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Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down Empty Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down

Tue Nov 25, 2014 6:48 pm


The present date for this thread is November 15th, 2414 and it takes place in the evening under a reddened sky. The air is extremely hot for the time being and there are destructive wind gusts tearing apart the vicinity. At the moment, there are now tens of thousands of destructive energy blast being shot off all over the Seireitei from a freak storm taking place. Only those who have signed up for operation storm can partake in this thread. So if you wish to do something, go here.

Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down WVMWLOu

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The Cookie
The Cookie
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Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down Empty Re: Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down

Tue Dec 09, 2014 10:38 am

Artist: Super Sweep - Song: Hard Mode - Word Count: 1472


Out of the blue, a blast of electromagnetic beam appeared above the skies of Seireitei, before each of them blasted right through and creating almost an intensive level of explosion upon the direct contact between the electromagnetic beam and the energy blasts that is falling from the skies like it belonged here, taking out hundreds of them by using the idea of chain reaction between energy blasts that are close to each other, saving the hassle to use so much energy to clean so many obstacles up. Unleashing an explosive power of a cero, it would've definitely make the perfect firework for the sky and astonish the people of the Seireitei, except that there is nobody to enjoy the show, dissapointing. For the captain? To him, it'll be a flash of light across the sky before the chain reaction exploded the skies like fireworks.

A male voice suddenly echoes from afar, mixed accent between Japanese and Korean, and the tone? It would sound fairly sarcastic to one's ear to ring, deep in tone and would struck similarities to Shadin, but there is no ties between them at all. "Oh come on kid, don't break all the fun, will ya'? I know Seireitei's at stake but really, you should spare some of those for me to analyze and take them out with a single button. Besides, you should control your greed and act like a captain you are, or you might accidentally let your Kouhai take all the spotlight, you know?"

Appearing from the shadows with a grin on his lips, his entire face that leaves exception for his neon violet eyes, glowing ever so brightly that overtakes the sun's brimming light, walking would leave a smoke-like trail behind his eyes, his lips that would never stop grinning endlessly as if he was mocking others even if they are stronger than him or even if they are his senpai. White hooded jacket that shadows his appearance, only to leave what's left of his entirety was a black t-shirt beneath the jacket, gloves worn by his hands and a pair of white pants which all holds the same unique symbol that represents nothing but himself. However, what stands out isn't his appearance, but the floating machines behind his back, six of them, to be exact, floating in a symmetrical formation of wings. They had simplistic designs, but they don't hold through its appearance, instead, it holds through its firepower and how durable it is to take a direct heat from one of those energy blasts and not even a scratch would've left on their skin.

His hand would gently slide into his left ear, twisting the hidden earpiece on the back of his ear before one would realise that his spiritual power would become more steady and controlled, however, becoming weaker at the same time as it weakens its spread across Seireitei since he would've preferred saving his reiryoku and not unleashing his reiatsu unless the surroundings is too big of a burden for him and requires reiatsu to counter any strong spiritual power that may of slam upon his body. With that done, his left hand would point its palm beneath the earth, unleashing a pulse of electromagnetic wave at a frequency so specific and unique that it even confuses electricity users that may have specialized in these fields of electromagnetism, but the way the electromagnetic pulse was unleashed would've thrown out of the calculations even for geniuses, since it was built specifically under the commands of Hisao, even those with high level of intellect and supreme level of calculation abilities, the equation written out in the wavelengths of the electromagnetic pulse would be a foreign 'language' to their minds. Something he had built for himself out of one's grasp so they cannot interfere or hijack his controls through the pointer. Using his brain's electromagnetic waves and sending that information through only his personal equation, the only way to use his equipments was to break into the deepest core of his mind, protected by a firewall that has a hundred layers to break through. A game for any hackers to go through, that even the best machinery in this world, would have issues trying to hijack his cyberbrain as it was modified against such interference.

The next thing? Was iron sand appearing before his eyes. How did he do that was spreading a certain level of frequency and spreading a compressed wave of energy from the frontal lobe of his cyberbrain where it would travel only the direction his eyes are looking at and using the arsenal of information and intellect he has, the iron sand that came out in a mass of almost his entire body was easily produced using the concept of 'information' or 'data'. No elements nor 'energy' to be consumed, everything he had created was artificially 'datas' with no elements to be even considered as the 'existence' itself, or a 'lifeform'. Which means, any beings that has the ability to absorb physical mass of an object or even the iron sand he created? They would realise that they would've gained no energy or even power out of it, especially for the captain's case as he had witnessed, the iron sand was simply based out of 'information', not physically built out of solid form and given an essence of life. Imagine a computer's data that have megabytes and terrabytes, right? Now take those 'bytes' and 'pixels' and manifest them into a physical form. Lifeless, artificially built 'forms' that has no 'physical build', but merely a walking 'data and information', nothing else. Sure, he has induced his spiritual energy into the iron sands in masses, but it would've been too little and broken down to particles so small that it wouldn't be even considered as a source of energy anymore.

Waving his left hand a little bit, the huge mass of iron sand would float around his body like fishes in the sky, comparable to the mass and volume of his entire body, exactly the size of it if measured physically, that was the limit of his rather special ability that his cyberbrain granted, Data Construction, an ability that allows him to build anything out of 'data', not some physical form and given an essence of life. It would be just a walking lifeless pixel built solely out of the information of his cyberbrain. Flicking his fingers, any energy blasts that gets closed within 500 meters from him would've been sliced into particles of energy, bits by bits before it would've been like a glass shattering into a million pieces by the likes of his iron sands. Moving and floating across his limited area of control, anything that gets past these boundaries would've encountered a compression of iron sand into a single area of where energy blasts have gone into his field of control, then slice right through it like a butter by forcing it to vibrate via light level of electric field under the unconcious presence of his electromagnetic field, unable to manipulate it, he makes use of the field by creating light electrical charge to the iron sands when he commanded the sands to float around his body. Purpose being? By vibrating these sands and compressing them into a single form, it would've acted like a floating chainsaw and sliced the energy blasts into bits.

Of course, in case for Hisao, he had never left where he was standing, right behind the captain and a few meters away from the crater he had created. With a smile on his face, it seems like the insane senpai and kouhai had joined forces? Doesn't seem like it, but Seireitei itself being their home to stay and an ally? Well, he had no other choice than to keep this place on a good condition with him. The only thing he knew is that things are getting more and more interesting. Despite their difference in power, when it comes to intelligence and ranged ability, Hisao himself far overrules these aspects when he was a child in the experiment. So much for that cliche, but it was experience. Power isn't the one that decides what they move from, as long as he can decipher the nature of his captain's powers, just one machine and a button is enough to make even a reality distorter useless in his presence. No matter how powerful one is, as long as their abilities can create 'influence' to the atmosphere, presence or even the reality around them, his brain and calculations settles all the work. He just need to observe the captain more, and not long, he can just make things interesting on his own. He may not seem like it, but Hisao's brain is already running at its top speed. Senpai and Kouhai, well, he'll just guess who takes the spotlight in Seireitei.

Coding in template and Graphics By: [THEFROST] & Kylekaotikk
Header & Template By: Sou Yuuki

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Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down Empty Re: Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down

Wed Jan 07, 2015 5:57 pm

I am gonna give notice that Cookies or Zetsurin needs to post in the thread within the next 72-100 hours. Otherwise, the incident will proceed onward. So, its up to Cookies shinigami to see if he can finish up the mission or Zetsurin's. Seeing how Biosn is banned, you can consider his actions as a failed feat and he was taken down by an insane burst of lightning that overpowered him.

Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down WVMWLOu
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Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down Empty Re: Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down

Fri Jan 09, 2015 6:54 pm
Isae was far more quiet in her arivel than the others. nothing flashy or special. not even her spirit energy as it only felt like a 4-2. the girl with her right hand out was speaking to a hell butterfly." we need to keep the damage to a minimum. send word to Squad 5 telling them not to put up a barrier over the Seireitei as a whole. that would waste time and there be far too much lost while waiting. just get the key buildings done asap. once that is complete move based on priority. as for 12th I want test run immediately. I want to know its composition. its charge . leave nothing untested. i want you checking to see if its got a cold understood. "

She watched the male perform a chain explosion on the various energy blast raining down. it was a good tactic worth of noting, but she did not stop any of them from there path herself. instead as the hell butterfly fluttered off she would start using the newly open space to move closer to the storms core. with Shunpo she move across the sky at a master's level of speed, the moment she started moving her spirit energy would jump tremendously. from that of a 4-2 all the way to 0-2. using a light coating of reiatsu on her hands she bash each of the storms raining energy that come close to her away with a mix of physical strength and spiritual power. the energies flying off and continuing the chain explosion Hisao had started. but also clearing away for others to approach the storm with her. isae knew if she took care of more blast it would stop destruction in the short run, but over all the longer this thing was causing them it would be a fruitless effort as more would be lost in the end. the core had to be there top priority. if they could cut it off from the storm it would neutralize all the threat and give them the time needed to study it.
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Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down Empty Re: Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down

Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:29 am

I am leaving this notice here to ask: are you two still interested in finishing this mission? If there is not a reply in the next 3-5 days in my communication thread, or an OOC post in this thread, then I will assume so and lock the mission down with a pre-written ending to the thread.

Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down WVMWLOu
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Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down Empty Re: Opeartion STORM: The Hurricane Roars Down

Sun Mar 29, 2015 1:49 pm
I am. just waiting on my turn
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