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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Metal as Fuck
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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Fri Feb 25, 2011 6:12 pm
Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Black-butler-undertaker-silver-scythe-1

Chisei Koukateki

"You are stupid, therefore wrong."

It was a glorious afternoon in Seireitei. The divisions were functioning as they were supposed to, there was no imminent threat of destruction, and the place itself was peaceful this afternoon. There had been no surprise battles in the streets as of yet, as there usually are, especially when eleventh division was around.

Walking down one of these streets was a man, very tall and slim in build. Standing at about six foot seven, and weighing not over a hundred and fifty pounds, the man walked in long strides down the winding streets of Seireitei. This man had just recently been appointed vice captain of thirteenth by a majority vote after returning from a hollow war that had almost cost him his life several times, and cost him several friends. The emotional pain that he was enduring only strengthened his resolve to keep Soul Society up and running as it should. His position making it easier for him to attempt that.

This man was Chisei Koukateki. Shinigami warrior and intellect extraordinare. He turned, lifting a long arm up and pushing a pair of rectangular glasses farther up the bridge of his nose, his blue eyes visible through the glass, save for a few spots on it where the light was reflecting. He shook his head, his waist-long silver hair swinging back and forth as he did so. It was going to be a long day, and he had a lot of work to get done. First and foremost, though, was a meeting with his captain. He had heard of the vizard, who hadn't? Ichigo Kurosaki was, more than likely, the most famous name in the entirety of soul society.

Chisei was, admittedly, a bit nervous about meeting his captain. Sure, Chisei was strong in his own way, but everyone knew how powerful Kurosaki-taicho was. Chisei turned one last corner, reaching ahead of him and opening the large double-doors of the Thirteen Division Barracks, swiftly making his way to the captain's quarters. The new Vice-Captain badge on his arm causing several of the lower-level shinigami in the division to bow. Chisei quickly waved off their formality, if their was one thing he wasn't used to about a higher position, it was the presence that people associated with him. Everyone automatically hated you, or kissed up to you hoping for a good word at their next promotion qualifier. Chisei finally reached his destination, opening the door to the captain's quarters with one hand and peeking in, sliding his head in the opening he had made. "Is anyone here?" he asked, "I'm here to see Kurosaki-taicho."

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue0/0Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Sat Feb 26, 2011 6:14 pm
[Kurosaki Ichigo]

Another peacefull day in the Seireitei. Well, in a way, they deserved days like this. After all, Shinigami were constantly risking their lifes out in the real world, and especially now, after the war truely started - every single breather was appreciated. The defending force was always at a disadvantage since they couldn't do the first step.

But currently, the 'legendary' Vizard had completely other troubles. Besides trying to stay alive in countless battles, he was fighting a secret war in the humid darks of his office. A war only few knew about... the war against mountains upon mountains of papework. Where the hell did this stuff come from? It was almost as if new papers flew in every time he was outside of his office for only five minutes. Ichigo was no idiot, he could deal with some paperwork - but not giant mountains of it. So maybe, just maybe, it was a good breather that someone was actually looking for him for once.
"I'm here, come on in." Was the reply that came from behind one stash of finished papers. Somehow getting them to the side without throwing them from the desk, Ichigo became visible behind it - orange, slightly spiked, but a bit longer hair than he had as a teenager, brown, intelligent eyes, and his slightly annoyed frown over all this paper that decided to kill him. His eyes wandered to the tall man at the door, and the badge he was wearing.
"So you're Chisei Koukateki?" Standing up from behind his desk, it became visible that his captains haori was thrown above the chair instead of being worn by the 13th Divisions Captain. "You've been assigned as the new Vice-Captain, right? Wellcome to our own piece of hell made out of paper."

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] 1zz6irn
Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Sat Feb 26, 2011 8:34 pm
Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Black-butler-undertaker-silver-scythe-1

Chisei Koukateki

"You are stupid, therefore wrong."

Chisei pushed his glasses up his nose again as he spotted the vizard. His captain seemed to be surrounded by paperwork. Didn't he get any of it done? Or did it just pile here? Looks like he got here just in time, Chisei thought.

Chisei walked over in front of his captain, standing stock-still and looking the vizard in the eye. "Kurosaki-taicho, yes, I am Chisei Koukateki. I am the new vice-captain of thirteenth, assigned after coming back from the recent arrancar war." He smiled sarcastically, "It looks like you're handling the paperwork well." He nodded, gesturing at the floor. "May I sit down?"

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue0/0Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:00 pm
[Kurosaki Ichigo]

"Well then, you seem to know your way around. Make yourself at home." Ichigos eyes wandered to Zangetsu leaning at a wall. Damn, his sword would start to gather dust one of these days. The Vizard was ruffling his hair with one hand as he looked at the two giant stacks of finished papers, and the ton of still unfinished ones. The Soul Society did finally have computers, but much stuff was still done the old-fashioned way. The newer things were generally easier to make.
"Ever since I've been out to fight those Espada some time ago, the paperwork has been growing larger and larger." He pointed at another desk standing in the room. "I had them move that thing in before you arrived. You can pretty much do what you want... I don't really care." Kurosaki hadn't been asking for a Vice-Captain to take the workload of his shoulders. In fact, he didn't ask for any VC, they just assigned him one and he agreed. As long as they could somehow work together, everything was fine - and this 'work' here was nothing but required small things compared to the fact that Shinigami were soldiers to fight, not soldiers to write.
"Just one thing you should please keep in mind." For a split second, Ichigo almost looked serious... "Please leave those honorfics. I hate them. Just call me by my name, not by a title. Thanks." A strange request from the strangest Captain in all of the Seireitei - the only Vizard who was ever allowed into the thirteen squads.

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] 1zz6irn
Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Sun Feb 27, 2011 4:23 pm
Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Black-butler-undertaker-silver-scythe-1

Chisei Koukateki

"You are stupid, therefore wrong."

Chisei looked around, tsking at the large amount of paperwork stacked around. He looked over at the desk that had been brought in for him. He walked over and sat down behind it, leaning forward and putting his elbows on his knees, interlocking his fingers together and resting his chin on the backs of his hands, "Well if it's paperwork you're worried about, I can have most of this" he gestured around the room to all the stacked paper, "done within the hour." He smiled, pushing his glasses back up the bridge of his nose before continuing, "You could say I work more like a quincy than a shinigami. Quickly, efficiently, no questions, no distractions, no concern for other things." He smiled sarcastically once more, "I realize shinigami are efficient, but they tend to let emotion get in the way of logic, except for captains such as Kurotsuchi-taicho. I think he reprogrammed his brain to override emotion."

He chuckled, sitting back in his chair, putting his hands behind his head. "Then again, my powers are more quincy than shinigami as it is." Chisei raised an eyebrow at his captain, noting the serious look on his face. "Oh? No formalities, eh? Alright. I don't agree with that but if it's captain's orders." He shrugged, grabbing a piece of paper off the stack next to him. It was a transfer sheet, some thirteenth division unseated was transferring out for reasons of "misplaced talent". Chisei sighed, quickly signing off the transfer order and sliding it into a pile of "done" paperwork, considerably smaller than all the stacks of unfinished paperwork. He turned back to the captain, "So, when was the last time you've had a good spar, Ichigo?" He questioned his captain, a playful grin on his face.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue0/0Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Sun Feb 27, 2011 7:52 pm
[Kurosaki Ichigo]

The more he was talking with Chisei, the more nostalgic Ichigo felt. Well, it was no real wonder - this Shinigami was VERY similliar to one of Ichigos old friends, back in his time as a Substitute Shinigami. A time long gone by now, but all those memories were still fresh for him, he was able to recall every day, every fight they had, every minute of fun together with them... with Rukia, Chad, Orihime, and last but not least...
"A Quincy, Eh? You wouldn't guess how similliar you are to one I know. You're not Ishidas long lost twin, by any chance?" Ichigo meant, slightly joking. But yes, Chisei truely reminded him of the 'last Quincy' he once met - a head-strong, logical thinking, talented Quincy, who started out as an enemy, and slowly turned into one of his most trusted friends and rivals of all time. Ishida Uryu, the man with the unlimited Quincy Pride. Though it still was a long way if Chisei ever was to reach a similliar level of trust from his newly appointed Captain.
"But I guess you're right about one thing, we Shinigami are generally bad at this stuff. I doubt Kenpachi does any of his paperwork at all. Do they even have that in the 11th?" Ichigo shrugged, and as Chisei mentioned a spar, his frowning face lighted up for a macabre smile. "If we're talking about spars that don't involve me trying not to get my head cut off by Kenpachi, then it has been way too long. I'm almost fearing to get rusty here..." Mostly a play on words, Ichigos skills were sharp as always. Even if someone tried to pull a sneak-attack now, while he was completely relaxed and inside of Seireitei, his reflexes would allow him to react instantly and beat most people barehanded without even reaching for his Zanpakuto leaning on the wall.
"So you want to test out if your Captain is up to it? If that's it, why not." It was for sure as hell better than staying in this badly lit and aired office. And if Chisei was really that fast at paperwork, then he could finish that stuff later anyways.

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] 1zz6irn
Metal as Fuck
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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Sun Feb 27, 2011 8:08 pm
Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Black-butler-undertaker-silver-scythe-1

Chisei Koukateki

"You are stupid, therefore wrong."

Chisei stretched out, looking at Ichigo attentively. "Oh, is that so? I have never heard of the Quincy in question. I'm sure though, if he's close to you, he has to either be an amazing person or a huge pain in the ass." Chisei chuckled a little to himself, he had made some allies similar to himself during the war. None of them managed to survive past the first year, but Chisei knew that couldn't be helped. They died for a good cause. Chisei raised an eyebrow at the captain pertaining to his next comment. "I wouldn't know anything about how eleventh division goes about their dealings. The only experience I have had with eleventh division was a small bout a long time ago between me and a few goons with a superiority complex who tried to beat me up for being better than them." Chisei smiled knowingly, "The seated members of eleventh are probably different, but those unseated drop like flies to an intelligent opponent." Chisei laughed a little at the captain's comment about the spar, "Oh? You're scared of getting rusty are you? Well yes, I would like to challenge you." He smiled, "I can forget about the paperwork until you whoop my ass." He chuckled again, "Trust me, I probably won't put up too good of a fight, but I'm willing to try." Chisei smiled.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue0/0Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:02 pm
[Kurosaki Ichigo]

A pain in the ass? Hell yeah, Ishida had been a pain in the ass many times - but he also was an amazing Quincy, as far as Ichigo could tell. Not that he knew much about shooting a now, or anything besides swinging a sword. And what he knew about that was mostly picked up bits and pieces of everyone around and instict, even going so far as to adapt the style of his Hollow into his own.
"I'm just happy Kenpachi didn't manage to drag me into the 11th." It was an open secret that Zaraki wouldn't mind to make the next freaking Kenpachi out of Ichigo if he had the chance, and the orange-haired Vizard had other plans for his life. Like actually not spending every waking moment swinging a damn sword around. Not that he minded doing it from time to time. With a swift grab, Ichigos hand was on the hilt of Zangetsu - with a movement as natural as lifting ones hand or tilting the head, he placed the large cleaver on his back. Ichigo truely was a natural born fighter and warrior, just like a certain blue-haired Arrancar said in the past.
"Don't downgrade yourself before facing an opponent, or else, your words will surely come true. If you want to defeat someone, then only follow that emotion. Any other way, you will lose for sure." Wisdom aquired through experience that was not expected from the grumpy Captain with a heart of pure gold, as he opened the door to the office.
"Time to finally use that large garden the division has. Just try not to ruin everything around, or else Rukia'll kill me." Most likely because of memories of the past Captain Ukitate in this peacefull part of the quarters - a man Ichigo held deep respect for, even after his death. Turning around once he stood in the middle, he faced Chisei directly, but showed no intentions of drawing his blade just yet.
"Go on, attack me. Show me what you've got."

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] 1zz6irn
Metal as Fuck
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Location : Where all sinners congregate

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Thu Mar 03, 2011 8:36 pm
Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Black-butler-undertaker-silver-scythe-1

Chisei Koukateki

"You are stupid, therefore wrong."

Chisei grinned, "Oh so your fighting skills were desired for something more.. rough, eh? Well I know you're a strong fighter.." He stopped, thinking about something before speaking again, "But, I'm pretty sure Getsuga Tensho goes against the strict melee-type enforcement that eleventh is so widely known for." He tilted his head before shaking it, his long hair shaking back and forth, "Ah well, not my problem." He laughed.

He raised his eyebrow at the sudden advice from the captain, "Oh don't worry, I'm not downgrading myself. I know that I'm strong, I survived the war, didn't I? I just know that you're stronger." He grinned, "I will try my hardest to beat you, captain. Despite that." He smirked playfully, chuckling to himself. Chisei knew that his offense-only weapon would do little against a captain with so much experience and power. He would try though, damn it. Chisei followed the captain into the gardens, drawing his overly-long zanpakuto and flipping it to hold it backhand before smiling. "Fighting with my weapon sealed really isn't an option here, so I'll spare you the boring waiting period." He flipped his weapon upside-down and stuck the blade in the ground, grasping the hilt firmly with his right hand. "Strike Without Hesitation or Fear, Surudoi Ite!" He said commandingly as the blade of his sword shortened drastically, and changed, becoming more jagged and changing coloration. The hilt also looked rather deformed for a sword in this state too.

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] FF13Blazefire_Saber

He brought the blade up to his face and flung his arm down in an awkward battle salute before flicking his wrist, the blade of his shikai revolving back into the hilt and the hilt leaning forward to reveal what appeared to be a gun. Firing a singular shot at Ichigo to test if the captain was as fast as they say, even though he knew already that he was. The shot he fired was heat-seeking, and had the power of a weak cero, or a very very strong bala.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

We Are Legion
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Joined : 2010-06-05
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Age : 33
Location : Under your bed.

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Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Left_bar_bleue0/0Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] Empty Re: Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei]

Thu Mar 03, 2011 9:05 pm
[Kurosaki Ichigo]

Somehow, Ichigo was sure that his advice did anything but reach the right nerve of his new subordinate, even though he hated using that word. For him, every member of the 13th was an equal, he wasn't one for formalities or ranks. As the Vice-Captain released his Zanpakuto, Ichigo still made no attempt to draw his own blade - he would judge his opponent first before attacking with Zangetsu. After all, he wasn't the worst fighter in hand-to-hand - he learned many things from Yoruichi, not only how to use Shunpo with the skill that he had.
Raising up his right hand almost instantly once the shot was fired, his reaction time was legendary once more. With his constant captain-level Reiatsu, the members of the 13th had become used to it by now, but most now backed off a bit from spectating from the sidelines - the wind freshing up was not actual wind, but rather made by the blue aura of Reiatsu around Ichigo, as the shot hit his right hand and exploded in a small could of smoke and energy. After said smoke was swished away quickly from Kurosakis Reiatsu, he was revealed nearly completely unharmed - some scratches and minor burn-marks on his hand, sure. Still, a single, weak Cero-level attack was nothing that could phase a prepared Ichigo. He had been able to deflect a menos-level Cero even without his own powers awakened only shortly after becoming a Substitute Shinigami, after all. And facing the Espada before together with having a large natural Reiatsu made him able to withstand energy blows quite well by surpressing their force with his own inner pressure.
"If you can't fire faster than that, then I'll take my comment about you resembling a Quincy back." A bit of teasing with a slightly friendlier frown on his face, the competition was now on. Ichigo would of course refrain from releasing his sword into his highest form - first of all, the whole 13th would faint from it. Let alone putting on his legendary Hollow mask. So far, the Vizard didn't start his counter-attack.

Lieutenant Strawberry? [Ichigo and Chisei] 1zz6irn
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