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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Wed Dec 02, 2015 9:27 am


Far above the ever-growing city of Karakura, another new power began to manifest amidst the clouds. Where cracks and crimson skies hovered overhead, a purple lining began to manifest. It was slow at first, but immediately noticeable. The cut in space stretched out roughly fifty feet in length, remaining in place for a few short seconds. The mark began to shift, tearing open into a dimensional gateway slightly altered from a traditional garganta. It appeared pitch black, purple electricity pouring out from the construct and crackling loudly above. A dark, powerful energy escaped the portal, spilling out into the world in excess. The nature of it was unlike anything most would know, not fitting the newly-risen force of the cracked energy or the power of Demon and Hollow kind a like. It was of a kind twisted, but in an entirely different breed of its own.

The dark energy descended on the city and its barrier, not even attempting to erode or harm it when it got close. Instead it pooled down the side of it, falling to the ground below and following the path of the wind. The purple smog entered the forest of Karakura, filling the area with a light mist of the material. Though harmless for the time, anything that touched it could feel the corrupting and vile nature of it. The rift in the tainted sky started to close as quickly as it manifested, but not before the final piece was released. A disc-like object shot from the closing gateway, cutting through the air and landing in the middle of Karakura's forest. The portal dissipated, leaving only the remaining oddity of an unrelated force for those in the city to look up upon.

The construct it released upon the forest remained, and while the rift vanished without a trace, the same unorthodox power now resonated in an even greater density from the heart of the forest. The disc-like object struck one of the numerous trees scattered about the land. It cut it clean in half, the unknown object embedding itself in the plant and fusing with it. The object that had fallen from the heavens was a shield, one that hardly fit the vile nature of the power it exuded. Its structure was one of nature's will, encased in vines and connecting with the life of the forest it struck. The fog of energy under the trees dissipated, all of it being absorbed by the fallen shield to instill it with its full strength for a time.

The split tree was repaired in an instant, enormous vines spilling out from the Advocate and connecting to various plant life nearby. The initial trunk it connected with had fully fused with the object, its blue gem and surface visible from the front of the husk while the back half was concealed under the repaired bark. The gem glowed brightly, energy coursing through it in excess and fueling the object's power. Large, bulky vines continued to rise from the center of the forest and around the tree, connecting further around it with each minute it remained. Its effects would become clear to any that approached, the closest victims of its debut becoming apparent in a short period of time.

The plant life connected by the newly spawned vines began to wither, the life and energy that existed in nature being consumed at a rapid pace and fed to the covered shield and the plant it inhabited, The large field of flowers close by began to die, dissipating and turning a lifeless grey color. The entire structure of the tree was rapidly reinforced to great density and the rest of the growing pool was spent on extending the reach of the large vines to attach to larger portions of the forest. Though its origin was unknown, one thing was clear. If this piece were left alone as it was, Karakura forest would find itself deprived of life and turned into a barren graveyard of its former self in only a matter of hours! Though not exceptionally fast at how it infected the landscape, the pace was quick enough to warrant attention to any that hadn't already been drawn to the potent aura that descended upon the land.

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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Mon Dec 07, 2015 5:18 pm

Artist: TAKAYUKI AIHARA - Song: DEGENERACY - Word Count: 740

All was suppose to be quiet in the forest of Karakura. Yet -- such silence was rarely ever observed in this active woodland. It was the domain of danger and this perilous region had been filled with ever changing obstacles. As such, it was of no surprise that yet another supernatural incident would occur on the cusp of so many world shattering events.

For, with an eruption in the night, the tranquility of the grassy area had became shattered and filled with absolute dread, negativity and sheer taint. The heavens themselves seemed to shatter, rip and break apart at the seams in order to deliver this object of total vileness into existence. As it shattered and smashed into the plant life of the forest, the likes of a sleeping angel became awoken to the clenching grasp of antagonism colliding into the tender timber of the woodlands.

With the stench of villainy afoot, the crystal eyes of this icy winged angel became lit with life and she jumped forth into action with a loud scream. Granted -- it wasn't the most elegant awakening. Falling out of her branched bed many feet up in the air, the frozen fairy fell downward and clashed against numerous leaves, sticks and bark before landing straight on her rear end.

Bruised, embarrassed, irritated and sleepy; The Frigid Angel was more than a little upset and she wanted to locate the source of her torment. Fixating her blurry vision on the target, there appeared to be some sort of mystical gem attached to the plant life within the area. And, it didn't exactly take a rocket scientist to deduce what it was doing. For, as The Iramasha observed the area around her, it became quite obvious that this infectious parasite was consuming the life around the forest.

Trees, plants, birds, rivers; everything was drying up and dying in order to feed this wicked object. However, while The Angel was still very much bothered by this turn of events, there was a greater part of her that saw this source of life as something that needed food. As, to the Icy Fairy, this was similar to a wild animal craving sustenance. Therefore, in line with her own justice, she would attempt to first substitute the plant life with an alternative source of nutrition.

"You know, Mr.Plant, that wasn't nice. You kind of ticked me off and scared me waking me up without so much as a hello. I hope you appreciate the fact that I'm not going to blow you up for that."

With a hard pout and her arms folded, the childish tone of The Iramasha filled the once somber atmosphere. And, by doing so, her angelic prowess arose to the surface. This was done in order to fill the dead planes of existence around them with new life. As, with each step she took, increasing volumes of her holy aura seemed to disburse throughout the area and attempted to fill it with new life. What was once black seemed to intermix with lush green textures, while the sense of absolute of dread was being intermixed with shades of warmth and color. Indeed, it was a mixture of taint and purity that were dancing around in the forest and it wasn't going to be such a one-sided affair from this point onward.

But, at least The Iramasha didn't seem too interest to go on the battlefront as her silver aura overfilled the woodlands. Instead, she seemed to approach the source of this incident and held her in hand to it. After this action was performed, The Angel Of The Ice seemed to freeze the plant and tethered it to her sleet of winter crystal. The Frozen Iramasha carried out this act because she wanted to see if the creature could eat through that and find nourishment from it. If so, then she would send it to a place where he could eat more of that without bothering anyone else.

"Hey, Mr.Plant, do ya like that stuff?"

And with that, The Curious Fairy squatted down and observed with big, bubbly blue eyes what this abomination would do next. Depending on the course of events that transpired, she would either have to try and contain it -- or outright battle it should it grow hostile. She was hoping for the former, clearly.

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Last edited by [THEFROST] on Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:45 pm; edited 1 time in total

Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) WVMWLOu
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Wed Dec 09, 2015 10:40 am

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count: Whose Keeping Count?

Nighttime was the best time to start a fire. With most people retired to their houses, there were very few to witness and stop any flames that mysterious crept up. It also helped that response times were a little sluggish, giving time for one to admire their handy work before making their escape. Every pyromaniac knew this, and those who didn’t weren’t true pyromaniacs, Zero was no different. She should’ve been lying underneath cotton sheets and a heavy comforter, a full-sized mattress underneath her petite form as she gathered the energy necessary for the next day, but instead she had ventured to the Karakura Forest. She had done so only because she found herself incapable of welcoming the land of lollipops and gumdrops in her bored state, her day having been totally uneventful. So, in order to bring herself out of her bored state so that she may sleep, she had crept out of her house with the intentions of starting a fire in the forest.

Yet, even the most haphazardly put together plans had the tendency to change and that would ring true for Zero. Though she had left her home at a time that would definitely have her on the receiving end of a scolding if she were caught by either of her parents and much praise from her older brothers to satiate her need for fun in the form of a forest fire so that she may sleep, such a plan would change to investigating whatever the hell fell from the sky. Now, she wouldn’t have been so interested in the entity that spilled out into the heart of the forest in an ungraceful manner if not for the simple fact it was sucking the life out of the area. Well, she didn’t know that for sure, but it didn’t take a rocket scientist, or in this case a pyromaniac, to put two and two together.

With absolutely no desire to burn down what was already dead or share the forest with someone else, the brunette headed straight for the entity with intentions of riding the forest of it so that she may carry about her business. Though, it seemed somebody else had beaten her to it first for as she approached the entity’s vicinity, reddish-brown eyes would lock onto the form of a blue-haired child. She raised in eyebrow in what could only be interest, the brunette halting her advances for a second so that she may examine the girl. She tightened the red scarf around her neck before skipping the rest of the way - she was done with analyzing the situation.

“Ya should burn it instead of feeding it, little miss.”

She said as she planted herself right by the child’s side. She didn’t spare the kid a glance, the brunette keeping her eyes on the one thing that was currently in the way of her plans. Though, as the next set of words flowed from her mouth, Zero would gaze at the fairy from the corner of her eye.

“Or freeze it. Whatever floats ya boat.”

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Lex Prailius
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Fri Dec 11, 2015 5:33 pm

Lex wasn't sure how, but his Prentium compass brought him back outside the border of Karakura City, where he hesitated to go any further after realizing where he was traveling. Could he have possibly left some type of weapon or device back at Konuma Forest? No, that was impossible, yet his compass was needling straight towards the heart of the heavily vegetated area. He was starting to think that it probably wasn't even pointing towards his hidden forest, most likely dealing with something else in this unknown wooded location. That was the scary part, what was it pointing towards then? Could it in fact be his wristband device out there, flung from his time traveling machine? There was only one way to find out though, that was for sure. The dark skinned male made his way from the border of Karakura City and headed deeper into the forest, not wasting a moment to find out if his item was indeed hidden out there in the lush vegetation.

Wait... did he think lush? He was fairly new to this place, to this world, but he was pretty sure that there wasn't a section of the forest that was waning in life since he last flew over it. He would have picked up on it during his flight towards the city. There was a good portion of dead flowers and vines around a particular tree, but most peculiar was that there was some type of shield and two ladies huddled around said shield. Once spotting them, he quickly hid behind a tree and placed a hand on the scanning button of his scouter device, listening to the low chiming noise of data being read on all three subjects that were about ten meters away from his current position. What he expected was some type of energy based reading on either of the girls and the shield, their science make-up, whether they were really human or not and what material the shield was made out of, and if possible, if it had an element affinity. His scouter lacked in the department of magical reading, but he did make it advanced enough to at the very least pick up on spiritual entities and elemental affinities, a breakthrough in his book. What he expected was not the same as what he got however, a sudden flash would consume his sight as he was quickly, mostly abruptly, thrown into an intense vision.

The vibrant blue eyes of the woman frantically shouting at him was what stood out to him the most, most of her chocolate skin covered in light plated armor custom of silver and sapphire hue and her body flailing at approaching enemies with what seemed to be a shield, no blade in sight as she was fending off with nothing but the defensive piece of equipment. "Lex! Lex! We have to go!" she yelled frantically at him again. The emperor pointed his sapphire metal blade at one of the approaching enemies before ducking low with blinding speed, right before coming up with a powerful backwards somersault to the adversary's chin before coming down with a hacking blow to his head, splitting it wide open. He glanced back at his wife to see that she was getting flanked from her left side by someone with a musket. "Pyra!!!!" he shouted before tossing the blade as hard as he could at the man's throat, watching his mystical sword twirl violently in the air just as the foe tried to pull the trigger.

Suddenly Lex's vision seemed to return back to the forest, a bewildered expression on his face as he blankly stared at the area where the two women were previously at. He would hear 'You can not save her...' echo in his ears with a low raspy voice, unnerving the young man as he had no clue why or where this particular vision came from. He was so wrapped up in his thoughts that he had no idea that the scouter had finished scanning the desired targets and was displaying separate sections of information on each target on the blue tinted lens of the scouter. His mind was unfocused on reading it, feeling so cold by the vivid image that he was uncertain he was wearing a jacket, glancing down for a moment to see that he was indeed wearing his usual grey and blue windbreaker. He had to regain his composure, it was very unwise to approach these two unknown factors without being mentally prepared to fight them in case they were unfriendly. Maybe one of them could have provoked such a vision? He doubted it a bit, though didn't rule it out, but his money was on the luminous shield, something about it was off, and he was starting to think that he needed to get rid of it right away to make sure other people didn't suffer from its unknown power.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Minerva Winthrop
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Fri Dec 11, 2015 8:33 pm

Minerva, who was still disguised as the waiter, was confused. For some reason as she was following Lex, they had ended up leaving the city and in fact returning back to the forest. Something must be wrong, Minerva thought. Perhaps Lex was on to her and was playing games. She was sure to keep a respectful distance and blended in with the general population.

Suddenly she felt a strong dark magical aura emanating deep from within the forest. A feeling of dread and darkness. Not only that it was new, something she hadn't felt before, but it was definitely not harmless. She could see some of the forest animals running in the opposite direction in absolute terror and the deeper they went in, the more she saw that some were not lucky enough to escape. The feeling was so powerful she clutched her chest and raced ahead trying to keep up with Lex. So perhaps he was investigating this, she thought. Did it have anything to do with the item he was searching for? She would just have to follow and find out.

As she followed further and further, they were clearly heading straight for whatever was emitting the dark aura. The entire forest was slowly being drained of life and she could see something in the distance. She hid behind a tree about twenty five meters behind Lex and saw as he encountered what appeared to be two females who were themselves concentrating on a large grotesque plant covered in vines which were sucking away the essence of the forest itself. But it wasn't the plant itself, but what was contained in the heart of it all, that was the source of the dark and mysterious energy.

Minerva possessed countless magical items, some of which had dark corrupting energy, but this was a unknown entity. She decided to be cautious, which was the best course of action in encountering an unknown situation. Normally she would see if she could capture and keep this one for herself, but decided that maybe this time it would be too dangerous. Also, she wasn't sure what the other peoples intentions were. She was in no mood to fight over the object and would rather take the safer option and destroy it, helping if necessary.

current look:


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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Sat Dec 12, 2015 2:34 pm


The shield remained in place, frozen as new forces approached it. The glowing gem in the heart of the construct was glowing brighter, a new source of energy catching its attention. The large vines moving through the ground ceased their expansion. The formerly dead forest was invigorated by life once again, and thus the need to expand its range was quelled with the new source of power to feed on. The new holy power that resurrected the dying plant life was the object's next target. The vines grew under the flower beds, splitting off into multiple smaller lines to encompass the revived landscape and begin feeding all over again! Though a direct contrast to the corrupt power it contained, even the power of light was converted to raw energy and drained into the gem. Just as quickly as the dead landscape was flush with life, it began to once again wither, slowly decaying to a black wasteland..Or rather, it would have if yet another close source of energy surrounded it at an even closer point.

Ice forged in reishi surrounded the shield, damaging the vines protruding from it, but directly feeding the unorthodox Advocate. All became still, the light from the gem reflecting off the ice and projecting a majestic glow from the cover of cold. This didn't last for long. Once all the spiritual energy was drained from the construct of ice, it became the opposite of a food source. The ice without any spiritual properties alongside it served to deprive it of a more common form of energy all things knew. It drained away at the heat of the construct, forcing minor amounts of energy from the plant-like object. Small vines shot out from the shield, cutting through the coating of ice and shattering it. With no energy left to sustain it, the ice broke easily and fell to the dying ground, melting soon after. This exposure of spiritual power caused an immediate change in the actions of the entity.

The overgrown vines and tendrils scattered across the forest began to shift, the ground shaking in forewarning of the moving constructs. They could be seen receding toward the tree that spawned them. oddly-placed red veins slowly becoming visible along the tops of the overgrown plant life. The gem infused even more power into the monstrous creations, making them more durable and thicker for the new targets that caught its attention. While a vast amount of energy was spread throughout the forest, a few sources that directly contained immense amount s of energy now surrounded it. The current from the ice alerted it to what they could offer, and now the semi-living creation would seek to consume their energy in bulk. Vines raised from the ground, ripping the earth asunder all around the forest's heart.

They all remained stagnant, four especially large roots the size of trees surrounding the tree and those close by. Alongside them were a number of much smaller vines, though much greater in number. Their targets were the two closest to the emerald Advocate, especially the ice-clad Iramasha that possessed the greatest volume of energy of those present. The twin sets of plant life closest to the women of contrasting fire and ice moved in a synchronized motion. The trunk-sized creations ripped apart anything in their path, intending to reach the Human and the Iramasha at the same time. While this occurred, multiple smaller vines broke through the ground beneath their feet, possibly without their notice with everything else taking place. Multiple vines attempted to wrap around their ankles and feet to keep them in place while the larger structures approached. They all worked like a hive-mind too achieve the best result.

The giant tendrils quickly opted to ensnare both women in a tight bind around their entire mid-section. In the event all else failed, an additional set of smaller tendrils followed the main assault immediately after. Though weaker in density, they made a last attempt to reach each target and wrap around their appendages to keep them in place; suspended in the air if caught in the air. Were any of these successful, the red vein-like material on the outer-edge of the vines would begin to glow. Slowly but very clearly the energy of those captured by these vines would begin to be pulled from their body and course through the plants into the source of all these oddities; the Advocate of Gaia's hunger. Traces of the energy captured was used to reinforce the vine-like tendrils even further and make them more difficult to escape. Specifically they were attempting to feed on each subject's spiritual power and the kinetic energy they used in their struggles to escape any successful holds.

For the time being, the entity seemed to ignore the two hidden nearby. Whether it didn't notice them or just wasn't interested was unknown, but they would have time to see their potential adversary before they were forced to combat it. With the exception of the four roots, the vines were not that difficult to break individually. Though in number, they could become a problem and moved fairly fast. The larger constructs on the opposite end were slower, but much denser and able to take excessive punishment if need be. The vines acted to slow their targets first so the roots could capture them and keep them in place for Gaia to feed. It would be up to those under attack how they chose to fend off the barrage of plant life. For the time though, the forest was nearly free of being drained while the creation was occupied with different targets to feast upon.

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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:58 am


Artist: Toby Fox - Song: DUMMY! - Word Count: 1307

There were numerous things beginning to change and enter into the vicinity. One of the first was the sudden appearance of a brunette-haired woman with quite the fiery shade of red behind her eyes. This caused Cirno to then jump up into an upright position and stare down the human.

"Burn it? Well, I wanted to at least give it a chance at life! Every living creature should be given that chance until they prove they are no longer worthy of the gift of life!"

With her chest puffed up, voice filled with conviction and aura overflowing with determination behind those words; Cirno was oh-so-convinced that her logic and new way of dealing with things was the right one. So to the Angel of the ice it was considered non-sense to want to burn the plant first.

Of course -- she may come to regret that choice.

But, then again, she has the power to change it as well! It doesn't hurt to be a super powerful force of good, now does it? Hehehe.

Nevertheless, before the fun stuff with the plant could begin, there were two other sources of energy that the senses of Cirno's body picked up. Being that these two silly-gooses forgot to mask their power, it was fairly easy for The Angel of The Ice to pick up on the vibrations that their energy produced in the form of a spiritual frequency that she could detect.

So, having divulged that much out of the pair, the first lurking male seemed to have quite the fair deal of strength behind his high volume of power. He could certainly pose a decent challenge should his intentions be hostile; which made him a force that the Iramasha needed to keep an eye on. And, while his associate wasn't quite as strong as he was, it was enough to make her concerned for the well-being of the school-aged girl standing next to the Frigid Heroine.

Therefore, after processing all of the threats in the area, the crystal eyed girl would clap her hands together and decide to face this problem head-on.

"Ok, ok. There is no need to hide, sillies. You can come out! We aren't going to kill you, but, uh, I think this plant will."

The tone of Cirno's voice, while in mid-speech, started to change from super confident, to somewhat concerned and then outright on-edge towards the end. The reason for this is because she noticed that her energy was steadily being absorbed by the plant. And, alongside that fact, there was a strong sense of malice growing in the air as she couldn't help but detect the atmosphere of destructive intent looming from the creation before her.

"So, you might wanna get back, human! Things are about to get dangerous! Which means....IT'S TIME FOR THIS HEROINE OF JUSTICE TO LEAP INTO ACTION!"


Activate -- JUSTICE MODE!

In a dazzling display of rich white light, the attire of the lone fairy seemed to change in the blink of an eye. Materializing around her chest was a cape with white and gold hues intermixed all over it. On the back of this coat was the Iramasha Clan's symbol engraved in gold stone. While the sleeves across her dress grew to cover her whole arm and poofed up a pair of white gloves across the ice maiden's hands.

With a single swiping motion of the hand, a crystal blue sword forged with gold trimmings emerged in The Angel's left hand. And, at that moment, she seemed to grow quite the bit in that time. While she was still quite the short-stack, one could see visible changes that indicated she appeared closer to a thirteen or fourteen year old as opposed to a ten or eleven year old.

Taller, maturer and more powerful; this figure of justice was ready to tango!

"If all you humans want to jump in the fight, I won't stop you! But please know this beast absorbs energy~!"

Giving off a confident grin, Cirno was ready for this challenge. The reason being is because it wouldn't be won with pure energy and power. No. She needed to rely on her body's strength and determination.

Henceforth, as the vines of foul intent spiraled all around her and Toki, The Iramashsa wasted no time cutting them down to size. After sheathing her sword, Cirno leaped forth into action with the utmost of speed and strength. As she appeared in flares of ocean blue light that danced around the forest, The Icy Heroine started PUNCHING into the vines. By transferring her physical strength into the strikes, The Angel hoped to obliterate it and send the pieces of the vines which came through way into a fine oblivion.


In one cheery shout, the overexcited champion of justice rushed forth towards the large tree trunks crashing towards her way.





That is all that was needed to break these chunks of plant life into ash and force her way closer towards the emerald. Even as the vines attempted to constrict the ankles of Cirno, gentle strikes of the legs were enough to hopefully destroy them with her intense physical might. And, given the speed advantage, she had plenty of room to act.


That was the only warning The Angel of The Ice would give to Toki. Whether she took her advice or not, Cirno did not know. However, what she did know is that she needed to put a stop to this madness before someone got hurt. So, for all of the human's safety, she put herself in the heat of danger and charged forth at the last remaining wave of vines attempting to constrict before her and the girl of fire.

In one fast motion did The Iramasha then whip out her sword, spin in a full 360 spiral and attempt to cut everything around her in a flare of silver light as she propelled herself straight to the emerald advocate. With the high quality of mystic material used to forge her Sword of Justice, it was expected that its razor sharp blade would cut through most of the remaining plant-life that was doing their damndest to block the pathway of the heroine.

If all went as planned, at this point, The Angel of The Ice would hopefully be face to face with the gem. Giving it little time to react, she yearned to thrust her blade into the emerald and pierce it with her blade. And, in that moment, something odd would happen.

If that stab should occur, then an eruption of willpower and determination would forge in the area. As, with this sword connecting, Cirno hoped to transfer not energy, but desire into the advocate.

She wished to overpower it with will and subjugate it to her beck and call. Ergo, if pierced, this weapon would undoubtedly feel a tidal wave of absolute courage, tenacity and resolve crushing down upon its essence. Twisting, churning and binding around it's metaphysical being in order to seal it through her willpower and cease it's effects.


Was what she first shouted as that grin of hers grew even larger. It wasn't a cocky or arrogant smirk, however. No. It was filled with happiness, acceptance and perseverance.

"So, Mr.Plant, give up this pointless fight and submit! Or face the daunting strike of my justice!"

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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) WVMWLOu
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:54 pm

Artist: Mogeko Castle - Song: MaouDamashii Town 10 - Word Count: Whose Keeping Count?

Zero raised an eyebrow in amusement as she stared at the small child from the corner of her eye. Now, she didn’t immediately think the kid stupid for feeding something that was pretty intent in sucking the life out of the forest and thus ruining her fun, but she was disappointed. She wasn’t a psychopath or anything, she just clearly didn’t put a lot of value on the lives of entities she wasn’t going to keep as a pet compared to the blue-haired girl. Now that she thought about it, she valued very little which probably explained why she had no qualms about indirectly killing wildlife or people for that matter with her antics. Either way, she wanted the thing dead or at least transported to some other area so she could resume what she had come here to do before her family realized she was gone.

She folded her arms across her chest and tilted her head to the left as she inspected the… whatever it was, only sparing the midget another glance when she decided to address the folks behind them. Or, at least Zero assumed who ever she was addressing was behind them, she didn’t actually have any sort of super cool sensing ability underneath her belt though she could easily fix that by dispersing some of her energy. She knew this, but she wasn’t about to waste precious energy on locating folks that decided to -

Zero’s eyes narrowed on the thing as she watched it spring to life, though not from the position she had been standing in. Instead, she inspected its sudden movements as she took flight, the brunette having decided she wanted no part of whatever nasty surprise that thing was about to unleash. She narrowly avoided being ensnared by the entity of unknown origins, the brunette having retreated to a safe zone - an area the thing hadn’t sent its vines of impeding doom. She landed on the ground as she adjusted her scarf, a smile makings it way on her face.

“I think it has forfeited it’s right to live. Can we burn it now, little miss?!”

She shouted, not bothering to add in the fact that she thought it forfeited its right to life the moment it intruded on her fun. There was simply no reason to since the kid, now a pre-teen in appearance, had thrown away the silly idea of letting it live. Now, she could sit, watch, and wait for the angel to dispose of the creature and conserve her own energy. Or, she could jump into the remix and beat the thing for its crime, a bloody pulp really wasn’t an option since it didn’t look like blood coursed through those veins. Ultimately, she would be going with the choice that provided her the most amount of fun and so she decided to fight.

Rolling her shoulders and neck, the brunette got ready to beat the crap out of the thing utilizing her Taekwondo since the midget was so kind to inform her and whoever else was within the area of the entity’s ability. She cracked her knuckles before pushing herself towards the entity with a strong burst of wind that came from her fist. She poised herself to strike it anywhere, fist pulled back for a powerful strike, a strike which power would be increased with the release of energy that had built up within her bracelet over time, though she was also ready to suddenly change her course if any vines got in the way. If she were to connect, well she would immediately retreat and do nothing more in that moment.

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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) FEgVMOU

Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Uaa3LGo
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) GAAZWBR
Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) 4Al0hpe
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Lex Prailius
Lex Prailius
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:54 pm

It was clear that something was wrong on multiple levels. First, someone was following him, or at least coming to investigate the commotion in the forest just as he did. There was no way to tell this for sure however from this point in time, but it still posed a problem. Second, just as he found out that someone was behind him, the girls had found out about his presence as well as the other person's right away by one of the two females addressing them directly while the other simply glanced in their direction, causing the young man to grunt in displeasure as he realized how careless he was about the situation. 'Shit... that's right, this world has to deal with spiritual power, I've been disregarding my spiritual presence since I've come to Earth... that's going to need to change after this.' he thought to himself. Third, the unknown entity in front of them seemed to come to life and attack the closest to it, as well as branch out towards the other two, approaching him first out of the unknown duo. Fourth, the previous vision that he had wasn't random and he knew it, that shield had something to do with it and as much as he just wanted to dispose of the defense item, he was compelled to find out why it forced such an intense memory on him, he was sure there was a reason.

The man felt it to be beneficial to assist the girl as requested, at least to keep them from assuming he had anything to do with the current dilemma. If anyone was to watch his actions within the next few seconds, he was sure it would look a bit strange but he knew it was necessary. He would quickly reach into his navy and dark gray windbreaker before pulling out a pair of gray leather gloves out of the pockets. They seemed normal enough, but on the palms of both of them had what seemed like some form of transmutation symbol on it. He slipped these on before using a specific spell while pressing his hand on his current jacket, the attire teleporting off of him before being replaced with a gray leather jacket. He did this same technique with his current shoes, crouching to touch both of them with each glove before teleporting them off of his feet and replacing them with a pair of gray steel toe boots. This had far less of an interesting appearance of change than the girl who had transformed, but it certainly sufficed with what the man wanted at the time. He didn't even bother to stand back up before concentrating a bit on his next move, his eyes fixated on the approaching vines that were coming his way at this point.

At a moment's notice, a significant tremor could be felt throughout the immediate area across one hundred meters at a moderate pace and before the vines could even move out of the way by instinct, a multiple number of tendrils began to appear from out of the ground and latch onto the approaching threat, made out of hardened earth and squeezing the vines with intensity. He only used two to immediately defend the unknown person that was behind, the five vines that were approaching him would be swiftly taken care of with the legendary blade that was strapped to his hip, being pulled from its restraints before being swung with intense strikes to cut the seemingly cursed organic material from attacking him. A sapphire hue could be seen as he made his few chops and stabs, all the while the other four of his earth tendrils seeming to pop out of the ground near the two girls in front of him and grabbing onto significant vines that would try to grab onto them before squeezing and crushing them as best it could. There were definitely more to deal with when it came to the vines near the heart of the pulsating cursed energy, but he had to take care of something first. "Save material." he would say bluntly. "Scanning material, please standby." the scouter chimed back while the blue tinted lens blinked rapidly before it would shoot out a type of grid made out of light towards the sliced up vine that was at his feet. He stood still during these few seconds, just staring at the still piece of organic material before the scouter chimed again. "Scanning complete, saved material." the scouter chimed again.

He had to do one more spell, it was necessary if he wanted to cover his basis and keep everyone safe at the same time. With a quick thought, the ground immediately around him began to tremble a bit before a decent amount of earth began to form into a shape. By the time it was finished, a hollow sphere of dirt, sand, and small rocks at the size of fifteen meters could be seen rising slowly into the air. Once it reached high enough over the area, it began to slowly release a cloud of dust and layers of dirt to cover over everything, the tree, the girls, the person that was behind him, even himself, eventually the layer of earth would reach everything and everyone within fifty meters in about a few seconds, but wouldn't be useful just yet. He would use this to bide his time, and his cover if anything went sideways during this confrontation. "I'll do what I can." he exclaimed to the girl after her mention of their help. He had a thought to rush in, but it seemed the closer that any of the cursed energy got to him, the more his sword seemed to react to it. He could feel its power began to rise within the blade, the amount of power he was starting not to feel comfortable wielding in such an enclosed area. Just what was going on here?

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Template By: [THEFROST]
Minerva Winthrop
Minerva Winthrop
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Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series) Empty Re: Gaia's Plague (Dawn of Madness Mini-Event Series)

Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:20 pm

Minerva, who was still maintaining the shapeshifted appearance of the male waiter, watched as the little blue haired girl transformed into a spunky, energetic magical girl and began to attack the malicious plant with her brute force strength, first with fist and then with sword. The happy enthusiasm made Minerva smile. But she shook that away. This was no time to be fawning over cute girls. She also observed the other enigmatic girl, who was a able to dodge a ensnarement by the vines easily enough which gave her a casus belli in the form of a powerful fist strike.

It seems that these two girls preferred physical combat as the means to dispatch their enemy, Minerva thought to herself. With those two displaying their skill, she wondered what Lex had up his sleeves. She had not yet seen him in a fight and wondered what course of action he would take at this moment. She wouldn't have to wait long.

Watching closely, Lex had swapped out part of his attire with what appeared to be teleportation magic and began to expertly slash the vines near him with his own bladed weapon. Minerva could sense the magical vines coming near her and would have done something to protect herself, but it was unnecessary as Lex appeared to have used earth manipulation magic to crush the vines before they could go far. That's interesting. Why would he do that? Could he see through her disguise and realize it was her? Either way it was nice of him to protect her.

Even with the immediate threat eliminated she decided to keep out of harms way by activating her gravity manipulation, flying thirty meters above the action. Right around this time Lex had formed an earthen sphere and began to cover the area in a mist of dirt. She floated above and to the side of the floating sphere so she could continue to see everyone below. The little amount of dirt and dust that got near to Minerva was instantly blown away as she created a strong gust of wind of 80 mph with wind magic around her for a few moments. She did not like getting dirty.

From what she could see, the three children were able to handle the problem, so she decided to lay in the air as if she was suspended in a hammock and pulled a glass of red wine from a dimensional rift. From the ground they would see a tall waiter in a black and white uniform leisurely watching from above without a care in a world. When in reality Minerva, despite her relaxed attitude, was watching the scene play out intently while sipping a tasty refreshment.

current look:


b]• Magic used:[/b]

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