Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault

Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth?

Andrew Takahashi
Hitoshi [Adalric]
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Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth? - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue50/100Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth? - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (50/100)

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Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:42 pm
I simply want what I've always wanted. A place to kick back and enjoy role playing. I'm not going to go into plot because I prefer to keep out of events and the like anyway. truth, everyone being nice and stable would be nice...that's it.
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Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:54 pm
Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth? - Page 2 1353066442972

I'd seriously like to thank everyone for really coming back to the site. I promise that in this restart? I'm gonna work harder to make this a place everyone can enjoy. It may take a bit of work, but we're gonna come back stronger then before. I apologize to those whom I may hurt, but we just need to keep moving forward in this time.
UHCM wrote:I believed that we will have to start loosening up on systems and responsibilities as people are still at college or are going to college. That way, even Tsubine will have more than enough time to Role-Play. At the same time, it would be needed to have a pause-able workload, like if Tsubine wants to take a break and Frost is not around, Tsubine can pause it and not deal with it as he fights off evil mechs.

Another note is to provide a special kind of members so if they want to help, they can be of some help without having them become a staff member. Hence, "Specialized Members," who are not staff, but is entrusted with a specific role. It can be a former staff member or a new member who knows what to do for the role or even a member who used to be a staff member in another place. They directly don't take responsibilities that the staff would have, but they can help out the staff indirectly like Graphic Art, Social Morale, Template Coding, Event Coordination and so on. Stuff that members can do without getting too technical or take on responsibilities that staff will take on a daily basis.

I'm starting to agree a bit with that, but I believe we'll still need some permanent faces around in order to ensure we have a stable staff team. Also, with Tsubine gone, that'll probably be the next admin or CO-Admin's duty. Something I'll try to work better on during this revamp of Platinum Hearts. But generally, I believe this Special Member thing can be done on the site. We'll most likely come up with a different name, though.

Shizuo wrote:..yes frost we do, as i've said man, im here for you and the family. IM NOT goin anywhere!

Yea, I really did need that to keep this site going. So I'd like to thank you for the support and keeping this site going strong.

Hitoshi [Adalric] wrote:Well, like I have said before, I am pretty handy with the Admin Panel, and i've gotten a pretty decent grip on what is and is not allowed, so if Staff is needed, I would like to help with that. Next to that, I need to catch up on the posts I have lost during all of this, so once that is done, I will be up to speed again. I like this place, as long as this never ever happens again.

Sounds legit to me. I'll put that on my consideration table and possibly put you down as a possible Site Assistant once I talk with other staff about it. We'll need more of those people eventually.


Also, encourage I guess things like Burst events, maybe?

Kinda like the way we do staff work now, but with RP instead of a collosal event. Could even run two parallel to one another with one for those who RP in larger quantities/slower and one where people post quickly and move through the thread faster.

Either way, thank GOD we have the site back. Thanks so much, Frost.

We'll be working on the Gotei in due time. After all, Shinigami are often the most popular race On any Bleach site, so I feel with enough work in there form of allowing Shikai + filling up lost ranks, they'll be back soon. I never saw a problem with it in the first place, however.

And burst events? You meant Regular Events? I've been encouraging that for awhile in the form of Madness City and that KHS Event. But yea, we can do two parallel events in the future if that's what everyone wants. I might just make it a community effort and we all come up with an event we'd liek to see on the site instead of a few people running it.

Finally, I'd like to say thank you for supporting this site and me. You really deserve it after the shitstorm we've been in the past few days. -Brohug-

Andrew Takahashi wrote:Whatever help you need I will do my best to provide assistance ^^

Then I'll just need you to be active and supporting the site as always, mate.

I'll be replying to other questions soon, but I just need a quick break in order to regroup my mind.

Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth? - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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Sun Dec 02, 2012 6:08 am
Hitoshi [Adalric] wrote:I agree,

The Vizard and the Soul Reapers have always been rather... rickety. They should not be tied to close together, though that's just what I believe.

In Canon they have now accepted specific Vizard to resume their role as Taichou. So yeah they were cautious to not want anything to do with a Shinigami-Hollow hybrid, however that may have been because of their ignorance as to what a Vizard actually is, what it is capable of, and how far-gone they are from resembling humanity.

After they proved their tainted soul had no long-term effects on them due to their high will power and such, their actions spoke louder than words, as they fought alongside the Gotei 13 as if they were still allies. That proved to them that Vizard are able to control their hollow, and is in fact a beneficial addition to their arsenal as the Gotei 13.

However the Vizard allowed in Seireitei are presumably the one's who have conquered their inner hollow already, mastering the ability to summon their Mask/Hollow, and wouldn't allow their inner hollow to take over, ever.

They had more time than Ichigo to work on it, so it would make sense for them to have this done, since Kensei, Rojuro, and Shinji are already so powerful, that a Hollow takeover of their body would mutilate Seireitei.

Regardless, I thought it would allow more of us to be a Vizard and still remain loyal to SS if they so decided, giving people various options, instead of either going rogue in a different world other than SS, or joining the Vizard Corps. Or whatever else Vizard are able to do.

And Vizard are already Hollow-like, the fact they get even more like one means that they are either harnessing the true power of the Hollow within, or it is taking over, turning the tables and trying to become a full-fledged Hollow.
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Tue Dec 04, 2012 7:26 pm
Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth? - Page 2 1353785922511
Vizard & Gotei

We may or may not end up allowing them once the serious staff work begins tomorrow. I'll probably discuss it with the staff and see what they think of it. As, to be honest, I'm fairly neutral on the issue of Vizards joining the ranks of the Gotei 13. And a result of that? Heh, I feel they really could go either way depending on what is decided.

chizuru wrote:I would like to see....uhm...well the site being more big sweeping plot driven. Groups instead of just one character. Maybe even awards when plots wind down for best character and supporting character for each organization involved.

Maybe crazier plots like a Soul Society civil war where arrancar are asked to help one side. Just...less about one more about all.

Yeah, we're already planning on expanding our horizons when it comes to plot, characters, events and other amusing circumstances. So for the 2013 year? Expect alot more interesting plots, missions, heroes, villains, trials, events and all that good stuff. Ultimately meaning, we are definitely trying to do what you suggested. We understand that things have been a bit stiff, so we'll work harder on providing a more interesting climate for your characters to be in.

Snopy Saika wrote:I simply want what I've always wanted. A place to kick back and enjoy role playing. I'm not going to go into plot because I prefer to keep out of events and the like anyway. truth, everyone being nice and stable would be nice...that's it.

Tell me about it. All I really want is a place to have fun with my characters, take it easy when I need to and just go back to how Platinum Hearts was in the beginning before all of this shit got in the way.
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Tue Dec 04, 2012 10:05 pm
There's truly nothing much more that i want besides us being able to keep the freedom we had, as i always felt that was always a favorite central part of the site, provided there were proper limitations at all times. Besides that, however, i would like if we could find a way to stop dickwaving. It may not be something that can be stopped completely, but i always felt like when i was here, that was always enough to ruin my fun. So if we could find a way to tone that down, this site would be so much better. It's like i said once, you could be the Iron Man or Thor of your universe, but if you're not humble or respectful about it? You probably don't deserve the character at all.
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Wed Dec 05, 2012 6:36 am

Why hello there, didn't expect to see me strolling through this section of the park did ya? Anyway, down to business. I have a few things I'd like to point out and also use as reference for any future ideas. Remember that all of these are suggestions and not demands.

Firstly, one my less major concerns but a concern nonetheless: Yen. If you are given huge sums of money and several cheap things to spend it on then you are going to have a lot of money left over. And what do you use that money for? Yen has no become an incentive to participate like we wanted it to. Buying things form shops is nothing more than a single thread down the road. You don't feel like you've earned that thing you just bought because everyone has such massive wallets. Maybe the newer members are alright because they're still exploring the possibilities, but to the people that have millions sitting in an account that they don't need, I think something needs to be either available to them or Yen rates need to be lower.

Secondly, this is something I think has been spoken about or has already happened or maybe I'm thinking of something else, but I recall somebody mention a 'soft reset'. I wont specify exactly what that involves, but I want to put out there the idea that everything needs to be turned off and on again. Clear out Face claims, Organisations, boards flooded with threads from years ago and let everyone have their equal pick at the fish in the water. Maybe you have a vast number of characters that have positions and face claims all over the place. Sadly, i'm thinking for the majority and not for the minority of three or four people with an army of applications.

One thing I really want to see dealt with is the massive power levels we see. Last I checked, I signed up to play BLEACH not Dragonball. It's cool if people want to annihilate entire cities with one blast, or sink islands with a bomb of some kind as long as there is a proper build up to how the hell such an attack was made. After all, even Goku had to conjure the spirits of earth to defeat buu. Claiming you can walk into london and just 'fuck shit up' just makes me wonder what the point of trying to rescue that place is. Even Ichigo vs Aizen happened only once.

Also, may I suggest taking another gander at the rules? There may be some things that we missed out of can think of. I personally like the 'no dickwaving' rule cause nobody likes people that put themselves above others and boast.

Now, here is an idea that I came up with last night during a very long conversation with Frost. I personally enjoy collecting things. Trading cards, toys etc. they let me go to my friends and say 'hey look at this awesome thing I got' and everyone will go 'wow, thats cool. Check out this thing I got'. This is something Im going to call 'Collections'. Literally, these things can be in the form of weapons, powers, vehicles, armours, forum badges, achievements, special awards, graphics or whatever we can think of. To get these special 'collection items' you go on missions set by main characters and depending on the character, it could be completed by heroes, villains or neutral characters. For example, Mana wants that shinigami scout camp gone. A few people go into the mission, they complete it and they are rewards a small amount of yen and a reward personalised form mana: A scythe or death energy object of some kind. Nothing too game changing. just a minute upgrade or toy. Then some other people could be given a task by Ashlei to go find some item in a lost ruin off the coast of Africa. They go there, they complete the mission and Ashlei awards them vials of explosive blood that they can use in battle.

Remember these are all just suggestions. I have plenty more but I can't think of anymore off the top of my head at the moment.

Last edited by //ChaoZi\ on Wed Dec 05, 2012 2:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Dec 05, 2012 9:09 am
Snopy Saika wrote:I simply want what I've always wanted. A place to kick back and enjoy role playing. I'm not going to go into plot because I prefer to keep out of events and the like anyway. truth, everyone being nice and stable would be nice...that's it.

Like Snopy said I want it to be easy going and relaxing, just a place to role play with friends and have a good time. Nothing to complicated just a place for fun and good times.

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Mon Jan 21, 2013 2:20 pm
Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth? - Page 2 Image354
Welp, that about finishes things up here

Seeing how we've gone pass this point, I believe everything discussed in this thread has been pretty much solved as time has progressed over the past few months. And with this discussion no longer being needed with the site stabilizing, I shall be closing out this thread, locking it and moving it to old annoucements.

Once Again, I ask you: What Do You Want in this time of rebirth? - Page 2 WVMWLOu
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