Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 8:59 pm

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

A exhalation of pure bliss left magnolia's lips as she lowered her body beneath the steaming water of one of the many hotsprings that surround yellowstone park. The acrid stench of sulfur only a mild discomfort when compared to the near-scalding water that helped unwind her tense muscles and more importantly allowed her a moment of respite from her roaming across the world of the living.

After a few moments of allowing her eyes to rest, Magnolia's golden gaze slid open, studying the rust-stained rock that surrounded her, looking past the snow-covered trees that fringed the very perifery of the domain that belonged to the heat radiating from the spring-fed basin she was currently submerged in. Then her gaze shifted to look out at the mountain side that lay infront of her, the soft snow that blanketed the world, and the sparse tracks of the critters that lived within the harsh yellowstone environment both were things that she could find solace in.

One might even say that the Natural, unmarred, and pristine state of the world around her reminded her far more of her homeland, than the sprawling metropolises, and modern wonders that she had seen in the year or so while being in this world.

With another faint huff, her face submerged below the cloudy waters, before she once more broke the surface, allowing her body to float as she stared up at the sky, lost in thought.

" once again, I find myself wondering if I may truly end up stuck here, and.. if thats a bad thing."

The thought was one that she had often had in recent months, thinking of her lover shuten, and the thousands of lives she had taken in the war for the country known as america, she had been unable to decide if her time in this strange land had been truly for it's betterment, or if she had simply been a calamity for its inhabitants.

"Does it truly even matter though? I should just enjoy the moment, rather than worrying about the future just yet."

She mentally chastized herself before she let her eyes close once more after glancing over to her twin zanpakuto, and large Oodachi, ensuring both were still leaned up against the rock she had set them on, after which she had allowed herself to fully relax within the hot water, putting the many life-issues she had at the moment on hold, for what truly was, the first bit of true respite for her weary soul in quite some time.

Template By:

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] LzZCuy7
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] BtXe12b
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Joined : 2016-02-15
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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 9:11 pm
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Banne-Himiko


Seventh Division Member Himiko on the prowl! It was her duty after all to investigate the world of the living and with the recent influx of hollows and war in America it was her duty to clean up and patrol. But that was oh so much work now wasn't it? She had done quite a lot of walking and frankly she found the way she smelled right now to be quite unpleasant. Her clothes only covered in sweat and grime from fighting hollows and travelling.

She needed a break. Simple as that and for a moment she'd shirk her work to go and relax. With the smell of sulphur in the air the fox couldn't smell much but his smell was better than what she was like. Himiko was so eager that she basically threw off her clothes and dived right in with a big splash without even checking if there was anyone else in there. Why would she?

"Oooooo~ So good, so warm."

Speaking to herself while her tail flicked about excitedly in the water she turned and noticed someone else. Immediately sensing that she was a shinigami Himiko shamelessly got up and approached her.

"Hey hey! Who are you, miss shinigami?"


Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Gamma_Signature
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] CHARACTER_LISTWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] GRAPHICS_THREADWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] TIMELINE_THREAD
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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:24 pm

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Serenity often was blissfull, yet it was almost ironically, always shortlived. True to that amusing sentiment, the loud splash that broke the silence snow-scape, and resulting waves brought magnolia out of her state of relaxation. One gold eye opened as she lazily looked to side to see who the individual who had jumped into the hotspring was. No longer did she float atop the water though, shifting to sit against one of the iron-covered walls as she released a faint sigh before studying the woman who had joined her in her steamy respite.

Her first impression of her interloper was: Bubbly, Carefree, Ditsy. Despite her exasperation, the faintest of giggles escaped her lips at the lass's exuberance and joy at being able to sit inside the hotspring. Soon, the interloper asked her who she was, and after identifying the woman as a fellow shinigami she had soon exhaled and responded to her question.

"Magnolia, of the 2nd division. How about you?"

Magnolia's response was soft, and direct, and she'd do so without breaking eyecontact as she slowly brought her chin to rest on her forearm.

Template By:

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] LzZCuy7
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] BtXe12b
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Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:29 pm
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Banne-Himiko


What a relief!

"Oh my gosh that's so good. I don't have to chase you off or something, I'm Himiko yeah? Himiko Shikimura from the Seventh Division."

Nodding to herself in affirmation she sat right down next to Magnolia like it was the most natural thing in the world and her canine ears twitched a little.

"Anyway, whatcha doin' down here? I thought only the Seventh would be running around America at the moment you know?"


Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Gamma_Signature
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] CHARACTER_LISTWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] GRAPHICS_THREADWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] TIMELINE_THREAD
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:40 pm

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Himiko was certainly friendly, and Magnolia's lips tugged into a faint smile as the fox-eared woman sat down next to her, but it was a smile that would inevitably fade after hearing the question that she wished to ask. A somberness gathered around Magnolia as she gathered her thoughts, resulting in a minute or two of silence before she attempted to reply after a short sigh escaped her lips.

" Honestly, my actions despite their results being of benefit for many people, have hurt others, and as a result-- "

Magnolia's story paused to allow a faint, self-mocking chuckle to escape her lips.

"-- I have become painfully aware of how truly alone I am. So when most went back to the seireitei, I found myself coming back to this nation, wandering acrost it as I try to come to terms with that knowledge, and attempt to then accept, and move on with my life. As you can see, i've had very little success on that front. "

Magnolia finished her statement with a rueful little grimace before she glanced over at her companion with a faintly arched brow.

"So, What brings you to america? It's not exactly the safest place for a earth affiliation member to be right now."

Template By:

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] LzZCuy7
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] BtXe12b
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Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 10:48 pm
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Banne-Himiko


Himiko gently rocked in the water, laying still didn't come so easy to her immediately but she listened with aroused ears that caught every word. Nodding when she understood she shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Sounds like a bother. On the bright side you don't look like me."

Poking at her ears with a cheeky grin Himiko had been told by her parents how their animal qualities had all been the result of punishment for past crimes. She didn't understand what that meant though but since then she had presumed if you were incredibly bad then you and your entire family line would be canine monsters.

"You know being here doesn't really help that loneliness right? Been ages since I saw another person, it's so good though to see someone that can talk and doesn't wanna eat me haha."

Running her hand through her hair awkwardly she smiled and closed her eyes shut like she was embarrassed but quickly regained her cool. Slick moves.

"I'm here for missions you know, it's our job. Just because it's hard and dangerous doesn't mean we can slack off. I'm just patrolling but don't let my looks fool you, I'm really strong."


Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Gamma_Signature
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] CHARACTER_LISTWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] GRAPHICS_THREADWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] TIMELINE_THREAD
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:02 pm

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Magnolia's own state of self-loathing was interrupted by the words that escaped Himiko's lips, as they sought to try to help atleast distract her from her own worries if even for but a moment. It was a gesture that Magnolia appriciated, but hearing the second part of the sentance, she couldn't help but glance at the fox-woman, her body shifting some to sink further underneath the water.

" You're quite pretty you know, Many people would be blessed to look at you do. "

Magnolia didn't try to tell her that people would be stupid to judge her based on her looks, because in any world, such words would only be placating at best. Instead, she just told Himiko what she personally felt, and as such her words were tinged with honesty, and a gentleness that was mirrored by the slightly upturned state of her lips, her head tilting back to allow her eyes to stare at the brilliant, starry sky above, her hair pooling out on the rock , and fanning out over her shoulders into the water as she listened to the fox-woman talk about how lonely it was in her job.

" You do vital work, and despite it being lonely, thousands of mortal souls can sleep soundly each night so long as you continue to do that work. Its not glamorous, but i find it heartwarming to know that because of us, others can live their lives peacefully. Still, the occasional bout of company is definitely appriciated."
Magnolia's response was punctuated with a faint giggle, which was muffled behind the back of her left hand as her next response as moreso filled with mirth.

"Yes certianly, it does make things better when your company isn't trying to gnaw on your soul."

Soon, Himiko went on to assure her that she was "stronger than she looked" a fact that Magnolia was more than happy to agree with. Anyone who could venture through America, in the midst of its unrest and slowly subsiding chaos, would certainly be stronger than average, be it based on their personal might, or their character.

" I agree, we can't just slack off, and most often I find it's the hardest of choices that are the most rewarding. Still, a break every now and again is almost just as important dont you think?"

Template By:

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] LzZCuy7
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] BtXe12b
Veteran Member
Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 04, 2020 11:11 pm
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Banne-Himiko


"Mmm. People tend to say that but I used to look a lot different than I do now. Much more dog that woman haha."

She didn't elaborate. She didn't care to get too deep into the way she used to look and the strange circumstances as to how she appears so human now.

"Hey now, I'm not lonely when Im not on duty, but you seem to be here all by your lonesome silly. How do you intend to make friends and socialise when you're all alone down here? You're just lucky I sniffed you out"

Not entirely true, she definitely didn't smell Magnolia until she got closer because of this scent in the air. It was pretty overpowering but a bath was worth that metallic smell. She nodded at the last bit, damn straight a break was important. When she was covered in sweat, dirt and forced to smell herself it meant it was a break time. That alone prompted her to begin using her hands to try and rub herself clean somewhat.


Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Gamma_Signature
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] CHARACTER_LISTWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] GRAPHICS_THREADWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] TIMELINE_THREAD
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Wed Jan 08, 2020 12:00 am

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] 6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Himiko's words struck Magnolia as strange, but everyone deserved to have a secret or two, so she didn't press the woman on something that made her uncomfortable. Instead, she made a cup with her hands and picked some of the hot water up, lifting it above herself to dump on her head. The contrast of frigid cold, and scalding heat was blissful, almost to a sinful degree. With a soft sigh of pleasure, she'd savor the moment.

Soon though, Himiko began to speak and this time her words would elicit a weary, but amused grin from the corners of Magnolia's lips as she made eye contact with the fox-lady.

" Hopefully I didn't stink that bad." Magnolia say sardonically, with a playful lilt to her tone, before letting her eyes rove out across the wild, untamed beauty of the valleys and mountains before them, her next words almost taking on a wistful, contemplative tone.

" Truth be told? I don't have the slightest clue on how to progress. I am still unused to this world, and much of its customs baffle me, for example, the strange oblong objects humans carry around, i don't understand why they must be glued to them all the time. I feel overwhelmed, despite trying my best not to be. "

Magnolia spoke slowly, before trying to through gestures, convey the action humans typically took with their cellphones, before eventually allowing an almost mocking, but mostly rueful giggle to escape her lips.

"It feels silly to me, honestly, I have so much power, but when it comes to social matters, I often end up droping a rock on my own foot, dooming myself before i can even begin to make headway. "

Template By:

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] LzZCuy7
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] BtXe12b
Veteran Member
Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Empty Re: Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open]

Sat Jan 11, 2020 7:19 pm
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Banne-Himiko


"Aww you don't smell too much."

Uh oh, she forgot you shouldn't tell people they smell and she leaned over in a bow to apologise quickly. The last thing she needed was to upset her company like this over a silly comment.

"Aww me too, people are so weird but they're really fun and interesting. I'm never bored you know?"

She looked at the gesture and tried to figure out what she meant. Phones were still something she was getting used to, kinda like clothes.

"Hey were are you from anyway? I'm from the wilderness although dad used to say we came from the beast realm whatever that is haha."


Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] Gamma_Signature
Within steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] CHARACTER_LISTWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] GRAPHICS_THREADWithin steamy, snowfed waters. [Magnolia/Himiko/Semi-Open] TIMELINE_THREAD
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