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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Thu May 07, 2020 4:00 pm

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: April 10th, 2420
Location: Reñaca beach, Valparaíso, Chile

"The mating press is rather aggressive, so of course that primal urge to fuck is hot~"

Really, this guy had no shame. He just said whatever the hell came to his mouth and had no regard for the consequences of his actions. Yet, when you live the kind of life he has, it comes with the territory. Better to live boldly than die a meek coward who never spoke his mind. Nevertheless, he wasn't one to get so caught up in his head that he couldn't read the room either.

Observing Celeste brought forth a sense of amusement as he could tell that the woman was getting bothered by the notion of him exploring her house. So in response to that reaction Adam gave Celeste a flick of the nose before one of his infamous coy smirks washed across his face. It was clear he had something to say to all of this:

"What's wrong with a little touch and hold? Besides, it'll give us time to get even closer than we are now. It sounds like a fun time for me."

Getting close and personal with her, the male was clinging to the woman's back before he uttered these words out to her:

"But relax. I'm pretty sure I can make a barrier for the two of us that can produce oxygen from the two of us. Just show me the way, babe."

At this point, he was right next to her right ear and couldn't help but give it a small, affectionate nibble. Feeling the warmth of her body, the embrace of another and letting his skin get tingly shivers all over brought a sense of comfort and contentment within the male. For finding this physical connection was a subtle high he could indulge himself in all day if he so chose. But, there were still things to address. So, with a chuckle, he uttered these words right out to Celeste:

"Oh, I make things awkward? But you aren't exactly fighting the awkwardness. I'd say that's a win in my book! Wouldn't you agree?"

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Fri May 08, 2020 7:49 pm


Enter Celeste


All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"Oh god make it stop."

Celeste's face only became a brighter red, laughter leaving her lips as she was all hot and bothered by his moves and words. She would then sit up, sighing softly as she tried to rub the red from her cheeks, feeling the blood really flow as she patted her cheeks, trying to get her heart to calm down, until he started up his teasing all over again. God he made her ill, not in any bad way, but she felt like she was gonna puke whatever manner of fish-consisting meal she ate recently from the amount of sea butterflies in her stomach.

She felt the flutter of her gut get worse when he grasped her from behind, speaking into her ear of a perfect remedy for the already awkward scenario, but then he began nibbling on her heart. Celeste.. Liked it, she did, but her first impulse was to press a hand against his face, letting out a frustrated grunt,

"OKAY, let's just go already if you wanna go so goddamn badly. Jeeze."

She would pull away from him, grasping his hand, and lead him along.


Soon, the two were standing at a shore to the serene Galene Sea within the Iramasha Realm, it's calm waters causing Celeste to take in a deep breath as she walked into the waves, her body changing, coat morphing with her legs in order to form a rather beautiful, seal-like tail as she rested in the shallows, looking at Adam,

"Ookay. So my house is pretty far down.. There's a city or two on the way there, real pretty and neat n' shit. So, house first and city later, or city first and house later? Your call, Dr. Eve."

Her eyes narrowed, eyebrows raised as she slapped her tail upon the surface of the water, awaiting his likely cheeky as fuck answer.

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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Sat May 09, 2020 4:48 am

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: April 10th, 2420
Location: Reñaca beach, Valparaíso, Chile

(OOC Note: I'm skipping to when they arrived in the Iramasha Realm)

It wasn't too often that Adam found himself away from the earth. So, on the occasions it did, it always was amusing to be an outsider looking into a foreign world. He could feel the mystical energies radiating all throughout this sacred realm and the luscious reflection of the pristine ocean waters made his blood eyes ease over into a smile. The radiating flares of aether energy made the skies rich in translucent color and it was a visage which was hard to describe, brought forth a feeling of euphoria and it took a certain kind of person to appreciate the ambiance of natural beauty in an alien realm.

....though who are we kidding here. This is Adam we are talking about. As deep as he is into his mysticism, spirituality and awareness of the world; overthinking such intricate concepts can weigh down the mind. Hence, to balance this, he had to always bring it down to the primal mind, ground himself in the physical and take note of the people around him. So how could he ignore little Ariel over there growing a fucking tail and looking like an actual mermaid!

"I guess you can say we really were MERMAID for each other."

There was a shit-eating grin which had widen across Adam's lips as he said that god awful pun from the deepest pits of satan's ass. Still, though, you could tell he was having a good time. And, since he had an active ear, he did pick up on the whole bit about him choosing where they'd go first. While it's true that this world had a lot of un-seen exploration for him to undergo, he still needed a home base of sorts to get acquainted with. Ergo, it was rather easy what he wanted to do.

"Take the scenic route and show me to your SHELLshack, Little Ariel."

And with that, Adam wasted no time hopping on his lusty mermaid's back, gripping on tight to her waist and pushing his head against her neck as he made himself as comfortable as sin against the Iramasha.

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Sat May 09, 2020 8:02 am


Enter Celeste


All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The second that pun left his mouth, Celeste's face was quickly filled with a disgusted annoyance, her nostrils flaring, "I knew it. I knew you were gonna say something stupid. Ugh, just, let's go."

Celeste would then flip onto her stomach, waiting for the man to grab hold of her, a light blush on her features as she turned nose to him. While in this position, she would only groan again as he spouted another terrible pun, feeling him get onto her body, "You're such a little gremlin with those stupid puns and your stupid fucking smile afterwards..."

A light chuckle was in her throat as she then lowered her body into the water, "Alright, i'm gonna go a bit fast at first, just.. Hang on."

Suddenly, as if they were being jetted through the water, the shore would have been gone within several seconds, the two swimming downward into deeper seas, as soon as they made it to a deeper part of open water Celeste slowed down a bit, her eyes deviating to a city upon a shelf beneath the sea, corals growing off the stone buildings, a variety of activity going on beneath them as fish, people, and other beings of mystique could be seen swimming about on their business.

"Yeah, that's one. In my opinion the deep sea cities are way better to look at. Like night all long."

Her speckled tail would flick against the waters constantly, arms outstretched as she would then move at a different angle, swimming down as the serene silence of the open waters would be around them,

"I think you'd like the city I live next to way better, though." She looked at him through the corner of her eye, smirking as the sea slowly became darker and darker as she swam low against a particular sheet of sand, rock, and other sea things, until suddenly she swam off the cliff, the two being upside down as the sight would be revealed; A massive city, covered in glowing corals, seeming to expand from the cliff's edge all the way into a cavern of sorts. Most interestingly, the entire city seems to have been built upside down, it looking a good ten times busier than the previous one. It was a lot like the busiest of human cities, but far more gorgeous with an ethereal glow.

"Yep, I go to parties and such here. Much prettier inside than it is outside. A lot of it is just weird coral lights but, hey, it's nice to look at. Anyway, we can check it out later, let's go to my house already.."

She would swim a good ways away from the city, a bit deeper, until suddenly she was ducking into a dark cave, swimming for a bit until light would reach both their eyes, ahead of them there would seem to be a bubble, holding a modestly sized house surrounded by grass-like plants, her home covered in large, colorful sea slugs of various colors. She would then pass through what looked to be the barrier with him, her tail instantly transforming back into legs,

"Viola~ Home sweet home."

Soon, a slug would have crept to next to her foot, Celeste looking visibly disgruntled towards it, "Fuck off! What I do with the guys I bring home isn't your business you slimy nag!"

Her face would quickly get red again as she pinched her nosebridge, "Whatever, let's go inside."

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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Sat May 09, 2020 12:07 pm

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: April 10th, 2420
Location: Reñaca beach, Valparaíso, Chile

Ah, yes. That was the reaction Adam was looking for. To see Celeste so hot and bothered by his lovely puns brought a sheer sense of delight shimmering through the human's tender being.

"You know you love it. Stop fighting it."

There was a victorious laugh given by the male before they both descended further into the aqua-filled abyss which was the home of the mermaid.

Though -- she was much faster than he originally thought. It made Adam blink as he didn't assume the woman had that much speed to her. As within a matter of seconds, they were gone and diving deep into the murky depths of the unknown.

"Who knew Ariel had wings?"

After another crack was made, Adam's crimson eyes decided to take in the sights as rows of stone buildings whizzed past them. Fish, people, and other mythical beings were all found doing their normal daily routine as if a living, breathing underwater society was a normal thing. Sure, they had underwater cities on earth, but the majority of them were covered in dome buildings. These people? They were just out in the elements and it amused the human.

"Yeah, this place looks like it is begging to be explored by me."

Adam honestly had to agree. If they weren't on their way to little Ariel's house, he may have explored it deeper. But, who says there isn't more time to do that? It's not like he is in a super-duper rush to get home and they had all the time in the world to explore her stomping grounds. It was interesting to see the coral-filled city expanding from the cliffs, transforming into a cavern, and having been turned upside down. Yet, in spite of this, this section that they were smack dab in was far more populated than the one they entered.

"Who knew mermaids were so fancy? The more you know."

Adam wriggled his nose as they got closer to their destination as he felt that their venture was coming to a pause. Why? Well, they had stepped forth into a dark cave until a bright burst of light smacked his eyesight and he was within a bubble which contained modest homes; surrounded by all sorts of wonderful plant life and sea slugs. And when they hit the bubble to Ariel's phone? Poof. Her sea legs was gone, Adam was on his feet and they were all alone. Well, save for the slugs. But nobody cared about them!

"What? Are they kink shaming? The nerve."

Ol' Adam couldn't help but poke fun at Celeste. Though, he'd soon bow to her and have his chi open up the door:

"Show me something good, babe~"

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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Sat May 09, 2020 1:13 pm


Enter Celeste


All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

"They aren't all 'mermaids', stupid. I just happened to be born with the ability to make a tail. Plus I would say most of our cities aren't too unlike from how yours are, just more organic and luminescent and shit."

Celeste scoffed as she had the idea that a lot of this seemed completely alien to him, but if he really explored it, it was more just a fantastical version of the world he himself lived in. Though as soon as she had passed through the bubble, she was stretching a bit, trying to ignore the annoying chatting of the slugs around her, going all 'boy boy boy, Celeste brought a boy~!' and shit.

"Nah, not kink shaming, just being annoying."

She would then see her door suddenly fly open, Adam bowing to her and requesting her to show him something good, "I mean, alright, it's nothing shockin'."

Walking inside, he would wave him in, and upon stepping in his feet would be met with the sensation of warm stone, her floor tiled with many of them, as looking over the rest of the room would look a lot like a typical human house, just a lot more sea-dominated in theme with half the things looking as if they were organic in nature. A few instruments were around the place, some scattered as if she had played them and just threw them down where ever, and her kitchen looked a bit on the messy side with dishes in the sink and stuff on the counter.

She would casually walk over a bunch of strewn clothes to an oddly anemone-like couch, looking to him and smirking lazily, "So, I mean, wanna watch TV or something?"

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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Sat May 09, 2020 1:49 pm

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: April 10th, 2420
Location: Reñaca beach, Valparaíso, Chile

AWalking into someone's home was like walking into a piece of their soul. If your room reflected your inner mind's space, it was clear that he was stepping into the belly of the beast and it brought forth a sense of comfort and contentment to be allowed into this tender space. So, he wasted no time in gazing at the warm stone all around; taking in the organic furnishings and feeling at ease in such a natural environment. After all, there was a bit of hippie in this bastard, so it was always nice to be in nature.

Still, Adam couldn't help but be Adam again and have that playful grin smear across his face when Celeste asked him if she wanted something. Seeming innocent as could be, this little devil waltz toward her couch, wrapped his arm around her and yoinked her back on the sofa with him as he started to get more than cozy in her sweet, comfortable, ocean home.

"Do I want something? Oh, I just want you~"

Our blood-eyed gentleman couldn't help but gave a sincere laugh as he played with her hair, soaked in the oceanic atmosphere, and breathed out a content sigh.

"Though I'm curious: what the hell do they even have to watch down here? What do mermaids watch? Enlighten this stupid human man, cutie."

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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Sat May 09, 2020 2:24 pm


Enter Celeste


All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

A thick blush returned to the woman's face as he suddenly got all touchy feely with her again, though this time she was much less resistant towards his shenanigans, sighing softly in a sort of acceptance that he was going to be like this no matter what she said to him. He didn't even seem as bad as her concerns mellowed out. Unless this was some ridiculous long con, of which, who would be stupid enough to wanna get snuggly just to backstab some dumb Iramasha on a long leave from the Guard? She wasn't anyone notable enough for an action like that, she was just a random foot soldier. So with that put together, she was able to relax on the soft furniture with him just fine.

"Pssht, me? You're not lookin' for much, are you?"

She didn't pull away or anything, just resting with his arm around her, body warmed with a sense of tingling embarrassment, sighing contently til he asked what could possibly be on TV in such a magical land,

"Sorry to deflate expectations, but it's pretty similar to the shit you'd see on Earth TV, honestly. Sometimes they even get those shows on certain channels."

She would snuggle against him, one leg resting over one of his own as one of her toes grazed the side of his foot, "We might have cool mystical flying birds and shit but TV's pretty standard."

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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Mon May 11, 2020 1:41 pm

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Date: April 10th, 2420
Location: Reñaca beach, Valparaíso, Chile

Despite the outward shyness, it seems his little jewel under the sea was warming up to him. And how could she not? He was sweet as candy in his mind. Still, ego aside, taking pleasure in another's company brought our ex-terrorist a sense of relief and relaxation. Those damn chemicals in his brain were churning up a storm as he continued to feel every nook and cranny of the Iramasha's body. His hands were moving through her waist, back, arms, and all-around so he can get a better feel for the woman so that she could continue to extract pleasure in his warm touch.

"Don't even pretend we don't have good energy~"

Adam's blood eyes gave a playful roll as he dismissed her own depreciating humor. Instead, he focused in on the TV and was met with a sense of amusement. What? They really weren't all that different from them? Scanning through the different channels on the television made our oak-haired misfit realize that perhaps Iramasha aren't too different from humans in some ways. Oh well. This fact made relating to them all the more easier for him.

"You should get me a cool mystical flying bird so I can look like a badass when charging into battle."

He was half-joking, but half-serious to. You could tell as he really pondered that question for a bit before his blood eyes gazed further down at her chest. And, in one move, he just nonchalantly coped a feel, embraced the moment, and took pleasure in escalating the circumstance further.

"You know, this kind of touchy-feely shit is good for the human body and mind. We really thrive we are close to people who have good chemistry. Wouldn't you enjoy, my socially awkward mermaid?"

All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 WVMWLOu
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All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 Empty Re: All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]

Mon May 11, 2020 2:11 pm


Enter Celeste


All Washed Up [Adam/Celeste]  - Page 3 6EdIfMt

Celeste only softly exhaled, letting the little gremlin touch her up as she rested, rolling her eyes as she cupped an arm over his torso. Though she didn't go at him as aggressively as he did to her, she enjoyed the little touches and feels she gave, eyes half shut as she let out a relaxed breath.

"Hey, i'm not. You're just real fuckin' aggressive about someone who isn't a super out there person..."

She rested, shuffling upon the jelly-like furniture, having leaned up closer to Adam. She was fine with putting her defenses down for the moment, she felt... Happy, talking to this charming troll, and the way he felt her up only made her feel more at ease. Hearing his desire for a magical war bird made her laugh softly, flicking his forehead,

"Those are probably super expensive, stupid. You'd probably forget to feed it anyway. Well.. There are wild ones, but... They're probably harder to train, unless you want giant bird shit on your floor every morning."

She giggled softly, a lazy smile spanning ear to ear as the lights of her home dimmed a bit, soon she felt her chest being touched. Ah, that little action again... Well, she was fine with it. For a guy she met today, he was rather endearing.

As he spoke, she was already undoing her blouse, soon looking back at his blood red eyes,

"Dude, cool it with the pretty words. You wanna fuck or not?"

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