Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Smiles And Snapping Spines Empty Smiles And Snapping Spines

Sun Jan 27, 2019 10:12 am

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Well, this was quite the oops on Ulv's part, now wasn't it? She'd laugh awkwardly if she was in the mindset to do such a thing. Having been so caught up with the Cannanites and their war with her friends, she never even realized that she had enemies from Huaco Mundo as well. Her soul heritage had gotten out, and now those who hated Mirja were now after Ulv's soul, to crush her under heel and to claim her head as their trophy. Masiko, the cute little thing that was was, currently lead this group of rascals against her. And was going as well as one might expect.

Strong even when nothing was going on, Ulv's strength was phenomenal as her Fury Stacks hit the peak, each one adding it's own quarter of her strength, allowing her titanic feats of power. Like now, when a Hippo Arrancar who was clearly proud of his powerful Hierro and physical body, was torn in half by Ulv to get to Masiko, and the attendants made into shredded ribbons by Ulv's clawed fingernails. Finally arriving at the woman, Ulv's hand grasped the Arrancar's throat and lifted her off her feet.

"Little Masiko. You could have just stayed in Huaco Mundo and we'd have forgotten all about you. But you came out, and that was where you went wrong"

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 11:51 am

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

"Wait, come back!"

Dear little Caly wasn't totally sure where she ended up. As per usual, her flighty disposition towards her thoughts lead to her portalling to some random place out in the wilds. She didn't have much this day to do, so she just went about her business enjoying nature, until she was held to a surprising sound; a creature was yelping and crying out. Obviously, this got Caly's "Gotta save everybody!" sense tingling, and in turn she went towards the noise. She ran with urgency, until a flash of orange fur crossed her vision.

Her eyes were wide when she came upon the sight; A fox, helplessly yelping, it's tail caught in a bear trap that seemed to have narrowly missed it's leg, and instead clamped on an equally important body part. Gasping in surprise, she sensed the poor creature's emotions, sprawling across her mind like words within a book. She reached out, quickly moving to free the poor thing, though the creature of vulpine-kind didn't get the hint, snapping at and even biting the girl.

"H-hey! Calm down..! I'm tr- ow ow! trying to get you..." She yanked the metal jaws open, and the creature took off, "...Out.. Hey!"

She ran after it, deeply concerned for any wounds. It would likely get infected if she couldn't get her hands on it; micro-organisms attacking one's body were scary things she was thankful she didn't have to worry about. She was surprised that humans could even stand the thought of having billions of teeny-weeny creatures living in and on them, but, then again, she had the array of voices and eyes living in her flesh, along with her sibling's love, so maybe it wasn't too different?

She ran and ran, until abruptly losing the creature, no longer seeing it's flaming fur against the greenery. She looked around helplessly, both acknowledging she had just gotten lost, and that she didn't know where the critter had gone. She pushed on looking for it, searching bushes and trees, until... Something hit her.

It wasn't a physical hit, it was a mental one. She was digging around until she reached a clearing, staring from the bushes at people doing.. Something. A red haired woman was tearing a gaggle of idiots apart who were trying to kill her, she could feel the killing intent, but it was intensely eclipsed by the woman's... Own...


Was the last thing she breathed until she felt her knees buckle, falling through the bushes and hitting the ground. It was like her mind shut off, and then back on, and then off again, over and over, burning herself trying, trying to compute the sheer amount of rage she was exposed to, she hardly had to even look at the action to mentally feel like she was bottlenecking. It wasn't a pretty sight to see her, lying on the ground, twitching and making noise, her eyes glassed over as all sense pretty much turned off to be focused into the calculation and processing of what the fuck was even happening.

Overstimulation and shutdown was the best possible way to describe her pitiful position, it just took awfully long for her to figure that out.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:10 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Crashing through the undergrowth, something arrived at their fight, and Ulv looked over to see what it was. Not A Foe, was what it was, so Ulv turned back to Masiko, who had charged a Cero in the moments of distraction. Blasted in the face, Ulv came out hurt but whole. Masiko never was a front line girl, and so she never had the power to really fight properly. And as such, not the power to really cause that much damage to Ulv. And so with a strangled scream that cut off, Masiko was torn in half, ends thrown across each field, and Ulv took a few to calm down. She never truly lost herself with the Fury Stacks at 6, but sometimes her mind did get hyper-focused.

And then she realized that Calypso was here. Calypso was the Not A Foe that she had seen. And with Calypso's emphatic abilities, she would stay protected from it's infinite teeth, but not from the concept of infinite teeth. Letting out a sigh, she walked over to Calypso's twitching body and placed a soft, warming hand on her shoulder.

"Cali. You in there? It's time to get up"

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:43 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Her became body still as stone, her breathing shallow as her mind tried to compute the mere concept of the woman's rage, her gaze a thousand yard stare as she suffered from the shutdown, until some instinct in her decided to correct the bottleneck itself. Trying to plot it out logically was going nowhere to some primal center of her mind, and thus...

Fight or flight was initiated, as instead of trying to process it logically, the switch was forcibly flipped to emotionally. Instead of being glassy, her eyes became lit aflame, they looked like they were burning, on fire, without the fire thankfully, golden tears spewing from them. Fight or flight, fight or flight... Fight And Flight.

Reactionary behavior came from the young Asthavon, as the hand was place on her shoulder, being ushered to get up. Well, she did get up, sort of. Splotches of her body became black, rigid yet small hands and tendrils, which appeared horribly disfigured and mishapen were spawned from her, as four larger, unfocused limps were formed, lifting the girl's body eerily, like a puppet. Her heart rate was off the charts, an odd noise coming from her body as she breathed softly, like some ethereal being was hissing in Ulv's ears.

Eyes upon eyes opened on the girl's body, as an attempt to relieve the bottleneck was put into play, mouths forming on the eyes' pupils, opening wide and taking in air...

The girl screamed. It was a heart wrenching wail, as the eyes that formed on her body followed, a powerful, soul-shaking scream, that in turn blasted energy in the form of strong sound around the girl, instantly flooring many weaker trees and stripping away plant life that wasn't strongly rooted into the soil.

If Ulv didn't get the idea that it was a good thought to bolt, it would be easy to say she would be caught in the burst.


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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Smiles And Snapping Spines Empty Re: Smiles And Snapping Spines

Sun Jan 27, 2019 12:51 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Well, this wasn't going good at all. Ulv saw the girl starting to lose it, felt the girl starting to lose it, and decided that she could run off and Calypso would never catch her, but that would mean that someone else might get in the wrong side of this new and terrified Calypso. She could armour herself against anything the woman tried with one of her forms, but lacking the needed fight to stimulate her stacks, her forms would not last long. With one exception, and it was an exception that she was happy to make. Calypso would be so worried if she hurt Ulv.

The blazing amber armour formed around her in a snap, shielding her from the blast like a window shielded a man from a light breeze. The glorious wings of light expanded from her back, and the red armour stood as a bastion of indomitable strength against that which would try to do her harm. The helmet was a heavy thing, and Ulv's own physiology was designed to avoid sensory overload in the face of extreme imput, so between them, she didn't get much from the loud scream that she let out. Only a faint ringing that seemed to sound a little like whispering, but not enough to be notable.

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:10 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

She just screamed, and screamed, and screamed. An instinct within her knew the only way out of this was to just let it out, let it all loose, unfortunately it was a lot for the poor girl. Her body behaved by itself, almost, as the eyes on her body slowly closed shut, though Caly herself still screamed, but it was far out of the nuclear zone in terms of the horror screeches. She saw something shiny in her vision, she didn't know what it was, her body just reacted, limbs twitching wildly, and if Ulv paid close attention to her body, as Calypso moved rigidly towards her, the girl was literally tearing herself apart. It wasn't massive amount of damage, it was more the smaller forms on her body lashing out wildly, scratching and harming their own body, some yanking at her torn flesh, blue blood trickling off of many corners of her body.

She just screamed, and screamed, and screamed, it was all her voice could do, golden tears pouring from her eyeballs as her tendrils rather threateningly struck towards Ulv, and if she didn't move, instead of simply attacking her, instead would wrap rather awkwardly around her arms, and would squeeze, same for her legs, as the girl would come close, screaming in the woman's face as colorfully chilling, something-out-of-some-mentally-diseased mind's kind of confusing patterning thorns appeared from the girl's body.

Looking as if glass or crystal shards were jutting out of her flesh, they were attempting to pierce Ulv's armor, the girl squirming and screaming relentlessly. Blood even came from where the shards appeared, her whole demeanor currently being mostly comprised of self-harm and pain.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Smiles And Snapping Spines Empty Re: Smiles And Snapping Spines

Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:17 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

'She is a Demon. Do you think she'd regenerate if we smacked her?' Ulv asked, while Calypso tried her thing, tendrils wrapping around the armour and trying to crush it, getting about as far as a man trying to headbutt a mountain into dust would get. The spikes shot at her pinged helplessly off the breastplate, and didn't even manage to leave a scuff on it's face.
'Considering she had trouble regenerating from a simple hollow bite, I don't think she'd regenerate handily from being blown into at least six pieces by your Ursa Propano. It's not just a suit of armour' Hvit replied.

It was a fair point, so Ulv just stood and let Calypso do what she was doing to Ulv, waiting to see if she would recover off her own back or if Ulv had to go see Inami about getting her fixed.
'Maybe I should try a Whole New World sequence? If I took her flying with my armour, do you think she would wake up?'
'And if she did wake up and then suddenly panicked because she was thousands of miles above the ground and fell off you and plummeted downwards? Might be fast enough to catch her, but can't outrun the trauma that'd cause'

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Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:36 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Though blood trickled from her wounds, it looked as if they were healed as quick as they were formed, excepting the forms actively tearing her flesh open. Was there anything happening in this young lady's head? Not quite, not quite. She felt like she was asleep, living in just another nightmare where she turned into something horrific. If anything, despite her heightened and frantic physical state, the girl herself seemed to have just fallen asleep, her eyes didn't seem focused on anything, dreamy even, as she screamed. Even if she felt pain, her body moving rigidly like some wooden doll, she behaved fast asleep in this torrent of rage, having no clear idea of what she was even doing.

And then she did something out of sorts, her tendrils seeing to glitch out of existence, wobbily landing on her own feet, but almost as quickly did her arms become black.. And grow, into giant darkly iridescent fists, and if successfully swung down, would smash into Ulv with the force of a car, surprisingly, the girl's screams seeming to become more intense again, as her body exerted itself once more, forming more eyes and performing the horrific screech once more, her fists coming for a second time, even if a first didn't occur.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Smiles And Snapping Spines Empty Re: Smiles And Snapping Spines

Sun Jan 27, 2019 1:42 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv did not move a milimeter, being a pillar in which Calypso could focus all her feelings upon, so that others would be spared it. Hell, maybe some good physical exertion could really help her grow as a person and become greater than she was before. Ulv could spin this whole thing to be a positive, and that would be great! Ulv always was one to see the light in everything, even if that everything was a crazy monster with glitching tentacles and punching black fists that had a fair amount of physical force for what she had expected of Calypso beforehand.

Still, the force of a car was way below what was needed for Ulv to be able to feel it behind the armour she was in, and so she was still just pondering off to herself casually.
'So, what do we do? Just leave her to exhaust herself? Certainly gotta tweek the tweek of her powers if this is what magnitude does to her' Ulv muttered, looking at the now black monster that was Calypso.
'You are quite the magnitude though Ulv. Few can reach the level of emotion that you have when your Fury Stacks are maxed out'

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Smiles And Snapping Spines Empty Re: Smiles And Snapping Spines

Sun Jan 27, 2019 2:05 pm

Smiles And Snapping Spines 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Having a screaming demon child wailing at you for a few minutes may be annoying, but having that go on for hours upon hours until the sun was almost down was probably even more irritating. Well, it was certainly tiring to the young one, who had done nothing but be physical and loud and aggressive the entire time, even if she wasn't sure what the hell she was doing, simply smacking and slapping and trying to pierce or bite the glowy thing in front of her out of confused anger.

But the girl's movements would slow in this last hour, loud panting coming from her body as she... Sank. All the way to her knees, onto the eviscerated dirt that once contained grass, and level ground. Her palms hit the ground, the girl panting, til she slowly looked up at Ulv, before making a loud gagging noise, her head quickly jerking back down to the floor, a stream of viscious blue fluid pouring from her mouth, her body trembling as she looked back up. She looked positively beaten, like she was tired beyond tired, panting deeply and shakily,

"...Ulv..? Thaht you...? Ughh.."
She held her head, looking down at the floor coated in her fluids, "...I don't feel soh good..."

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