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Satan's Spawn
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Fire & Flames Empty Fire & Flames

Sat Mar 30, 2013 1:06 pm
The days had only seemed longer recently, schedules consisted of eat, sleep and work. The sun didn't set until late evening and it rose at such ridiculous times in the morning. The branches of the trees shook furiously within the harsh weather of the day whilst the overcast above Karakura looked as if an upcoming storm would shortly arrive.

It hadn't been long since Rin had learned about his demon heritage - the mixed emotions that had overtaken every thought from everyday had finally dimmed down. Although, the confusion over why Shirou would still even want to go near him still haunted the boy, Rin Okumura - He was a monster, after all. He wanted to believe this whole thing was some horrible prank or even just a bad nightmare, He hadn't even contemplated who his father was until he was told only recently.

Although the boy liked living in an area, Karakura Forest, that felt almost isolated from the real Karakura. He still had started to grow even more curious about what it would be like to live a normal life, one he had only wished and dreamed of from the day he could think of things like that. The errands he ran for his brother, Shirou led him to Downtown Karakura to shop for whatever essential needs they would need for the week or two and from every stop he had taken down there, he couldn't help but notice the uniform that the people around his age wore.

They attended a school, no lie about that but Rin had never even stepped foot in a school, he had only heard about it. The warm feeling that he felt when seeing these sort of people together, happy and spending time with one another made Rin secretly long for the same life. He wanted to go to school for both an education and a friendship but he couldn't help but think what would happen if anyone else found out who he actually was.

He knew his mother had died giving birth to him, the thought of not really having a family made his heart break. He was saved by the man he lived with today, the one whom he saw as a brother and that really was the only family he had right now. He wanted to protect that and to protect his brother, the choice of living out here within the depths of the forest was a wise one Shirou had made. It was far from the traffic, trouble and whatever else that would give the two a headache.

He sat underneath a tree, about a five minute walk from where the two lived. Keeping an eye on the weather just in case the storm would arrive with no warning. Sure, it was cold but being out by himself like this allowed the boy to think. Sometimes even dream of a normal life.
神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Sun Mar 31, 2013 12:50 am

Rage, wrath, destruction; what was Narumi feeling? He felt as if he was going to burst out and set fire to the world. Not that he hated the world. It was just that some people in existence needed to be terminated from the spectrum of lives for their stupidity, ignorance, and their outright hateful bigotry. Recently, his days have been uneventful, it's just not so surprising that he's feeling like a piece of shit right now. His face, gloomy with what could be identified as a combination of anger and sorrow. Why did he feel sad? He had no idea. For some reason, whenever he felt angry, he automatically felt sad as well.

He looked up to the sky, eyeing the dreadful and mind-boggling dark clouds looming over the town. He scoffed, shaking his head. "Sometimes, I wonder why I even try. All I wanted was to have fun, but suddenly people are chasing after me one-by-one - even in groups! - just for the sake of killing me. It wasn't my fault that I was ousted from the K-World for being an immature prick," Narumi sighed, realizing that he should just ignore the inevitable retrospect, which was just the silly way to say that he did not care, even though it was quite obvious that he did.

He slowly walked into the green lushy area that was Karakura Forest, an area slightly isolated from the city, that can allow people to think and regain their normal senses back. Quickly, he jumped on a large tree and hopped from one to another continuously for like a minute until he felt like he was a lot more further from the city. He desperately needed time for himself. School wasn't his priority right now. He needed to become himself again. Cheery, upbeat, and strong... maybe immature? Probably not right now.

Narumi suddenly witnessed a boy sitting underneath a tree, watching the weather as if expecting something. A storm, probably. The guy though... he looked oddly familiar and... different than the rest of the teenagers in his age range.

Satan's Spawn
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Sun Mar 31, 2013 1:08 am
A sound. A familiar sound of another's presence grew louder and louder towards the boy. Of course, only recently discovering his heritage - Rin had no idea that demons had improved hearing abilities as well as other traits. Although, with the possession of a sword like Kurikara, Rin had only grown accustomed to having the blade by him at all times. He was told that he couldn't trust just anyone anymore now that his powers had awoken but maybe that was what made Rin's depression grow, the face that the lack of friends the boy had made him feel...isolated in such a huge world.

The rain that was once held back within the depths of the overcast soon began to fall slowly, yet soon building up to announce the arrival of the storm. He didn't want to return, not now. Maybe Shura and his brother were out at the moment so being home alone in a storm like this didn't really go towards his likings.

The boy continued to ponder within his own thoughts, slowly drifting off to sleep whilst clutching his sword. That was until the noise of someone else's presence felt nearer than a few moments ago. His eyes opened half way, sleepily whilst looking around. "W-Who's there?" His voice said quietly, almost inaudible by the sound of the rain. The rain water from his hair dripped from his head, making the boy sneeze from such cold weather but that wasn't his priority right now. He wanted to know just who else was near him. Would they be a threat? Or a friend?

Fire & Flames Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
神 Glorious Asian
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:04 am

Narumi wasn't trying to hide his presence. He wasn't necessarily trying to scream out that he was there and that the boy should outright look for him, but just make him aware that someone was around him. The boy thought about the chances of meeting someone here, someone that felt extremely familiar and similar to him in almost every essence possible. He mentally sighed, standing on top of a sturdy tree branch still, waiting until the boy actually acknowledged that he was around.

He huffed a breath real quick, shaking his head, suddenly receiving a response from the teenager on the ground surface. The rain was making Narumi less visible and he decided to use it for his advantage. "Hi there! Who're you?" Narumi's eyes quickly went orange for a second as he leaned against the tree trunk, and sliding down whilst still on the branch.

Satan's Spawn
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:18 am
Blasted rain, the boy couldn't see a thing. He knew someone was there, it wasn't that he could just...hear them. But he could smell them too. It was odd, his sense of smell had improved drastically since he had obtained Kurikara. Although, with the rain and all, it made it really hard for Rin to pinpoint exactly where this other person was.

"Hi there! Who're you?"

Rin jumped from his skin at this, he wasn't really expecting anyone to say anything and whilst hitting his head out of shock on the tree behind him may of been funny for this other lad, it'd probably leave a bruise for the boy later. He quickly stood up, picking up Kurikara whilst pointing it around him. Such a weird weapon that still laid unsheathed - he was promised to be trained with the use of a sword and how to control his so called 'flames' by the woman who had told him of his true heritage, Shura Kirigakure. But Rin wanted to make sure that such a thing would only happen when the boy was ready to unsheathe the blade and accept who he truly was.

Even so, pointing a sheathed weapon and someone who laid hidden within the shadows was stupid, it'd have no impact on anyone other than a bruise on the head if Rin decided to just smack someone clean with it. "R-Rin...Rin Okumura." Rin spoke after a short time, narrowing his eyes to try and get a better look, "W-Wah!" Rin quickly slipped up in a muddy pile of the field, a loud 'squelch' sound heard from anyone close by whilst his weapon, Kurikara was now also covered in mud, covering all of the shining blue in horrible dark brown colours from the mud.

He sighed, standing up, cold and wet, looking around more. "Who are you and what do you want..." He growled angrily, pissed off from how wrecked his clothes and hair were now.

Fire & Flames Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
神 Glorious Asian
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:34 am

The rain was hazardously thick, and Narumi couldn't thank it enough. It shrouded him in the dark well, and with the help of a damp tree trunk, it kept him practically invisible. He sniffed himself making sure that he wasn't riddled with an odd scent that could attract large cockroaches, aka he didn't want to be stinky. He did take a bath though so he wondered why he was even thinking about his scent in the first place. Perhaps because the boy in front of him seemed different. Human, but different.

When the guy incidentally hit his head on a tree as a response to Narumi's introduction, the Ifrit-boy couldn't help but blink, a large blob of sweat dropping comically down the side of his head. He squinted his eye at the boy, his first impression; the boy was stupid - seemingly in his own good way - if being stupid and naive can be a good thing that is. Narumi extended a single part of his claw real quickly, carving something on the tree that he's on very silently, even though the rain was covering up any background noises.

"Rin? Kind of a generic nam-" The boy slipped. What. Can someone be really that clumsy while standing up? The 'squelch' noise didn't help his case, but rather amplify his overall derpiness. "Uh.." He cleared his throat, loud enough for Rin to hear. "I'm Narumi! Just curious. What are you?" He asked curiously.

Satan's Spawn
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:48 am
"I-I know you're there! I can smell you..sorta." Rin pouted after a while of not getting a response, he didn't really know how to react in situations like this or how to control his already active powers. Shura and Shirou were all the way in Downtown Kurikara and probably sheltering away from the storm right now so even if the boy did try and get back to the house, on one would be in it and he didn't even have a phone to contact anyone.

When the boy did slip, he acted like nothing ever happened the moment he rose back to his feet. He was dripping with rain and mud now and was already probably really embarrassed by that event, the last thing he wanted was to make a big deal about it. He had been in weather much worse than this during when he was a street kid, he had to survive in this type of weather for years. But since his body had started getting use to the warmth and care indoors, it only felt like any natural reaction from anyone when he rained.

"I'm Narumi! Just curious. What are you?"

Although Rin promised himself he didn't want to make a big deal over anything, this question was always going to be one that would get to him. He frowned quietly looking at the ground, listening to the sounds of the harsh wind and restless rain. "I..." He began, sighing and shaking his head. Could he tell just anyone? After Shura had told him there would be people that would want to hurt him or kill him....He didn't want that sort of trouble..He hadn't done anything.

The boy soon forced a smile, not yet. He couldn't tell anyone he was the son of Satan. Not yet.

"I'm just your everyday casual guy, Rin Okumura!" He said, grinning to cover up his pain. "I should get going...It was nice to meet you, haha..." Right now, he really wanted some sukiyaki. He quickly grabbed Kurikara, tying it on his back whilst turning around and heading off towards his house.

Fire & Flames Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
神 Glorious Asian
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Thu Apr 04, 2013 12:54 am

Narumi decided that it was time to reveal his appearance, jumping down from the tree branch effectively onto the now-muddy, grassy surface. His feet refused to sink through the dampness, seemingly solidifying another sheet of layer to walk on above the disturbingly disgusting environment right now. He hated rain - most of the time - due to the humidity that it brought with itself afterwards. It was nice that it cleaned up the area, but the feeling of sweating while not really sweating? Not exactly a good definition as to what's fun.

"Casual? I don't think so. You seem different." He eyed the boy, noting that Rin was taller than him by several inches, making his face scrunch up a bit. "And you're taller than me. He sighed, leaning against the tree, this time in Rin's sight of range even through the thick needles of rain stabbing the ground.

Satan's Spawn
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:03 am
Rin was soon to hear a small thump, so the person was hiding within the depths of the trees?

"Casual? I don't think so. You seem different." Rin quickly stopped, noticing the person in front of him. He was just a kid...Like him. Sure, he was smaller but he was perhaps the same age at least. Such a thing kind of did surprise the boy - He was expecting someone around Shirou's age but this sort of bought some form of relief over him, knowing the people out there weren't just scary individuals who were already adults.

"I-I'm not differen-- " "And you're taller than me. " Rin frowned, ready to pout whilst he gave his attention fully to the boy against the tree. "Why should I just go around telling everyone who exactly I am and my life story anyway?! I don't even know you and if you think hiding in the trees like a minute ago is clever then you've got another thing coming..." Why was he so urked by this? His anger had been on such a short fuse lately, he glared over at the boy - His eyes shifting to a azure blue colour for a split second and then back to normal. "Go back home..." Sighing, he turned the other way - even if it was a longer route, he'd still get home just as long as he didn't have to talk to this person again then he was content. Although why the boy he had just encountered with was pissing him off so much, he didn't know.

Fire & Flames Eee224b2a4b36d5b3049d3801f0f4fdd

Hon Hon Baguette.
神 Glorious Asian
神 Glorious Asian
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Fire & Flames Empty Re: Fire & Flames

Thu Apr 04, 2013 1:11 am

"Same as me, huh?" Narumi instantly got the idea as he inspected Rin from this range, tilting his head to the right with a smirk on his face. Another guy like him, someone with seemingly demon blood in him. It wasn't that hard to see. Hard to smell. Hard to sense. At all.

"And I'm not going home. Not yet anyway."

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