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- RawkGod of Love
- Joined : 2017-05-11
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Re: The Woodcutter and the Tiger [Erchanhardt/Yugiri]
Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:47 am
Artist: Wagner - Song: Lohengrinn Overture
Ah... Erchanhardt had to pause at that question. Not so much because he lacked an answer, but simply because it was one he had asked himself so very, very many times over the centuries.
"...Well, Yugiri, I think even the greatest mistakes are no different. We can never simply undo them, no matter how much we may wish it. To learn from them is crucial. But..."
Another pause, and he made no particular attempt to hide the weight that this placed upon him, the very personal nature of the question asked. Certainly, he could have done so, given her pithy advice that meant little. But there was an honesty to this conversation that he simply would have felt it unacceptable to break.
"...We may make some mistakes which hurt a great many others. In times such as that, I think all we can do is use the lessons those mistakes teach us to do far more good. That is...the duty, of we who err so severely. To neither forget them, nor let them define us, but to use them as the foundation of better things."
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