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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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When the Mountain Crumbles Empty When the Mountain Crumbles

Fri Jan 17, 2020 2:56 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

He'd managed to leave letters behind meant for certain people. Tatsuya had waited far too long. He spent too much time unaware and now his time as Shogun was gone. Heat bubbled off his body as hollows who came to fight him. Burst into cinders as he found a small bit of debris. From some distant memory. He didn't have long left and he knew it. A being inside him given a name by him. It did little to stop the creature. It remained a powerful beast lingering inside him. Waiting to pounce and devour what remained. The sand bubbled and turned to glass as he sat there. His head leaning back as he coughed. He'd begin fighting soon inside himself desperately to survive. But it was unlikely he would get to keep it. What would become of his mind and body in the end? Would he simply fade into the facade of time and space? Tatsuya Oda, the great fool of the wastelands. He believed Ulv could give a telling eulogy if she didn't hate him. Well, nothing left to do but fight and it seemed he would be alone.

Born alone and dying alone that seemed fitting, didn't it? For the journey to come to a close here? Arrogance and ego along with a bloated sense of importance. Hallmarks of a fool, just like his father before him. He believed himself king of some empire. Seated upon a throne that nobody believed in. Someday that throne would shatter. Someday it would be nothing but a broken void. His father and all his military beliefs. The so-called powerful nation he had. That would sub come to rubble like the sands. He owed Calypso a long apology for this. He was going to be devoured and destroyed. That was a given so the letter was left to her. He tossed it into the air leaving it to flow into the living world. Calypso was free like the wind, so finding her in his condition. That was a hard thing to do anymore. He had instructed for a letter to go to Ulv as well. Though it meant little just that he was sorry for how it turned out. How cocky and arrogant he came across in this new world.

Believing for some foolish and naive reason he knew better. What nonsense and one last fight with her. That shinigami had been promising. Giving him a good time before he turned. Would there be a fight in his inner world, no he doubted that very strongly? His eyes felt heavy and exhaustion felt close to a close here. His Reiatsu felt like it wasn't his for much longer. Everything had been spent on this occasion. Slowly these sands vanish as he came into his inner world. Cracked skin and a smile waiting. His hollow giving a clap of his hands before responding. "Good show." His eyes focused on his hollow as he hand went for his weapon. "You think it matters, I let it go before out of interest. Amusement just to see what would come of our little bout. But you cannot amuse me any longer." His hand didn't go away from his Zanpakuto now. Considering what the figure said internally as he drew his weapon. His eyes staring holes at the man. Taking everything in even the aspects of him.

"I won't go...not quietly...I will make you work for this." Tatsuya snarled as he raised his sword. Sending a crashing blast towards his hollow. The creature simply smacked it to the side. Before beginning to walk towards him. Tatsuya swung his blade using the training he held. Precise knowledge and skills he'd developed over many years. Did he truly die here in this place? His lungs filled with air. As the creature slammed it's blade into his. It felt like his hands began to bleed. Cracks began forming in his sword. Tatsuya brought his blade back saw them. What was happening here to him now? Was he so shaken that he couldn't win? No, he knew that going into this bout he'd lose. Outside his body began it's rampage now as his skin became black. Crimson lines forming across his flesh. These a sign of his Hollowfication coming into its own form. The developments not shifting away from it. His outer self had begun battering hollows who came challenging.

Slamming and breaking them while his inner turmoil continued. Smacking away every blade. Sending away every possible response or avenue of the possible outcome. He went to use his fists but had them cut off quickly. Then his legs and then those were cut down. Tatsuya had run out of options and choices. He wasn't going to win this fight. It was an overwhelming defeat by the creature. His eyes looked upwards it now from his position upon the ground. The weapon disappearing as it walked closer. "Such a tiring fuss..did you truly believe that you had any hope?" The creature mocked as he ran his ashen finger along his skin. "Worry not, I'll make good use of this power and body. It will be something..magical...Hehe." It was then with a loud noise that everything went black. Nothing remained and the world became dark. Everything was gone from the world for him. Thus did Aggramar Brimstone come to life. One chapter crumbled and a mountain broke.

But beneath that shattered scape someone new had emerged. It was a creature of fierce power. Who could overwhelm Tatsuya with little trouble, his hair ablaze and his eyes? As the world around him had hollow corpses still burning from the feel of his Reiatsu. This was an interesting day indeed to walk upon these sands where he once lived.

Last edited by Forsaken Crow on Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:19 pm; edited 2 times in total
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When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Sat Jan 18, 2020 12:48 pm

When the Mountain Crumbles 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

It was a peaceful day for the young Asthavon, just readjusting to Earth and enjoying herself, flying through the sky, the sensation of being so weightless giving her some semblance of pleasure. She felt like she had no cares or worries up in the sky, able to float around or fly as fast as she so wished with momentum. She wasn't too far from the ground, but not too high for planes to bother her. Well, all was fine until a piece of paper hit her square in the face. She was a bit startled but calmed quickly as she pulled the paper off her face, her wings stopping her body square in the air as she floated, taking a good look at what flew in her face.

A letter? She looked the envelope front and back, seeing that it indeed had her name of it. Something felt... Wrong, bad even, as she looked at this letter. Some itching instinct in her mind called bad news. She could just ignore this letter, throw it to the wind, act like it didn't exist. It'd be so easy to just toss it, it'd just land the ocean and become another unit of trash in the sea. This bad feeling clawed her heart, but Calypso shook away her fear.

She wasn't going to cave to fear anymore. Not ever again.

With a finger turned clawed, she opened this Schrodinger's Cat of an envelope, her feet touching the ground. The paper within was slowly pulled out, her other hand clasped tightly around the obsidian necklace the man had given her so long ago. Even after the tragedy, she kept it, she wore it always, in hopes that Tatsuya would come back, come and fix everything...

Such hopes were now reduced to childish dreams of a fantasy that would never be real.

She read the note intently, her previously happy demeanor slowly turning cold, her heart freezing with the cold daggers of the past.

"...Tatsuya no."

Was the only word she uttered as the darkness of the portal to the between swallowed her. She didn't even have to think, she just knew she needed to be in Hueco Mundo, immediately. She almost never visited such a place, but this time it was needed. His note was one of apologies, his final place of existence within the land of Hollows, but Calypso wished to stop it before it was too late.

Her feet hit the grey sands, her being feeling the dead airs of the wild realm. Her hand rose as she took in a breath,

"I wish to find Tatsuya!"

Her arm would glow with purple energy. He was here.

They were going to make a place where everyone could feel happy and safe...

She didn't even fly, she didn't even teleport, she just ran. Ran on her own two feet.

They were friends, they were going to make a difference...

Rapid footsteps kicked sand, the girl easily avoiding or pushing away any hollows that tried to impede her movement. She jumped, she swerved, she ducked, she grabbed.

Everything was going to be better, so why...?

Her arm throbbed with energy, soon dispelling. There was no need to run any further. The land was burned to glass, a single figure in the midst of the destruction and corpses.


It wasn't Tatsuya. Not anymore.

Silence took Calypso's being, her golden gaze staring down from the cliff at this person, no, this thing. It ruined everything between them. Tears were not formed, the signs of crying did not emerge. If anything, the air filled with rage. Pure, unfiltered, rage.

It would be a giant lie if she ever thought she'd never need to tap into the blood core of energy her sister formed within her. The world was twisted and she'd have been pushed to fight at some point, and this was that point, that point to dig into what she had, and throw it with ferocity.

She felt the blood of her kin within her veins burn with power, one of her arms pointed towards whatever the fuck she was looking at now, the limb morphing into the head of a ferocious black dragon, energy roaring and collecting with a massive amount of demonic energy. Her roaring emotions only aided in the concentrated effort to kill this thing, until the collection met it's breaking point.


A scream shrill enough to shred any humane set of vocal cords roared from her lips, as a cannon of violent energy empowered by her sibling's connection shot from the dragon's mouth. A roar of white and black energy would approach the newly born Arrancar, rapidly, soaking the glass-turned terrain with demonic energy, blasting it apart, and if the flaming man did not escape, the emotion-driven attack would batter and burn him as severely as the land torn up around him.

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God of Love
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When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Sat Jan 18, 2020 1:58 pm




Sheer, burning anger.

That was all that Murasaki could feel in her heart as she was whisked away to Hueco Mundo, as she stepped forward with a flash step so intense that it strained even her, a woman for whom hoho quite literally ran in her blood. She'd let this failure haunt her once before, and it pulled her so low that only by the efforts of her family had she even come back. Today, she wouldn't let it haunt her anymore. There wouldn't be any chance for it to continue.

"Tatsuya Oda."

As the Captain arrived upon the catastrophic scene, floating above the burning sands, her tranquil, composed voice echoed out, a challenge quite clear in its tone. She was no fool, she understood quite cleanly the danger presented by the ground, and she was simply thankful that the heat of this place was mitigated by her own unrestrained spiritual pressure. Another flash step, both of her zanpakuto drawn in a single motion, and she brought herself well within striking range of the Arrancar's right side, swinging both of the blades with a decidedly murderous intent.

"You will not leave this place today."

As a Captain of the Gotei, Murasaki would finish what had started at Jefferson City. She would take responsibility, as she had promised. The Blade Maiden would cut this man down until nothing remained.


When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Sat Jan 18, 2020 2:19 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Voices spoke but he had no way of responding just yet. Aggramar's first steps in this world had only begun. His eyes were ablaze with flames as he exhaled. Smoke began filling the air coming from his skin now. The beast's body producing the gases from the volcano now. Finally free to scorch the desert and world alive with flames. His mind and body were yet new to this sensation. Tatsuya Oda was gone, the world that once knew him faded to a bleak black. Aggramar Brimstone remained now in his stead. Not sorry for Jefferson City, in truth eager to make more like it. His body was a wave of cinders and flames running across his torso. His hair itself was on fire as the creature's gaze shifted. His attention was drawn to a scream that roared across the desert. The massive blast fired from the creature was something to witness. It blasted through the sands with a devastation path. The creature opened it's mouth cracking those jaws open. As lava dripped upon the sands from its saliva. It leaned backward before an orange-colored orb formed at its lips. Firing a massive cero blast to cancel out the other one. It's Cero was exceptionally strong, the best attribute the creature had.

Letting out a scream itself that came out as a guttural roar across the sands. Heat blasted across the area now turning those sands black. Burning and searing them as bits of lava formed around it. It didn't have a release for it was yet a feral beast. A wild dog who'd come to life only moments ago. Given a piece of C4 to play with that was Aggramar. His mind was yet fragmented and growing more. On his back rested a sword that was burnt and singed. His hands came to his shoulders as he leaned down. An orange glow covering his body now on both sides. Releasing in another roar a scattershot of Cero into the area around him. Firing up to fifty of them in every direction towards Murasaki and Calypso. Its hand finally came to the sword upon it's back. Drawing the blade slowly from its sheath the blade was cracked and looked broken almost. Liquid magma pulsed inside of its core through it.

This Arrancar had yet to properly awaken to this world. Its body was still fresh like a newborn calf. It sensed danger and had the instincts to protect itself. Everyone had instincts so why not it? The heat in this desert would continue to rise as he walks through the sands. Having selected Murasaki as his first target. Using a Sonido he appeared behind her. Bringing his blade downwards at her with bits of molten flying into the ground around her. Akin to shooting a shotgun with his sword. He was able to scatter some of it at her location. Chunks of molten rock breaking off his sword from whatever would impact his blade. Death wasn't something he wanted to taste. Aggramar had only just been born, only just now come to life. So many things he wished to do and see now being free. No longer stuck into that man. He'd waited and let his power grow and even amused himself. Making slow work of the Shinigami in the end.

Allowing him to run to the so-called safety of Hueco Mundo. Standing still bringing its a hand up that was free. Giving a flick of its wrist sent a lava lash through the sands towards Calypso. The flames sent vertically like a line drawn upon the land. Burning through these sands as it headed towards her destination. Afterward bringing the same hand to fire a point-blank cero at Murasaki's frame now. Reiatsu beginning to pour off its frame as smoke began clouding the sky around him for five meters.
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When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Sat Jan 18, 2020 3:08 pm

When the Mountain Crumbles 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Though her attack to raze the volcanic monstrosity was ineffective, that did not mean Calypso sat around waiting for it to work. No, as soon as the beam of radiant demon energy was finished being released, she took to the sky, sensing the change in temperature in the air. Her mind was going real quick, analyzing her surroundings and movements, and her opponent.

Heat is rising. Don't stay on the ground. Direct touches will burn. Strong Ceros.

Another energy signature met her senses as she saw a flash of green hair. She looked familiar but to the current mindset of Calypso, she didn't care who it was. She was just another factor to consider in keeping herself alive, and most importantly, killing this creature.

As the scattershot of ceros came upon the land, Calypso dove and weaved out of the range of fire, her wings carefully being her guide as she avoided the catastrophic flurry. She knew that the longer it was alive, the stronger and more focused it'd become, so the main goal was simply, kill it as fast as possible. However, the stupid thing got too close to the woman for her to shoot a barrage of crystals at, causing her to momentarily falter, quickly moving out of the way only to see a streak of lava coming right for her.

Her response was simply to put up a shield to protect herself, the barrier of energy successfully deflecting the scatter of lava coming her way. Her feet touched the ground for only a moment before she shot towards the Arrancar, wing readied with crystalline structures swinging, and in turn shooting a barrage of demon energy-derived crystals, razor-sharp and threatening to cut into him.

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When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Sat Jan 18, 2020 4:18 pm



Quite satisfied as the enemy before her reacted to her attack by simply making one of her own, Murasaki quite quickly tapped the hilt of Kagayaku with her pinky, activating its sealed ability and dashing quickly away from the veritable onslaught of rock he had thrown in her direction. It was certainly close, and she could tell a few holes had been made in her dress and her haori, but it was the last thing on her mind now.

Knowing fully that there was no point in staying at all unreleased, Murasaki focused on the blade in her left hand, feeling her father's anger coursing through it. There was a killing intent in him that surpassed even her own, and given the situation, she had no particular need to force him to hold back.

"Flash, Kagayaku."

Watching as the Arrancar shot forth a streak of molten sand toward the demon above, Murasaki used the opening to sprint forward once more in another single flash step, unconcerned with the pain in her being as each of her five points of being appeared once more around her foe. One in front, one at each side, one behind, and one above, a cold eye clear in its focus. Five strikes swung toward the burning soul simultaneously, all with the singular aim to kill.


When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Sun Jan 19, 2020 1:54 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

The attacks seemed to miss the mark entirely for him. His eyes glowing more as the crystals and blade work found their way. But causing a splashing of lava to burst outside from his body. This spluttered around on the ground as it began closing. The heat helping the injuries close as a method of cauterizing the wounds. On the four sides, he'd been struck lava seeped out burning the grounds around him. He did not have typical blood but that of a volcano. His frame staggered backward from the two for a moment. Gripping the sword it didn't remain stationary for long. As it considered options for a moment looking at them. Smokescreen seemed unlikely to help its cause. The pain was anger-inducing in all the world it came here. Only to get threatened by some girls. Of course, it took the one body that would do that. Laval began bubbling around his skin as even the ground began heating up. Bursting open as his reiatsu poured outwards now. He would not die, not without some fight. He couldn't give in not now after coming so far.

Using a sonido this time the creature's regeneration would help. It didn't specialize in hierro it noticed. Instead, it was a regeneration type, a misfortune for him here. Upon his lips small orange lines almost neon in their glow. Were visible for the two as he landed across from the two. Cracking of his joints as the crystal shards were pulled out by one of his hands. Tossing them across the ground revealing lava trickling down his torso. Before removing the other one inside of his torso as well having been nailed twice before moving. It was painful and instinctively he knew not to do it again. That was the take away from what came of his first trade. They'd both brought some dangerous attacks to this table. Aggramar was still trying to get a feel for things. A feel for a body and what was going on here. It wasn't as though he awoke ready for war. The body he'd taken was his now but now without hassle. His body would heal though it would take some time to complete.

His eyes looked at both of them from left to right. Planning and considering his next move carefully. Aggramar needed time to learn the body's mechanics better. Cero was easy enough, but using anything tremendously powerful. That would be difficult outside of his volcanic powers. His digits clutched the burnt sword now before giving his weapon a practice swing. Creating a splash of lava upon the sands from it now. Time wasn't something he imagined these two would allow for long. So he prepared himself for more the same. Fighting these two as close as he could. Molton rock and lava building up upon his blade. His frame wielding it as well on his arm and areas he'd been hurt. Almost like a volcano closing up its areas it was wounded.
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When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Sun Jan 19, 2020 3:41 pm

When the Mountain Crumbles 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A- Song: N/A- Word Count: N/A

Calypso knew brute-forcing it wouldn't work forever; that thing's ability to cancel out her blast was proof of it. The terrain was only getting more and more messed up, and it was only getting hotter, so it would only be a plus and plus and plus for that creature the longer it existed. Wounding it would only make more potential points to get burned, physically touching it would burn them. Bulky piece of shit would probably wear the other woman down after enough time if nothing else was done, she saw it regenerating right before her eyes.

She didn't want to risk hitting the green haired shinigami, in this fight they might as well be fighting on the same side until this threat was neutralized. Calypso took to the sky for a moment, thinking rapidly on a solution, until her eyes lit with an idea. She suddenly vanished into a tear of darkness, appearing near the shinigami, immediately speaking as only part of her body was exposed to reality, ensuring she was close enough for her to hear,

"Keep him in this area for as long as you can."

She spoke briskly, before vanishing into the darkness and such a portal swallowed her once more. It would appear as if Calypso had vanished from the field entirely, however she ended up forced out just a little over a cliff, hidden from immediate sight, but still close enough to the field to feel the burning air. She had no time to spill to the woman her entire plan, she just had to pray she got the message and would do as Calypso requested. The demon slammed her hands onto the loose, sandy terrain, taking a deep breath as she focused her energies.

Cold. Freezing. Chill. Ice.

She filled her mind with cold thoughts, as cold as she could muster, however she didn't cease there, it needed one more thing...

The cold needle in her heart, that that monster created on that day.

A shiver ran through her, a breath of cold air releasing from her lips as the entire field would soon be possessed by a light layer of blue sparkles, spreading across the area quickly. While it had no immediate effects, the clouds above would begin swirling over the affected area, a gentle sprinkle of cold rain beginning, soon did the drops increase in volume and voracity, cold winds only blowing them forth, like a sky of freezing daggers.

Calypso shivered and shook as the feeling of coldness was exerted upon the plane before her, but she did not release her improvement upon the field. She was going to make this shitty heat as cold as she possibly could. The very thing she wished could have happened on that day; A cold rain to sap away the heat...

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God of Love
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When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Tue Jan 21, 2020 12:51 am



"Got it."

Murasaki took in the entire battlefield in the blink of an eye, her own combat awareness nothing short of stellar. It seemed as though the Arrancar was challenging her in melee combat, which was more than fine for her. She was still in shikai, after all, and that gave her an advantage in close combat that simply couldn't be matched by most people. Fast enough to exist simultaneously in 5 places at once, Murasaki hardly even needed to think in order to dodge the monster's blow. She could feel the cold rain beating upon her skin, but that hardly meant anything to her.

Given the being's regenerative abilities, it wouldn't do to just keep attacking him and testing his limits. Truth be told, she didn't care what they were. If the Arrancar wanted to expend his energy fixing wounds, then she would happily provide wounds to fix.


With a single swing of both blades from each of the five Murasaki, the whole area around them seemed to alight with the flashes of her zanpakuto, blood red and silver both. It was a technique that had once been quite specialized, but Murasaki, through simple training, combined with her Senbandachi: Issen, made the Senmaioroshi a simple technique for her. This version, empowered by her shikai's speed, and performed with two swords rather than one, was simply a far more overwhelming force. Ten thousand slashes, in the blink of an eye. It would have been enough to kill far lesser beings, but she stayed firmly on her guard. She knew this could easily be far from over.


When the Mountain Crumbles Empty Re: When the Mountain Crumbles

Wed Jan 22, 2020 1:15 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

His body wasn't going to hold out for a long drawn out fight. He needed to release something massive. This was his one chance to do so while they were talking. Heat began radiating around his body. He would erupt himself as the volcano in this area. Releasing everything outer towards these two people. His skin began radiating a strange neon glow. As he brought his hands closer to himself. Guarding now for a moment as the defense held. Cuts appearing in less fragile areas, spending some energy to recover. He had no choice in the matter but to do this. Ten thousand cuts were so very dangerous. They'd of carved him into dust had he not recovered as they were made. It was finally done and he could release his power. Bringing his arms free a blast of pyroclastic flow fired from him outwards. The smog of black began pouring out from his pores. Bones and openings on his body releasing the Volcanic Ash from him. As lava blasted outwards exploding with immense force. The first section affiliated was five meters in the range of him. It would continue growing as he became a volcano now.

Making this zone harder to attack as the poison chemicals came into the air as well. A weapon Tatsuya had once used to terrifying effect would be unleashed here. The power of a Volcano extinguishing life in this vast desert. Blasts of magma reaching into the sky and coming down. Almost like raindrops falling on the ground from above. Shards of Volcanic rock blasting off his body in all directions towards the two. He'd made what little preparations he could. The eruption had begun, not it was a matter of spreading it. Superheating the magma inside of his body as he growled. He was finally free he would not give them the satisfaction. He would not let them rip away from him freely. He would take something from both of them before he fell. He didn't care what it was if they robbed him of freedom. He would rob them of something equally as precious. That was to be his calling here and now. He would take as much as they could offer.

And even go beyond that if he could. Aggramar didn't want to disappear into the darkness. Not again behind the veil and forgotten before another. Suffering behind the cloud of obscurity from those around him. His gaze burned with lava dripping down his body. As it superheated his frame more and more. He wasn't going to let them take it. Not "Free...I...wowon't let you take my..freedom." His voice bellowed loudly although a giant of a man. His eyes looked desperate to maintain his freedom. To fight for it without surrendering his freedom to them. This was Aggramar's final push of his power using himself as a bomb. He couldn't move or do anything else, but he could release a Volcanic Apcoalpse on these two women. That he could do at the very least it was his only move going forward. He may have lost sight of the one who'd begun changing the weather. But if he did this at the same time it would hopefully cause some smoke to rise.

Allowing him to have some kind of fight or perhaps even an escape.

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