Bear Hugs
2 posters
- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
- Joined : 2016-08-18
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Re: Bear Hugs
Fri May 24, 2019 9:17 am
The Flame Of Hope
Artist: Billy Talent - Song: Viking Death March
"I guess this is why we don't get on. I love Iron Man"
Well, little Midori certainly had some interesting tricks of her own. She made a dance about the world, seemingly drawing lines in the air, which would then catch Ulv in their pull. Unlike what she thought, there was no slow-down when she got caught in this metaphysical net of lines. Unable to really see them, Ulv could only notice their presence due to her immense extrasensory powers, and even noticing their presence wasn't enough to know where they were or how to avoid them. Though, Midori's plan did most certainly backfire on her in a most horrible manner.
Ulv was not someone so untalented to not be able to make on-the-fly adjustments, nor was Tiger Gate something that did not flow - it was Speed and Precision, so it was perfect for this. Further more, even though her true Speed was only single-digit percentage of what she could normally use, the manacles did nothing towards her Kinetic Sense, the ability to feel one's self. Her Proprioception was truly at the highest peak that it could be, to a point that thought was inferior to the memory of movement. The blow looked as if it would overshoot until suddenly it twitched back on target to smash her sternum and blow the wind out of her lungs. Though if Midori could hold herself, Ulv would not bother much with the blow. The manacles didn't reduce one's durability, and Ulv was a sturdy woman, doubled with the fact that Midori lacked the apical Martial Arts and powers that improved her strength like Ulv's did.
"Nice tricks. Maybe I should turn the manacles down from 95% to be equal to yours"
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