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The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] Empty The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front]

Mon Feb 17, 2020 4:15 pm

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] DbLeHjD

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

God bears in mind all prayers made to Him, past, present, and future; those made by ordinary people as well as the believers in many Gods.

For far too long had the Earth been but a playground for those who never called it home. Always a battlefield for the wars of others, always a tomb for its own inhabitants. This time, things would be different. This time, mankind would not be the greatest casualty.

Cyrus ast-Auramazda, Grandmaster of the Vandenreich, had long prepared for this very moment. Standing upon the half-collapsed remains of what had once been the Washington Monument, long before World War 3, her gaze fell down upon the fortifications Shadow Fall had built in this city which had once been a supposed beacon of liberty; Washington, the District of Columbia. Materializing the great form of Zarathustra in her hands, the second of which had been courteously replaced by Shirohime's efforts, she leveled the weapon carefully toward the stark white building in her sights. If Mana Asthavon was the leader of this land, it then followed that this building which supposedly housed its leader would be a symbol of her authority.

Though the nature of Cyrus' divinity prevented her from truly feeling disgust, there was an undeniable sense that what she was looking upon did not belong in this place. The work of the Angra Mainyu? No, not quite. Perhaps something far worse, all things considered, for even such evils as that had their place in the world.

Shadow Fall was simply a slight against the natural order. A slight that Cyrus had every intention of now correcting. Slowly drawing back Zarathustra's string, it was obvious even at a glance that the amount of spiritual power being condensed into this arrow was nothing short of immense. The very air around her seemed to become less alive, as if nothing might ever be born in this place again, and as the arrow seemed to reach its zenith, Cyrus' voice echoed through the world. Not simply spoken aloud, but four more times, each carrying the power of her divine spark. One was louder than the others, a command of undeniable might, and indeed those had been the very words she spoke with her own two lips.

Yasra obbbz olllz porta.
Presia obbbz olllz porta.

The holy words of Avesta seemed to overtake all else, and in that moment, it was as if the world itself had gone completely silent. All that remained was the word of Heaven, the divine mandate of a god who sought only to protect her children. As she let loose the arrow from her bow, it did not simply carry with it untold spiritual power, but the enforcement of something far greater, and it was not so much a projectile as a line of destruction coursing across the Earth.

Upon striking the White House, there was silence for only a moment, and immediately after an unearthly wail erupted from the place, the eldritch and unknowable force of the Soul King not meant for such a mortal thing. The power unleashed from the shot erupted upward into the sky, a blinding light entirely consuming the building before slowly expanding outward, a wake of complete annihilation washing over the area until stopping only at the Potomac River. In truth, Cyrus could easily have destroyed far more than this, but it had not been about destruction.

Her eyes then gazed across the waters, at the Pentagon, that place where her lost children had been taken, knowing fully that it would already be going on the defensive. But that worked wonderfully for her intentions, for in the end, this destruction had been the Grandmaster's way of distraction, of inciting panic. Her men and women of the Vandenreich had been in place to capitalize on the fear this blow might cause, and in a place so removed from conflict for so long. When combined with the already devastating reports from Europe, she knew there was little chance Shadow Fall could retaliate in full to this offensive. With that in mind, she moved across the river, ready to assist whoever might need her, to liberate this place once and for all.

There was so much work yet to be done.

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The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] Empty Re: The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front]

Sun Feb 23, 2020 12:18 pm

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] LT5vPYw

The day had come. Sylvia had never been to the states before, and if she had been asked just a year earlier, she never would've guessed that it would eventually be as an aggressor. The air here felt wrong; soured by the demonic rule that had laid claim to it. Yet, the winds blew just the same, and brought with them the chill and soothing scent of the sea.

Only a few scant miles away, the young Captain could feel Grandmaster Ast-Auramazda's power. It was immense. It was world-shaking. It was...

... frightening. The sheer scope of magnitude and destructive power wielded so casually by the elder Quincy was enough to give her pause, despite calling them an ally. It reminded her of the first time feeling the depths of Ulv's terrifying presence.

However, she had a job to do, and not much time to spend on such thoughts. As she swallowed the lump from her throat, the blonde's eyes shimmered with a magnificent gold as she turned her gaze towards the pentagon, barely a mile away from her location atop a high-rise office building. In her outstretched hand, she called her longbow to her, and in the other, conjured the first of what would be many bolts.

Another deep breath, and the veins in her eyes colored a tenacious blue, and all the interior of the military installation became as plain as day to her. Camouflaged against the backdrop sky by her Himmlischer Anzug, she loosed her first arrow. It flew, carried by the winds. It flew, through the thick concrete walls of the reinforced building.

It flew, into the back of the head of the demon who had been shouting orders to his subordinates.

The Captain of the Jagdarmee breathed, and lined up her next shot...

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Sun Feb 23, 2020 4:52 pm

The Righteous Guardian


The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 617

Most normally do not expect their first week back on the job after extended leave, without pay, to be with your family would end in going to america to give some demons a good old slap on the wrist. Well, more like a bullet to the head than a slap to the wrist. This was why, Toshiko Kamenashi, back on duty Captain of Daten, was setting up on a building a good few miles away from the main demon force; casually setting up a large blanket on top of a building, a few sandbags, and a bit more than just that. She was simply doing that, casually setting herself up. Soon, the woman pulled a gun case up on a nearby AC-unit; pulling out a rather large rifle. Clearly, Toshiko had come with far more than just herself and her powers; just a large, high caliber, rifle to help her out.

With some specialized ammo that Toshiko herself had made just for this gun, with bullets made from reishi so they could easily be controlled by Toshiko, she loaded a full magazine of the 50 caliber custom ammo; hummed softly as she threaded a suppressor to the end of the barrel. She hummed all the way, humming as she pushed some ear protection over her ears, tapped the side of her sunglasses to quickly hack an overhead satellite to get enemy triangulation, and then the Quincy extended the legs of the bi-pod; with Toshiko going prone as she used the bi-pod to steady herself.

After a little bit longer of preparing, in which Toshiko felt the release of energy from two Quincy she didn't know; an issue mostly thanks to her extended leave-time due to family concerns. However, she was soon ready, sighted in, and her sunglasses had triangulated the relative position of most of the demons in the area. Not to mention, she had a relative good view on approximately where most of the demons are; enough that they could at least be seen through the scope of her gun. It was just too bad the first time Toshiko is looking upon the Washington Monument and the White House; especially in such sorry states. However, today was not to wish to see how these things looked before; but to reclaim them.

Toshiko racked the bolt of the Barrett, shouldered the firearm as she aimed, her sunglasses still providing information on approximate locations on the demons, and then a shot rang out among the buildings. Indeed, the rifle was suppressed, but it still had the super sonic crack thanks to breaking the sound barrier. That single shot, that single bullet, it did not sail through buildings, or windows; only through the air. And the air it did sail through until it encountered the head of another demon; a demon whose head fully exploded as the round passed through the skull and then exited. But that demon was only the many of the first who fell to Toshiko's solid aim; demon after demon being domed by the high caliber rifle she had chosen to use this day. Of course, they were aware of the presence of three different sources taking out their forces. Soon, Toshiko could only grin as she continued to snipe away at the demons in the distance. The Quincy Woman could only keep her calm about her as she made certain that the demons would not approach her and the two Quincy allies that appear to be somewhere nearby. She at least hoped to prove that, despite her time away, rust had not affected her abilities.

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Sun Feb 23, 2020 7:46 pm

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count:872

His golden eyes surveyed the ruined capital around him, sacred monuments from the third world war still lay scattered through out the land, crumbling block, puddles of steel that had been so super-heated they melted instantly dotted the remains of the Washington monument. This place was under the control of demons and ShadowFall and the very air itself seemed to echo that, the world around him screamed, not in voice, but in feeling, a feeling of wrongness that demons had stayed in this realm and corrupted it for so long.
Taking a breath to steady himself he turned to walk away just as a powerful blast of energy connected with the world behind him, Cyrus has told the world they were here and they were not playing games anymore. Carter himself hadn’t spoken to the leader of the Vandenreich before he joined their ranks but everything he had heard and could now feel from this woman’s attack told him he was in the right place, she lacked malice, this was out of duty to the humans that should rule these lands and to protect the Quincy’s she had lost. Even as she fired upon them, he sensed no hatred from her and that was enough of a reason for him to step in line with this organization even though he himself was no Quincy.
The next step landed him miles away, his feet patting the ground quietly he landed next to another woman he had heard about. A Toshiko Kamenashi, a woman he had yet to meet but had been made aware due to his position he would be working along side her more often and he thought now would be a good time to introduce himself and give her a gift. Looking down at her and the brilliant weapon she had he smiled and slide a small vial out of a pocket stitched on the inside of his jacket. He had more than a handful of these left over from when he created his Listeners and now was the perfect time to utilize them.
Kneeling next to her he would wait until her shot cleared and she could hear him, “ Hi! I know we haven’t met yet but the name’s Carter and this is for you! Infuse this vial with your weapon or with yourself and your attacks will take on what we angels call ‘holy’ energy, its especially strong against our current enemy and blends well to any energy of a non negative aura.” He said, putting silly air quotes around the word holy while maintaining a friendly smile. The most bewildering part of the exchange would be his entire lack of spiritual pressure, he would appear to his new ally as nothing more than a misplaced child on the battlefield and before he could give her the opportunity to speak he fell onto his butt and landed on the ground next to those on the front line outside the pentagon.

All Listeners run protocol lock down, keep this channel clear unless a heavy enemy breaks the line, do not engage with any energy levels above your own. Should an opposing energy level attack engage protocol opossum and disrupt all life functions for 15 minutes. He thought, activating the link in his cybernetic brain to his 20 Listener units. After he closed the link off an ungodly noise would echo from all sides of the pentagon as his units began to start their perimeter sweep, they would work as crowd control for whatever back up the demons would summon up to a certain point, from their they would alert him to incoming hostiles before taking themselves off line.

Once that was done Carter would stand as close to the entrance of the pentagon as he could without kicking off the attack, his left hand on his zanpakuto. Today we begin the process of freeing Earth. He thought with joy, his white hair flying wildly in the wind.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] ZfrGue8

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] EUuCTxy
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Mon Feb 24, 2020 9:51 pm
The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] Ndl1dWe


The day had finally come. Of course, Helle had always known that something of this caliber was soon to occur. The demonic hold on much of the States, and of so much of the world in fact, was an ever present concern for the Quincy. This ShadowFall organization seemed to want nothing but to sow chaos amongst the lands where they felt most sane. There was little care for consent from every other living and nonliving creature in the world when it came to such manners. The demons and other members of this organization simply cared for doing what they pleased, and Helle contained no wish to allow such disgusting vermin to continue existing. Cyrus had spoken much of this ordeal to come. Helle is happy to see the Elder at their best, but she really does hope that Cyrus restrains from pushing himself and ends up in a state similar to before. What a shame to witness the destruction of such an ancient building at the hands of her Elder. Helle would have prefered that the symbols of this land’s people be preserved, but she has little say in the manner, and it is for the best that everything tainted be cleansed in some form or fashion. What is the saying? Out with the old and in with the new? She can only hope that the American people come to understand why all this must be done.

With a sigh, the Armstrong is quick to move herself from her position near the Pentagon as the massive explosion took place. Her task is simple. Defeat the hostile demons and make sure all non-hostiles inside make it out safely. She had already given orders to the Sternritters that came on the trip, and all others are in their respective positions. As much as she would have enjoyed being with her Liege acting as a bodyguard of sorts, she knows that she would prove more effective on the frontlines. Besides, if she’s needed for anything else, they can just contact her in some form or fashion.

Adorned in full armor, Helle seemed more akin to a hulking titan than the blonde beauty she normally is. Under her visage are sickly looking emerald eyes that glowed with gloomy determination. Though, as she focused her energy, her depressed gaze brightened into an impressive splash of sparkling emeralds filled with raw power as the building standing next to here began to crumble from the ground floor forming cracks as she raises her armored hands and focused entirely on the Reishi around the building forcing it to break the connections of the bricks that hold the building up.

The next moment, the sound of glued bolted connections break as the large building comes tumbling to its side onto the streets. Luckily, no people are near. Throwing off her furred cape, Helle climbs onto the fallen side of the building before jamming her fingers straight into the brick and holds on tightly. Focusing her intentions, she begins to rise up with the building under her as a surface into the air over the streets and other buildings of Washington D.C. There’s no need for any words. The time for action is now, and as the demons begin piling out in masses due to the commotion and the battle commences, Helle commands the building under her to fly forward hardening the Reishi around it as it soars right into the masses splattering demons onto the pavements and such before crashing down right before the walls of the Pentagon. It would have been easy to force the reinforced building into the Pentagon, but this is a rescue mission. It would be foolish to risk lives in such ways.

Helle jumps down from her spot hitting the ground with a hard thud causing the Earth below her feet to crumble and break before one demon is snatched from the ground, barely alive from her simple attack.

“Where are the Quincy? The humans? Any and all you hold hostage for your own greedy ambitions foul demon!”

God of Love
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Sat Mar 14, 2020 10:27 pm

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] DbLeHjD

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

The fire support offered by the two Captains was all too welcomed as Cyrus arrived before the Pentagon. She could only smile with a faint pride at the coordinated assault on display before her. THe thought occurred to her, almost idly, that she would perhaps not even have needed to be a part of this operation for it to succeed. But, of ocourse, it would have been outfit unthinkable for her to simply be elsewhere when there were still eher children to be saved.

As Subcaptain Armstrong began to interrogate one of the few who had survived her rather impressive offensive, Cyrus approached with her typical serene air, placing a hand on Helle's shoulder before speaking calmly and evenly.

"Helle, dear, do not let aggression overtake you, even in situations such as this. Passion is important, but do not let it interfere in your approach."

Of course, the Shadow Fall operative had no particular vested interest in any sort of state secrets or national security, given the immediate threat to his life. Just surviving was far more important to him, and naturally the best way to do that was to just give the woman the information she wanted: the Northeast wing, in the mezzanine.

"Ah. Underground, hm? Defensible indeed."

Much as she could feel her general distaste welling in her chest, both the pain of that emotional response and and Helle's presence made her push that into the void of her divinity. She looked to the blonde woman with confidence, then to the immense makeshift projectile she had already used once before.

"If they are underground in the northeast, then you know where not to strike, Subcaptain. Proceed as you see fit."

With a nod, Cyrus then carried herself toward Carter on a swift hirenkyaku, taking only a brief moment to take stock of his defenses. She had yet to see him in action, but she trusted completely in Ninsianna's judgement.

"Executive, the Subcaptain will be pacing the way for a more direct approach momentarily, I suspect. Assist me in giving her a moment or two of breathing room, if you would."

With nothing more than that bit of instruction, Cyrus once more manifested Zarathustra in her hands, and drew back the volatile bowstring before releasing another line of destruction through the walls of the west wing. Her children were not here, and so any damage she caused was nothing more than the cruel reality of war.

She had given so little direction to her subordinates, but why was that? It was not out of a lack of vision, or any apathy. This, of all times, was not the time for such a detached approach. Rather, Cyrus understood that her vision, how she saw the world, was in stark contrast to others. She knew that whatever she might have ordered could never feasibly account for all of their beliefs, all of their own thought processes.

Put simply, Cyrus trusted them all.

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Last edited by Rawk on Mon Nov 01, 2021 1:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] Empty Re: The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front]

Sun Mar 15, 2020 4:09 pm

The Righteous Guardian


The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 617

The term stranger danger could apply even when you were an adult fighting a war against demons; beings that wished to end your existence and conquer Earth for themselves. However, Toshiko Kamenashi certainly experienced some such stranger danger situations when a man by the name of Carter appeared and gave her some odd phial of holy energy; or some such. She could only blink at him and look at the man over her sunglasses. She was entirely confused by this sudden appearance and how he talked to her; like they were all buddy buddy despite having only just met. Toshiko could only really nod at him before the man disappeared off somewhere else in the city. Toshiko could only blink and shake her head, putting the thing of holy energy aside; something she decided not to use. She had no idea who Carter was, and she wasn't interested in using something from someone who she barely knew. However, that brief cut in her concentration brought something to Toshiko's attention; the energy of a Quincy who was all too familiar to her.

The Quincy Grit her teeth as she immediately yanked the bolt of her firearm back, tore the Magazine out, without damaging anything of course, and threw everything back into the gun case; which she left upon the building as she punched her fist into her palm. Just that alone was enough to create a loud crack that echoed some around the city as Toshiko jumped off the building and released her Vollstandig mid-air; landing on the ground heavily close to where the conflict was starting. The energy she had sensed, that of Sofia Montero, had sent Toshiko over the edge and had pissed her off; causing her to release her Vollstandig in it's raid configuration. She cracked her knuckles, her now blonde hair whipping in the wind as she summoned a laser seemingly out of nowhere.

Toshiko's Raid Configuration Appearance(for reference):

She spat on the ground, spinning the laser rifle before she shot it in a devastating line; eviscerating and disintegrating demons along its deadly path. She then threw the weapon aside, which caused it to dissolve back into nothing; the Quincy charging past the destroyed Pentagon in a burst of deadly speed. From there, she simply plowed into the front line of the demons, kicking, punching, and over all using the deadly force of her Vollstandig to crush the demons before her below her heel. While she kicked and punched, she also summoned handheld cannons, machine pistols, revolvers, laser guns, grenade launchers, flamethrowers, and all manner of weapons to destroy the demons before her. She was in such a fury she had nearly not noticed Helle; another new member of the Vandenreich judging from how she spoke. However, she overheard what the woman who had spoke to Helle said to her; something about where the people were underground in the northeast. With a quick grab of a demon's throat; she was able to get the same information out of him to confirm what the Quincy thought to have heard. It was then that Toshiko drew back from the crowd, looked towards the northeast end of the building and positioned herself to take out a large amount of the demons without putting the northeast area at risk.

With a snap of her fingers that seemed to resonate around her, and the city, a large weapon pack fell from the sky and landed behind Toshiko. It looked as if it was just an arsenal of weapons that was not meant to be used all at once. But, Toshiko grabbed a handle with each hand; adorned with weapons as each weapon started to spin up, heat up, or generally get ready as Toshiko grit her teeth. The sheer annoyance she felt at Sofia possibly being here, with Shadowfall, it irritated her deeply; she she decided to take out a bit of that irritation of on the demons before her.

While Cyrus had cleared a path in the west wing, Toshiko decided to hit a path straight north to give them a chance to head to the north east wing of the building; but she made sure to train the attacks so there was no chance of her damaging things in the North East. So, the attack was pointed a tiny bit to the west to assure that nothing in the northeast was put in danger. After all, if the objective was there, she needed to keep it safe. With a pull of the trigger, Toshiko grinned at the demons before her as her weapon pack was more than ready to fire.

"Operation: Raze!"

Silence followed her words for a moment before Toshiko, and the weapon pack, recoiled as a line of fire, both literal and not, spanning through the assembled demons, and the northwestern part of the building; cutting down demon after demon with the large wave of artillery that was being poured from Toshiko as the ground cracked below her. The fire did not last all that long, but it was long enough, and devastating enough, to create a large opening in the demon line while keeping the northeastern area largely unharmed. Toshiko stepped forward from the weapon pack that soon fell over and slowly was deconstructed and returned to where it could recharge for a good chunk of time before Toshiko could use it again. Toshiko sighed softly, popping her knuckles and pointing forward towards the demons.

"If anyone needed an opening; that should more than do it!"

Afterwards, Toshiko continued to try and keep that opening present so those who needed to take it could take it. After all, she was far better in combat at the current moment anyways than rescuing; she would leave that to those who are much swifter than her. After all, she had a bit of anger and irritation to take out on these foul demons who had taken what was not theirs to take.

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The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] Empty Re: The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front]

Tue Mar 17, 2020 9:49 pm

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] JCRrxmK

Artist: Poets Of The fall - Song: Carnival of Rust - Word Count: 759
While Carter took stock of his surroundings he felt a powerful energy source approach him rapidly, his new boss. This was his first time meeting Cyrus in the flesh and from her emotions alone he could tell she was a warm individual with a very level head. For a brief moment he thought of her as a more tempered refined Ulv but he quickly dismissed the thought as she addressed him about clearing a path and providing the sub captain some breathing room.

With the short instruction she turned from him and drew her bowstring, immense power building before she released it and a blasting of light leveled the west wing of the pentagon, he could see what she meant now in providing breathing room so he simply smiled and closed his eyes for a second to gather his true power, it had been well over a year since he last manifested his angelic half and he felt a bit rusty. less than a second later a rushing of power poured out from him as he stood now six foot tall, a man with broad shoulders and and long hair, where his clothes had been before armor woven from beams of light now rested and protruding from his each shoulder blades were larger yet slender wings, like that of an eagle. Over his head a halo spun counter clockwise slowly, fizzling energy popping off of it as it went about. Snapping his eyes open a second wave of light went out and his entire being became the embodiment of a beacon, his zanpakuto turning into pure energy while floating by his left hand.

Angel of Radiance Release State


Without wasting time he took in the surroundings using his Intellectius Omnia ability, an overwhelming influx of information came through telling him the entire lay out of the pentagon, showing him where life sources where, where paths had been sealed off, even beneath his own feet he could see the sewer system and many conduits that ran under the ground. The same moment the tidal wave of information came in he could sense energy much like Cyrus's own, similar Quincy energy a few levels below in the eastern wing. The defenses were fairly scarce as well and he could only sense a few low-level demonic energies huddled in that wing. Okay, let’s make that breathing room. He thought while pointing his right hand toward the eastern wing of the building. A ball of light would build in his palm before thirty beams of condensed light shot out, too fast for the naked eye to follow, they would rain fire upon the eastern wing and obliterate the scant forces inside while shelling out the top two floors. After the explosions ceased and the dust settled a section of building would be intact around a stair case that descended down past the second level and he would point toward it, "Quincy energy sources are that direction." He said while releasing his angelic state and returning to the height of a 4 foot something boy, his zanpakuto back in its sword form next clenched in his left hand.

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|Death is but the first step in life|

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] ZfrGue8

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] EUuCTxy
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Wed Mar 18, 2020 7:51 pm
The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] Ndl1dWe


The splattered remains of the ones who stood in her way paint the streets scraped along by the building she rode. Her one goal was to enter the battle with enough emphasis on her capabilities without causing major harm to the one structure needed. She had done just that, and had procured required information in the following moments. Though, she heeds Cyrus’ sudden words and does not press for anything else from the demon she held captive. She is not a cruel woman despite her actions already made and allows the demon the chance to run, and hopefully, stay out of the Quincys’ way.

That, and the fact that the other Quincy have mobilized themselves wiping out hordes of demons with ease, gave Helle an overwhelming feeling that this operation would end smoothly, maybe a bit too smoothly, but sometimes life is just that easy. What more is there for Helle to even do as Toshiko comes down raining Hell upon any who idled for too long, Cyrus lays waste to a whole sector, and the lone Shinigami flexing his abilities on the poor lesser demons? She is not needed on the present battlefield, so she shall focus her attention elsewhere. Strange how she felt she would open a path just for another to do the same before she could even lift a finger.

There is no need for words or anything as Helle carries her armored form towards the Northeast wing. The top half of the building had been removed making it rather easy for her to jump and land right next to the staircase that led down into the depths of the Pentagon. Here, she traverses alone ready to face any threat and save anyone damsel in need.


God of Love
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The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] Empty Re: The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front]

Mon Apr 20, 2020 2:38 pm

The Children of their Sun [WWIV Eastern American Front] DbLeHjD

Cyrus of the Blissful Flame

So much could be said as to the pride in Cyrus' heart as she watched her men and women of the Vandenreich display their might in such a way. This was not simply pure military power, but a collaborative effort among those with a shared goal. It was, even in these violent moments, a reminder of what it was that Cyrus strove for.

"I leave you in command on the surface, Executive. Handle any defensive forces which arrive in as absolute a manner as you are able, but the well-being of our own forces is your first priority. I put my faith in you."

The Grandmaster of the Sternritter gave the young-looking man a nod of acknowledgement, before turning her attention to the rapidly-demolished Pentagon and dashing off, carried away by divine power. There would be time later for this building's destruction, but for now she would take the knowledge given to her by the shinigami and accompany Helle into the depths. Her stride was purposeful, and she glanced over at the armored woman for a moment as she thought up her intended approach.

"We will cover more ground if we separate. I trust you will already have this matter covered, but show compassion to those who are willing to listen. If they are not, you may terminate them. Such is of no consequence to us. All that matters is our comrades return safely to us. You will assuredly make me proud, hm?"

As she spoke with the blonde Subcaptain, Cyrus began sending out her own energy, seeking only to pinpoint the signatures that Carter had located for her. It did not take long, and she could tell that they were not simply convened in one place.

"If you require my assistance, you need only call for me. I will naturally come to your aid."

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Last edited by Rawk on Mon Nov 01, 2021 1:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
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