Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Sun Sep 25, 2016 8:29 am
Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Broken Raven

Artist: Tokyo Ghoul | Song: Unravel | Word Count: 1720


I'm no longer who I thought I was....I'm a freak....a monster....

Henrex seemed to only sit there for what seemed like hours. Time rotated around him as he stared at his hands, horrified at what he had done. He had lost control. Not of his mind, but of his hunger. It was the first time it had happened, but it was still something that Henrex most certainly was not taking pride in. His eyes slowly rose from his the remains of what he had eaten. He had devoured them. There was little to nothing left. Bringing his hands to his lips, he could feel the blood soak into it, staining them even more than the already were.

Henrex's head lowered towards the ground, unable to speak. Unable to move. Unable to do...basically anything. His mind and body were in too much shock to really do anything. However, Henrex still had his senses to use. As his body sat there, unmoving, he could feel Arianda's aura. He could feel her emotions. Pleasure. She was relishing in this. Relishing in the conflict, torment, and, in short, the giant clusterfuck that was Henrex's mind and heart. Still staring at his hands, Henrex could hear something....and feel something. At the back of his mind, Henrex could hear...a voice. Not just a voice, but laughter. Pure...psychotic...laughter.

Was it just his imagination? Or was something in his head? He had little time to think about this subject, as he felt a light tug on the gloves on his hands, before he felt them slide off him. His head looked up, and he stared at Arianda, who had taken them off and now held them within her hand. Henrex's eyes locked onto the cloak-wearing blonde that stood before him, seemingly unfazed by what he had done. Gesturing to the kimono that was draped around his body, Henrex's head looked to the side and his arms quickly slid out of the arms of the item.

Laying the kimono over his arms neatly, he simply knelt there, waiting for Arianda. As she returned, his arms exchanged the clothing, and the blood that was on his face, as well as on his midsection slowly was revealed, gently pouring down his body, nearly reaching what he wore underneath the kimono. Blue jeans. His head averted to the side, with his teeth gently gouging into his lip. The outside of the pitch black kimono wasn't the best part of it. If Arianda were to look inside the garment, she would most likely find a beautiful light and dark purple lining inside the drab, black color that was the outside of the kimono, which was now stained with blood.

As his fingers gently wrapped around the "human" looking clothes that Arianda had given him, he had felt something about the shirt that was on top of everything else. It felt like it was....watching him. His eye slowly slid, from looking at Arianda, to the shirt. It wasn't exactly a good feeling of being watched that came from the shirt. Was it ever a good thing to feel to know that you felt like you were being watched? Henrex soon felt something else collide with his body. Soft, and partially fluffy. A...towel? Henrex's head slowly and gently tilted to the side, wondering...why had she given him this?

As she spoke, his eye widened, while his cheeks turned pink. Nodding slowly, the boy simply obeyed near everything that she told him. What would be the point in denying or refusing? As her hand pointed towards her own glove, Henrex saw that she didn't have a single drop on her, neither her cloak nor her body. Did she not get hit by the rain of crimson? Once again, not any time to think. With Arianda grabbing his wrist and dragging him out, Henrex barely had time to snatch up his mask before he stood up. Not of his own choice of course. He was yanked up onto his feet.

As he was dragged throughout the house, his arm was finally let go. As such was done, Henrex's body fell to the floor, before he quickly stood up, the clothes and towel in hand. Standing in front of a door that was quickly opened, Henrex saw that they were at a bathroom. It was nice. It wasn't incredibly big, nor incredibly small. In fact, Henrex preferred things that way. However, as Henrex was staring at it, looking around, when he felt a prod to his chest. As his senses returned, he saw that Arianda was staring at him...a little bit threateningly. Was it a warning?

Giving him the rundown on what he had to do, get washed off/up, get dressed, and not to make a mess. Henrex rarely made messes in the first place, so she really didn't have anything to worry about. His eyes closed, and he was about to bow to her in thanks, but then he felt something. The touch of skin against his own. Her hand gently grazed against his cheek, slowly moving towards his eye. His cheeks slowly began to turn red as she did, and his body began to shake from the sudden touch and contact. His ice cold skin seemed to go just a few degrees lower from this.

W-Why is she touching me?

However, the sensation soon left, and Arianda did something different. Standing on her tip-toes, her lips presses against his forehead, and a small portion of his pain left him once again. Two pokes came shortly after, followed by sighing. She told him not to just wander around the home when he was done, but to find her. Mentioning something about his scars, and healing them, Henrex knew that she couldn't. There was nothing on Heaven nor Earth that could repair the marks and burns that were branded to his very soul.

Nodding his confirmation, Henrex was just about to start turning so that he could wash the blood off of him, when he felt something on his hand. Arianda's hand. Goosebumps ran across his skin as she examined, stared, and patted his hand. His eye flicked from her face to her hand over and over, with a look of confusion on to why she did this. The socket that contained the ugly thing that was his left eye simply sat there. It was practically dead. Didn't move, didn't even show any kind of emotion. That's what a "dead" eye did, didn't it?

As she turned and walked away, Henrex could hear the creaking and sounds of her feet colliding with the stairs. His eyes blinked twice, before he slowly turned around, gently shutting the door behind him as he took the rest of his clothes off. His eyes looked at his body. He wasn't exactly bulky in the chest or arms area, but he certainly wasn't a stick in width either. He had a fairly average body, minus the ghostly pale skin. As he stepped into the shower and turned the water on, his lips let out an involuntary shudder as the warm water coursed over him.

His long, black hair flattened and cascaded down his back, while his bangs beginning to cover his eyes and the sides of his head. How long had it been since he had cut his hair? He had forgotten. As the water traveled down his body, he sighed. He was constantly reminded of something. He wasn't normal anymore. He never was. He was even less than that now. He was a monster. A freak. A Hybrid. A mixture between a Shinigami and a Demon. His hands raised to his head, and his fingers pressed against and flowed through his hair, gently moving it around, washing it.

Do I have a place in the world anymore? Somewhere I can be accepted? With people who won't hate me for being who I am, or looking at me funny?

His eye narrowed in sadness. There was so much unanswered right now. He wanted and needed answers. Would he ever get them? Only time would tell. As he let his hands fall down to his sides, his thoughts were soon plagued with another subject. What had happened before. He was angry with himself for something like that happening to him. Lowering his head, Henrex knew that he had to gain better control over himself. He couldn't risk something like that happening again.

As the blood oozed away from his body, he could feel his mind returning to him. Several minutes had passed. Sighing to himself, the water was soon turned off. Stepping out of the shower, Henrex proceeded to put the clothes that Arianda had given him on. It was a bit of an odd feeling for him, having so much of his skin exposed. The shirt was short-sleeved, and the jeans came down to his ankles. As he finished putting the demoness' given clothes, his eye then looked at the mask. His hand slowly reached for it, before gently wrapped around the cold, black leather that the mask was.

The mask felt heavier than it did before. Closing his eyes, Henrex slowly brought it to his face, and his fingers danced to tie the mask's straps together. He felt the leather press against his face, and, for some reason, the mask seemed to feel even more sinister than it had been. Turning to the left, he faced the mirror. His dead eye seemed to bore a hole in the glass. There were too many thoughts on his mind. With his eye taking an interest in the floor, his head looked downward. His mind still hand loud and true. He was a monster. A freak. However, he felt no sadness. He simply felt....blank.

Opening the door of the bathroom, Henrex slowly made his way downstairs, looking for Arianda. He quickly found her laying in a chair, with her eyes closed. Had he really taken so long that she fell asleep? Slowly moving towards the chair opposite to Arianda, he slowly sat down, making no audible sound as he sat down. Tapping his fingers against each other, the boy was...more than worried. If he didn't get his hunger under control, it could consume him again....and he might attack someone he cared about...and possibly kill them. He didn't want that to happen. Not after what had happened already. Looking towards the floor, the silent boy would simply wait for what would come next.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Sun Sep 25, 2016 11:15 pm



Artist: We Came As Romans - Song: We Are The Reasons - Word Count: 2164

As Arianda slept she dreamed... dreamed of many things. Whether they were to come or had not. Many, many, dreams passed through her mind while she laid on her chair. There was even one time where her thumb ended up in her mouth for only a split second. Anyone could tell that the Demon was well asleep; that she had gone into the land of dreams. Her mind wandered... it drifted. The travel in this world of madness was endless. While not all of the dreams were important, she always flitted through all of them in her sleep; somewhat systematically. However, she has always had dreams that were so ridiculously vivid she has believed that they were visions of some sort. What visions were they off? Why did she see them so often? Why?

Of these surreal visions she had seen so much... much that she feared, much that she dreaded. So much that she somehow knew was going to happen and ultimately ruin her... There was so much conflict in herself, in her mind, that she couldn't always bare it. It was too much sometimes... in general, Arianda's mind was definitely in a state of perpetual madness; something she can't always control. And these thoughts, these dreams, she had in particular were among the worse.

The dream always started off with nothingness, darkness, the void. However, it would always soon shift to Ceal and Arianda just living their lives in the Demon world. Living happily and in content; naught to worry about. The dream had always started on such a positive not for Arianda. Nothing bad was happening, everything was fine. However, it was always in the view of a person looking in; a third person perspective. She was never watching from her own eyes; she would always be watching from a window or from a doorway. She was never at her own perspective; never knowing why. She thought it was just the strange dream world she had some times encountered in her sleep. However, they were NOTHING like that.

Such a beautiful scene this was... What might the scene be? Why, it was one of Arianda and Ceal cooking a cake. Well, Arianda attempting to cook a cake. The cake did explode after Ceal had left the room, but, the entire room was covered in "cake." Normally, Arianda would've laughed at seeing this. But, she had seen this dream more times than she has ever wished to; she knows what's coming.

After that exploding cake from her dream came many other nice dreams that Arianda loved to see; even though she knew what was coming. What was she seeing exactly? Well, there were all the times Ceal and Arianda performed certain "acts" at their home in the demon world. Arianda would always watch things that would make her heart go aflutter with her love for Ceal. Hell, her feeling of love was so strong Henrex could probably feel it when he finally came downstairs. While he would have no idea who it was directed to, he could feel it from Arianda. However, he may not be able to sense the rest of her emotions.

Generally, the dream starts to go sour after she sees all of the nice things with Ceal. So many things that make Arianda absolutely ecstatic. It always gives her the want to see Ceal and jump her bones for a little before having a loooooooooooooooooong cuddle session. But, she never woke up at that point. The dream did not improve again either. It always went terrible... it always caused her to wake in a cold sweat.

Finally, the dream had started to go downhill, it started to break. The dream was starting to break from its large amount of peace. What may it be turning to now? Well, it's turning into Arianda's mini-hell that resides within the deepest parts of her mind. All the things she dreads reside there, hiding from the light; hiding from everything that could take advantage of it. During her sleep were the times that mini-hell could emerge and wreak havoc upon her mind. It was always when she was sleeping so peacefully and when Ceal was not around. It always left her a mess for a good while afterwards. Unfortunately for Henrex, he would have to experience it first hand; with no experience to why this happened.

The dream... had changed finally. The landscape? She didn't know it, couldn't describe it. What happened? That part was what haunted her completely. And it was about to burst in front of her mind's eye. Arianda and Ceal seemed to be in battle, battling... something. That something was about to make a fatal blow to Arianda; one that would probably have caused her severe pain if not death. At the last second, before Arianda could prepare herself for the blow; a completely different blow was had. Ceal had rushed in front of her and had taken the blow front on; a hole in her torso. Arianda caught her and was so angered that she went into some state that Arianda did not recognize and she murdered the opponent before Ceal could expire. Arianda rushed back to Ceal, in a completely different shifter form as well. The form actually had boobs, wore a skirt, stockings, boots, and had her same cloak but, longer. Arianda knew this was her, especially after how she was wailing for Ceal.

She watched on as they seemed to exchange words. Arianda could hear that Ceal's voice was shaky. Arianda was trying to heal the wound in some way, DE aging, whatever she could. But, she couldn't heal it; she couldn't save Ceal. She heard a single phrase before the dream ended. The phrase came from Ceal, and Arianda had no time to respond. A single phrase came from Ceal
"I love you Arianda... never change..."
Arianda had no time to reply, the words about to leave her mouth as the shine from Ceal's eyes faded and she seemed to pass on. Arianda could do nothing else as tears fell from her eyes. The tears fell onto Ceal's face, blending with the tears she herself was shedding earlier. Arianda tried to convince herself that it wasn't real... but, it was...

A scream of rage emitted from Arianda in the dream as she put Ceal down lightly and turned to face enemies that were watching this. She yelled at them, telling them to come at her. Her heart was broken, her mind; shattered. She had nothing else to her... all she had was her scissors and herself. Suddenly, Arianda had gone berserk in the dream and had started to destroy everything. Suddenly, Arianda snapped awake. Her eyes were livid. Her feet, which were still in her shoes, slammed to the ground and she yanked her scissors from their position and the edge of the blade was pointed directly at Henrex. He would be able to tell that the killer intent she had was not directed towards him, but, there was so much of it that the feeling may be overwhelming.

However, it wouldn't last for long at all. Arianda blinked her eyes and saw she was pointing her scissors at Henrex. She cursed and let them slide out of her grip; gouging themselves into the floor. She fell to her knees and was staring down at the ground. Even Henrex would be able to feel the emotions coming from Arianda, but, they didn't exactly seem edible currently. They seemed more like they were about to lash out at anything that came close to Arianda; as if they would kill anyone who tried to touch her. Her emotions would be a mixing pot of confusion to Henrex. She looked so vulnerable currently, yet, so prepared to kill anyone or anything. A single tear fell from the blonde girl. The tear dropped onto the floor with a surprisingly loud noise. Arianda slowly stood up and then looked at Henrex. Her eyes, well, they weren't as manic as they were early. She exhaled softly, and shakily and spoke at Henrex.

"I-I'm sorry for pointing my S-Scissors at you... I woke up from a rather harrowing Nightmare... I think it was fake... I hope it was fake..."

She cleared her throat and then focused her gaze on Henrex. She wasn't sure if the man was scared out of his skin or not; it was hard to tell. She looked at the mask he had put on and walked over. She undid some of the straps; wanting to take it off. She had no idea why he had to wear so much just to cover the scars. It's not like such a thing was abnormal in the demon world. To try and calm herself she touched her hand to the scars on his face and attempted to use some of her aging to reverse a patch of the scars. She had no idea whether it would be effective or not. Whether it worked or not she soon removed her hand and then thought about hugging Henrex. She didn't know why she felt like doing so. She sighed softly and then moved away from Henrex. She would have the mask in hand if he didn't take it from her. She looked at Henrex, her face still showing obvious uneasiness.

"So... I guess we should find more people to sate your demonic hunger... there's no point in just letting you starve until you are driven mad. And, please try not to murder them like you did last time. While it's fun, such people are assets."

From her speech one could tell she was not trying to talk about the subject, or why she reacted like she did. She wasn't one to randomly share her mind; especially with someone like Henrex. She didn't trust him just yet... that and she wasn't sure what to think of him anyways. She was also hoping her actions didn't scare him. She did not need Henrex to be shitting his pants. She walked out of the room, leaving her scissors embedded in the floor. She went and grabbed a chocolate bar from the fridge and devoured it in a couple of seconds. Something to calm her nerves a little. She walked back into the room and ripped her Scissors out of the floor. She stared at the whole and spoke; seemingly to herself.

"I hope Taichou doesn't try to fix this... I would rather she not strain herself..."

Arianda sighed and then looked at Henrex, wherever he might be standing, and she gestured for him to follow her. She yawned softly and then went to another secret door. What might this lead to? Well, not another torture room. She didn't have much room for that, okay she did. This one was something that Arianda liked to keep hidden from Taichou and anyone else who entered her house. What may it be? Well, it was a place for a portal. A portal to the Demon World to be exact.

Once both Arianda and Henrex were down at the bottom of the area and had arrived at the room that held the portal. A green energy was emitting from the far side of the room. Arianda kicked open the trapdoors and exposed the swirling green portal. Arianda grinned at Henrex and spread her arms out.

"Time to go to the Demon World Henrex! Don't worry about the miasma, you're half demon, it won't affect you. Even if it does, I have some spells to help. Also, we won't be thrown into any bad areas. This portal is directly linked to my palace in the Demon World. I have better tools for helping you with your demon-self better."

Arianda would not wait for Henrex to say anything. She would grab onto his wrist and pull him through the portal. It would lead directly to the foyer of her palace. She stretched her arms out again and grinned at Henrex.

"Welcome home, Henrex!"

She grinned and extended a hand towards him. This was to either help him up or as an offer to guide him. It was now time to get to the bottom of Henrex's powers. She was gonna help him and, eventually, he would help her. She stood there and waited. Now, did he have the will to follow through with this and keep himself from going mad? Or, would he fall to the madness and end up feeding Mana with such delicious lunacy? Only time would tell and, frankly, Arianda had gotten really tired of Mr. Time hiding shit from her.


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Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY] - Page 2 Empty Re: Without Paper or Pen [Arianda/ASK TO JOIN ONLY]

Mon Sep 26, 2016 8:25 pm

Darkness take you!

Enter Henrex Astillon:
The Broken Raven

Artist: DAGames | Song: BREAK MY MIND | Word Count: 1684


Dreams....I hate them....

As Henrex approached Arianda's sleeping body, he could hear it. Her quiet breathing as her chest heaved up and down from the results of breathing. As he sat in his chair, the air, thick with silence...was slowly becoming...alluring. His head tilted backwards, and his eye slowly began to close. The temptation to sleep was too strong. His mind slowly began to drift off into slumber. However, Henrex despised sleep. It was the reason he was always jittery and stuff. He never got much sleep. Perhaps now....he would not be haunted by them? By what, exactly?


They were the reasons that he never got sleep. He was almost afraid to sleep. He didn't want to relive his days of regret and sorrow again...and again. However, his mind was not thinking of those thoughts as his mind began to drift away into the different realms of sleep. At first, like all of his started with drowning. Deep under the crystal clear blue sea, the boy's eyes slowly opened, viewing the substance that surrounded him. He could see no light. But yet the water was as clear as fresh rain, gathered within an infinite space.

The gentle press of the water against his skin was a relaxing feeling. In fact, he didn't even feel like he was drowning. He simply felt like he was floating within a world...of nothing. His eyes were narrowed slits as his head slowly turned within his dream world. He loved the water. Everything about it. The way it receded as the tide, how gentle the water was as it touched your skin and embraced you. Everything about the water, Henrex enjoyed. His eyes slowly began to close....when he began to smell smoke.

His eyes snapped open, and he was no longer under the water. His mask was gone, and Arianda was not there. No one he knew from his spiritual life was. However, he knew where he was. The building around him was all too familiar. The shoji door that lead outside. The twin daisho that sat above the bedroom door. This was his room, back on Earth. Or....what was left of it. A blazing orange and red engulfed most of the roof, and his lungs hacked up smoke, and the boy struggled to escape the first Hell that had been presented before him in this now terrifying nightmare.

His eyes widened as he stared outside. It was....his home. It was his past. A world of fire. Buildings on fire everywhere, with the light of the deadly blaze lighting up the night. Screams of panic, fear, and pain echoed throughout the night. Henrex's eye darted from left to right, taking everything that he was witnessing. Not that there was any need to. He had watched this nightmare so many times that the images were burned into his mind forever. A black flash shot out, dashing past him. It was himself. His younger self.

He was holding a bokken, a wooden sword. And he was heading to the place where the fire had started. The Hall of the Crow. The head building on top of the mountain that the Astillon Family's home resided at. His hands trembled at the sight of the mighty building crackling, creaking, and breaking. A silent scream erupted from Henrex's body, but none could hear. None in the Dream World, nor could anyone in the real world. He was mute within this world. There were too many reasons for something like this be explained. In short, Henrex Astillon was always mute within his dreams...and his nightmares.

Even when he wished to scream to the heavens, his voice filled with pain and anguish from everything he was forced to witness so many times, and never could wake himself to stop it. As he ran after himself, wanting to yell out to him to stop, that running towards the building would only lead to his own death, but his voice was gone. Falling to his knees, his stamina exhausted, Henrex bowed his head to the ground, and the imagery around him changed, Instead of what looked like a courtyard, the scene changed to a different room.

It was exactly what Henrex's had looked like...except everything was red. Not the paintings, nor the swords that hung above the door. Blood. Thick, crimson blood. The body fluid was splattered on the floor, on the walls, even the ceiling. It was everywhere. Henrex's eye widened in horror as he saw who it belonged to. A small, purple haired girl lay on the ground, unmoving....and she wasn't breathing. He fell to his knees, before tears rolled down his cheeks.

His head lowered. He wanted the nightmares to stop. They never did. For so many years, they plagued him. His vision soon became blurry with tears. But, more than anything....he wanted his family back. He missed them so much, it hurt to even think of them. As his surroundings changed once again, he saw himself. Pinned to the ground by daggers, with a black-clad figure stabbing him over and over again.

Every single pierce from the dagger in the assassin's hand felt ever so real to the boy. He could feel the phantom pain in his lungs, his spine, his ribs, everywhere that had been stabbed. His eye closed, and he refused to look at his own death again. He couldn't watch it anymore. The first few hundred times were enough. Imagery swirled around him, showing him different memories that had filled his heart with nothing but regret and sadness.

The time of sleep was coming to a close. As his body was surrounded by the soft brush of sea foam against his body, he felt the cold, but yet gentle touch of the water around him once again. His eye slowly began to open. Nothing but the crystal clear beauty of the water. His eye slowly started to close....when he felt the edge of steel inching towards his heart. His eye snapped open, and he was face to face....with Dokugan Ryu. The one who took everything from him. His single green eye, the other hidden by the black shadow that resided on his face. The hood of a shinobi shizuka. The garments that all ninja wore.

Raising his left arm, the green-eyed ninja lifted a single, razor-sharp tanto. The blade of the weapon gleamed like a recently forged blade from the furnace of a blacksmith. Kanji etched into the blade, with the name so small, only the most observant of men could read the name on the blade from that distance.


Moonlight. That was the name of the deadly blade that would run through him. As the assassin's hand pulled at the hood of his clothing, the previously handsome face was revealed. With lesions and scars on the left eye, the man's face was like staring at Death itself. The cold, straight face of the man slowly spread into a grin, and, with a furious battle cry, he thrust his arm downward, aiming to hurl the tanto through his chest....and pierce his heart....

The boy woke up in a cold sweat. His eye widened in fear. Time seemed to slow as he gazed in front of him. Zipping towards him, mere inches from his face...were Arianda's scissors. His entire body quaked and quivered as he stared into her crimson eyes, lost in the powerful emotions of rage, grief....and blood lust. His hand went to his sword immediately, drawing the blade cleanly, and smoothly. His wrist flicked in a circle, with his arm knocking the weapon aside, aiming to keep the weapon from cutting through his face.

He continued to stare into Arianda's eyes. There was nothing but pain in her eyes. He could see it. Feel it. His own eye widened, and his hands left his sword, and the weapon clattered to the ground. His body shot forward as her eye slowly dripped a tear. While he didn't know what she had dreamed, he knew it had been bad. It wasn't even worthy of being called a dream. Whatever had occurred within her world of slumber had ascended to being called a nightmare.

His arms wrapped around the blonde girl's frame. While his entire body was shaking from this, he knew what the pain she was feeling felt like. It was agonizing. However, he could feel her hands on the back of his head. Her hands twirled to undo the straps on the mask, which is what caused him to quickly slip back, his own hands zipping backwards to keep the mask tight on his face. Why did she try to take it off? He kept it on for a reason.

The girl didn't seem to question him about anything he had done. Instead, she left the room, which, judging by the way she had left the room, she had gone to get chocolate. Coming back mere moments later, a sigh left her as she gestured him to follow her. Obeying, Henrex's hand swiftly picked up his fallen weapon, sheathing it soon after his fingers wrapped around his sword, before he soon kept his pace with Arianda, who had lead him to yet another secret door. She....really liked those, didn't she?

As the door was kicked open, and the jade-green portal was revealed, Henrex was...unsure about the entire ordeal. His black, dead eye stared at the swirling vortex with awe, but it was all short-lived. His arm was tugged, and his entire body came with it. Yanked into the demonic portal, Henrex's arm was soon let go, and his body spiraled out of control. As the two exited, Henrex's entrance was....less than subtle, and more than embarrassing. Landing on his face, he groaned a little before he looked up at the amazing home before him.

However, he heard what Arianda had said to him.

"Welcome home"

Was this really his home? He could see the grin on her face, and her arm outstretched. Gently taking it, the boy was soon pulled to his feet. His head looked towards the ground. Was this...really his home? His true home? Where he belonged? Or was it just the place he would get outcast from again, and he would be left to wander the world....alone.

I walk a path...with no end....

Coding In Template By: [THEFROST]
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