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Mirja Eeola
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Tue Apr 16, 2019 4:44 pm


"Ever since I met you, all you have done is act like a child. To proclaim you are the only one in the world ever hurt, ever driven to despair and anger. Yes, it hurts to see your friends betray you, to see those you care about hurt. To go through a twisted situation, it is so easy to just run away, to become a cold, remorseless thing. On that, I understand more than you could possibly imagine. But to give up on life is to give up on those who depend on you for life. Support, as you are supported, Midori. And it is here, that you reach Hardship number three"

The furious Midori would rush forward, her frenzied mind open to an attack more powerful than any fist Ulv could throw out. Doubt.

An incredible weight rushed from Ulv's body, and centred around the eyes that shot into Midori's own. Reiatsu, Midori could handle, but this was a metaphysical weight that would pressure the cracks in her mind to breaking point. Standing against Ulv at this moment, with this mindset, would make her feel like a little child, squaring up against a giant that covered the skies and the ground.
"Integrity. The ability to believe in yourself is hampered, your fears rush to the surface, and you stumble on the path"

Truth Of Flame | END POST

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Sun Apr 21, 2019 2:43 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Bear Hugs - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Since time immemorial, warriors from both myth and reality had always spoken of being fearless, of possessing no dismay towards a daunting obstacle that stood before them.

From as long as she could recall, she had always admired such brave men and women, those who could face the odds and rise above their trials and tribulations. She, too, had been such a warrior once. Fear was never something she ever considered.

Even with how strong Ulv was, there was nothing in her mind that forced her to believe she could not match such a warrior. However, with her blade held upright, charging towards the mighty bulwark, the immovable obstacle, a sense of helplessness suddenly froze her bones in place.

Ulv did not prepare herself or move her body in preparation for a counterattack.

There was an ample opportunity to strike and cut through her armor... and yet not a single bone in her body wished to operate on any form of movement.

i]Dammit![/i] Mentally cursing at her inability to attack, self-doubt - that hideous emotion she desperately tried to bury deep beneath layers of ruthless mentality - swept towards the forefront of her mind. She detested that emotion. Never wished to feel that way ever again.

As Ulv's gaze bore down on her, it was as if she truly felt like an ant standing before a mighty giant, a pebble caught within a tumultuous hurricane. She was facing the very image of someone who embodied victory, who possessed a will that was truly godlike.

Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop. I hate you. I truly hate you. Die. Die. I hate this. I hate to feel this way. I'm not useless. I'm a warrior worth a thousand. Out. Out. Out!!

Her mind was frenzied and her next attack she had prepared to aim at Ulv had missed its mark entirely, an embarrassment for any warrior and one that stung even more so to the remorseless heroine. Turning to face her once more, she growled in a panic that seemed to be mixed entirely with anger.

"Liar! When has someone like you ever suffered!? You died and ended up slotted into another body! You can claim all of those righteous words and preach them freely... I detest people like you! I fear nothing! No one! " Even though Midori had spoken those words with conviction, her body did not likewise agree nor did her mind. She was in shambles.

A collective form of chaos and emotion. More tears continued to flow from her eyes. Her mind was no longer aiding her in the battle and all that was flowing through her mind was self-doubt and the fear of being unable to overcome defeat and press on.

That powerful gaze was a reminder of how she could protect no one, how she would always be a tier below everyone else and be among the drudge who was left behind. "I'm not useless... I'm not... " Faint whispers had left her lips as she contemplated how she would even move forward at this point.

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Fri May 03, 2019 3:22 am; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
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Sun Apr 21, 2019 7:15 am


"Clearly you've never died. It was a really bad situation. Not only the horrific way I did die, but afterwards getting sucked into a new body after I had died. So now you got what you know warring with what is actually happening. And that, is the better part of my life. Let me show you the worse side of it"
Holding out a finger and pointing it at Midori, Ulv spoke one word that would cause the surrounding area to tremble with the sheer power that was released from the woman. Reiatsu sensors across the continent redlined at the explosion, and there was certainly enough Hollow there to worry people.


'You sure about this? You've never used this form, you have no idea about it's parameters' Hvit warned. But Ulv, did not listen. Instead, she was clad in blackness, segmented armour with a snarling bear skull as a helmet. The armour was oppressive, so durable you could feel it's defensive capabilities, and from the armour, there was a new thing. While Ulv's passion and determination could throb from her when she commanded, this armour screamed with unrestrained, unparalleled fury.

To stand in the aura that this armour made would rape the mind of coherency, shattering a mortal's consciousness with the sheer density and weight of the anger that Ulv was feeling. Stronger beings would resist it better, but even those who were literally immortal would feel goose bumps rise on their arms.
"The Zanpaktou is a mirror of your soul. What you release, is a true expression of what you feel. So come, Midori, strike at me. Feed that hatred, and if you spend a thousand years in practice, your fury might reach a thousandth of what I deal with every single moment, of every single day"

Fury Made Manifest | END POST

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Fri Apr 26, 2019 1:50 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Bear Hugs - Page 3 6EdIfMt

(Added a new song this time~ )

Midori was experiencing a multitude of emotions ever since the outset of the battle. First, there was an annoyance in the form of Ulv's appearance, fleeting happiness in the form of who she thought to be Mirja, and now her mental state was emotionally unstable. Always composed as a warrior and hardened by her trials through the underworld, Midori was one who never wavered in the face of any warrior, man or woman.

She had thought Hell had made her even more fearless, merciless, and to an extent, such desires had come to fruition. However, even Hell could not completely erase her old self, so remnants still remained even though she detested them.

Facing Ulv was a reminder of the person she had desired to be... perhaps without any shortcut. Though, in all honesty, Midori did not regret her path.

Contrary to popular beliefs, demons were not all that bad. They were simply creatures who were most attuned with their existence and desire and follow their paths with conviction. Midori had yet to walk her own path, and she would not admit that to Ulv.

Even if her body was frozen in fear, she would force it to move, that she might strike Ulv with her blade. As she heard Ulv reply to her accusations, Midori had realized that she never bothered to ask how Mirja died. Such a thought saddened her. Even so! Ulv was not Mirja! She wasn't the same woman who took her hand and welcomed her into a warm home! Not the one who nearly stole her heart! Ulv was harsh! She didn't even consider the hell she endured and could easily say those things!

As her mind teetered on a tightrope nearing insanity, Ulv's next sentence and the next event to transpire had left her speechless.

"And that is the better part of my life. Let me show you the worse side of it... "

Pointing a finger out towards her, Ulv uttered but one word...

"Bankai. "

Time seemed to slow to a halt - in Midori's perception - the area trembled with such a mighty force that Midori could feel her feet shake ever so slightly. When the collection of energy finally settled, what stood before her now was fury given physical form. Whereas Ulv stood as the Bulwark of powerful - some would say heroic - will, this was perhaps worse than even the most frightening demon she had faced in hell.


That was all that her mind could register as she gazed upon the armored monstrosity. Unrivaled terror filled her heart and her eyes widened as she stood before it.

"So come, Midori, strike at me. Feed that hatred, and if you spend a thousand years in practice, your fury might reach a thousandth of what I deal with every single moment, of every single day. "

Midori growled, as though she were a cornered animal. Raising Goujian above her shoulder, wind gathered around her blade once more, Kinetic energy increased the mass and velocity of her mystic weapon and a vicious glare was directed towards this physical manifestation of fury.


With a bloodcurdling scream, she charged towards Ulv once again, swinging her blade forward, without any strategy or forethought. Even so, it was difficult to even move her body at this point. Her nerves were completely unaligned and her mind was no longer her ally...

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon May 06, 2019 4:57 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
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Fri Apr 26, 2019 5:16 am


A mind like steel was not a boon, for steel lacked the ability to flex, to bend and return to one's normal position. Steel would always be dented, and that dent would always make it weaker for the next strike. And this mind had finally, truly shattered under Ulv's Bear Of The Stars. Losing all shred of sanity, she rushed at Ulv, screaming and swinging the blade like a mad woman. But even Sky-Piercer, or the dragon-slaying Garm could not hope to puncture Ulv's breastplate, and so Midori's blade ricocheted off with a clang. Rolling into the blow somewhat, Ulv gave it enough recoil to probably knock the broken Midori on her ass.

And then the Demon Bear was gone, and in it's place was the soft, warmth of home. Of the hearth in winter, of hot chocolate and familial merriment. Of peace, laughter, and love.
"It was brave to face off against me. But, those with the courage to re-sheath their blade are extremely rare. You see, Fear is not evil, it is knowing your own weakness. And once you know that, you can become strong and gentle" Ulv bent down, and extended a hand to Midori.

"Let's go home"


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Tue May 07, 2019 2:42 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Bear Hugs - Page 3 6EdIfMt

(Play thine song while reading thee post. )

Frail. Midori felt so helplessly frail. Her composure was no longer present in the battle, her mind transcending into insanity. She detested the very notion of being helpless, of feeling fear, and yet here she was, facing her own demons, with a mind awash with doubt; a voice of shame crying out to the remorseless heroine. You're supposed to be feared. Terror in human form, and yet here you are, screaming and losing your mind like some damned coward!

Perhaps Ulv was right. Midori was a child and did not know even a thousandth of true fury. After all, her composure was shattered like so many pieces upon seeing the fearsome monstrosity of Ulv's Bankai.

The demonic bear stood before her like an obstacle that was truly insurmountable. It instilled her with a sense of helplessness. An emotion she vowed would never enter the landscape of her mind ever again. Maintaining composure seemed like an outright implausible notion.

Swinging her sword around like a mad woman who had seen a nightmarish beast, her sword finally connected with Ulv's armor and the result did not yield any reward. It inevitably ended in failure, just as so many other battles in her life before she traveled this path.

A loud clang was all she heard and her posterior unwillingly planted itself upon the ground with a thud. Why was she so damn useless? She was supposed to be stronger now, and yet even this clash seemed to be enough to make her quiver in fear. As she kept her head down as she sat on the ground, she laughed derisively as tears could be seen in her eyes.

"It seems that even a vacation in the underworld changed nothing... talk about lost time. Heh. " Speaking to herself, she did not notice, that Ulv had deactivated her Bankai; her armor dissipating to reveal herself in her normal state. Kneeling down to the raven-haired woman, Ulv gently offered her a hand and spoke to her.

"It was brave to face off against me. But, those with the courage to re-sheath their blade are extremely rare. You see, Fear is not evil, it is knowing your own weakness. And once you know that, you can become strong and gentle. "

"Let's go home. "

Gazing up at Ulv, Midori felt a familiar warmth... one that actually reminded her of the woman she had grown to admire so many years ago. Even so, her mind was too stubborn to accept her words.

"Fear is a horrible thing for a warrior to possess in their mind. I... I am useless. So utterly useless. I sacrificed years believing I had attained a grand increase in power and a ruthless mentality - yet during the entire battle I was whimpering in fear.

No one cares how strong or gentle you are on the battlefield. Enemies or opponents who possess ill-intention would've decapitated me by now and wore my head as a symbol of their victory. Home? Hahaha... as if I have a home to return to. Not only did Shadin marry a weakling but someone who abandoned him... I doubt I can face him now... "

Turning her face to the ground, hiding the tears rolling down her cheeks, she muttered a few words.

"Just let me be... leave me here and let the animals take my flesh as they will. That is what I deserve."

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun May 12, 2019 12:23 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
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Tue May 07, 2019 3:14 am


Groan. These people that wanted to hang around and make lies to themselves were really hard to deal with. She couldn't help them with her Flame and it was clear that she wasn't going to get anywhere talking because they had just done that. So Ulv sighed deeply and just decided to fall back on the final plan she had. It was a radical plan, and one that would probably explode in her face, but without this she had nothing that could help her out. She was to focused on her own doubt and despair to do anything.

Walking up to Midori and picking her up, Ulv pressed her lips against the woman and took her passionately.
"Fine. If you wish to discard yourself, then I shall pick up your refuse and take it for my own. Waste not want not, after all. If you wish to throw away what makes you yourself, then I shall have it. How do you feel about that?" Ulv asked Midori, stroking a soft finger across her face. The dominant look in her eye and overbearing aura made it clear that she wasn't joking or messing around. She was seriously going to take Midori into her household if the woman really gave up on herself.


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Sun May 12, 2019 3:22 pm


MIDORI Sugiura

Bear Hugs - Page 3 6EdIfMt

As Midori remained motionless on the ground, her body somewhat overtaxed from a battle that had tested her frail will and gave her a humbling defeat, her eyes had not even focused themselves on Ulv as she came towards her. Even though she wanted to accept her words of encouragement, a loss was a loss. There was no erasure of how humiliating she carried herself. When Ulv showed even a glance of her own power, the so-called remorseless heroine whimpered like a frightened pet with their tail in-between their legs.

Fear was so detestable. One lesson she had taken from Satella during her trials in hell was that fear and the notions of the battlefield were meaningless.

Kill or be killed. If Ulv was an enemy, Midori would've likely been dead by now.

Even so, Ulv had commended her for facing her and even through fear, she had struck her with Goujian. Even though it did not pierce flesh or make a dent in her armor, she did not wish to falter. She was afraid. Mortally terrified could not even accurately illustrate the fear that raged within her heart. Even with fear, she still overcame it through her body. Perhaps, in a way, Ulv was correct. Staring beyond her own foolish pride, the Remorseless Heroine stood tall. Before she could speak once again, Ulv had picked her up and passionately pressed her lips against her own.


To say that this was an unexpected turn of events would've been an understatement; to say nothing of the fact that she was unsuspecting. Truth be told, for all the insults Midori threw her way, she did not find Ulv unattractive. Midori was at a loss of words. One part of her mind was lost in translation, and another was very conflicted. It was not particularly out of disgust - Midori was fond of men and women, and before she married Shadin, the notion of dating a woman was something she did not attest at all.

To exacerbate the issue, residing in hell for so long had caused her to incur some of their tendencies - from their violence to their lust, and so many other sinful emotions. It was only when she pulled away and Ulv spoke that made her raise an eyebrow. Her pride would not allow her to let herself be taken home as if she were a roaming animal who needed to be adopted.

She wanted to reply angrily but the only thing that left her lips was an exasperated sigh and in a turn of events that would likely surprise Ulv in return, Midori wrapped her hands around Ulv's neck and returned the kiss, biting at her bottom lip as she gazed into her eyes. It was not particularly a wish to further the kiss but giving into an urge. Pulling away, she cleared her throat and gave her an honest opinion.

"You would be a fool to think I'd accept your offer. That said, I will not deny that you are correct. I've... been in hell so long. I thought that to become someone strong meant you had to be a monster. Fight evil with evil. Be remorseless and cruel, and impose your will upon the enemy. Mirja... I mean Ulv... I want to protect him. I know you're not the same woman from before... but I will never deny the way you made me feel in the past. I cannot change what I have done or the type of person I am now... but I could use some guidance. I just want to protect him so much..." Resting her head on Ulv's shoulder, she hid her face as she let the truths within her heart pour out without hesitation.

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon May 13, 2019 4:42 am; edited 2 times in total
Mirja Eeola
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Sun May 12, 2019 4:05 pm


Ulv would plant a hand on Midori's chest as she tried to come in for the return kiss. The smirk on Ulv's face made it clear that she was in control and anything that happened was going to be because Ulv let it happen, rather than anything Midori tried to do.
"You are a poor student, little Midori. Have you learned nothing of our interaction? To be a monster, to fight evil with evil...impose your will upon the enemy. Why, is this not what I have just done to you, even? The idea is not the wrong part, it's the execution"

She would then stroke Midori's head and smile to herself, comforting the woman gently.
"You must be firm of heart and flexible of mind. Do not be consumed by the beast that you savage the enemy with. You must be of two sides. The gentle friend and the vicious monster. You must rip and tear, maim and rend, and then go to dinner with the in laws and crack jokes to impress them. Do not let one side of life become all there is to your existence. That, is the issue. Nothing more, nd nothing less"


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Mon May 13, 2019 5:03 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Bear Hugs - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"Yeah, yeah. You got me pretty good. No need to rub it in. It is a lesson I suppose I will have to learn in the long run." Midori felt so content in this embrace, being comforted and held gently overtook her with a sense of peace and hope; as if a breath of fresh hair had graced her lungs with no intent of dissipating.

She would not deny that through their interaction Ulv wasn't a complete pain in her ass but, somehow, in her own odd way, her intentions seemed to be positive. Her persistent nature would always be a pain but oddly through it all, she had provided her with unique thought and ideas.

Her defeat didn't seem like one that was meant to be dishonor but rather a very important lesson. If Midori had faced an enemy who intended to kill her, she had to face her fears and learn to find an equilibrium within her own nature.

The raven-haired woman chuckled at how she thought she had it all figured out and it would seem as though she was given a new lesson that differed tremendously from the Danava of Knowledge that resided in the underworld. Removing her face from Ulv's shoulder, she stretched her arms out and gazed at her as she turned to face the sun.

"I have much to learn. I grow tired of this frail mentality that I cannot protect those who I love and cherish but... today has shown me that there is a path if I open my mind. Acting like a child who lost everything won't fix anything. " Placing a hand to the sky, facing the sun, her body glowed, seemingly consuming the radiant solar energy.

"So... if you don't have anything else you want to show me, I think I'm ready to go home now. "

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon May 13, 2019 6:06 am; edited 1 time in total
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