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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Mar 01, 2019 6:22 am

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Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Heart's On Fire

Ulv listened, and then shook her head softly at his words. He was quite a character, to think the best thing to do was to come here and train by himself, that that would produce the results he was most in need of.
"There is a reason why Wulin invented Elixers, why they invented Cultivation Techniques, why they delve Natural Oddities. Why they clash against each other even without vindictive need. Because training by yourself is shit. It goes very slowly, and you have nobody to point out the flaws you are making, so you keep making them. You weren't born into this, so you are going to have to be smarter and better than others to see the same kind of results.

But therein, lies your problem. You want me to tell you what to do. You want Mirja before you to guide you through the whole of your life, and now that she is dead you don't seem to even try to think for yourself and just cling to what you were taught, rather than trying to learn new things by yourself. I can't tell you what to do, because if I do, then you'll be unable to tell yourself when the time comes that I am not around"

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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:34 pm



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"So, you are telling me to do what works for me, and walk my own path, but at the same time are telling me to not get involved in the war and do the right thing. It seems like a contradiction to me, but I will allow it because I understand what I have to do. I rely on others, always have, to at least put me on the path to achieving a goal, but you're right...sometime or another there won't be anyone around me to help achieve that."

At this point, Steiner had to admit that his own self-confidence issues were causing him more harm than good, and keeping him from making any real decisions on his own. He had trained for nothing, by himself, and gained nothing for it. He clenched his fists a bit as he stomped the leg that had recently healed up on the floor, bringing up a bit of dust as it did so, and stared resolutely at Ulv.

"I think you have a misconception though...even if you die and even though Mirja died, you guys will live on through me. Live on through the impact that you have made on me as a person and live on through the things that you taught me. All of those teachings just don't vanish because you guys bite the dust. They keep going and going, to the next generation, and beyond. Still..."

Steiner rubbed his chin with his free hand and then nodded, resolving himself as to what he had to do next. He had made his decision, even though it was a tough one to go through with, and still he had to make it. On his own.

"I will talk to the Grand Teacher...I will explain that though I am honored to have, for at least a little while, learned the ways of her traditions, that I must walk my own path, and be my own man. That though I may not follow the path of Tai Chi that everything I have learned from Mirja will still hold a special place in my over sized heart. That I will always consider her family even though I am no longer learning from her and that I will respect her for at least, for a moment, allowing her to be a part of her world. I believe if I'm respectful...she will understand. I hope."

The thought of dealing with the Grand Teacher did seem a bit nerve wracking for him, but Steiner had to do what Steiner had to do. He had to get back on track and the best way to do that was to be honest with himself and most importantly be himself.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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It is the BANEBLADE! - Page 3 Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Wed Mar 13, 2019 7:07 am


"To clarify, we are saying don't jump into ww4 because you'll die pointlessly and everything will be lost. If you are so driven to go get killed, then we can't stop you. It's your life to waste. I'll just find your Plus and beat your ass then" Ulv told Steiner, her eyebrows raised to emphasize her words so that Steiner would know she was not messing around, or joking at all. She was serious about all of it, including him going to go as he wanted. "There is a difference between getting help from others, and having everything in your life solely dependant on them"

Ulv shook her head and sat down on a billow of wind, keeping her hovering in the air. And then he heard Steiner's long-winded apology and shook her head softly.
"There is no need to go kiss her ass, you know. She isn't going to bite your face off for coming to tell her that you don't want to pursue Tai Chi anymore. She is going to bite your face off for not telling her that you want to stop practising Tai Chi. It's a respect sort of thing, you know? Overselling it when she hasn't actually done anything for you is what is going to annoy her more than just informing her of your discusion"


Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 3:11 pm



It is the BANEBLADE! - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"I'm not kissing her ass, but I am going to pay her respect where it is due. And you're right she does deserve to know that I am not continuing on with Tai Chi as my focus any longer. So I will need to find time to go looking for her and tell her the news, in the meantime I should at least get to working on a Full Tulpa and move on from there."

He said as he thought about how best to proceed with the acquiring of his Full Tulpa, it was an odd feeling as he had not once thought to take things to the next level. He had believed that his regular Tulpa would have been enough, that his training to utilize it to its' fullest would have been more than adequate when faced with threats, but the realization of having an extra set of hands had opened his eyes. It was natural to have techniques evolve over time so it was only fitting that his version of the Tulpa evolved with his outlook on advancing his own personal training. But how could he do that? He rubbed the stubble on his face and thought hard about how to manifest the Full Tulpa and show what he could do.

His willpower was the catalyst for the Tulpa so maybe if he just focused on his will to take on a more physical form outside of just being a suit of armor then maybe it would just happen? So, he focused on that which had been the emotion that his will had latched on to for so long. He focused on what would be his ideal Full Tulpa, a stalwart defender that would protect him, and his allies if he so did desire. The image of a knight filled his head as he focused in on it and tried to make it become reality, forcing his will to do just what he wanted to do, and eventually he could feel something different coming. A physical mass began to form as shards of white began to form around Steiner and enter into this mass, over time it began to form a suit of armor, but as it formed it began to move. Taking its first steps out into the world as a Full Tulpa for the very first time, it staggered for a few seconds as Steiner's own will seemed to needed to adjust to being manifested in this way, but then it stopped standing proud.

The armor, looking a bit different than his own had no shield in sight, but still looked like it could take quite a few hits before shattering or denting. It carried a claymore of impressive size and stood eight feet in height, it stood on edge slowly surveying its new surroundings.

"Not bad for my first try...though I suppose the ground work was set months ago for me to take it to this stage...what do you think? Is this Full Tulpa enough?"

Steiner asked as he patted the suit of armor, an audible clank of metal ringing out to the land around them.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Tue Mar 26, 2019 3:32 pm


Ulv stood over him as he started to work on his Full Tulpa, and it took him less than five minutes to make it after she told him. Ulv face-palmed at that, not at the speed in which he managed to do it, but in how easy it was for him to do. Just almost a finger-snap summon like the opposite of a guy who couldn't go to the toilet without someone watching. Ulv was exasperated beyond belief by his antics and wondered what he was doing here for so long if it was this easy for him to do.

"Yea, it's good. You've got a big world out there waiting for you. Cities to save and battles to win and people to be a hero to. Aint gonna do that standing here yammering about it" Ulv told him. There wasn't really any point trying to talk him out of it. That was just another Aneurysm waiting to happen. "I'll be in the Harbor, so don't expect to see me on the battlefield, but Henrex will be there. So you won't be lonely at least"


Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Sat Mar 30, 2019 7:17 am



It is the BANEBLADE! - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"I get that you are worried about me, I will be as careful as possible. Don't think I don't appreciate the help and all of the things you do for me, hell what everyone has done for me."

Steiner stated with a rather serious look on his face as he glanced over at Ulv after a quick inspection his Full Tulpa that simply stood still and did nothing else. He wondered if it moved on its own or if he had to command it to do something, but those were questions for later. He had a guest as of right now and she didn't seem to be pleased with him by the reaction he got from his sudden summoning of his Tulpa. Had he done it wrong? More questions for later and something that he would have to find out for himself.

"You guys are like my family as I never really had any to really call my own. Every one who has chipped in and taught me something or helped me out or at least given me the time of day is extremely important to me. Still...asking me to change who I am and not try to look out for the less fortunate is not something I can do. I know it makes me an idiot, but if I can make even the slightest difference as weak as I am and as pathetic as I am, then I have to try."

Steiner coughed a bit as he gave Ulv a broad grin, brimming with whatever confidence he had to offer after receiving a massive beat down from the muscle clad girl in front of him. It wasn't much, but he hoped the message was getting across.

"So...thanks Ulv. As harsh as you may be some times and as odd as you are some times...I wouldn't be here without you. And even if you aren't happy with me, I kind of view you as the big sister I never had, and I hope that one day...maybe I will live up to your expectations of me and that maybe at least will see things from my point of view."

Steiner extended his hand to Ulv in good faith as he continued to grin at her.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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It is the BANEBLADE! - Page 3 Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Mar 30, 2019 7:38 am


"It's not asking you to change who you are, it is asking you to not throw your life away on a maybe. Having died once already, I can tell you it sucks and I am not eager for a repeat performance. Sacrificing your life for another will be the last thing you ever do, so make it the last thing you would do, not the first" Ulv would shake her head softly, this unrestrained heroism was so not her thing. "You only get one life, don't waste it" she finished, before her hands ignited with amber flame. Warm, comforting, beautiful...

"The other things are for later but you can hardly be irresponsible with this. It is my Resolve Flame, gifted to those with great passion to move the world forward and better the lives of everyone. When you take this, you will be part of a network of beings who wish the same. By itself, it is a powerful thing to assist your Tulpa and other willpower based abilities. But if you can get into the network then it will be fantastical in it's ability to assist what you can do. I am actually quite excited to see what a multi-person Tulpa can do" She would then clasp his hand, and give him the flame, were he to accept it.

In this flame, several hearts would be felt. A small, simple and rather lewd heart, an extremely driven and passionate heart, a cool, focused heart, a young, childish heart and a powerful matriarchal heart. He could, in this moment, add his heroic, justice-filled heart to the mix.


Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:15 am



It is the BANEBLADE! - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"Don't worry Ulv, I'm not going to just jump in, and get myself killed. I will exhaust every other avenue and do everything I can before making that final absolute decision to throw away my life for another. I can respect your wishes in that regard."

Steiner stated as a wave of amber flame ignited around her hand, the warmth of which was both welcoming, and beautiful to see. Steiner stood there fixated on the flame for a few moments as he seemed to stare like a moth to a flame as he tried to understand what exactly it was. But then she would explain it to him. Resolve Flame, the power to enhance his Tulpa, and strengthen his willpower based abilities, but more than that, it would link him with others of a like mind to advance and guide the future in the right direction. There was hesitation of accepting such a wondrous gift as he was unsure if he was worthy of such a thing, but that hesitation was not something he would continue to act on, instead Steiner reached out and clasped her hand. If he was going to make a difference in this world he would need all the help he could get, but more than that, it was to get closer to other people. To share what he had to offer with someone else was also a heroic thing to do and if what little he had to offer could help someone? Then it was a win.

"If by doing this I can help somebody and they can help me, then it is a really wonderful thing. Besides, saying no to a gift would be the wrong thing to do? Also a multi-person Tulpa sounds really cool! Imagine a giant mech-Tulpa firing missiles of pure willpower being powered by a group of Resolve Flame sounds really awesome."

As Steiner accepted the gift he could feel as if he was now linked with several hearts, he could feel several emotions from these hearts, and it was at that moment he could feel his own resonating with those those hearts. It was like a network and that now he was connected with the power of the Resolve Flame, he could feel his own will simply being bolstered by theirs.

"This is really cool...its like I can feel people from far away that you have shared this power with. Thanks for sharing this with me, I will put it to good use!"

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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It is the BANEBLADE! - Page 3 Empty Re: It is the BANEBLADE!

Sat Mar 30, 2019 8:35 am


"You can use it on yourself to combat enemy negative emotions, use it on your friends to the same. Embolden allies, and enlighten enemies. It is a most powerful ability I am giving to you. Master it and become a beacon in the darkness" She nodded, and then turned to leave. Before turning back and flicking a coy grin.

"Plus, this way I can keep track of your ass and make sure you don't get into to much trouble" she then left, laughter on the wind as she went off to go do other Ulv Stuff.


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