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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 4:28 pm
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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Song: When It Falls - Artist: RWBY - Words: N/A

Despite the clouded horizon in the skyline, the potential and rise of the Gotei United couldn't be anything but bright. The Gotei was beginning to regain its fangs as a sudden emergence of new talent, strength and might have been starting to cluster within their faction. Defenses were being built to deal with invaders, new shinigami were being assigned to positions of power and they actually had a stabilized leader to give some semblance of hope to their people. One could argue this was the dawning of a new age for the Shinigami race.

Yet, with every new generation that rises, there will always be the cold embrace of shadows that seek to test the strength of that power. Which is why the sounds of explosions could be heard ringing out within the depths of the second barracks of The Division Two squad. While many were happy to see the return of their Vice Captain, these cheers had quickly turned to horrifying screams as she had started slaying her comrades.

Two dozen shinigami had met their demised after the end of Yoko's assault. Bones had been scattered, flesh spewed in every direction and the eruption of organs and blood scattered the walls of these barracks. The scent of iron soon spread and many other shinigami soon started to surround their Vice Captain as they hollered for back-up to deal with this bizarre circumstance.

However, that would be the least of their concerns. With blood on her hands and blade, this cold Kuchiki seemed to infect others within her squad and many of the bodies which were slain had begun to reanimate themselves; while others who were still alive seemed to be forcibly moved against their will, as if they were taken over and possessed. Regardless, many of them started moving throughout the quarters and trying to consume, devour or attack anything they could get their hands on. It caused the situation to rapidly decay and The Gotei was placed on high alert.

It is at this time that the Research Division put out an all post bulletin for anyone to contain the situation that was occurring in the Second Division. Captains, Vice Captains or anyone with the skills to deal with this sudden outbreak was requested. As, while they weren't entirely sure what they were dealing with, it was apparent enough that Yoko was acting as a catalyst for something and causing other shinigami to become mindless zombie.

And, by this time, The Gotei was more than aware of the juin situation occurring back on Earth and there was a STRONG suspicion that Yoko might've been infected based on her travels to that dimension. Therefore, the objective for the mission was clear: purge, contain and quarantine everything in this division so that the spread doesn't extend further. These traits seemed EXTREMELY out of characters for the Royal Kuchiki and many were merely hoping it was just The Juin...

Regardless, time was wasting and this woman was wasting no time getting to work and slashing her way through the liters of blood as she started her massacre through the second division.

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:05 pm



Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Song: Reign Of The Dark | Artist: Adrian von Zielger | Word Count: 776

The bells toll at three
For it is then the beast shall be free
Awaken, monster of the deep
So that we may send you back to sleep

Things...were not right.

Chaos, discord, and panic. All of which were set in the hearts of many individuals that found themselves part of this conflict. All of this centered around the events that were occurring in the Second Division. It was truly disappointing for many. The sudden boost in Shinigami activity when the Gotei United was announced. It was a breath of fresh air to what the previous way of having the organization. Divisions were left empty, and it was as if the Shinigami race as a whole was just about gone. But then, the Gotei United appeared, and the race came alive once again. Soul Reapers flocked to the new union of the Gotei.

Things had been looking ever so bright for the Keepers of Souls. But, nothing could stay in the light forever. Eventually, there would be evil that would cause the good to sink into the darkness and be consumed. Yoko Yuri Kuchiki, the Vice Captain of the Kido Corps, and the Royal Kuchiki was currently -- acting strange. Actually, that would be an understatement. She was not acting as she would normally at all. When she returned, she had received a warm welcome. Everyone was happy to see her. But, the cheers of her squad-mates soon turned to agonized, and horrific screams as she lashed out.

Dozens, if not hundreds of Shinigami lay dead from the attack that the Royal Kuchiki. But, as the report had said, they lay dead only for a short time. The bodies rose from the ground and walked among them, forced to move against their will. Reanimated corpses. It was something that seemed awfully familiar to what the Living Realm had experienced in Chicago. As the locals preferred to call it by the term "zombies". If nothing were to be done, the Gotei would fall. So the Raven would be one of the first people to respond to this situation. Sitting within the barracks of the Stealth Division, his crimson eye skimming over what the sheet of paper that was currently in front of him.

"Well...I guess I'll go."

Rising from his seat, and a quick readjustment of the blade that hung at his side, the male set off towards the barracks of the Kido Corps.

He would find that even the journey there would not be simple. The wandering bodies of the deceased members of the Second Division stumbled around the area, infecting everything they killed. In fact, there were even more than just the Kido Corp's members present. He couldn't exactly pinpoint who was from where, but he knew that they all bore different emblems and crests of the divisions. A small sigh left him as he shook his head. Curving and bending around him, the wind sent the loose ends of his robes floating and rippling through the air's current.

A hand rose from his side, his index finger and thumb pressing against one another. A sullen, but cold gaze came from the male. The two fingers slid against one another, creating the sound of snapping that would bounce off the walls, the single sound sending off a wave of pure silence through the walls of the Seireitei. A small sigh would leave Henrex as a black and purple mass would gather underneath his feet.

"Forgive me, friends and comrades...I must put you down once again. I pray that you are not truly alive to feel this pain."

The mass of colors would expand to about three feet around him, and ten black hands would raise from this mass, and the large collection of energy would then expand, causing the hands to be able to reach and grab at more varying things. Multiple "corpses" were snatched up by the Hands of Erebus, before the grip tightened, and the bodies would react in a very shocked way, and their blood would leak onto the physical constructs of energy. There was a large portion of time that had no sound, before it would be interrupted by the sound of bodies colliding with the ground.

As the pool of energy faded and returned to the vents that contained his spiritual energy, Henrex would walk forward once again, approaching the quarters of the Kido Corps. Opening the door quietly, and forming a barrier of spiritual power around him, the male would step into the quarters, staring at the royal lady that stood in the center.

"Kon'nichiwa, Kuchiki-san. If you are still in there, I would like you to know that the Gotei is going to help you. But, until then...Iza jinjō ni shōbu. Hajime."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Henrex on Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:57 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Sat Jan 28, 2017 6:30 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Cay-hoss was in the Seiretei. Not a good thing, certainly. Mirja heard the alarm go off and was quick to respond to it when they called for help. What could manage to get past the defenses so easily and be able to subdue a load of the cannon fodder, she didn't know. But it was interesting, which was the second reason Mirja sped towards the area, her speed allowing her to cover the distance in practically no time at all. Arriving on the scene, she saw something, quite a few somethings, that was disturbing. And she also saw Henrex. Any other situation she'd have a quip ready, but this was srs wolf time.

Zombies - for want of a better word - were around, and doing their zombie thing. She wondered if the guys wanted brains or were just corpses being animated by forces unknown. Either way, they needed to be put down, the ones who had clearly taken mortal wounds would have to be dealt with brutally, the ones who had not, in a less brutal manner. And then there was the queen of it all, the apparent Vice-Captain of this squad who had caused all the death. She felt different, and so would have to be dealt with cautiously.

Having surveyed the scene, Mirja entered in a very, Mirja-like fashion, smashing through the nearby wall and then sending the rubble flying at the Kuchiki like miniature projectiles. She knew they wouldn't do much more than distract the girl, but a distraction was exactly what she needed to get into position between the Kuchiki, and everyone else.

"Henrex" She said, her voice in a soft, but steely nature as she activated her Silent Scream. "Get together anyone who has survived from the 2nd division and throw up a barrier around this barracks. Containing this is the primary concern. I'll deal with her" she gave something between order and heavy-handed suggestion as she adopted a joint-striking pose, with her fingers curved in to expose the knuckles rather than clenched into a fist. it would be of limited use for someone who wasn't Mirja, but her unique physiology and strength made it a viable, and dangerous stance to face.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Sun Jan 29, 2017 10:34 am


What was a peaceful day in the Seireitei quickly turned into a bloodbath, as the information of Yoko Kuchiki's return to the Gotei United came into the Division Barracks the captain assembled a small force to go assist the first responders, he decided that he would put five unseated shinigami into a group and have them enter the fray, one of which being Nemu Kurotsuchi, a former Vice-Captain who would be useful.

Zeda's mission parameters were quite clear to all five, all targets are allowed to be terminated. Yoko herself however was not to die. She was to be detained by some manner. With information of the possible virus that was causing the infection, labelled the Juin which first appeared in Chicago. Somehow it had made its way to the Soul Society and so long as the Gotei United existed Yoko was sure to get a fight.

With the group in a hurry the five of them arrived shortly, with the former Vice-Captain quickly having the four men create a barrier around them. If Yoko sought to get out and continue her slaughter she would have to kill all four of the other members of the Research Division.

Target manipulates ice through her zanpakuto, former vice-captain. Must be dealt with carefully.

Her quick analysis left her mind trying to figure out the best possible way to go about this, she decided to first start by capturing one of the infected, not Yoko herself. If she could somehow develop a vaccine or anti-toxin then she could prevent any more people being infected and then it couldn't spread from the source anymore.

From what she could gather two more shinigami where here.... if you could still call them that. The boy was a hybrid of sorts which she sensed demonic energy emanating from him, while she'd love to research his strange nature as a hybrid that would have to wait for another time to raise such questions, the woman was less than impressive. A simple vizard which wasn't so hard to study.

Enough tangents, it didn't matter who these people were only what they could do. So long as they could buy Nemu and her subord- sorry comrades, she forgot she wasn't a Vice-Captain any more after her period away from the organisation.

"Let's begin... Bakudo 1 Sai. Get the equipment and take a blood sample, then one of you go back and have it analysed and see if you can create an anti-body or defence against the virus. Hozumi, you go as you are the fastest of the four of you."

She spoke with a calm and completely controlled voice, Nemu didn't feel such things as fear of death, and so combat situations were like going for a walk down to the park for the artificially created woman. She watched Hozumi do as she said without mistake, then disappear and leave through a temporary entrance created by the squad memebers creating a rift in the spiritual barrier which sealed up the moment she was outside.

"The rest of us will terminate the other targets, if you cannot handle it then leave them to someone more competent."

The melancholic words were a bit condescending without intention but Nemu wasn't going to stick around and bend her words to make them feel better, she disappeared for a moment with Shunpo before appearing behind one of the reanimated dead or zombies as she heard some people call them and grabbed its head, her head... it still was female and the longer hair made it easier for her to grab her head and smash it into the ground with enough force to crack the ground and make the thing's head turn into a broken mess with brain splashed on the ground around her.

She looked around, noticing her comrades had followed in suite and started trying to isolate the weaker unseated members but she noticed they were having trouble. Right... Her squad was brains not brawn, even the zombies had better combat prowess because they were more physically capable. What a shame.

"Alright.... all three of you are incapable of dealing with the three alone, work as a group and defeat them as a collective."

Turning back to her dirty job she didn't mind the fact that she emerged covered in blood, bone and all kinds of organic matter. She was basically immune to almost all toxins and so it was a good chance she'd be immune to this virus as well. She patiently kept aside so the other two could deal with Yoko, they did appear to be stronger than Nemu. But she'd like to see them do advanced chemical equations, she'd bet money they couldn't do that.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Tue Jan 31, 2017 1:21 pm

I'll tell you my sins
you can sharpen your knife

Massacre was putting it lightly. Slaughter would've been a better word, same meaning but heavier words.

Chidori had arrived later than everyone else, mainly because she didn't receive word the same time everyone else had and nor had she been prepared for something such as the current events. By the time she had arrived, Vice Captain Henrex of her squad had already seemed to arrive. Along with him was a handful of people and a wolf girl, the wolf girl seemed to be very destructive as she was standing in front of debris and a hole in the wall.

As Chidori neared, she headed straight for the one familiar face she knew. It's not as if they've interacted before now, but since they happened to be in the same squad he was a face that she had seen often. She tapped his shoulder and stood at attention. "Chidori Shihouin, reporting for duty sir! I'm here to help, just tell me where to go!" The girl was quite energetic as this would be one of the first times she's seen some action. To be frank, the Soul Society was pretty dull most of the time.

Henrex was the only person she had actually introduced herself to, as the rest of the people were either too far away for a quick introduction. So while for orders, she surveyed the area and the 'culprit'. Yoko Kuchiki, a name that she sorta knew as she was the head of the Kuchiki clan and most of the noble clans were relatively in touch. Was a shame to see someone like her infected with a virus and do such horrible things. Even though it probably wasn't her fault, the poor girl was most likely still going to be blamed for it.

000 ● @tag ● notes


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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Fri Feb 03, 2017 7:11 pm
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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Song: U.N. Owen was her - Artist: n/a - Words: 5033

The Juin were screeching and screaming about the arrival of a new person onto the battlefield. They were being skewered by him and it brought Yoko to the forefront of attention. Based on her mental analysis of the situation, there was no point in trying to save the fallen zombies. The reason being is because she had something far more sinister in store. With the shinigami who were beginning to surround the area now flooding in by the dozens, Yoko used this time in order to stare straight into the eyesight of a dozen of them standing on a building nearby.




Out of this group, a select few were chosen because of the limitations of Yoko's special prowess. Ergo, since there were two which had been clocked at a 2-5 and 2-3 level, they were chosen to be placed under the command of Yoko's "Hypnosis Domination" ability. While Henrex was busy slaughtering them with the utmost of ease through his impressive strength, a subtle push of spiritual energy could be felt moving across a one hundred meter radius in order for her to make a connection to these targets from afar to make use of them for the nightmare to come. As, based on the fact they were NPC's, each of these men had little resistance against it. There was a brief struggle, but there was no way they were prepared to deal with the rapidness of this technique without some kind of mental protection against psychological assaults.

Which is why, in the end, their brainwaves had been altered and they were ensared under the trance of the woman's hypnotic prowess. Ergo, it could be assumed that this ability could be performed at breakneck speeds in order to achieve her desired effect: back-up. Since, through her spiritual energy, The Kuchiki could spread more of the juin's infection around; why not add more pawns to the field?

As soon as Henrex started to prepare himself for the next assault, the pair of shinigami were noted as slaughtering their teammates and became bonded with the energy of Yoko. The purpose of this was to create more juin to cause havoc in the Soul Society, while at the same time giving more of the leverage to this battle in Yoko's favor. Which is why one of the pair of shinigami who started this bloody crusade took notice of Henrex.

In the distance, one could see that there was a larger male out of the duo of infected which. Thie indvidual stood at six foot seven, appeared to have blonde hair and moved with the utmost of speed. As, within moments, he emerged only twenty feet behind The Vice Captain known as Henrex. When he did manage to break the distance between them, the man held out his hand and fired off Bakudō #30. Shitotsu Sansen.

There were then a few things to note with this attack. The first of which is that it can be assumed that this stronger shinigami was at 2-5 level and yielded a skill of advanced. Hence, with this being the case, it yielded a strong chance of holding the half-breed down. And, together with the juin flowing through his body, the potency of the man's attacks could be doubled.

As, in a matter of moments, Henrex was going to find himself hit by three beams of light which were meant to pin him against a nearby wall. While, at the same time, Yoko instructed the hypnotized subject to increase the volume of reishi in it by adding a large volume of her own in order to constrict, bind and hurt the half-demon. As this would result in his organs feeling the strain of an immense weight crushing down on him; causing bones to gradually start the process of being crushed and portions of his spiritual energy to begin leaving him. For, with this assault, there would be a chance for roughly 5-8% of his spiritual energy to leave him in this attack. Provided that The Kuchiki has an opening to hit him.

However, that wasn't the only factor on her side to get the one up on the male. With the hypnotized subject placed under her control, it was possible for that male's speed to double and react at mach two speeds for the time being. Was it going to drain its body? More than likely. Yet, in spite of that, they were nothing more than puppets for Yoko to use as she saw fit. Or, to be more precise: for The Juin to use, drain and abuse. So the sounds of blood spewing forth from the male would be heard as he gave it his all to subdue Henrex.

After which, there was a high probability of the male self-destructing in an eruption which could even cause heavy damage to advanced hierro users. As, if nothing else, this blinding flash of yellow light was going to spread for one hundred meters and drown him within a burst of fire, heat and total carnage. For Henrex may find himself losing portions of his hearing, immense burns across his body and ten percent of his energy leaving him as a result of tanking this attack.

So as miles of scenery began to shake and rumble from the intensity of this battle, the second shinigami which fell under the spell of Yoko's alluring gaze would come into action at this point. This was a petite female with overflowing black hair and an empty expression which filled her gray eyes. This five foot seven bombshell was going to be used for the offensive line of assault in this instance in order to make the male regret being the first to attack Yoko.

This woman's energy level was placed around the tier strength of a 2-5, but Yoko had transferred the parasitic elements of the juin to her through connecting this woman with her spiritual energy. Since The Kuchiki was more than able to have the parasitic agent travel through her reishi, bite into her foes and attempt to infect them. Hence, keeping this fact in mind, Yoko would be able to increase the tier of the woman by upwards of 2-3 now that she was under her spell and left with no means of resistance. It could prove to be a more daunting state of affairs to try and infect people on guard such as her foe ahead of Yoko, but someone utterly at the mercy of The Vice Captain was easy pickings.

Therefore, with this boost in strength, the woman would be able to utilize quite the nasty bit of kido. With one movement of her fist, the woman dared to punch a cluster of electric energy which took a blinding golden glow towards the male. As the sounds of birds chirping echoed throughout the area, tt was important to note that Yoko's own influence infused with the Juin was giving her a stronger reaction than normal. Therefore, this woman could release the attack at a speed equal to Mach 3.5; which could make it rather hard for Henrex to react. And, in the event that he got hit, the male could potentially see himself being stunned. His agility, speed and reaction time could be slowed by upwards of 15-20%; making it easier to attack him in the future.

While, on top of that, there would be an immense surge of pain which could flow and swell within the body of the male. It was going to be an agony so bad that he may scream to the gods themselves for it to cease. As it yielded the potential to induce an intense amount of strain, pressure, and damage to some of his cybernetic equipment as well. Ultimately, that gadgetry would prove especially susceptible to this electric attack in the long run of things. It yielded the capacity to short-out equipment, strain the material used to make it and create errors as they overheat and become difficult to manage for the male. All the while, numerous three and two-degree burns could consume the male's body in an ideal situation; forcing him to potentially lose upwards of 5-10% of his energy from this immense assault.

And, to finish the raven haired man off, Yoko was going to harness her own talents in order to put him an elemental spiral of pain. In the blink of an eye, a sword which radiated a rich shade of aqua appeared in the woman's left hand. This meant that power within her body was ramping up and being readily unleashed in order to do battle. Since, with a release of her spiritual energy, the woman dared to give a hard thrust of her sword and send off a burst of alabaster light towards the male. It extended for ten meters in length and width, moved at a speed equal to Mach three and would erupt into a burst of frigid air upon impact. There would be five of these assaults given and they were meant to put the tomb in his resistance early.

What was even more frightening was the fact that Yoko understood the depth of combat a scale of this battle could possess. So, since each of these slashes moved far above the speed of sound, the woman's skill of control with her reishi allowed her to control the direction of where the sonic booms associated with these assaults would erupt him. Hence, five shock waves roared all around Henrex. These clusters of pressured could be manipulated by her reishi in order to further force internal rupturing of his organs or bones to induce high amounts of damage and pain. As, the resulting collision of these barrier-breaking assaults were to drain him, bring down his durability and force more of his spiritual energy to leak out. Since, for every attack from her sword that hit, 2-4% of his energy could be removed from his body based on the damage capacity of these strikes.

Now -- what was the intent of this row of attacks? Simple: combos. Each of these strikes possessed enough momentum to potentially shatter, strain or break bones upon impact. Which means they could make daring lacerations on top of that which could result in massive blood loss for the male; making him feel woozy, dizzy and lightheaded in the process. All the while, an immense cold would be controlled by The Kuchiki in the attempt to have this winter element flow into the open cuts on his body. Since all of this could be made to happen through the control of her spiritual particles.

Provided this method work, the woman dared to remotely use her ability to increase the volume of his spiritual energy inside the male in order to try and freeze his organs; which could result in him fainting or passing out in the process if she were able to cause complications to his heart and circulatory system. Side effects of this assault may also lead to slurred speech, blurred vision, confusion, lack of coordination, drowsiness and immense chest pains as she tried to freeze him from the inside out and reduce the flow of blood in his body through the cold.

All the while, there would be an added metaphysical effect of feeling as if the circuits of spiritual energy which flow through his body were being constricted. As, if allowed to take full effect, this could potentially make it harder for him to summon his energy based on the fact that Yoko would try and block out the network of reishi within his body. Since, in other words, it could make it more tiring on his stamina to attack and this would make it easier to throw him out of the fight in the mind of The Infected Kuchiki.


Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

As, during the time that Yoko kept herself busy by clashing against the likes of Henrex, another stronger entity was emerging on the battlefield. The Juin which were slaughtered by this brute started sending off distress signals to The Kuchiki in order to change battle tactics and prepare for the next brawler to enter the fray. Therefore, since the mind of The Kuchiki was already aware of just who Mirja was through reputation alone, the creature was busy making plans in order to deal with her as she smashed, slaughtered and made her way to the battlefield like the savage she was.

Based on the fact that Yoko yielded the capacity to infect NPC's through her reiatsu, the possessed woman decided it would be in the best interest of the juin in order to release long range assaults against other remaining Gotei units on the field. Therefore, provided Henrex had not subdued her by this point, The Kido Corps Vice Captain would lift her right hand up in the air and begin to spread streams of reddened light across the battlefield. They'd be no larger than the average person who stood at a five foot height, but theses streaks of daunting power contained a high concretion of juin within them.

Once they were able to collide against those further out on the battlefield surveying the clash within the second division, many of the other shinigami were trained placed barriers up and were able to defend against them. But -- nothing is ever ideal. Around three of the now dozens of shinigami surrounding the area had found themselves hit by this flooding of attacks against them. This would allow Yoko to then gain more users to add to her network of infected to assist with this battle. Ergo, the intention here was to prepare for the worse when it came to dealing with the obnoxiousness of a hardened Captains strength. There was no telling what type of power the woman would use, so Yoko sought to strike first before anything horrid could occur.

Ergo, with a snap of the fingers, The Kuchiki wouldn't dare waste her energy on deflecting the rubble which was heading her way. Instead, a willing juin jumped in the way and was used as fodder in order to protect the central master of this operation: Yoko Yuri Kuchiki. Thus, a deathly pale male with red hair was seen shunpo'ing to the side of Yoko and using a burst of blue energy in order to defend his "Queen". In doing so, this would make it to where The Vice Captain would not be harmed by the rubble and could allow for her to swiftly go on the assault.

Henceforth, by the time that Mirja came bursting in the scene like a wild elephant, Yoko had already devised a potential plan to deal with her strength within that small amount of time allotted to her. While she wasn't a fool and didn't believe herself to be physically stronger than the woman in strength or energy, that didn't mean the battle was lost by a long shot. It only meant that her abilities needed to be used in a more devious fashion. Ergo, a burst of white mist would hit the woman.

When the fog had managed to be released from the pores of Yoko's body, this cloud spread for upwards of five hundred meters in all directions. What was the intent? To infuse more of her spiritual particles into the pores of Mirja. This was done for two reasons. The first reason why Yoko chose this method of attack is because of the fact that there was a decent chance that Henrex could still assault her while she was focusing on Mirja. Second, by infusing a bit of deception into this initial response to Mirja's entry, she could otherwise gain the upper hand on the woman. Since it could be assumed that this was simply a change in the environment to help make it harder to see Yoko. As one would begin to notice that it was becoming increasingly more difficult to see through this fog.

With that being the case, when this eruption of white mist overflowed on the battlefield, Mirja would not initially be harmed by it and may fall under the assumption that it was just a ruse to make cover in the mist. In fact, it might be nothing more than a cool breeze to her. However, that wasn't the point of this ability that was being used. She was using it as a medium in order to cover the body of the woman with her reiatsu, ease through the pores in her skin and begin infusing her spiritual energy into her. As, if she were able to achieve this feat, the woman could then go on to begin rotting her from the inside out.

How exactly would Yoko be able to be able to achieve this feat? It begins by her amplifying and increasing the potency of her attacks through the act of focusing intently on enhancing the supernatural capacities behind it. By no means would this be an easy feat because of the fact that Yoko could be felt calling upon a fair amount of her spiritual energy in order to make this trick work. Mirja was still a daunting opponent to deal with and it was going to take something potent to bring this beast down.

So, after Yoko had given up that amount of power from her body, the intent was to make sure that these particles of energy were durable enough to deal with anything which might try to tamper with them once they managed to find their way into Mirja by either entering through the pores on her skin, nostrils, anus, ears, mouth or eyes.

Proceeding from those points of entry, Yoko could then remotely access the functions of her powers from afar since she yielded the ability to summon her abilities through her spiritual energy being used as the medium to induce her effects in the world. Hence, with that being known, The Kuchiki pushed to freeze the bones, circulatory system and organs of the woman in order to bring her to a screeching halt and prevent her from moving forward in this battle. In this moment, The Wolf may feel as if she were halted shut as The Infected Vice Captain was going to her most damndest effort to keep the mutt still.

Following those actions, Mirja may very well begin to feel various parts of her physical body beginning to freeze. One of the first potential effects that this fast-acting cold and ice could induce is the freezing of her corneas due to such extreme exposure to frigid temperatures. While she may have some form of environmental resistance against regular winter conditions, this was a supernaturally charged attack and one being used with the utmost of concentration, skill, and tact. Therefore, it's safe to assume that her vision could potentially be blurred or blinded in this moment; while a short of hellish pain could shoot through her skull as a result of this exposure.

Meanwhile, externally, this wouldn't pose a danger in terms of blunt force attacks. It was pointless to attack the woman that way. However, after Yoko amplified the area with her metaphysical cold, all opponents yielded the risk of now having their skin, muscles and tissue freeze SOLID by sheer frostbite. This could result in pain, followed by numbness and then the risk of body parts or patches of skin falling clean off the foes gathered on the combat field to attack this woman. Even if they yielded an elemental attack such as extreme heat or fire, there were other infected juin on the field helping to reinforce the spiritual particles of The Infected Vice Captain.

For, in other words, the molecules which made up this attack were ethereal in nature. Therefore, one could assume that they can be fortified by The Kido Vice Captain's own magical prowess. It was only natural to assume that her level of skill could pull off a feat and they could be made durable enough to resist the effects of something absurdly hot on the battlefield. As, knowing these opponents, there was no doubt that they'd try something as simplistic as that in order to brute force their way out of this assault.

All the while, with this extreme dip in temperature, a supernatural form of hypothermia yielded a great chance of settling in since this type of attack was designed in order to deal with the absurd durability of Vice Captains and Captains alike. This could result in the body of these combatants shutting down or start the stages of it failing. As both Henrex and Mirja could potentially have rapid shivers, tiredness, fast breathing, slurred speech, declining judgment and total headaches as their bodies were at a high risk of suffering nasty side effects the longer they were contained within this smoke of absolute cold.

And don't think that the body of Mirja was going to get off scot-free, either. Yoko knew how strong this woman was and she was a threat that needed to be disposed of. Therefore, she was aiming to clog up the channels of spiritual energy within her body to make it metaphysically freeze. As, to make things better understood, this was a dual-layered attack. There would be an assault on her physical body, while the very spiritual nature of Mirja's otherworldly capacities were being targeted as well.

This could result in her finding it much harder to summon her abilities; since it would seek to block out 25% of her overall potential given the amount of potency behind this attack. Additionally, given her magical nature, The Kuchiki was determined to utilize some form of sealing in the process. Consequently, by having a high amount of fuel to work with still, the woman sought to create a tomb of reinforced ice in order to seal Mirja in to keep her further still and increase the time of effect that her other assaults should have on her body in the best case scenario.

Therefore, with this in mind, Yoko guided her spiritual energy towards the body of Mirja in order to produce multiple different chains around her wrist, throat, eyes, waist, chest, legs and ankles for the goal of enhancing the weight of them by infusing her reishi into them. By doing this, she could begin to create a make-shift sealing ability by saturating enough her spiritual power into it, along with adding the pool of other juin's energy in the area, in order to make it possible to restrain for one or two post so that her attacks could have time to otherwise bring down the body of the woman and make her weaker. Provided she was able to pull all of this off, these assaults should prove more than enough to leave SOME kind of dent within the woman.

With all of that said, given the extent of her offense against these two, it seemed that during the last bit of this assault on the Gotei that Yoko may have to rely more on her familiars. This is because it was taking up a fair amount of resources in order to deal with these two and make sure that their battle capacity could be subdued enough for them to be clay in The Kuchiki's hands. Therefore, as the juin was updating Yoko on yet another newcomer into this battle, The Master Operator behind this attack was going to have her familiars begin to deal with some of the intruders on to this battlefield.


Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Thus, the action then turn towards the juin which Nemu tried to smash in the ground. While its face ate a nice helping serving of dirt, this would come at the cost of the juin receiving orders from Yoko to otehrwise have its foul energy release in the form of a kido attack. What was the attack unleashed from this creature's energy? Bakudo 4 - Hainawa. This binding kido would keep these pesky arms of the machine-like woman from being useful because of the fact they sought to entangle them within an energized rope. When amplified with The Juin's energy, it could prove to begin putting a high amount of pain on the woman's arms; making it feel as if her bones were being strained, muscles being forced to fatigue and burns radiating all throughout her limbs.

All the while, The Juin still wasn't quite dead. Damaged? Most certainly. Terminated? Not so much. So, while it was still in a state of being to attack, the creature turned on its heels and sought to take a bite out of Nemu in the form of reinforcing the fangs on it's teeth with it's spiritual energy. Then, by boosting it's strength by two times in a quick assault, the creature followed the command of Yoko and aimed to devour the right thigh of The Kurotsuchi by mauling through her flesh, blood, and bone to make her regret having dared to attack it.

At the same time, as her five-man team started going to work on the juin, they would manage to otherwise take out 2/4th's of them. It was quite the bloody speculator to behold as they let out howls of horrid screams as their heads were chopped clear off. Yet, for the ones who did not cut their heads off, they'd find something terrible in store for them. Of the juin that remained, these creatures were reinforced with a new strength and were instructed by Yoko to get rid of any restraints. They were reduced to primal beast under the puppeteering control of The Maiden. Therefore, she was able to otherwise force the amplification of spiritual energy within them. They kept ballooning with energy until they reached of a point of being walking, living bombs.

As, within moments, numerous explosions started ringing out in the distance as Yoko forced them to self-destruct in order to wipe out more of their forces and infect new victims. This could give some serious pull back in the way of making her advancement throughout these barracks as she even used the deceased juin in order to add more potency to this. In fact, Nemu herself may even find herself in harm's way as they all started to conjoin and converge together to form a chain of explosions which could rain down and harm the petite shinigami.

The resulting injuries of this attack could have her suffer third-degree burns, dehydration, ringing of the ears and loss of balance and hearing from the amount of explosions that went off and the intensity in which they were released. Additionally, she could notice 5-10% of her energy leaving her if she were caught up in this assault as well. Making it quite the hefty thing to begin the battle with right out the gate. It would force Nemu to take this with the utmost of stern nature and make sure she was capable of not having her team remain a bloody paste of flesh on the second division floor.

Which then ultimately left one more active combatants on the field: Chidori Shihouin.

The woman barely paid much attention to the zone of destruction around her. It was a wonder what she was thinking at this moment; since she seemed so earnest and delighted to meet her Vice Captain. But the infected Yoko didn't seem to care much. Instead, she was going to make use of her defenses not being properly set up. Ergo, although she was feeling pressured by having to deal with the brunt of Henrex and Mirja at the same time, the woman still possessed enough spiritual energy in order to use it as a force of wind.

Thus, Yoko would release an immense gust from her body which was directed towards the path Chidori was running on. If she happened to find herself hit by it, then The Royal Shinigami may find herself having the wind utterly knocked out of her. As this attack would seek to collide with her body, drain the air from her lungs and have her frantic and panicked from the sudden siphoning of oxygen. All the while, the kinetic force from it could do a major blow to her body and send her hurtling back across a one hundred meter range towards a wall in order to otherwise give her a taste of what was to come if she were to approach this battle.

While Yoko had the potential to do so much more, there wasn't time to waste resources too heavily on an opponent like that. Which is why if she were still able to get up after all of that, Chidori would find two juin infected Shinigami at around the 4-2 level beginning to rush over towards her location in order to bite, devour and sink into her flesh. They wanted a bite out of each of her legs and they were going to do whatever it took to make this tasty meal last.

Now, when all the chips fell, there still seemed to be something -- off.

If one were to pay attention to The Kuchiki after her first round of assaults cooled down, they could tell that the right hand of the woman was trying to grab hold her of her face and snap herself out of it. As, despite how heavily the juin had infected her body, the consciousnesses of the woman was still very much in her. This meant that she was still fighting to control herself, but she couldn't stop the parasite with how deeply it had assaulted her body. It's why she was trying to mouth these words to her foes:

"H E L P M E"

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Sun Feb 05, 2017 2:21 pm



Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] 6EdIfMt

Song: Unravel (Orchestral) | Artist: Mike Reed | Word Count: 2,118

In bed above, we're deep asleep,
While greater love lies further deep.
This dream must end, the world must know,
We all depend on the beast below.

The beast that currently resided within the body of Yoko Yuri Kuchiki released their hideous voices as Henrex had initially come onto the scene. Screeches and screams pierced his ears, causing the Vice Captain of the Stealth Division to only appear annoyed from such a loud and possibly painful noise to be introduced to his eardrums. As such, the circle of two colors beneath his feet would be seen to be ever more violent with the swishing and flicking of the arms that rose from his Zanpakuto's ability. Thus, there would be multiple distinct spikes in the secondary emotion that would be felt through his spiritual pressure.

Annoyance was a definite, and a small bit of anger would be hinted at within the weight of the boy's energy. Already ticking away at his patience, and his sword was not even drawn. But, there would be even further annoyance that would rise in his system as the next onslaught came before him. As someone came to close in the distance between him and them, the senses of the male were racked off with spiritual power akin to that of one who had a decent control over their Shikai. Furthermore, he would be able to sense the energy output that would soon be heading towards him. The amount of energy that had been used within that spell would be easily able to classify in the range of thirty.

A single hand could be noticed to have drifted towards the weapon at his side, pale fingers wrapping around the handle, a soft and unassuming grip occurring on the Zanpakuto. But, with the danger of possibly being pinned to somewhere with something, Henrex was very aware of what he would need to do. But, he had to enforce his point. All movement from him ceased, and the hand that grasped his Zanpakuto tightened its grip, and he simply awaited what would come. The mismatched orbs of the male would come to a close, and the knuckles of his left hand darkened in color, turning purple as his grip made it's final adjustment of tightness.

Within mere inches of him, the male's body whipped around, before the sound of metal scraping against wood screamed outward to the Seireitei, before it all went silent. The arm of the male remained at his side, left hand still gripping the handle of his sword. However, there would be noticeable differences to his stance, as well as his grip. His grip could be seen to be much, much softer than before, the usual color returning to his hand as his tight clasp loosened. The posture of the male would be strange, with one knee pressed against the ground, his head bowed towards the ground, with the front of his body appearing to be jutted forward. The slightest hints of an exposed weapon were evident for a single moment, before a loud clack sound.

That one movement would be the fastest strike that Henrex would have ever performed. In that single moment, he had executed the movements akin to a favored sword style of the samurai in the Edo era of Japan. The action of moving his sword from and to the sheath as fast as possible. It provided a swift end to many matches that the human samurai found themselves in, and would often be a strike always intended to bring an cutoff to the life of the opponent. The name of this sword style?


A single strike would be all he needed to cut through the Kido that had been cast. The spell of binding was cleanly sliced in half and, without immediate stabilization, would simply dissipate into spiritual particles. But, that would not be the only thing that would receive contact of his blade. If proper defensive measures were not met, the one who had initially cast the spell would find himself cleaved in half, cleanly from the shoulder to the waist. He would not be the first, nor the last to fall from the blade of the Raven. Eyes opened ever so slowly, and the boy rose to his feet. He had not gone unscathed. He could feel his body weakening from the energy that had been placed in the Shinigami's Kido, and the entirety of Shitotsu Sansen had not been nullified.

Turning back to face the situation at hand, he was immediately caught off guard by what would transpire next. It was true that he had not been able to cleave through the possessed man, but that was not what had him surprised. A loud explosion occurred next to him, sending him and the man that had initiated the attack. A loud, high pitched ringing sound rippled throughout his ears, sending warning signals through his brain that was telling him about the sudden attack's after effects to his ears. Stinging shot through his body as his gaze averted downward, seeing his body char and singe as it became further and further damaged. As a result of all of this, he could feel a small portion of his energy dissipate from him.

The thought of wanting to be given time to recover was something that the male swiftly banished from his mind, knowing that he would not be given such a chance, and he readied himself for what would come next. The crack of thunder is what caused his head to move snap into the sound's origin point, and he could see a flash of gold speeding towards him, and he immediately kicked himself forward to perform Flash Step, but having one fatal error with how he had began his step. He had accidentally left his arms drifting behind his back before he entered the Flash Step state, and he payed the price for such a mistake.

The moment that the orb of light made contact with his arms, Henrex found himself unable to use his left arm, with pain searing into his body, passing his threshold, and causing him to go through an unimaginable amount of self-restraint. His teeth clenched together so tight that a tooth or two would chip from the amount of torture that his body was inflicted with. It took every ounce of willpower in his essence not to scream in pain. Taking action immediately, the Raven flooded the inner parts of his arms, as well as the outer ends with his energy, in an attempt to soothe the pain that the newcomer had inflicted on him. There was not much damage that would be done to the recipients, as his body was immediately going to work.

Energy surged into his body in an attempt to utilize itself similar to how the Kido's healing part -- Kaido -- functioned. It was working on repairing the dead cells that now spread across his body. But, he was lucky that it had not struck his head. The initial contact alone from something such as that, it would have no doubt been able to overload his Cyberbrain. And yet again, he could feel his energy dissipating. While it was a bit less than the previous time, he knew that if this kept happening, there would be little he would be able to do physically that would aid in this fight. So, he knew that he would soon have to rely on the release of his Zanpakuto to aid him.

The crimson gaze of the male burned into the twin set of the woman who now stood against him, and his eye could easily be able to be seen zipping up and down with it's stare at the enemy, scanning every last bit of movement, eventually settling on the new weapon that gleamed in her hand. It was about time that someone had stepped into his field of expertise. A hand tightened around the naked blade of his own, and the tiniest of smiles appeared on his face. As his fingers flexed and readjusted the grasp on his weapon constantly, there would be action in the other hand, which would be reaching for a second weapon. Ripping the smaller weapon out of it's hiding place, the male could hear the noise louder than ever.

A loud, annoying hissing sound entered his ears, and the male winced slightly as he remembered the requirements of this weapon. Quickly correcting his stance, and soon becoming what the blade he held would call "perfectly symmetrical". The hissing stopped, and the male's eyes would close for a single moment, before snapping open. A harsh and powerful flow of energy jettisoned itself into the weapon, causing the blade of such a sword to glow a bright purple, and Henrex would feel the effects of activation immediately. The perfect calculations of the Blade of Order would allow Henrex to see the thrust of the weapon, and the light that would explode from the tip.

Stepping to the side, the male's arm would only be nicked by the attack, with the four additional attacks being responded with single swipes from his sword, trading off blows with his other weapon. Zanpakuto, and then Jounochi. Again and again, this combo of twin strikes would be issued, with attempts to avoid these strikes from doing harm to his body. But, he was never perfect, and he would find himself receiving multiple wounds all across his body, his sword only preventing himself from being wounded as seriously as he could have been. He would be in line to receive even more punishment, as the shockwaves that roared around him took effect.

As of such, Henrex would exert his spiritual energy outwards, forcing the exerted essence to change itself into a physical form. Multiple thick layers of energy would surround his outer body, merging with the shield of energy that he had created prior to entering the barracks, creating a large layer of defense against the damage that these sub-actions would do to him. With such a mastery of his energy, as well as what it was made of, these strikes would be reduced to breaking the occasional bone as a result of contact with his body. He could feel the last two strikes break through the barrier, causing the energy of the barrier itself to leak out, forcing it to lose it's stability, and become less effective as it were right then.

So, the male would quickly manipulate the remaining energy of the cover to quickly protect himself, for the most part at least, against the cold that the Kuchiki would bring towards him. Projecting whatever was left into a new, spherical defense that would shield his internal ends from being frozen from the inside out from the Royal Kuchiki. Soon after, the woman who had attacked him previously would find herself being impacted by a large spear, created from the leftover energy of that barrier, which had been manipulated and constructed to be abnormally sharp, and then hurled at the woman in attempt to completely burn through bones, and pierce through organs. So, it would be fairly obvious that this boy was not afraid to harm people, even if they weren't Yoko herself.

And so, this construct of the Hands of Erebus would be doing it's best to maim and damage the attacker. If this were to miss them, the energy would break apart, turning itself into hundreds upon thousands of small daggers, before thrusting themselves at both his previous attacker, and Yoko. While this would be happening, the pool of energy would gather beneath Henrex's feet once again, and hundreds of hands would begin to emerge from the murky depths of what appeared to be nothing but blackness. Reaching outwards, the hands would aim to grab at his attacker with amazing speed. If this were to be successful, they would find themselves in a situation difficult to escape from, before the attack would come. She would be subjected to the same fate as the others that he had slain beforehand.

Energy would erupt inwards, creating spikes that would aim to pierce into their body, which would attempt to slip in between bones and go straight for the muscles and organs. In short, it would be fairly obvious that this attack was entirely meant to completely mutilate the person that would find them self in. And so, to finalize everything, the male would notice the mouthing of the two words that Yoko was attempting to convey to them. A tinge of sadness would appear in his mismatched eyes, and all he could do as of then was take a deep sigh, and leave his answer in thought.

We will free you, Kuchiki-san. I know that I will do everything in my power to aid with such. We will succeed.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Henrex on Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Feb 05, 2017 4:10 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Fire and Fury was what Mirja brought to the fight. Bridled fury, and metaphorical fire burning in her soul for the love of conflict, but still. She was impressed with the way the Juin bugs moved, diving so suddenly into the way of the debris and taking the hits for their master without hesitation. Such devotion could not be scoffed at, even if it was more mind control than actual devotion. Henrex was having his own troubles and couldn't exactly do what was ordered of him by Mirja, so she focused exclusively on the woman in front of her. The Main Bug, as it were.

More people arrived, but Mirja did not pay them any attention, they could deal with the chaff and Mirja would go straight for the source. Perfect plan, great team work, and the execution would hopefully be one that didn't kill the woman. If they did, well that was just how combat went. From Mirja's analysis, she wasn't one to trade punches all day, and so if Mirja hit her wrong it could be game over. Despite that thought, however, she was still going to go full tilt when it came to the fight. Restraint just wasn't really Mirja's style.

The opening move was made by Yoko, and blasted Mirja with a white mist, irritating and annoying her, even when the effects of what it actually did were not apparent. All Mirja saw was a mist. Giving it a few seconds to accurately pin-point Yoko through smell, hearing, and Reiatsu sensing, Mirja prepared her counter-offer. She cracked her neck, prepared her hands, and rolling her shoulders in preparation. Without much thought as to friendly fire - she tried to confine the attack but it wasn't exactly one that could be confined - Mirja brought her hands together, muscles bunched to make an incredibly loud clap, of three-fold nature. First, it would blow away the mist and remove the impairment of visibility, allowing Mirja to see what she was doing again. Secondly, it would heat up the surrounding area considerably, preventing any of those icy tricks that Yoko was so well known for as they would melt away in the heat of fire. And third, it would burst the bitches ear-drums and that was something that would give anyone pause, infected by crazy ass zombie parasites or no.

Sure, it would blow everyone else's ear-drums as well, and fire wasn't exactly something that chose it's targets, but she had told them to leave, and they decided to stick around and not leave, so Mirja would deal with their bitching later when she had sorted this situation out. Unfortunately - or fortunately for the people who didn't want to be set on fire and have their ear drums blown out - the mist hid properties that messed Mirja's body up big time. The spiritual blockades didn't find much purchase with her Silent Scream roaring about her body, that was like using a Mini to block a Bulldozer. Her body, however, didn't have the benefit of such constant and juggernaughtian activity.

Somehow, ice had built up sufficently in Mirja's joints to mess up her ability to move, and it was clinging to every part of her body as if trying to put her down in cryo-sleep. The last time she had felt like this was under Captain Iriko's shikokai. Her eyes blurred, although due to their immense durability stayed on the right side of being blind - a lesser person exposed to this tempratures would be lucky to have any eyes left, and Mirja was only protected from total blindness due to the fact that her intense well of energy was exclusively focused on making her body stronger and more sturdy - But she couldn't just let herself go, she needed to push on.

The pain in her eyes, and indeed the pain in her everything, was considerable, but it was nothing new. She had felt fire in her veins several times before, and so decided to deal with it. So she focused on her Territorial Tulpa and had it keep her body active through force of will and determination. The command left it reeling for a second since it generally desired more explicit instructions, but it got to work anyway, and the pain faded. It wouldn't stay faded, her Territorial Tulpa was a draining technique on her mentality, so she needed to finish this fight quickly. The clap was not strong enough to set the area on fire like it should have, but momentum of the calibre Mirja was in the middle of didn't just stop without Maximum Effort, and so her hands collided and the loud clap ran out, disturbingly loud but not damaging.

Before she could fill her body with her Heart's Kiai and take some pressure off her Territorial Tulpa so it could be used for more immediate problems, the Icy woman was not finished with Mirja. Locking her down with a hella ton of ice, and then finally adding some chains because who didn't want to spice up the bedroom with a bit of play in that direction? The only problem was that this wasn't the bedroom, and making them out of ice could really kill a person's drive to do much.

Inside this tomb, Mirja felt her mind crack. Or something, cracked, at least. And then she was put face to face with a mirror, a walking, talking mirror. She looked eerily identical to Mirja, except for the eyes.
"Since when were you the kind of girl to just give up?" Other Mirja asked, staring with disappointment.
"I can't hold on. And I am so tired...." Mirja felt it in her entire body. Violent shivers, an inability to think properly, and a fatigue that she hadn't felt in a long time.
"Sleep when you are dead. Which you will be, soon, if you don' know what, screw it. You go nap, I'm taking over" Other Mirja said, her tone becoming sharp as she looked at the wretch Mirja had become.
"Wait...take over?" Mirja asked, more to herself than anything as Other Mirja didn't seem to be in the mood for talking anymore.

Through the Tomb, and the chains, and the fog, something condensed across Mirja's face, a mask of pure blackness, glittering as if it was the night's sky. And then the tomb cracked, splitting down the middle, and an ominous feeling stretching out. It's tendrils would reach out of the tomb, and wrap around the psyche of every present member, friend or foe, and give them a reason to shiver wholly unrelated to the temperature. There was a new player in this game, and she did not like the cold, so everything would be on the receiving end of her temper, very soon.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Sat Feb 11, 2017 12:40 am


Things escalated drastically after the initial strike by Gotei, the Juin was determined to really do some damage but so long as the Gotei stood in the way of that scourge they would either take it down or die trying. The unseated shinigami of the Research Division where really making a difference, well until Nemu noticed the use of suicide bombing being employed against the one called Henrex.

The distraction left her vulnerable to the strike of her thigh being bitten into, unfortunately one big chunk of her thigh was all it took out of her before she increased her power by a factor 0.8% of her body's threshold. While this boost would only last for three posts she was now much more than a threat, with her enhanced strength and heightened state she broke her binding although in the process her left arm was broken and rendered useless.

Once more the Kurotsuchi's grip clutched her target's head before crushing it into the ground again and again until she held nothing but a piece of flesh and splattered brain matter. Rising from her position the shinigami's eyes noticed a spike in the infected, energy was growing to critical rate and she had to act fast.

The Kurotsuchi decided it was not good if the entire force was wiped out, better it be only one right? Making use of her soul cutting ability she harnessed fifty percent of her energy, it took a matter of seconds for her to work out which Juin needed to be eliminated and then fired a barrage of energy blasts towards the targets.

While not all of the bombs were eliminated a good portion of those explosions were negated, with only one of her three remaining squad members dying in the explosions. Despite that issue being taken care of Nemu saw a new problem, an unseated shinigami running right up to her superior.

Now the apathetic shinigami knew enough to tell this child was naive and while she wasn't one for being mean, the girl was clearly an idiot. It was clear to Nemu her body was broken, but she'd be damned if that stopped her and either way the little kid didn't deserve to die for being a child and so the blast that Yoko sent towards Chidori would be intercepted by Nemu via Shunpo.

Despite her state Nemu felt barely any pain and just hopping was enough for her to cross the distance to get in the way and hold out her right hand, the only one she had left that wasn't damaged to cast a kido. It was a barrier called Enkosen, the spinning circle was strong enough to stop the wind blast that was intended for the Shihoin before it dissipated and caused Nemu to kneel down as her energy slipped lower.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

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Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission] Empty Re: Royal Massacre [Gotei Mission]

Sat Feb 18, 2017 9:25 am

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 667

A blur of white was all that could be made out as the boy rushed in, half blended with the very light around them and half finite in form until he came to a stop next to the girl whom appeared to have the small success rate in fending off oncoming blows from the juin infested Yoko: Chidori Shihouin. A powerful gust of wind that was actually chipping up the very ground as it came forward was well on its way to blasting the girl back and stunning her, from there two possessed shinigami would be hot on her trail, but it wouldn't be. The light mended itself producing a short white haired boy that some might mistake for another captain level shinigami, the only difference is this shinigami seemed utterly powerless with his lack of spiritual pressure, he appeared to be nothing more than a stupid kid whom had stolen captains robes and strapped on a sword, that was not so.

Two things needed to be dealt with him short order, the first was his right hand coming out forward, his golden eyes turning to slits when his mouth opened and he spoke the incantation needed to protect himself and Chidori from the wind gust, " Enkosen Number 39!" He ordered, a blur of golden light forming in front of himself and through that also in front of Chidori, the golden light seemed to solidify as the wind blast met it and howled off of it harmlessly. One down. Now two. He thought, his left hand going out to touch Chidori now before casting another Kidou, this time on the girl herself.

" Kyokko number 26." He again spoke, in a dulled way of a man who would rather be drinking sake than fighting but duty called. If the girl didn't block his attempt for whatever reason she would see the air shimmer around her as the beams of light bent and erased her image from existence making the two incoming juin infested shinigami halt for but a brief moment as they also wouldn't be able to feel her spiritual pressure from the effect of the kidou. If she hadn't acted like a fool and stopped him she would effectively be hidden for a decent duration to allow her to attack once or twice without notice, the white haired boy hoped she would use it wisely before turning to the two low leveled shinigami and pointing at them with his left index and middle finger before speaking his final kidou, " Shitotsu Sansen number 30." With it said twin orbs of golden light would manifest on his out stretched fingers before being sent forward like bullets that would expand into six beams of golden light and stab into the two infected shinigami.

The blast was enough to send them backward and into a near by wall where the golden beams fused with the surface and pinned the two soul reapers, their arms out as if crucified and their heads hanging limp from the force of the blast, they weren't injured seriously but they were out of the way safely for now so the main threat could be handled. Two down, now three. his mind echoed as he turned to face the source of the infection,Yoko Yuri Kuchiki.

The girl had become infected with something and had brought it back to the SS and it was his duty as a captain to ensure it didn't spread to infect others, his duty at all costs. The gleam in his golden eyes dulled when his left hand touched the hilt of his zanpakuto before pulling the sword free of its home and stepping forward to face her with the others that he had over looked in his attempt to protect the girl that was in the hot seat.

" I just wanted some god damn sake." he murmured to himself.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

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