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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Sun Nov 18, 2018 11:15 am
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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Song: 3rd Eye Violin - Word Count: N/A

Coming forth from a pool of shadows, the horned devil herself emerged from the abyss with another winged creature of the night nestled in her arms. As the tainted essence of The Demon Queen's emerald gaze flooded the area, the pristine sight of the shimmering moon in the sky made this quite the beautiful sight to behold. Filled with the cool breeze of an autumn's eve, one could not seek to find any better weather as The Demoness sought to indulge her sense of vision in this visage which emerged before her gem green eyes.

With all of London's lights alit for as far as a person can see, this view which was filled with so many lavish things had brought forth a sense of nostalgia in the heart of Mana. For as she stood upon the top of her castle roofing, the woman could not help but recall this being the precise place where it all started. As foregone memories played in her head like a reel of film, the smells, sensations and raw emotion of conquest, growth, and progression pumped through the dead veins of this foul creature. For with the invasion of The United King, the doors opened for Shadow Fall to claim it's dominance in the world and cement demons as being fully freed from the chains of subjugation they found themselves in for so many years.

To this end is why her gaze soon darted back down to the supposed Queen of Sueki. For a moment, the look which was given had been filled with an emptiness, but that vacant perception filled itself with a curious warm. One which was befitting of a person consumed with amusement for the spectacle which was unfolding before them. Finding your legs in this world was not something which was easy for any soul, much less an entity trying to mend the scars of near eradication from an entire race. So perhaps there was an itch inside that foul heart of hers which caused a sense of relation to the plight of this Sueki Figurehead. Twas not the first time she'd feel such a kinship as fleeting imagery of the First Quincy, Shinigami Captains Of Years Past, The Queen Of Arrancar and the sights of so many others played in the mind Mana.

Thus, compelled beyond all feeling, The Ruler Of Demons moved herself away from the Sueki so that she may further consume the beautiful sights of the evening. At least, this was before an audible snap of The Royal Asthavon's fingers echoed in the night. When this sound ceased to be, a table as black as the night itself came into view toward the right side of Mana. On it was an olive hued box filled with ice and two bottles of La Cetate, Oprisor, 2016 dark red wine; given over 400 years to ripen, mature and become enhanced in taste with the influence of The Queen's aura being injected into its alcoholic contents.

"Have a drink."

In a single motion, two crystal glasses phased into reality as the bottles lifted themselves in the air, poured the essence of this sweet nectar into the glass and soon Mana herself partook in it's juicy, rich and favorable taste. Now with her nerves loosened, memories warm and feelings brought into perceptive; The Demon Queen eased herself into a throne chair which built itself from the darkness around them and a more somber aura emitted from the woman as she brought her grassy eyed stare back at Claire.

"Feel free to sit wherever as I understand this will be a long evening for the two of us and it's best to become comfortable for such an ocassion."

This whole abyss of energy which flowed around them was filled to the brim with demonic magic. Any type of furniture could be forged with it, access to the finest wine could be summoned with a mere mental command thanks to Mana's connection with the Demi Network and the greatest view of London could be cherished with her position in the city. All that was left to do was to savor the evening and slowly dig into the delights of one's heart and soul.

"Now tell me, dearie, how does it feel to be in the den of lions and toward the cusp of my Queenly heart?"

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] WVMWLOu
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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Re: Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Wed Nov 21, 2018 11:06 pm

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

Claire let both her Umbra state and her shifter appearance melt away as she traveled through the portal while embracing Mana. The result of this was that by the time they'd reached their destination she would have taken on a startlingly different form. Her wings were no longer anywhere to be found, her skin was a much darker tone, and her once deep black hair now took on a vibrant red hue. Of course, regardless of how large the physical change was, it would be easy to tell that she was the same person simply by reading her energy, which she rarely made any attempt to conceal. As she looked down on London from far above she remembered a time long ago. A time when her own family had resided here, before they'd been driven out by the inhabitants. Being here brought many memories rushing to the forefront of Claire's mind, and while she did take a moment to reminisce, eventually she acknowledged that there were more important things at hand. Still, she couldn't help but look over the city for a few moments longer.

At the same time, Claire could feel emotions that weren't very different from her own emanating from Mana, although there was much more depth to her remembrance. It made sense, she'd been through a lot more in her tenure asserting demon's as one of the most dominant races, whereas Claire had only just begun her journey. It once more drew her thoughts to the many parallels that existed between them. The Sueki couldn't help but think that she had much to learn, if she would only open her mind to what the demon could teach her. That felt like a slippery slope, however. In the end she decided that she would be capable of determining when enough had been enough, and she let the concern melt away from her mind.

With her thoughts finally back under control, Claire turned to glance in Mana's direction. The demon snapped her fingers, and instantly a table appeared before them, with wine nicely cooling on its surface. She saw no reason not to indulge herself along with the Demon Queen, so when a drink was suggested she warmly accepted. Seeing Mana sit in her own throne left Claire feeling like she was getting the lesser end of the bargain, standing here like a fool. With that she began to sit on nothing, although as she did so her own throne began to materialize beneath her. It was very similar to Mana's own, although it was different in all of the accoutrements and in its color scheme. Whereas Mana's throne was adorned with a deep red cloth her own was clad in a rich purple. It was quite fitting.

Now that they were both comfortable in their own thrones, located only a few feet from each other, it seemed Mana had determined it was time to get down to business. Claire had no objections here, and listened to Mana's next statement as she took another small sip from her glass, then replied.

"Mmm, it feels wonderful."

Ever the seductress, Claire said this with what most would consider an incredibly sensual voice. After a short pause she continued, in a slightly more formal voice this time.

"Speaking of feelings... I sent yours slightly out of whack earlier. You may not still feel the effects of that, as my efforts were focused primarily on disrupting the well of energy that lives within you, but I still feel the maelstrom that I've created. If you aren't averse to the idea I could attempt to fix it? I might even be able to cause a few other positive effects."

Claire winked as she said this last sentence, carefully gauging Mana's reaction.

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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Re: Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Wed Dec 05, 2018 10:32 am
Resuming From Here:


Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Song: Castle in The Mist - Word Count: N/A

Mana appeared to notice the change in physical appearance of her companion, but did not seem too moved one way or the other by it. Why was this the case? Simple: material form mattered not to The Queen. She was a being whose physical appearance in this existence could alter on a whim; so what did it matter to her? Of course, her jester state of ego rather found itself absorbed by the sick carnal pleasures of tender lust, but the centerpiece of this mind sought the intimacy brought together that only the beauty of a living being's soul could bring her.

Nevertheless, The Royal Asthavon allowed for her guest to get comfortable in whatever way she desired. As it appeared that the fellow Queen before her felt the instinct to otherwise forge her throne to sit aside the overseer of demonkind. It caused a slow laugh to emit from Mana for a brief moment before she took another taste of this vintage wine to enjoy herself. Even if one wielded the power of the world at their fingertips, sometimes it was the simpler things which soothed the mind.

The universe was one intricate piece of complex machinery that could drive even the most divine of minds to the brink of madness if they were to fully comprehend all of its wonder, probabilities, knowledge, and systems to the fullest of their abilities. Thus, the visage of the shimmering stars which alit the cosmos above, the company of a fellow peer and the taste of good wine were enough for this Queen to find comfort in the center of this universal storm of madness.

"It should be a marvelous feeling to live in the moment. Taking delight in the finite time of pleasure should be a pass-time that all creatures of this world should seek to indulge themselves in. Removing the need to think about anything else but the presence allows for you to enjoy existence."

Having come to a place of relax, The Demon Queen leaned back in her throne, closed her eyes and decided to take a lengthy pause to otherwise take in the cool winds of an autumn's night, the rich taste of a well-refined wine and the state of comfort her mind was in. Even if this world was on the verge of collapse into war, the calm in the center of the storm is all The Demonic Royalty seemed to give a care for at this moment. Her life was marked by one of constant conflict, strife, chaos, destruction, and death; so to have these fleeting moments of sane thought brought the woman to a place of stillness.

It is why her eyes slowly opened when Claire positioned the offer to otherwise quell the fire which burned in her spirit and threatened to consume this world in its inferno. When The Sueki uttered forth those words, Mana grabbed her own pale skinned chest (Not Claire's), felt her thumping heart and began to feel the rhythm of her soul come forth to her conscious. What bled inside these foul veins of hers were the powers, thoughts, and will of a wicked demon which subjugated, conquered and fought for her strong desire for change in this world. To otherwise alleviate these feelings to another felt almost unacceptable at this point in time.

"I cannot rely on that. I am a Queen. Therefore, it is my duty to hold precedent over others along with the universe of hell which lives inside of my heart."

There was a strong sense of will which was uttered forth in those words. This was a change from whatever creature had set itself before Claire when they were first interacting under the guise of Mana's jester state of mind. That creature, while uncaring of the attachments that this world had, lacked the heightened state of determination which bled forth in The Queen's heart. It is why the world itself seemed to stiffen as the wake of her formidable power grumbled in the distance; making it feel as if the heaven and cosmos itself were weighing down on both of the women.

"Pain is a reliable tool in this universe, Claire. I care not to so hapharzldy remove the scars of my body and mind. They are what have helped to guide me toward being in the position I am today of being an absolute Queen."

At that moment, the voice of Mana grew tender as her right hand held itself up in the air; as if it were trying to grasp and block out the moon itself. Yet, instead, under the glow of the celestial object above did the unveiling of many thousands of scars, cuts, wounds and other injuries unveil itself across the body of The Demon Queen. In this brief moment under the lunar vessel above did this Royal Demoness appear to be more of a monster than human. As it showed the true extent of all the damage inflicted upon her by the many wars, battles, and clashes waged in her name.

"You will be hurt just as I have if you intend to seek this route out for yourself. If your spirit is not broken in the process, these will be tools which make you empowered against the blight of madness, suffering, opposition, and isolation you will feel in such a position. There is nothing in this world which comes without cost, so to accept the embrace of pain with a smile on your face is the answer that I have found. As my will to attain what my heart desires is much greater than whatever unimaginable pain this universe could have done to me."

Sheer focus. The words of a saner Mana were beginning to channel in and focus as she formulated the expressions, experiences, and feelings which her journey to be one of the world's most dominant forces came to pass in her mind. There were no doubts, no regrets, and no hesitations in the stern words in which she uttered. It is why she left even her own right-hand melt into liquid on the floor; dropping her glass of wine in the process and letting it dissolve in the puddled remains of her appendage before carrying forth with this conversation's concluding points.

"As when you hold this pain close to you, allow it to be processed and make it a part of you....there is nothing that stops you anymore. I've been imprisoned, beaten, mutilated and my whole body entirely destroyed; even almost losing every trace of my core consciousness to the abyss of eternal madness. Yet, this will of mine, this heart of mine and this cluster of foul will persists to stay in this existence. So it matters not if I'm victorious or defeated, the burning fire of desire in my heart will see to it that this life of mine leaves an impact, change and victory of a life well led because of that unrelenting inferno that scorches the heavens itself with my will as The Queen of Demon's."

Then, just as soon as her body deformed, it then reformed upon her will as she reverted back to her Queenly state. Her hand reforged itself to be whole, the wounds of battles long ago faded and a gentle smile eased over to The Royal's face as she let the cool glow of the moon's embrace fall into her skin once more to comfort her in this eve of her heart's opening.

"Are you truly willing to allow yourself to endure such hardship for the pursuit of your will? To be a true Queen in this world requires the utmost of sacrifice, Claire. I want you to understand that above all else and why I even brought you here to begin with. To give up everything you are to face me is one of the facets of attaining such a hunger...."

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] WVMWLOu
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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Re: Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Tue Dec 18, 2018 2:33 pm

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

Claire looked on with interest as Mana displayed the wounds her body had received over what must have been a long and dangerous life. Although the transformation was nightmarish she showed no outward sign of a reaction. She simply took in what was before her. As Mana spoke of what she had been through there was a feeling of accomplishment that filled the air. A sense of accomplishment which was well earned. She appreciated the sincerity and candor with which Mana spoke about her role as Queen with. It was quite a useful thing to have someone who had been through everything already speak about the rigors and trials that would lay ahead. She had known that her path would not be an easy one, but the specifics hadn't crossed her mind much. Perhaps she should rectify that after today.

"I understand that you wear your scars proudly, both mental and physical. I admire that mindset very much, and it wasn't my intention to suggest that you couldn't handle what was thrown your way. Nor was I offering to alter in any lasting way that which you so clearly hold in high esteem. My only intention is to, for a brief time while we are together, have you experience the greatest and most enjoyable emotional state that I can bring about. While my manipulation can easily become permanent if it is applied daily, or if the subject is of particularly weak constitution, neither of those will be the case here, and it will soon wear off. I thought it would be nice if, for only a short while, we could both experience something indescribable. Together."

She paused for a moment to sip from the glass she held in her hand. The taste of the aged wine was incredible. She didn't generally partake in any kind of mind altering substance, as she needed full control of her faculties to use her powers to the best of her ability, something which was paramount to her survival. The fact that she was drinking at all, even the small amount that she had, was proof that she felt no ill will from the demon sitting across from her.

"You would return to your normal state by morning if we were to go down that route. I do certainly understand if you have no interest in it though, it was only a suggestion."

Even after having moved the conversation along she couldn't get Mana's previous statement out of her head. It was true that there would be many obstacles in her way, but she'd always believed whole-heartedly that she had the resources and wherewithal to overcome them. Not that she was beginning to doubt her own ability... She was just beginning to think of the path ahead of her with a more realistic outlook. It would be a long and strenuous journey, but one that she couldn't set aside. In the end, she would know whether she'd been up for the task or not, that was the only way to find out. From here on out she'd begin making many more preparations for all scenarios. Claire knew that she'd never be the strongest around, but she did have the advantage of masterful influence. It was only a matter of leveraging that influence quickly and efficiently. If she could do that she'd be able to grow the Sueki empire beyond what it had ever been in the past.

"I can say with the utmost confidence that I truly desire to lead the Sueki to greatness, and that I will let nothing stand in my way, no matter the cost. When I've finished giving them everything that I have to offer they will remember me not as their Queen, but as their Goddess."

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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Re: Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:52 pm
Resuming From Here:


Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Song: Disorder - Word Count: N/A

The tension in the air soon started to dissipate with the howl of the night's wind as The Demon Queen overhead what her companion of the evening uttered about her sentiments to ease the royal demoness innermost turmoils. It brought forth an expression across her face which indicated there was some curious intent behind her actions; but it soon washed over into a serene smile as it would almost seem adorable in another context of her wanting so badly to assist such a foul beast as this Asthavon in trying to alleviate any pain which exists in her being.

"I have no desire to lose this sense of being within myself. Though the offer does tickle my heart, a greater sense of comfort oozes into myself by expressing such sentiments without any filters to my thoughts, my heart and conscious with another peer willing to listen to my sorry tales of hell."

Although her words were spoken with a strong sense of conviction behind them, there was still a catty smirk which caught itself forming across the lips of The Queen. It wasn't one which indicated anything mischevious, rather, it was almost childish with and made for an odd contrast to the once forbidding aura the woman produced while reflecting upon her origins. Rather than dwell any further in such drab sorrows of the heart, Mana saw fit to form an appendage made of shadows which protruded out of the base of her spine. Then, when it was formed, she wrapped it around the waist of Claire and moved to gently drop her in her lap to get closer so she could look her directly in the face with what she had to say next.

"You have faith in the words I speak now when I say that your sentiment isn't lost on me."

Yet again, those pale lips of hers radiated a sense of absolute certainty behind them. This atmosphere of intense feeling lasted for a few more seconds before that whole air of rigid, intent will began to deform itself into a childish smile. Following that, the Sueki Queen would notice a kiss which passed on her nose to cement these words with physical touch. So, to further emphasise that connection, Mana placed Claire on her lap and listened to all of the words she spoke of when it came to wanting to be a symbol for her people; since it appeared she was contemplating quite heavily the route she was going to have to venture down if she were to be such a pillar for that race.

"If you truly comprehend all the foulness which you will receive upon your path, I have no issue with lending my hand to another Queen who understands that pain and madness to come your way."

Then, in a quick motion, The Demoness tried to place the face of Claire toward the base of her right neck. After which, she'd begin patting her head and explaining this final piece of information to her:

"The essence of the body of a demon can make one drunk on power and enrich the spirit of a person when their extract is consumed. And if one were to take a bite or drink of my blood or bone, quite the interesting ray of things could occur. Do you feel so bold as to take a nibble or peck at me? Consider it my assistance..."

And with that question posed out in the air, the emerald eyes of The Queen kept their stare fixed on Claire until a response was uttered forth back at her. Regardless of whether or not she accepted the offer, it wouldn't bother the Queen since she was merely showing that her previous intent to soothe her own inner torment was not lost on her.

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] WVMWLOu
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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Re: Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Tue Jan 08, 2019 10:49 am

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

She listened on as Mana once more gracefully declined her offer. She was hoping to gain the others consent, as the practice would have benefited her immensely, but that was of little concern. She could, at least, tell where the demon was coming from. She noticed Mana form her tail of shadows, curious what she would do with it. It was then that the shadowy tentacle wrapped itself around her waist, lifted her gently, and plopped her into Mana's lap. She couldn't really say that she was pleased with that. After all, a Queen was not someone you re-positioned on a whim. Still, she would let it slide... for now. At this point in time, Claire looked deeply into Mana's eyes, and she noticed that, while she was in this form, their eyes were remarkably similar. Much about the two of them was remarkably similar.

Sitting on the lap of the Queen of Demon's was not where she'd expected her day to go when she woke up this morning. That wasn't to say it wasn't pleasing... but perhaps there were a few things that could be rearranged. That however, could be gotten to in a moment, as for right now, she'd listen to what Mana had to say. Moments later she felt a kiss on the tip of her nose. There was a slight tingling, and the kiss was both warm and slightly wet. This was a sign of affection she was not particularly used to, but she enjoyed it nonetheless. At the same time she could feel a visceral intensity to their encounter now. It wasn't anything dangerous, simply an increase in the amount of passion that was currently present in the conversation.

Shortly afterwards Mana began to push Claire's face towards her own neck. While she appreciated the gesture, this wasn't one she'd simply put up with. The predator being given a free meal, especially in such a manner, was unacceptable. Deep within her being was the feeling that this shouldn't, couldn't take place. Still, she was moved momentarily. It was not the easiest choice she'd ever made, as the warmth of the blood through Mana's veins could easily be felt, and her fangs had extended fully, pressing against the demon's skin hungrily. She remained in this position until Mana had finished speaking. When the demon had finished, she pressed her fans into the skin quite vigorously, but maintained her composure, not breaking the skin. She then lifted her head so as to look in the other woman's eyes.

"I must bring to your attention the fact that I don't enjoy being treated like a common tart. I could have easily moved myself here, your intervention was not, I would say, strictly necessary. I do hope you will be more respectful of my own feelings in the future. I do, however, appreciate that gesture, as well as this one, however I can not accept your offer. It would not be appropriate for me to make use of a demonic source of energy. If you could suppress that effect though, I would be more than happy to empower myself in the traditional Sueki way, through the mere drinking of your blood. It's quite a... sensual activity. I must also say that as comforting as this is, I would very much prefer it if you were the one to be seated in my lap, especially for this next bit. "

Claire gave the demon a small wink as she said this, their green eyes creating almost a mirror reflection. She had always been one to push her luck, and this would be no exception. From the outside this could appear as simply another power play, but for Claire it was substantially different. Through no intentions of her own she'd been brought here, and furthermore everything in her grasp at the moment was being freely offered to her. Her mind was a strange one, and while perhaps this context could have been overlooked were the other woman her subordinate, at this point in time the predatory instinct that was deeply instilled into her very being was violently protesting. She was in no position of power, therefore none of this made much sense. She could understand it through the means of her emotional understanding and manipulation, but she still couldn't remedy the feeling. It was a pure, inescapable wrongness that manifested itself into the core of her being, something that would not be shaken. For her to drink Mana's blood change would be necessary.

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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Re: Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Wed Jan 16, 2019 4:54 am
Resuming From Here:


Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Song: Disorder - Word Count: N/A

The Demoness could feel more of her playful persona beginning to come out as she was beginning to relax now. There wasn't much of a need for her to display much more of her sentiment as a matured being due to the fact that her consciousness felt it had expressed its earnest intent. If it had resumed this course, Mana felt it would descend into something more grim and at the moment she merely had an impulse to want to play and savor the moment with her own brand of childish and giddy movements by means of pushing Claire into herself.

If that were meant to be taken as an offense? It was something Mana could live with as she knew the intents of her actions. The Demoness could think of a million things to do if she wanted to belittle someone, but she wasn't afraid to step on toes because it was inevitable such a thing would occur when getting to know The Queen of Demons for any amount of time due to the amount of chaos which comes with her existence. Granted, it's not as if she wanted to piss Claire off either, but it was something she'd need to understand sooner or later when she gets back to her jovial states of being because a life taken too seriously is a life not worth living at all.

"One would believe that is what happens when people let loose and have fun. I feel I was beginning to become a bit drab there and needed an impulse of chaos to spice things up. The jester in me loves to play after all~"

There was a coy smirk which otherwise washed over the face of Mana as impulses of that inner mania within were beginning to spark up and come to life slowly but surely. Though, in spite of that, The Demon Queen assumed that her guest could read emotions enough to understand there isn't too much to look into her actions besides the fact she wanted to play. If she couldn't discern that, then there was no point in becoming close as The Asthavon was someone who loved to make merry and light of things in life as the strain of existence is one that is rather taxing and needs reprieve now and again to make it all good.

"So perhaps it is I who will help to lighten you up~?"

The Demoness would then poke the nose of Claire before snickering in a rather bemused manner. Though, she seemed to listen when Claire started speaking forth about wanting to drink her blood without most of the other chaotic influences which come with consuming demonic flesh. Figuring that she was the master and owner of the temple which was her body, achieving such a feat was child's play as far as Mana was concerned. Ergo, the woman gave a carefree shrug of the shoulders as it only took a few seconds of focused thought to pinpoint the flow of blood in her neck, suppress its maddening influences and otherwise make it akin to drinking blood from a regular creature.

"There we go~ Good n' ready to go~"

Of course, the woman seemed rather ravenous and ready to go with wanting to try and get closer to The Demon Queen in terms of her request. Though, at this point, The Demon Queen didn't really care too much. Unless it was on the field of combat, The Demoness did not give too much investment into the whole power dynamics of the world. Ergo, another roll of the shoulders was given to that last request.

"Make yourself at home. It doesn't really bother me, toots."

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] WVMWLOu
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Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] Empty Re: Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire]

Tue Jan 29, 2019 2:11 am

Queen To Queen [Mana/Claire] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Nujabes - Song: Imaginary Folklore

Claire waited patiently for the complete response of her newfound interest. Of course, she was able to tell exactly what the intentions behind the actions were, as she was able to do with most everyone. That didn't mean that the actions themselves didn't matter though. At this point she wasn't overly concerned with that though. As they got to know each other more thoroughly hopefully situations that upset her would lessen. She hadn't ever met someone quite like this before. The Demon Queen was certainly a unique character, but that was what made her so interesting. The emotional shifts that were constantly taking place around her were like music to Claire's ears, music that she didn't want to end. She waited for Mana to finish speaking completely before she responded, as she always did. This was a courtesy that she extended to everyone, and she expected to receive the same courtesy in return. After the Demon had finished speaking Claire let out a wide smile, something she was quite prone to do. As there was no point in hiding her fangs in this interaction, they were quite visible, and fully extended. Her lips made a perfect frame around them when drawn into this wide, lovely smile, and she thought that quite fitting. She'd always enjoyed the way that looked, as vain as it may have been.

"I enjoy your... sudden shifts, and I'm not against livening things up, but hopefully you can understand that due to my instincts, being physically relocated by an outside force sets off many alarms inside of my brain. It is not a pleasant sensation. I do not hold that against you though, as I had not informed you. It pleases me greatly that I may drink of your blood, free of the worries of demonic influence."

After she said this she paused momentarily, looking Mana up and down. As she did so she placed her left hand lightly against the other woman's cheek. For the moment, only her fingertips were making contact, and she imagined that the feather soft touch felt quite nice. After only a moment she let her hand move slowly downwards, caressing the Demon Queen's face, and following the line of her jaw. That is not where she stopped, however. She continued to move her hand downwards, ever so lightly, as if her fingertips were gliding across the smooth surface that was Mana's skin. She made her way down the other woman's neck, and then very teasingly ran her fingertips over her chest, not in a particularly sexual way, but it was certainly sensual. She stopped herself just above Mana's breasts, and once more gave a coy wink.

"I look forward to this very much. I would suggest you remain quite still, as my fangs are very sharp, and while I'm sure you could withstand the pain easily, there's no reason to add on more of it."

As they rearranged themselves Claire let her hands wander over Mana's body somewhat. Nothing too risque just yet, but the contact was exhilarating. When she found herself firmly seated, the other woman's warm body pressed against her own, she placed her hand on the side of Mana's head, slipping her fingers through the demon's hair. Moments later she found herself unable to contain her hunger any longer. Even though that was the case, she didn't rush the event. She inched her face closer to Mana's neck, until her lips had met the other woman's soft flesh. When this happened she kissed it gently, then, as if on cue, she let her fangs pierce the flesh that they so hungered for.

The first moment was always ecstasy. She loved the sensation of breaking the skin, of the warm blood that immediately began to flow, coating her lips and staining them an even darker shade of red. She loved the taste it left in her mouth. More than all of that though, she loved the way it felt to have her fangs buried in the neck of her former adversary. Of course, this was no longer strictly necessary, as she'd already pierced the skin, but it was how the Sueki always operated. Fangs stay in place until the meal is over. It gave them a firm grasp on their prey, and to be honest, the sense of control turned her on a bit. Or perhaps it turned her on a lot. Almost without thinking about it she placed her hands on Mana's hips, slowly sliding them upwards until she was cupping the demon's breasts in her palms. She moved them around in her hands playfully for a moment, the thin black dress Mana wore the only thing between their skin. She continued to drink as she did this, sure that the demon wouldn't experience any adverse effects from losing less blood than a human could easily lose with no repercussions. Finally satisfied, she carefully withdrew her fangs, then lifted her head until she could look Mana in the eyes once more. Without much though she rested her forehead against the demon Queen's, then passionately kissed her.

She'd gain much more than she though she would have from that. Perhaps it was because she'd never drank the blood of a demon before, or perhaps it was because Mana was simply so absurdly powerful. Either way, she could feel the energy coursing through her veins. As their kiss ended Claire slowly shifter her own head backwards, once more able to see the Demon Queen's emerald eyes that she found so fascinatingly similar to her own.

"I would say I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did, but I'm quite sure you didn't. I would like for us to remain this way for a bit longer."

She smiled as she said this, her still blood covered lips once more creating a perfect frame for the bloody fangs that so eagerly awaited their next meal.

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