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Fri Jan 10, 2020 6:35 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

“Oye. Watch your mouth you massive git.”

Now, where did that come from? Most possibly from her growing annoyance at this situation. Just what she needs. Something else to be poked at about. Though, the damage is done, and she finds herself looking away wiping at the blush on her cheeks grumbling something profound under her breath. Though, at that time, the old man returned with drinks that weren’t for the two.

“Hey. Big man. What will ya have? We have a wide array of drinks, but I’ll let ya know if we’re out or not.”

Elyss sighs and busies herself with calming herself down leaving Arking to order for them both.



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Sat Jan 11, 2020 5:41 pm

The Odinson

"Oh let me get whatever is plentiful! And whatever you have to eat, I have plenty of time and money to spare!"

The man's loud voice seemed to boom out, light hearted and filled with joy to come. The viking would throw an arm around Elyss shoulder's pulling her closer to him, unconcerned with how 'tsundere' she was. She was his friend after all, and someone who he was growing to care for. The fiery red head seemed to always get his attention in the best of times. But as the old couple brought their food and drink he'd release her shoulder setting to the food.

After having down'd the first drink in a surprising time, the fortitude of the male was such that he could do this over and over again. Of course he'd encourage Elyss to drink, but would make conversation. "So how have you been, you tell me so little about your life, Sæta!"

End | The Immortal


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Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:24 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Whatever they have? Well, that is exactly what he gets, but there is care to make sure it is their strongest brew and tastiest meals. Meat and bread brought over with wine and sake and whatever they may desire to get lost with. Elyss couldn’t believe how easily the couple fell in love with Arkin. She felt like yelling at them and at him for how buddy buddy things felt. She just brought him over. It’s their first time meeting. They should be more skeptical of this strange man. Yet, they are not.

She groans a bit before being pulled into an embrace. She didn’t struggle and accepted it with a strange ease even though he had her cheek pressed up against him squishing her face somewhat. Though, there’s a comfort about it. Is this what it feels like to have a friend? She hates it. She loves it. Fucking Hell. Is she really that much of a Tsundere? Bwah. Either way, when she is released, she simply folds her arms and looks upon the items before her. Arkin’s words has her lost in thought for a bit before she picks up a bottle of sake and downs a bit of it.

“I am well Arkin. Just been through a bit. Lost my arm, but as you can see, it’s back. Aside from that, it’s just been the usually training and boredoms of living.”

She downs more of her drink before picking up some of the bread and tastes the bitter sweetness of the hard dough. Perfect item that simply makes you want to drink more to get it down.

“Anything new with you?”



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Sat Jan 11, 2020 9:01 pm

The Odinson

"Lost an arm huh, ya' know my pa' lost an eye. Never did get it back tho'." Arkin would comment off handedly, something he rarely spoke about was his past. It was so long ago, in a distant past that he sometimes wondered what was true and false. But such was the nature of time, after a while it all began to blend together with history becoming legend. A smile came onto his lips as he began to eat his own bread, munching down before downing another drink. As she asked him what was knew with him he pondered for a moment.

"Nothing for me, I am simply moving as the world takes me. I hope the war picks up again, so that I may support my brothers and sisters." He'd remark, with almost an excitement in his voice. The propsect of fighting enticed him as much as bodily pleasure and food, there was nothing quite like a good fight. He wished her to get stronger, if only so she could return the favor of what he did to her.

The old couple had taken a liking to the viking, which was good for him. These people seemed to matter to Elyss, so they mattered to him. It was strange how quickly he could make bonds, but such was the nature of his existence. "Elyss! Ya' know I like saying your name. It's very pretty, nothing like Arkin. So gruff. I miss my old name, but it isn't fit here, ya' know? Pass the ale, between."

End | The Immortal


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Mon Jan 13, 2020 11:07 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

His father? Who even is his dad? How old is Arkin? Bwah. Wondering about such things seem a bit pointless considering their lifespans if left undisturbed. Elyss leans herself against the bar top resting her head in a hand while her elbow supported her. She doesn’t know what to say at first to Arkin’s desire for war. Yeah. She can agree that testing her abilities against others sounds fun, but she doesn’t know if a war is something she’d want to pick up just to get a good fight. Bwah. No point in pointing out such a pointless point to this man however. He mercilessly attacked her at the slightest provocation. She feels he probably desires to fight simply to win and that is all. He seems like the type to never admit defeat until his last breath. She’s like that too though.

“My name isn’t that great. It’s too pretty for someone like me.”

She mutters sipping more of her drink. She slides the ale over to Arkin grumbling something under her breath. She didn’t seem all too flustered by that compliment, but that’s probably because she can’t get any more distressed than she already is in this situation.

“Just tell me your old name. It doesn’t matter if it fits or not. I’m interested now.”



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Sat Jan 18, 2020 6:29 pm

The Odinson

"Why would you say that? I don't believe that."

The man would reply genuinely, his puzzlement fading as he leaned towards her. His head coming to rest against the bar too so that he could stare at her. Soon however that puzzlement would turn into a grin, unable to contain it's self. He didn't like frowning, even as she asked a question which internally hurt him. Hed shift his eyes to look upwards as if wondering what to say, as if looking to the sky for answers. Finally, he'd reply.

"My old name.. Bah! I don't wanna say it. It's so far in the past, get me more drunk and I might yell ya."

End | The Immortal


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Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:14 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Of course her face scrunches up in dissatisfaction.

“Now now. Don’t sit here and tell me you have another name and don’t even tell me. Don’t call me cute and think you’re going to get away with it either!”

Elyss literally gets up and takes hold of Arkin’s face in an attempt to force him to look at her. She’d simply stare him down frowning and squinting with high curiosity. Though, that’s when she feels a bit of mischief grow inside her heart. She then gives the big oaf the sweetest smirk possible that actually seemed far too sinister for a pretty face like hers to make.

“Oh Arkin. You’re going to hurt my feelings at this rate. First you broke my body, and now, this?”

One of her hands slip from his face to the bottle as she backs up and throws it all back gulping and gulping and gulping until it’s all down. Haha! He said he wanted to get drunk. She’ll only get her information if he’s plastered? She’ll obliged. She’s an adaptable woman ready to take on any challenge thrown before her.

“Hey big man~ You think you’re tough shit? Come on. I challenge you right here and now. Winner gets one thing from the other. I’ve already threw back my first bottle. Come on you shithead. Don’t want to lose to tiny ole me. Who knows what I’ll ask for.”

Her shit eating grin is true as her cheeks start to turn rosy.



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Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:38 pm

The Odinson

Oh she did not know what she was getting into.

The man allowed a wide grin to come onto his face as she gripped his face, and downed the drink. Without breaking his eye contact with her he'd reach over gripping a bottle before shooting the entire thing back. The entire bottle disappearing down his throat as he chugged it, before slamming it back down on the table running a hand over his mouth. He let out a hot breath and 'wew!' as he gave her a nod.

"Oh you don't know who you're challenging, Elyss!"

The man would reply with almost a growl to his voice, if only because of the alcohol which was now rubbing his throat. His constitution was pretty fucking insane, so it would take something hard and a lot of it to knock him down. But with that being said as he prepared for the next one, blue irises meeting her own as a grin came on his features.

"You're not gonna like what happens if I win, but I'll let you quit now. Hehe~"

End | The Immortal


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Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:45 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Quit? Quit! Does this man know who he’s insulting? Elyss is a warrior, a woman of emotion and passion expressed in its true Hellish form. She’s never one for backing down from any challenge no matter how unbeatable it attempts to be. Arkin is nothing but a mountain, and she is its climber. If he drinks 100 bottles, she’ll drink 101. That is simply the only way her mind could process this situation, her murky, drunk, abused mind had only one thought clearly voicing itself: VICTORY!

She doesn’t respond to Arkin’s taunts as she picks up another bottle and simply throws it back with no concern for being modest. Down and down until it’s gone and then discarded for another that is thrown back until empty. She’s a madwoman, but she’s come to embrace that part of herself at the darndest of times. She’ll win. She can only win. That’s the only outcome here. Damn this man. Damn all he is. Damnit. Why does he easily get her so worked up like this? She loves it.



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