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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:52 pm

Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Broken Raven

Artist: ThunderCats | Song: Wilykit's Lullaby | Word Count: 977


Is there any hope for someone as broken as me?

All the Broken Raven could see....was black. Well, that was because he had his eye closed. As the single, small item soon opened, Henrex could see himself flowing through a river of red and black. What was he in? A Kage Chōkyō-shi. A portal that allowed demons to transport themselves through the realms. However, Henrex had used this instead of a Shinigami's Senkaimon that they could create with the blade of the Zanpakutō for a single, specific reason. A Senkaimon travel could be monitored, while a Kage Chōkyō-shi, as far as he knew, was unable to be tracked. At least by Shinigami.

As his eye set it's sights forward, a slow shine of white soon occupied the Raven's eye. the bright light caused his eye to slowly shut, before his mechanical breathing echoed out through the silence of the portal. The light engulfed him, and his body soon exited the portal. His body quietly hovered above the ground for mere moments before his black boots gently clacked against the pavement of the alleyway he had purposely transported himself to. Looking around, he could see that the place....was quiet and empty. His black void for an eye slowly slid around in the socket, looking around for where he should go.

The evening breeze that came with a one-o-clock wind brushed over the boy. However, only his revealed right eye would feel this breeze. His entire body, covered and drenched in black. With a black kimono to replace the normal Shinigami shihakusho wrapped around his midsection, covering his arms down to his wrists, and gloves to cover both of his hands, despite only one of them being mutilated. With a black, custom made mask to hide his face, the item that looked like a respirator covered his mouth, and nose.

Created with an eye patch to cover his left eye and more, up to the bridge of his nose, only his right eye would be seen. His feet were covered by black, steel-toed combat boots, able to not only serve as protection, but also as a hidden weapon. That is how he was trained, wasn't he? The more common the item, the better it could be as a weapon. Simple boots like these had, easily as much strength as a single katana from the strength of the high carbon steel that was embedded within. Sighing to himself, the open hands of the Broken Hybrid slowly and gently closed themselves into fists, before his body began to move.

Mirja Eeola had told him through a Jigokucho, a Hell Butterfly, to see a Demon known as "Arianda Vael" through her final message to him. Most likely, Henrex would never see her again. He had chosen to run from the Gotei. There wasn't a place in the world for someone of his kind. A Shinigami and Demon Hybrid. He had seen no one who was like him. He didn't belong. He ran. And he was still running. At one-o-clock in the morning. In the middle of Shadow Fall territory. Sighing gently, the young Hybrid's thoughts soon shifted to suggesting that he move, and find Arianda...before someone found him. He had been told that she resided in Europe, but he had yet to find where.

As his silent stepping led him out of the alleyway and into what seemed to be a sidewalk, the boy could tell that all was quiet. Not a soul to be found. Henrex's eye flicked from left to right, looking for, if possible, Arianda. However, the boy was not that lucky today, was he? For he found nothing but the emptiness and the silence of the streets. As his eye sadly narrowed, his body slowly resumed movement, with his entire body on alert for anything. Whether it be Arianda, an enemy, or something a humorous way, his body was ready.

His eye moved around, looking at each and every house...looking for something that just didn't seem to fit in with the rest. Who was he kidding? He was in Shadow Fall territory. There was nothing that he would most likely find that wasn't normal. He would probably know it when he found it. In fact, to increase his chances of finding her, he decided to use his master of manipulation of his own energy, as well as a combination of using Za Koa energy to subtly send out pulses of his energy that would most likely unable to be traced or felt, due to the weak amount of the dual energies placed within it.

What would these little pulses do? They would be something along the lines of scanning probes, searching for the Demon he was looking for. He had never met her before, so how would he be able to know where she was? Well, that was all part of the game, now wasn't it? As his eye soon found itself on a single building that he believed to be where Arianda would be residing, and his body resumed moving. Silent step after silent step, the boy's feet would move the rest of his body towards where the pulse had pinged who he believed he was looking for.

As he stopped moving, his eyes gazed at the door. His dead, dreary, one eyed stare seemed to pierce the wood itself. As his gloved hand slowly rose from his side, he slowly reached forward towards the door, and gently knocked. The gentle tapping of wood seemed to relax the young Hybrid, but not for long. The usual worry, sadness, and depression soon came back to him, and his head seemed to lower by the slightest from these feelings re-entering his heart. He had hoped that not only that this was Arianda's home....but also that she could help him. Was it possible for someone like him to be helped? Perhaps he just had to wait and see.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Henrex on Mon Sep 19, 2016 6:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Sun Sep 18, 2016 6:16 pm



Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 904

Arianda sighed softly as she walked around her house in the world of the living. In Paris, Italy. Europe. Generally, she just used this house if she wanted to escape the madness of the Demon World. Of course, she normally brought Ceal with her, but, after certain events she had to keep Ceal at her Palace in Flow City. She also had a bunch of guards stationed around the area back in the demon world just in case. But, this house, looked nothing out of the ordinary. Sure, it may give off a slightly ominous aura but, it isn't the most prominent thing in the world. However, if someone has a good sense of things, or knows where the house is, they would be able to find Arianda eventually.

With a slight sigh, she walked around the house bare-foot; her heels by the door. She loved those things but, they are annoying when she wants to relax. Her scissors were also resting against a rather large chair in front of something that appeared to be a sort of screen. For now, she had gone upstairs to recollect herself, fix her hair some, and relax a little. She barely had any time to do that with all her worrying about Ceal's safety and state. While she loved the girl more than her own life, she sometimes needed a slight break from her mind trying to rip itself in two; not a fun feeling. After Arianda had finished washing her hair, drying it, and then re-braiding it as it normally is; strap of fabric and all. She went downstairs again, sliding down the railing for the stairs. When she arrived at the bottom she flew off the stairs and did a front roll to break the fall, though it wouldn't have mattered in the end.

She walked up to her fridge, stuffed with chocolate, and took out a bar of chocolate; eating it slowly. Lord, did she love chocolate. If she could live off of chocolate she would, but, she needs pain for her whole being immortal dealio. She closed the door of the fridge and walked over to the chair where her scissors were leaning against and flopped into it. She sighed softly and leaned backwards in the chair, causing the chair to slowly lean back. Gotta love reclining chairs. She continued eating the chocolate as she slowly closed her eyes and focused on the area around her; looking for sources of pain.

Oh-hoh-ho~! There's someone nearby who has experienced enough pain in their life that they'd feed Arianda for a good couple of years! Arianda grinned softly as she chewed some chocolate and swallowed it, the bar only halfway gone. She focused her senses a little and sniffed, listened, and felt the pain. This guy, he, well he smelled interesting to say the least. Well, to say the least, he had the interesting scent of a male. A male Shinigami... and something else... Demon? Oh my~ Did Mana have fun with a random shinigami and slap the Seal of Eris on him for fun? No, he didn't have a trace of Mana on him. Though, one may be wondering why Arianda is sensing stuff a lot like Mana does? Well, she learned from her Master a little and decided these methods would help her in general. While she wasn't wrong it was very interesting to smell the different scents of others.

She straightened in the chair as she felt the Hybrid man getting closer. His pain was so intense, it made Arianda drool slightly at the thought of consuming such delicious pain. But, she calmed herself and thought about how this guy was half demon. Sure, other demons could've thrown seals onto him, but, there was something else about him. She couldn't place exactly what it was, but, it would be very interesting to find out. Finally, she had finished the chocolate bar she had taken from her fridge from earlier. She licked the excess chocolate off of her fingers and stretched; allowing her cloak to slip off of her body and rest on the chair. She stood up and felt that her cloak wasn't on but, she shrugged, it was her house she didn't care. She hung her cloak on her scissors and stretched again, making a tiny squeaking sound after she finished stretching.

She walked to the door, hearing the knock, her feet making no noise as she walked to the door. she put her heels on and then opened the door to look at the Shinigami. Her face contorted into displeasure when she realized he was taller than her. Dammit. She sighed softly and looked at the Shinigami, no, the Hybrid and she spoke to him.

"So, tell me, what's a half demon, half shinigami hybrid doing here at the European House of Shadow Fall's Grand Duchess of the second circle, Arianda Vael? As much as I do not like Shinigami, I think I'll make an exception for a hybrid. You're pretty interesting after all!!"

She had no idea why this man was here, but, it'd be an interesting thing to see. Who knows what could happen, because, despite how Arianda is, she doesn't know the future. But, she does know that things will be very interesting.

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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Mon Sep 19, 2016 10:42 am
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Broken Raven

Artist: DAGames | Song: Break My Mind | Word Count: 728


Break, break, break my mind....break it until the tale unwinds....


Silence. No sound. Not even the slightest chirp of a cricket. A quiet, mechanical sigh left him, exiting through the respirator that covered his face, and changed the way that his voice sounded. Perhaps it was the wrong house? Were they just ignoring him? Or were they waiting for him to come in? So many questions ran through the Hybrid's mind, one after another. However, it did not seem to soothe or comfort the hyperactive mind of the Broken Hybrid. However, perhaps there was something that could.

Slowly reaching into his kimono, the boy's hand was retrieving something that he always carried with him, even if he was running from the Gotei. Pulling his hand out of the clothing, his hand brought out a small, casually sized chocolate bar. The gloved hands of the Hybrid soon went to work, gently peeling, scraping, and struggling to try and get the wrapper torn, even by the slightest. Why were these things so difficult sometimes? Groaning quietly, the boy's hands quickened their movement, before the sound was heard. A tear.

Seeing that the wrapper had indeed been torn, he quickly wedged his finger in the wrapper to make the tear bigger, while the mouth section of his custom made mask would slowly dissipate, and his teeth gently gouged his lip from the anticipation of eating something like chocolate. The moment that enough of the bar was revealed, the boy's eye flashed red, and he sank his teeth into the sugary treat. Energy from the sugar seemed to pour itself into his body, and his eye widened. It had been quite a bit since he had eaten something like this.

Moving his face away from the candy, he slowly chewed and appreciated the deliciousness of the chocolate that he was consuming. As the section of his mask that had dissipated so shortly ago reformed itself, Henrex's eyes soon seemed to pierce the small item within his hands. Swallowing the chocolate, he could feel the remains of the sugar flowing through him. It tasted good....but provided no subsistence. He was still hungry. His eyes, so previously filled with a sense of relaxing and calm, was now thrown back into the normal state of eternal pain, hunger, and sadness.

Nothing seemed to have changed. Closing his eye and lowering his head as he continued to wait, the patience of the Hybrid was wearing just the slightest bit thin. After all, he wasn't going to wait there all day, now was he? As he prepared to turn around and check a different house, the door opened. The short boy stared right back at a red-eyed, blonde-haired girl....who was equally as short. That was something he wasn't expecting. He was, quite honestly, expecting someone just even the slightest bit taller than him. Maybe a foot or so taller. After all, he was, currently, at 5'3 with his thick combat boots boosting him up by those last three inches.

As who he believed was Arianda spoke, boasting her Shadow Fall title, her last name, her rank, and all of that, Henrex simply sighed quietly in response. If this was Arianda, he a bit of a conflicted state. She thought....he was interesting? In what way? His eye widened as the many possibilities rolled through his head, and his body leaned back, a small bit of fear wrapping around his being. However, he soon heard that she hated Shinigami. That...would be a problem. He was a Hybrid of a Shinigami and a Demon. If she would turn him away just because of that, Mirja had lead him to a dead end. Raising his head slightly, his single, dead black eye stared into Arianda's twin red ones.

".....Mirja Eeola....told me to find you...."

The right hand of the boy, which held the chocolate bar, slowly began to move up to his chest, almost protectively holding it. with his own senses, he could practically smell the immense amount of chocolate that was coming from her hands. Even if she had licked her fingers clean, there was always even the smallest of scents. His left foot slowly slipped behind him, and the boy's natural nervousness around women, and his mind was sending him signals to run. However....he didn't. He didn't want to. This person could help him. Could. If she couldn't help someone this broken, then who could?

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Mon Sep 19, 2016 11:22 am



Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 702

Arianda looked at Henrex, she was a little irked that he was taller than her. Even if it was by an inch she was still irked by it. She sighed softly and spotted the chocolate bar and raised an eyebrow at the sight of it. Another person who loved chocolate huh? Not that surprising but, if he carried chocolate like Arianda hard started to recently, then, that'd be interesting. However, she soon noticed the fear and pain radiating from Henrex. She did her best not to pounce on him and eat some of his pain. It smelled so delicious she could barely hold herself back. But, she was immediately thrown back into reality when she heard Mirja’s name.

"M-M-M-Mirja...? Mirja sent you... I-I see... W-Well... come in..."

She left the door open for him to walk in and close behind him. As she turned away her face adopted a look of pain, regret, and longing. She missed Mirja. Sure, she had Ceal but, with Mirja it was something different. She didn't know exactly how to put it but, she felt an immense feeling of longing for Mirja. After what she did to Mirja, to Iko, she regretted it so much, she wanted to see Mirja again. She had to recompose herself and then turn back to Henrex. Looking directly into his dead eyes.

"Obviously, Mirja wants to help you in a sense. She probably wants me to help you control your demon part. But, first, come here. I need to do something."

If Henrex came close enough, Arianda would tentatively move close to him and lightly put a hand on his right arm. Afterwards she would slowly move her face up to his, where it wasn't covered, and she would lightly kiss the side of his face. What was the point of this? Why it was to try and consume some of his pain. Not out of mercy or anything, no, she wanted to eat his pain because it smelled, felt, and seemed so delicious. After she kissed the side of Henrex's face, if she could, the tiniest sliver of pain would leave Henrex. Nothing would replace it, but, some of the pain would leave him. If she was able to take the pain Arianda would withdraw from Henrex to give him some space. She turned around and hid her face as she had a look of what appeared to be immense pleasure, she could also feel herself getting a little... well, to say the least; how excited it made her. She really did have to take a couple of seconds to recompose herself. She now knew how Mana felt when she ate someone's intoxicating madness; since, this man had intoxicating pain. She turned back around, no sign of arousal or anything.

"So, tell me, Hybrid, what is your name? Do you know your powers? What you feed on as a demon? We can figure such things out so you have control."

She yawned softly and stretched a little. Yes, she could tell that he had not fed his Demon side in years. How could she tell? She could sense the immense feeling of hunger coming from Henrex. It was very interesting to see someone act like this man did, gave her some insight on how a demon could become without their source of food. So with a slight yawn she pointed to the man and then to a chair.

"Take a seat. Just standing there shuttering, shaking, and full of terror will do you nothing. Just, take a seat and tell me what you're worried about. We could find a way to get that demon side of yours under control."

She grinned and walked over to her own chair, which her scissors were still leaning against, and plopped into it. She yawned softly and moved her scissors to her right side and waited for the man to sit down in the chair to the left of Arianda's. If they were to meet, hybrid to demon, they had to be some sort of "civilized" at least, for now.

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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Mon Sep 19, 2016 7:35 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Broken Raven

Artist: DAGames | Song: Break My Mind | Word Count: 1155


Everyone sees the mask.....but never gives a damn about what's behind it.....

It hurt. Pain pumped through his body from his heart like the pain was a permanent part of him. The boy was trying so hard not to break down right now. There was just simply...too much pain within the boy's heart. It hurt him even to speak Mirja's name. His right hand, clenched into a fist at his side, shook and shuddered as he continued to stand there for what seemed like forever. He could still feel the stabbing feeling of Iko's claws entering his body....piercing flesh....and drawing blood.

However, Arianda had seemed to become just the slightest bit more...flustered. As his dead eye stared into the Crimson Hood's twin red eyes, he could see it. Pain. Regret. Longing. And it was all because he said Mirja's name. Arianda wasn't alone in those feelings. Especially for Mirja. He had no intentions of telling her, but he harbored feelings for the wolf girl. However, she didn't care even the slightest about him.

As his form silently moved and entered the house that Arianda had invited him in, his eye looked around. It was a beautiful house. Certainly something worthy for someone of her rank. Most certainly better than his little room back in the Soul Society. As he slowly and silently followed Arianda into her home, he gently shut the door behind him, the object sealing itself shut with a single, quiet click. Fear gripped his heart once again, the moment that the door shut.

What would happen now?

As his body silently moved over to where Arianda was, he slowly, but sadly nodded to confirm that Mirja did want him to come for some sort of aid on his unstable and nigh uncontrollable Demon powers. He had only just recently acquired them, and had no idea what he could do, nor did he know what this strange hunger was. It almost felt like it was driving him insane. Even as he thought of the hunger, he could feel it rising.

However, the boy was soon given a slap to reality, as Arianda slowly leaned forward, and his body reacted in the only way it knew how. His body went to move, but immediately froze the moment Arianda kissed the skin that was revealed. While it was not entirely his cheek, he could feel that the icy skin of his had met her lips. As a shiver was sent throughout the boy's body, his body was met with a few feelings that would most likely feel very odd.

His entire body was met with a suction type feeling. As if something was tickling him, but yet draining something from him. The eternal pain that rested within his heart and soul...a tiny piece of that heartache left it. His eye widened and his mind was assaulted with questions. What was that? How did she do that? Was it like he did to Mirja? It seemed like it. However, Henrex was in too much shock to really, do anything. His body just was...there. Frozen. His head slowly turned itslef back to Arianda, his single eye staring at her wide eyed.

However, as she turned her head, her aura flowed within the air towards him. Excitement. He could sense it. Taste it. Smell it. All of his senses were feeling this from her aura. Why....was she excited? Was it because she had...kissed his cheek? Was that how she fed on others? However, none of the questions would be answered, as she turned around before Henrex's thoughts could process anything that would be classified as an answer. Asking for his name and his knowledge over his powers, and his...feeding process.

Aside from his name, he knew little else. He had only recently acquired his powers, and it was, in all honesty? Unintentional. He had been driven to his limits in Greece. By the demon known as Nemesis Atavata. Both his physical, and his mental limits. He had allowed his rage to nearly consume him. It had nearly drove him insane. This is why Henrex rarely ever had used his demonic powers since. He was afraid. Of what he had done. Of what...he COULD do. He used his powers to a minimum, and made sure to never get himself angry.


Whispering out in stuttered, mechanical words, his name would be made known to Arianda, and his teeth would gently gouge into his lip, and he would look from his left, to his right. His head slowly lowered and his body slowly scooted away from Arianda, his social anxiety taking over, rather than his voice. His gloved, right hand gripped as his upper left arm, rubbing it gently, but gripping it tight. His voice felt...trapped. He couldn't form words. After his eye darted from left to right, his voice would slowly form his thoughts to something actual, and words would leave his lips as he confessed his inability over his powers.

"....I...I don't....know...

As he confessed this, his eyes shot to her moving hand, which moved from her side, to a nearby chair. Telling him to sit down, the boy swiftly obeyed, afraid to anger the girl and quite possibly end up fighting for his life. Sitting down quickly in the chair, his eye glued to the floor, and his right hand on his upper left arm still. Swallowing silently, his eye darted up and down, from the floor to Arianda's eyes. However, his gaze soon changed towards the...massive, yet interesting weapon that she seemed to have.

The pair of immensely over-sized scissors that sat next to Arianda, sharp, deadly, and ready to be used at a moment's notice. Just knowing that she kept her weapon so close to her, even in this situation was a worrying thought. It made him move his left hand towards the sword that was firmly strapped behind him, horizontally. His left hand gently grazed the hilt, his revealed eye staring at the giant weapon fearfully, with his hand soon wrapping tightly around the hilt of his own weapon.

However, as she told him to tell her what he was worried about, Henrex knew the answer. Everything. He was not even worried. That would be a major understatement. Henrex was terrified about everything about himself. However, he wasn't as terrified as he was when he first unlocked his demonic powers. After doing a small amount of research on what the demons were, and what they could do, he had be put at ease by a little, but he was still afraid. Swallowing his fear, his small, terrified voice soon flowed.

"....E...Everything...I'm afraid....of everything....I can't control anything....I'm scared...I don't know what I can do....especially....if I lose control I did....last time...."

His eyes looked at Arianda, his heart not comforted by the slightest bit. He was still as terrified as he had been, and more. Was he able to be helped? Or would he be forced to fend for himself, turned away by his own kind, and left to succumb to himself?

The loneliest are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged are the wisest. All because they don't want to see anyone else suffer as they did.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Tue Sep 20, 2016 11:37 pm



Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 804

Arianda sighed softly as she stared at Henrex from her seat. She listened to his words and was generally confused. She stood up and walked to him, bending down to be right next to his ear. She sighed softly and spoke to him.

"Nice to meet you Henrex... now, lose that fear of yous; it will do nothing but inhibit you. It will only lead to nothing. If you let that fear of yours control you it will only lead to more times where you lose control of your demonic side."

She sighed softly, her face right next to Henrex's as she brings her lips back into contact with Henrex's face as she saps away much more pain than before, at least a quarter of what was there. It was hard for her to consume any more of that stuff. She stood up straight and sighed softly. She was obviously content; this guy had such delicious pain residing in him. She yawned softly and leaned back in her chair. She picked up her scissors leisurely and examined them; not even intending to scare Henrex again. She spun her Scissors at her side; not hitting anything around her.

She yawned softly and put her scissors down and stood up again, walking over to the fridge. She opened the door and then pulled out a chocolate bar, unwrapping it. She put the chocolate in her mouth and then turned to look at Henrex, taking the chocolate bar out of her mouth.

"Want anything? All I really have is chocolate. Possibly some co- no, just chocolate. No dungeons here."

She smiled innocently and walked back over with two chocolate bars. She threw the second one, unopened, onto Henrex's lap. She yawned and then munched on the chocolate bar she grabbed for herself. She flopped down into her chair and then stared at Henrex for a moment. He looked so sad... so pitiful, and, what was that mask for? Looked kinda... weird... kinda stupid too. She saw no point for it. She sighed softly and leaned back into her chair; her gaze no longer at the Shinigami. She sighed softly and grabbed her scissors again while eating the chocolate. It wasn't even anything threatening, like before, it was just her messing around with the giant pair of scissors she was so familiar with. She stopped spinning them; finishing off the chocolate bar quickly. She stood up from her chair and places her scissors on the ground in front of her. It was really easy to tell that the Scissors were much, much, taller than Arianda; at least two feet. She yawned and then stared at Henrex again.

"Welp! The only way to get control is to actually gain experience with your powers! So, we're going to go down to... my basement... Which radiates with different types of emotions from those who are down there. Trust me. We'll find what your little demon self needs to be able to satiate itself!"

She gestured for Henrex to follow her as she put on her cloak and placed her scissors on her back. From Henrex's perspective, the scissors would look as if they were being held there by nothing. Of course, they were being held there by a mix of demon magic and some body manipulation that caused her back to be able to latch the Scissors to her back. She yawned softly and walked to a door hidden from any sights into the house. She kicked it open, obviously not caring how she opened, and walked down the stairs. She gestured for Henrex to follow her. Henrex would be following her down a flight of stairs. The stairs were made of stone and went underground completely. Soon enough they arrived in a dungeon area with what appeared to be criminals of all races being tortured in different ways to produce different types of emotions and stuff.

This was probably unsettling to Henrex, but, Arianda looked at him, gesturing to eat the chocolate bar she gave him earlier if he hadn't already. She sighed softly and spun around to look at Henrex.

"Welcome to my above world dungeon! It's much cleaner than the one I have in the demon world, I assure you. Here we will find out what exactly feeds your demonic hunger!"

With those words spoken Arianda gestured for Henrex to walk around. She wanted him to walk around and see if any of the emotions called to him. She waited to see what would happen; grinning as she waited. It was clear Arianda was absolutely nuts, but, she was the pet and prodigy of Mana Asthavon. She had to be nutty otherwise it would make no sense!

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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Wed Sep 21, 2016 10:48 am
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Broken Raven

Artist: DAGames | Song: Break My Mind | Word Count: 1035


Is there even a point to this mask that I wear?

As the boy's body sat there, terrified about every single move that the blonde girl in front of him would make, his entire body froze when she leaned towards him, before speaking into his ear, and his revealed eye widened. Telling him to lose his natural fear from women, and most important, one woman who could probably crush him as easily as stepping on an ant. As his eye slowly shifted it's way over to where she stood next to him, he soon felt her lips graze against his icy skin once again. Why was she doing this?!

However, as she did, he could feel a portion of his pain leaving him. No reason behind him, nothing replacing it. Just simply...vanished. His eye followed her with a strange glance as she leaned back in her chair casually, as if nothing had ever happened. The yawn that the girl emitted was infectious. Henrex's entire body had to fight himself not to yawn as well, and his eye soon shifted over to the moving object that sat at her side, but soon moved.

The scissors that she picked up with relative ease and swirled them around to examine sent chills down the boy's spine. As she set her weapon down and walked to her refrigerator, the male's eyes followed her the entire way. He wasn't so trusting of her just yet. There was something within her aura that made him....afraid of her. Was it something within her mindset? The way she acted? He didn't know. However, his thought process was soon cut short from something hitting him in the face, before plopping down into his lap.

His head lowered to gaze at the item, and his mouth began to water just by looking at it. Chocolate. His revealed eye widened, but the boy never made a single move on the candy. He didn't dare eat it. Instead, his hand would gently wrap around the candy bar, before safely tucking it within his kimono for later. Well...not exactly later. Unless he had some reassurance that there was nothing wrong with this, he would dare even set his teeth upon it. Hearing her speak again, his head perked up and his eyes locked into hers, as if the two's eyes were in silent combat, seeing which one would break first.

Why was she asking him if he wanted anything when all she had was chocolate....and she had just given him a chocolate bar? It didn't make sense. However, hearing her cut one of her words short made him worry. She didn't just have the sugary treat here. What else did she have that she didn't want to share with him? Or....didn't want him to find out about. His eye widened with terror as he realized that her innocent smile could all be a ploy. The grip on his sword tightened, and his eyes resumed the tracing of the blonde-haired demon, even as she sat down. As she picked up her weapon once again, her fingers causing the massive item to twirl s she played with her bringer of death, his hand continued to constrict and curl around the weapon that he currently had in his hand.

As she finished her snack, she stood. Henrex didn't dare move. She yawned again and her words hit him again, and he was struck with confusion. Her basement radiated emotions? Then....why had he not felt them earlier? As she placed her weapon on her back, walked towards a wall and gestured him to follow, he obeyed. Silently following her with his distance kept, his hand continued to grip and grind against the metal hilt of his Zanpakutō. Her foot slammed against the wall, and a hidden door opened. As they traversed the steps that lead down to the hidden room beneath, Henrex was greeted by a horrid sight.

The room was a torture chamber. Criminals of various races attached to different mechanisms, and each one tortured in different ways to emit certain emotions. Mental, physical, it was all here. Emotions were thick in the air. Pain, suffering, torment, everything. The male's eye widened with horror, and his throat let out a horrified scream, and his body shot backwards, stumbling and slipping against the warm, cool slick of crimson blood that basically covered the icy cold stone that the room was made of. His hands and back soon found the wall, and his breathing became heavy.

His entire body shook with terror at the mere sight of this. His eye darted from body to body, each torture looking more and more gruesome. However....there was something that he could sense...taste. His fear soon was replaced by a hunger. His stomach rumbled and growled as this taste and smell hit him. His mouth watered more than it ever had. His foot slowly began to move, and took one step after the other, moving throughout the horrifying scene to find what this was.

While Henrex may not have noticed, but his left eye, even with it being covered by the eye patch that he had made to cover that eye...was glowing. A sinister, crimson red. This was the effects of the hunger of a Demon. It coursed through his veins, and his head flicked from left to right, his mind solely wanting to find this delicious smell and taste. Eventually, his eyes settled on a certain torture victim just absolutely overflowing with it. Pain. Suffering. AGONY. Negativity. He could see it. His hands clamored for the black straps that kept his mask firmly on his face.

With the mask soon released, the other half of his face was revealed. The scars, the burns, and his unnatural gleaming red eye. His mouth watered as he simply stared at this person. He wanted to just grab them. Devour it. Devour THEM. The red eye soon seemed to be growing red veins as the hunger grew more and more. His gloved hand reached out to the person, but his body refused to move. He had to have it. However....

His face turned to Arianda, as if for asking permission to perform something that was so unnatural from what he had normally done for his life. What was to come now?

The loneliest are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged are the wisest. All because they don't want to see anyone else suffer as they did.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Thu Sep 22, 2016 5:26 pm



Artist: Arrowhead & Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 821

A scream... a scream of such delicious terror was thrown from the hybrid's throat. She could just feel Henrex's utter fear and terror over seeing all of these different methods of torture. Arianda grinned and slowly started laughing. The laugh was low at first, like a gurgling faucet. Soon enough it went from calm collected laughter to full out maniac laughter. While she was laughing her fourth demonic state flashed around her being; showing her obvious relationship to Mana. Soon enough she broke the laughter and observed the broken Shinigami as her stared at the many victims about the torture room. What may call to him?

She watched as the Shinigami's gaze shifted to so many around the room. Maybe he would be drawn to joy? Mania? Stupidity? She grinned, contemplating what he might do. Ohhh, did this make Arianda have the most Manic smile she has had ever since Mana first threw the Seal of Eris on her and influenced her so. She was absolutely ecstatic at seeing this hybrid trying to find himself. Trying to make his demonic powers bend to his will... watching the man in such a struggle was oh so satisfying for Arianda. It was so satisfying that she cackled a little bit under her breath. However, her attention was soon pulled away from her inner thoughts as she saw Henrex slowly shamble forwards.

She grinned and appeared so she was next to Henrex while he was moving forward. She was watching his every movement, every expression change, every muscle twitch, anything to study him. She watched him so very closely that she had some of her other 'eyes' under her skin watching him as well. She was so intrigued by this Hybrid. He had so much pain in her that it was nearly impossible for Arianda to not be intrigued by him. She watched as he moved even closer to the prisoner emitting immense agony.

She grinned softly as she watched Henrex remove is mask; seeing the scars. Well, those didn't faze her. Scars were scars. They were nothing to be proud of or ashamed of. Hell, if he really hated them that much she could always remove them with her Death Energy Aging ability. Well, if she is feeling nice enough at least. Of course, if Arianda was to become the mentor, or master, of another being; she'd definitely have her hands full. She was looking after a friend of Mirja's, Ceal, and maybe Mirja again if she ever returned. She sighed softly and pushed that thought away; not letting a single emotion affect her. She was not going to mess up Henrex's first feeding as a demon. She watched as he leered at the person who was emitting such delicious pain, agony...

Arianda watched as his face turned to her, almost asking permission. That's interesting. She just would've let Henrex eat the person and not even care what he did to them. But, this was a better time than any to explain to him how consuming such things worked. She grinned softly and guided Henrex so he was in arms reach of the person. She teasingly hugged him from behind, her arms wrapped around her shoulders as she used body manipulation to float a little. She whispered into Henrex's ears what he must do.

"I can see that this person in particular calls out to you, Henrex... to your hunger. Tell you what. I'll give you instructions on how to consume the feelings of another for your own Demonic sustenance. Step one. Lock onto that emotion you sense in the person. Don't forget you must have physical contact with the person in order for you to actually consume it. Second step. Try to imagine you are taking the emotion from them. Basically, you are literally eating it so, even certain motions could help you accomplish the task. For example,"

While she was still locked onto Henrex she lightly kissed Henrex's cheek again, taking even more pain from him than before. She grinned after taking the pain. Afterwards she let go of Henrex, letting her hands caress his face lightly as she floated off of him. Probably a little Mana touch that she had adopted from her, but, it was still something she just did. She then stood off to his right; gesturing to the person in front of Henrex.

"Go ahead. Dig in. Say Itadakimasu, if you want even. My point is, that one is yours to consume the emotions of. Please do try not to kill him in the process~."

Arianda grinned softly and waited for Henrex to take that person's pain, agony, negativity, their suffering. Arianda simply grinned and waited for the man to feed his demonic side; to embrace what he truly is. To embrace that he is a demon.

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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Sat Sep 24, 2016 2:09 pm
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Broken Raven

Artist: DAGames | Song: Break My Mind | Word Count: 1162



She was laughing. As he screamed in terror, she did nothing but practically roll around on the floor laughing.

Henrex was not used to something of this extreme. He had seen torture. He had seen beheadings. He had even watched the life drain from a man's face after the use of the deadly ninja technique "Dim Mak". The Death Touch. He had never seen torture this extreme. It was horrifying to watch. However, the hunger that Henrex felt was the thing that squandered it. His red eye gleamed as his cold stare pierced into the victim emitting every single ounce of things under negativity. His mouth was watering from simply looking at it. His mind was screaming what should have been his primal instincts.


His jaws parted to stare at his "food" with a sinister, almost devilish grin. However, there was still that little piece of the young Hybrid's mind that was keeping him from doing so. what Arianda was witnessing was how he was when the Hybrid was hungry. This was an extreme case. The hunger was slowly stripping him of his reason, little by little. His mind was becoming clouded, lost in hunger. Driven by it. However, that little piece of Henrex's true mind was keeping him from moving.

His heart still could not accept his demon side. His entire being fought for control, and it seemed that his natural instincts, the demon side that had been with him since his feet first touched the earth, was winning. The veins that stemmed from the gleaming left eye started to stretch past his cheek, almost reaching his ear. His mouth was hanging open, with his shark-like teeth gleaming, ready to sink into his food, and DEVOUR. His body continued to twitch and jerk, as the internal battle continued and raged on, before he felt something moving him towards the one he sought.

It was so close. Within arms reach. His left arm reached out, as if to touch the victim, and his eye widened, with his mouth beginning to drool from the delicious taste of the raw, thick emotion in the air. His mind was telling him to stop, to leave them alone, oh...but that was not what his blood and body was saying. It was telling him to eat it. Eat the emotions.....and the person that was emitting it. The scars on his face and the ones hidden under his clothing rippled as his mind continued to fight what was natural.

With his hunger at it's near pinnacle state, Henrex's thoughts were even beginning to change. Much more violent thoughts now resided within his head as his mind repeatedly screamed at him to eat. His eyes started to bulge from impatience, hunger, and anger. However, he soon found the arms of Arianda gently squeezing around his small frame, and her voice, barely accounting for a whisper in the near deaf ears of the Hybrid. Her words flowed into his ears and mind, and his grin grew wider as his hands slowly went to his sides.

His mind was going mental as of then. It was going from one process to another. Eat, don't eat. Eat, don't eat. Over and over again. As he felt her fingers gently dragging themselves over the sides of his face, gently caressing his skin and then feeling the digits leaving his skin. Hearing the air change, and out of the corner of his eye, he could see the flow of her crimson cloak. However, his eyes never left from staring in front of him. His mind couldn't bring his body to do it. The crimson veins continued to grow and spread across the left side of his face.

C'mon Henrex....doesn't the emotion and HIM look so tasty?....

The voice in the back of his mind. His own voice. His mouth watered more and more as these thoughts sounded...more and more agreeable. His whisper of a voice soon echoed through the room, barely louder than a mutter.

"You're...right...he does...look...tasty...."

His head gently tilted to the side, before his body slowly began to lean forward, his left arm reaching out, his gloved fingers grasping at the air in front of him, his hand clenching into a fist. His mind was so confused. However, the final reassurance from Arianda would be what would set him off. Make him snap. The moment. Hearing the words "Go ahead. Dig in" was enough to cause Henrex to simply dash towards his dinner. He hadn't even heard her request about not killing him.

His body launched itself at the torture victim, with his jaws opening. His arms latched onto the victim, holding him in place. Even if he was bound by his mechanism, it didn't matter. Everything had snapped within Henrex's mind as of now. He couldn't control himself any longer. His teeth savagely sank into the shoulder, feeling the squishy flesh break and crush beneath his new fangs. When he launched himself, he had allowed his energy to extend his teeth to be longer, and twice as sharp.

His teeth bit through flesh, muscle, and bone as if it were paper. Blood spewed out from the entrance wound, splattering the walls, floor, and Henrex's face with the thick, crimson liquid that was exiting his body. If Arianda was near Henrex, she might have gotten some on her as well, not that she would be disgusted, afraid, or even shocked at the blood, or Henrex's ferocity.

Tearing a chunk of the man's shoulder out, his screams of pain, agony, and suffering was music to the Hybrid's ears. Swallowing the piece with ease, he continued. Bite after bite, scream after scream, it all continued. For what seemed like forever, Henrex's consumption was not satisfied. His gleaming red eye only seemed to glow brighter as he fed upon the torture victim's body and emotion. After around twenty minutes, the victim was no more. He had been completely devoured by Henrex's hunger. However, it was only a small portion of what he would need to satisfy it completely.

Panting came from the Hybrid as his eye slowly dimmed. The broken eye soon returned to it's normal combination of ugly grey, and white. His head slicked backwards, with his face staring towards the ceiling. Blood flowed from his lips down his neck, under his kimono. His gloved hands twitched and his entire midsection shook. Why....was it so satisfying? His head slowly lowered, before staring at his gloves. Stained with blood. His eyes rose, staring at the contraption that had once held the person who emitted negativity. He had eaten it. Everything. His emotion...and him. Out of sheer desperation to satisfy his hunger.

Henrex didn't know what to do. His entire body was shaking. He didn't want this. He wasn't normal. He never was. But now, he was even less of normal than he could ever be. He was a monster. A lost, lonely, monster. His head slowly looked towards Arianda, his eyes filled with fear and sadness. He didn't know what to do. What would happen now?

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Sat Sep 24, 2016 3:16 pm



Artist: Zebrahead - Song: Hell Yeah - Word Count: 1513

Arianda grinned as Henrex was definitely struggling with himself on this matter. The conflict inside of him was delicious to her. Even his slight pain at whether or not to eat the man, absolutely scrumptious. The giant grin never left her face as Henrex ripped apart the man. Flesh flying everywhere, blood splattering the walls and surrounding torture victims. It was so, so.... BEAUTIFUL. She cackled as the blood flew from the man. Luckily for Henrex, she had her ways to keep blood from covering her entire being, but, she let it for now. And she reveled in its feeling. She made a tiny little sound that Henrex could not hear while she was getting covered in blood. It was obviously a sound of immense pleasure, but, she made sure that Henrex could not hear it. Soon enough, the blood simply slipped off. She sighed softly as she watched the area getting bloodied.

She really did not lie, it was a pain to clean this place, and, she did not like to submit Taichou, or anyone else, to clean this place. Fucking shit is too dirty anyways. That, and she'd like to not scar Taichou if possible. She yawned and floated off the ground as she watched Henrex dig into the man. He was clearly really getting into this and it made Arianda grin. She grinned a grin that was Mana worthy. It was Manic. It was nuts. It was fucking insane. She cackled to herself a little while then man was being turned to nothing but blood and guts. Arianda almost felt like doing some things to herself as she watched the man getting ripped apart. The amount of pain that was coming from his deformed mind was far too scrumptious for Arianda to bare. She really had to control herself so Henrex did not experience her side that was completely fucking bonkers.

She grinned as Henrex was starting to finish off the bloody remains of the man. My my, she really did not want to have bloody remains to deal with. Oh well, she'll just have one of these people clean it up. After all, it would torture them even more. One may think Arianda is fucked up, and, at this point, she really is. Her mind has been slowly adapting to the element of madness. It was hard not to do so. The madness was so fucking strong that she couldn't help but fall into it from time to time. After all... She was Mana's pet. If she was gonna be Mana's, she has got to be fucking nuts.

She watched Henrex closely now. He had seemed to have come to. She grinned as he stared at his hands in horror, as they were covered in blood. Her grin did not leave her face as she walked towards him, no longer floating. She lightly pulled off Henrex's gloves, and then gestured for him to take off his Kimono.

"Take those off. As it is currently you'll only dirty your clothes. It's a nice Kimono. I doubt you want to ruin it with blood. Wait here, I'll get you a change of clothes. When I return, you better be right here and you better cover yourself."

She quickly surveyed Henrex before she left, seeing how tight his sash was around his waist before she faded into the shadows. It wasn't that long, but, she returned with a set of clothes for Henrex. They looked to be rather generic human clothes, but, they seemed to have a strange feeling to them. What Henrex didn't know was that the shirt had a single eye in it that had become one with the shirt completely. While she wasn't going to watch him 24/7 she wanted to know where this guy would be. She sighed softly and then gestured for Henrex to follow her after she handed him a towel so he can cover himself.

"Come with me Henrex. After getting blood all over yourself I'm sure you need to bathe. There's a shower upstairs. These clothes are for you by the way. You'll need them until I can get your Kimono cleaned. Getting blood in clothes is difficult to clean. I'll also clean your gloves. Those are hard to clean too"

She gestures to the gloves on her own hands as she spoke, knowing how such a thing works. Henrex would notice that the blood that Arianda may have had on her was completely gone. Frankly, the stuff just slid off of her and her clothes earlier. She yawned softly and then grabbed Henrex's hand and dragged him with her. She was slightly impatient at this point and the scent of blood was getting old again.

Arianda dragged Henrex up the stairs back to the main area of the house before she dragged him up another flight of stairs. Soon enough, they were in front of a bathroom. Arianda opened the door and pushed Henrex inside of the bathroom. It was a nice bathroom, not too big, not too small. Arianda pokes Henrex's chest after she is inside and she glares at him a little. It was both a threat and not a threat, she was just being herself at this point.

"Here you go. Bathroom for showering or bathing. Also, please do NOT make a mess in here. I'd rather not have you do chores when we need to focus on taming that demon side of yours."

Absentmindedly Arianda's hand floated up to Henrex's face. She placed her hands on his face and examined his face closely. Soon she was examining his left eye, the one that was glowing earlier. She then examined the scars along the left side of his body. She traced one of them on his face and she sighed softly, knowing that some shit must've happened to him for scars this bad. She went on tip toes and kissed Henrex's forehead, eating a little bit more of his pain. She poked one of the patch of scars one last time before sighing again. She poked Henrex's chest one last time and spoke again.

"When you're done, please come downstairs and find me. I don't want you wandering around the house currently. Also... about your scars. I don't understand why you hide them like you do. They're only scars. Some people could think they are cool. But, if they really bother you I could try and get rid of them with my DE."

She yawned softly and then looked at Henrex one last time. She could tell this man was so laden with pain that she couldn't do much to help him in the end. Arianda grabbed Henrex's left hand and looked at it. She sighed softly and patted his hand softly. Henrex would notice Arianda got a little softer, but, she went back to how she was before in nearly an instant. She sighed softly and looked into Henrex's eyes, since both were likely exposed.

"Again, I'll be downstairs. Be quick about your shower or bath. We haven't all the time in the world, Henrex."

If Henrex didn't stop her, she would place the clothes she got for him on the counter before exiting the bathroom and going downstairs. She went to check on Taichou briefly before going back to her chair. She placed her scissors next to the chair and then went to grab a chocolate bar. She flopped down in her chair and started to eat the bar. It was nice to eat chocolate from time to time. She did have a fridge just for chocolate after all. She yawned and waited for Henrex to come downstairs after he was finished with his shower or bath. She wasn't wrong though, how things were going if he didn't sate his hunger it would take him over completely. She did not need a raging demon hybrid going around like a nut bag.

Arianda sighed softly and relaxed, nearly dozing off as she waited for Henrex. Her thoughts drifted off to thinking about Ceal. She couldn't help it. If she wasn't focused the girl would occupy her mind. She decided to take a quick nap and fell asleep in her chair. Luckily, she kept the eyes on her body active so she could wake up if she needs to. In her sleep she dreamed of so many things. Things to come, things in the past, and things that amused her. After all, she really did enjoy her life. She got to experience the best things. Like now. She would experience a Shinigami become a demon and it was absolutely amusing to her. She couldn't wait until she was either the master of another or the creator of a new servant for both her and Mana.

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