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The Site Hideyoshi
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You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Empty You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 7:16 am
It was a rather bright and sunny day outside. There was probably one one cloud in the sky, and even that was small. The beams shone down brightly, though oddly the temperature was fairly mild. It looked like just about anywhere in Seireitei. Long narrow walkways, walls, and identical buildings in every direction. One with a lack of knowledge of the area would probably find themselves lost rather quickly. Though what someone like that would be doing in Seireitei remained to be seen.

Out from the nearby Squad 5 Barracks stepped out a lone Shinigami. As the man stepped out, he looked up at the sky. He raised his arm and used his hand to shield his face from the sun, before looking back down. The man's name was Snopy Saika. The man had a rather lean build, though he wasn't exactly small due to his height of 5'10. The sun shone off of his blonde hair, which extended down to and stopped at his shoulders. The light reflected off of his eyes in an interesting manner. The way they reflected caused his left eye to sparkle a bright pink, and his right a shade of purple. This was most likely due to his left eye indeed being pink, and his right purple. The light simply gave them a certain sparkle, one the man was never aware of.


The outfit the man wore was like most Shinigami, to a certain extent. The main difference being that his was missing a left sleeve. Snopy preferred it this way, it gave a little more of his body some fresh air. He also thinks it gave a certain effect that he felt was nice. Others thought it strange, but he was never one to really care what random people he barely talked to thought. On his right hip was his sheathed Zanpakutō. It was strange, for reasons he didn't understand the cloth on the handle changed color from time to time. This time, it was the same shade of purple as his right eye. At others, it was like his left.

It had been a long day for Snopy. He had recently been promoted to fourth seat in the division. Normally, he wouldn't have too much extra work. However, with the current lack of a captain, the paperwork piled down the line. He had spent the entire day sorting out the various papers that he had somehow accumulated around him. He hoped once the pileup was dealt with that there would be less to deal with. He would rather avoid a never ending stream of paperwork.

Whatever the case, he had finally sorted out everything with his squad and he was off. Off to do what he did not know. He would probably enjoy anywhere that wasn't the barracks. The sun felt nice to him, in a strange sort of way. For whatever reason he preferred rain to sun. Maybe its because the cool water felt nice, or maybe he just didn't like sunburn. He hadn't really thought about it, and he felt it would be a waste of time to try. So with the sun shining down on him, the Shinigami began to walk. He had no real destination in mind. He simply planned to walk. Maybe he'd bump into someone, maybe not. Either way, he had a feeling today was going to be interesting.
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You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Empty Re: You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:14 am
You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Nagihikoandnadeshiko-1
- N A D E S H I K O / N A G I H I K O - F U J I S A K I -
"Nobody knows my real gender, yet."

It was early in the morning with a sun shining down into her room. Her hair was totally in mess and she had to brush it and then tie her long, flowing dark purple hair using her red ribbon. Nadeshiko would simply get a random clothes and wore them on, the same "usual" clothes that she wears all the time. The sun was pretty shiny just only early in the morning and nadeshiko was okay with the current weather and the temperature that doesn't bug her much.

"Nice weather for today's morning, probably its the best day to take a walk outside for a fresh air."

She got out from the Squad 1's barracks alone, wihout a guide, protect nor a map with her. She had to get used to seireitei or else she will get lost again. It was rare for her to see the place to be silent and empty. She changed her sight to another direction and she is sure that nobody is really outside here. Indeed, it was really a nice and a silent morning, but she will get used to this situation sooner or later, since she is a new member in gotei 13. Yes.. The 5th seat member of the Squad 1.

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The Site Hideyoshi
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You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Empty Re: You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 8:55 am
As Snopy walked he noticed it was awfully quiet. Despite all the work he did he had somehow gotten done early, maybe because he started early. As he walked a light breeze blew past him. It was a nice breeze, certainly one that was enjoyable. Though Snopy, would feel no such joy. He was deep in thought, thinking about some recent events that had transpired. He had one hell of a week, and he knew it was only going to get stranger. Of course, few were stranger than him. He admitted he was a little insane, he didn't hide it. Yet somehow, he had a feeling he'd meet someone even stranger than he. He hit the nail on the head.

He looked up at what appeared to be a female. It appeared that she was trying to find her way, yet something wasn't right. He was sensing a strange vibe from this "girl". One thing that might have tipped him off was that, though he'd usually be attracted to that kind of look, he found himself awfully neutral about it. Though, he was unaware of this, as he didn't tend to focus on how attracted he was to people. The word "trap" didn't cross Snopy's mind as he walked up to the female.

You appear to be lost. Is there somewhere you need to be? He spoke in his usual easy-going tone, with his usual friendly look on his face.
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Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:18 am
You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Nagihikoandnadeshiko-1
- N A D E S H I K O / N A G I H I K O - F U J I S A K I -
"Nobody knows my real gender, yet."

Nadeshiko was standing there, gazing at the air as she did not know where she must head off to or where to go since she doesn't know the place well enough. Out of the blue, she sensed a faint spiritual pressure that is not far away from her current location, lucky or not, she found someone she don't really even know who is he or what is he coming right towards her. Once that the male stood in front of her, it appears that he was talking to her, no one else but her alone.

"You appear to be lost. Is there somewhere you need to be?"

A kind, easy-going yet a good question that had in her mind. But her answer to him was confusing.

"I don't even know where am i going because i'm not really familiar to this place. Maybe you can show me anywhere you can and probably for a walk around. So that i could get used to the situation here."

She spoke in a nice and respectful way with a voice of a young female. She is definitely really lost to this place. All she knew that her barracks is just nearby. She seems to be handling the situation well, since this "person" that was talking to her seems to be friendly and harmless to her. Maybe she could trust this stranger that she never met before for a while unless she feels that something is not right around her.

She had her Zanpakutō close to her so she could unsheath it easier and quicker unless she is attacked out of nowhere. But she hoped this "shinigami guy" doesn't plan on anything stupid or else she'll definitely hunt this person down and stab holes in him. For now, she puts a smile on her face and turned away from the person.

"Let's get going, shall we?"

She said it again in a friendly way but suddenly, something came into her mind. Yes, it was introduction. She nearly forgotten about it for a second. She would turn back to the shinigami male and respectfully bowed down, and telling her name.

"I'm Nadeshiko, Nadeshiko Fujisaki. What's your name, young man?"

Introduction might be a way to know each other more, so she could get less suspicious of this person. She wondered what would his name be? Probably she can't guess since she never heard of him before in gotei 13 nor in the soul society. Maybe this guy isn't popular after all.

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The Site Hideyoshi
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You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Empty Re: You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 9:40 am
Snopy listened to the female, and it appeared he had been drafted. He still go the weird vibe from her, but he pushed it out of his thoughts. His intuition sensed no reason to distrust this person, at least from certain viewpoints. Ok then, lets go. As they began to move the girl stopped and turned for a moment. She bowed down and gave out her name, before asking for his. Formalities weren't his thing, he wasn't raised with them and he was uncomfortable with them. Though he could do it himself to an extent, he felt strange when someone else bowed for him.

Oh, I'm Snopy, Snopy Saika...I know, strange name. Also I'm sorry, I'm bad at formalities. So, I apologize for my, er, lack of. He apologized as best he could. Normally he didn't pay any mind to formalities, but this girl seemed to have been raised that way. The polite thing to do was at least apologize. So anyway, seeing as you don't know the place you must be new. What squad are you from? Snopy asked to get some kind of insight on this girl. Squad was a good place to start, though he didn't get why he felt so uneasy around her.
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You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Empty Re: You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet.

Fri Jul 06, 2012 11:03 pm
You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Nagihikoandnadeshiko-1
- N A D E S H I K O / N A G I H I K O - F U J I S A K I -
"Nobody knows my real gender, yet."

"Oh, I'm Snopy, Snopy Saika...I know, strange name. Also I'm sorry, I'm bad at formalities. So, I apologize for my, er, lack of."

Nadeshiko did heard what he said but she is confused when she did not know what he was trying to say. But she knew that this guy is apologizing to her for no such reason she knows. Snopy Saika.. Sounds pretty familiar. But then, she quickly get to the point that she is about to do. Suddenly, the male tried to say something to her, about Squad.

"So anyway, seeing as you don't know the place you must be new. What squad are you from?"

Probably a good question to ask about but what is he trying to say? Then she replied back to the question that the shinigami male had asked her.

"I'm from Squad 1. The 5th seat of the Squad 1. I'm kind of new since i joined this Gotei 13 a few days ago. What's yours?"

Her sights aimed sharply on Snopy as this person seems to be pretty confused and uneasy when she is around. Is she a burden to him? Or.. Did snopy got suspicious of her real gender. Her eyes were widened, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible to avoid this person knowing about her real gender.

"W-W-What about we take a walk and have fun!? So I can remember this place clearly! Shall we?"

She spoke nervously yet loud around Snopy. Then Nadeshiko turned around, facing away from snopy for a few minutes. She wondered what would happen if he knew about her real gender? It could be a huge mess around the Gotei 13 if he knows about it. She had to do something about it before this happens.

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The Site Hideyoshi
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You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Empty Re: You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet.

Sat Jul 07, 2012 3:11 am
Snopy saw the girl seemed a little confused at his questions, though he couldn't fathom why. Either way he listened contently as she gave an answer. It didn't really surprise him that she was from squad 1. Why, there was no real reason. He just kinda didn't find it odd. Unsurprisingly, she bounced the question right back at him. Oh, I'm from Squad 5, I'm its 4th seat. Not as impressive as it sounds, I'm not actually that powerful myself. But our Division specializes in Kidō, and I am quite competent for my level.

He spoke not realizing that he had rambled a bit, until the end. He stopped himself when he realized he was. He watched as her eyes widened and she appeared to get nervous. She immediately changed the subject to taking a walk, and having some fun while they were at it. But she was oddly nervous about it. She had gotten really nervous really fast. Whoa, take it easy. You're all tense, there is no reason to be nervous around me. Lets just relax, and we will go for that walk, ok? He spoke in a friendly tone, and he himself had eased up. He had a smile some would consider comforting on his face.

He began to walk and expected her to walk along with him. He didn't know what he had gotten himself into, but for now his focus was on taking it easy and keeping things relaxed. So Nadeshiko, why did you join the Gotei 13 anyway?
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Sat Jul 07, 2012 5:19 am
You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Nagihikoandnadeshiko-1
- N A D E S H I K O / N A G I H I K O - F U J I S A K I -
"Nobody knows my real gender, yet."

"Whoa, take it easy. You're all tense, there is no reason to be nervous around me. Lets just relax, and we will go for that walk, ok?"

Maybe Nadeshiko had overreacted a bit but at least the subject has changed and she could have keep her own secret safe from Snopy for a meantime. This shinigami actually specializes in Kidō, which really suits for her skills but yet, she prefers the Squad 1 more than other squads she think of. Well, at least she and snopy could really relax from such conditions and moods right now.

A sudden question came into her mind from Snopy, that she had never thought of it.

"So Nadeshiko, why did you join the Gotei 13 anyway?"

Probably a perfect question for Snopy to ask her. She never really knew what reason she joined gotei 13. Maybe she was too full of herself but she knew that she had a hidden power inside her that she needs to know about, to communicate with and to use it with her own will.

"Reasons are.. that i could know myself and my own powers better. Maybe my abilities can serve gotei 13 well enough. I do not know the reason myself but the answer will come sooner or later."

Nadeshiko put a smile on her face when she replied to what snopy asked. She moved her Zanpakutō closer to her but it is no need to protect herself now, because Nadeshiko thinks that snopy isn't much of a bad guy. Maybe, just maybe she could really feel safe for now wihout unsheathing her Zanpakutō to protect herself.

She wondered what happens.. in the future if snopy knew all about her. It'll be a huge shock and maybe a chaos if he knew about her. Keeping this secret a little while longer wouldn't hurt much.

"Lets move, shall we then?"

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The Site Hideyoshi
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Wed Jul 18, 2012 9:18 pm
Snopy listened and raised an eyebrow. It was rather strange for someone to not know exactly why they joined the Gotei 13. She seemed to have given a reason, but he felt that she was doubting it. Usually when you do something so big you know why you're doing it. Snopy just assumed she was the type of person to do things on a whim. Though, for some reason he didn't think that was the way to describe it. There was something about this girl he couldn't put his thumb on. He didn't worry too much about it though. He didn't feel she would try to kill him in his sleep or anything.

You want to know more about your powers better huh? You and me both. Ever since I became a Shinigami I've wondered something. Things felt natural. Though I may not be the best in terms of Zanjutsu or Hoho, I picked them up rather easily. Another thing I find strange is that I learn Kidō without even trying. To top it off, when I was alive I was born with immense spiritual pressure. Why was I so strong, why is being a Shinigami so natural. He laughed a bit. If I didn't know better I'd say my parents were hiding something. He let off a long sigh as the laughter died down. Well, its not really important, I'm sure I'm boring you. They continued to walk through Seireitei, and Snopy began to realize that at this point it was just wandering. Either way, he knew Seireitei quite well at this point. The point of this whole thing was so Nadeshiko could learn how to navigate Seireitei after all.
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Fri Jul 20, 2012 11:55 pm

You Never Know Who You're Gonna Meet. Nagihikoandnadeshiko-1

Nobody Knows My Real Gender Yet

    His parents? Hiding something from him? It would be quite impossible for his parents to hide the truth from him since Snopy is a shinigami by now and his parents would be telling him the truth by now but why wouldn't they tell Snopy the truth? That's the problem that Nadeshiko was worrying about. And frankly, learning Kidō so quick wihout trying is quite a miracle and odd for snopy. Maybe.. Just maybe this guy is a special person around here.

    "Well, its not really important, I'm sure I'm boring you"

    Well, maybe he's right. Since they were chatting at the same place here, she's bored also. Having a small walk around seireitei with Snopy might've been a good idea for her to have a chat and know Seireitei better so she can walk by herself in the future. She's lucky to have a new friend, Snopy Saika, to help her around knowing this place. She took a glimpse at the blue sky before moving on, and changed the direction of her eyes facing towards snopy.

    "Anyway, let's move on around seireitei while we have a chat. Staying around at the same place to chat won't help me knowing the directions around here. Well then, thank you for directing me around here. Maybe i could repay somehow sooner or later after i remember all the directions here."

    She couldn't wait what was in seireitei and what people do around here. She was nervous since it was her first time to be wandering around seireitei.. with a person.

But It Will Be Soon Revealed In The Future

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