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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Sun Jan 13, 2019 3:08 pm
Europe, the continent almost entirely ruled by the demonic organization Shadow Fall. Nothing and nobody seemed to have been spared from the regime as the masses seemed to once again be subject to the whims of a unjust king. The honor Laskt had fought for all those years ago, the soveringty of France as a nation was gone as the country was now subject to the whims of a cabal of extremely powerful beings.

Concealed inside his gigai for the first time in years, the Shinigami slowly picked his way up a grassy knoll, stumbling a few times on the uneven terrain before coming to a stop atop the hill, staring out across the countryside. Laskt sat atop a small rocky outcropping, retrieving a small hunk of bread and taking a large bite out of it.

Laskt really had no idea what he was doing in the human world so soon after such a humiliating defeat, not even mentioning the fact that he had decided to take this little sortie in the territory of one of the most powerful anti-Shinigami organizations to ever exist. Maybe he just needed to find a place to center himself, and nothing would work better then returning to the place where it all began….
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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Re: Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Mon Jan 14, 2019 10:45 am

Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Calypso did her usual stride, having some library books in a bag hanging off her shoulders. She bought bags on and off, typically losing them, which was honestly pretty inconvenient considering, even if she was slapped with a decent mound with her last juncture with her mother, she heavily disliked being wasteful. As she trekked the countryside for somewhere hopefully underpopulated to sit and read for a good few hours, and then peacefully pass out and remain in slumber for maybe... Two weeks? Two weeks. Or whenever Algos wanted her again, whichever came first, she was fine with both scenarios.

As she passed behind objects, appearing at different location upon different location within the sprawling hills, she was about to pass behind a tree before noticing the sting of defeat, perhaps even depression, pain? She was then compelled to look around for the source, til she laid eyes upon the back of a golden haired, rather mopey looking fellow. In that moment, a massive, kiddy smile slowly grew on her face, her golden eyes sparkling as she realized the opportunity plopped into her lap. She quickly tamed her excitement, quietly going up the hill, dropping her bag down halfway up. She didn't quite think of the implications of her movements, her heart was leaping with joy that she finally had the chance to talk to someone and help them, well, someone with a mind and actually being capable of being helped..

She came up to the rocks the man sat upon, though came in at a weird angle so that the rocks were just a bit too tall for her. She reached up, and then tried pulling herself up on the rocks, though only got her arms and upper body visible.

"Hi!" The girl suddenly shouted, kicking her legs and struggling to climb up, "A-ah.. Damn rocks.. Wait.." She formed two tendrils from her back, "Oh, right, tendrils, forgot about that.. Anywho!" The extra appendages grasped the rocks, fully pulling the girl on top, "Hello there, sir! Are you alright?"

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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Re: Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:18 pm
Laskt jumped as a young girl’s voice sounded behind him, his hand flashing towards a sword that wasn’t there. He grimaced, clenching the fist and setting it down onto the rock beside him, hoping that this intruder didn’t notice the motion. He began to turn around, hoping against hope that it was just a human, a poor lost human that he could guide back to a major road and they would just leave him alone.

If only he could be that lucky.

Laskt blinked as the girl arose beside him unto the outcropping, sporting several tendril-like appendages sprouting out of her lower back. He bit his lip, Shit, I thought I had concealed my Spiritual Pressure low enough where the demons wouldn’t notice! How did they find me so quickly, it’s not like my power is some world-ending threat! The Shinigami casually reached into his pocket, wrapping his fingers around his Gikon but not quite removing it yet, there was no reason to escalate this into a fight quite yet, he just had to be extremely cautious.

Outwardly however, Laskt appeared composed, if slightly apprehensive considering the girl’s extra limbs, “ “Hello yourself little girl. I am fine thank you. Yourself?” Laskt finished off the hunk of bread he was eating, dusting his hands off before picking up a small pebble, bouncing it up and down in his hand. “I assume by the tentacles you are with Shadow Fall? Sent to eliminate me no doubt.” His voice was matter-of-fact, even monotone considering the fact that such a scenario almost certainly meant his death. He was just finding it hard to care about his life anymore….
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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Re: Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Sat Feb 02, 2019 7:28 pm

Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Little Calypso's golden eyes were round with curiosity as she oh so casually hung off the side of a rock, smirking and awaiting some form of response from the strange guy before her. She quickly caught onto his fearful emotions, her mind quickly working out that something about her presence made the man revile in quiet shock, falling into some quiet panicking. She knew he was faking his real demeanor, but she found it to be better to just play along to not scare him further.

"Oh, i'm fi-"

She quickly cut herself off and trailed into silence as he instantly assumed that she was one of Shadow Fall's agents. The girl was shocked into silence for a good moment, staring at him, which would probably give him the false impression she realized she was found out,

"WHAT?!" So suddenly, so quickly did her shock turned into highly amused laughter as she properly hoisted herself onto the rock, sitting down, and holding her chest as she patted the guy's shoulder gently. She looked fit to cry with how hard she was laughing,
"Whahahat? Of course not! Why would you assume something like that?!"

She settled down from laughter, wiping a bead of gold from her eyes and so casually flicking it off, releasing a relieved sigh, "Hey, man, not all demons are part of Shadow Fall, or trying to pick off guys like you. I was just asking if you were doing okay."

She then relinquished her hand, using it to tap her chin, "Not very smart to immediately ask somebody you think wants your blood if they're up to kill ya. Besides, since we're on the topic of generalizing, most Shadow Fall members would just try to blow ya up without a second thought. I don't think many demons are all swiggity swooty i'm comin'... Gonna... Agh I can't think of any body parts that rhyme with booty! And even if I used booty, who would stab someone's butt?! That isn't deadly, the only debatably important thing you have down there is... I'm missing the point."

She sighed, laughing rather jovially, "Look, I just came by, sensed you didn't feel too good, are you cool or not?"

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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Re: Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Tue Feb 05, 2019 5:55 pm
Laskt’s eyes were riveted to the girl’s additional appendages, wary of a sudden unprovoked stab that could cripple his Gigai before he had time to get battle-ready so to speak. The Shinigami had not met many demons before this day, so he had really had no idea what to expect out of this harmless seeming little girl. Would she transform? Attack viciously? Be more reserved? Laskt was not sure, and that fact terrified him, visions of his corrupting flashing through his mind.

This inner monologue was abruptly cut off by the girl’s hysterical laughter, sending Laskt’s suspicions and fears grinding to a halt at her gasping question. A slow flush crept up his neck as he assumed, he had just accused some poor spiritual girl of being allied with such a malevolent organization. “I’m sorry about that miss.” He stammered, filled with chagrin, “I saw the tentacles and just assumed…” He said, before being cut off again by her long, seemingly rambling speech about how demons would…. attack him. Or, at least, that’s what he thought she was referring to, it was a little unclear.

Laskt opened his mouth, then closed it as demon girl took a breath, “Anyways, I am very sorry about that, guess I’m a little jumpy. I haven’t been here….in decades.” He said, his voice softening as he looked out over the endless fields of the French countryside, his thoughts turning melancholy once more. It seemed every time he had attempted to head to the Living World lately, he made some terrible mistake. Perhaps this was just a further sign that he wasn’t strong enough to trust himself to be around others.

The Shinigami sighed in response to the girl’s query, “I’m fine miss, just old worries that never seem to leave. Nothing you really need to concern yourself with, it is my…..responsibility to bear.” The last part he rushed through, hoping against hope that she didn’t ask about it. “How about you? If you’re not Shadow Fall then shouldn’t you be concerned about them finding you?”
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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Re: Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Wed Feb 06, 2019 9:03 am

Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

"Decades, huh? Not human then. You look way too young to be a human and not be around for 'decades'. You'd look a lot more withered, hmm.. I'm not too good at sensing people's energies by race. You could be an Arrancar, or a Shinigami, or even a Vizard for all I know."

She shrugged casually, smirking, "Well it's fine if you're a bit jumpy. I'm the weirdo crawling around with my tentacles, not thinking a guy like you would get freaked out seeing that part of my body."

She giggled, lying down on the outcropping rock as she stared up at him, a serene and childish look in her eyes as she enjoyed the wind gently breezing on her body, "Shadow Fall? 'Finding' me? Why would they wanna do that?"
She blinked, rather confused at such a statement, "I mean, i'm an Asthavon, but i'm hardly of any importance, pretty much am the illegitimate bastard kid of the family. If anyone harasses me, I just kinda say who I am and they sorta, back off I guess. That, or they just know i'm an Asthavon from just sensing me and just automatically back off. It's pretty weird."

She narrowed her eyes at him, oh so very much knowing that he was lying about her not needing to concern about his 'old worries', "Name's Calypso by the way, buut,"
She reached up, putting a finger onto his nose, "Tell me what's on your mind mister misery~! I can sense those 'I'm super bothered' emotions bubbling in that head of yours!"

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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Re: Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Wed Feb 06, 2019 7:30 pm
Laskt let out a heavy sigh as the girl caught onto a careless statement, mentioning how an ordinary human would be crippled by age at this point. “I suppose I’m not good at this whole subterfuge thing huh?” The Shinigami dipped a hand into his pocket, retrieving a Gikongan and popping it into his mouth. Laskt’s Shinigami form separated from his Gigai, now wearing his Shinigami uniform and Zanpakto belted at his side. As the Gigai hopped off the outcropping, Laskt lowering himself down in place of his other body.

Even as Laskt began to settle himself down once, the demon girl casually spoke the word that Laskt had dreaded to hear for years.


Laskt noticeably flinched backwards at the word, desperately trying to keep his expression under control. His melancholy thoughts grew darker as a cackling laugh from within seemed to rise from the depths of his psyche, only to crash against the weakening mental cage it was bound to.

The Shinigami swallowed, pushing those thoughts to the back of his mind, hoping that the girl thought his reaction was just a result of his transformation rather than a result of a surge of fear, “Well I guess you know what I am now.” He weakly joked, coughing once to cover his sudden nervousness at the direction of this discussion.

The nervous Shinigami, however, was distracted from his own emotions by the demon’s revelations, as cryptic as they were. “I am not sure who these ‘Asthavon’ are miss, but it sounds like a lonely situation. Sorry to hear about it.” Laskt said simply, long-forgotten memories of long, lonely days as an orphan squire resurfacing for the first time in centuries.

Soon after, Calypso revealed her name, and restated her question, seemingly determined to find out what was bothering the Shinigami. In response, Laskt sighed once more, shifting on the cold rock. “If you really must know….this is the problem.” He said quietly, opening his right palm as his Hollow mask formed in a flash of purple light. The Shinigami stared down at the object, his eyes a mixture of fear and hatred, “Whenever I try to do….well anything, this…..creature within me claws for control, fighting every minute for the ability to drive my body to slaughter and maim….and I’m beginning to lose control. In a few years I might become overwhelmed, gone forever.”

The Shinigami’s tone was frank, matter-of-fact, restating something that he had brooded on uncountable times. He wasn’t sure why he was revealing so much to a random stranger, let alone one he knew to be a demon. Perhaps he simply needed to talk to someone about this, even if Calypso wasn't his ideal person to reveal this to. Without another word, he threw the mask off the outcropping, watching as it shattered far below.
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Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) Empty Re: Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso)

Fri Feb 08, 2019 8:08 am

Time is a Imperfect Healer (Closed/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A


Calypso's eyes widened when the man did several actions all too quickly; He pulled out what looked like a weird candy dispenser, which piqued her attention, but then ate one, and totally turned off any sort of intrigue she had towards the perceived sweets when she saw the man's soul separate from his body, all up in Shinigami getup, and watching the body hop off the rocky outcropping on it's own while the man settled down where his body was before jumping off itself.

After briefly contemplating what the hell would happen if she consumed one of those, she shook off her shock and let out a heavy sigh, "Yep, Shinigami, Shinigami for sure..."
A hand was pressed against her chest as she gently laughed, as she had calmly answered his statement.

"Asthavons are kinda like demon royalty. Mama- Ahmn, Mana Asthavon." She seemed to strain herself to say the woman's name correctly, "Is the queen of demons... But, things haven't been too good under her."

She swallowed, remembering the frequent civil skirmishes against their dear insane ruler's reign, just to be mowed down, but she tried to get such a painful appearance out of her mind, especially since she was too weak to even stop the first one she laid witness to.

She was fully torn from her thoughts as she saw a curious mask form in his hand in a wisp of purple energy, the girl blinking as she recognized what kind of mask this guy just made. She blinked several times, listening to him as he spoke about some beast within trying to make him kill people, and how he was losing control.

"Ooooh. Sounds like you've got an Inner Hollow. Or a really mean ghost who's really into masks decided to have a hand at body snatching. The former sounds more reasonable buuuut... This IS a weird existence so the latter isn't totally off the table.."

She smirked, "..I could do with some masks... But okay, back to serious, sowwie sowwie. That's likely an Inner Hollow, and you're probably a Vizard! Or becoming one, I dunno how that works. Yeesh, how long have you been holding yourself together?"

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