Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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lvy be comes a lady.( done) Empty lvy be comes a lady.( done)

Thu Oct 04, 2012 11:03 pm
Ivy ran into the log cabin she called home. The cabin it self was made is the farthest part of the Forest away from Karakura. Ivy's mother made the cabin her self and there was no better place for seclusion. lvy had goten board of killing squirrels and she had done read all the books in the house and all suzu lab reports/research documents. so coming. Ivy ran straight to her mothers room's door... Being only 3pm Suzu was steel sleeping. slowly opening it she would creep over to the bed.

In a super light and sweet voice Ivy would speak."Mommy are you awake?" upon receiving no replay Ivy's eyes would have a evil glare in them. walking back to the door she would turn to face the bed once more no in to a full force run and leaping into the air with all her might. Ivy looked omost like a angel in the air and wilt a evil smile and was hoping to awake suzu with a crash

"MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMYYYYYY~!"she yelled out just before she was about to land on top of a sleeping suzu.

Last edited by zetsurin on Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:32 pm; edited 1 time in total
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lvy be comes a lady.( done) Empty Re: lvy be comes a lady.( done)

Tue Oct 09, 2012 8:10 pm
lvy be comes a lady.( done) Ce5ff74e46e2bb2f25947d798341a9d1

Suzu was not really sleeping at all she had done bean woke up by the sound of small feet running thru the house. when Ivy opens the door quietly Suzu knowing her child anticipated a sneak attack of some kind and was curious to see what Ivy would thing of doing. So laying on the bed in nothing more than her low cute nightgown and pantys on she laid in wait until her devious child made her move.

the last second before Ivy landed Suzu razed her upper body grabbing ahold of ivy and giving her a gentle hug. "Most gyerek, mi van ennyire izgatott?" Suzu would forcefully snuggl Ivy in to her bosoms. With a soft tone in her voice Suzu said " Nézel olyan szép a reggel, mint az anyád." Suzu ran her hands thru Ivy's light blue hair starting at the top of her head and flowing down and caressing her cheek ever so gently." Menjek neked egy kis reggelit, vagy már ettél Ön már az én szeretett egy?"

should be noted the language Suzu is seeking in is Hungarian.

Now child, what are you so excited? =Most gyerek, mi van ennyire izgatott?

You look so beautiful in the morning, like your mother.=Nézel olyan szép a reggel, mint az anyád.

Should I go get you some breakfast, or have you already eaten my loved one?= Menjek neked egy kis reggelit, vagy már ettél Ön már az én szeretett egy?
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lvy be comes a lady.( done) Empty Re: lvy be comes a lady.( done)

Sat Oct 13, 2012 5:44 pm
Suzu was far to fast for Ivy a human child to keep up with her movements all she knows is her attack was a failure and now she was being forced to snuggle with her mother. But this was good Ivy loved her hollow mother dearly and always felt safe and warm in her arms. Ivy looked up at Suzu's face barley being able to see past her mothers bosoms. "I'm not excited mommy not at all or even the least bit. I'm booooored." She would then start to kick and squirm around as Suzu's hand ran across her cheek. "Mother....Time for breakfast is long past it’s already 3pm. You slept most the day. But don't worry I've done eaten..."

Ivy would grip onto her mother’s night gown...." Mommy... there is nothing for me to do any more...the animals of the forest are too easy to kill and no longer fun. Mommy... you say I am too young to leave the forest but you can change your age RIGHT!? Is their not some way to make me older to?" Ivy's eyes would be watering as she implemented her ultimate weapon THE POUTY
LIP as she tugged on the night gown." Please mommy please? "
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lvy be comes a lady.( done) Empty Re: lvy be comes a lady.( done)

Sun Oct 14, 2012 1:52 am
Suzu bore a puzzled facial expression as she looked into Ivy's eyes. Suzu could see how serious her child was about this going as far as using her pouting face. "MY little one what you’re asking for can be done... But you should fully understand that as a human once you age unlike me you can't ever truly go back and as well what you are asking me for is quite literally shortening your life." The mere thought of doing this to her
little Ivy brought a feeling of uncertainty upon her. "I admit you’re rather advance for your age... And if I had the ability to I would bring humans for you to play with like my mother did for me... but I fear that would only attract too much attention and you know where that leads."

Letting go of Ivy and stepping out of bed Suzu would hold out her right hand as black jolts of energy shoot from it striking the floor not even for feet away. " If ye dos truly wish for this I shall grant it... " a transparent energy field with a slight dark tint would form at the spot where the black jolt had landed." know this you will always be my child... now enter my hasten chamber ". This would tack a large amount of energy on Suzus part so gripping on to one of her sword she would ask it for aid telepathically. 'Eien I beseech you. Let your power flow through me in order to fulfill your sister’s request. Now what say you?'

Eien akumu would pulsate on Suzu's side as she replied to Suzu. "Will ok mother... BUT I want to GO out and have some fun to... I want to sever the flesh from bone soooooo badly... I swear to you I am getting stir crazy just lying here all the time.'

Suzu would replay to her. 'Very well if you do this I’ll send you with your elder sister. But you must promise to obey her alright?'

Quick Eien would say' YES~ I PROMISE' as her reiryoku flowed in to Suzu giving her all the power needed to complete Ivy's wish
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lvy be comes a lady.( done) Empty Re: lvy be comes a lady.( done)

Sun Oct 14, 2012 7:04 pm
Ivy was trembling with excitement. She was unsure of how it would feel or even how old she would become. As she crawled off the edge of the bed ivy looked at what lays before her. She would steep off the bend and enter the strange energy field.

Once Ivy was in the center of Suzu's hasten chamber's field it would start to resonate with a mighty black reiryoku that could be felt for miles around. Ivy fell to her knees in pain. This pain was from her body rapidly ageing. The growing and stretching
of her flesh as will as her bone structure. Ivy could do nothing but lay there as it was so overwhelming not even screams could escape her lips. The black reiryoku would than dissipate almost like a fog blowing away leaving Ivy lying on the cold floor with out a stitch of clothing on. Her clothes had not only been ripped from her body in this processed but withered away.

There was a slight twitch in Ivy's finger showing the first sign of life... followed shortly by a sound. "Mother..."
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lvy be comes a lady.( done) Empty Re: lvy be comes a lady.( done)

Sun Oct 14, 2012 8:31 pm
Doings this had left Suzu drained of all her energy. Suzu would not only would have collapsed falling to the floor but her body would revert to that of a child as she was now lacking the power needed to even sustain that form. Rolling over and looking up as the ceiling she would speak. “Well my little one it’s all done with now. Your body has aged quite a bit... and there is many things we must talk about." stopping for a moment she would take in a couple deep breaths as she felt exhausted. But their was no time for rest quite yet. “I am sure from all your studies you do know a good majority of things. BUT as a mother it’s my job to make sure you're prepared for the world...AS well I need to prepared you for all the changes your body has undergone. You see you'll start to feel strange things from now on as all women do have these feelings. Knowing that I think the first of hour talks should be about courtship.”

The BiG talk

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