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One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Wed Sep 02, 2020 7:28 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 JCRrxmK

The plan Hanako suggested was foolproof. Taking turns then attacking to improve both their skills whilst attacking Jaeden was a smart idea, but a thought lingered in her mind.

Does she know about Jaeden's hollow abilities? Sure he's only shown a small portion when training with him. Even without them the speed clones were the main issue both she and Hanako had to deal with thats if he was going to use them that is.

"Sounds like a plan. For a second Yoriko briefly looked at Hanako seeing that compared to her sword it seemed like second nature for the woman. Flexing her arms the shinigami can feel the intense pressure coursing throughout her body, everything felt heavy even taking a single step. Her movements felt that of a snail

Yoriko looked at Hanako, as she began explaining her specialties to which the shinigami nods."That's fine with me, whatever helps. I'm mostly just a powerhouse with speed. Well, not at the level of Jaden."

Looking down at the line Jaeden created a sweat gleamed down her face. Taking a deep breath as she exaled, stepping over the line. The training was about to begin
"Guess i'm up first."Yoriko stared at Jaeden for a moment, she knew that posture he's giving.

Strength was the main objective but cooperation was key. The restricted movement was going to be infuriating; starting off Yoriko lifted a large-sized rock from off the ground. Placing it above her head, her feet began to move awkwardly beginning to stumble due to the bands before throwing it at Jaeden after chucking it bits of sweat dripped down her face.

But she had to keep going, the rocks were mostly a distraction to give Hanako enough time to do her thing. Hopefully that'd be enough to lure Jaeden off from her, if it was successful Yoriko would continue this time with her feet pushing them forward towards the man. She'd wait for an attack from Hanako and attempt to flank Jaeden from the side..her movement was very restricted but hopefully it'd be enough.

Ame no ko
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One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Thu Sep 03, 2020 7:25 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

When Yoriko started by throwing rocks Hanako knew she would have to make haste. She had no idea how long Yoriko could keep this up without a break, but surely Jaeden wouldn’t just stand around and let her throw parts of the landscape at him. So she dashed to the side a few steps, put in a short flashstep, and ran a few steps more.

Her movement was circular around Jaeden, although she didn’t plan to get behind his back completely. That would require too much time and give away the plan, she reckoned. So she planned on really just flanking him, meaning to get on his right side. If he then turned towards her, he would present his side or maybe even his back to Yoriko, depending on how she would move.

Of course the whole plan hinged on Jaeden ‘playing along’. On the level he was, compared to Hanako, and maybe Yoriko also, it would be hideously easy for him to deal with anything that was thrown at him here. He probably could knock both of them out without even drawing his blade, not even thinking about what his abilities might be. Were this a real fight, it would probably have been over a while ago.

Suddenly and surprisingly, at least Hanako hoped it would be, she changed direction with a flashstep. She felt the strain of doing two steps shortly after one another with extra weight. Still, she sprinted the last few steps and then leaped forward, sword over her head. From her lips came a fierce battle cry, that was even more impressive since it came from an almost two meter tall woman that normally preferred to stay quiet.

She would do a strong overhead blow, straight down, utilizing the extra pounds her sword had put on. Since she knew from experience that she couldn’t really harm Jaeden, even if he wouldn’t parry, she didn’t hold back and let the spiritual pressure she had flow, to present a noticeable opponent. But the whole attack wasn’t aimed at hurting anyone, in fact it was supposed to be feigned. Together with her cry it was all intended to get Jaedens attention, if only for a moment. But this initial step in their plan was crucial, to get him to turn away from Yoriko, so Hanako really piled it on.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Sun Sep 06, 2020 12:34 pm

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

The first matter was chunks of landscape flying at him. Yoriko had matured certainly in this skirmish thus far. She knew better than to cross the line he made. Her aim was good and that was a good exercise for her to gain strength. Her partner however made a choice that was risky.

Time was a limited thing in these instances, but he had plenty to react to both of them. The rock's speed came first with a rather good velocity behind it. Merely extending his free hand's finger a small orange glow formed.

Firing a blast of Bala that crackled to life slamming into the rock. With enough force to shatter it. His focus alternated to the charging Hanako next. She had crossed the line of skirmish and used two flash steps to try and out move him.

Moving his position slightly so the girl would be pointed towards Yoriko. He altered the weight of his Zanpakuto and sung it horizontally with enough weight and force behind it like a sledgehammer. Releasing a burst of his built-up energy around the sheathed weapon.

If it went as planned the girl would fly towards Yoriko and land into her or near her. He altered the weight of his Zanpakuto back to normal now. Feeling his muscles relax more. As he began speaking now finally to address them both.

"Yoriko, it's a good choice to stay far and see what I'll do. Hanako, don't feel as though you have to rush in right away. Consider the options and what type of Swordsmanship you use. Not all of us have the luxury that Zaraki had. So we have to use our minds as well as our swords to defeat people. When you swing your blade, what do you feel?"

Jaeden stayed behind his line continuing as he knew his time as Jaeden would be ending soon. This would be the last time they got to meet him under that name.

"A sword isn't just a weapon or a tool, it's part of us and our identity as swordswoman and swordsman. We each have a distinct style we strive towards with all we have. What are you striving towards, a faster style or a more power-oriented one? Once these are answered your path will become more clear."

His eyes turned to Yoriko, he praised her but now it was time to give her some food for thought.

"You wish to improve your strength, but what is your reason what will it tie together with? Strength alone is feeble, it must connect in unity with something..even Radioactive has something that his raw power syncs up with, what will you sync yours with?"

He would await their answers and give direction next before they continued. His style of teaching was to evoke from his students, to bring about thought in them. This would be the time for them to consider what he said and their answers.

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One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Wed Sep 09, 2020 12:21 pm

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Yoriko saw rocks fly towards Jaeden at great speeds only to be reduced into rubble by his Balas. His eyes motioning towards Hanako, seeing his sword swing at a horizontal direction. The force was enough to slightly move the girl back, unsure of whether Hanako was going to fly towards her. If she was heading towards her she'd try to catch to though it'll be a bit rough due to the speed at which she would be going.

If Hanako went next to her she'd attempt to smooth the ground by pushing the ground towards the direction she was going.

Of course Jaeden had to review their progress, it was a good attempt but much too be desired. Figures
Honestly Yoriko wanted a power oriented one as the earth represented strength but the balance of speed was her main issue. With a sigh she looked at Jaeden and explained what she wanted to accomplish.
"Well strength unifies with my abilities, the earth we're standing on represents sturdiness, requires strength. If i can't maintain that the strength will work against me. She said, once again he gave Yoriko a through thought on what her goal is.

She wasn't sure what Jaeden was talking about this Radioactive person. But judging by his words the training he did was similar to her own at least in her mind that is.

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Sat Sep 12, 2020 7:06 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

Hanako really had hoped that Jaeden would try to keep his level down, but she should have known better. She saw it coming and in the last moment concentrated her energies to a faint icy blue glow around her body. With force his, thankfully sheathed, sword hit her and the blow hurled her past him and towards Yoriko. She passed the other woman with only a few centimeters space between them. For the fraction of a second she could see Yoriko, looked her in the face, then she was past and slammed into the ground. The impact was far softer than she would have expected.

When the dust settled Hanako could see that the ground had been moved and she assumed that Yoriko was responsible for that. Her eyes searched Yoriko's and with a nod and smile Hanako expressed her honest thanks.

When she coughed out a little bit of dust that had gotten into her throat.

" be perfectly honest: this wasn't a real attack. It was a feigned one to draw your attention and to give Yoriko an opportunity to flank you."

With a brief glance Hanako checked her sword for any damage. There was none.

"Of course I knew that you could outmaneuver and overpower both of us without even breaking a sweat, no matter what tactics we use. I may not be good at it but even I can tell you're at least captain-level. So the plan hinged on you 'playing along' since this was supposed to be training. Didn't work, but was worth a try."

She readied herself with a neutral stance from which she could use many different techniques: right foot forward, left foot a bit back for a very stable stand. Sword in both hands and held right before the center of gravity in Hanako's body. The tip pointed in the rough direction of Jaeden's face.

"Simply put: I like my sword. I like how it feels in my hand, how the weight is balanced and how it cuts through the air when I swing it. I do train quite a lot with it and I think it is perfect for me. No other weapon would do."

'What it is beyond a sword, what it would be that sets it apart from all other swords, I still can not say.' she thought, but didn't say it out loud.

When Jaeden asked about what style Hanako wanted for her swordsork she gave it some thought.

"I guess...both. I need power to strike down an enemy and speed to get past his defenses. I want to be flexible enough in my style to overcome any enemy. The way I see it I can't afford to rely on just either power or speed."

In her voice there was determination. Hanako was willing to work hard, so much was clear. Only that the reasons for her determination were gradually changing. In the beginning it was simply to strengthen her shell so no damage from the outside could break it and no one would ever see that nothing was inside it. But now, slowly, she was beginning to see a purpose for her being here. The shell didn't feel so empty and her striving to get stronger wasn't a purpose of it's own anymore. She no longer wanted to get stronger just to be strong.
Of course she was still far away from being a well adjusted soul but progress was still progress.

Meanwhile Hanako was beginning to question how any training progress would be made here. Jaeden had to know that he outgunned Yoriko and Hanako by quite a margin and even to think of really defeating him was idle, since none of their spiritual pressures could break through his'. So why did he brush off their attacks so easily just now instead of giving them a proper sparring?

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:36 pm

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

He listened thinking about what they each needed. The one girl was simple to address, Hanako's problem could be solved easily. Yoriko was seeking greater physical prowess. He slipped his blade into his belt loop satisfied with the answers. It was enough to give him ideas and plans. He reached out a hand slowly using gravity to cause small chunks of earth to form from the ground. Rocks and such as he drew his sword cutting them into pieces. "Yoriko, stand on this...we are going to work on your strength and endurance both. "

The way it had been carved by his blade set the works into raise thin points but with enough room to stretch out one's arms. And stand in a position akin to doing a crouching position with one's arms held out.

He used two quick flash steps bringing metal pots over and sitting them down. "The nature of this training is standing without sub coming to the spikes around you of earth. While holding these pots, they are heavy I'm keeping their gravity at a small level for now. But I can increase it once you feel confident, this will help grip and your physical body's endurance. "

He walked away rubbing at his neck as he looked at Hanko. Only one choice to be told for her. "Very well, I do have a solution for you..I'm not sure how well you'll grasp it..But the point of it is different for each. " He walked towards one of the dummies as he spoke softly.

"I'll teach you Shigure Shinrin Ryu, it means Shower in the Forest. Just as no two tree's are alike your style may differ from mine. "

He said drawing his sword slowly as he would show her the first form. "The style branches and evolves based on your skill..the first Form Yari no Am, is merely the introduction to something.." He lowered his center of gravity before thrusting forward. His blade slamming into the figure with a well-timed thrust.

"The idea is to concentrate energy into your blade and release it, in my case cero or Bala works well. Your Zanpakuto or something along the lines that fits you better could be used."

Raising his blade upwards he assumed something akin to a stance now, as a crimson glow enveloped his blade's tip. He thrust releasing a blast that left the dummy dented. He sheathed his sword yet again. Gesturing for her to try now as he decided to tell them something.

"Training is about finding the method that best fits you, I understand it's hard to attack someone you perceive stronger. But sometimes that is how we improve, Yoriko. I do have something in mind for you further as well. "

He said while glancing back to Yoriko aware that the training was strange for them. Sparring ended and they got right into the meat of things.

"Hanako, don't feel as though you need to copy my form one either, your sword speaks as you move your body. Let it flow naturally as the wind does. " A solution for Hanako wasn't hard. BUt Yoriko he needed something constructive for the girl.

Henrex had taught her things so had a few others. Her style was informed by that, was she a ranged fighter like she seemed to indicate? The girl didn't close distances often. His hand came to his jaw as he sat in deep thought. Problematic, she used that power very often. The earth was her base, could he build on that foundation somehow? Maybe, that would be the key.

He had an idea, but it would take time to get her to that level. Not to mention, effort on her part wouldn't be small. They'd be magnificent members of the Gotei one day if they followed the path life gave them.

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One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Sun Sep 20, 2020 8:44 pm

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 JCRrxmK

Yoriko watched as rocks began to form from the ground Jaden was standing via gravity. Only for them to be cut cleanly, the girl stood on the rocks. Seemed like another exercise, what intrigued her was what would happen next. Looking at the pots in confusion, listening to Jaeden's intentions for the exercise but she didn't argue.

Long as it could increase her strength anything is better than nothing, the objective seemed simple enough just stand and not get stabbed by the spikes. The intensifying gravity may be an issue and these pans were no joke, with a "Alright. I accept your challenge She said smiling watching as he walked away and talked to Hanako.

Something about trees? Who knows, she wasn't really paying attention but what was in front of her. These two pans, spikes, and the rocks she's standing on..

Hopefully she'll get something new to master, but it was time for the two women to begin their training exercises.

She figured to hold the pans close,but that'd be a cop out. Holding them outward would yield a greater challenge but a thought lingered in her mind. Which was worse, having her noodle arms give out or the gravity pushing her downward.

Ame no ko
Ame no ko
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One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Wed Sep 23, 2020 11:04 am

The Big Woman

Hanako Yamada

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 6EdIfMt

When Jaeden sheathed his sword after the demonstration Hanako looked at her own. Thanks to the weight clipped to it she wasn't able to sheath it, so she still carried it in her hand. Once again she had that eerie feeling that the blade disapproved of the weight. It was the same strange feeling one had when discovering a face in a pot-plant and from then on feeling as if it was watching.

She nodded when Jaeden encouraged her to not follow his exact movements. It made sense to not force a style on someone, but make it so it can be adapted.
For her first try she decided to copy Jaeden's moves somewhat. It was as good a point to start as any. She had trained stabbing motions, yes, but never used in actual combat, so her basis was thin anyways.

She grabbed the sword with two hands, lowered her center of gravity and shifted it slightly onto her front foot. Then she lunged forward and stabbed the training dummy. With a dull sound the tip of the blade pierced the puppet. She repeated the exercise a few times before she began modifying it. She simulated drawing the sword by holding it to her left side and moving as if she was pulling it out of it's sheath, carefully, as to not cut herself. In the same motion she brought it to her other side and back next to her hip, before she executed a powerful, one-handed thrust, using the strength of her body center. She had trained this in aikiken, but almost forgotten about it. Now she had to make herself reacquainted with the technique. But the memories came back quickly and so she could even vary it, for example with an evasive movement before she's stab the dummy.

She was stabbing for quite a while and could already feel the strain in her shoulders and arms, due to the unfamiliar weight of her sword. What she couldn't feel was any way to release energy from the tip of the blade. Jaeden had his bala, a technique that was obviously well suited for something like this. But what did she have? Kido? Not really. She was only able to use the upper third of the numbers effectively and even those left much to be desired in terms of overall strength. And now trying to use a kido and let it run along the blade...not likely.
But...what if she just used raw energy? Channel reiatsu into the blade and somehow release it.

Hanako closed her eyes and concentrated. This was something she had never tried before and it wouldn't be easy. She summoned her energy and with a hiss her reiatsu became visible in a icy-blue aura, the same color as her eyes. This part was pretty standard. Every Shinigami could control his energies at least this much. Now for the hard part.

She raised the sword until it was before her, right in front of her body center. Then she tried to visualise the energy flowing through her arms, into the blade, coating it. At first it didn't work but then at least a partial glow coated the metal.

Without hesitation Hanako stabbed the dummy. Blue energy glistened and dust swirled up…
When the dust settled it turned out that the dummy wasn't that much damaged, apart from the stab with a steel sword. Obviously the energy had been released from the whole blade, not just the tip, and dissipated in a harmless small forcewave.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Fri Sep 25, 2020 10:32 am

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 6EdIfMt


Artist: n/a - Song: n/a

His eyes watched the movements she made, adjustments made on the fly to change things. He never built the style for a single usage technique. It was meant to be different, each form as seamlessly changed for the user. To fit like a fresh glove over a different hand. His eyes circled back to Yoriko. An idea struck him now, one that hadn't before.

"This style has twelve forms total, I can teach you the first three if you want. Then you can change them and evolve them into your own building Shigue Shinrin Ryu, is never the same for any user. That is your choice however if you feel confident enough to learn the other two."

Jaeden said before turning his attention to Yoriko again and walking to her. Having an idea for what she could try to do. He didn't stop her endurance training yet, letting her remain there.

"Correct me if I am wrong Yoriko, but you prefer long-ranged combat with your earth powers. You could combine them with melee offense to give you a martial art. For example, let me see here."

He threw a jab at the air almost like practicing something. "You could throw a punch and have the earth attack them at the same time. Sort of a second blow coming from the very earth. Doesn't have to be big, landslides aren't always caused by the large but sometimes the small."

Far as he could tell he was giving insight to both of them, showing them a path and better way to utilize their strengths. Hanako would be fine with Shigure Shinrin Ryu, but Yoriko needed something to build off of. He was a melee specialist, far from being a skilled ranged combat specialist.

Who could he send her to meet that would fit that need? Once upon a time, the Gotei had many ranged specialists in their employ. If she didn't like that, what could he teach her? That was the trouble, Henrex had done good work with Yoriko.

But this gap in her skills didn't just need speed. She needed a landmark something that was her own. He could rack his brains for her as a teacher that was the best thing he could do.

He'd await both girl's responses because if Yoriko liked the idea. He could move her to the dummies and help her and Hanako both at once. The first three forms were seamless, he could even help Yoriko develop something.

To create a concert of the powers and skills she had. Shinobi arts were difficult to discern a pathway forward with. She utilized earth, not a shadow or something inherently stealthy. Rocks were bold and strong objects that could break through ironclad defenses. His job was to polish the diamonds before him until they shined. That was the duty he took, their weren't any Captains teaching right now. So it was the job of the man who was once a Crow.

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One Lump or Two  - Page 2 Empty Re: One Lump or Two

Thu Oct 08, 2020 4:53 am

The Wandering Genin

Yoriko Morri

One Lump or Two  - Page 2 JCRrxmK

All three? Twelve different styles? Normally anyone would be overwhelmed, me? I take initiative, show away teacher." she smiled, a thumbs would've been followed after but the pans were in the way.

Regardless Jaden approached her, asking of her preferred style and making a unique combat out of that. Looking at him curiously [color#=00008B]"Yes. And a martial art?[/color] She asked, only to have her question answered by Jaeden's demonstration.

A simple jab and an attack to follow through; thinking about it looking back at what she did earlier with the rock. It was good to show her long range preference but it was slow, inefficient, and risky.

By the time the rock would be over her head the chance to be attacked by anything increases tenfold.

"Hey Hanako. How you doing? You think Jaeden's teachings helping you? she asked turned her head, looking at the dummy the shinigami pierced.

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