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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Fri Oct 11, 2013 5:59 pm
Isae looked at the two girls and oversized lizard. Almost as if she didn't care for their existence at all.” Well looks like you get to live at least a little longer and for the most part my job here is done. But there is steel the matter of testing those blades out. I don't really care how many of you fight me at the same time and you should take her help. Even though it may be two on one the scale is tipped vastly in my favor.” a completely senator smile would overcome her. isae holding her arms outwards exposing her chest.

“To prove just how much danger you both are in I’ll tell you what. Hit me. I am giving you a free shot. Anything you like I won’t move at all. Go ahead try to cut me. “isae would be giggling a bit as her eyes turned to the new girl. “Yes this will be a lot funer game with more players. But you should know the rules apply to you as well. If you can't interest me than your better off dead. I will just simply put done on the report you were acting in aid to a runaway and rouge. And neither of you should feel limited to just using you're swords. I don’t mind you using those hollow mask at all.“ isae letting her energy flow out normally. “Well come on then… What are you waiting for? One of you go ahead and take the free shot. I am getting bored.”
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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Fri Oct 11, 2013 6:35 pm
Sherri glared at the vizard before her, sighing with frustration. Then when she warned her move, she shrugged, moving a bit towards the one who had cast the kido before. She truly must be strong, it took all of that blackfire to take away the flames even after it had been strengthened by her hollow mask. Then the girl behind her started saying something, and then the huge burst of flame like energy was upon her, but Sherri did not even flinch. Holding her sword up towards the girl, the flame upon it ate at the energy in order to make sure no harm came to her. Looking over her shoulder she spotted the vizard’s new outfit and smirked.

“Nice look, suits your attitude quite well.”

Turning back to the attacker, her lips slowly turned in to a frown as she listened to the words coming from the mouth of the shinigami, anger boiling in the pits of her stomach. Her body trembled, and when she spoke one could tell she was desperately trying to hold back her rage.

“You… people like you… I hate you the most. You say you’re here to protect this world… but then slaughter beings because they are different from what you wish. You cast them out… hurt them… and then you expect them to cooperate with you?? You’re scum, no you’re less then scum. Sorry kiddo, but the first shot is mine.”

Glaring at the lady, she pointed her blade towards her, letting off another blast of the black flames from upon her sword. The flames shaped in to the maw of a dog, flying straight towards the woman. If she didn’t dodge or block it somehow, it would explode when it hit her, burning everying within five feet of the woman with her darkfire. She had made sure she had stayed far enough away to be safe from her own technique, and now she continued with her plan. The shadows on the ground quivered before rising up, becoming a dome of black shadowy mist two hundred feet in diameter. Within this dome, normal vision would become blurry past thirty six feet, and past sixty feet everything is pitch black. Taking a breath, she began chanting, her voice carrying softly throughout the dome.

“Shadows converge and cover the fallen flame, flames form in to the arm of the fiend. Come forth from the earth, Tendrils of the Fiendish Visage.”

After finishing the chant, Sherri flash stepped right next to the woman, stabbing her sword in to the ground as she landed. A ripple of darkness spread out from where she had stabbed, becoming a circle twenty five feet in diameter. Eight tentacles made of darkfire formed around the edge of the circle, all evenly spaced around its edge. They would now attempt to entangle anyone who had been burned by her darkfire in their grasp, burning them as they did. With that done, Sherri ripped her sword from the ground, flash stepping eighty feet from the woman before turning around to see if her tactic had worked.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Fri Oct 11, 2013 7:18 pm
Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Scythe____by_REBEL808 Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQKOxtvIVT6K_g2Oc8qEROID6hvtxBHJ2EtQMSgKlGoRc6vg64ckg
Natalia looked to the girl who had spoken to her. The mask upon her face reminded her of so much she wanted to forget. I suppose i should go all out on this. Even though it will ruin my chances to return to the soul society. s she spoke she was slowly moving her hand to her face. A black and white flame forming around her hand. As soon as her hand reached her face she made a gemtle sideway swipe of her hand over her face. As soon as she did a mask slowly formed behind her hand over her face. Though it would not be completely visable due to the hood of her shikai state though. the power that came with useing her shikai and her mask would quickly become apperant and make her a formidale force to be reconed with.

After the mask was on she stared at the lady before her as what looked like a dome of shadow appeared around the target. I see well this will simplyfy things greatly. I am that of shadow and light. We are the one thing that will destroy all who stand in our path. She stated as she moved her two swords together and they soon murged into one weapon. The weapon it formed would look like a scythe with what appeared to be two diffrent blades. Soon after the scythe was made Natalia would seem to vanish useing Her own shadow. Soon after Natalia would appear in 3 random spots within the orb of shadow her scythe in 3 diffrent ending attack poses. She had made three attacks upon the target useing her shadow step ability.

This attack was granted to her due to her shikai state. It allowed her to use the shadows to attack in a form of flash step type method of attack though hers used the shadows as the transport for herself and the attack. the attacks targeted the enemys chest back and gut. As soon as the attacks were done she would use the shadow step yet aggain this time jumping out of the newcommers shadow. As she was in the air she altered her position ever so slightly and swung her scythe to the ground aiming the blade at the shadow. She soon would stab at the shadow of the newcommer though the ground would not be punctured at all. the one watching this would possibly be shoked by this though for some reason natalia was not. As the blade seemed to sink into the shadow the blade would reappear behind The target. The blade would seem to be targeting the enemys back and would appear to be comeing out of nowhere by the enemys point of view. Though as soon as the attack its self was done natalia pulled the scythe out of the shadow causeing the blade its selt to dissapear from the field of attack.
Andrew Takahashi
Andrew Takahashi
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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Sat Oct 12, 2013 2:28 am
"Looks like there is a pretty big fight on the horizon."

Time to go investigate?


Andrew started to move to the direction of the various reiatsu that was being given off. He had already felt a familiar presence with two of them: both were vizards that he had already encountered during his time in the Corps. But the third presence was unknown to him. He knew speed was not going to be his suit, so there was only one thing he could be able to do: find the shortest path for him to get to his objective. As he moved through the trees, he took his zanpaktou out as he spoke with a soft tone of voice. "Cook, Tetsu Itamae." As the steam shot out of his zanpaktou, he knew that going into battle immediately unsealed would give his presence away. Then again considering he isn't sure what is going to be coming up at the other end of the tunnel, he wasn't going to taking any chances.

He watched the shadow dome being created, knowing that there was something up. He ran into the darkness, staying near the edge as he felt for the presence of each vizard and shinigami until he had realized the presence of the two vizards were two that he had met before: Natalia and Sherri. Though he had seen Natalia being pretty scrappy in a fight with a demon, he knew in his heart that Sherri is completely honest when it came to finding redemption. So as both girls had started their attacks, Andrew had an idea to help them out. His eyes kept on the direction of the shinigami girl they were facing as he started to speak,"From the shadows spring forth, bind thy foe in thy dark power. 64 - Burakkuchēn." He chose a bakudou to match the color of the tendrils of the shadows that were being being thrown around to add to the confusion for the shinigami to deal with.
The Cookie
The Cookie
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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Sun Oct 13, 2013 3:43 am


It was a typical day in the Karakura City, with a puff of a clear air from her lungs as she was exhausted from rushing all the way to a nearby shop before the takoyaki ran out of stock, and she was able to buy one of the last three stocks, luckily. Deciding not to sit around and be relaxed with her food, the female was on her way back to the Yuudeshi's Town Centre, merely located within the depths of the karakura forest where it would not be too hard to find on her way into the town again. But the second she took a step into the forest, a burst of spiritual pressure was felt within the forest, most likely a Vizard due to the spiritual energy's respond to the sudden spike of energy outwards from an area. The female, was smart enough to coordinate the location of where the burst had happened, by acknowledging the waves and the strength of the burst where she could tap down a possible coordinate of where the incident should've happened before.

A couple of flashsteps were able to get her there, only to find herself into a middle of the battlefield. "Oi oi! Who the hell allowed all of you to make a fuss? You assholes want to get fried into chickens, mate?"

A voice of a female echoed from her lungs then to the throat, outwards from the mouth, shouting with a matter of force that extends throughout the battlefield to allow the fighters to have their attention drawn before the appearance of the very woman. Her hair was crimson red, with a visible Zanpakutō held against her right waist and a pendant that seems to be burning brightly within, wihout melting away the structure of the very pendant. She has a very short appearance, however. Some may not notice her because of her height and small structure, but that is not something you should underestimate and call her off as a 'little girl'. Infamous or not, she is known as Jetta Yuudeshi, being part of the Yuudeshi family and very much, the Daughter of Zin Yuudeshi, Vizard Corps' Leader, one of the females that tries to keep the reputation of the Yuudeshi family alive and up, and for quite some time, she had not let out much of her reserved energy against these toughnuts whom decided to simply not thinking twice and begin to bombard the forest. Simply, they have no idea what sort of a huge trouble that they are in, when it comes to meeting her face-to-face. She may look like a small girl, but it may rip open your eyelids once her opponents witness her true ability.

With trees everywhere, this may be down to a good time to keep this people on check, doesn't it? Beginning with the presence of the oxygen, she would not generate any carbon dioxide, since with the trees around, doing it may be impossible to be dealt with in her own condition. As in her own idea, she would manipulate the vast amount of oxygen only located within the battlefield that the fighters stand to expand outwards continuously, which may decrease the numbers of oxygen that a normal human requires to breathe, but in her case, such things is not required for her, this also applies to the oxygen intake of spiritual beings, though this would not kill them, but instead, it disrupts the flow of their spiritual energy within their body which may bring their ability to an unstable state and may possibly explode if not used with care, additionally if one were to tap a huge amount of reiatsu in a single area, the chances are that it will most likely explode within matter of seconds before the user could fully charge the reiatsu and release it.

Once the procedure has been fulfilled, Jetta would begin to generate a sea of flames and covering her own flames with oxygen that would keep the flames at its combustion state. With her targets surrounded by the sea of flames that she had generated, she would cage them up in her free will, though this may be a little taxing for her to keep the flames up and going from the ongoing attacks from the fighters if they persist to be released from her flames, but in case of an emergency, she would manipulate her flames from outside and attack the trapped victims within, if they were to try and attack, but this is only a matter of time before one of them escapes.

Her hands were reaching out to keep the flames and the air that she manipulates under her full control, preventing any sorts of mistakes or unstability that might probably lead to an opening of an escape, covering as many blindspots as she could, her fierce eyes glanced before the cage of fire, only eager to see the results of the incident. Any resistance shall be burned by her flames, even more? She'll just do it in a hard way to keep them down and force them to keep their balls down so that they would not attempt anything funny or, at the least, maximum violence within the area.

Commoners. They are very irritating to deal with.

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST] Template By: Sou Yuuki

Empty, blank space.
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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Mon Oct 14, 2013 5:29 am
Isae stood her ground resolute with a slight grin on her face as she heard the newcomer’s reaction and her eagerness to take ahold of the free shot offer. As the black flaming dog comes at her all that could be seen of Isae was her body becoming engulfed by the black flames. In her mind isae was thinking was this girl showing chivalry? Who can really tell now days? What Isae was hoping for was one to cast a binding kido and as she gave them the first move it was destin to hit. So naturally she was thinking they would use Bakudo # 4. Hainawa on the low end … or impress her with Bakudo #61. Rikujokoro. Using any binding spell would have been the smart choice as it would have let them do anything they wanted to after it hit her. In other words turning one free shot into a unstoppable on slut of attacks. But instead she merely thru fire … she could feel the fire pulling some of her energy away. But so little did not really matter. The fire itself trying to burn at her skin it did hurt a bit but the pain was more than bearable. Two words come out of isae’s mouth as her body was in flames. “Bankai Mammô” what in her right hand that was a small tanto blade would grow to be half the length of her body. Its appearance being somewhat demonic in nature and bonelike with something like a mammoth’s skull on part of it. If a Zanpakutō is a reflection of its owners soul.. Then this one truly must reflect a beast.

Isae did as she said she gave them one free shot and that shot was used to cote her in flames. Now as the shadows seemed to start rising from the ground Isae would use her own flash step to appear right behind Sherri and attempting to plunge her blade deep within her shoulder. With a mixture of speed and grace her aim would be set on the teres minor and major but with the blades size if she landed this it would cut all the way thru. at the same time with her left hands index and pointer fingers pointed straight up in the air isae swiped this hand away to her left side and arching it downwards as she did so. “Sai!” With Isae speed it was unlikely she would be able to dodge the blade if she went right, infect that would make the blade most likely pierce her hakusui or saketsu if not her very heart itself. Trying to move straight would not help seeing how long the blade is. And if she tried to jump the blade would just hit somewhere else on her body namely the lung. This left Sherri two foreseeable options really. One to move left or two crouch down. Both of which would more than likely make her be hit by Sai still as she casted it not only from straight on her back' but to her left as well.

Isae would then use her flash step to move away from Sherri by 20 feet her body still covered in these annoying black flames. Pointing her finger at the ground she calls out. “ Hadō 53 Mizu no Funshutsu” water shooting up from the ground but it did not react as the kido should have made it. instead it was falling to Isae's will under her swords ability as it started getting colder. Natalia’s first attack was aimed at Isae’s chest and would slash along it to no avail. Her armor like skin resisting its cut and moments after that Isaes body would become encased in a solid cylinder of ice at absolute zero. Her energy flowing thru the ice to regulate it's temperature. This killing the black fire that was on her. It not being able to stand the cold that nullifies all heat as it allows for zero thermal energy to be with in the ice itself. Natalia’s next attacks would collide with this ice witch would be allot stronger than steel and nearly unbreakable thru physical means alone. It is from within this cylinder of clear ice that she looked out to see Black Chains wrapping around it as another attack went to strike at her back.

It was not soon after that a sea of flames come rolling in. Isae could not hear what was said but she could feel the energy's of those around her. The ice cylinder lunching itself off the ground and in to the air according to Isae’s will. As it did so it was slowly melting at its top becoming a smaller cone around her. The rest of the ice that melted off becoming cubes of ice that rain down on the field. Weakening the flames for those on the ground. Once the cone was 100 feet in to the air it would flow back in to water as she used her flash step to move away from the seen. They were all clearly vizards and only a fool would take all four of them on… so leaving was the only option.

~Isae left~
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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Mon Oct 14, 2013 10:35 am
As the shadows started to rise, Sherri noticed the woman that she was fighting flash stepped behind her, aiming her blade at her shoulder. Grimacing, Sherri chose not to move, letting the blade pierce through her flesh. A gasp of pain escaped her lips, but before her opponent could remove the sword from the injury, Sherri’s left hand snapped up and grabbed on to it.

“You really shouldn’t… underestimate me… Bankai.”

With a sudden burst of spiritual pressure, Sherri had done something she had never done before: release her bankai. Her sword slowly melted away, disappearing in to nothingness as a burst of the same black fire that had covered her sword appeared in front of her. It slowly shaped itself, becoming a huge dog made of pitch black flames, the beast lying on the grass in front of her. Despite the beast’s stomach being flat against the ground, it still managed to come up to Sherri’s shoulder in height. It stood up, easily tower over the beast’s master, three times as long as it was tall if one included the tail. Coughing twice, a small amount of blood hit the ground from her mouth as she began to speak.

“Meet my zanpaktou spirit, Mastiv. Get her Mastiv!”

As Sherri finally let go of the blade, the giant dog pounded after her enemy, attempted to close its jaws around her. If it succeeded in chomping on her she would feel one tenth of her remaining energy being drained from her in addition to the physical effects of being bitten by a giant dog. Breathing heavily, Sherri called out another name.

“Come forth Lumina, I require your assistance.”

Suddenly another flame began to form in front of Sherri, a blindingly white flame. It too took the form of a dog, about half the size of the previous one. The beast seemed to smile a bit before becoming a long stream of fire that wrapped around Sherri’s body. It didn’t feel hot to her at all, in fact it felt pleasantly warm. On top of this, the wound she had suffered was healing itself, slowly closing up. Glaring at the enemy as Mastiv continued to chase her, repeatedly trying to claw, bite, or stomp on her, Sherri sighed.

“This is ridiculous. Kry-ah, let’s go.”

Again another flame formed, this one a light blue color. It formed in to another dog, this one the size of a young golden retriever puppy, with diamond plating covering the flames below. The strange part was that it was emitting a different spiritual energy, as if the flame within had not originated from Sherri. After all, it had not been born of Sherri’s flames, Kry-ah was of her sister Miaka’s fire. As such, it contained her spiritual signature, not Sherri’s. Smiling down at Kry-ah, a looks of complete calm came over Sherri’s face for a second, but then was replaced by a smirk.

“What brings you by Andrew? Oh… and now I’m smelling a different flame…”

Sherri raised her nose to the air, sniffing at it.

“This one is not a smell I remember… do either of you two know them?”

She glanced over at Andrew, her eyes looking directly at him as the dome dispersed, Sherri not caring to keep it up anymore. Sighing softly, she let her mask melt away, disappearing from view as Lumina unwound herself from Sherri, forming in to a dog again. Glaring up at the person whose flames were now trying to entrap her, she mentally commanded Mastiv to return to her side before calling up to the person.

“Hey, do you mind turning down the heat? It’s kinda threatening… and well, I for one am not feeling like any more fighting.”

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
"Of course it is. Are YOU going to question beholder's artistic sense?"

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Natalia's Shikai training - Page 2 Empty Re: Natalia's Shikai training

Mon Oct 14, 2013 4:23 pm
Natalia Sighed as she slowly moved her hand over her face to remove her mask as a soft grin formed over her lips. She soon looked to everyone and to the flames building up as if to ensnare her. A soft laugh would soon escape her lips as she looked to the flames. She found it hard to keep the form but she bearly did manage one last skill though. She bearly managed to pull off her shadow stepp ability though this time she would not attack. Insteed she would manage to use her ability and appear right next to the one who had created the flames. If the flames still chased after her they would not only entrap natalia but its caster as well.

I guess some people just love to get involved with other peoples proublems huh? Just like that teacher that ran away just now.

As she spoke her shikai would slowly fade away as she returned to her normal state on her own in order to conserve what energy she had left. in her mind she had no idea why someone would get in the way on purpose though she supposed it was a good thing they did either way though. Stareing at the one who caused the flames she could not help but grin.

Let me guess you are going to go on some rant about how nature was hurt cause of this fight. Even though it was all to release my shikai. Though i could have managed it without that stupid teacher butting in.

She stated withing a low toned voice. Mumbling nasty words and comments about the one who had ran away under her breath. She soon looked to the others who had jumped in as well as she soon offered a slight sigh. To be honest she hated working with others though she supposed depending on cercimstances it may not be all that bad from time to time.
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