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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 12:39 am

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

" You know that this is probably going to be uncomfortable? "
As usual, the tenor timbre of Raijin's voice echoed within Magnolia's mind, however, it lacked its typical mirth and joviality. The quiet of the yurt in the middle of the night was broken by the soft clacking of Magnolia's geta on the dirt.

"Even so, it's imperative that this gets sorted out." Magnolia's response, was punctuated by a sigh, her shoulders shifting as her golden eyes shifted to look at the largest of the yurts, before she raised her hand to push aside the tent flap, peering inside.

"Murasaki, it's Magnolia. We really need to talk."

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  LzZCuy7
The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  BtXe12b
God of Love
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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 2:10 am



Murasaki, for her part, was still awake at this hour, sipping carefully from a ceramic teacup. She was just doing paperwork, filling out everyone's paychecks and such. She definitely didn't expect any guests, and as she looked up, she had to say this guest in particular was the last one she'd been assuming might stop by.

"Think so? Take a seat, then. You want tea?"

Her usual pleasantries were all there, as was her typical smile, but it was all far more reserved than normal. She knew this was just what was leftover from everything she'd yet to handle, but...part of her had really just hoped she'd never actually have to deal with this. A silly thing to hope for, but you never know. Could get lucky once.

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 1:39 pm

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

After walking into the yurt, Magnolia's gaze shifted to the woman who resided within it. To many, the gentle smile that lingered on Murasaki's face, and the words that left her lips were perfectly polite, perfunctory even for a midnight meeting. However, it was clear that it was a facade from the small tells in her facial expression. The captian of the Seventh was reknowned for being outgoing, kind, and carefree, her smiles were often compared by regular members of the gotei to a breath of fresh air. The smile on her face gave away very little, but Magnolia didn't buy into it, rather the faint, uncomfortable smile on Magnolia's face was probably far more honest if one were to compare the two.

"You don't have to force yourself, we're the only two in this room." Magnolia's words were tinged by the faint, understanding smile that adorned her face. Despite the weariness, she made it abundantly clear that she had come here with some inkling of the bad blood that lay between two fellow gotei members that had never met, bad blood that probably could have been avoided if Magnolia hadn't merely been a name that Murasaki had heard, but never truly met.

"I came here despite how unpleasant this will probably be for both of us. " Her next words were just as matter of fact as her previous ones. That was just how she was though, sincere, and untactful-- a creature of habit that valued honesty, and integrity above all else.

After letting those words linger, Magnolia let the faint smile that lingered on her face fade fractionally as she took a seat. Her eyes lingering on Murasaki as she waited for her to gather her thoughts, to say what she felt was neccisary to say. After all, Magnolia was used to being hated, the only difference this time though, was it was for something she truly didn't do.

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  LzZCuy7
The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  BtXe12b
God of Love
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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 7:06 pm



"No, it's better I do. I'm still doing my best to keep up a smile."

There was an impressive degree of honesty in Murasaki's words, but she didn't see any need to lie about it. After a second or two, she poured a cup of tea for Magnolia regardless, mostly just because she always gave tea to her guests. She set aside the paperwork she'd been working on, leaning onto her desk slightly.

"I was hoping not to talk to you. Call it a little childish wish. But you're here, so I guess I can't get away from it."

Taking a long drink of her own tea, the captain poured herself another cup, watching the steam rise idly before disappearing into nothing. It reminded her of simpler times, just going where the wind took her. She missed that sometimes.

"I didn't like it. I didn't like that you just went down to Earth and took charge of everything. It made me wonder what the point of even doing this was, why I even made this division. Everything else... Everything else that happened to me wasn't your fault. I won't pretend it was."

Resting her head on her desk, Murasaki looked rather visibly tired talking about this. She tried not to think about it.

"But so many things went wrong. I looked like a failure. Everyone saw me as a bad Captain, I know they did. All my people were just getting sent out, I didn't even have a chance to figure out what was happening before they just kept getting assigned down there. And then Tatsuya... I trusted him. I vouched for him. And all of a sudden he was just a criminal. I didn't even have a chance to figure out what happened."

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:24 pm

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Magnolia did not interrupt once Murasaki began talking, not even when the captian admitted, that she had hoped that she would never have to talk to her in the first place. There was no judgement in her gaze, nor was there anger, instead, the lingering smile on her lips remained throughout, and once she had finished talking, Magnolia would have taken a few moments to gather her thoughts, her golden gaze drawn to the faint whisps of steam that arose from the teacup and tea Murasaki had poured for her. She'd pick it up, cradling it between her palms before she parted her lips, and begun to speak.

" I admire that you are capable of being honest, even in this situation." Magnolia paused, and let those words linger, allowing for murasaki to feel the sincerity that lay behind those words. Magnolia in this momentary lapse would have taken a small sip of the hot tea, before she began to speak again.

" When I started operation wardogs, I did so because of the oppression i saw in the world. The captians that went with me, and the comrades that aided me, even now I am grateful for each and every one of them. Still, that isn't why i came here. " A soft sigh escaped her lips and she'd allow a faint frown to grace her features.

" I came here because, wether or not my actions were right, or wrong, the fact remains that they harmed you. I did encroach upon your domain, and in doing so, millions of lives were saved, but my approach was rough, and i should have told you before I undertook them, but I did not. This is one of many regrets that I will live with. "

After speaking, she'd then allowed a gentle smile to grace her lips as she shook her head faintly.

"Murasaki, I can tell you that I admire the work you do here, and that many people in the gotei admire you just as much as I do. My method was the easy one, but yours is an undertaking that takes far more strength of character, and tenacity. You are the captian of this division because no one else in the gotei is better suited for this job then you. while you may feel you let your squad members down, I am certain they all view you as someone amazing, or they would not follow you. "

Finally, Magnolia would pause once more, her smile becoming strained as she looked sideways studying the wall of the yurt before speaking softly in a somber tone.

"Tatsuya.. honestly a day hasn't gone by where i haven't thought of him. All those people, i failed them, and that is something I will live with, you know even if you vouched for him, there is no way you could have known what was going to happen. No one did, thats why that isn't your fault, its something all of us will have to live with." After saying those words, Magnolia once more lapsed into silence, taking another small sip of tea while she waited for Murasaki to formulate her thoughts once more.

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  LzZCuy7
The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  BtXe12b
God of Love
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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Thu Jan 09, 2020 12:40 am



Silence was all Murasaki could manage as she listened carefully to Magnolia's words. She wasn't really one for these kinds of deep talks, even when it was important. But she did her best to take in every word, drinking carefully from her teacup now and again to allow herself a little moment of calm.

Only when the other woman had finished speaking did Murasaki really think about how to reply. What was she supposed to say? What was right, what was just from the heart? There was so much that she really, honestly had to consider about everything involved her that it really, genuinely hurt to think about. Not just her head, but her heart.

"...This division's all I really have, ya know?"

There was a lot more she could have said, but she honestly felt like that was everything she needed to say in a single sentence. No matter how many words she forced out of herself, no matter how she tried to justify how she felt, it all just came back to that.

"I...I try my hardest. I want everyone to do their best. It doesn't matter to me what everyone thinks of me, I've always had to deal with being seen as just some...mongrel. But the Seventh Division, and everyone in it, they matter to me so much. I couldn't be what they deserved. I couldn't...I couldn't handle it."

Setting the teacup down, Murasaki stared up at the roof of the yurt. Times like these really made her miss wandering. She wanted to just see the stars, cross the steppes. It was hard being an adult.

"I don't want to let them down anymore. I already gave up once, and they did everything they could to pull me back. I keep smiling because I have to for them. I keep moving forward because I know they'd hate it if I didn't. I...forgive you, because I know that's the right thing. Because I'd be setting a bad example if I just held onto a grudge like some little kid."

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Left_bar_bleue59000/99999The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Sun Jan 12, 2020 5:28 pm

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Magnolia's eyes focused on the steam that rose from the tea cup that lay cradled in her palm. Her golden gaze shaded by her thick-set lashes, lost in her own thoughts for a moment from the words that Murasaki had said. Thinking about how Murasaki had spoken of her division being really all she had, and how she spoke of being used to being called a mongrel. As much as Magnolia tried, it was hard to not draw parallels between what was said, and her own experiences. Her expression momentarily was less guarded, more... vulnerable, and truly haunted, but it was a slight thing, fleeting and easily missed as the familiar tenor rumble echoed in her head.

"Magpie, your in presence of company."

the words of raijin, her zanpakuto spirit jarred her from her contemplations and misgivings as she blinked once before looking up at Murasaki, a sheepish grin spreading on her lips as she giggled faintly, an action far more for calming her own nerves, than for murasaki's sake.

" It seems I was lost in thought for a moment, my apologies. "

After those words were spoken, a sigh escaped her lips as she took another sip of tea, letting the warmth flow through her mouth, the flavor giving her a moments respite before she opened her eyes once more.

" I pity anyone who could call a woman as vibrant as you a mongrel. You have a strength of character and will many do not. "

Magnolia tipped the cup back, finishing the contents within before she leaned forward to softly set it down, her gaze contemplative, and genuine as the next words left her mouth tentatively, and haltingly as she struggled with wording her thoughts correctly.

"It.. takes great strength to live for others, But.. I hope there comes a day that you learn to live for yourself too. "

With those words said, Magnolia would move to get up, stretching as she let out an exhalation of relief, while also, less overtly, giving Murasaki the choice to ask her to leave if her words had overstepped their bounds.

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  LzZCuy7
The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  BtXe12b
God of Love
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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Mon Jan 13, 2020 6:23 pm



"Don't worry about it. I get lost in my head all the time, it happens."

Murasaki idly rocked her head side to side as she listened to Magnolia's words, trying not to think too hard about how much she didn't wanna be here. That didn't mean in this conversation, honestly. It just, literally. This place. She was starting to feel antsy, always coming back to the same spot.

"Ya learn to live with it. Other kids at the Academy used to call me Hanpakuto back then, they thought it was funny. Dunno, I like puns so I just went along with that one. I think it's cute."

She poured another cup of tea for Magnolia, regardless of whether or not the woman actually desired another one. That was basic tea etiquette, and despite how girlish she often acted, she knew a good deal about these formalities. Honestly, she knew a lot about a lot of things. Most people just didn't ask.

"I've only really lived for myself for about 200 years now. Think it's time I did somethin' different."

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:24 pm

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  6EdIfMt

Artist: DJ Okawari - Song: Flower Dance

Magnolia’s lips pursed at the way Murasaki fidgeted, and her expression became more contemplative when she heard the first words that left Murasaki’s lips, the tone they set was, well, dismissive, perhaps even guarded. Maybe, a change of pace was in order, something to break up the monotony of their surroundings, to hopefully help alleviate some of the stress that had accumulated from their current conversation. It was with this in mind that Magnolia reached forward, gently brushing aside the fabric flap of the yert, her golden gaze peering into the darkness as she spoke.

” Sometimes kids are strange, I think that is a universal fact, given it’s you though, i’m sure it wasn’t said with malicious intent. “ Her words were breezy, with a soft lilt to them that let them smoothly roll of the tip of her tongue.

She heard, rather than saw the tea cup that was refilled, the sound of hot water sloshing in the mug brought a tiny ember of warmth to the golden-haired shinigami. Unbeknownst to the Captian of the seventh, a tiny smile danced upon her features, one that faded slightly as she turned around, picking up the teacup gently, taking great care to not spill the beverage inside.


Magnolia made no move to sit however, instead she listened to what murasaki had to say, about how it was time to live for others, and how she had spent enough time living for herself. It was a very mature response, one that showed the years that the young woman before her had endured, and more importantly, the captain that ran this division.

”Hey, Murasaki, would you care to join me for a walk? It’s pretty peaceful out, and i’ve always found the night-time view of the gotei united to be very fulfilling. “

Magnolia’s words were coupled with a faint grin, but more importantly, she was giving murasaki a method to change scenery, and more importantly, topics to something less.. Weighty if that was what she desired. Before coming to the division, magnolia herself was.. Apprehensive to what was in store for her, and maybe even a little afraid that it would go badly. Now though? She was more focused on reaching out to the woman in front of her, to hopefully give her time, and maybe an ear, to help work through some of the issues that plagued her.

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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  LzZCuy7
The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  BtXe12b
God of Love
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The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Left_bar_bleue16000/1The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)  Empty Re: The meaning of Hate (Magnolia/Murasaki)

Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:26 pm



"Ehh... Kids aren't too bad, I guess. I think most of 'em don't know any better. I don't get mad about it or anything."

Shrugging off her own thoughts about all this, Murasaki stood up and stretched herself out. The idea of getting outta this tent sounded pretty good right now, and she took a long drink of her tea so she didn't just leave any to get cold.

"Yeah, that sounds nice. I usually like to sit up on the roofs and stuff, but lately I just don't have much time."

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