Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Left_bar_bleue42100/16000Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Empty_bar_bleue  (42100/16000)

Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Empty Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt]

Thu Jan 21, 2021 10:28 pm


Enter Zephyr


Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] 6EdIfMt

T'was just another day in this wild wonderful world. The birds were singing, the snow was falling, and a Hollow's patience was being severely tested by a particularly curious and reckless man. The small Hollow continuously had pebbles flung at it randomly, much to the beast's irritation. The source of these haunted pebbles wouldn't be apparent to the creature, though Zephyr was making a little game out of how long he could irritate the creature until it found him.

He was going for about five minutes at the moment.

Zephyr refused to make things easy for it; any time it came close to finding his hiding space, he'd have a pebble hit it from a completely different direction, luring it away.

'Zephyr, don't you think this is a little unbecoming of you..?'

"Oh come now, it's just a little fooling around; am I making it too unfair?"


"Oh fine.."

Suddenly, the man would burst from the bushes, hands cupped over his bandaged mouth, and hollered as loud as he could,


The already pretty irritated being practically lunged for him the second he popped out, causing the man to duck out of the way of it's advancement,

"Woop! Did you really think it'd be so easy- Aah!"

He hopped out of the way several times of it's snapping jaws, until he took one large leap upon a tree branch,

"Goodness gracious! I suppose you speak over your buddies with how prone to interruption you are! At least, I think you do? Do you even speak? Not sure i've ever heard one of you speak..."

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Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Empty Re: Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt]

Mon Jan 25, 2021 7:11 pm


Meeting in the Snow

Fate was a strange thing.

Even as the half-god carelessly needled the corrupted soul among the swirling soul, several black robed figured fought for their lives against the very same. They were neither heroes nor villains, nor did they possess the power to topple mountains or drain seas. They were but simple Shinigami, fighting and bleeding for the cause that was the purpose of their existence. Only a few of them possessed the ability to activate their Zanpaktou's powers, and even the ones that did could barely produce a few sparks or tongues of flame, not nearly enough to hold back the Hollow onslaught.

Laskt watched the pitched battle from the top of a hill, letting his feet swing idly in the breeze as he noted every aspect of his subordinates' technique. Captain Yoshitsune had been right when he said the Combat Division needed a good battle or two to shake out the cobwebs. Laskt hadn't wanted to believe it, but rank and file of the Fourth Division were painfully inexperienced when faced with a enemy even slightly above the norm. Sure, they might be good for freshly formed Hollows or even ones that had devoured a handful of souls. But when faced with the older kind, they had no recourse.

Sighing, Laskt got to his fleet, blurring into motion with his Zanpaktou in hand. One by one, the Hollows were dispatched with clinical efficiency, often not even having time to register the threat before the Vizard ran them through. When it was done, Laskt stood in front of his group, shaking his head in mild disapproval. "I see you still require more practice before you can be entrusted wiz a sector to patrol. Do not worry, it is not somezing you will be punished for, merely a fault to be.....gently corrected. I will talk wiz each of you individually once we return to Soul Society." He finished, flicking his Zanpaktou at the open air with a sharp flick of his wrist, opening the Senkaimon home.

The Vizard was about to follow his exhausted soldiers through the portal when a strong Reiatsu prickled at the edge of his Spiritual Senses. He turned sharply, "Return to ze barrack, I will handle zis."

Laskt burst from the trees a few feet away from the Hollow, his Zanpaktou forming a glittering line as he attempted to take the Hollow's head from its shoulders. The knight would turn to face the strange being,"Good evening Monsieur, my name is Laskt Matiche. May I ask why you are playing keep away with ze corrupted soul of a human?" The knight asked cautiously, not quite sheathing his blade.

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Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Empty Re: Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt]

Sat Jan 30, 2021 9:02 pm


Enter Zephyr


Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] 6EdIfMt

Zephyr's eyes widened as he saw the beast's head get lopped right off, a muffled whistle escaping his bandages as he witnessed such a swift kill. Soon then, some blonde guy with a funny tongue would come out, asking him why he was messing around with 'a corrupted soul'. Zephyr's eyebrow raised, his knees slowly bending as he would slip to hang off the tree branch by his feet, with an impressive display of upper body strength did he position himself to look at the stranger in such a bizarre position,

"Huh~? What do you mean? All I see's a beast here, young lad!"

The man had a rather jovial tone, smiling with his eyes,

"No need to reach for that sti- err I mean sword! Wow what a brisk strike, the people of this age certainly are primed for battle!"

He would then cross his arms, loosing his feet from the tree and flipping forward, feet firmly planted on the ground as the clearly shorter man would tilt his head,

"Well I was just seeing how long it would take for that creature to actually find me, but I suppose my little game was a bit unfair for it."

He tilted his head, "Besides, it was sauntering a little too close to my bed."

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Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Empty Re: Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt]

Sun Jan 31, 2021 4:37 pm


Meeting in the Snow

Laskt frowned as the strange man, instead of simply hopping off the tree to greet him, swung himself around the branch, holding himself up with nothing but his legs. It seemed wholly unnecessary and showy to the Shinigami officer, but for now he held his tongue.

"So it mostly for entertainment zen? You must be quite bored indeed if zat is what amuses you Monsieur."

The man's cavalier attitude was oddly aggravating. True, Laskt loathed Hollow as much as the next Shinigami, but to see the remnant of human souls be treated like a source of entertainment rubbed him entirely the wrong way. He could feel his personal Hollow stirring as well at the bizarreness of it all, sending out the slightest hint of.......agreement? It really was a strange day wasn't it?

To distract himself, Laskt glanced around the snow-covered clearing noting the churned Earth and numerous scattered rocks before returning his gaze to the strange man, "An odd place to set up a home Monsieur, especially wiz ze way ze world is in zese times." Laskt called up, his tone questioning. Perhaps it was a bit blunter than intended, but the Vizard was very curious about this strange man. He was like nothing Laskt had ever sensed, and encounters with unknown entities had usually turned out quite badly for him.

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Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Empty Re: Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt]

Sun Feb 07, 2021 8:06 am


Enter Zephyr


Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] 6EdIfMt

Zephyr shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, "Me? Bored? You're crazy; I'm never bored!"

The man seemed rather cheerful and unbothered by the elements, gently and ever so slightly swinging to and fro, his jovial mood unmatched by any in this world as the odd man before him seemed strangely critical of his actions. To Zephyr, he wasn't doing any more poorly than harassing an animal, which still was quite bad admittedly.

"Ah you know, you wake up from stone sleep, have nothing to yourself, must hunker down in the woods alone, and eat bugs. That's just life, am I right?"

Despite the circumstance he just described, he was smiling, joyful, as he stared at the man,

"Though I don't believe mine eyes have rested upon a being such as yourself before. Where do you hail from?"

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Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt] Empty Re: Oi! Get Off Me Lawn! [Zephyr/Laskt]

Thu Feb 11, 2021 9:03 pm

Honorable Vizard

Laskt Matiche

"Zen wh-" Laskt started, before shaking his head and stopping. Judging by the pleased smile on the strange man's face, he obviously did not see anything wrong with his actions, and the Vizard didn't want to press him too harshly on the subject until he was sure of the situation. He was, after all, an officer now, and couldn't simply throw away his safety to simply make a point any longer.

"Stone sleep?" Laskt questioned, "Irregardless it sounds like you are perhaps in need of some help Monsieur. Perhaps I can escort you to a settlement of some kind?" The Shinigami suggested politely, his eyes watchful. One did not simply hunker down in the wilderness out of choice unless they either wished to be alone, or had something to run from.

"As for myself, I am a member of Soul Society's Gotei Thirteen in the area for a training exercise. Nothing too special."Laskt said dismissively.
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