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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 3:35 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Whirling blades, a flurry of fists, the never-ending waltz of death and destruction; would it ever end? Sometimes Magnolia would stop and ponder, before dismissing it as the way of the world. Today was one of those days when thoughts ran unbidden through her mind when the weight of reality would grate and grind upon her soul.

"Magpie, you know it was their choice. You've never taken a life unjustly." Raijin's rumbling voice echoed in her mind; her inner spirit projected it's emotions of warmth towards its host. In her inner world, Raijin was looking out towards the horizon solemnly.

" Does it matter, Raijin? A thousand, ten-thousand a million? How can I ever justify the number of lives I've taken, the number of families I've destroyed? How am I any different from those I fight? " Magnolia's inner turmoil, the root of her trauma was from this one fact: She knew how painful it was for families to be destroyed, yet she was doing it to others.

"No, I guess, in the end, it indeed won't matter. If you want reality, here it is Magnolia: You are a murderer. Still, just as you've taken lives, you've also saved lives. You have fought against what you have perceived to be injustice, never betraying the ideals you have.

I would say the citizens of Victoria would think of you as a hero. Demons might think of you as a mass murderer. In the end, those with power will be haunted by it. You are my Queen. I will always support your choices unconditionally. "
Raijin's response was deliberately harsh, it was clear the zanpakuto spirit had had enough of Magnolia's whining.

A derisive snort escaped Magnolia's nose as her feet dug into the white sand below. Her golden eyes peering out across the endless night sky before her, before sweeping across the endless sands that surrounded her.

Her mind strayed from what lay before her as she stared at the emptiness, thinking about the realm she had left behind, the unfinished crusade that she had put on hold to aid the reality that she currently found herself within.

She had found many things in this world that she hadn't expected to, and for that she was grateful. However, eventually, she would return to the world she was from, to destroy the rotten foundations that kept it from growing to greater heights. The greedy sects that ruled over it, the powerful beings that lived in debauchery, that lived like fake gods upon the lies they had sown for thousands of years. She would destroy it all.

Right now though, in the present, what was important was gauging the strength of a certain individual. Someone who through their two lives had sought to be by her, a comrade that she could trust. She had called them here, to the endless sands to see if they would be strong enough to fight by her side. Magnolia was tired of losing those that were important to her, and refused to do so any longer.

Template By:

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:17 pm


Well, this was interesting. Magnolia had finally called on Ulv to come help her with her grand task of helping Black Wulin recover from it's atrocities that had been caused. But, where she chose to meet was certainly a strange place. Of all the realms, Ulv would not have picked the Hollow realm to hold a meeting over anything. Still, getting there was the easiest part with her dimensional crossing abilities. It was hard to keep her out these days, with the power that Ulv had at her disposal, she could go where she wanted for whatever reason she wanted. People didn't let Ulv in, they merely dealt with her presence.

The Wind sighed, and Ulv appeared, like a gentle breeze. Magnolia, aside from last time, was quite the troubled woman today. But, Ulv would not pry too deeply unless Magnolia offered first.
"Not exactly a vacation getaway, Mag. What with the billions of hollows and the Super-King of Las Nochas who might poke his head in at any moment. Still, it's your choice, I just come as you have asked. What do you need of me, darling?" Ulv asked, her senses put on high alert. Here was no place to relax or grow complacent.


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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 4:43 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

At last, Ulv's familiar energy signature filled the endless sands. Magnolia's golden eyes shifted to face the auburn-haired woman as she appeared from a crack between worlds. A small smile blossomed on her lips, but it was a smile that would fade in an instant, fleeting, like a mirage.

"Ulv Auber, I didn't know if you would come or not." Magnolia's voice was faintly bemused but weary and somber. The warrior made no move towards her comrade, instead, remaining stock-still.

Under the moonlight, the tattered kimono that garbed Magnolia's body looked fierce and lonely. Her toned and chiseled arms aglow. Her feet standing shoulder-width apart, toes pressed firmly against the sand that lay beneath them.

" Your strength, it might just be strong enough now." Magnolia commented with a sigh, a tremor running through the ground as the faintest hints of azure graced her skin and the faintest crackle of lightning arcing from her arm to the ground. The scimitars that rest lightly upon her hips began to rattle faintly, electricity in the air being drawn to them slowly.

" When this war is over, If all goes well, I plan on bridging the gap between realities once more. I will return to the soul society that I am from and I will destroy the sects that rule over it. Before that though, I have to discern something very important. " Magnolia's somber tone, the slight edge that lay within it, and the way that the ground was thumping, all of it brought with it a sense of off-kilter, almost like a storm was just on the horizon.

"That you are strong enough that I don't have to worry about you perishing. So come at me." Magnolia spoke plainly, before the sand surrounding her exploded upwards into a seething, churning mass of raw power. Her energy would ripple outwards like a natural disaster, lightning bolts ripping through the sands to turn it to glass. Huge spikes of sand turning into jagged teeth that stuck from the earth, glass shards falling from the sky like jagged hail, which would smash into the ground littering it with spine-like projections.

Template By:

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:04 pm


"I'm offended you'd think that I wouldn't come. We made a pact, and I honour my pacts" Ulv was slightly irritated at the insinuation, though the rest of the situation was more of an issue than that. Magnolia wanted to wait until after the war before she went to the Black World, which could lead to her never going and cursing everyone there to suffer for eternity. Apparently her native people and those that she had grown up around were less important than people she had known a few months. Fine, Ulv was not here to question Magnolia's reasons. Apparently, she was here because the woman didn't think that she was strong enough.

Lightning shot past them, turning sand to glass with it's power, but Ulv simply stood and let it brush past her. Magnolia wanted to know Ulv's strength? Well, ok then.
"We could have gone out for drinks, but no. You want to get pummelled in the endless hollow desert" Ulv muttered, shaking her head before going full tilt at the first base. A massive man appeared behind her, a hundred foot off the ground and eight thousand foot tall, and a beautiful blue dress appeared on her. Neither lasted for long however, as Ulv sucked both of them into her arm and threw a punch at Magnolia.

The cataclysm that followed was breathtaking, in more than one way. The power that exploded towards Magnolia ripped the landscape apart for miles around the impact zone, cutting chunks of Huaco Mundo deep enough to open a massive sinkhole to the Forest of Menos. The billowing wind turned simple grains of sand into vorpal razors, and the kinetic energy of the wind itself was sufficient to liquify an entire town worth of buildings. Clearly, Ulv was not bothering with subtlety or restraint on this one.


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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:32 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

"Let's get something straight. It's going to be you that ends up eating shit face first." Magnolia's voice echoed throughout the sands before Ulv finally threw her attack.

The land was torn asunder, the ground heaving up towards the midnight sky. Vorpal winds exploded outwards, roaring like behemoths as they shattered all that lay in their path. It was impressive really, the amount of power that lay in that punch was enough that the turbulence spilled over into the stone forest that lay miles beneath their feet, the shockwaves alone pushed sand away from their position, like a gigantic tidal-wave to create dunes in the surrounding landscape. It was titanic, a magnificent show of force. Still...

"I didn't think this would be ... this FUN!" A boisterous laugh left Magnolia's lips as she made an open palm, space itself distorting around her as a massive influx of spiritual energy congregated onto her palms surface. As the roaring wave of destruction neared her, she thrust her palm forth, and the true chaos would begin.

It was blinding, the chaotic vibrating mass of power that exploded from her palm was mighty enough that in the first split second after, the sky was dyed blue in the hue of Magnolia's fierce spiritual energy. Then the massive explosion of reishi would crash headlong into the attack that was sent her way. Then, the reishi began to expand, a mass of untamed destruction that would arc up into the sky above, and shoot down into the bedrock beneath it. Space itself shuddered, much like a how an Espada brought Garganta's into this realm, the sand was blown away like buckshot for tens of miles from the subsequent blast.

Next, Stone was jettisoned from the blast zone in house-sized chunks into the skies above, flying for many tens of miles before smashing into the sands to cause craters, practically meteors once they smashed back into the ground. The stone forest that lay beneath their feet was vaporized as well, vibrational storms and kinetic energy turning what lay below into dust, a hole many miles wide, and tens of miles deep lay in the wake of the two titanic forces.

Finally, the aftershock ripped past the combatants, shattering many more miles around them as tidal waves of sand barreled through the landscape like seething snakes, they would rip up any of the small dead tree's they encountered, before shooting off into the distance.

"If that is all you have, then it won't be enough. " Magnolia's voice rose in the silence that was left in the wake of those mighty attacks. Soon, in a flash of electricity, she would appear right before ulv, lightning exploding from her twin fists, which would blur as the words exploded from her mouth.


These twin fists would impact Ulv's abdomen with an extreme force more likely than not. The power of her iron fist technique and demon shattering blows compounding upon her immense strength. Double bone, it was a technique that, when considering Magnolia's own might, was enough that it could shatter many miles of the landscape around them if there had been any left.

Template By:

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 6:28 pm


Kaizer Fist was not meant to end things, it was meant to start things. To show Magnolia what Ulv could do without anything else. There were more things, Ulv was far from a one-trick pony, in fact she was a many trick pony. It was something she prided herself on, the creation of so many extra-zanpaktou abilities. And, well, Magnolia was going to get to learn all of them, the first being Ulv's empowering mutagenic ability. While she was dealing with Kaizer Fist, Ulv dropped into Dragon Gate, a powerful martial stance that would allow her the usage of strength superior to the norm. And added on her Punchinators to protect her fists.

The counterclysm of Magnolia was quite magnificent to see. She wasn't expecting the girl to be taken out by the attack, but to deal with it so handily, she really deserved her reputation in the world. Ulv's Reiatsu buffer protected her from the debris and shockwave, but that was to be expected, it's density was immense these days.
"Merely the soup course, Magnolia" Ulv replied, smirking at her. She then moved with startling speed, as fast as Ulv could move at her best. Seemed Magnolia had a few tricks of her own. Though, Ulv's movement speed was slow because the focus was within her reaction speed, and her arms were a blur as they moved into an intercept course with Magnolia's fists. A subtle red haze around the knuckles of both fists as they would collide with the exceptional Hakuda of Magnolia. Ulv's Maximum body was a strong one, and the gauntlets helped mitigate the blow as well as her special bones. But all the protection in the world would not stop her body from being jarred by the force. Though, with the force Ulv was returning, there was plenty of jarring to go around.

Truth Of Flame | END POST

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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Sat Jun 15, 2019 3:45 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

The air exploded in the aftershock of Magnolia's titanite fists colliding with Ulv's powerful gauntlets. The skies howled with the wind currents that blew outwards like raging storms. These otherworldly forces which fought against one another, they changed the landscape around them with every collision that occurred.

"Soup? Does she understand my resolve? She's likening the intent of my will to food?" The Cogs in Magnolia's mind spun as her feet skid across the air backward, her short, spikey hair ruffled by the winds that billowed past her body. "She likens the honoring of memories in such a manner?" The thought ran rampant in her head before she launched forward, lightning expunging from her form.

Giving Ulv no time to recover, Magnolia appeared right in front of her once more, Her open palm moving forward at speeds which easily exceeded the speed of sound; The open palm moving in at exceedingly fast speeds as it would grasp the Hem of Ulv's clothing. From there, Magnolia's arm would draw her inwards, her elbow moving across to strike towards Ulv's face with enough force to shatter her nose. Both strikes would be near-instantaneous due to timing and speed. Of course, If Ulv had managed to react in time, Magnolia would have released her, her feet moving backward to give ground in a feint.

"Ulv, do you understand why I'm doing this? " Magnolia's voice carried the meager expanse of the distance between them, her feet planting firmly on the air beneath her, as she would finally draw the scimitar that lay against her hips. Maybe it was Ulv's comment on food in something so important that had the Warrior, who didn't understand the analogies of Earth so worked up; Or, it could be that the pressure she had faced so far, the memories of another that dwelled within her, and the need to ensure that she protect everyone she could with her power.

All of these things, which had been foreign to her when she had come to this universe, now were so important to her. Shuten, the Gotei, Ulv, Henrex, even Shunsui.. and the callous Abalia. These people had shown her that the world could be better. It was not a path that she'd follow on her own, but rather a way of living she could bring back to her own universe. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that these people had given her hope, had shown her the way forward. So far, it didn't seem like Ulv understood the gravity of her words. No, it seemed like Ulv did not understand the power of her will.

How could she show her? How could she make Ulv understand the agony she was willing to undergo by allowing a stranger to fight her battles alongside her?

"Do you understand that for me, this is not merely an obligation, but the culmination of my path? " Magnolia said aloud as Ulv would begin to notice the qualitative change in the air around Magnolia. "Do you understand the friends, family, and comrades I've left behind to become strong enough to honor the wishes they had?" Magnolia thought to herself.

The faintest of Sigh's escaped Magnolia's lips as thunder boomed in the distance, the phenomena of clouds having slowly appeared in the backdrop of Hueco Mundo's starry sky. Ulv had once gotten a mere glimpse of it, but now she could easily feel Magnolia's Lightning Qi as it began to interact with the world around them.

"This may seem trivial to you, but the fate of my own dimension lay upon my shoulders. My realm and it's fate is my own Tribulation. But it's okay if it seems trivial to you... " It would look like a spark of lightning would escape Magnolia's eye as she spoke those words.

" Because all that matters to me, is that with these two hands I surpass the heavens, and I overturn the world that preys upon the weak. I will form my own sky. Now, shall I show you the summit? Shall I show you the gravity of what will also lay upon your shoulders if you choose to go with me" Magnolia's words would become somber, as it would look like the air would thicken around her?

"From the pinnacle of everything, return to the origin, and transcend your limits Shōten no ten no Megami" Her words boomed forth, as above her the heavens were rent apart by lightning, almost as if the tribulation clouds of old had descended upon the earth, angry that another dared challenge their rule.

A great and terrible force would expand from Magnolia, whose body was still invisible by the Lightning which had formed a solid pillar from the heavens to the earth. The storm clouds which had formed with that pillar as it's nexus would have lightning arc within them in a seven-mile radius. Soon, lightning would rain upon the earth, as if smiting anything that dared challenge them. The roaring and rumbling would build, before all the lightning in these clouds emptied upon the single person that stood at their center.

A halberd of lightning would crash through the pillar of Lightning, ripping it asunder. Meanwhile, for all those around her, the force of her will would bear down upon them with bone-crushing force. A breath of lightning would escape her lips, and her eyes would open. The very air, as if unable to contain her will would be baptized in fire, Roaring flames blasting outwards in a three-mile radius of her being, as she looked forward towards Ulv.

Then, that massive spiritual energy would shrink slightly, Refining itself to become far more potent then it had been previously. Her skin began to gleam faintly, and her spiritual energy would feel more like it was a part of the world, and yet above it. It was a sensation that if one had to put a word to it could only be described as one thing: Transcendent.

This was Magnolia, a being capable of traversing Nirvana.

Template By:

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Sat Jun 15, 2019 4:45 pm


She was a sturdy thing, dear Magnolia. No bones broken despite the force in which Ulv had released, and undettered by having her attacks crushed with superior force. It was nice to see, but at the same time she was not taking it well. Altough it could have been from another source, Magnolia had a cloud of negative emotion growing in her heart. It was regretful, but Ulv was going to deal with that later. Right now, she put a giant wolf creature between her and Magnolia, letting her run headlong into it's flank. Whatever powers Ulv used to summon this creature, one could taste it was a thing of such durability that even for Magnolia, the best course of action was to go around it, as trying to go through it would take more effort than was prudent.

Though Magnolia was prepared for some counterplay, and instinct kicked in to have her fallback to that, which had her leaping away and preparing something else. Ulv had deployed her Wolf defensively, and so dismissed it when it's job was done, looking instead to Magnolia. She had taken the world on her shoulders, everything was her responsibility. Everything would fall to her. Nobody and nothing else could ever help her. And that would lead to such a lonely, fragile existence. It was those people that were susceptible to Ulv's Presence. While for most, Ulv created the mental weight to weigh them down, people like Magnolia already had a weight that was damn-near crushing, and the force Ulv could exert upon that would often prove too much for their mentality to cope. Though, it was an underhanded way of beating someone, and this was anything but underhanded, so Ulv stayed her hand on that front and just spoke.

"You may think my actions trivial, but that is just because of our differences. Despite nearing Apotheosis, you still don't have clarity. The Seven Emotions and Six Desires are still something you believe you need to fight. You have made yourself so hard that you can not flex, and see everything from one point of view" Ulv would seem like she was going to carry on, but the buildup of energy was incredible. Beyond anything Ulv was capable of putting out. Much closer to what she felt coming from Ibiki, back in Mugen. Such an explosive release of power was nothing Ulv could hand around for with the stacks she had currently, so she threw a Bala at the woman, most just to see what would happen, and popped in her Wolf again, having him jet off to the horizon.

A Truly good thing as well, because Ulv could see the decimation that Magnolia was leaving in the wake of her release. Trying to outrun that with her normal speed would just leave her fucked, it was only the swiftness of her Wolf that allowed her to escape such a blast wave.
"That's no Bankai" Ulv muttered, stopping her Wolf as she got to a safe distance, and having him disappear again. There was only one thing that could hope to match that release right now, and even then it wouldn't match for very long. Burning through her Tulpa powers this fight, but Magnolia did drop a sudden fucking Super-Kai on her. So she popped her forms.

The crimson plate armour and glorious shining wings sprung up from Ulv's body, cladding her in tremendous force. And then, the amber energy coming off the wings turned a sulphur yellow as she donned her Noble White Fangs. Three times stronger than her already abnormally potent Vizard Mask, the Noble White Fangs were a force to reckon with by themselves, but combined with her Blazing Amber Raiment, Ulv was confident she could stand for a little while.

"Just hand to go and turn this into a deathmatch, didn't you?" Ulv muttered, the full potency of Ulv's reiatsu filtering through the armour and imbuing it to move with thought, as Ulv's body did. The very metal grew alive, and gained Ulv's Proprioception, to best aid her in the fight.


Ursa Propano | END POST

Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Mon Oct 14, 2019 2:49 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:16 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

"Nearing Apotheosis? Fighting Emotion?" The voice that escaped from the thunder and fire that scorched the land and shattered the skies was surprisingly empty. Thunder rumbled in the sky still, and finally, rain would fall upon the parched sands below. It was almost like the heavens had decided to take pity upon the earth, almost as if the heavens had sought to sate the parched sands below.

" It is not about fighting your emotions, but rather overcoming them. If you feel hatred, you must rise above and understand the reality of those you hate. If you feel sadness, you must understand why you are sad. " Magnolia's words echoed dully as she stepped out of the haze that had formed in her direct vicinity.

" I thought I knew what that meant, however since coming to this realm... I don't know. It's as if my worldview was similar to a frog looking out of a well. " She looked down at the spear of pure lightning that rested in her hand, her fingers clenching the shaft before she looked up at Ulv.

Then, her spiritual pressure would explode outwards, causing a maelstrom of natural energies to howl out as they displaced sand, causing sand storms around her as Magnolia vanished in a thunderclap. She'd appear in front of her armored friend, her energy purifying even further then it had been previously. It seemed even now, her energy was going under a qualitative change. Ascending further into nirvana, she was constantly compressing and refining her power.

The spear in her hands would jerk up, lightning expanding rapidly against the tip of the weapon. The brilliant yellow hues continued to build until it became blinding. The spiritual pressure when it neared Ulv would rapidly begin to decompress, the explosive force behind this attack being enough to easily level a mountain.

As if a testament to the power that rampantly sought to free itself from the rising bolt, space itself distorted faintly. Much like how a gran ray cero was capable of distorting space, this attack would be capable of doing it on a far larger scale. Miniature tears, similar to Garganta would form in the direct vicinity around them.

Soon, the sound would rush forth to catch up to the speed that these attacks had taken place, and Magnolia's words would rise, hopefully before being drowned out by the roar of the explosion that followed.

" Since coming here, the path that I thought was mine, I am unsure if it is the one that I must tread down. I am unsure because the people I have met have shown me a better way. My comrades, all of you, have shown me not only a better way but a way to become better. "

Her spear would shift from the upward jab to a sweeping slash, a brilliant blast of aura cascading outwards as it would light up the sky as if for a few moments day had finally come to this land of eternal night. Burnt ozone was easily smelt in the region around them.

"This world is my hope. The hope that things can be better because I have seen it. Yet, even now I try to think about the consequences of my own actions. The lives that have been slain, the families I've broken apart. It is a cycle of death and rebirth, how can I come to accept that? I don't have an answer for it, but I will keep searching." Her words were somber, with evident self-loathing as she formed a 10 foot azure bolt of lightning and hurled it at Ulv, it's force being capable of easily destroying a city block once it decompressed.

Finally though, when Ulv muttered those last words, they did not escape Magnolia, and a sad smile escaped her lips as boisterous laughter spilled out to fill the realm around them.

"This is not about death Ulv, but rather it's quite the contrary. My friends are my Hope. They are the bastion I receed to, the source of power that I draw from to continue to resist. I will not allow any more of my friends to die needless deaths. That is why I face you with the entirety of my strength. "

Template By:

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Wed Jun 26, 2019 3:54 pm


Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] JCRrxmK

"That'll be the problem" Ulv muttered, hearing Magnolia's concept of emotional mastery. "It is not about overcoming your emotion! It is about becoming one with them! They are as much a thing to fight as your own organs!" Ulv replied, before reaching out to everyone she had connected with. It was an incredible feeling, to be flooded with the support and passion of all those who answered the call for aid. What kind of power could she wield when the Network was fully active and The King's Tulpa could be made? That was both terrifying and amazing to think about.

"If you have so many friends, then do not shoulder your burdens alone! A woman is strongest when she stands, with her friends!" Ulv's reiatsu blasted out, and it was clearly not her own anymore. The armour morphed as the multi-sourced Reiatsu thrashed and whipped about the place, feeding her armour with four separate energy sources beyond Ulv's own, pushing the suit into a state beyond anything Ulv could have imagined. Being at the helm of it scared her, and none of them were at Ulv's level mentally. What kind of horror would be felt were she to bring in Hayden and borrow his power? The thought made her shudder. Along with power, each source of energy brought it's own aspect. Across the armour, ten thousand shields spawned, slotting in perfectly with the armour suit itself, and humming with determination. Liquid fire belched from the joints and then grew thick and gelatinous, raging with burning passion. The armour itself turned mirrored and reflected not Magnolia, but her dreams. Things she had once hoped for, things she still hoped for, things that would drive away the clouds when things got dark, and things that turned her blood cold. Deepest nightmares that robbed the night of any rest.

The largest and most powerful energy, dwarfing even Ulv's own, wrapped around the armour, buoying it and lending aid to Ulv's ability to maintain the Tulpa. Magnolia was no longer fighting Ulv, but instead, a perfect collaboration of forces arrayed against her. Some relatively minor, others equivalent or superior to Magnolia. And all focused on the same goal. To take Ulv's unbridled heart was enough to set most people's teeth on edge, but to face this union of beings was enough to make the very sea itself freeze in trepidation and doubt.

The arrayed forces stood valiantly against Magnolia's coming, and come she did, like the clap of thunder. Though, such speed had it's problems. Fast though she might be, such speed locked her into a set trajectory, and with the seven-layered energy in the armour, Ulv was able to see the track in which she ran.

Though her plan was one of great foolishness, but that was Ulv. Taking the all of everyone that had gifted their passions, Ulv lined up a red-coated punch to the tip of the oncoming spear. Maybe it was indestructible, but she would not know until she tried. The jab came and met Ulv's fist, and there was terrifying silence, as if Reality was waiting for the outcome....


Ursa Propano Multae | END POST

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