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God of Love
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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:47 am

The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

Ah... Erchanhardt had to pause at that question. Not so much because he lacked an answer, but simply because it was one he had asked himself so very, very many times over the centuries.

"...Well, Yugiri, I think even the greatest mistakes are no different. We can never simply undo them, no matter how much we may wish it. To learn from them is crucial. But..."

Another pause, and he made no particular attempt to hide the weight that this placed upon him, the very personal nature of the question asked. Certainly, he could have done so, given her pithy advice that meant little. But there was an honesty to this conversation that he simply would have felt it unacceptable to break.

"...We may make some mistakes which hurt a great many others. In times such as that, I think all we can do is use the lessons those mistakes teach us to do far more good. That is...the duty, of we who err so severely. To neither forget them, nor let them define us, but to use them as the foundation of better things."

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Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:57 am
The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Yugiri-header-template


"I see..."

She took in his words, becoming very quiet while she tried to think. For once not about the fact that she regretted what she had done them but the fact that she wondered what there was to take out of her actions.

He was wise though and his words made her curious and she opened her mouth to ask another question before closing it. She decided it was probably a poor time to ask a question for something so grim.

"How do we do that?"


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God of Love
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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:19 am

The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

"We look inward, look at what parts of ourselves led us to make those mistakes. And even if it may seem difficult, we strive to change them. Not simply for our own sake, but for all those who we wish not to harm again."

Erchanhardt took a seat at the table himself now, willing to let the handful of dishes he'd begun simply cook off for now. Distracting himself from this conversation would only lead him to give a half measure at both.

"Never forget yourself, Yugiri. Do not let the need to change simply force you to become someone different. That is no longer improvement, after all, only replacement, and it would be a disservice to the lessons we learn to simply put ourselves aside for someone new. But sometimes in changing ourselves, we must accept harsh realities. Break ourselves even."

The man could only close his eyes, take a deep breath to recenter himself. He had not spoken of things like this in centuries now.

"...'You must be ready to burn yourself in your own flame: how could you become new, if you had not first become ashes?' I have found a degree of peace in those words. To know that even if I should fail entirely, it is simply a path I may walk to improve myself. To, in time, better the world."

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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:30 am
The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Yugiri-header-template


She watched him closely when he spoke, having came over to the table and she followed to sit down next to him. When he mentioned not replacing herself she looked down in shame.

"I... made a mistake, because I forgot myself."

It felt alien to say to someone, until now only her zanpakuto and her shared that knowledge and before she failed so miserably in life Yugiri didn't even know that.

"I tried to be someone but I don't think I was like her, because I met someone that was better at being that person than I was and when I met her... I realised how different we really were."


The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 4:53 am

The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

"Mm... To live up to the expectations of others is quite difficult. But infinitely moreso, I have found, is to live up to the expectations we set upon ourselves."

Erchanhardt looked only at his own hands, the thought of his own mistakes certainly weighing on him now. Even so, he did not wish to make this about himself. Life was not meant to be lived for oneself.

"I once heard a saying, long ago. It was, I believe, in regard to some esoteric faith I knew little about, but their words found purchase with me. Whether I took them as they intended, I can never know, but I believe there is truth in them. 'Walk like them, until they must walk like you.' There is nothing wrong with admiration, even with attempting to be like others. But in doing so, we should strive to improve ourselves, to become worthy of the respect of those we admire."

He was quiet again for a long while, before looking over to the much shorter woman. She reminded him of many people, and yet, she was rather unlike anyone he had ever met. Such a strange conundrum.

"I think, Yugiri, that you are a woman with a long path ahead of you. But no great journey was made on a short path. If you will permit me, I would like to accompany you down that road. I suspect that I might learn much from you, if you are willing to learn from me."

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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 5:11 am
The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Yugiri-header-template


She listened long and hard to Erchanhardt's words. Biting her lip a little while mulling them over. She couldn't tell if she was trying to be the person people wanted her to be, or the person she wanted to be. She had always thought that she was being that kind of person so other's didn't have to be that person, you know, like the noble hero that carries the burden on his shoulders.

What she was not expecting was the request to accompany her. Yugiri looked at him, they were like complete opposites; tall and small, male and female, light and dark. Everything about them was so different but she gave a small nod.

"... So uh..."

She put her index fingers together and blushed as she was really going to ask the question.

"Are we friends?"

There was a hope he'd say yes, saying something made it real to her. Rather than trying to guess and the idea of a friend was alien. She had friends in the form of family but they were different, there was blood connecting their relationship but there was nothing here between the two of them except that she was happy to be around him.


The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 11:51 am

The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture


How long had it been since Erchanhardt had made a friend? A real, genuine friend? Centuries, now. Despite his age and his composure, he could not help but smile himself, an earnest and heartfelt smile that he had not felt from himself in a very long time. The way she asked the question was so genuine and so obviously hopeful that Erchanhardt found it...quite endearing, really.

"I should think that we are, Yugiri. But I am a bit out of practice at being a friend, so please bear with me while I get used to it once more."

He chuckled very softly, obviously having meant it simply as a bit of a joke. He liked this woman, certainly. She desired to improve, and that... Ah, perhaps it reminded him just the faintest bit of Adelheid. Perhaps this was an opportunity to show he had indeed learned from his mistakes.

Of course, he had very nearly forgotten the meal he was still preparing, and he stood once more to ensure he had not let their heartfelt moment ruin dinner. Thankfully, it had not, and he laid out all manner of the dishes on the table before Yugiri, simply carrying the searing-hot cooking vessels as if they were hardly hot at all, before setting a plate and silverware before her. Genuine silver, at that.

"Well, I do hope this is to your liking. I do know a thing or two of Eastern cuisine, if that would be to your taste in the future."

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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:21 pm
The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Yugiri-header-template


"... That's okay. I haven't really had a lot of friends. Except a cat, when I was younger but that's different."

When he remembered the food and brought it out Yugiri was looking at it pretty eagerly. She was very hungry as much as she refused to admit it.

"It looks great, that's okay. I don't need to eat eastern food."

The food was pretty different she had noted, but not bad.


The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Gamma_Signature
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God of Love
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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 6:37 pm

The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 5QDBZHO


Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture

"I have not had many friends myself. A few, here and there, but I have not seen them in some time."

Noting that Yugiri seemed to be holding herself back, Erchanhardt simply went back to pour himself a drink. In most cases, he would simply drink water, but he felt it might be worthwhile to enjoy a glass of wine. Such simple pleasures were meant to be shared.

"By all means, you need not wait for me to eat, Yugiri. A hard day's work will invariably invite an appetite."

Pouring himself a glass, he paused for a moment, then poured another for her. After all, she had nothing to drink at the moment. He set hers down in front of her, then took his seat and quite clearly waited for her to eat first.

"It is not about a need, Yugiri. If you would like it, then I will hardly mind making it. That is, after all, what friends do."

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The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Empty Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]

Sun Jan 19, 2020 7:06 pm
The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri] - Page 4 Yugiri-header-template


When he insisted she eat she dug in. Her manners were there as they came back to her when she initially needed to hold back using her hands. Over the last few weeks most of the food she got required she forgo manners but not this one. So she remained with proper etiquette.

"Well, I really would... like it. Have you eaten a lot of Eastern food?"

After she asked it she grabbed at the wine, taking a small sip to test it like she was tenderly seeing what it was like.


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