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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] Empty Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize]

Wed Apr 18, 2018 12:53 pm


Like any other part of the world, Karakura too was blessed with a sunny spring day. Clean skies with few clouds here and there. Early birds releasing their beautiful songs, as light, a bit chilly breeze swept through houses and people. The same spring feeling one could also see in people, that inhabited this place. There was this energy in their steps, the way they looked at things, how their eyes and soul it-self shone to match the life giving light. Certain lightness had covered everything, making it a fine day indeed to be outside.

Sadly, none of this really affected Nize. He knew, the person who's memories he kept would jump around in excitement. Maybe freaking out a bystander or two, but not really caring about it. He would enjoy the light, so different from the one of Hueco Mundo's own moon, and feel invigorated, alive like never before. Well, now, and he wasn't sure, if he felt even that, it was just mildly bothersome how many people was on the street. Split had places to be. People to meet. But without any knowledge of how long his road would take, the male was now late. Not a lot. Maybe a minute or two. But late nonetheless.

You see, as he his alias, Frederic Zlitz, was registered as a refugee from America, the boy was assigned a supervisor. Someone, that would take care, that he felt just like at home and at the same time watch over for him not to make any trouble. Which was the last thing in the Arrancar's plans. Their meeting place, from the e-mail he got earlier in the week, was a cafe in the greener part of the city. It had all it's mechanical cars and news posts, but the houses were kept in much older style. Almost pre-World War 3. The cafe was suppose to be located in the middle of all this and such, as it was lunch time, streets were packed with hungry, but cheerful people.

The red head arrived 6 minutes late. Dusting off invisible dirt from his washed out tight jeans and fixing sand colored leather jacket, he sat down at one of the tables outside cafe. Waitress came, took his order and left him alone. Shortly she returned with strawberry cake and iced peach tea, a bit startled by the bright smile, soft words and light touches he gave the girl before she left. Nize had learned people made interesting face expressions when he flirted with them. He himself wasn't really interested, but it seemed quite natural to just do it and it was good practice in general. But now Split was left all alone again. He had no idea how this Ritsuko person looked like, so such the male was left waiting for her to notice him...Hopefully.

Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] RDLUVBj
Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] 82q86I3
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Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] Empty Re: Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize]

Wed Apr 18, 2018 1:10 pm

Simply Russian

Ritsuko Nicklovich

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

As far as clothing the human wore a white cap with light blue ruffles and a brown and good centerpiece, an opened white jacket with dark brown lining and powder blue markings. 

As the delightful bells jingled and clanked together as she opened the door looking inside the diner; seeing the cashier and customers eating breakfast while others were chatting and laughing like good
friends do. As she greeted the cashier with a pleasant smile and donated some of her money into the local bin for charity, she scanned the room to find a table of interest however many were already filled all except for one that is...

The man appeared to have a delicious cake and a glass of tea with two drops of sugar, judging by his appearance and body language this individual obviously was happy. It was a great moment for Ritsuko considering that she gets to meet a refugee for the very first time since the cold war...she's heard many negative things about them from various individuals but they were probably overexaggerating, she was willing to see the good in others.

"Nice to see you Fredrick.." the woman said before sitting down with her chair facing the man; the waiter returned to the table and Ritsuko asked for a cup of tea. The waiter then shook her head and went off to prepare the tea for Ritsuko, while the waiter was away she decided to start a conversation after all small talk is

Her eyes were looking at his almost like she recognized this before speaking in a soothing tone. "So, you wanted help regarding living in Karakura. How can i be of assistance?"

She said hoping to get at least a vivid response from him.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] Empty Re: Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize]

Thu May 03, 2018 3:54 am


The wait wasn't long and Nize wasn't even late. This Ritsuko person, though, was. But picking on people's flaws, as few articles in his data-base told, was one way ticket to negative relationships he didn't need now. Such, when the girl sat down the male gave her wide, warm smile, his eyes squinting like two half-moons.

"Hello, hello! Ritsuko Nicklovich, I presume. That, or a weird stalker, that has found out my name even if I have been here only a week."

The red-head then laughed over his own stupid joke, taking another bite of his strawberry cake, cleaning off bit of the cream, that got on his lips with a thumb.

"Hope you didn't mind I already ordered myself. It's hard to control one self, when around so many sweets."

Another smile, as he allowed the warm rays of sun was over his lightly tanned skin. The warmth was quite nice and even if his emotions were mostly numbed down to bare minimum, he could appreciate the sun after the eternal night that is Hueco Mundo. That and something melancholic nudged Splits brains, seeing the old houses and happy people. The Gigai straighten back up once hearing his supervisor talking with him.

"Right to the point, I see. Alright! When I was at the agency they told me you can assist with stuff like job and education. Back in America I was studying Bio-Cyber Engineering and I would love to continue that, but, as all files about my education is still in America's data-base I have no proof of high-school and such. I also have decent combat abilities, as my father sent me to military preparation courses, but don't know how useful I would then be. As you can see," and Nize faked a awkward chuckle, "I got out of America, but now I don't know what to do with my life." That was followed with a small smile and slow looking down at his lap.

Pity was a great weapon and Nize was ready to use it.

Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] RDLUVBj
Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] 82q86I3
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Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] Empty Re: Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize]

Fri May 18, 2018 10:56 am

The brown haired woman then chuckled happily at the man"s response but in reality all she was thinking was how akward the joke was and its overall execution. But she smiled anyway hoping to not make the man's day worse then it already is. After seeing the man wipe the cream off his face and take a bite of the cake his comment about sweets was extremely relatable which made her chuckle.

"That's true, after all one can't go a day without sinking there teeth in sweets."

Regardless Ritsuko listend to the man's words regarding his job, how he got here in the first place, and the search for new goals to reach all in which she related to heavily. Rize hitted all the points of being a foreigner in a new country, being afraid that your culture or religious practices would be seen as inhumane or freaky but she was glad that he wouldn't let that stop him which made her smile. She understood whats its like going to a new country looking for a place to work or settle down and raise a family.

"How about this, let's start off small and gradually work our way up. First starting off with education, since your a bio chemist and such why not allow me to get you into an internship for businesses who're looking for people with youe skills.

Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] Empty Re: Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize]

Fri May 18, 2018 11:53 am


Split nodded while listening to the women and keeping the fork in his mouth. She could get him a job what was more then great. Having a legitimate source of income would be less suspicious then using smuggled money from his Shadow Fall account. Additionally, he would maybe get some inside information how Karakura had developed in sphere of bio-techs. The man would be lying, if saying he wasn't interested.

"Sounds like a plan! Of course, as I said before, I only started back at America, so I don't know, if my knowledge will be enough to fill in the intern position. Nevertheless, I would only be honored by such chance."

Saying that he bowed his head before raising it back up to take another piece of the sweet in front of him. That being taken care of in quick fashion, there was still details etc. to deal with, but all that could be managed through emails, Nize decided he wouldn't mind getting to know his new test subject. With yet another wide smile the boy spoke.

"Anyway, as we will be probably communicating much more, you being my assistant, maybe we should get to know each other? It is a quite nice day and I have no desire of leaving this comfy spot."

With a chuckle he made his point by settling in the chairs deeper, glancing at the window outside while letting his fingers slide through the Gigai's red locks of hair.

"It has been some time since I have spoken to someone. Not while getting to Karakura and definitely not in America. The last month was the most isolated one, as me and others had to prepare to escape and with no knowledge who we can trust and who not. In the end it was pointless anyway..."

His face was serious, almost lost and broken. Split knew he needed a background. And more tragic it will be, the bigger chance no one will ask questions. He knew how to pretend having emotions. He did a research on how people would react to certain emotions. This persona he created needed to be broken. In pieces. But ready for new life.

Such, after a second or two the Gigai turned back to Ritsuko and smiled, this time, though, with less energy.

"Sorry about that! I tend to get a bit too melodramatic time to time. But yes, I presume you aren't a local as well, right. With your last name and everything. I apologize, if I assumed wrong."

Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] RDLUVBj
Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] 82q86I3
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Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] Empty Re: Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize]

Wed May 23, 2018 10:02 am

Simply Russian

Ritsuko Nicklovich

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Of course, that'd be a marvelous idea. I think i'll stay and have a little treat while we discuss more
She chuckled slightly before seeing a waiter pass by and politely asking for her to come over so she could place an order. Like always she gave a warm smile and asked for the same delicate treat her new friend was having and with a nod she went back to the kitchen.

"I definitely undersand your pain..back in the sixties when i was in bootcamp i saw it as an opportunity to better myself and become something much bigger. Instead it was a living nightmare that i couldn't wake up from, everytime i sleep i can still feel the blisters beneath my feet.

Ritsuko didn't respond with a word or phrase but rather body language her eyes were closed as she heard his words of being treated like a second class citizen how they longed for freedom almost like her when she was little. Regardless once she heard the mentioning of being a local she smiled at the man lookibg at the window briefly.

"Well you're right i am a local but i've just recently moved into an apartment around here, i will say the atmosphere is absolutely gorgeous compared to Russia. Though i do miss the russian cuisene and music its nice to get out and explore beyond your home country ya know?


Coding By: [THEFROST]

Nix Shraik
Nix Shraik
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Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] Empty Re: Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize]

Fri Jun 01, 2018 1:10 pm


He nodded time to time as the girl spoke. Nize would sip his drink, then take a piece of cake that was quickly dwindling away in the males mouth. It seemed that this assistant of his had quite a backstory, tragic and all, but what he wondered the most, could it be used later, if need would arise. The research done in the subject indicated that most of tragic pasts were such. One would just need to find right buttons to press.

But that was something to ponder another day. Now his interest purely lay in becoming friends with this Russian girl, nothing more and nothing less. And it seems she was quite open to the possibility. At least it seemed like that.

"Leaving America has definitely been an experience. Adapting to new language has been a bit troublesome, but my Hollow is quite knowledgeable about both language and area, so it isn't much of a problem, as it would be for someone else. Though, he is still afraid that Karakura's force field will reduce him to ash. The poor thing is terrified."

The boy ends it with amused giggle, taking the last piece of his cake. Hitting the empty plate with his fork a pout formed on the males lips, starring a bit like a lost puppy on the plate. At the same time Nize was observing Ritsuko with corner of his eye, desiring to know what will be her reaction to the Hollow information.

"Hmmm, should I get another slice? It was delicious, but also I have already finished a tub of ice-cream today." Another giggle from him and a shy glance at the girls direction. "I have a bit of a sweet-tooth, you see."

Now it seemed to give the girl his next question. He was actually interested.

"You mentioned barracks. Did you serve in army Ms. Ritsuko?"

Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] RDLUVBj
Getting Used To Life [Ritsuko&Nize] 82q86I3
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