Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Left_bar_bleue0/0Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty Re: Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv]

Fri Feb 07, 2020 12:05 pm

Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 LlSkHT6

Sylvia giggled a little bit at Elyss' teasing indecision. She was amusing, in a way. Beautiful, and amusing; a deadly combination, right? The blonde wondered what it would look like if Elyss smiled, and her golden eyes sank deeply into the woman's black orbs.

Now, to be fair, the situation she had found herself in was far from what she'd intended when she had come to the bath. She had wanted to relax and forget the troublesome details of her mission for a little while. Now, Sylvia couldn't help but to follow along with the hypothetical, where they could be caught at any moment by Ulv or another shinigami.

It was pretty hot.

"Vell," she bit softly into her lower lip, and her anxious grin gave away the bit of excitement bleeding into her mood. It would be alright, she told herself. Noone would have to find out, and her mission could continue... after. Her hand slowly fell on top of Elyss', and she smiled, a goofy thing that showed a few teeth. "Vu vill need to find out."

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Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty Re: Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv]

Sat Feb 08, 2020 10:05 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Did the idea of getting caught by Ulv or anyone else cross her mind at this particular moment? No. In fact, she did not actually expect Slyvia to jump at her taunts and inquiries the way the blonde Quincy did. It caused her momentary pause as the hand was placed on top of hers in a gentle manner. Those golden orbs held within them a growing want and a need to satisfy a dastardly desire, and Elyss caused them to become that way. Contractive to Sylvia’s giddiness, Elyss’ stoic gaze did not falter as she stared down Sylvia curiously wondering exactly how to handle this situation. What would Ulv do? And, that question actually put a small smirk on her face that held an evil intent in it as she scoffed and shook her head lightly.

“So easy to tempt~ What if we get caught? Do you even care? Would you even want to stop? Ah… I could just leave you like this, thirsty and deprived...”

Though, her words come out in a teasing manner. She allows herself to lean ever more slightly to the side allowing her towel to loosen ever so slightly as her eyes started to gleam with interest as her free hand simply places itself onto Sylvia’s cheek. Ah. It seems there would be no shock today for Elyss. Well, not in the traditional sense. Letting her soft, yet firm, fingers trace Sylvia’s cheek bone downwards to her chin gripping it with her thumb and forefinger, she aimed to take control of this situation by guiding Sylvia towards her like a young infant who knew no better.

“That would be rather rude however. I guess, once again, I get to see the bad girl underneath that veil of innocence.”



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Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty Re: Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv]

Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:10 am

Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 LlSkHT6

Her heart was pounding so hard against her chest, she thought it might escape if this continued. A small part of her wondered what Elyss was thinking behind that smirk, but the rest of her was too far invested in the fantasy to care. The fingers grazing so softly on her chin were like a sign, pointing her in the direction she needed to go.

"It vould be, ja." Sylvia giggled, and smiled while biting her lower lip even harder. She leaned in slowly -oh, so slowly to kiss the redhead beside her. All of her, body and mind, wanted this... Right?

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Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty Re: Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv]

Sat Feb 08, 2020 11:59 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Elyss had casted the bait, and the Bass known as Sylvia had locked her jaws around it practically reeling herself in. It amused Elyss. She feels dominant in this particular situation, something she grew rather unused to with her current lifestyle. Maybe it was the soothing warm waters of the bath mellowing out her mind or maybe it’s the ease and simplicity she found in mimicking Ulv and coercing Sylvia into such devious acts of sexual pleasure despite the repercussions. When was the last time Elyss has ever acted on her inner desires, the second voice in her head that tells her to take charge of a situation and force her way? This feeling is akin to when she stands on the battlefield. Maybe she has been spending too much time swallowing and bottling up her true nature. Though, as her thoughts roll through her mind more and more, she starts to let herself lose interest finding herself doubting herself at this very moment. The clamps that keep her from doing things like this begin sealing that growing lust for dominance, but that’s before she notes Sylvia slowly leaning towards her.


Her grip on the woman’s chin tightens stopping the other from completing that kiss as Elyss moves her lips away mere centimeters before they could touch. This is when she feels a click in the back of her mind. Something just nicked a bit of her self control. She could feel her other self inside her head practically push her forward to do as she pleased with the Quincy before her. She was told to relieve some stress. Why not do such a thing with this woman? Sylvia is practically begging for it. It’d be a service unto her even if Elyss finds no true pleasure in the act.

“Trying to steal a kiss I see? Let’s not get too hasty now. You’ll get to do as I allow.”

Those onyx eyes focus intently as Elyss leans back in herself letting her lips simply brush against Sylvia’s if no resistance is given as her hand releases its hold and finds itself against Sylvia’s chest pushing forward and down to pressure the other into leaning back onto the bench they both share as Elyss moves to mount Sylvia like a man climbing onto his horse preparing for a long ride. There is no need to rush here. All Sylvia has to do is allow Elyss to do as she pleases and surely there time together will be well spent.



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Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty Re: Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv]

Sun Feb 09, 2020 11:31 am

Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 LlSkHT6

Alas, Elyss was cruel. The redhead's great strength kept their kiss only a fantasy, and the Quincy at bay and unable to get what she'd wanted. Instead, when their lips had only just brushed against one another enough to tantalize, she felt a weight press against her chest, and she was pushed back and down onto the bench.

Sylvia breathed deeply, for both the warmth of the bench that tore through the thin fabric of her robe and the excitement still pounding away alongside her heart. Could Elyss feel that right now? It was only by the luck of the gods that her robe remained somewhat closed, and some sense of modesty preserved while the other woman mounted her.

Yet, underneath the excitement of the situation and location... There was nothing. She could see nothing in the redhead's beautiful eyes, nor anything but control in her stern, stoic expression. It scared her, just a little; to be so exposed and open, and yet, her partner-to-be to be so closed off. Slowly and gently, she grasped Elyss' hand and lifted it off of her chest.

"Elyss, stop..." Sylvia spoke softly, but for the torrent of confused and mixed emotions behind her eyes, she was sure of one thing. Despite the warmth of the room, it didn't escape her attention that her inner flame had stilled and receded.

There was no love in this. Only lust.

"I... I can't. I'm sorry." She made no motion to force the woman off of her, but there was no doubt she had been about to make a mistake. With both hands, she pulled her robe closed, and held her legs together behind the woman to keep her from going any further.

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Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty Re: Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv]

Mon Feb 10, 2020 1:52 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Denied yet again in this annoying life she lives, Elyss felt a frustration building in her that she’s all too familiar with. She couldn’t help but recall when Ulv said she wasn’t worth any respect, told her she couldn’t be a Shinigami, all the warnings about how dangerous she was and still is. How annoyingly frustrating. This is the second time Sylvia, herself, has shot down Elyss in these quiet times between the two females. Ah. Is it the thought that Sylvia doesn’t like her that has her so ticked? No. That doesn’t feel quite right…

At the moment that Sylvia moved Elyss’ hand, the redhead’s eyes shimmered slightly as her face contorted with immense rage that the poor Quincy would have zero knowledge existed as Elyss’ monotonous personality flared to life in the most gruesome of ways. Her lips rise in a snark as her onyx eyes suddenly flash red as Elyss’ reiatsu bled from around her, a disturbing crimson red that caused her hair to flare out some as her features twisted and deformed making her appear more of a savage than the beautiful woman that many acclaim her as.

Though, as soon as it came, it was gone, snuffed out like a lowly candle in the middle of the night as Elyss rose from Sylvia’s person and sighed closing her eyes and rubbing her head as the dark energy around her faded away. When her eyes opened once more, they were back to their stony black as Elyss’ expression returned to that same stoicness from before but with slight worry in her eyes. She looked… afraid.

“I’m sorry. I… I need to go…”

Without another word, Elyss stumbled away to her clothing quickly getting dressed in a hurry uncaring for how she may look as she attempted to flee the scene and leave Sylvia alone to decipher what just occurred alone. For a second, anyone would have thought that Elyss would have assaulted the woman at that moment when her whole personality shifted into something cruel and unusual. However, it all ended so lackluster and lame-like.



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Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 Empty Re: Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv]

Thu Feb 13, 2020 11:31 am

Heavy Rain of Leadership [Elyss, Ulv] - Page 5 LlSkHT6

For those few moments, her timid and childish fear had become very real. As Elyss' beautiful black eyes turned a vibrant red with rage, the Quincy's widened with worry; for herself, for their safety, and for the consequences should a fight break out now, of all times. Her psyche tugged gently on the reishi all around them, and her quickened heart primed to flood her body with power, should it come to it.

However, such things did not come to pass. Elyss calmed herself, and left Sylvia lying on the bench, half-naked and very concerned. The blonde sat up, and looked after Elyss with worry on her expression. She wanted to go after her and ask what was wrong that Elyss had reacted like that, but did she have any right to do so now?

She frowned, and breathed a heavy sigh as she righted herself in her seat. As her racing pulse slowly settled, the room gave a brief groan as the reishi that made its walls was released, and so much stress and pressure was released.

Sylvia groaned, and buried her face in her hands. Why did she have to say anything?

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