Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue16000/1Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:41 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 PG2guMf


"Iunno. Mom never told me."

Vegas seemed rather visibly surprised at the portal Ulv summoned, not really used to anything like that. She'd seen them before, but for the most part she just walked, or caught a plane, or snuck onto a boat. Whatever she needed to do.

"Um, yeah, that sounds fine. But Miss Vaugrenard's not my name. I'm Vegas."

She said that rather plainly, as if it really hadn't even occurred to her that, logically speaking, her last name would be Vaugrenard due simply to how parentage worked.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 2:48 pm


"I got a sneaking suspicion it's about 9 months before you were born" Ulv commented, stepping into the Garganta with Vegas. Then, they were off the coast of Africa. She couldn't teleport into the continent directly, but even off the coast was closer than a Japanese island. After they exited, they stood on a reiatsu platform Ulv had made for a few moments while orienting to Somalia.

"Vegas. Ironic, Alex's favourite city was Vegas" Ulv commented, pulling on a beautiful blue dress from seemingly nowhere. It fluxed and jittered gently, as if the dress was made out of naught but the air itself. And then, with little warning or ceremony, Ulv picked Vegas up and set off at a run towards the city.


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:07 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 PG2guMf


"Well that's a long time, but that could be right."

The implication Ulv was making entirely flew over Vegas' head, as it wasn't really something she'd ever had the opportunity to learn about. As far as she was concerned, Ulv was just genuinely giving her a rough estimate. Not that she even really thought about how Ulv would know that, and she only further lost her train of thought as she found herself standing on a platform of energy over the ocean.

"Wah! Ah, we're... Oh, okay. Got it. Got it!"

After she'd reoriented herself, slapping both hands onto her cheeks to get herself out of any surprise, she once again took a moment to listen to Ulv.

"His favorite? Maybe that's why mom picked it- Wait wait wait!"

Vegas gripped Ulv for dear life as she was picked up, definitely not having ever been held like this before, and certainly not at this high of a speed. This was weird! Scary! Exciting! Despite her rather obvious surprise, there was an undeniable smile on her face as they zoomed toward the city. This was fun!

Coding in Template By:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:17 pm


The girl seemed...uneducated. The difficulty in reading, the lack of connecting the nine months of pregnancy, the general air about her. It was interesting to see, and Nel would probably want to help regardless of how Alex felt about her. She was a very gentle soul even before her race was brought into consideration. And then, of course, was the scream of excited fear, as all had when travelling at such speeds. It was primal, after all.

Eventually, they landed outside of the shop, and scanned it. Nel wasn't in, but Alex was, which was good. Would have sucked to have to scour the globe for him and entertain the daughter while doing it.
"Go on, Vegas. your father is inside" Ulv offered, gesturing to the door and putting her down.


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:50 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Wn361XD

Father-Daughter Dance

"Finally! Thanks for the help, Ulv!"

Shoving the door open excitedly, Vegas once more struck a very confident pose, scanning the room for her quarry only for a second before pointing dramatically at him. It was actually kind of weird to see him, and after about 9 years of searching, it occurred to her that she actually had no idea what to say now.

"Uh... Alex! I've been looking for you!"

For his part, Alex was just laying on one of the couches reading a magazine. He'd kinda felt like shit lately, so he'd been taking it easy. But not some chick was just kicking the door open, what the fuck was this? He stood up, stretched out, and examined the girl in front of him.

"Who even are you?"

He stared right into her eyes, not really recognizing her for a good long while, though...there was something familiar there. Alex continued to study her for a while, and admittedly, the girl was having some trouble still putting her words together. She hadn't really anticipated him being so...big. Or scary. Or confident about this.

"U-um..! Vegas! My name's Vegas! You're my dad!"

And then...silence.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:56 pm


Pulling in her Flame - Vegas was not really compus mentus enough to clue into the subtle nature of the Resolve Flame to know how to resist it if she wanted to - Ulv stepped into the shop and watched Vegas stammer through her exclamation. Alex, was predictably stunned by it, so Ulv decided to step in and speak a little to help things flow better.

"From what I can gather, she came looking for you after her mother told you that you abandoned her. Though, from the grainy security camera footage, mother's vagueness about when you abanonded her, and your shock now, it is pretty clear you never even knew she existed. But, now you do. So you can talk about that" Ulv explained. There was that tiniest hint in her voice that implied Alex better talk about it or there would be trouble, but nothing she put to voice or even overt implication.


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:32 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Wn361XD

Father-Daughter Dance

Alex was still silent for a good bit longer, still thinking through all this. He eventually had to take a seat when a bit of a coughing fit hit him, but he was still thinking the whole time about this. Daughter? That didn't sound right. She looked way too old to be his kid, unless she'd come from like his first time...

"How old're you, kid?"

Surprised at the nonchalance he had at the moment, Vegas had to think about that question for a little longer than most people probably would.

"Oh, I'm...ten. I'm ten years old."

With a confident nod, she gave her answer, and Alex thought about it before looking to Ulv.

"Look, this is gonna make me sound like maybe a real sack of shit, but you know anyway to prove she's my kid? 'Cause I don't really know anyone who'd lie to her about that, but uh... I wanna be sure, you get me?"

He wasn't trying to ignore Vegas, not at all. It was more that he'd have to approach this entirely differently based on whether or not she was...well, his.

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:49 pm


Listening to the two, she didn't look down on Alex for wanting to know that it was his kid before he jumped into it. But that also didn't mean Ulv was just going to give up on the idea just like that. She was, after all, Mayor Auber. If she couldn't do this much for her friends, what kind of a mayor would she be?
"Nothing definitive, I will admit. Similarities, but nothing that nails it down. For that, we'd have to go somewhere that's got a specialised spirit-DNA machine. Not entirely sure Vastime has one, though I do know there is one in Karakura Hospital. And the 12th....3rd....whatever the fucking division number is these days. The Seireitei Nerds have one as well"


God of Love
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:13 pm

Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Wn361XD

Father-Daughter Dance

Upon listening to Ulv, both Alex and Vegas chuckled at her last little addendum, in almost the exact same way.

"Ha, nerds."

They were both quiet then, looking right at one another. It was pretty obvious that both of them found that identical response at least marginally uncanny, and after a second, Alex shrugged, standing up again and cracking his neck.

"Well, I'm pretty sure the clinics around here have stuff like that, we shouldn't have to travel. If you think there's some similarities, it's worth putting to the test. So c'mon, kiddo, let's go get this all sorted out."

Honestly, he still felt fucking terrible, and he really just wanted to hang out around the house today and have a nice quiet time. But this was uh...maybe a big deal, so it'd probably be good if they got it sorted out. He made sure Vegas was following, then decided he should at least ask some questions on the way.

"So, uh, how long've you been looking for me, anyway?"

Vegas was surprised by the question, the idea of beating Alex up honestly having already been sort of forgotten as she was caught up in all this. She just followed right alongside him, putting a finger to her chin in thought as she tried to think that over.

"About nine years now, I think? I left a little after my first birthday."

Coding in Template By:
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv] - Page 2 Empty Re: Help, I Need Somebody [Vegas, Ulv]

Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:29 pm


Letting them talk with each other, there was a flash of fire and violent passion after Vegas said she left after her first birthday. Demon children physically matured quickly, but there was no reason for her to be searching for Alex her entire life without her mother. But, she pulled it back in and took a deep breath. That was going to be a thing that she looked into after the paternity test.

"And even if it turns out she isn't your daughter, Cafe can always use another waitress, and she needs a job to get by in the world. So it turns out good" Ulv nodded, heading to the hospital with the two and preparing to correct the assumption she was her mother.


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