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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 8:47 am

The North God

Micaiah nodded her head obediently but reluctantly, silently mouthing off "yeah, yeah" through a thin pout. It was the type of "yeah, yeah" a child gave to their elders when lectured, and it was definitely more than once that emotional control and patience were cited as necessary to become wise. Maujuda was infamous in his time for unnecessarily long speeches and lectures on wisdom and thought. Truly, a boomer demon.

Once the demon prepped himself with the appropriate warm-ups, alcohol and meat a must, Micaiah's pout turned into stern focus and scrutiny, ready to consume everything she saw and commit it to memory. A bit of excitement welled up in her when he stood up and brushed himself. Micaiah let out a small "hum, hum, go on good sir!" with a raise of her fist to cheer.

Micaiah's internal cheering didn't die down, but it was for just a moment that her expression which conveyed the excitement switched momentarily to disgust, and it may or may not have been at the same moment the demon turned to give a cocky grin and thumbs up. She was absolutely sure that there was no need to say anything, though; no need to interrupt him once he's in the zone.

The girl didn't take note of the heat generated into his hands until the some visual changes occurred to match, but she got a gist of what was going on. None of what he was doing so far was something Micaiah couldn't already accomplish, all the way up to the slamming of his hands onto the ground. The clang resounded, and in case there was anything special about the soundwaves, Micaiah astutely listened to the way it tanged and echo'd off into the clouds. So far, nothing seemed satisfying, almost disappointing in fact. But, when the demon dug his hand into the ground and swung up, Micaiah's hands started clapping, and her feet stamped the ground in applause.

"Brilliant! That's so, that's so, so--, Ohhh man!! That's so good! Nothing like what I've been taught, it's so intuitive and genius!"

Micaiah absolutely had to try this out for herself. She quickly jumped up to a stand and stepped away from the food to a clearer area. She closed her eyes and focused, letting the heat of the Fire King course through her abdomen, into her chest, through the arms, and ending off in her fists, similar to the procedures of the Blazing Fist. She let the heat go from her whole hands and into her palms and fingers. Once it reached a heat too hot for her to sustain painlessly, Micaiah jumped up into the air and slammed her hand onto the ground as she fell.

Micaiah let her hand settle on the ground, not quite sure exactly how long it would take for it to turn molten. She timed how long it took the demon, but she had no way of knowing exactly what temperature he was operating at. Once she felt it sufficient, Micaiah dug her fingers into the ground, softened by the heat, and chucked her hand into a safe direction. The amount was less than the demon's considering a difference in hand-size, but other than that the technique was successful, albeit rough and less refined.

There were chunks of ground as Micaiah failed to properly distribute the heat, so some portions of her handful were melted to a very runny lava, while other parts weren't melted at all. In her heart, Micaiah considered this a failure. A small pit of disappointment bloomed into a very light nausea in her stomache, but it wasn't something to make a big deal of. The girl swallowed her saliva and went through the process of soothing herself. It was only her first try, she can always practice it some more until she gets it right, things along those lines. Nevertheless, it was still embarrassing to come up short in front of someone she so haughtily bragged to. Maybe they wouldn't notice?

Micaiah shook her head and cleared her mind, a smile sitting on her face. She turned to the demon inquisitively and asked,

"So? How was that? I told you I'm a good learner, right?"


Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Sat Dec 21, 2019 9:00 am

Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Alex was rather unashamedly grinning to himself from Micaiah's praise of the move. He wasn't actually entirely sure of any specific times he'd even used that one, though he was like, at least 80% sure he had. There wasn't much reason for him to just go around memorizing all the shit he did in any given fight, that'd be stupid.

"Genius, eh? C'mon, you'll make a man blush with talk like that."

He wasn't actually blushing in the slightest bit, it should be noted. He didn't mind the compliments, of course, but it was mostly just playful banter given the circumstances. He took a step or two back when she obviously decided that it was her turn to try, and stuck his hands in his pockets as he relaxed once more. He didn't really study her form or anything, no sir. Eyes were 100%, absolutely, definitely on the end result of her efforts, and that alone. It looked kinda messy, but maybe that was just her intention. That way they get hit with a big piece or something.

"Oh yeah, not too bad at all. You pick things up quick."

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Mon Dec 23, 2019 11:34 am

The North God

If she were praised in the mood she was in just earlier, Micaiah would take it with a big, haughty smile, and probably continue flexing in some form or another. Instead, she was a bit more reserved, offering a polite smile. For the current Micaiah, who was more concerned with failing to meet her own standards of execution, the positive assessment felt a bit more biting. It was clear that the demon didn't mean it in a patronising way. No, it was just Micaiah patronising herself through his words.

"Ah, good, good, thank you!"

The hadn't really known each other beyond this interaction, so it's not like the demon would notice her forced smile--by all means, as far as he knew this was just one of her expressions. Of course, when one was self-aware of acting differently, one would do their best to make it less obvious; once she realised herself acting somewhat out of character, Micaiah continued with a bit of the theatrical energy she displayed before she ruined her own mood by literally flexing her biceps and wearing a triumphant face. Surely, if she acted in the same way, her mind would convince itself to feel the same way.

"Heh, I told you didn't I? I'm a quick learner. The execution was a little rough around the edges, but we can chalk that up to me adding in my own flavour, yanno'? Ohohohoho~!" Micaiah laughed with her chest and sent out a proud wink to the demon. A little further down her eyes was a redness forming on her cheekbones like blood rushing to her head, an inadvertent allusion to her arrogance. In reality, the redness on her face was from the alcohol, unbeknownst to her, setting in.

"So, so-! Is there anything else, oh wise sir? Surely such a weathered and experienced man has more within his repertoire?"


Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Mon Dec 23, 2019 7:13 pm

Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

The polite smile was a new one, though Alex just figured she was taking this at least a little more seriously than he'd thought she would. No problem with that really, he was happy to help out. If anything, it was probably a good thing he didn't just feel like she was blowing him off, otherwise he'd get fuckin annoyed.

"Your own flavor, huh? I can dig it. What flavor's that, anyway? You seem like a raspberry."

He said that so naturally that, if you were a bystander, you might actually forget for at least a couple seconds that it was a really fucking weird thing to say. Of course, he didn't think it was particularly weird at all, or he wouldn't have said it. It was just what came to mind.

"Ah man, you're really just puttin' me on the spot here, huh? Alright, alright, lemme think about that."

Alex took another long drink of his flask, idly noting it was starting to get slightly empty, which was not a thought he particularly relished. Whatever, he could get more if he really wanted to. He probably had some more laying around anyway, but he wasn't sure about that one. He could definitely feel the warmth starting to creep through him, and it was as it hit his head that a thought occurred to him.

"Okay, alright, think I got something in mind. Seems like it might be good if you knew a way to handle someone getting in real close. A big guy'd have a pretty big advantage there, might wanna fix that. I'm gonna grab you, just a heads up."

He then reached forward, slipped two fingers under Micaiah's collar, and pulled her much closer, closing the gap between them and putting her rather obviously into a disadvantageous spot. He simply stared down at her, then tapped his forehead.

"Normally a headbutt's only really helpful against another head. But if you heat it up, lemme tell ya, a good headbutt to pretty much anywhere's gonna do a whole lot of damage. Just make sure you let it all out quick, otherwise you're just gonna kill yourself by turning your skull into an oven. Give it a shot."

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Thu Dec 26, 2019 12:38 am

The North God

"If you wanna find out my flavour, you gotta have a taste."

Micaiah meant for the demon to experience the ground pound and molten to the face, of course; the fact that her statement could be inferred as the intention to experience some other ground pound went over her head. Maybe it was because of all the blood rushing up there.

The self-disappointment still sat in her mind, but the anger in it subsided with the hopes of another try. Second time's the charm? Micaiah awaited with anticipation, consenting to the demon's demonstration with a nod. This time, her face expressed more determination, and also more redness. Actually, it wasn't just her face--her aura, so to speak, came about a little more red. Her presence felt stronger as well, and not really in a spiritual sense.

With the demon taking the lead, Micaiah's body came forward to him prompted by the grab, and their foreheads tapped. Hm, sounded simple enough; just let the heat rise to her forehead. Actually, that was even easier than the last trick, since there seemed to be a lot of heat already built up there. Her head was freaking burning up, actually, so no prep seemed needed. Once the demon finished his explanation, Micaiah let her head--which felt oddly heavy--fall backwards, her body unmoved and held by the collar, before swinging forward with the fearsome speed, strength, and weight of half an asura. It was enough to, even without any heat, probably disorient and topple the receiver forward.

With her reckless headbash, Micaiah failed to properly angle her head to be just a forehead-to-forehead smash. Instead, it was face to face, with all protrusions of the head--forehead, nose, and even lips, coming into contact.


Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:04 am

Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Oh yeah? Really? Was this what was happening now? Honestly, Alex was kinda impressed how stunned he was right now. Not because a girl had her lips on his, he was plenty used to that. He just didn't really figure a girl this size was gonna actually give him a headbutt good enough to sting, especially when his body was basically as hard as iron.

'Course, what was more surprising was the fact tat all that strength carried her right on forward, which meant it carried him right on backward, slamming into the floor with a bit of a clanging sound. He made a valiant effort to catch himself, but one of his hands was still in his pocket since he hadn't expected to be falling down. Oh, but where was his other hand, you might ask? Why, that one was still occupied with two fingers looped firmly under Micaiah's collar, which meant that his body's natural reaction to try and catch himself just ended up pulling her right on in closer.

So, recap. Alex, on his back, on the floor. Possibly with a concussion, but probably not. Micaiah, still on top of him. Lips still very much in contact. He noticed almost absently that she did not in fact taste like raspberry. On one hand, that was a little bit of a let down, but on the other hand, "meat and barrel strength whiskey" was a pretty good alternative. What was he supposed to do now though? He was pretty sure this wasn't what she meant for the headbutt to do, but he also kinda dug it, so he didn't feel like ending it just yet. Instead, the redhead just tugged on Micaiah's collar once more, then adjusted himself just enough that he could actually talk.

"So uh, we gonna roll with this? 'Cause I like that idea if we are."

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:24 am

The North God

Momentum carries over through objects, so when her heavy-headed slam into the demon came about, the force pushed him backwards and onto the ground, face still on face, absolutely assured by his hand pulling her collar to himself. Micaiah's body by instinct tried to catch itself, but things didn't pan out quite right. She may have had an increase in all physical parametres, but the Asura Aspect channged nothing about her weight or size. The demon being overall bigger than her and falling backwards effectively lifted her off the ground. She didn't have the weight to counteract his pull mid-air--Micaiah had no leverage. All she could do was go along with the topple. By the time they were fully on the floor, Micaiah's legs were straddled around his legs, her hips atop his.

For a short moment, their lips parted long enough for his words to come through. Well, most of them. Halfway through his sentence, Micaiah's tube-top was thrown onto his face--and the blonde didn't wear anything else on her torso, so now her upper body was entirely expose--to make his words now inaudible.

"Talking too much ruins the mood."

And as far as Micaiah was concerned, there was definitely a mood now set. Between the heat not just building up in her head but spreading throughout her body, the positions they were now in, and the fluids they just shared, things progressed to an irreversible point. Any more downtime between where they were at in immediacy and what was about to happen would be a maximum disappointment. Without waiting for any response or reaction, Micaiah threw her tube-top off his face and went in to continue giving him a strong whiskey and meat flavour.

Any other occupied thought of hers was in the process of being flushed; this was one of the moments Micaiah would rather focus on the present. By now, saliva wasn't the only fluid she was intent on sharing.


Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Sun Dec 29, 2019 1:18 am

Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Now, normally, Alex would've made some smarmy-ass comment or another, being that he was one clever fucin' guy with all kinds of clever shit to say. But, you know, he actually sort of agreed with Micaiah's point, so he decided not to let his mouth do the talking, but, wait, his mouth was still doing the talking right now. Not all of it, but some of it. Maybe more of it later, he wasn't sure what she was into. But it'd be a good time, right?


Alex might've been a sexual tyrannosaur, but even tyrannosaurs were only human. When all was said and done, he was almost desperate for a drink of water. He'd been less dehydrated walking across the Gobi, and frankly he'd have been cool passing out for a couple hours. Maybe even a couple days. But he was also one proud dude, and he'd be fucked if he actually let that total exhaustion show. Well, more fucked than he'd already been. Which was very.

"You're pretty good."

Fuck yeah. Keepin' it cool.

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Lord of the Understream
Lord of the Understream
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:45 am

The North God

Micaiah decided to give it a rest after her second orgasm. After the sixteenth hour, some sobriety came into play, and the girl started feeling a little guilty. Touketus in Hell be damned before this demon would let his fatigue be obvious, but a girl could always tell when her partner was reaching wit's end. By the end of it of it all, with whatever god this templed housed as their witness, this eventful day reached its conclusion. By now, the sun had long since set, and the moon glazed the mountain range with its silver hue. Micaiah lied next to her partner, her head at the same level as his, the chilling breeze of the high atmosphere tickling every inch of her body. Once the demon spoke, she assumed he was rested enough--maybe not enough for another round, but evidently enough for conversation.

"Thank you... You held on really well there yourself."

Micaiah was sure to add a gasping pause in-between... for courtesy sake.

"I don't think I could've asked for a bettter lesson, hehehee~."

After a small rest, Micaiah sat up in criss-cross, recollecting herself and her surrounding a moment before scooting her nude bottom slightly down across the floor. She motioned her body over his lower body before cleaning him up a bit. You know, for courtesy sake. The girl spoke a bit muffled, since her mouth was a bit occupied.

"You know, ih maigh vee a viddle eight, vut ee ngevuh eggsdained namethhh. Mine'zz Micaiah. Ruu?"


Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 8Bvy1N8


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God of Love
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Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 Empty Re: Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex]

Mon Dec 30, 2019 2:23 am

Red Really is a Great Colour [Open, Alex] - Page 2 YRtYvEZ


Artist: - Song: - Word Count: N/A

Now, normally, this sort of cleanup service would've been more than welcome. Hell, normally Alex would've been into it enough that he could just turn it into a whole new round. This time, though, that wasn't the case at all. It might've been pretty physically apparent that Micaiah's work was appreciated, but he didn't quite make any slick moves.

"Well, glad you enjoyed it..."

It took him a second to even actually process what she'd asked him from down there, given the obstacle to her speech. Once he decoded it, though, he snapped his fingers in realization.

"Oh, gotcha. You, mm, you c'n just call me Alex."

Honestly, given his current state, he kept his voice fairly impressively even. But, that said, there was definitely the faintest hint of an accent in his speech that had very decidedly not been there before, and Alex could only blink in surprise as it reared its head. Was he that out of it? Good lord.

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