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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Left_bar_bleue16000/1A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia]

Sun Apr 07, 2019 10:04 am


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

Abalia Sesshouin had stepped through these doors countless ties in the past few years, but this time was wholly different. Were she a normal woman, she would likely be extremely nervous, but of course Abalia did not feel such things. She walked into the office of the fourth Division's captain with a purpose beyond her usual duties, confident as ever.

“Captain Kyoraku, sir. I come here with a personal request today.”

That, in itself, was an incredible statement to be made from Abalia. She had never made a single personal request, not even or the most minor of things. In a sense, it could be said that this was in her mind, the culmination of all potential requests in a single motion. She had readied all possible paperwork or this, and some of the papers she placed on Shunsui's desk seemed to have been drafted by her exactly for this particular moment.

“I would like to ask one week of personal leave, as I am to be married and wish to spend time with my husband for a while afterward. There is, however, also a more personal aspect of this. As you assuredly know, I have no family to speak of. However, it is customary that a woman's father walk her down the aisle, to give her away, as it were. As such, I would like to ask that you take that role in my wedding, if you are able to spare the time.”

Naturally, Abalia knew that was a hefty thing to ask of a Captain, and she entirely would have understood if he said no. However, she realized idly that she would not like that. She was unsure exactly what it was, as naturally Shunsui was hardly beholden to such a minor thing. She assumed, then, that it was simply a matter of her failing in her duties as a wife if she could not provide a proper wedding.

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A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty Re: A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia]

Sun Apr 28, 2019 6:14 am


Kyoraku Shunsui

A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] 6EdIfMt

Song: Mysterious [Bleach OST] - Artist: Shiro Sagisu

Shunsui looked up as Abalia entered his office. That in itself was not an unusual occurrence, as she was his vice captain. This time though, it felt different. He couldn't quite place his finger on it, but it seemed that this meeting wouldn't have much to do with Gotei affairs. He didn't mind that, she was a nice young girl who he'd taken a liking to. Although that could be said of most nice young girls, this was a different sort of liking. In fact, he viewed her more as a daughter than anything. She'd shown him countless times just how courageous and resourceful she could be, even if she had no real power to speak of, and he respected that.

As she spoke, his suspicion was confirmed. He looked at her with an intrigued expression on his face as she said that she had a personal request. That was certainly a first. He said nothing about it, however, and simply let her express what it was that she had on her mind. As she continued to speak he widened his eyes somewhat. This was the first he'd heard of a wedding, and it was not something he'd been expecting. What came next shocked him even more thoroughly though. She requested that he walk her down the aisle. He couldn't help but let a bit of that shock display itself. He thought it over for a moment, and then began to speak, addressing the most pressing issue at the forefront.

"Well, that wouldn't be quite appropriate, would it? For me to walk you down the aisle as a stand in? After all, a marriage is the most important ceremony one will experience in their lives. It's a sacred tradition, all matters should be conducted with the utmost sincerity, so as not to sully their importance."

He smiled after he said this. Of course he could have just blurted out what he was going to eventually anyway, but he was feeling foolish today.

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty Re: A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia]

Tue Apr 30, 2019 6:01 pm


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

It was good that Abalia was a rational woman, else, she realized, Shunsui's words would have actually caused her some faint unhappiness. That thought was one she liked very little, but of course she would have to consider these things another time. She was still speaking with her Captain, and as such her full attention should remain on the conversation at hand. The silver-haired maiden actually had to pause a short moment before her reply, however, perhaps the greatest possible sign that Kyoraku's answer had effected her.

“I understand, sir. My apologies for asking. If that is not acceptable, then might I still ask your presence?”

That was, frankly, the most Abalia wished to ask if her initial request was out of the question. Though she was an exceptionally stoic woman, the faint emotional aspect she had allowed to show in this conversation had continued to shine through the thick curtain she normally kept up. The first time Abalia's voice had ever lost one iota of its confidence was at the worry Hayden might well perish before their wedding. The second, however, was this very moment.

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A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty Re: A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia]

Sat May 18, 2019 8:58 pm


Kyoraku Shunsui

A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] 6EdIfMt

Song: Mysterious [Bleach OST] - Artist: Shiro Sagisu

After listening to the response that Abalia had given him, Shunsui felt a slight pang of guilt. In all of the time he'd known her, regardless of what the situation might have been, there had never been any sign of hesitation or unassuredness about her. It was something he very much respected, and was a quality that he felt was necessary for anyone in their line of work. Unfortunately, there were quite a few, even those with higher positions, and much greater power at their disposal, who did not possess this trait. At this very moment though, she seemed to waver, if only incredibly slightly. From that, he realized that perhaps joking around was the incorrect decision, and he should have been upfront about things from the onset. In the end, there was nothing he could do about it now. There was no changing the past, and he didn't plan on making things more difficult by bringing it up, so he simply continued as he would have had there been no problem. Smiling warmly, he spoke once more.

"I only meant it wouldn't be appropriate for me to be a stand in. After all, we've been through a lot together, haven't we? I already consider you like my daughter. Why not simply make it official?"

His smile grew even larger as he said this. It was very clear that it was a genuine request, and not something that he was joking about. Nor was it something that he would joke about, considering the fact that she didn't currently didn't have any family. Truthfully, he did hope she would accept his offer, as he'd wanted a daughter for a while now, and she would be his top choice. A wife as well, but perhaps that would come with time. He also did intend to fulfill her request even if she declined, but he hoped that it wouldn't come down to that.

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty Re: A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia]

Mon May 27, 2019 3:52 pm


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

Abalia was, at first, a bit confused, she had to admit. Had she heard that right? Of course she had, what a needless thing to wonder. She had been paying the closest of attention to her captain, and so she knew that she had understood him to the fullest possible extent. It still seemed a touch alien to her, te idea never having exactly crossed her mind. Yet, she could not say she was displeased at the idea. So, with a small nod, Abalia made her reply.

"I would be honored, sir. This is not something with which I am familiar, however, so I do apologize if I am insufficient in preparing for it. Is there any paperwork required for this? Shall I retrieve it?"

It wasn't so much that Abalia relished the idea of doing that paperwork, hough of course she wished for everything to be handled in the proper way. It was more that she was simply used to handling everything in such a manner. The idea of reacting even to something as personal as this with anything other than her usual calculated approach was...discomforting. She knew no other way to deal with things than by taking them as directly and as measured as possible.

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A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty Re: A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia]

Sat Jul 06, 2019 11:07 pm


Kyoraku Shunsui

A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] 6EdIfMt

Song: Mysterious [Bleach OST] - Artist: Shiro Sagisu

Shunsui simply laughed in response to the way Abalia was handling the situation. It wasn't that her reaction in itself was comical, but it came across as humorous to him considering the circumstances. After a momentary pause, he began to speak himself.

"No, no. I'll take care of it, you do enough paperwork around here as it is. Traditionally there's a bit of a ceremony involved. I'll leave it up to you whether or not you want to combine the two. Either way, why don't you take a break for a while, go enjoy yourself. Shouldn't you be planning a bachelorette party or something?"

Shunsui maintained his smile as he finished speaking, shuffled a few stacks of paper around on his desk. Then stood from his chair and looked over Abalia. She'd certainly been through a lot since he'd met her, although he considered this to be one of her larger accomplishments. Not only joining his family, but getting married and starting a life of her own. In a way, he envied her. For a long time he'd been focused more on the success and protection of the Gotei than anything, and that inevitably left him with little time for anything else. When he did have time he found it necessary to sharpen his skills, so as to prevent anything like what had happened in the past from happening again. He continued to tell himself that he would, one day, have the time to take a backseat in important affairs and settle down, but that day didn't seem to be coming any time soon. Perhaps if he were to dwell on it for too long it would sadden him, but with the way things had been going down recently, his mind was in other places. Still, he did occasionally think about all of the things that could have been with a melancholic tinge. One day.

Snapping out of his own mind, Shunsui looked back up to Abalia.

"Well, I know it's not technically official yet, but I'd like to welcome you to the family. I'm more proud to call you my daughter than anyone could imagine."

He paused for a moment after he said this, and almost appeared as if he was going to say something else before adding a simple sentence.

"Was there anything else you wanted to talk about?"

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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia] Empty Re: A Personal Request [Shunsui, Abalia]

Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:30 am


Artist: Turnabout Jazz Soul - Song: Steel Samurai

Finding herself almost...overwhelmed by all of this, Abalia simply thought for a moment or two about this. Would she want her wedding and her adoption into the family to be the same ceremony? No, of course not. They were wholly different events, she would not wish to take away from the importance of either. Ah, and a bachelorette party...well, she had few she would need to send invitations to, she supposed, so that would not be such a difficult task.

"Ah, yes, thank you. I am more honored than I might put into words at this."

Giving a deep bow, Abalia thought carefully about this whole situation, about her life as it now was. It was not something she had expected, but that was alright. She was still doing right by the world, still enacting all of the good that she could. Whether as a simple officer, or as a noble and a queen, that did not change a thing. Knowing that others cared for her to such a degree...well, it did not make her feel much of anything, for nothing did. But intellectually, she understood the weight of it. It was...not unpleasant.

"I have nothing else I wish to talk about. If that is all..."

Another pause, as a thought crossed Abalia's mind. She did not hesitate often, but as this occurred to her, she had no choice but to run through the full scope of propriety. Ultimately, she dediced, this was a private environment, and furthermore it was objectively now a proper title by which she should address him. There would be no harm in it.

"If that is all, father, then I will take my leave."

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