Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Polite Bear Noises

Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:36 am


Well, so it was. Ulv was dressed,washed, a light dab of makeup on. Everything was ready and prepared. She took the physical appearance of herself very seriously in this situation. Sure, Abalia probably didn't mean service in that way, but it was a good thing for her to remind herself. Staying like this, it was easier to have the right thoughts needed to enact it all.

Once readied up, she would brush down the apron and then head over to the seventh and knock. It gave her a light smile to see Mirja's legacy turned into something that wasn't just abusing the system. Murasaki really was a wondrous woman.

"Captain Murasaki? May I come in?"


God of Love
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Wed Jan 15, 2020 3:56 pm



Another day, more paperwork. Of course, most of it was easy enough stuff, but Murasaki still had a lot she needed to get covered, and the constant thinking about her upcoming date was definitely a little distracting. In a good way, though. Plus getting the new interns all set, making sure she wasn't stepping on any toes or anything... And then there was that missive from the Captain Commander about getting some help. Did she need help? She didn't think so, but she wasn't gonna just assume it was about needing the help.

"Huh? Oh, come on in. Door should be unlocked."

Other than just having a very comfy atmosphere that Murasaki was absolutely in love with, yurts were pretty cool for having a full wooden door and thick walls. Honestly, it was pretty much just a building that happened to be made of thick canvas and pelts. She liked it, felt really homey. Pouring a cup of tea with a small smile on her face, Murasaki prepared for her new guest to enter at her leisure.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Wed Jan 15, 2020 4:26 pm


A Yurt. Well, she had been in stranger residences. So, that was not something she was worried about, and walked in when she got the ok to do so. The flowing maid's uniform and general demure attitude was a far cry from what she had seen before. Ulv would come through the door and give the woman a gentle, soft smile.

"There are other things to talk about, but before we get onto any of that, I want to talk to you about Jefferson. Make sure that what went on down there isn't weighing on your mind too much. A Healthy Captain is a Happy Captain, and Captains do their best work when happy"


God of Love
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:15 pm



"Mm... Seems like everyone wants to talk to me about stuff like that lately."

Blowing a stray strand of hair out of her face, Murasaki put on her best smile and composed herself. Obviously she didn't really wanna have this talk, but she definitely understood why it was being had. Same as Magnolia, really...

"Well, I'm happy n' healthy right now, you know. Got a date coming up and everything. But as for Jefferson, mm... I try not to think about it too much, I guess."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Thu Jan 16, 2020 12:22 pm


"A date is good. Surprising, actually. When we first met you struck me as someone who was...kind of the opposite of the dating person, actually. But, as for Jefferson, the major thing you need to accept is that none of that was your fault. Mostly Tatsuya for his repeated, continuous missteps, but not you. You aren't the Combat Captain, so you won't have the kind of combat capabilities to put a guy like Tatsuya down before he does anything. And it is a long road to learning that"

With that out of the way, Ulv straightened and presented herself to Murasaki with a formal pose.
"Other news. I have been attached to your division to aid you in anything that you might need aid with. Do not hesitate to put me to work wherever you desire"


God of Love
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Thu Jan 16, 2020 9:52 pm



"Huh? Really? Well, I guess that makes sense. Had to be serious business when I was down there. But I dunno, I'm kinda laid back. Though I haven't been on a date in a few years now, but don't you go tellin' anyone now! Don't need everyone thinkin' I'm gettin' old and losin' my touch."

Murasaki allowed herself a small smile, but she did genuinely listen to the more earnest advice Ulv had given her. Honestly, she was just mulling it over and talking about her love life as a way to cover what would otherwise be total silence.

"I know, I know. I said. I try not to think about it too much. Not just trying to ignore it or anything. But it's not gonna do me any good to dwell on things. I've done a whole lotta that already in my life, don't need to keep at it."

Ulv's reserved and formal demeanor seemed at odds with what Murasaki knew of the woman, but she wasn't really familiar enough with her to ask questions. I mean, she'd thought Murasaki wasn't the dating type, so it stood to reason she wouldn't have a great read on Ulv either.

"Uh, well... I don't think I really need too much done right now? I was about to go hand out paychecks, you wanna come with? It's usually pretty quiet, might be nice to have someone to talk to."

Standing up from her seat behind her desk, Murasaki grabbed a rather hefty sack which made a faint tinkling sound from the coins within. She had no more elaborate system to get this done, and she already really liked talking to everyone, so she didn't mind just...handing out the money herself.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Fri Jan 17, 2020 4:19 am


Well, it was good she wasn't avoiding or trying to run from it. She was just putting it behind her so it didn't impact her life going forward. That was eminently respectable. As, was handing out paychecks in person. Sure, nobody was going to mug a Captain, but that personal touch was something she really liked at her.

"I can come along, Captain Murasaki. It is nice to see, back when I worked for the Gotei, I picked up my paycheck from an office. Really mounted up over the centuries. Sometimes I worry I am going to crash the economy by buying to much at once" Ulv gave soft commentary for Murasaki for the trip to people, but also an offer with a smile.

"If you are ever in need of advice for clothing to wear, you should come to my Harbour. I have a wardrobe about four times the size of your Yurt"


God of Love
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:28 am



"Okidoke, sounds good to me. I always make sure to hand 'em out in cash, that way nobody forgets to bring 'em to the bank. I've done that way too many times so I know it's just terrible."

Laughing quietly to herself, Murasaki simply handed out the appropriate amount of kan to every member, along with a nice personal comment for each of them. Impressively, she knew everyone by their name and rank, and handed out their pay without even needing to check a roster. By all accounts, it was a pretty impressive feat, though she didn't even seem to be thinking much about it.

"Oh wow, that's a lot of clothes. I don't really have too much, but I do make most of my stuff myself, and I like to think I've got a pretty good sense of style."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Sat Jan 18, 2020 9:00 am


The woman was incredible, mentally. Not only was she capable of remembering everyone's names, but also the exact amount of money they were due. And she didn't even seem all that impressed by it either, but Ulv definitely was. A woman with a mind like that would be a true god-send for administrative capabilities. Abalia really nailed it with this one.

"Well, you know. I make clothes as well, and when I am doing things I Just get a flash for anew outfit, and then make it, and eventually it got so bad I was relegated to one room of the house because the rest was stuffed with clothes racks. This is when I moved to my city in Minatumi and built my Manor" Ulv then looked about, and then back to Murasaki, and nodded most respectfully.

"You took something that was never meant to be a thing and you made a fine division out of it. I am impressed by you, Captain Murasaki"


God of Love
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Polite Bear Noises Empty Re: Polite Bear Noises

Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:32 pm



"Oh yeah? Well we ought to hang out some time and trade tips! That'd be fun I bet, most of my stuff looks a lot like this, so I bet I could learn a thing or two from you."

More paychecks, more greetings for everyone in the division, and Murasaki did it all with such a genuine compassion. The fact that she really did love doing this was obvious, even if you didn't have the empathy Ulv did. But...there was, of course, still that faintest little seed of wanderlust that she hadn't been able to shake. It was small, hardly comparable to how much she enjoyed this. But it was there.

"Aha, yeah... I heard about all that. People kept being surprised that I took over Earth Affiliation, and I'd always be like, 'Huh? Why?' Nobody really told me until a while in that it'd kinda been a big ol' sham, but that's okay. I'm just glad to make it work."

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