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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Feb 23, 2019 7:48 am

It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

There was a man. She was going to meet that man. With thumping hollow power and shining sulphur yellow eyes, she was going to meet the man. It was an interesting man, and Ulv was invested in the interesting man. She wasn't entirely sure she had met the interesting man....wait, yes? Ulv stopped in thought and thought before nodding. She had met the man. The great and most shiny, Fran-Man!
"Going to be quite the shock. Last time I saw him I was not exactly the most mentally competent" Ulv muttered, remembering their meeting and laughing awkwardly to herself before running off to meet him.

While running to meet him, she wondered what he was getting up to recently. It had been a fair time since she saw him last, and Ulv was curious to see how his powers had progressed. With his skill and passion he would probably be a Yu-Shan cultivator by this rate, Black Gold if he had focused on other things as well. There was a lot of anticipation for Ulv as she arrived next to Steiner, her ability to scour the world for people quite refined. Ulv's aura was very different from before. It felt like a warm hug. As if the weight of darkness was less while she was around.

"Hey, Fran-Man. How's things?"

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Feb 23, 2019 1:29 pm



It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt

At the time of Ulv's decision, Steiner was finally making his way to a nearby dock, the very same dock that he had used many months ago to arrive at this remote island. The training had yielded results, but to him it felt like he still hadn't tapped too much into the core of his power. Something just wasn't working out for him in terms of honing his powers, but his physical state? Well his physical state was something else entirely. While not appearing to be too much different, Steiner had honed reflexes, his strength, and his mental awareness. These three things combined were the core reason he had come to terms with what he had to do now that the war was in full swing.

Regardless of how powerful he had become in terms of his abilities, his physical body had reached what he assumed was good enough to actually do some good. To save a few lives and protect the innocent, he would do whatever it took. He stepped closer to the docks, the boat he had used months prior still tied to the dock, and gently bobbing up and down with the sea when he felt something. Something rapidly approaching him, he couldn't pin-point the direction due to its' level of speed, and his first thought was that the enemy had found him. Odd as that may sound as he doubted that he was a threat to the point that he needed to be snuffed out before he got involved, but just to be sure he drew not one, but two swords. One of them was a sword from the crypt, a sword he had gained during his time with Mirja, and the other was a sword he had forged on the island. It was a masterwork and of the make of a long sword of basic European design. He turned to stare down the threat, stance being taken, and his breath coming out in collected, focused bursts.

And then Ulv was there.

The feeling of warmth, as if he was being hugged by the aura, and power of Ulv made him drop his guard, his swords being put inside of their sheathes on his waist, and a smile creeping up his face.

"You had me worried for a second, Ulv...with what is going on I thought the enemy had come to get me."

Steiner said, marching forward, and just generally happy to see the young lady again after so long. To Ulv, he would probably appear different as the way he walked, and the way he held himself held more confidence than it did before. He was still resolute in purpose as before, but gone was the confusion, and doubt. No, Steiner had grown as a person and not just as a fighter.

"I was just about to head back to the main-land...its about time my training was put to the test."

He said as he finally stood a foot away from her, face to face for the first time in many months, and without hesitation he went in to hug Ulv. In truth, he had been worried about her when the war had started, and to see that she was okay made him quite happy.

"I'm glad you are alright and how are you holding up?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

It is the BANEBLADE! OlBPPj4
It is the BANEBLADE! VewULRr
It is the BANEBLADE! AQodtc6
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Feb 23, 2019 2:01 pm

It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Poor kid nearly jumped out of his skin! Made Ulv wonder what he had been getting up to that he would fear such reprisal for his activities. Ulv thought about messing with him but eventually decided against it and just gave him the hug when he wanted. The strangest thing about Ulv was definitely that her eyes were a glowing yellow. Not just yellow, but glowing yellow. That and the feeling as if every action she took was one of eminent confidence, taken in such a way that there was no possibility it could fail. Her walk was so self-assured that if the earth itself fell apart around her, she would carry on regardless.

"Well, you know. Got myself a city, a wife, Continent-shattering power. Life is doing pretty good" Ulv then gave Steiner a pat on the head, her beaming grin enjoying the situation, meeting a friend for the first time in a long time and talking about what they had been up to in the meanwhile. "And how is you? I can imagine your progression is pretty much at the same pace as mine. Curious to see how it has evolved in these months. What strides you have made with Sword and Tulpa"

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:18 pm



It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt

"Oh, is that all?"

Steiner said as he received a pat on the head as he left the embrace of the muscular fighter, he grinned even wider, an impressive feat for anyone in the current state of world affairs, and then laughed. She had been busy for sure and her comment about world shattering power caused him to wonder just what sort of power she was talking about. Ulv, from the short time he had known her, was almost literal in the sense of what she meant, but Steiner wondered if it were more than that. Something did seem to be different about her, glowing yellows eyes being a clear indication that something had changed at least at a deeper level than basic physical training could attain.

It did make him think that perhaps his training to gain at least this physical level wasn't even close to the level that she had obtained. Beggars of course could not be choosers and he had already made himself prepared for what needed to be done.

"Judging by the glowing yellow eyes and the confidence you got that just overflows off of you, I would assume you have gotten more out of your training than I did."

Steiner said with absolute conviction. It was fine that he hadn't gained much, well much more than a grasp on who he was as a fighter, but seeing how far of a leap that she had made? It kind of made him a bit jealous. He made a note to work on more when he had time, but for now he had company, and he didn't want to bore her.

"My swordsmanship has improved as far as the Tulpa...I ran out of time to work on it. War is here and the time to train has to be pushed back to make way for the need to fight for our way of life...our culture. People are dying after all, much more so than what can be considered natural."

Steiner looked out across the ocean and let out a rather abrupt frustrated sigh.

"We need to end this war before there is nothing left."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

It is the BANEBLADE! OlBPPj4
It is the BANEBLADE! VewULRr
It is the BANEBLADE! AQodtc6
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Feb 23, 2019 3:42 pm

It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Steiner, had not grown as she had hoped. And it hurt her heart because she could tell his passion was still there, in it's full extent. Sighing as she listened to him, Ulv took a step forward and then from her voice came a passionate song. Were she not training her Hollow's connection with herself, she would done the Regalia to make sure that this went well. But such things were unfortunate.

"Slit the throat of reason and reality
Cut myself and scream for their insanity
Wake up to this nightmare that will never end
The main attraction of this twisted master plan Trust nothing but pain to get me
Through the daze
Sleep with one eye open, not to be their prey
Fist against my face they bring me to my knees
The pressure's crushing down so hard
I can't break free
When I can feel my skin crawl
When I'm about to crack
The hunger for revenge
Gives me strength to stand I will be your deadman
With nothing but this blood on my hands
Stuck in your "wonderland"
I just want to make you bleed like me
Every day goes by without a second thought
Living in a perfect and controlled project
A puppet of their sick perversion's appetite
Will I be trapped inside this hell until I die?"

The song was a dark one, the lyrics implying a horrible state of affairs, and Ulv's voice was strong and harsh. Wind came up around her, and soon they were trapped in a cyclone. It's forceful billowing rocked the surrounding area, creating an area in which the very act of taking a breath was a struggle due to the force one had to exert to do so. And to move was to fight against a venerable wall of force. It was hard to train your lung muscles. The 'walls' of this arena were solid wind, spiralling at hundreds of miles an hour, fit to strip a man's flesh clean from his bones were he to touch it.

"The wind will subside when I am rendered unconscious. Until you can leave this area, the world outside does not exist. I will not have you running out half-cocked into a war and getting yourself killed. So show me what you can do to oppose those who fight in this war"

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Feb 23, 2019 5:15 pm



It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt

Steiner was mystified by the singing of Ulv, but soon realized that something sinister was occurring with the air around them. A cyclone of wind surrounded them as both Steiner and Ulv stood in the eye of this cyclone, the raging winds could easily slice through a man. Steiner could tell just by looking at the winds, Ulv began to speak, which was extremely hard to hear over the sound of the wind blowing around them, but Steiner could make out the general gist of what she was getting at.

"So this is a test then!? Ulv, there are people dying, and you are forcing me to stay here and be tested?"

He shouted over the howling winds, but he knew what Ulv would say, well at least he knew that there would be no talking his way out of this. He sighed and steeled his will. Taking a big gulp of air, his lungs burning as they strained to even ingest the slightest bit of oxygen through the storm around them, and then he would simply slide his jacket off. Throwing the jacket to the wind, it shredding into a hundred pieces before being scattered to the wind as if it had never been there at all.

"I will fight for what I believe in, just like I always have...if you want to test my resolve? Then I will show you my resolve."

His hands instinctively went to his two swords, two of at least fourteen weapons all over his body in multiple sheathes and holsters. He had a great deal of time to train on this island and hone his skills, but now that there was an obstacle in his path he knew that the only way out was to do something he didn't want to do. He didn't want to fight Ulv, he thought of her as a friend, but he knew that she wouldn't just let him walk out now. Definitely not after she had made her mind up. He touched the handles of his swords, energy coursing from his body to the blades, the two weapons reaching their peak condition, any cracks, or blemishes vanishing as if they had never been there before.

Steiner focused everything that he was, all of his will, and his training being brought to the surface. He grew calm, all emotion draining from his face, as he drew both his swords from their sheathes, and stared directly at Ulv. He looked loose and calm, it was as if the situation around them didn't matter, and his cold eyes just seemed to stare directly into the soul. It was if Steiner was in a trance, a trance that was so deep that nothing else mattered, but his goal. His goal to get through this fight and get on that boat to the main land.

"We don't have to fight...I understand your concern, but I am ready."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

It is the BANEBLADE! OlBPPj4
It is the BANEBLADE! VewULRr
It is the BANEBLADE! AQodtc6
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5956
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Feb 23, 2019 5:35 pm

It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

He didn't seem to understand what she was trying to show him, so she would just have to crush his suicidal dreams. Even Ulv didn't start her crusade of assistance until she had the power to protect herself from anyone who took offense to her attempts. So she was going to cheat, and Steiner would probably survive the experience. She could always just find him in the Soul Society if he didn't. Holding out her hand, she charged crimson power into the palm of her hand, throbbing energy growing to an incredible degree, as Ulv looked on with blank eyes.


The voice had nothing to it, as if the words simply existed with no tone or inflection. And then earth-shattering beam of power would explode from Ulv, and was a true cheat code. The width and height of it covered the entire arena, giving him the choice of being slashed to pieces by the winds or blown to pieces by the Cero. And this was the point she was trying to make to him. Out there in the world were monsters who would not hesitate a single second to take his life. She would rather take it here and now than have another kill him.

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sun Feb 24, 2019 8:42 am



It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt

The moment of truth had arrived with a horrific sight of Ulv charging up a Cero. A technique that only Hollows and Arrancar to his knowledge could utilize. Horror crept into his mind that his friend, a person he had grown close to, had turned into some kind of monster that had come to snuff him out. The cold emotionless nature of her voice, stating the phrase Cero, in simplicity sent a shiver up his spine, but that shiver quickly faded into nothing. His emotions were cold, he was cold, and if she thought that by amassing this devastating power in front of him with killer intent would stop him? Would get him to turn around like a little child, she would be wrong. Instead Steiner took a step forward, the blast was coming now, and the feeling of numbness surrounded him as she fired her blast.

His reaction was swift.

A shield appeared on his arm, the Tulpa forming swiftly around him, as he placed out his right arm in front of him with sword still in hand as the shield was hit by the massive display of power, and destructive force. For a few seconds, it looked like the shield might hold, but moments in it began to crack along with pieces of Steiner's armor that was formed from his pure will. Steiner stood strong, forcing his arm out, and channeling all of his will and intent into the shield, if Mirja was right this armor...this shield...this was who he was deep down, this was a manifestation of his heroic aspirations and his will to protect, if so this armor would hold. As if also reacting to Steiner's will, Cirno's gem began to glow around his neck an almost crystalline barrier forming in front of his shield, and helping absorb some of the blast itself, but even it was cracking under the burden of Ulv's might.

More cracking as the barrier began to shatter, all the while Steiner kept strong, but could feel his feet sliding from the stance he had taken moments before, and getting dangerously close to the cyclone walls as it did so. He replanted his feet, the air he was breathing becoming far too heavy for him to regain a necessarily bountiful amount of oxygen to his screaming body. Steiner's shield began to crack, chips of it flying off, and evaporating into nothingness as more of the blast made it over the shield so too would Steiner's armor begin to crack. It would impale him, blood pouring from wounds caused by his own armor sundering into him, and if not for his combat trance he might have felt this pain, but the pain was merely a dull throb to Steiner at this point. Bits of Steiner's form became visible under the armor, his shield continued to break, the barrier was just gone by this point as the explosion took Steiner.

Smoke and debris shot out in random directions, falling to the Earth below, and being consumed by the whirling vortex that had formed around the two of them. However, if Ulv had thought Steiner dead she would quickly be surprised as a figure slowly began to appear from within the smoke, and the sound blood gushing from multiple wounds could be heard even inside the cyclone around them as it dropped to the floor. Steiner was alive, but clearly looked like he had been through hell. His body covered in multiple lacerations caused by his own armor, a shield broken and hanging uselessly from a right arm that was so battered and broken that it too was useless, and chunks of armor falling off of him hitting the floor as they faded into the aether. Every part of him was in pain and even through the trance, as much as it was dulling that pain, it was very clear that Steiner couldn't just keep going. Right?

Steiner staggered forward, his body screaming at him as if it were screaming at an infant, and almost fell straight forward after his first step. The only thing that stopped him was his left arm impaling the sword he had gained from his time in the crypt into the ground in front of him. He used it as leverage to keep himself up as he stared at Ulv with one good eye, the other closed due to blood pouring over it, and the feeling of stinging that he felt when he tried to open it. He hadn't even touched Ulv and yet he had received so much damage, so much pain, and so much hurt. Yet....

"You are way stronger than me...I will admit the difference in our levels..."

Steiner said through ragged breath, as he used the sword as a crutch to move himself toward her. Stabbing the sword into the Earth again as he moved close enough.

"But I've been told I just don't know when to me an idiot if you me someone who is going on some kind of suicide mission. I can understand to someone like you it may seem like it would be useless, that I can't get this done...that I can't make a difference. But..."

Steiner began to cough, blood oozing from his mouth on to the floor as he did so. Perhaps he had a punctured lung, he couldn't tell as the effects of the trance didn't seem to allow him to ascertain just where his wounds were at this moment.

"You're wrong. I may not have your power, but I have a power of my will. So please...step aside, people are dying, and if this meager human can save even one person...then he has to try."

Steiner staggered forward again, this time the sword falling from the Earth, and Steiner falling down on all fours as pain shot through him with the sound of a pained scream being quickly silenced by the howling winds.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

It is the BANEBLADE! OlBPPj4
It is the BANEBLADE! VewULRr
It is the BANEBLADE! AQodtc6
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5956
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sun Feb 24, 2019 9:09 am

It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt


Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

The arena of wind ceased, the walls slowly fading away and the oppressive wind died down until there was peace again. Except, of course for the exceptionally pissed off Vizard who had just nuked Steiner with a city-buster Cero.
"There are plenty of people in this war that are as strong as I am, and a few who are even stronger than me. You took a Cero with about 40% of the power that could be put into it, and now would be quite the feat for you to be able to crawl over here, let alone continue the fight.

You want to spend your life so cheaply, you disrespect those who have a hand in it. You protect yourself with the teachings of Mirja and what looks to be a gem from Cirno. I had one as well, but recently lost it. But that's off topic. You gather all these people, and then you just jump off a cliff in the hopes that you rescue one person? Even if you don't value yourself, you should value those who value you. We did not teach you, gird you, and help you where you are for you to simply kill yourself"

Ulv finished moving to loom over him, and it was pretty clear that she wasn't at all happy with Steiner's antics.

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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It is the BANEBLADE! Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sun Feb 24, 2019 10:16 am



It is the BANEBLADE! 6EdIfMt

The pain was relatively unbearable for anyone of the faint of heart, but Steiner was forcing himself through it willing himself to stay conscious. He looked up to Ulv as she gave her speech and then began to grow frustrated, his one good arm, and hand slamming hard into the dirt below as he forced himself up with one arm to a sitting base. The throws of pain were still there, but they were dulled by the adrenaline in his system, at least for now, and he could tell he was going to clearly feel this for months after, but now was not the time to dwell on this sort of thing.

"I'm not throwing it away...I'm just tired Ulv..."

Steiner looked at her wearily as he brushed the blood from his left eye to open it a bit so their eyes could actually meet so that the gravity of the situation can be ascertained.

"I've watched all of these people fighting for what they believe in and then I have watched them fall. I hear it on the radio, watched it on television, and felt it from far away...people are dying and all I'm doing is standing"

Steiner let out a loud groan as he tried to stand back up, but it wasn't working too well, and instead he finally decided to sit still. He was in no condition to be moving, he pushed himself far too hard to be doing that at this moment, and so he just sat there on the cold earth.

"I can't sit here when people are in danger, Ulv. I can't just watch this world burn to ashes and do nothing.... To do nothing would be to consent to this madness. To accept that this war is right, that it is just, when all it is, is just leading people to the slaughter."

Steiner lets out another groan as sitting is clearly not the most comfortable of positions and he decides to lay back on the ground. He does this softly and gingerly wincing every time he does something that would cause a wound to hurt.

"You bring up Cirno's name, but from the short time I knew her...I could tell she would be just as reckless as me if the world was in danger. And Mirja, as odd as she was...I could tell that if someone she cared for was in danger, she probably wouldn't stop for anything to put herself in harms way to make sure that they were alright. I a way I have them to thank for being good role models, they truly were special to me. And I would like to think if they saw me now they would scold me, but they would understand that this is who I am, and that I am not throwing away their good will to me, but using that good will to help others. Then Mirja would probably knock my lights out..."

Steiner began to laugh, but then that laugh turned into a coughing fit as the pain in his chest caused him a great deal of discomfort.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

It is the BANEBLADE! OlBPPj4
It is the BANEBLADE! VewULRr
It is the BANEBLADE! AQodtc6
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