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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Sun Jul 26, 2015 12:18 pm

Artist:Fran Soto - Song: Timeless Place - Word Count: 553

Karakura Forest. A place where the dark and creepy hid, scaring the day-lights out of people and taking dozens of lives every month. This had been always a problem everyone where too lazy or busy to solve. And it was used. This was a place for drug dealers to hold their meetings, if all the places in Karakura Slums were full. This was the place for quiet murders and loud battles. Here Hollows and others creatures were free to slay, feed and prey on innocent bypassers. And so, this was a perfect place for Vanguards to make a name for themselves.

Everyone from Shatari Yuudeshi villas would probably reach the forest much quicker, then Nix himself, as he set out only after them. What the band of Vanguards did before that much didn't effect what happened when the Arcanists arrived. Around the whole forest portals, created from runes and symbols, opened, letting out hundreds, if not thousands of Arcanists. From the biggest one, because Nix liked to show off, the ArchSage and his most closest subordinates stepped out, all seeming quite cheerful and excited.

Saying the truth Arcanists at their home base didn't have that much to do, as they would please. Most action went to other branches and they weren't even left with research work. Of course, they could join others and in so get some missions, but as a group they didn't get almost anything worth managing. And so, when Shraik saw the request for any help, he of course took it as serious, as one could. Now part of Arcanist, not all as some could have objections later on, had surrounded the nest of pests. Nix upon seeing those already here smiled and waved, but didn't move from his spot and didn't go in the forest. Actually, no of Arcanists did it, but all just stood on the border. The male closed his eyes.

Suddenly from all groups around the forest, beams of transparent rainbow colored light emerged and shot right in the sky. Then they started to bend in the direction of the forest, in the same time spreading wider and wider. It went so until the moment when these lights collided, creating the noise of cracking electricity, and formed a giant, transparent dome around the forest. Through it then the Arcanist army stepped in between the woods.

Nix rushed to the band, smiling from one corner to the next and seeming really pleased on what he had done.
"Greetings everyone and sorry that I took so long! Needed to do some preparations before we got here! Hope you like the dome we cooked up!" He pressed his index finger to the ear and spoke.
"Good work guys! Start cleaning up! Nothing big or too brutal. Just eliminate any threat you encounter. When I will get further instructions, you will know!" Nix looked again, this time facing Shatari.
"I'm pleased to meet you face to face little Warden!" The male knew that she wasn't a person to mess around, but it was just too big of temptation to have fun with this so cute girl.
"I imagined that it would be for the best, if we would deal with all the threats here and now, without letting them escape the forest grounds and wake havoc somewhere else. Wouldn't you agree!" Another pleasant smile from the males side.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth RDLUVBj
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:14 pm

Artist: Black & White - Song: Gym Leader Battle Music - Word Count: 827

Around the same time those Arcanist came from the shadows, as to did numerous Yuudeshi Clan members, Yayjuu Members, Vizard Corps Members, Vanguard Operatives and even the Japanese Military. They were bringing with them enough firepower to lay to waste a country two times over, but they were focusing on beefing up the patrols of this humble little district. Therefore, portions of Karakura Defenses started being mended into the barrier and it improved it's durability.

Hence, hundreds of thousands of nanomachines from The Yuudeshi Network worked alongside Nix's Arcanists in order to bolster the production of their mission at great rates of speed. Numerous bases, small towns and defense centers were put into place as new life and power oozed into the forest like a hurricane of efficiency. This then allowed all of these different faction members to spread out and start taking charge in the forest. They were alerted to many of the threats in the forest and started butchering them post-haste.

Therefore, within minutes, the screaming sounds of hollows, bandits, drug dealers and every type of scumbag lurking in the forest was heard echoing throughout the four corners of these woods. These people were surging in like a religious cult on a crusade and purging the lands of anytime of nasty threat they could find. Which is why Shatari came out of her purple vortex with a massive grin smeared across her reason. The reason being? This was the sounds she wanted to hear as their major effort started being pushed towards the direction of acceleration and success.

Therefore, as she eyed Nix up and down, the Yuudeshi girl placed a large guitar on the back of her shoulder and winked at him. It seemed he at least knew how to get a party started and that was the kind of action that she wanted to see in her fellow men. Ergo, after inspection was done, she'd give a thumbs up to his ambition and utter these words out:

"Yeah, yeah. Short jokes won't work on me, Mr.Lanky ArcSage~ ❤"

Obviously, at this point, she was poking fun back at his height. So, a slight cackle of laughter espcaed The Warden's lips as she enjoyed her little joke. At any rate, she'd let the male contiune speaking on about his progress in the woods. Then, when it came to the point of wanting to deal with the threat head on, Shatari could only give another thumbs up at his plan of action. That is something a Yuudeshi would do in earnest and she approved of his actions.

"Yeah, baby, you made the right move. I dig it. Take out these pricks post-haste and leave the easy stuff after their corps fill this land. That's a very Yuudeshi thing of you, Lanky Sir~ ★"

Rubbing her nose a bit out of smugness, The Yuudeshi then turned her body around on its heels and smirked at the sight of a colossal werebeast heading towards her. In one hard hit, The Warden grabbed her guitar and seemly smashed the poor creature into a puddle of blood. Following that moment, a small shock wave echoed throughout the area and a pouring of crimson fluid spread throughout the area.

But -- not to worry. The Lil' Silver Haired Albino's Chi Energy was used as a reflective shield of sorts and deflected the blood away from mostly everyone. That way, they weren't covered in beastly guts. Therefore, there was not much to worry about as The Yuudeshi would further erupt into laughter at the sight of destruction, carnage and battle taking place before her scarlet eyes. For, after all, she was a Yuudeshi and this made her drive to fight quiver with the utmost of passion.

"Yeah, this is perfect. Too damn perfect. Let's butcher these beautiful assholes and make wonderful art of them, my precious Lanky-Partner~ ★"

In that moment would a large collection of Gillian level hollow appear all around them. They were roughly two hundred in number, but they had more than enough firepower to deal with them. So, The Yuudeshi giggled with sheer glee, took off like a bolt of lightning and smashed the head into one of them heading straight for Nix and killed them with her fierce kinetic strength.

"You wonderful men are next~ ★"

And with that, she'd await for her lovely trio of allies to show up from the vortex she once came out of herself. Hopefully, they would be up for a bit of a fight before getting down and dirty with the work. As at least this YUudeshi was ready to fight to the bloody end -- and all of the hundreds of men behind her. Gunfire, sword fights and explosions up the wazoo were heard in the forest and she was all but at home.

Geez, what a sadistic teenager~




[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth WVMWLOu
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:37 pm


Perseus Nobel

Song: THE TRACK - Artist: GOES HERE - Words: N/A

Perseus floated out of the gate to the sight of Gillians. He lets out a large sigh as he said in a joking manner "Geez Shatari. I let you out of my sight for a few seconds and everything goes down the drain doesnt it." He intentionally walked out from the group and got himself surrounded by 10 of them.

He stopped hovering and stepped on the ground. He let out a small groan as he stepped on the mainly organic soil. He hated being outdoors, he could read the chemical composition of the things he touched. He liked the simplicity of inorganic materials, nice and structured. Organics had a structure, but they had all these small intricate moving parts.

He smirked as he said to the hollows "You will make nice building materials." The hollows charged and fired their cero's. A hexagonal shield appeared above Perseus' body as it blocked all of the red beams. He smiled as he said "82" from all around the ground erupted thick chains of lead that wrapped around the arms and legs of the hollws, tying them down to their current locations.

He coldly looked at the first one as a red star appeared on Perseus' cheek. He pointed at it as a "6" was written on its mask. He turned to each of them as the following numbers appeared on their masks. 29, 26, 77, 78, 47, 13, 14 and 22.

The hollows started to screech in pain as the conversion started. This only worked on very low level beings, but Perseus was transforming them into pure forms of the element that he designated on them. According to the numbers they started to turn into Diamond (The best form of carbon), copper, iron, iridium, platinum, gold, aluminum, silicon and titanium.

They kept their original forms, looking almost as statues of their respective element.

He walked over to the archmage and the warden as he said "Materials have been acquired. PLease excuse their shrieks of agony. Its part of the process." he said with a stone cold expression. Whenever he did this he had to suppress his own humanity. He had to compartmentalize the events from his rational mind. He had been forced to do this in days of old, but to humans. It was a skill that indeed ended battles quickly and created large resources of materials, but it killed him on the inside. (He will not have emotional responses to situations for 2 posts.)

Template By: [THEFROST]

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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:09 pm

Artist: N/A |Song: N/A |Word Count:730

Hayden arrived a little later then everyone due to having to deal with political things, such as talking to certain people. But by the gods when he came out of the portal his eyes widen at the sight around him, paralyzed for a second at the hundreds of Gillians around them. For a moment, his eyes became tunneled vision the sight simply almost orgamismic like as his blank face began to confirm everyone suspicion that he might be a little excited for what was coming. That blank stoic was face turned into a giant smirk as his hands began to go up gripping the thick handle of his blade scanning the Gillians for someone, anyone to pick to slice. With one fluid motions the Shinigami removed the claymore from his back, preparing in his near-ward stance since no one was paying attention to the new addition to the battle. Machine gun fire, explosions, and the clashing of blade on flesh was the theme of this battle, a theme he could dance to.

His eyes finally locked one of the Gillians beginning to flex his body feeling his muscles tense as his feet buried into the ground, with one push he was moving at hyper speeds using his Shunpo. Hayden had certainly approved with his speed disappearing as he moved up a tree, his blade dragging against its surface sending bark and dirt everywhere as the grin began to grow wider on his face. It was the rare moments like these where his Slayer nature really revealed itself to the world, the fighter clan was very much still alive and Hayden carried all of them on his shoulders with each battle he entered. Failure was not a option when it came to battle for the young man, since his encounter with wolf his view was changing for better or worse- but it was revealing things long dormant within the Shinigami.

As he reached the top of the tree he pushed off sending him in mid air his Reiatsu keeping him afloat as his blade began to subconsciously covered in what felt like Death Energy but not quite. It was actually the Death Matter the strange man named Wolf had implanted in the Shinigami heart- now that he was embracing the battle it was making itself known as the black substance coated his sharp edges of his blade gleaming in the sun. It began to crackle on it’s own pulsing with Hayden’s natural Lightning reiatsu as it applied his cutting power along with his natural Reiatsu abilities just by coming from his hands onto the blade. He hadn’t even noticed yet until he was swinging his blade straight for the Gillian mask to break it’s worldly tether here and purify it.

The swing of the blade struck straight through the Hollow mask splitting it’s head with no effort which surprised the Shinigami, had he really improved such a way in the past weeks of being within the Vanguard? He could barely fight a Gillian when he first joined and now he cleaved through it with no effort, this was something that simply shook him a second. However, his peace was broken as he felt spiritual energy gathering as a Gillian prepared a cero- he grunted twisting his body as he began to form his spiritual energy over his left arm feeling it begin to form a lance. He let out a roar as he pushed his arm forward feeling it launch to meet the Cero that had just launched as well.

As they met the spirit energy warped and began to simply push through the Cero, empowered by the residue Death Matter empowering it a black tail appearing behind the path of the lance. It split the Cero dispersion the energy before the lance punctured through the Hollow mask and just kept going. To be precise it kept going through two more Gillians before exploding on the fourth before he floated amazed at the raw power he had gained over the months- such power. He chuckled before looking around dashing over to the Warden gripping his Zanpakutō tightly before looking to her.

“This… this is something I did not expect. I like it.” He explained to her before a grin spread on the young shinigami, that darkness within him exposing itself. Looks like the boy wasn’t a complete hero after all.

Template By: [THEFROST]

[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth JfH75kA
[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth H8Tyk70
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Wed Jul 29, 2015 10:35 am

Artist: Kevin Rix - Song: Sun And Steel - Word Count: 810

Nix was just bursting from pleasure in seeing how well everything was going. The forest may have been big and yes, it may have been full of different baddies, but with the army he and Shatari Yuudeshi had managed to gather it seemed to be a piece of cake. The barrier held well, explosions and growls could be heard from afar, but all that didn't effect the Arcanist much, as in his time the man had witnessed things far worse or horrifying then this small re-taking operation. Another explosion pulled his attention, before it was directed to the cause of all this, Shatari Yuudeshi.

Girl didn't stand as the tallest person even in her years, which now were onscreen in Nix's personal computer, but she was quite famous for packing a mean punch, if needed. Something the male just didn't crave for. When the girl spoke, he himself laughed at the new nickname he was given and even patted the girls back.
"Good one! I know, this form is a bit too thin, but somehow I feel using it the last few weeks." Another laugh came from him, this time imagining Lydia and what she would say if saw him now. On the second thought, maybe it was for the best to not know. What coughed him by a little surprise was the ware beast jumping out and attacking both. The poor creature didn't last long and Nix for a moment thought that maybe the girl was enjoying all this a bit too much. But for that he also didn't have much time to think, as Gillians surrounded them, charging to attack those who had invaded their home. Pity, really!

Others stared to join to, stepping out from the portal the Yuudeshi chick had set up. It was a bit rude, but Nix didn't have time to introduce as everyone was already fighting the black Hollows, almost leaving the male alone. Without a second thought Nix jumped up in the air and brutally smashed through one Gillians head and landing on another one, shooting a Gran Ray Cero through it. Two of these beast wanted to grab the male, but they were so slow and Shraik had gotten into the mood, in which he just grabbed the beasts arm and with gathering all his strength, pulled it off. Afterwards the male jumped on it and violently started to smash it with its own hand. It was reduced to a black pulp of meet.

After this followed a next Hollow on which Nix jumped on, broke the skull and entered the body, to then brake the poor creature in half from inside. Now the male was covered in the Menoses black blood and as his eyes shone in different light then in the start, one could see that he had far too gotten in the fight. And that was so, as when Nix can loosen up, sometimes the old part of him, the one working for "Sabers", returns and he can get really aggressive. And this was only the start.

By using Soul Dash and then infusing his legs with extra Reishi the male jumped higher above then others and stood there. His Bane Sword, manifestation of the ArchSages inner Hollow, appeared in his hand. It was almost as long, as him and the blade was almost as long. A Oni head decorated the end of the handle and the material this sword was made seemed to be gold. As he directed it to the battle field below a small energy ball gathered at the tip of the blade. He shouted,
"Lets make a bet little princess! If I manage to kill most bastards in this mission, you will manage to give me that fancy Drive you have! If you win, I will be under your every desire for a month! What you say short-skirt!?" A laugh escaped his mouth and without waiting for a answer the small ball released dozens of Cero beams, firing and killing off the remaining Gillians. While he didn't send out any spiritual energy, the males sword let out a overpowering sent of Hollow itself. It was one of those feeling a person has when being locked up in a small box without a chance to ever be set free.

Then from the woods below a Adjucha or something like that stricked the male from behind or at least tried. Nix managed to spin around just in time to grab the thing by its neck so hard it almost broke. Suddenly a sickening thought invaded his mind, but he just went on with it and opened his mouth to bit in the Hollows head, pulling it off afterwards. As those two parts fell down somewhere in the green below, black liquid dripped down his chin and the male blinked, seeming and feeling a bit confused all the sudden.

Why did he do that?

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Wed Jul 29, 2015 1:36 pm

Artist: Kitsune² - Song: The Steel Monster Above The City - Word Count: 1344

There was a hardy laugh echoed out from the silver haired manic known as Shatari Yuudeshi. The reason for this is because she heard her teacher making a crack about how everything simply went to hell in a hand basket when this banshee child was around. But, it wasn't her fault, was it? Certainly not! The world was a horrible place and hell was just a normal part of it. That's why all of these lovely forces were here to help ease that pain and start getting the planet back on track.

"Down the drain? No, my whimsical teacher, we're turning on the compactor and cutting up everything in the drain! All the undesirable trash are being eradicated and we're making way for a cleaner future. DOESN'T IT MAKE YOU EXCITED~?! ★"

Indeed, as the battle went further on, the electricity behind the teenagers eye grew and expanded the more she tapped into her internal instinct for conflict and fighting. That Yuudeshi Blood was pumping into her veins like a non-stop bullet train and her mind was losing it to the utmost intoxication of power she felt oozing throughout her essence. It is why a flare of crimson and black energy poured over the Warden's body like a rapid and untamed flame. With more laughs, so to did the expansion of white bioelectricity spark all around the youth's body as she progressed into the infamous Yuudeshi Drive.

Thus, as a flock of hollow's started to emerge on the flank of Perseus following his own dazzling ability, Shatari activated her own and formed a handgun comprised of pure lightning. Once materialized, she'd seemly pull the hastily made weapon from out of her bra and place her lovely and prized Banshee Guitar on her back.


That was all that was heard when she formed the second gun and started letting the electric bullets scatter and fry their sorry asses. In that way, she followed up with a manic laugh as they were reduced to nothing but barque and ash.

"I've worked up quite the appetite, no~? We can save that hunk of flesh for dinner later. I'm feeling in the mood for well-done meat, Mr.Perseus-Sensei~★"

As a splat of blood from the hollow's fell on Shatari's lip -- the youth paused. Darting her cherry eyes at the scarlet fluid, the child laughed, licked it like it was lollipop and continued her over-hyper slaughtering. Meanwhile, as they all worked through way deeper into the madness of the forest, many of the other opeartives in the area were purging this land of life as well. While there were a few casulaities here and there, the overwhelming majority of the battles turned in their favor and they were gaining control of the forest rather quickly.


Since, in the explosions of the dome around them, The Yuudeshi Network seemed to be providing aerial assistance as mammoth sized balls of light dropped on the area and single-handily wiped out entire platoons of demons, hollows and outlaws in the forest and reduced them to a carter of corpses. So, with the rate they were going, this mission was going to be a success. And, given how harsh things had been on the planet, it was a success and victory they-oh-so desperately needed.

Ergo, around the time that Hayden decided to make his trip to Shatari's way, The Manic Little Yuudeshi let out a sly whistle and thrusted herself in the air. In a matter of seconds, she landed on the shoulders of The Fallen Solider and started blasting everything in sight in a rapid-fire.

Pew, pew, pew.

Dozens and dozens of hollow scum were eradicated with bullets and she gave them no mercy as her wicked orgasmic laughs filled the forest. But, that wouldn't mean that the blood lust that was brewing within her fellow ally wouldn't be out of sight of The Yuudeshi. In fact, as she took a quick observational glance to Hayden, the grin on the Warden's face grew even more erratic than before as she fed right off of her internal desire to fight.

"★★★★♥♥♥♥Hahahaha~! That's a sexy and hellish look you got there, newbie! I LOVE IT! Let's work together and blast them all to the next after life in a burst of smiles, laughs and bullets n' swords to the skull~ ★★★★♥♥♥♥"

At this point, as the child's jovial and insane tone increased, the face of The Yuudeshi soon became beat red and steam oozed from her mouth and body. However, this wasn't because her heart was going doki-doki for Hayden. Oh no. This was an effect of her powers boiling to the surface and feeling totally invigorated by the hot scent of battle lust on the field.

Thus, to let this eruption of passionate fight explode like a volcano, the Crazed Warden let out a joyous body laugh and cry and unleashed a destructive burst of tornadic energy burst from her guns. When this dense volume of energy rushed to the surface, as to did the shape of her guns shift to that of a cannons nd she started firing off vortex after vortex of hellish light to vaporize all those who tried to get close to her and Hayden. Meanwhile, as more hollow's came from the sky, Shatari pointed up and laugh.

"I'll let you get them slugger~ ★"

With that, The Yuudeshi emerged down to Hayden's feet, crouched and allowed him to slaughter them to all hell as she tapped him with her electricity and wanted to give him an extra element to absorb. After all, she heard that the male was infamous for consuming energy, so she wanted to see what he could do with her lovely electricity and see if they could forge a good team. As, whenever Hayden was ready to start letting out the swings, Shatari would fire a barrage of bullets to be used alongside his assaults.

At the same time this was taking place, or little bit after, her blood gaze would fixate itself to the sight of Nix hauling ass and she'd let out another laugh as she was pleased to her comrade in arms going nuts as well. Indeed, she could sense the potential in all the men around her and it made The Yuudeshi Drive within herself scream with pleasure. Everyone was throwing their utmost selves into the battle and it meant that the tides were truly changing in this small portion of the world.

Henceforth, as Nix challenged her to a body killing contest, Shatari merely pointed at the dozens and dozens of hollow slain in her last assault.

"Bring. It. On. ☠"

And like a storm of rain, a surge of onyx and candy shaded fluid from the remaining essence of the slain hollows in the sky poured on Shatari like a torrential downpour. It covered the entire girls body, but her energy was burning hot like lava and evaporized the liquid outright as her eyes sparked to life with sheer electricity.

"I'll butcher everyone of these lovely dolls~ ❤"

Then, in that moment, each of her lightning cannons merged into one massive rocket launcher and she fired off a shot from it. After a brief pause, it launched into the forest and then --- BANG! Hundred, if not, thousands of hollows were slain in one foul sweep.

"I'm fucking unstoppable, babes~ ❤❤❤"

With that, she'd then wink at Hayden, smile at Niz and give a thumbs up to Perseus as they all ventured further into this incursion of theirs. Just what would await this rag-team of radicals? Only mother time knew. But, following this conflict, the numbers of enemy boogies was dropping hella' fast and it was only a matter of time before this was over.

If -- all went to plan.





[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth WVMWLOu
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Wed Jul 29, 2015 4:50 pm


Perseus Nobel

Song: THE TRACK - Artist: GOES HERE - Words: N/A

Perseus looked at the hollow and demon massacre expressionless. In truth he wasnt feeling any emotions. Not joy, sadness, anger intrigue, disgust, nothing. He had used his "Complete conversion" ability. He had always had the ability to do this, but doing this came with a terrible side effect. When used on living, conscious subjects it fully changed them into the element they were inscribed with. The process was terribly painful, and usually slow, but created the highest purity elements that you could ever ask for. The russians wanted to use this to create not only pure sources of deadly materials, but also create the ultimate invulnerable soldier. And witnessing all those horrible acts while using this ability caused a compartmentalization in Perseus' mind. One that left him unable to feel anything after using it on a living creature. With the exception of plants, something his friend Pierre gave him flack for.

He walked forward slowly as the rest of the crew caused rampant destruction to the evil invaders. As he did so he used his interface to keep track and direct the efforts of those on the ground as they cleared off more hollows and demons. In a sense he was creating a live log of all the casualties and giving remote directions. Something good that did come out of being emotionally dead is that he could process things at much higher speeds. At the same time as he was directing forces he was also looking at a grid of the forest and setting up a rudimentary map of where way points should me put up to expand the dome that currently surround Karakura. Perhaps not extending it, but creating a secondary wall. It wasnt very well understood how the forests could have become so infested but it was possible that demons and hollows could somehow form within the dome if it is extended, which could cause a breach in the system. A system that had already suffered fairly large breaches in security.

As he walked, he did become surrounded but higher level hollows this time. He stopped as he said "I hope you like fireworks" Suddenly red magical circles formed under the hollows. The circles exploded sending the hollows flying thousands of feet into air before exploding into brilliant red, blue and green fireworks that could be seen even in daylight.

He could feel that there were still hollows and demons hiding in the trees around him. "You make this to easy" he said as the trees around him glowed. In a flash of light he had turned reaanged all the carbon in the trees into a diamond like structure. But thats not all that trees are made of. You could briefly see the trees were full of bubbles, filled with the gases that made the rest of the trees, mostly Hydrogen and oxygen, in other words rocket fuel.


A loud explosion could be heard throughout the entire forest as the trees just blew themselves apart. Tiny diamond fragments flew through the air passing through more trees leaving tiny holes in them, and slashing through more foes that were nearby.

After the shining dust settled Perseus was left inside a diamond crater in the middle of the forest, completely unscathed. "Gomenasai. I will fix that after this is all finished. It might make a great pond" he said completely dryly.

Template By: [THEFROST]

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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:08 pm

Artist: N/A |Song: N/A |Word Count:503

Thud. Thud. Thud.

This was all Hayden heard after the teenager had tapped him implanting the energy into his body, his eyes glazing over for a split second as she saw his muscles pulse for a second his veins pushing to their surface before his eyes widen. The power flowing through him had for a moment unlocked something hidden within the man, his normally dull green eyes becoming a violent shade of crimson as black surrounded the normally white area of his eyes. The Hollows and the Warden would feel his spiritual pressure increase damn near triple what it was as his feet dug into the ground his head shooting straight up as he looked at them. The power that the warden gave him was being attacked and morphed by the Death Matter but it strangely accepted it beginning to morph and bind to his genetics permanently the secret power of the slayers kicking into overdrive now.

The Shinigami hair turned white beginning to fly in every direction as his energy began to build in his body, he began to laugh as he briefly lost control of his being just enjoying the power trip for a moment as he watched the Hollows all leap at them. His hand gripped his Zanpakutō tighter as his hand shook and his left hand clenched into a tight fist drawing his crimson blood however… it was a deep black as he let a maniacal laugh for a moment as he watched them all stay airborne for him. They all just seemed so slow and boring, he just had to brighten their worlds. Literally.

“Hear the Dragon Death Drive Roar!”

As he yelled those words his body began to tense even tighter as a sphere of energy literally formed where his mouth was similar to a cero appearance but no where near what it was. The Power that was being displayed released waves upon waves of Death Matter into the air naturally from his body, the lightning Shatari had given had given him their drive for a moment and it was showing. His black sphere had red lightning bubbling around it signifying the part she had given to him, suddenly in a moment of glory the sphere pulsed sending a massive huge beam from his mouth into the crowd of Hollows easily extending into the atmosphere ripping apart any Hollow in it’s wake molecularly destroying their reishi claiming their bodies to death itself. The Damage it was causing and brightness was nearly blinding and visible from miles away as it extended into the air before getting smaller and disappearing into the air. Some real dragon ball z shit.

Hayden body quickly began to revert back to his old appearance as he looked slightly puzzled at what just happened but for the Warden it was a beautiful sight to behold. The man muscles had returned to their regular muscular form but a small portion of white hair on his head, a after effect of the attack. Truth be told it looked kinda funny and cute. His eyes turned to the Warden as she accepted the challenged and released that massive attack.

“Whatever you hit me with was fucking A~”

He spoke with a slight grin as he let out a laugh looking around at all the carnage, he was sure the forest would recover through science and prosper all he had to worry about was ending anything that wanted to hurt his forest. He readied his Zanpakutō with the new Vigor in his body due to the Warden- whatever she had did on him would have lasting effects.

“I can feel it still, you better tell me what this is after this!” He almost yelled before awaiting for the next group of Hollows to run to their death, but after this he could slowly feel the waning spiritual pressure around him. It seemed their jobs were nearing completion if they kept this up!

“I think we all are unstoppable right now, Shatari, Just keep fucking shit up!”

Template By: [THEFROST]

[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth JfH75kA
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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Thu Jul 30, 2015 1:48 pm

Artist: Mushroomheads - Song: Out Of My Mind - Word Count: 900

Though this thought didn't last long as the Yuudeshi girl went explosive on the Hollows that were left in this battle field. The urge to win in this bet of theirs sparked in his heart and mind like a wildfire and for some reason it overpowered all reasoning the male could have. With a loud, even maniacal laugh, the male would extend his hand in air. In it a gold energy ball would start to collect, radiating something much stronger then his sword did before. Upon being finished the raised his sword high up above the ball and then landed it, destroying his own forming. Something of irresistible, overpowering pressure would fill the forest, dragging any being with a hunger for souls to leave their hide-out and assault the Arcanist above. The ball he did create was a mix of altered Reishi and his blood, changed to a form where he had created something like a ultimate bait.

Hundreds after hundreds of beasts now came closer to him, but before anyone else could interfere in his mass slaughtering Nix acted. Giant burst of golden energy erupted from the blade and like a bug spray Nix released the energy to all directions of him, in so reducing the Hollows and Demons to nothing more then tiny particles of energy. These particles in the same time were absorbed to restore part of the guys energy. It wasn't though nearly the end, as he again gathered more energy on the tip of his sword and released series of small Bala size balls across the whole forest. Those places then erupted in pillars of gold energy and screams, and howls of the dying. Not all of them were enemies.

But this possibility seemed not to stop him, as Shraik was enveloped in his own golden power and as a comet landed somewhere in the woods. From there multiple huge explosions followed, as he destroyed anything that resembled enemy. Wild fire started also to spread in the place, in so killing the green life of the area. It seemed this cleaning had extended to eliminating life in here as everyone knew it. Nix ran through the forest slashing his sword right and left, destroying every movement of enemy. The mass power made the air itself crackle from it, those knowing the ArchSage before seeming surprised with the amount of violence he showed.

Suddenly land under his and other feet started to crack and with it a giant snake thing broke out. Parts of its body was seen in multiple places of the battle field, showing that it could fill whole forest, if wanted too. Nix smiled a wide grin and jumped at it, firing multiple projectiles of the strange creature. Nothing happened, as it seemed the reptiles skin was resistant to those kind of attacks. Hundreds tried to take this beast down, but it seemed this thing just brushed it all of as nothing special. His skin seemed to have adapted against massive energy. Even attacks from the fabled Shatari Yuudeshi shouldn't have any effect on this thing.

Seeing that the male stared at the abomination with a mad glean in his eyes and bloodlust in his veins. He fired right at its head, wasting no time to kick in his Soul Dash to the maximum. Nix hit the thing just right in its eye, blood pouring in insane amounts from the wound and the male actually crawling in the snakes head that way. Then another wave of energy would burst from inside of it and the giant reptile fall dead on the ground. With the roasted skin of the things head Nix now would climb out, just bursting from excitement.

Seeing even this as not the end, Nix Shraik decided to push himself to the limits to earn his prize. It sounded so tempting to acquire that pretty drive of girls. With force he pushed out something that shouldn't be pushed out, his own spiritual pressure, in so increasing his power by five times. It was the max his cells stored and usually kept quite deeply in the male. Now all this just like a wild fire seeped from him out, showing the true force Sabers had crafted and set loose. By extending the sword again up in the air another gold sphere was created, this time growing larger and larger by the minute, reaching almost the size of a two story building. Matter around this ball became unstable and within the minute it held a power of a oversized nuce. The males Anima Stone finally started to crack, what was a surprise, knowing that he had already Mastered its strength.

Upon raising the ball high in the sky, the Arcanist roared like a beast and fired it. Thanks God this projectile split in five smaller ones, but even they were strong enough to clear probably a large city. And upon landing each of these balls released massive amount of power. But not in the destructive way one would imagine. This energy scattered quickly into air, in the landing places making just small craters, but the scattered particles assaulted and destroyed from inside every Hollow or Demon in the forest. The man, who laughed like crazy, spit some blood from overworking his body, and after spitting large amounts of blood, fell on the ground seemingly dead. This attack in its complicity and power had been just over the top.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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[Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth Empty Re: [Operation: Forest Restoration]Cleaning The Filth

Wed Aug 05, 2015 9:00 pm

Artist: Burn7 - Song: Lance Battle Final Remaster - Word Count: 1540

After awhile, most of the scum of the forest had started to break way and back off for now. So this was a sign that they were indeed making progress. At least, for now, anyway. So, for the time being, The Banshee of Karakura turned he estatic gaze upon the likes of the "emotionless" Perseus. In the sounds of a low whistle, The Chaotic Yuudeshi gave a thumbs up to the destruction he caused. It was a sight to see most of those hollow bastards being turned into pure diamond. Who knows, maybe they could sell them off in some kind of knit-knack shop after this whole ordeal is over.

Therefore, Shatari would reach into her dress and pull out a metallic looking device. It was spherical in shape and seemed to have a blue coat of paint on the top of it. After tapping it, Shatari threw it into the air and had a burst of silver light consume some of the diamond-fied hollows within its illumination. From there, once trapped, these hollows would be transported into a miniature container and stored for later research and selling. Then, with a simple hook comprised of solid electricity, The Yuudeshi caught her circular storage device and slug it right back into her dress with a smug smile.

"Dead-Eyed-Sensei~! I'm going to store these and save it for later. I have a feeling they'll fetch for a pretty penny for those who want to be solidified hollows! ★"

The girl seemed a bit too happy about that statement as she cackled all about the place. But -- who was to blame her? Her body was riding the high and she felt totally and utterly at peace in this hell of battle. The Yuudeshi Drive was taking her for a ride and this ride was utterly out of this world. It felt hella nice, hella good and hella awesome to indulge more and more in it the further she killed, fought and pushed her limits and abilities.

But, alas, she seriously doubted that anything life or death level would occur today. After all, the numbers were too much on their side for this mission not to fail now. The hollows, demons and criminal rejects of this woodland were being forced out and it was only a matter of time before this entire place was claimed in the name of those who protected Earth. Thus, as she shifted her lightning once again, this time Shatari forged two guns with it yet again and chuckled a bit she turned her attention back towards the new meat: Hayden -- The Solider!

It seemed there was some sort of a reaction taking place within the male as she sensed his inner power going off the scales. With a grin, a laugh and a thumbs up; this rocker chick was excited to see what her choice of action would result in for the male. After all, she loved to see it when her men got these mysterious power-ups and showed what they could really do! Therefore, she'd give him room to breathe and move roughly teen feet away from him in order to observe the spectacle for herself.

The first thing that morphed within the male was the color of his hair. White -- just like Shatari's lineage! Perfect! He was consuming the Yuudeshi Blood full and whole. And for that? Heh, she could enjoy it for what it was and cheer him on loudly! The Warden then let each of her guns hover at her side through the innate control that she had over said element through her chi energy. Then, after that moment had passed, The Banshee of Karakura pulled out her aptly named "Banshee" guitar and started jamming some hard metal tune for Hayden as he started his absolute slaughter fest.

"Yeah, give it all ya got! THIS JAM IS FOR YOU, BABY~! ★★★★★★★!"

With one heavy rift, The Over-Excited Yuudeshi let out a fierce scream and an explosion of energy flared around her. This sudden flaring of power was almost as if an intense eruption of magma shot forth from out of a volcano and reached into the atmosphere itself. For, with her mastery of Chi, Shatari was able to easily amplify the sound waves of her guitar in order to turn them into deadly shock waves for most hollows, vermin and other scum that tried to get near her or Hayden. Through a riff here, a note there and a scream there; these bastards were dropping like flies left and right as she pressed further into The Yuudeshi Drive and enjoyed the scene of carnage with her trusty newbie solider.

"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeah~! I'd like to call that crazy tune: "The Death Purge Of The Dragon's Roar!" Inspired by yours truly~ ★"

With a single point at Hayden, Shatari made it obvious who she was referring to. And, with another guitar solo, she slaughtered a wave of disgusting freaks in his honor. When finished, she'd let out a low whistle and feel proud of her dirty work. There must've been at least a few thousand killed by this little girl and her tirade. Combined with the efforts of the Vanguard, Yuudeshi, Yayjuu and Corps with the Japanese Military? Yeah, nah. There was no way these son of a guns had a chance in hell of reclaiming this forest anytime soon.

Thus, when the dazzling fireworks ended from Hayden, Shatari leaped by his side and gave a pleased smile at him. That was the kind of performance she liked to see from her men and she rewarded him with her murderously beautiful metal song~! Henceforth, The Warden had no qualms in attempting to transfer bits and pieces of her energy in order for the man to at least stand up on his feet. She wasn't exactly an expert in this; so she just hoped it would work out like most of what she had done up until this point. After all, she wasn't a medic or anything like that.

"Yaaaaaaaaaah baby~! You did alright for a newbie. You can rest now since this whole lovely affair is just about done. ❤"

With that, she'd then turn her eye to the dying spectacle that Nix Shraik performed. Once again, Shatari let out another low whistle as she watched the male's rampage come to a hard and burning end. It seemed he really worked himself with all that empowerment he pushed his body through. It was almosssssst enough to rival her own -- but not quite~! As, unlike him, The Banshee of Karakura wouldn't let her blood lust utterly drain her body. No, no. She still needed to savor the battle and be standing enough to take thrill in the sight of her enemies being vaporized.

Still, though, it was an impressive sight and she would give an admirable thumbs up to the male. As, with that last wave of assaults from all party, this whole masquerade was pretty much done. The only thing left to do now was pick up most of the ashes, alert authorities that the mission had been cleared and begin rebuilding most of this work. Therefore, Shatari would plump her butt atop the burning crater Nix was buried in. Then, she'd put out what seemed to be a walk talkie and let off a grin from across her lips:

"Can you hear me? Yeah, mic-check! This is The Banshee of Karakura Central coming to you LIVE from Karakura Forest. As you can see, we've decimated this forest of all enemy forces and are now making this a land where those can live freely. We've had about enough of this chaotic mess in the forest and are enforcing some order into it. So, if you've got a problem with how things are turning out to be? Tough. You can take that up with me and our entire con jointed armies. It's time to start taking back some of this planet already~"

This cocky message was broadcasted throughout most networks throughout Japan. From communication channels, to television signals, the cyber web and so on. Many people would see the scene and pay witness to the comeback that was bound to come for planet earth. It was perhaps a small step in the grand scheme of things, but it was a huge step for this nation towards rebuilding. Thus, when it concluded, Shatari would throw away her communicator device and just begin ripping out another guitar solo to otherwise celebrate their victory over this land.

As this metallic song started to echo throughout the forest, most of their resources were now being ported into the forest. Shields were beginning to become enforced, bases were being constructed, armed forces were being moved in and the defenses that kept Karakura Central one of the safest place on Earth were finally enacted. Indeed, the tide was changing for the forest and the Banshee of Karakura couldn't be more happier.

Thus, she'd turn around to all her men and pose this one question:

"So, my awesome grown boy soldiers, shall we call this check and mate for the day~? ★"





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