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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Oct 25, 2019 3:37 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Gleaming crimson armor, adorned by magenta glowing wings. The armor that ulv wore was not donned by her own strength, but instead was bolstered by the power of others. Even now, as she shot towards the hulking red behemoth, she could feel the energy that radiated from Ulv, in many ways it was as suffocating as her own. However, hearing the words that escaped Ulvs lips, of how one must accept their own emotions, a bemused smile curved upon her tawny lips, and her voice burst forth, a valiant cry that transcended the clash of titanic forces that weren't space, and shattered the realm around it.

"to transcend, is to overcome.  It is not merely about accepting your emotions and humanity. It is about reflecting upon them, and in spite of them, you overcome to become the best version of yourself."

As she spoke, the realm in front of her spear distorted, and a mass of antimatter the size of a penny appeared. Utizing her capacity to remove trace components from the element of lightning she managed to generate one of the most volatile items in the known universe, and in the midst of their clash, it's terrifying force would detonate with power far greater than most nuclear blasts, a circular blast wave washing over them as a fiery pillar of blinding white light shot towards the heavens, and annihilated the earth.

Even as magnolia's titanic charge was brought to a halt, and she was even repelled, that did nothing to stop the horrific force that would crash into ulv. It was akin to the heavens battering the earth, the celestial amounts of force vaporizing the sands beneath them. Above them, the fluxuations of energy were enough that a tear would form across the heavens, the afterglow of energy violent enough that for a period of time it would look like daylight had descended upon the land of eternal night.

Magnolia's spear of magnificent lightning would rip through the earth as she used it to bring herself to a halt, her piercing gaze washing over ulv before her sonorous words drifted across the many miles wide abyss that had opened up before them.

" believing that those you care for will stand beside you is not friendship, but a different concept all together. Those that stand with me are more than friends, they are my brothers and sisters. Friends are those who bring you joy, and for that reason you must shelter them from harm. Even now Ulv, you are not trying to understand me, instead you are trying to force your idealogies upon me. I am not treating you as my friend, but as someone who is willing to show their worth to stand beside me. "

Magnolias spear jerked across the shattered sands as her energy refined itself even further, as if even now she was seeking to change, seeking to reach the lofty peak known as the heavens to transcend. Even now, with her uniform in tatters, her eyes continued to shine with Valor and determination.

"if you wish for mere friendship then you should leave. However, if you wish to fight alongside me, if you wish to be one that I call upon, then this is how it's done. Only through crossing one's blades, and fighting with everything on the line can one truly trust, and accept another. This is what it means to become my sister in arms! NOW COME!"

Her roar escaped her lips as she brought her spear off the ground ready to fight. However it was up to ulv now, would she fight back, or would she be content to be known as a friend, and nothing more.

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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Fri Oct 25, 2019 4:25 pm


Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Though she made a good point at the differing in ideologies, Ulv was busy dealing with the fucknuke that Magnolia had just dropped on her. Though her armour was incredibly durable, Steiner had yet to drop the big bucks when it came to mental acuity, so the defensive increase she got from that was only just enough to keep the suit from shattering entirely. Sure, it was a Tulpa and could be repaired by thought, but that was not the point, the point was repairing it every hit would be a great way to blow out her mental reserves very quickly.

So she stood there for a second in this cracked and buckled suit, before it dissolved and Ulv was seen for a moment.
"Guess we got a different scale of friendship. Meeting for coffee and shoulder to shoulder on the hill you will die on are both friends to me. Admittedly the word is stretched somewhat" Ulv explained, before forming up her next suit. The girl had a lot of suits of armour, it seemed. Though, this one was radically different to the other ones shown so far. The others were power, and speed, and fury. Might unparalleled and fury unabating. This one, however, was new.

As soon as you looked upon it, there was a heavy tang of on the tongue, as Synthesia occured. The taste was a unique one, as it was the taste of Durability. Arms the size of Ulv's body, a chest-plate that seemed capable of sniggering at a Supernova and glowing yellow eyes out of the tremendous helmet, it struck a figure of greatness. And then it moved. Such a massive suit moving towards Magnolia with a degree of sloth, relative to the speed Ulv was capable of before, but still fast enough to catch a person off guard if they underestimated it. The torso-sized fist was swung at Magnolia, and with her Noble White Fangs and six fury stacks, it didn't need enhancing by the bankai at all to be a danger.

Cladding Of A Thousand Bears | END POST


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Mon Oct 28, 2019 9:57 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

As the dust settled, and the explosions abated, all that was left was the yawning expanse between them and the differences of the ideologies that they ultimately chose to uphold. When Ulv spoke of her view of friendship, it was very different from her own, but that didn't mean that she couldn't see the merit of it, nor that she didn't comprehend in that moment what kind of virtue ulv chose to uphold.

She was a being that sought to bring those around her towards what they sought, and often asked very little in return. While she was not one for peering into the hearts of others despite her empathy, she would continue down the path she thought to be right, unflinchingly to the end. As magnolia watched the lumbering behemoth rushing forward towards her, the phantom grin that lingered upon her face was accompanied with the increase in purity as her powers further reached towards perfection.

In that moment though, as ulvs huge fist launched towards magnolias body, magnolia would allow a boisterous laugh to bubble past her lips, her foot slipping back as she'd avoid the fist by several yards.

"very well! If that is your definition of friend, then i wouldnt be true to myself if I didn't acknowledge your resolve."

Magnolias words were accompanied by her spread stabbing straight into the ground, her energy dissipating as she stared up at the moon.

" though, I still wonder ulv, why is it that you are so driven to aid others..? This might be a selfish request, but could you answer that question for me?

Magnolia asked with a faint smile, as she studied the sky above.

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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Tue Oct 29, 2019 9:14 am


Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Shitters. Well, Cladding was the 'holy shit the moon is being thrown at me' form. It was never designed to have any speed to it. And the radical speed Ulv had was dramatically reduced considering the weight of the suit. Double shit for blasting Kaizer Fist so she couldn't mitigate anything with The Wind. She'd have to get creative. Though, the question that Magnolia asked was an interesting one, and inside the tree-sized helmet, Ulv grinned softly before speaking. It rumbled deeply as the suit was environmentally sealed and so it had to have reiatsu speakers of a sort, giving her voice more like Beowulf's thunder than her bells.

"There was once a woman called Mirja Eeola. She needed help after an incident, but because of what it did to her, nobody extended the hand. She simply grew more and more deranged, detached from the world, and furious at it. One eventually did, too late, and she was unable to love the woman as she should. Eventually, Mirja sacrificed herself in an attempt to mean something in death, unlike she did in life.

I do not want such a fate to happen to anyone. So I will extend the hand to those who need it, so they can know that there is someone that will be with them as long as they need it to recover

Ulv then took a breath and looked to Magnolia. This whole thing was somewhat confusing.

"So, Shikokai is hardly something to use for a tea party and there is no chill when that's on the field. Are you, just doing another trick or is this you stopping the fight?"

Cladding Of A Thousand Bears | END POST


Last edited by Mirja Eeola on Sat Nov 06, 2021 6:05 am; edited 1 time in total
Joined : 2011-09-01
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:15 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

I see.. So that's why she tries so hard, karmic destiny has had a hand in shaping her. the faintest of smiles adorned her lips before she exhaled, the tattered state of her attire, and the duel blades that once more were sheathed on her hip hopefully lending to the finality of her previous statement. The aura that had ripped forth from her, that cataclysmic force had once more been hidden from view. Still, she couldn't help but tilt her head to the side and quip back at her.

"it's almost like you want this to continue. I mean.. We can if you want"

Magnolias words were accompanied by her making a motion to unsheath her blade, but it drew short as she rolled her shoulders in a shrug and her golden gaze gleamed with genuine mirth, an emotion that Ulv probably hadn't seen till now. She was genuinely happy to have found a comrade that would stick by her, and that showed in her actions.

" I think I understand what you mean. My parents, they died quite horribly, killed by the greed of others, by those who coveted what they had.

Yet, I was saved by a lord who believed that I had worth, and thanks to them.. I was saved. It took me a long time to reconcile with the fact that the world at its core is always going to be imperfect. That even if I go through with my goals, complacency may cause the world to be just as unjust as the one which I seek to correct.

I.. Couldn't understand you. Yet, the reasons we fight and continue to do what we do aren't truly that different. That is why I stopped fighting you. That is why I have accepted you. "

Magnolias words were accompanied with her walking over to the edge of the hole that they had created, sitting down with her feet dangling over the precipice her eyes gazing across the moonlit sand.

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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 BtXe12b
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue398349/999999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Tue Dec 31, 2019 10:28 pm


"It is always nice to see what the forms you kind of wish you never have to use can do. This form, Cladding, is a form that will keep me alive, good for when the enemy is burning the candle at both ends. Then there is Bear of the Stars, which Midori aptly calls Bear Satan. It's what happens when you compress my basically infinite Bankai runtime into less than a minute and unshackle the Fury of my zanpaktou to a point that said less than a minute causes my mental state to burn up. That one is a little crazy and I really don't want to ever have to use it but also don't want to have to get into a proper fight without knowing what it can do.

And then there is a wholly whole different thing entirely that is dangerous to use, even for you

Ulv finished her explanation - always one to ramble when nervous - and then made a resounding decision of sealing the Zanpaktou, dissolving the suit. The thing's relative size was displayed when Ulv fell half a foot and landed on her feet after it dissolved.
"But I am glad you accepted me. I like being accepted. Is, this the part where I take these world-shaking Bankai powers to your home and kill the evil buggers?"


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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 Empty Re: Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 7:53 pm

Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Magnolia listened to ulv when she began to slightly ramble about her zanpakuto, and the capacity it had for destruction when in bankai. Admittedly, as her feet dangled over the precipice for the hole they had created in the earth, it was fun to hear her slightly off-kilter friend go on about something she had called "bear satan". It brought a faint feeling of warmth upon her bosom, she knew that friends like Ulv were rare, and the sentimental side of her definitely appriciated the enthusiasm that Ulv brought to the table.

"Bear satan huh? I don't know what satan is, however I assume that is something quite frightening? " Her response was mired with a soft chuckle, her golden gaze moving from the chasm beneath her to glance at her red-haired companion long enough to flash her the faintest of smiles, before her eyes eventually shifted once more to rove the moonlit sands that surrounded them for infinite distances in all directions. Her mind once more shifted to the task that would soon be upon them: The uprooting of the tyrannical sects within the inverse soul society, a dream that she had undertaken now for many decades, and the reason that she had honed her strength to such a lofty pinnacle.

Mostly due to the train of though she had embarked upon, the remnant dredges of her killing intent leaked out, bathing the region around her for but a moment with its ugly, hair-raising presence, before inevitably being vaniqueshed by the next words that left her friends mouth. The smile that adorned Magnolias face now was far wider, and more heartfelt than the last one, as she let out the faintest of laughs.

"You know, I have not had the pleasure of making many friends in my life, but I too am glad to be able to count you among them Ulv. " Magnolia's words weren't boisterous or loud, but there was a surety, and a kind of confidence that lay within her voice that led to the feeling that Magnolia truly was speaking the words that reflected how she truly felt within her heart. While she may have held Ulv at arms length before, she had completely accepted her as a friend now, and more importantly, she had accepted Ulv as a Martial Sister, which in many ways was far closer than a friend. She was willing to lay her life down now for Ulv, and fully believed that if need be, Ulv would do the same.

A few minutes would pass, mainly in silence after those words had been spoken, and Magnolias mind drifted from the joy of finding someone in this realm that she could call comrade, and focused on how to bridge the gap between universes to be able to enter the black realm once more, given she had come here merely as a fluke, she didn't particularly know how to get back. In the middle of her thoughts, Ulvs next question caught her off guard, something that was evident in the faint sigh that escaped her lips, and the way she ran her fingers through her hair in frustation.

"I... honestly done know how to return yet. I came here in the beginning as a freak accident, and despite my strength, I dont think I could simply rip a hole between my inverse realm, and this one. I will need to figure out how I got here in the first place, before we could even begin to figure out how to make it back. " Magnolia's words escaped her lips with a tone of uncertainty, and conviction. She didn't know how to make the trip back, but she was sure she'd figure it out eventually. After responding to all Ulv's questions, Magnolia would push off the sand with her hands, launching upwards to smoothly land on her feet just inches from the edge of the hole she had been sitting near.

Her geta dug faintly into the sand as she'd turn around to face Ulv, a carefree grin gleaming on her lips.

"For now though, I should go back and get changed and get my clothing mended, after that, I will have to do some digging to figure out how we are going to return. After which we will meet up and get ready to embark upon this journey. " After saying those words, she'd slowly make her way over to Ulv, her left hand moving down to pat her friend on the shoulder in farewell, before she'd walk forward and vanish in a flicker of electricity.

Magnolia has left the thread

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Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 LzZCuy7
Oathbound, under the waxing moon. [Ulv/Magnolia] - Page 2 BtXe12b
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