Aether so she can improve her stamina and release rapid attacks. And, lastly, her speed and strength will be slightly improved as any excess energy is converted down into physical augmentations.

However, these improvements cannot be stacked; nor can they be repeated in the thread. For example, it is possible for her to gain a boost after seeing the sin of murder committed in front of her, but if it keeps being repeated in a war thread she cannot infinitely loop it and stack it. She would have to find another sin taking place if she wanted to keep improving and restoring her strength. This will generally restart with each and every new thread. The boosts will also be somewhere between 3-15% enhancements based on random variables relating to the intensity of the sin. I.E. if there is only one person being murdered in front of her? Chances are she will see a two to three percent boost. Whereas, if there is a war, and thousands are being killed, there is a potential for it to go upwards of 10-15%

It's also worth noting that as she takes more damage and becomes drained, these boosts will gradually fade away from her during the course of a fight. Or, if she has taken damage, and managed to find a Sin to embrace, it can attempt to recover energy, stamina or fatigue lost or gained during the clash.

Prayer Based Regeneration: As long as Erna is still conscious, it is possible for her to activate high speed based regeneration. This is primarily obtained through her Aether and acts on the notion of her praying to the gods to forgive her sins and cleanse her. A series of mental prayers are generated within herself through vocal or mental command in order to help begin the process. Once that is achieved, her Aether will begin to rapidly restore broken bones, ruptured blood vessels, blood loss and even entire organs or limbs within the same post more often than not.

Additionally, this regeneration has a secondary ability of outright purging most external influences away from her body when it is detected by her body. This works by her aether dissolving and breaking away toxins, chemicals and other magic based influences away from her body. For example, if someone poisoned Erna with a paralysis inducing agent, she could summon her Aether and attempt to expunge the foreign substance away from her body in order to stand and begin moving again. These can apply to metaphysical or physical toxins so long as she can still think and summon energy.

However, like anything else, there comes a point where it stops. And, with that said, this prayer based regeneration is reliant on Aether more than anything else. Therefore, when that resource is drained, so to will this regeneration's extensive effects. Henceforth, Erna prefers to always keep supplies of aether near her just in case she needs to heal or recover herself. Along with that, rapid regeneration can grow tiresome and it is still in her best interest not to waste precious resources trying to restore herself. As there is more she could be doing with her energy then trying to recover her wounds during combat.

Aggressive Aura: The difference in atmosphere that the energy of Erna and Cirno possess are two totally different beasts of nature. As soon as Erna assumes control of their body a sense of heaviness will begin to spread throughout the region. It will increase the sensation of gravity against Erna's enemies by five to ten times depending on how resistant they are against the effects of Erna's aura. It has an effect of one hundred meters and does not seem to effect those whom are allies of Erna, or those whom Erna has declared as "innocents". In fact, many of Aggressive Aura's effects can be controlled easily enough by Erna since it is a production of her willpower bleeding into the world.

With that said, the psychological effects of this aura can be immense on those around Erna. Even if one has a Grand Master in willpower, they will still feel a great sense of weight and pressure gnawing at their body and mind from the impact of this presence. While, for those on the lower end of the will spectrum, they may see portions of their willpower begin to leave them and may be persuaded to give up the fight before it begins. It is possible to try and resolve ones self against this, but it gets harder the lower and lower you are on the willpower system. As it is possible for her to make whole hordes of NPC's potentially stand down with just the feel of her energy.

Additionally, this aura can have odd effects on the weather around Erna. It can make the temperature extremely cold, or it can make it immensely hot depending on how Erna sees fit to use it. And, the sheer potency of it seems rich enough to even dissolve some attacks before they hit. This is possible because of the fact that Erna's pure essence is always in a defensive or aggressive state of being. Thus, this translates into her aura and it is always working to burn away attacks before they have a chance to hit or harm Erna.

For instance: it would be possible for the Aggressive Aura to potentially try and weaken a bolt of lightning shot off by Erna by disrupting the flow of electricity within it's bonds and having it scatter away from Erna. Or, in another illustration, it could be used to burn through a mist of poison passively without Erna having to use some of her more active abilities. As it would have the purifying effects of her angelic aura amplified to a great degree and intensified by the heat of power from Erna's energy.

With all that said, a lot of these effects will more than likely lessen as she gets worn down in a fight and may cease once she is tired or heavily injured.

Vessel Reflection: Vessel Reflection is the bodily ability which helps to enhance Erna's power and abilities if she needs to reach deeper into the world around her. As, most Iramashsa gain their powers not from themselves, but from the existence around them. With that said, once she begins to grow her halo and wings, Erna will often use these as a form of antennas to pick up the metaphysical frequency of holy energy blessed by various gods of lore and religion.

This works by the fact that Erna is performing a form of imitation of an angel. They often revealed as messengers of god throughout more lore. And, even though she is a fallen angel, Erna still classifies as a messenger of god by her connection to Cirno. Hence, through this ethereal protocol being reached, Erna is able to call upon more of this holy power to increase her power and potency.

If the wings and halo are formed at the start of a combat post, then she will effectively be at 130% of her power. Essentially, that would simply mean she is in a state of overpowered existence and her attacks will pack more of a punch. If they are formed later in the thread after taking damage and fighting, then it's possible for her to regain 30% of her health and energy when these appendages are formed around her.

In either state, the area of effect and quality of her attacks may go up by a measurement of ten to twenty percent. This means her energy will be in a more enriched state and harder to dispel. Which translates to the fact the opponent will need more force, effort and focus to combat her when she forms these holy appendages. She may also be able to release rapid fire attacks of more powerful abilities, techniques and magic while in this state as well. Although, this does not negate the amount of energy it drains from her. It merely lessens the strain and drawbacks to an extent of her body being able to handle the stamina required for it.

Abilities Of Immortal Mind

Sin Awareness:
Sin Awareness is an ability of Immoral Mind that allows Erna to perceive most sins taking place within a city wide area of effect. These act as extra eyes and allows her a greater scope of awareness depending on where she decides to focus her attention. For instance: it would be possible for her to observe a couple indulging in the act of sex, or she could peer into a dark alleyway to see someone trying to commit the act of murder.

No matter what it is, the requirement for this ability is that they must be committing some kind of sin in the context of any recorded religion stored within Immoral Mind's database. Additionally, she may use her sense of energy detection to try and better refine what she is looking for. As, at any minute, a countless number of sins can be taking place at a time. So she looks for abnormalities in the air and tries to filter out useless noise when searching for a specific target. She tries to remember the look of their face, the feel of their energy and uses the power of her mind to try and speed through these analytical processes.

Lastly, this ability can be used as long as she has at least five percent of her overall energy since it is primarily used for sensory purposes. Hence, why it has such a large range of effect as it doesn't do much more than that.

Sin Forgiven [Plot/Story Ability]:
Sin Forgiven is the ability that Erna possess to absolve others of their sin at the cost of taking them on herself. For example: if a man had murdered, but tried his best to repent and make up for the sins, Erna would have the ability to ease his mind of them. This would result in mental traumas being subdued, while the potential for blessings could occur. These blessings could include the bestowal of a new power, the erasing of a sickness from their body, curses being undone and things of that nature.

The primary requirement that is needed is that they simply must work to undo their negative karma in the universe. All Erna needs to know and observe from them is that they are trying to fill the world with more positive actions and she will activate this ability if the other party is accepting of her offer. Additionally, when this transferal takes place, the sin is stored within her mind and spirit and may manifest itself into a weapon, technique or potential new ability.

For example, Erna may be able to to unlock an ability which allows her to feel the murderous intent of others by absorbing the sins of a murderer for her own. This could allow her to try and discern whether or not someone is genuinely going to murder her from the knowledge of this sin being turned into a power. Although, this is primarily all done in the effort to prevent others from becoming as lost as Erna herself. As there is a desire within her to change the paths of others who walk a similar road as herself and to help them not to find this source of hell.

Weaponized Sin: One of the abilities that Erna possesses while she is in control is the fact that she can create weapons that are based around sin. In fact, she can even create these while in a thread or during combat. However, there are some protocols which must be achieved before they are created. One of the first is that these weapons can come in the form of her index of religions addressing any sort of passages, writings, commandments or sayings based around sins.

The second protocol needed is that when Erna is able to visualize the weapon, it MUST be in the form of a weapon. Whether that be a sword, knife, gauntlet or whatever else have you; one of the conditions to use this ability is that it cannot be free-range. Thirdly, most of her weapons that are made in thread will often stick to one or two abilities to prevent it from overloading the weapon. If it is made outside of a combat thread, then it is possible to add more effects to it as she would have more to refine and improve the craft of her weapons.

Weapons that are made in thread will generally only last a finite amount of time until they are damaged. It is when weapons are given a name, a definite purpose and time to be reinforced that they last forever in the sense that they don't disappear. As, after five to ten post, it is possible for the weapon to degrade and disappear if Erna does not have time to reinforce it. Hence, why she prefers to usually try and create them out of thread.

Additionally, most weapons need to be within her range of power. For instance, it isn't possible for Erna to create a weapon that destroys entire planets in the blink of an eye. However, Erna can create something on the spot like a sword which feeds off the power of wrath and becomes empowered when in the presence of someone who is under this sin. Or she can create a shield which casts away the influence of sin in order to either negate or lower the strength of different attacks with the intent of sin behind them.

Furthermore, Erna must be at at least thirty percent of her overall health and energy in order to use this ability. And, usually, there is some sort of mental calculation needed in order to assure the structure, stability and core of the weapon is functional enough to be used. As converting immaterial thoughts into tangible objects is something that can be an exhausting affair for most beings. Which is why it can also be taxing on her energy if it is abused.

The Abstract Of Sin:
The Abstract Of Sin can be considered a reality bending power. The reason for this is because of the fact that it alters the existence around Erna based in context of her religious lore on sin. However, there are a few protocols needed in order to summon it. One of the first is that an identifiable threat must be observed by Immoral Mind. This is required because The Abstract Of Sin will not activate against non-sinners. So, Erna may have to observe the opponent for a few posts before it activates.

The second protocol needed to activate The Abstract Of Sin will more than likely need to be a prayer. This can be done mentally or vocally, but incantations work the best because it works in a similar manner as a kido in the fact that it becomes further empowered when the words are spoken into reality. And this is because the third protocol required for Abstract Of Sin to work is a projected and plotted course of action. By this, Erna has to mentally configure and determine the usage of her reality bending so that it stays in relation to the sinner and the sin they are committing or the sin she is summoning. For if it strays from that path, and goes off something which is not related to her power, then it will backfire and injure Erna.

Fifth, Erna should create and produce an object in relations to the religious sin she is referring to when activating The Abstract Of Sin. For example, if she was taking a sin from Christianity, then a cross would suffice in this example because it was creating a medium for The Abstract Of Sin to summon and reflect it's power. These protocols are put in place in order to better manage the vast extent of Erna's reality bending and to better allow her to invoke them without wearing herself down heavily from the first usage. As it becomes an immensely abstract ability -- if used with the proper knowledge and application.

For example: she could input the values of what constitutes a person as a sinner from the index of Christianity and transfer that knowledge into the particles of her aether energy. After creating a cross in front of herself, making a prayer to the christian gods and calculating the projected course of action to take with this reality bending; Erna would be ready to summon The Abstract Of Sin. From there, both Immoral Mind and The Abstract of Sin would trigger and attempt to spread across a twenty meter radius. And, in that radius, Erna could potentially prevent people with the sin of murder from encroaching upon that terrority without taking some form of mental damage, physical injury or lost of their energy.

In this illustration, for the sake of convince, one can assume she has had time to observe the person and she could account for the sins they've committed. In this way, she could inscribe that fact into her altered reality and have it punish the person for having partook in those sins. This could result in broken bones, 5-10% of their energy being drained or the opponent could outright feel mentally deterred from trying to approach the holy area altered by The Abstract Of Sin. However, it is possible to still try and enter ICly as this isn't absolute. An opponent could attempt to lessen the damage by protecting themselves with a HIGH powered barrier, or they may have the durability needed to force themselves through. And, if a person hasn't a omitted an identifiable sin, they can potentially bypass it as well. There are ways around the ability if one can think abstractly enough.

With that said, some of the limitations of Immoral Mind are in the fact that it is contained within a radius of ten to one hundred meters. Although, these perimeters may alter and change in accordance with her release forms of augmentation boost. Additionally, she is only able to perform one or two reality distortions per post and they take up some energy. So, while there is no cool down, in character Erna would try to avoid using it back to back if possible. Furthermore, it isn't perfect and be countered if the opponent knows what they are dealing with. And, those who are holy or without sin will have a resistance against this ability.

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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] WVMWLOu
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Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:17 am

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] 6EdIfMt


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Various Techniques Of Immoral Mind

Principles Of Immoral Mind's Techniques: The primary principle for the various techniques is that it must relate in some way to her knowledge of sins. For example, it would be impossible for her simply summon a technique which allows her to alter reality for no rhyme or reason. Her Aether would become unstable and begin to damage both Cirno and Erna. However, if she is able to convert and break down this information of sins into proper form, she can then summon many types of different techniques with Immoral Mind.

An illustration of this would be if she were to take the concept of greed and design a technique which absorbs energy within a one hundred meters. This would be used to drain the power of others within this radius and would be called upon to enforce the sin of greed. These techniques can also be designed around different scriptures on sin, passages, quotes and so on from different religious indexes. It is also worth mentioning the each different technique may have it's set of drawbacks, rituals or requirements to perform. These will vary from technique to technique.

Activating The Techniques: For the most part, Erna seems to prefer the channel of sigils to summon her magic. This is because they provide a great medium to house the metaphysical knowledge and protocols of Immoral Mind's abilities and techniques. As they create a network of ethereal systems that absorb, store and then summon the different effects that each of Immoral Mind's techniques might trigger. All they need is a little bit of Erna's Aether and they are ready to be used at a moments notice.

Symbol Of Death:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Srb23dr

James 1:15 - "These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death."

Symbol Of Death takes after James 1:15. Essentially, Erna has transfused this verse from the Christian bible and tailored it to be a move where she is able to use the particles associated with her Aether Energy in a more deteriorating matter. By imprinting the sigil seen above on to an object, person or place in the environment around her; Erna is able to use the Symbol Of Death to induce decay and rot onto the object, thing or person.

As illustration of this: if Erna were able to mark a ten meter radius of space above herself with this Aether Energy, she could then begin to create the sigil and use it offensively and defensively. If something like a cero were to slam into the sigil? Then the particles within it would begin to disintegrate and potentially be eradicated. If that failed, then the impact of the attack would be lessened and dissolved at the very least. Offensively? It could be used if Erna were to charge someone with this sigil in front of her and she could begin to decay their body. Of course, most of the effects would be temporary in nature. These mostly range from lowering their stamina, releasing energy from their body or lowering their durability depending on how potent Erna makes it with her energy and focus.

With that said, it does have limits. Only four of these circles may be summoned at a time. Additionally, they may only impenetrable upwards of one hundred meters. And, while most of these sigil's are quite durable, it doesn't mean they are implementable and may dissolve or break after a few good hits or one heavy hit. These are measured in either the amount of force held within a persons energy, or through the potency of how enriched their magic is. Lastly, and most obviously, is that it takes energy to summon and this can get exhausting to use if spammed or used back to back. It is recommended that this ability is used while Erna is at least 25% of health and energy.

Dissolving Sin:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] ByKCDcH

"Then he said to me, “Have you seen this, O son of man? Is it too light a thing for the house of Judah to commit the abominations that they commit here, that they should fill the land with violence and provoke me still further to anger? Behold, they put the branch to their nose."
- Ezekiel 8:17

What is Dissolving Sin? Dissolving Sin is a technique which is derived from Ezekiel 8:17 and takes it's power from the fact that the bible spoke out against violence as a sin. As a result, Erna used Immoral Mind's abilities to forge this technique which shields her against the sin of violence against her person. By infusing these holy words into Dissolving Sin's signil, this magic symbol is able to carry out a divine will and shield Erna against those who would dare do her harm in the name of violence alone.

Thus, with that much known about the technique, Erna uses Dissolving Sin order to get out of tight binds. It starts off by Erna drawing the sigil shown in the image above in either her black, energy or ink. Then, from there, the sigil form in a circle that is five meters long in length and width below Erna. After this is summoned, all she will need to do is channel her Aether into the circle and it will be able to negate or redirect attacks which were infused with a sinful desire.

For example: she could activate Dissolving Sin and attempt to destabilize the particles of an attack in order to negate it and cancel it out. At least, provided the attack makes contact within this five meter zone where the sigil is formed. Which means that a form of contact must be made. Through this contact, however, Erna managed to develop the technique further and isn't shy about bringing the fight to the opponent. As she can write out the sigil of Dissolving Sin on to an opponent and attempt to cause them direct damage.

Since, if Dissolving Sin is activated on a person and they have violent intentions for Erna, she can attempt to seal off portions of their power for the duration of the battle to make them weaker and induce damage by the seal causing havoc on their body and constricting it with a metaphysical force meant to restrain and crush the opponent. It would feel as if the body part that Erna tagged was being held in place by chains so tight that it starts breaking through the skin, cracking bone, organ and drawing blood. However, it won't kill them more often than not. It will induce heavy damage, but the seal will often dissolve after one or two post and allow Erna to go in for a more crushing blow.

Lynching Liars:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Sj4xkhD

"For the sins of their mouths, for the words of their lips, let them be caught in their pride. For the curses and lies they utter."- Psalm 59:12

Lynching Liars denotes it's strength from Psalm 59:12 in the way that it condemns liars. Ergo, for this technique to activate, Erna must witness someone lying. Once she is able to see that and record that memory into her sigil, she may then draw this sigil through her blood, ink or marking the foe with her energy. After it is designed, she will need to have to tag them directly with the seal and trigger it's activation.

Following Lynching Liars activation, it will deduct the opponents durability, health and potentially even their willpower by ten percent for each lie they are caught in. For example, if a person had lied to Cirno or Erna five times, or anyone else within their observation, and either of them have proof to show to the sigil that it is true, then they will be able to take away over fifty percent of their energy, health and durability for the duration of the thread. So, in essence, a person has ten lies to tell before their game is up and if Erna can prove them true then she can get the hits in on them.

The seal will naturally go away after one to three post. And, if the opponent is able to prove that they are innocent, then the effects can also be negated or it won't harm them at all.

A Sloth's Rest:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] 9yjmGR2

"Through laziness, the rafters sag; because of idle hands, the house leaks."- Ecclesiastes 10:18

A Sloth's Rest gains it's power from Ecclesiastes 10:18 which states that laziness leads to ruin. Therefore, A Sloth's Rest empowers itself with the sin of laziness and transforms it into a power which causes the opponent to either pass out or fall asleep. Though, like most of her sigils which pertain to a persons body, Erna will need to figure out a way to imprint this directly on the opponent.

Once she is able to find a way to make contact with her opponent, she can create the sigil through blood, ink or marking it with her energy. From there, it will fuse itself to the opponent and attempt to induce a form of sleepiness upon them. There will be an opening during the rest where the opponent, no matter what level of awareness they are, to realize that something is wrong.

There will be a heaviness on their body and their speed will become dramatically lowered during the first half of their post. After they become aware, it will be up to them to figure out a way to remove the seal from their body or face being unconscious for the duration of one to three post depending on how potent the spell was.

However, Erna will NOT be able to make any lethal blows to the opponent as a sacrifice for making this technique. Instead, she may only heavily injure or attempt to cripple them. If she attempts to kill them during this lull, then power will back fire and heavily injure Erna or outright move the target out of harms way. Therefore, Erna prefers to use this in order to give herself time to think, move the opponent, make them weaker or to try and kidnap others.

Knives Of Malice:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] DR2FtBF

"He frees me from my enemies. You exalt me above my adversaries; You rescue me from violent men." - Psalm 18:48

It can be inferred that violence is a sin from Psalm 18:48. Therefore, once Erna is able to observe that sin taking place, she can call upon the Knives Of Malice to be released. Once this memory is recorded, she needs to inscribe it into her Aether to store for later in order to awaken the protocols required to unleash this attack. For, after that point, all she is required to do then is create the needed sigils made in her energy, ink or blood and it's power can be ready to be used.

As, The Knives Of Malice is capable of raining down anywhere from one hundred to one thousand knives per sigil which are capable of piercing through steel and tearing bone, flesh and body to mesh. These are infused within a prime source of Aether and many of the blades will be crimson in color because of the red heat of violent intent. They can potentially cut up through all sorts of supernatural and magic based attacks, but they aren't unstoppable. With enough force they can be stopped or brute strength can break them if push comes to shove.

However: they will not harm those who lack this sin. If Erna or the particles of her energy have not observed the sin of violence taking place, then it will simply bypass them and move on to the next target. Additionally, only four of these sigils can be summoned at a time. There is also a two post cooldown before they can be used again as well. They also have a maximum range of one thousand meters before they stop as well. Given that the nature of their speed can reach up to mach three levels if Erna wishes, it isn't a wonder why they can cover such a large distance in a short amount of time if need be.

Cross Cease:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] UuK6dFx

"'I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people." - Leviticus 20:6

Cross Cease takes its power from Leviticus 20:6. It translates this verse into the fact that no constructs of the occult will be performed in the name of the lord. And, with Cross Cease, this applies to magic and all forms of it; excluding Erna's and other holy or angelic beings. (So this is effectively useless against other angels) Though, there are a few protocols that must be followed in order to summon it. One of the first is that Erna must make or have a cross on her in order for it to have effect. Secondly, she must then draw, inscribe or fuse Cross Cease's sigil on to it. From there, it will transfer it's power into this medium of the lord and activate against a legitimate threat.

With that said, Cross Cease has a range of effect equal to fifty meters in height, length, depth and width. Within this zone, it will negate and null most if not all forms of magic while it is activated. However, this DOES not apply to supernatural powers. By that, most forms of racial magic can be disabled within this zone, but the opponent is free to use any special abilities they have or other racial. Cross Cease primarily focuses on nulling witchcraft, magic and curses within it's range of effect. Additionally, it will only last for two to four post before it diffusing and breaks the object. There is also a two to three post cooldown before it can be used again and it can only be used up to three times per thread.

Furthermore, if the object is broken, the magic will return. Although it can be guarded and enhanced with Erna's protection, it isn't exactly invincible and will break with enough force. So, if an opponent realizes their magic is being nulled by the object, then all they would have to do is break it and it would return almost instantly within the fifty meters surrounding them.

Slay Falsehood:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] 9OD3ARH

"You must not pass along false rumors. You must not cooperate with evil people by lying on the witness stand." - Exodus 23:1

Slay Falsehood is a technique which is crafted around the sin of baring false reports based on the passage of Exodus 23:1. If Erna becomes aware or is observant of an entity baring deceitful reports, then she will be able to activate Slay Falsehood. Once this protocol is achieved, the next will be to mark her target with the sigil shown above. The sigil can be formed with ink, her own blood or drawn with her energy. After these requirements have been made, she will then need to make direct contact with the opponent and trigger the ability with her Aether being the catalyst for it's release.

Proceeding these rules have been met, then the conditions of Slay Falsehood will allow for it to suppress and disable the opponents power in equal measurements to the falsehood they birthed in the world. For example: if they bared a false report which resulted in property being lost, then Slaying Faslehood could potentially damage a piece of their equipment. If their falsehood resulted in a life being lost, then it is possible for Slay Falsehood to disable their power for the duration of the thread and allow Erna an opportunity to slay them.

On Erna's end, however, she will need to be able to fully prove this sense of falsehood to be true. Otherwise, the seal will reject her request and it will not work. Thus, the burden of proof will have to be on her to infuse into the seal in order to make it work and to follow the chain of effect that the sinners lies were connected to. Additionally, while the seal will not kill the person, the abilities that Erna and Cirno are capable of wielding can more than do so if she wishes. As it will leave them with only their general skill sheets to work with (Speed/strength/durability) Also, this seal is not temperament unless the other party wishes it to be. It will lose effect after one thread is role played with the seal placed. It can also be removed from others who are knowledgeable enough to work with seals.

Bitter Bite:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] V6LesFS

"Their mouths are full of cursing and bitterness."
- Romans 3:14

Bitter Bite takes after Romans 3:14 in it's regard to the act of cursing being a sin. If Erna is able to observe someone using foul language, then it is possible for her to activate Bitter Bite. To activate it, however, Erna must create the sigil for Bitter Bite in either her own blood, ink or energy. From there, she will need to find a way to strike them or have an attack hit their throat, mouth or any where on the head. From there, Bitter Bite will then activate and go into effect.

To get things started: Bitter Bite will then induce two acts on the opponents body. One of the first is that they may throw up a large volume of blood from their mouth. This blood will release two to four percent of their energy from their body depending on how potent and effective the attack was. The second is that the opponent will more than likely face injuries to their head and neck areas as they'll feel a metaphysical force grinding against it. If Erna can channel enough Aether Energy into it, she can potentially attempt to knock them out with this force if it is strong enough.

The effect only lasts for one or two post and has a one to two post cooldown before it can be used again. And, depending on how many curse words were stated in the presence of Erna, that's how many times Erna can use it against that target. So, if Erna observes them saying multiple curse words before she activates it, then she can stockpile that many potential usages. It's also worth mentioning that Bitter Bite takes roughly two to three percent of her energy away. Hence, there is a lot of room to use this ability.

End By Arrogance:

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Dr0DF85

"I will punish the world for its evil, the wicked for their sins. I will put an end to the arrogance of the haughty and will humble the pride of the ruthless." - Isaiah 13:11

End By Arrogance takes it's prowess from Isaiah 13:11. The way Immoral Mind translates this ability is that thou shall not be arrgoant, prideful or otherwise over confident in the presence of Erna. If she is able to observe that sin, then all Erna will need to do is create the sigil through her blood, ink or energy and then tag the opponent with it and it's effects will begin.

Since, if Erna is able to mark the target with the technique with a direct hit, then The End Of Arrogance will create a metaphysical assault on them that will eat away at five to percent of their energy for three post before it dissolves. In addition to that, it will lower the overall health of the opponent by nine percent for each post as well. So they may see stamina lost, attacks may be somewhat harder to form and a sense of fatigue may wash over them.

With that said, though, it isn't impossible to remove the seal. If the opponent can figure out a way to remove it, then the seal's effects can be stopped or mitigated. Additionally, there is a two to three post cool down before Erna is able to use it again and it will usually cost somewhere around five percent of her overall energy to create the seal. So it's something she generally uses if she knows for certain it will have an effective influence on her opponent.

Blasphemous Star [Mission/Event/Intense Situation Circumstance]

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] FFFsnq8

"See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven." - Matthew 18:10 New International Version (NIV)

Despising one of God's children can be considered an act of sin in the context of Matthew 18:10. Ergo, one can see where Blasphemous Star gains it's metaphysical prowess from. With that said, before one can even begin get into the ability, there are a few protocols that must be met in order to summon it. One of the first is that there must be a situation to warrant it's usage. It simply cannot be a random enemy trying to attack Cirno that isn't a sufficient threat.

Once that requirement has been discerned, the second covenant needed to summon this technique is that Erna must be using the full power of her Vessel Reflection to activate Blasphemous Star. This is because it requires her to intimate and reflect the visage of an angel so that she may guise herself as a chosen child of god. As, once again, most Iramasha gain their strength from the world around them and it's metaphysical construct. So, by doing this, she is meeting these ethereal requirements and unlocking the esoteric code needed to unleash this technique.

Hence, the final requirement for this ability to be made is that a physical object must be used as a medium. This is because something must be infused into the world for it's effects to travel through. Often times Erna uses crosses because these help to increase the potency of the attack by infusing more religious symbolism into the power.

Nevertheless, after these standards have been met, those who bare ill-will towards Cirno or Erna, take action against them or show malice will be met with it's ability. A cross shaped star will be summoned and this can be expanded from one meter all the way to covering a one thousand meter area in the sky or ground. If an opponent were to look into the star, then it is possible for this technique to be used against them in order to steadily drain them of power. It will continue to zap and suck away once they've made direct contact with them.

And, depending on the difference in strength or tier, it may have a variety of effects. There is the potential for it to cause weaker characters to begin to become paralyzed or outright faint after being in the presence of this holy curse. In other cases, some characters may find themselves having their body begin to rot out by having bones, organs, muscles and other body part begin to become less durable, injured or begin to fail. Sometimes, they may simply lose energy at a rate of 5-10% per post, while in others it may jump to 30% if there is a wide gap in strength and no defensive measures have been taken against Erna.

With that said, these effects can be stopped if someone were to approach the sigil and destroy the object which is causing them this discomfort. Granted, there will be a dense cluster of holy energy around it, but it is not impossible to break and those with potent magic or strong energy can attempt to break through. It can just be assumed that Erna will more than likely be protecting it and wanting others to not tamper with it.

Additionally, there is no real time limit for this technique. Furthermore, it can even effect people from different sides of the planet if it happened to be broadcasted at the same time. For example: if it was reported on enemy communication channels, and they viewed this symbol, then it could effect them in an event thread. However, with all of that said, if Erna falls below 30% health, it will deactivate. So, as long as she keeps her energy and health above that meter, it can remain in effect for the majority of the thread unless it is destroyed. So an opponent can either try to destroy the object, shield themselves from it with magic to mitigate it's effects or they can outright try and injure Erna to the point of causing it to dispel or forcing her to drain her energy resources fighting them.

It's also worth noting that this ability won't work on a majority of those who are proclaimed as heroes, angel's or other holy spirits because this is meant to work against those who are opposing the divine, angelic and heavenly. If they already possess these traits, then it won't have much of an effect. It also will not effect those who are clearly defined as Cirno's allies or those working alongside her.

Known Equipment Forged From Immoral Mind [As Of This Posting]

Blade Of Immorality [Must be used when Vessel Reflection is at 100% and has her wings + halo out]

Appearance: To get a full view of the sword, you can view it in the image above. Otherwise, it can be described as a large black blade with crimson markings scattered all over it's hilt, edges and tip. There are also markings etched within it that are made in hebrew which read "להב של חטא". This can be translated as "Blade Of Sin" and is repeated over and over throughout the weapon. One can also view a crimson gem sealed in the middle of the blade which looks as if an eye is observing the opponent at all times. There are also three other gems that are sealed within the blade's hilt. The Blade Of Immorality is also a sword that is rather lengthy. Erna is 4'10 in her child form and this blade is roughly three feet long or so.

The Weight Of Sin: Sin can carry an immense weight on a person. Therefore, this interpretation of it is inscribed into the blade and represented in the fact that it's as heavy as a moutain. One swing of this sword is sufficient enough to take out entire droves of men in a single strike from distances upwards of forty meters away. It's capable of smacking back attacks akin to a grand ray cero back at it's owner as if it were an impenetrable wall which could not be broken. Hence, it is why Erna seldom uses the weapon to begin with as there aren't many who observe seeing the end of her sword.

Furthermore, Erna is leery of wielding this weapon as the potential for collateral damage is immense. And, while she has a great sense of control over her strength, it still leaves her uneasy. Since, after all, Erna still possess the will of Cirno and Cirno would not want to endanger innocent lives. Even Erna herself doesn't as she is more than happy to kill anyone who is an enemy, but has no malice in her bones for those who have nothing to do with her strife. So this is another factor in trying to find the appropriate time to use The Blade Of Sin to begin with.

Additionally, the force of power which generates from this blade can sometimes strain, tear or break the bones or muscles in her hands, arm and shoulders because of the amount of strength which it can generate. Therefore, Erna tries to make sure she is in total control when wielding the blade to prevent causing harm to herself. As, she is an immensely durable creature, but she isn't interested in causing un-needed damage to herself when in the middle of a critical battle. Plus, while swinging the sword, the speed of Erna may slow down due to how destructive it can be.

Therefore, she tries to do one of two things: she'll either limit herself to one to four heavy strikes while using The Blade Of Sin, or she will use her Aether to lessen the weight and allow for more rapid strikes if need be. It all depends on the situation she is in and what it calls for.

Sin Crux: This weapon has the potential to be just as strong as Erna herself when it comes to the volume of energy that it can store. However, this comes with a few protocols that must be met. At the start of each thread, it will often only have 25% of her energy starting out. By using the sin of greed, the blade is capable of consuming numerous acts of sin in a five hundred meter radius of Erna.

Each act that it can identify will steadily make it more and more powerful. The percentage that it can get from each sin will vary based on how severe the acting sin was. For example: it would possibly only get 0.5% for each curse word that is uttered out of someones mouth who is in this region. While acts of violence, malice, murder, destruction and so on would rack up higher percentages. Murder could see a jump in 30-40% energy, hostile intent against Erna could gain 5-10%, destruction of others property could account for 5-10% per act and so on and so forth.

It will eventually cap off at a 150% power as that is the max that can be stored within the blade. Additionally, once it reaches that peak point, it will be unable to return to it until the next thread. So, if Erna attempts to place her sword into this overdrive state again, it would not work and she can only return it to 100%. Furthermore, this blade can grow dull, get worn down and it's durability can cause it to have problems. As an illustration of this: if the blade took a direct attack that damaged it, it would eventually repair itself in another thread, but it's effectiveness may decrease as a result of taking on this damage during the thread.

So, like any other person or thing, it can be worn down and weakened as it's used throughout the thread. And, it also takes lower amounts of energy for Erna to maintain. She also notices that it irritates her body to an extent and may be persuaded to discard it if she herself manages to take damage, is exhausted or is low on energy or health.

Sin Purge: Sin Purge is tailored around the fact that Erna herself is capable of absolving, consuming and vaporizing sin with her fallen angel embodiment. With that said, Sin Purge takes this construct and theme within her and allows Erna the ability to erase that which has sinned. For example: if Erna and her sword were able to observe someone committing sin and they intended to attack with malice intent, Sin Purge could activate. As the needed protocols for this ability would have been met and she would have full clearance to let it awaken and begin to do it's task of erasing sin from the world around her.

When Sin Purge activates, it will take a sum of Erna's energy or the energy store in it's gems in order to induce a form of reality manipulation. As, it will try to eradicate the sense of sin it senses lingering in the intent of their attacks and will attempt to negate, erase and outright destroy the attack. Additionally, if it is able to hit the opponent, then percentages of their energy and health will begin to vaporize. If grazed by Sin Purge or within five to ten meters of it's blast range, then it's possible to lose five to percent of your health. If one takes a direct hit, then it is possible to have six to fifteen percent of a characters health and energy be taken away. These results will vary, intensify or weaken based on values of tier, durability, resistances, skills, Erna/Cirno's state of being (are they tired/fatigued/at peak power etc) and the state of being with their opponent.

However, this isn't automatic in the slightest. If Erna's assumptions are wrong, then it will have no effect on the opponent or their attacks. Additionally, those who have not sinned or are pure will either have lessened effects or it will not work at all. As this is less effective and potent against other angel's or holy beings; even if they sin. Furthermore, this will take away two to five percent of Erna's energy or the weapon's energy with each usage. This ability also has a range of one hundred meters, but it is often used in a range of meters equal to five to twenty. So, when it is extended, it takes more energy and focus to manage. Lastly, she is limited to two to three of these strikes per post.

Heat Of Immorality: Unlike Cirno, the persona of Erna is one that is ripe with fire and filled with the fire of a sinner burning forever eternally. Therefore, from this abstract construct, the Aether attuned itself to this attribute and inscribed it's concept into the blade. Therefore, The Heat Of Immorality is a power that allows her to burn and melt through sin. When she first summons this weapon to her side, many opponents will often feel as if they are being smothered, scorched and constricted by the intense metaphysical heat that this weapon generates. And, this is no mental or will effect.

From such dense sin being condensed into a single tool, the aura of energy from this sacred weapon is able to induce these passive effects. If the opponent lingers around the blade for too long without protection, it can even begin to passively cause damage by the heat draining them of their energy for each post by a variable of 1-20%. This is measured by the difference in tier between Erna and her foe, how potent their defenses are in regards to what abilities or equipment they may possess, how skilled their abilities are honed (I.E. a 2-3 Shinigami with a master in kido could produce a potent enough barrier to mitigate the effects or something along those lines), if their health or durability is in a low state and other similar fluctuations that occur in combat.

Additionally, it is possible for her to send waves of crimson energy that have this heat infused into them at the opponent. This can lead to injuries related to heat exhaustion, burning and melting. As an opponent can face extreme burns to their skin, heat exhaustion, have portions of their body melt off and their overall durability can face difficulties or be stressed when constantly attacked by it. Furthermore, Erna can influence attacks in a similar matter and induce a form of metaphysical melting in order to attempt to vaporize the attack and break down the molecules associated with it. However, in exchange, it will often take 2-5% of her energy for each slash swung depending on her state of being each time she uses it. (I.E. is Erna healthy? Did she take damage? Is she exhausted? Is she trying to make it more potent? etc)

With all of that said, most of these effects will lessen if the blade manages to become dull during the battle, the durability of it is lessened during combat or if Erna herself is unable to wield it anymore. As, while it may be passive, Erna has to actually be touching it for it to be active. If she were to drop it, or use it remotely, then it would immediately cease to be unless she was actively focusing her energy into the blade and draining herself of energy. It should also be noted that this blade has an area of effect of one hundred meters, but it does have the potential to be expanded on if Erna enhances it with her magic or other techniques.

Other weaknesses include the fact that most of it's abilities will be lessened and not as effective against those with pure hearts, pure intentions, allies, angels and other similar heroes. Along with that, for those who haven't sinned in Erna's presence, this ability can be lessened as well and it is why she prefers to observe them before summoning this weapon so that it knows they are sinners and can work more effectively against her targets in battle.


The reason why I am wanting to upgrade Cirno with this expansion of Erna is because it adds more depth to her character for me. It gives me a greater sense of development with her personality and I've seen Erna add more story elements with her threads. Just look at her interactions with Henrex, Nemain and Sophia in the way that she has changed, altered and smashed her head in with their plots to change their character.

More than that, I also feel Cirno is deserving of this status because she is running and managing two different factions; The Angel Society and Hero Guild. Cirno is also EXTREMELY active and is always producing QUALITY content with her posts as well that help enrich and motivate other characters to progress, change and make themselves better.

Cirno is also EXTREMELY active in events as she has taken part in Black World, The Platinum Heart Tournament, Iceland, Hero Quest, Operation Moon Massacre and so on and so forth. To say that she isn't a pivotal character on the site at this point is a joke at best. She is always on the frontlines and is always trying to take people along for the ride.

I mean, she has taken on The King Of Hueco Mundo in Iceland and forced him out of a city, Sou Yuuki at his worst while trying to save hundreds of thousands from his rampage, managed to have two pages of active combat with the strongest human on the site in her child form, she has started a major faction group with a strong member base, she has trained dozens and dozens of characters, took on the third Espada of Shadow Fall and managed to push her to the brink, she has developed multiple Iramashsa gems for those in the guild of heroes to use, she has had massive personal development and everyone can more or less refer to her as a major protag on the site.

I also believe that Cirno/Erna deserves a Grand Master in Willpower and Focus because that has been the fundamental aspect of their training throughout the 217 post associated with Hero Quest. The Focus aspect comes from the fact that Cirno was finally able to manage and subdue the chaotic, negative and otherwise corrupted aspects of herself without the need for a crutch. This was something that plagued her for quite some time, and is why she began The Hero Quest which changed so many characters lives to begin with. It gave her the balance, focus and peace of mind needed to calmly assert her powers.

While, at the same time, Erna's very existence is a testament of how strong Cirno's willpower to succeed is. After all, she was forged by the determination to do justice; even if it was in such a corrupted form. This formed every single bit of power and persona found in Erna. Cirno was even capable of altering the state of being of others through the atmosphere of her willpower and focus alone. This made dozens of characters feel at peace, helped to find themselves and progress their development.

This type of mental training even extended into the metaphysical because Cirno, day in and day out for 6 months, constantly went into the depths of her own inner world, the inner worlds of others and learned a great deal of what it is to take both the negativity of life and the positivity life to form a happy balance. This guy her strength, knowledge and assurance that everything was going to be okay.

And since prior to this her willpower was still strong, this could serve as the final nail in the coffin to really bolster and make her willpower ungodly because she has earned that with all the struggle, trials and tribulations she has endured to try and redeem herself and become, what she believes, is a proper angel. One that can make people stronger, have them find their purpose, unlock their potential and make them the greatest they can be with her presence, influence and action.

In addition to all of that, Cirno has been a character I've been working on for almost 5 years going into 2017; 4 years as of the making of this post. Therefore, it isn't as if this upgrade is coming out of nowhere either. There has been steady development, growth and time to mature for her into this state. She has been in a constant stream of threads, events, fights, battles, personal threads and so on since that time and I feel that further adds more fuel to the fire in moving this profile towards a potential 0-2++ approval.

So, from all of that, I feel she deserves some type of 0-2 to 0-2++ in ranking and a Grand Master in Willpower and Focus as she has earned it in my eyes.

HERO QUEST ALONE: [217 posts of content related to her event. Do I have to really grab the other threads? As if need be, I will pull every single thread she has been in since her last tier upgrade in Dec of 2014 to support my argument for this upgrade.]

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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] WVMWLOu
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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty Re: Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP]

Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:17 am


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.


Cirno Iramasha

Song: OLD WORLD - Artist: SOUND SEPHER - Words: 1472

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] WVMWLOu
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Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19347
Age : 31
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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty Re: Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP]

Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:18 am

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Image8485_zpsa8f28400

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Artist: IOSYS - Song: チルミルチルノPV - Word Count: 1546

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. esting the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Testing the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo. the system to the application in order to get a dope flow on this track. Come at me bro I'm going to show you the pathway. This is just an experiment to see how this flows, yo.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] WVMWLOu
Head Admin
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Joined : 2010-06-03
Posts : 19347
Age : 31
Location : Purgatory

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Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] Empty Re: Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP]

Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:20 am

Cirno Iramasha: The Frigid Heroine! [0-2++] [Updating For 2016] [Semi-WIP] WVMWLOu
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