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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Thu Jun 13, 2019 5:47 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Finding sleep in prison wasn't very difficult for him really. He was a skilled person at sleeping in carnage and savage lands. So honestly doing this wasn't very tricky as he'd been getting rehabilitation for a while. Prison visitors among other things seemed to keep popping up. Tatsuya's eyes remained shut as he laid in a bed of roses. Not sure if he should worry about the thorns or dangers of those truthfully. It was a strange feeling sleeping here. He'd learned a bit about his hollow but nothing astonishing. It didn't lead him to any conquests of time or place. Prison life was meant to be his domain. Tatsuya didn't know if he'd see Cali again to apologize to her. His body had mended a bit from his injuries though giving more scars. His frame looked up to the skies now. He'd used raw power time and time again. Though he guessed this place was a suitable location for him. A place for him to remain indefinitely while the world progressed. When the Gotei needed him they could call upon him. Tatsuya had come to terms with his deeds in prison and accepted them.

It had been on his hands so for here he'd remain like this. Tatsuya was content in this jail cell not involving himself with the world outside. He'd work on his physical body as he tried to figure things out. He didn't have an answer to this reality which he found himself. So rest seemed best, in this case, to simply drift away from the world. He was a prisoner of the Gotei and their laws because he was stupid. He'd been foolish to believe himself capable of undoing damages. He didn't have an answer for these things. Tatsuya didn't call on his hollow or do anything him at the moment. Training in the prison wasn't exactly something on the to-do list. He was a beginner still and unable to do much. Tatsuya didn't really reach out to his zanpakuto or anyone. Staying to himself seemed the best solution, for now, keeping quiet. He didn't have an excuse for these things that went on. The world would move forward without him getting involved any further.

Tsubasa had done some crazy shit he heard as well. Injuring Captain Henrex and psychologically Kuro in some aspects. That fight had been one not far away had he been able to do something. He wasn't worthy of the title of a teacher really either. Tatsuya wore the prison attire left to him in his dream. He looked at his hands exhaling a soft sigh from his lips. Grasping this situation was going to require a large amount of work. Something he didn't care for or about anymore really. Tatsuya was content with prison life and being a model one at that. He couldn't stop anyone from doing anything. So what was the point of him being in here or at trying anything? He'd gotten his hollow powers under some form of control. But from here he was content staying out of the world's affairs. Why bother involving himself further with pointless things.
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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Thu Jun 13, 2019 9:05 pm

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Her hands were on the door, the girl looking at the starstruck floor, tears flowing from her eyes as she did so. She knew he was asleep, Tatsuya. She had taken momentary peeks, just so she could know where his door was, every time. Ever since that day, every time she knew he was asleep, she'd peek, and see a broken man. She couldn't ever look for long, and for weeks on end, didn't even seek him. But now... But now.. Maybe she could do something, something to help him. Besides, as far as she knew, this was the only chance she'd ever get.

The young demon was at the door still, but instead of having a brave face, she cried. She cried an agonized, yelling cry, that would echo down the hallway that went on forever, not a soul could hear her sobs as she tried to get the raw emotion out of herself, of the people she had lost, of the deaths she could not stop, of the changes that were coming way, way too fast...

She took a deep breath, placing her hands over her heart, warming herself with the gift her dear friend Ulv had given her, the blood on her sister's embrace, and the light Khala had placed within her as she regained composure, and came into a sense of calm. Her golden tears were already evaporating and merging into the floor in which they usually did when she cried in this eternal hall which bridged slumbering minds across space and time, grasped the doorknob, and turned it.

Tatsuya was faced away from her as she entered, gingerly closing the door behind her. Even in his dreams he marked himself as a jailbird. She sighed softly, a shadowy tendril emerging from her body, swiping across the flowers at her feet, as she chuckled softly, the additional appendage bringing the bundle of red roses to her hands,

"A field of roses? Funny, I thought they grew on bushes."

The flowers barely moved as she walked towards him, almost as if she were an apparition within his dream, though she simply didn't wish to trample the unharmed flowers as she approached him,

"I really do hope you remember me, Tati."

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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Thu Jun 13, 2019 10:33 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Amber eyes slowly opened hearing the familiar voice he arose from his makeshift bed. Tatsuya's frame had roses falling down from it as he cocked his head slightly. His right eye glancing at her as he sighed softly. Getting a good look at Calypso he offered a sad smile. Shrugging his shoulders a bit before merely glancing upwards. Tatsuya had come to terms with what he did and was rather intent on it. His clothing rustled as he moved to his feet. Careful not to damage flowers Tatsuya's frame and expression held melancholy in them. He did regret the actions of that day rather intently. Speaking had been something he didn't do much these days. It wasn't like before where he spoke frequently. "Yes, I remember Calypso." He said her name somewhat sadly as he didn't know how long it had been. He stopped caring or counting the days here. Merely resigning himself to whatever fate befell him. This world was fine by him as he'd been rather successful at doing nothing. But working out his body and muscles.

He'd gotten control over his hollow with little trouble. So it had been his time in here had been useful. At the very least he did feel a sense of peace here. He could sleep in this place as though a baby within a crib. Didn't really do much for him but other inmates said he was crazy. Since he'd just accepted everything without batting an eyelash. Tatsuya didn't argue or struggle against things anymore. Nor did he sit in despair he was just at peace with things. His mentality had evolved, to say the least. Perhaps he'd finally grown up in the long run as he'd had to accept things. The first step to any issue is realizing one is present in the world around you. She'd made comments on the flowers as he glanced around at them."This is what I normally dream of, my rose garden prison." He said softly commenting on it. He'd not mind going into a coma or something of that nature. Remaining here would be fine by him really as when he first arrived in prison. He'd considered suicide a few times having even tied his shirt into a noose.

Considering snapping his own neck with his brute strength. But after sitting for a while remaining still. He suspected the Gotei would just let him rot here. Shunsui had made his judgment and that was it. The truth was now he didn't have to give a damn about the war or any of it. He could just stay locked up and work on his body. Simply stop dealing with the outside crap and worrying every day. It was more than enough for him to remain in this world. Tatsuya's change in demeanor likely could be attributed to his time within the system. Merely deciding to stop caring about everything outside as much as he did. Because of his emotions and connections to things like Tsubasa. He hurt and suffered greatly at times when it dawned on him. He had friends and people he'd helped by being part of that world. Tatsuya had come here to see and in some ways he owed them. As if it happened at home nobody could have stopped him.

Perhaps in this regard, it was best to say he'd just stopped trying to think about getting out. Reformed and getting mental evaluations of that nature just didn't matter. This place was a paradise where concerns just didn't matter anymore. Right now a war was going on and Tatsuya would have been dragged into it. Had he remained sane and capable in some capacity? If he'd regained his rights or passed reformation and mentally evaluated as clear. He would be asked to do more fighting for them. So why bother with that being used as a weapon when he could just laze about in here. Work on his body and keep fighting shape. Though he guessed he didn't know why he bothered with that either. Truthfully it really wasn't an important feature in prison.
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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Fri Jun 14, 2019 7:54 am

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

Caly only held a soft smile on her face, even though inside of her heart she felt sadness and rage towards this man. She wasn't interested in channeling it, not right now, right now what she needed to do was get updated on his current mental state. From the looks of it, he likely was imprisoned by now, obviously not put to death or close to such; His dream imagery likely would have been far more symbolic of such a fear if he were on death row, provided it even was a fear.

"Rose garden prison?" She sat down on the bed, softly laying the bundle of roses next to her, and began picking rose after rose, twisting them up together, one by one as she looked puzzled, "I'd hardly call this a prison, Tati. It's just a field of really weird roses."

She chuckled as she continued braiding these flowers together, gently removing their thorns, letting out a tiny peep anytime one nicked her fingers, "You seem really sad, don't forget I can sense emotions."

She could sense them in here, his despair, his depression, his giving up, his contentment with imprisonment. It made her all the sadder, and her inner anger all the hotter. Has he even thought about what happened beyond dragging himself through the internal, stinking quagmire that is guilt?

"Looky, I make a gift for you."
With no warning or consent, Calypso put the newly made flower crown on his head, but then looked him in the face, "Tati..."

She gave him a good smack on the cheek. She made sure to keep it light, but hard enough to bring some stinging pain, still maintaining a smile, though a sense of desperation seemed to sprawl from her, "..Why have you given up, exactly? Are you really just gonna roll over like a meek dog?"

Then she looked about, "Also, where's your Hollow? I doubt shinigami can just make a devil mask and go wild like that on their own. We're all going to talk about this."

Template By:

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Fri Jun 14, 2019 11:37 am

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's eyes looked around not really noticing the weirdness of the flowers. His demeanor could best be described as quiet. Watching the female's movements slowly as he observed her cautiously. She wasn't one that could be regarded in another way at the moment. He blinked a few times as the crown of roses was placed on his head. Followed by a wicked smack to the cheek from her, leading to a hand coming up. His hand softly touched where he'd been slapped though merely exhaling. She wanted to see Hachiman it seemed. Tatsuya shrugged his shoulders and slowly from his shadow it emerged. Skin burnt to a crisp and cracked as Hachiman arrived it glanced towards him. Before it's glowing orange eyes stared down at her. Its body was filled with lava veins among other things. Hachiman's nature was more vocal and less caring about them. People died that was the nature of life in Hachiman's eyes. Nothing else really phased him nor did it have a filter Tatsuya had discovered. "So, what's this about now Tatsu? I'm not apologizing for war calls for drastic actions. " Hachiman felt no remorse or grief over that city.

To him, it was just a proper response to Mana and her kind. If anything else it didn't really care about the entire thing. Tatsuya was merely going to enjoy the quiet scenes as he'd not decided what he would do. It wasn't like he had an answer on reforming himself. Tatsuya didn't know how they intended to do that truthfully. His link to Tsubasa meant he was deranged or crazy. So what did it matter at the end of it all? Hachiman felt no pity or remorse and saw it as a necessary action in the war. Tatsuya had been trying to reform the damn hollow mostly. But at this point, he felt like that battle was going nowhere. The hollow had its own set of morals and beliefs that were strong. But she was welcome to converse with Hachiman if she so chose. He'd not deny Calyspo that right or anything really. If she wanted to hit him that was fine, he'd earned that much. No, he'd earned worse punishment if it existed.

Giving up was a fine way for her to put things really. He just didn't know the way forward or if he should bother fighting. Tatsuya had Hachiman under control and that was enough for him. Realistically speaking he didn't suspect anything more to come of it. He was willing to work on things as they came to him. But at this moment this was more than enough for him. Hachiman and he didn't need to step outside of this world, did they? Tatsuya believed that the world outside would propel itself forward. He was content with his prison home for what it was. Why evolve or change things in the status quo here. He smiled a bit shrugging at his shoulders gently. Hachiman and her could converse if they so chose. Tatsuya could pull him out and summon him. "Oh so the girl here is from that place huh, guess I missed one." He said with a small smirk. This got a warning glare from Tatsuya but nothing more really came of it beyond that.
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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Fri Jun 14, 2019 8:17 pm

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Caly only smiled serenely as she weaved another flower crown, asking for Hachiman's appearance. And when the man of the hour arrived, she still retained that smile, even if she was face to face with the main cause of Tatsuya's rampage. She was screaming, inside, staring at him, his statement only causing that screaming to tear more violently at her insides. He looked so much like Tatsuya, but at the same time was an entirely different being. Caly didn't know too much about inner Hollows, only having scant knowledge. Honestly, that should have been a thing to ask of Ulv when she had a chance. Oh well.

She stood up, walking towards Hachiman with a newly woven crown of roses, though she had been a little less precise with removing the thorns, be it through her current feelings, or a purposeful action, she didn't care. She gave Tatsuya a light peck on the cheek, whispering towards him from her short stature,
"I'll deal with you, next."

So smiley, so innocent, she walked til she was standing directly in front of him, their feet hardly an inch apart, her looking up at him. She didn't even flinch when he directly referred to her as if she were a video game entity kill away from an achievement. She just stood, and smiled.

"So you're the one who got Tati to burn down Jefferson City, huh?"

With a tendril, she plopped the flower crown on his head, far less carefully than she did with Tatsuya, but in the same movement, the tendril wrapped around his neck, not very tightly, but enough that Caly could grab the other end and yank his head down to her level. It would have been less painful if he had the decency to at least wear a shirt, but Caly knew very well she wasn't dealing with a being of decency and poise. She was dealing with a city burning tyrant. The faces of the terrified citizens burned in her vision, the injured, the dying, those who managed to escape, likely with broken families and losses of preciousness...

"Hi. My name is Calypso Asthavon, I don't think we formally met, with you hurting my cousy's precious friend. I didn't do anything at the time because I was scared, yknow? So horribly scared..."

Her voice instantly switched from kind and light, to heavy and slightly disordered in feel. It was like the angry voices of the fallen were creeping in her tone, her golden eyes boring into his own,

"But yknow what? I decided recently, that that's stupid, doing nothing about people dying, that's fucking stupid. We demons may be creatures of high emotion and sin, but we're just as human as your filthy volcanic ass. We feel the same things as you, maybe at a different magnitude, but we still do. Happiness, sadness, madness, anger, fear, nostalgia.. The endless grocery list of emotions that are born from our souls.. We all feel them."

Her grip on her tendrils grew tighter as she drew him in closer, still retaining a smile on her face, albeit a very angered one, "We are all people. So, I know that you were probably just recently born, and probably don't know, so i'll give you a short lesson in morality; Do you know why murder is bad? Murder is bad, because you aren't simply stealing money or a TV, you are stealing a life away. You are stealing away a fantastic experience, memories, feelings, a whole person, you are depriving someone of the ability to experience and enjoy life, because of your own bullshit reasons. Everyone wants to live, i'm sure even you want to live."

Caly appeared to grow more and more nightmareish by the second, her body darkening and growing more and more rigid and scary, wicked dark tendrils whipping from her back, her eyes having changed to become pure white, with her pupils intact, her voice borderline a whisper,

"Many people realize murder is wrong, just not how it's wrong, but the bare minimum is, they know it's wrong. People who murder are put away for a long time, if not, forever. That's what happened to Tati, yknow? Because of you. Now you're off to a bad, bad start. Aren't you scared of dying? Because where Tati is, is killing him inside, yknow? I can feel it, I can feel it as I stand in his dream, right now. You must be scared of him getting up and killing himself one day, right?"

Some tendrils rose up into his view, eyes rapidly opening on them, their collective pupils shrinking as they bore daggers into him with their gaze,

"Or maybe that's not what you're scared of, if you'd like, I can show you, you bad, bad boy.."

Template By:

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Fri Jun 14, 2019 9:46 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya didn't move or budge when Hachi was punished for his actions. He'd gained control over the hollow but in this regard it meant little. He doubted the Gotei ever intended to let him out. Why bother screaming and complaining about nonsense like that. His amber eye remained watchful of Hachi. The hollow knew not to raise a hand or fight. Or else the silent ogre would move into action. Hachi couldn't speak as his eyes of burned crisp color burned into the girls. Listened with a deep sense of anger in them. He did not feel the remorse that his owner did. But she mentioned something that did concern him. That Tatsuya would die in this place by his own hand. One of the few hands that could realistically and undoubtedly kill him. Tatsuya's mind was an abyss of emptiness at the moment. His inner world had not stopped raining since he entered this place. Flooding on a global scale was possible in the once-heated magma. " And if I am, what does it matter. Regretting my choices won't change anything." Hachiman said his expression changing.

His hollow didn't understand regret or pity those were emotions he just did not have. "Demons don't have this problem I imagine..but I don't understand regret or such things." It was simply a concept Hachiman did not understand. It was like a moral compass didn't exist or right and wrong were gone. He didn't sit in the corner boo hooing about something did already. Nothing could be fixed from this but he didn't like dying either. Hachiman was a convoluted thing who understood what she meant. Straightening himself up slowly the figure looked towards his owner. Slowly something happened as Tatsuya's area around him began to bubble. The heat had been causing roses to burn around him. Tatsuya exhaled softly giving him a warning glance once more. That any movement he felt was off would be met with action. Hachiman brought his hands up showing submission. He didn't intend to fight with Tatsuya at the moment. When someone didn't mind dying it was troubling.

Tatsuya would kill them both in this world without thinking about it. That was the problem Hachiman faced in this regard. An owner he feared not dying if anything he seemed to welcome it. But he'd drag them both down in that regard. Tatsuya closed his eyes leaving them to their conversation. Seeing Hachiman realize he needed to back down. "So what do you suggest then? We are in prison he's not exactly a rainbow of happiness." Hachiman said staring at the girl now. He'd calmed down and changed his tone enough. Tatsuya really didn't shine with brightness and cheerfulness. He wasn't suspecting himself to be released anytime soon. Though he did know a single fact that the war wasn't over yet. They'd be going again soon with a much harder punch behind it. This was just a brief calm before the storm he thought. The massive war still lacked one party who'd not made a move. Tatsuya laid back down in the roses that were burnt. His amber eyes closing now as he felt eyes on him.

"Come on Tatsuya, you know the war's coming back they need you to fight. Not lay around like this, what good are you in this state you still train your body and what's the point in this?" Hachiman didn't have the patience of waiting for something. He wanted to rush forward disregarding everything fighting freely. But Tatsuya held no interest or desire to do anything. If anything he didn't care about it at all. That was clear from where he sat upon the flower covered field. Even relaxed among the burnt one's not arguing with her about rolling over. Tatsuya just didn't care at this point about any of it. Tatsuya yawned into his palm as he spoke finally. "No point in getting angry about stuff you can't change. Hachiman this is the hand we are dealt, learn to live with it. If they want us to fight, we fight, if not we do nothing. Not a big mystery or anything beyond it."

Hachiman got ready to speak as Tatsuya raised a hand. Stopping him from saying the next sentence. "Before you suggest breaking out, this place is well guarded and if we did get out. We wouldn't escape them since aren't exactly stealthy and stand out a lot. Just stop whining and wait to enjoy the stars." Tatsuya said before itching at his nose moving hair out of his eyes. Tatsuya had accepted this place in prison. But didn't stop training or evolving as a warrior in the end. He didn't have an answer for anything else aside from sitting here and waiting.
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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Sat Jun 15, 2019 7:47 pm

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Her tendrils slowly relieved the hollow of his chokehold, as she no longer needed to be so aggressive with him; she said her piece, he just needed to respond. She nodded at his first statement, a brimming smile on her face, "Yeah, you're right, regret alone doesn't do anything."

She looked to the flower fields, and towards Tatsuya, who just didn't seem to care much about their conversation, aside from giving the hollow several watchful glares, as Calypso peacefully stood tall, the hollow's next statement making her giggle gently, "Of course you don't. Remorse isn't exactly the most natural thing, yknow? That's one of the more 'taught' emotions, rather than naturally in your baggage. Ever see a wolf mourning that they took food from another creature? Course not, they don't feel it, because it isn't a thing taught to them as a baby to feel guilty over. They aren't as socially complicated as you and me."

She only maintained a sweet voice and a sweeter smile as she spoke to the nude, molten vagabond, "But we're smart enough to have this talk, you're smart enough to understand me. I can sense your emotions. But even if you're just a touchy bit too young to understand, I can tell you what you are naturally capable of," Her tendrils formed once more, lifting her off the ground and to his eye level, "Mercy. Even if you can be cruel, you are capable of mercy. You have yet to tear off or burn that flower crown to shreds, and you have yet to even reminiscent about attack me, right? You did a terrible, awful, no good, very bad thing, and I can't forgive you for that, but I can tell you that you have some potential for reform."

She sank back the ground, now looking over at Tatsuya, but ensuring to answer the malicious being's question, "Yeah, you're in prison, you're facing the consequences for your actions, molten man. And.."

She noticed how hot it got, and now looking over to the area around the man she had called friend, the flowers burning up as heat was released. She sighed,

"..Course he isn't doing well."

She fell silent as she listened to the exchange between the two, and Tatsuya's words confirmed her suspicions; He had fallen into acceptance of his situation, too well, to the point of apathy. She made her way to him, stopping in front of the burning flowers, staring at him,

"Tatsuya, get up, we're talking."

Regardless of if he got up, she continued, "Don't you remember your own dream? How you wanted to make a safe place for everyone? A land of smiles? Don't you remember what I told you, to use your powers in a constructive, beautiful way?"

Her golden eyes rested sadly on the man she had called friend, "I still have the rabbit and the stone, Tatsuya. I haven't forgotten about you or what you said."

Template By:

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Sat Jun 15, 2019 8:50 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya's amber eyes emerged from the low gaze now. Slowly the ashes fell from his body of flowers that once were. The crown had remained undamaged on his head as he stood up. Tatsuya was an imposing figure as he rose to his feet. His body seemed to keep going in his figure. Hachiman's eyes watched closely as Tatusya exhaled small breathe. Did Tatsuya care about what happened to that village in his core yes? But did whining and crying in here do him any good? No, it was pointless endeavor in that regard as he looked at Cali now. He believed himself a prison in cognitive function and accepted it. The prison was what he would be in and yes he thought about suicide. But why bother with that and the bothersome nature dying was. "I remember that dream when my heart glistened of innocence and naivety. " His amber eyes held a cool relaxed nature to them burnt inside. He didn't know what anyone expected him to do. Dreaming of creating a new land something began to dawn on him.

"Creation and Destruction are two sides of the same coin before creation comes destruction. Is what I've begun to realize in this place. The question that should be asked now, Cali. Is what happens next while this war is on its a pause?" He waited for her to respond and understand something very vital. One party had remained quiet in this war yet with forces fresh. It wasn't Mana or Shadow Fall but another faction. Kin Iramasha and his spawn hadn't yet moved. At present, the other people didn't have anyone capable of clashing with him. They needed time to develop a new crop not to mention the news. "Let me tell you a story, both of you. Listen well for it crushed me when I heard." Tatsuya closed his amber eyes for a moment sighing. "When I came to this land, I did so for a reason. I'd come to find my student Tsubasa Unabara. To help prove him innocent and clear his name of wrongdoing." Tatsuya's original goal when he came had been thus.

"But now...I find out from my jail cell.....of all places...That he.." Anger began to bubble at the surface of Tatsuya's words. Slowly the ground around him began cracking. It was clear he was pissed off about this entire situation. Nothing about it left him pleased or in good spirits. "Sided with Shadow's Fall! He abandoned his Honor and Justice that he once preached of too me. Radiating anger he slammed his fist into the ground. Sending a shattering through the entire area. Raw power was something Tatsuya had a lot of in him. "Because of my relation to that loathsome man, I find myself really questioning many beliefs. So understand Cali, I've not forgotten my dream. This is the only way I stop my anger from bubbling over." He sighed softly relaxing with a few breathes now. His fists lost their tightness as even Hachiman looked surprised. At the sudden anger that had been exposed on the surface. Tatsuya was a good hider of his emotions generally but there was a clarity here.

He was angry not just at the entire situation he found himself in. But the fact that his freedom and mental stability were called in to check. He'd thought it odd till he heard the news of Henrex's injuries. Not only did Tsubasa side with Shadow's fall he turned on a pupil. It infuriated him made his blood boil inside his veins. There was a raging volcano active in this dream with them. Tatsuya hadn't forgone his emotions he merely restrained them. Otherwise, he'd never get out of the Maggot's Nest. If he didn't restrain his anger at the very moment he'd destroy every being inside of it. He felt such anger towards Tsubasa at this moment. It caused an amber glow to appear in his eyes. Tatsuya knew that Hachiman hadn't seen this reaction from him. Tatsuya hadn't reacted when the news reached him. But that was a restraint on his part, Cali had a way of disarming that. She could pick that lock and cause it to emerge on the surface.
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Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) Empty Re: Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso)

Sat Jun 22, 2019 11:14 pm

Prison Naps (Tatsuya/Calypso) 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N /A

The young demon was already put off when he spoke of his innocence and naivety in such dreams, the girl swallowing hard as she felt the heat turn up in the dream, keeping her eyes laid upon the mountainous man as he stood, sensing his anger.. It beginning to boil, the previous restraint and lackadaisical tones to his heart stripping away to reveal such emotions. Regardless, the Asthavon remained steady as he spoke angrily, of the war, and now of his former pupil.

Calypso didn't even know he was a teacher, looks didn't exactly betray one's profession, but she could sense his anger towards what he perceived to be a betrayal in him joining Shadow Fall. She jumped a bit when he make the ground tremble with his fist, but she didn't back off. She stared into him, hearing the remainder of his words. The land burned around them, the previously serene rose field was burning...

Even if it burned, the girl walked to the man, feeling singing at her feet which caused her to flinched, til she was up against him, pulling him into a hug, the tightest she could muster against his larger body. Golden shapes peeled off her body, til there was a fine swarm of golden insects fluttering around the two, a gentle lullaby sung with their wing beats as she tried to help Tatsuya simmer down.

"I don't know your student, Tati."
The girl began, hugging him closely, ".. But why are you so quick to give up on him? There has to be a reason he went to Shadow Fall, some reason... Something important to him."

She spoke softly, golden tears rolling down her face, "For all we know, he's hurting a lot, too, to have to do that.. But Tati, the world's changing..."

Her soul faltered as she began to speak her next breath, "Soon, maybe, Shadow Fall won't be a thing on Earth anymore... I want to change my realm. So all this suffering and hate can calm down.. But Tati, please, don't lose faith in your student so easily. Even if he comes to your doorstep demanding you to fall on your knees... Don't stop believing in those you care about, or you'll run out of people to love..."

She rested her head against his chest, and even in this dream reality, she could hear his heart beating in his chest, "I understand your angry, but don't let go of your dreams because of it. There can be a possibility to create a land where everyone can be happy... Even if you're jailed up in here, even if the war's going to rage back once more.. Y-you can stay with me in Demon World! I can figure something out to keep you safe, if not there, I could.. I could ask Ulv if you could hide in Minatumi! Please Tatsuya.."

She visibly broke down clutching his sides tightly, as she sounded like she was sobbing, "..Never let yourself destroy like that ever again! I'm begging you, please..."

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