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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Waking the Pale - Page 2 Empty Re: Waking the Pale

Mon Feb 13, 2017 7:05 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

Mirja knew the flaws to her technique, that it was to fast for even her to react to once she had committed to it. Even knowing he was the ex-Head Captain, she had underestimated him and not gone hard like she should have, he had seen her coming, before she actually started to come at him. That was the mark of a magnificent warrior. He had hit her hard, and in that moment gotten a true appreciation for Mirja's body. It's density was probably unlike anything he had ever encountered before. While some things may have been more durable, her body, and the latex oversuit she was wearing, had a unique density to them, which was probably the reason behind her lack of Reiatsu.

As she was launched back by the blow, Mirja was amazed by him. He had taken her as fast as she was going, blasted her back, cracked three ribs even through the bodysuit, and didn't even seem to have sprained a finger. This, was like an ant fighting a lion. But Mirja was never a girl to give up, so once she crash landed, she focused to make sure she had exactly which ribs were broken down pat, and then set her Territorial Tulpa on them. The ribs were not quite broken, but they would be if she took any more damage.

The most amazing thing, however, is that Zeda thought a high nineties Hadō was something to use in a training situation. That was just straight up lethal, god dam it. Crazy ass bastards, the lot of them...
"I am usually a lot better with my fighting. Just, never seen anyone actually react to that. You were fast, and I wanted to catch you off guard before the fight actually begun, but you seemed to do even that" She exclaimed, jumping back to her feet now the damage was fixed, and activating her Zero-Point Soul Refraction Technique. It was wonky and made her feel like blegh, but she needed it for this situation. She was quickly proven right when a massive blast crashed into her, and knocked her back a few feet, not much more thanks to her super technique, but still considerable when you factored in how her weight almost tripled using this technique.

And then, he was coming at her. Her mind was at war with itself as he did. One half controlled her with a steely emotionless look on her face, as her silver irises and pupils bored into Tsubasa, her Ocular Awakening allowing her to track him, and the final energy block of her Plus Ultra being burned as a Physical Instant so she could react in time, while the other was wailing that she'd never be able to, and he had a trick up his sleeve that would make all her efforts pointless. Her hands were too far away to move into position in time, so she made new ones, a pair of thick black arms spawning from her chest and launching towards the Head Captain as he came towards her, only to vanish and leave the arms without a target.

The boop to her head was not something she was expecting, and caught her still in a martial mindset, so instinct burned within her blood, causing a second pair of thick, black arms to sprout from her shoulders and launch at Tsubasa with supersonic speed, the crack of the fists making them sound like guns, and giving them their name. It would be a fine test of his abilities to see how he reacted to this. Knowing an attack was coming made it's speed moot, but being caught off guard by an extra pair of fists rushing towards you was an entirely different story.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Waking the Pale - Page 2 Empty Re: Waking the Pale

Tue Feb 14, 2017 4:38 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

The arms from the girl was an interesting skill. So it was better to think of her like the Goddess from Indian Culture Shiva? The Skill was special as he skillfully avoided it surprised but not captured. He saw the moves coming from Zeda as he sighed his student was being reckless. This matter was settled for the most part as he smiled softly. Zeda wanted him to draw a sword against him. The female had seen enough of what he wanted her to do. Tsubasa decided to counter kido with kido as the six rods came into play he'd silently done some chant work of his own. Not making any sounds his lips moved quietly as they hit a barrier around his frame. It was sudden but four metal tigers emerged from the ground grabbing Zeda. Biting hold of his legs and shoulders as they appeared he wasn't quite done yet. He was going to give his student the crash course. Around his frame, he'd created a Danku of sorts that absorbed the binding kido. But something happened along his skin a crackling began to happen. Tsubasa's eyes studied the area as his senses became alerted he sensed a fourth person. Deciding this had likely gotten a bit out of hand he snapped his finger and the tiger's mirror appeared. The Bakudo that had formed on him were absorbed into its form. The one's that broke the Danku shield and its invisible frame shattered with it. The electricity crackling along his skin was a sign of his spiritual pressure being let out slightly. He dusted himself off as he felt the energy stop now. "That's enough Zeda, a student from the academy is here.Anything that would harm them isn't acceptable behavior and you know that well enough.."

He'd detected him coming as his time was spent dismantling the kido. His student had made excellent use of kido and that was good enough. Tsubasa had merely broken the others by discharging an amount of his reiatsu. Stopping the binding before it started helped as well. The confusing incantation was a good move as well. He pulled a kiseru from his robe and lit it slowly as he inhaled a bit. His eyes shifted towards the person who'd come in.

"Very dangerous to step in when you sense pressure like this. I admire your bravery but do be careful in the future, curiosity and cats don't get along often times." He exhaled having used his spiritual pressure on the kido seemed like cheating in a way. Being bound by that many kido would have been trouble if not for the mirror. It had absorbed most the kido and allowed him to move along with his protection he took early on. Everything had played out according to the script for the most part. Zeda was getting on his old man's level as he tapped his shoulder and slowly brought his hand to his sword now. Keeping the kiseru within his lips he exhaled. If the previous hadn't been enough to break them Tsubasa would merely activate his shunko and destroy them with that. "Now that's enough, for now, you two. We have a fresh face here and we are throwing quite a bit of spiritual pressure around."

Tsubasa's digits gently rested on his katana for now as he pulled it free slowly as his eyes went to the boy. "You've seen Hakuda and kido, I'll show you at least a bit of zanjutsu to make sure your lesson plan isn't completely one-sided." He said looking at Ryuzawa now his eyes looked over towards a tree line. He'd just have to fix it later as he exhaled. Tsubasa's control with a sword was one of those things you didn't mess with as he calmed his breathing and almost controlled it like a sniper. Slowing everything down he struck instantly over one thousand strikes with his blade in an instant. If they blinked it would have looked like a blur of arm movement. He let his blade click back into place as he smiled softly. The tree in question was cut into almost toothpicks without an uneven end. He'd sliced it so finely the stuff could have been used for hay. Tsubasa's control and visual prowess were good enough.

But it was that skill with a sword he held that made him a dangerous man. He'd known Zeda cast several bakudo as he looked at his improved mirror version of Danku. The Tiger's Mirror could absorb kido in the upper 99s with no trouble at all. He could make four of them when desired and then there was his body discharging the electricity. He'd rarely used the Mirror to absorb Bakudo but it worked well enough handling the task. While most would have expected it only absorbing blasts. Tsubasa was quite capable of using such things and did want this over with so the boy didn't get hurt. With his spiritual pressure if Tsubasa fought seriously or even raised his pressure it was risky. He needed to keep things on the down low. "The Unabara are in tatters now with me in the coma the enemy took advantage and wiped us out.I have to find Retainer's now, those who will serve our clan and help us bring it back from the brink. Four should do nicely Mirja and Zeda, would you both mind being two of them?" He said his gaze looking at both of them as he pulled the kiseru pipe from his lips.

"Mirja believe it or not Hakuda is something previous Unabara didn't train well in. Nor did they do well in Kido Zeda, they were inexperienced I am the only one who did Kido. They are going to need guides on every walk and way of life. Kido and Hakuda are essential to this. " He said softly as they both already knew Tsubasa had speed. He could easily teach Hoho and Zanjutsu to someone. Train them to be faster and stronger if needed. He found himself a rock and sat down now. His scarlet eyes looking at both of them as they'd just been offered something few others would be. This was a test and both of them passed with flying colors. He would train them both to extremely strong levels if they wanted such.But it was up to them to make that choice and decide the future they wished to walk. Tsubasa could be a guide and sometimes someone who gave advice on that walk.

Template By: [THEFROST]
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Waking the Pale - Page 2 Empty Re: Waking the Pale

Tue Feb 14, 2017 7:42 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

He managed to avoid the fists as well. Supersonic fists over less than six foot just moved out of the way as if they were meandering flies. This guy was way beyond Mirja's comprehension, and so she decided to just not comprehend. She had come here because he was interesting, and now she had interested him, so she would head off. Zeda was getting super serious as well, so Mirja just used her special Eve Prime legs, and the Auspicious Small Gods that she was packing, to take off several dozen feet away from the event horizion, where she would watch unmolested. She was never a Kido girl anyway.

Swoosh, kapow, Tigers, excitement! Was how it seemed to go down. And that was cool, but Mirja was a simple girl, and all these explosions bored her. She was a girl that punched, and punched hard, with many varied techniques for punching, and that was were she was content. All this Kido was so not her. But then it came to light that someone else was around, and Tsubasa said they - as in all of them - were throwing around a lot of Spiritual Pressure. Mirja's ears could easily pick it up even over here.

"Don't blame me! Not throwing any Spiritual Pressure over here" she exclaimed, before returning when he mentioned about the Unabara clan needing Retainers. It was a bit much for Mirja, she preferred her life of just living. Vastime was enough responsibility for her right now, and she knew her temperament, so she wasn't looking to expand.
"As for the Retainer thing, I'm not sure I'm the right girl for it. Just a wolf girl with an unpredictable mentality. I could cook, feed your new family, but as for actual responsibility, I've never been good with that. Hence still being seated and all"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Waking the Pale - Page 2 Empty Re: Waking the Pale

Wed Feb 15, 2017 4:18 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Tsubasa's eyes calmly fell onto the female's figure as she discussed her desire to not be chained down. "Nothing really changes from now, the difference is I teach you how to really fight." He said making sure they both understood. It was clear from going he wasn't taking this overly serious. Had he been doing so it would be an ugly event. Once Zeda agreed Tsubasa pointed his fingers at the male and smiled. "This may sting a bit at first, but Cardinal Mark as a technique of mine isn't meant for me to perfect." He said softly as he shot the beam into Zeda's torso now. Where it would appear generally depended on the person. The mark would select the direction best suited to their personality and gift them. They would gain skills and certain things that didn't come naturally to others. A transformation existed within the Seal as well. Something of an enhancement to help them out along with their fight. Tsubasa didn't implant the one yet on himself though that came later.

He already knew which one he would represent among the four. Zeda's would be a burning mark that would feel like a mix of dry ice and a thousand suns being burned into his skin. It was a tattoo where ever it appeared. He looked at Zeda as he turned his gaze and confirmed with a mere nod at Ryuzawa. "Yeah, I'm Tsubasa Unabara..for now my objective is as you heard previously." He said softly his gaze shifting back to Mirja. "I can tell you this, with this Cardinal Seal and training you will be faster and stronger.The choice is up to you." He said as his index and middle finger glowed waiting for the choice to be made. He would still need to locate two other retainers after this. If she agreed it was then pretty much a slam dunk. Getting the Unabara repaired and ready for what was coming. Tsubasa's calculations were right at the moment they weren't ready. A war was brewing and it would be of a scale that Australia would seem like a peaceful stroll.

Only thing was he didn't know who would fire the first shot? The Vanguard again like they did in Iceland only to incur the wrath of Shadow Fall upon the moon. What was left of that organization was in tatters with Azure's fall. Tsubasa simply sighed and waited quietly for her to make her choice. It was entirely up to her to decide what was the best course of action for her. Ryuzawa wasn't there yet to be offered such a position. Besides his interest lay elsewhere as Tsubasa waved the Tigers and mirrors away into dust.

[center]Template By: [THEFROST][/center
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Waking the Pale - Page 2 Empty Re: Waking the Pale

Thu Feb 16, 2017 3:24 pm

Mirja, The Wolf of Eden

New guy fawned over Head Captain, but Mirja didn't really give him any mind. She was instead focused on Tsubasa as he said he would teach her how to really fight. A phrase that made her roll her eyes.
"Everyone in the world thinks their way is best. But yet everyone in the world has, or should have, their own way to fight. Nobody's style is perfect, and nobody's style is fit for everyone. There is no way to 'really' fight. Copying someone only cripples your own creativity unless you take that and make your own style from it" She exclaimed, before watching him and his cardinal mark thing.

What did entice her, was that he told her she could get faster. Stronger was by the by, that happened naturally as her Reiatsu grew within her. Stronger was just something that would happen if she waited, but faster? Faster needed some work done to it, and was something she'd never quit chasing. all anyone had to do to entice her to join their band was to say she could get faster when she marched to the tune, and she would join up and bang the drum till it inevitably broke. She broke things a lot.

"Well, when you put it that way" she said, grinning broadly as she stepped forward, before stopping. "Could, you bind that Cardinal thing to Hvit, my Inner Hollow? Would it work like that if I did my Vizard mask and then you slapped it on there? She's a friend and I want to give her something that shows I trust her a great deal. And something like this is just what the Hollow Doctor ordered" She told Tsubasa. Maybe showing that she was friends with what was meant to be an enemy was bad? But she'd not let anything or anyone get between her and Hvit.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Waking the Pale - Page 2 Empty Re: Waking the Pale

Thu Feb 23, 2017 6:34 pm