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Re: After War Training
Thu Dec 26, 2019 5:52 pm
Blood Kuchiki
Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや
おだ たつや
The question had become one of defeat instead of victory. Laskt simply lacked confidence in himself. But there wasn't anything Takehiko could do about it. This was a problem the knight had to address alone. It was something between him and them inside. Those who resided within him deep in his soul. That was the nature of his burden as Takehiko said a simple line. "One is two, two is one. But we must never forget that a third is present." He said his eyes glancing at Laskt hinting at his zanpakuto. Though this matter was still out of his hands. Takehiko had problems but not with his hollow. On his end, it lay with his zanpakuto. She wished to consume him and everything he had. That was Chi no Miru's end goal when it came down to it. Takehiko didn't have a solution or clever ideas for it. Had Akuma not come forward his doom was certain. Perhaps it was a clever ploy by the hollow. Maybe he was being taken advantage of in some way. But the reality was he didn't have a choice. Violence and anger were inside Akuma and within him.
"I can't do anything for you in this sense. I don't wield a power that lets me traverse another's inner world. But it's good to remember three exist within us vizards typically." Takehiko didn't know the relationship between Laskt or those inside. Truthfully he could only guess at that turmoil. Bejing shook things up inside his inner world. So maybe it did for his friend as well. They both had come to a fork in the road. This was now up to him to decide the path he took. Did he continue to fear his hollow endlessly? Or did he march forward and find a path. Not everyone was suited to hollow control the way Takehiko did it. He learned from Ulv but understood he could go deeper. He was unsure and unwise on many things. He didn't have all the answers in the world as a boy. He could only tell Laskt really what helped him. What he found stood out to him in the end. He was traversing a much deeper path with his hollow.
But that's because his zanpakuto was so designed with malevolent intentions. He couldn't use her without reason or recourse. Truthfully activating her was part of the problem. She could just as easily destroy him as his enemies. It had become evident that survival was upon her not being used. But that wasn't a solution to his problem. It was more a stalling of him being unable to solve it. Anything around it was merely a workaround. Just let her keep eating him until he kicked the bucket. That seemed to be all he had at the moment. She was a vampire and his blood was her main course. She didn't consume others or use any kind of blood. Fresh from the source was her main dish. That was where she stood on the subject. His hands hurt and still, the pain felt through his body. From using her powers even a little in Bejing. He wondered if Laskt had similar problems with his powers. If they were as self-destructive as his own. But he had no way of knowing that in reality.
"My world within was shaken up by what happened. I can't say if yours was or not, but it was bad enough that Akuma decided to stop watching for a takeover. Because Chi no Miru's powers didn't just hit me..they hit my hollow as well." Takehiko said finally as he looked off towards the targets again. It was up to Laskt what he chose from here. He could fight valiantly against his hollow and take over. But Takehiko didn't think suppressing them would work well. It was something deeper that had to be reached. Something within them that only they themselves could find the answer too.
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Re: After War Training
Tue Jan 14, 2020 9:26 pm
Honorable Vizard
Laskt Matiche
Rather unexpectedly, Laskt gave a harsh laugh in response to Takehiko’s vague suggestion, the sound dry and hollow.“It is a good idea mon ami, but zere are several factors you are mistaking. If I harness ze power of my Zanpaktou, I will surely give Chikai decent competition: zat much is certain. However, zere are certain zings you must understand about mon Zanpaktou and about me.” The knight explained, clearly uncomfortable, but needing to get this off of his chest.
Laskt’s eyes grew distant, as he felt himself slip into a long-forgotten age. “A long, long time ago, long before you lived, long before ze world of today, long before even ton estimable oncle was but a novice in ze Gotei, I graduated from ze Academy, full of bluster and life. I was arrogant, foolhardy, wanting nozing more to satisfy myself wiz ze strengz of ozers, and to slaughter zem.” His voice sounded almost clinical, like he was speaking about anozer person entirely.
“I was anozer man, who did not deserve ze power zat comes wiz being a member of ze Gotei. As I mentioned before, zere were zose who made my newfound power seem insignificant, but I was not ze weakest eizer. My power was enough to keep ze weak afraid and fall in line, allowing me to create a cabal of sycophants and underlings. You can zen imagine my surprise when I first made contact wiz mon Zanpaktou, discovering zat instead of some elemental manipulation or straightforward power booster, I had ze crystallization of Honor as my Zanpaktou spirit. I didn't believe it for monzs, refusing to believe zat somezing so deviant to my beliefs could be ze partner of my soul."
"Regardless of my disbelief, it tried mon ami, it tried so hard to set me on ze right paz, ze true paz. It told me every time I betrayed it's code, shouting and screaming of my failures. In my arrogance, I didn’t listen to it’s warnings, dismissing it as a factor. If my Zanpaktou would not give me power ze way I wanted, I would forge my destiny wizout it, wiz my own two hands. Likely disgusted wiz my cowardice, weakness, and generally unfitness to be a individual, it pulled me into my Inner World one day, it's patience spent. It spent days berating me for my myriad failures and repeatedly nearly killing me before I managed to escape wiz my life. For centuries, my Inner World was sealed away, and only recently has reopened.”
His story concluded, Laskt kicked at the dirt floor of the training ground, watching the dust puff and roll across the boot-torn grasses. “Ton zeory is sound. It is very likely zat wiz what happened, a paz has been opened to my Inner Spirit. I would even be so bold as to say zat it is very likely I could contact him. But, when I stand in zat room, wait before zat sun-drenched zrone, it is very likely zat my Zanpaktou will want nozing to do wiz me. After all, what use is a failed, crippled, runt of a Shinigami to ze very concept of Honor given physical form?”
- GuestGuest
Re: After War Training
Sun Jan 19, 2020 10:18 am
Blood Kuchiki
Takehiko Kuchiki
おだ たつや
おだ たつや
Takehiko could only smile and nod from here. Stories wouldn't do him any good for his friend. Nor would advising him to help him. This was a journey Laskt had to make. One he needed to make the choices for as he grew. This was all par the course for Takehiko. He knew the ravenous hunger hadn't faded yet. Akuma acted tame for now but the truth. The truth was that he was holding him back by the skin of his teeth. Ruin's help was all that kept it down and out of the way. Unfair for her it was though in Takehiko's mind as he stood up. Wincing a bit his body still hurting from injuries. He didn't think anymore Cero's was a good idea. "Maybe, I've got to going Laskt. Paperwork with this promotion has been a nightmare." He gathered his things up and looked at his friend. He didn't have an answer to the question for him. Takehiko wasn't wise beyond his years or strong. He was just a simple person doing a job. Nothing out of the ordinary for him in this field. His shoulders moved as he spoke one last time.
"The past is something we cannot hope to alter, but the future..that one is up to you my friend." Takehiko turned to exit the area heading towards his new office. He'd been given a job now that would take work. The Captain had given him trust and paperwork. Oh God, the paperwork he was given. He'd never seen it stack so high in his entire life. Takehiko wasn't angry but he knew Laskt was aware of hos his sword worked. The power that was demanded rarely came nicely. His hand constantly hurt when it came to his training. This was just par for the course. Takehiko had trained and worked himself hard but only more would come. He'd gotten stronger certainly, but strength didn't fix things. His combat style was still reckless beyond measure. He needed to find a way to fix this. But without Laskt getting involved in it, his friend needed to focus. Focus on himself and grow into a fine vizard. Something Takehiko had proven incapable of from the beginning.
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