Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
Age : 27

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A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return

Tue Feb 23, 2021 6:05 pm
A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Saisei couldn't help but feel awash with emotion. He had finally understood what his most problematic visions meant at their core. Each and every hallucination he's ever had could be tied back to a single source. Azure Iramasha, a man without a voice nor a face. Despite that, it clawed at the innards of his mind without fail. While he struggled to contain himself, Saisei understood fully what his goals were from here on out.

"Fair point. Can't really help someone if they're in a sorry state. huh?"

To the average person, Chifuyu's words would sting rather harshly. To Saisei, at this point anything was better than suffering alone. A mental break was one of the few things the boy couldn't muster the strength to fight alone. After all the things life could throw at him, even death itself was far from whatever Husk and his hallucinations were. Nevertheless, he straightened himself once more as Chifuyu made clear she wouldn't be working for just nothing. Of course, that was to be expected when asking for help. A hand for a hand, right?

"Frankly, first thing is first. I have to ask, who was Azure Iramasha to you? I'll give anything you need in return for the info you can give me. Nothing fair about it bein' a one sided trade."

The boy rushed to Chifuyu's side, a bright smile illuminating his dull face for what felt like the first time in hours. Sharing a smile was in Saisei's nature, the events that had transpired in recent time were clearly ones that would keep any normal human being from a smile. That was something that could effect the boy for months, maybe even years to come.

Pointing at himself, Saisei looked Chifuyu up and down before silently thinking. Frankly, the boy had no clue what the woman would request in exchange for whatever information he received. Saisei had very little to give to others outside of general knowledge. After all, his life was spent learning and learning well. It's what he did best.

"Any chance you know anything about this guy too?"

He pointed to his head before tapping on it repeatedly. He spoke of the man that came before, someone named Husk. Saisei didn't entirely understand the situation, only that Husk was part of Azure and they seemed to be hand in hand with one another.

"Some prick named Husk. Ring any bells? He likes talkin' a lot and I'm not the biggest fan..."

'I hear everything you and this little woman talk about, you do know that right, boy?'

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

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A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return

Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:06 pm
A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 Template-header


"No. So pull yourself together."

Moving on, Chifuyu listened to his first question. How would she describe that, there were a couple more esoteric routes to explain that but for now the old fashion way seemed most appropriate until she could prepare to give him a chance to meet that which he feared.

"Azure was the former leader of the Vanguard and my mentor. I decided to join the organisation after wanting to distance myself from things at the time and he took note of me. That's how we met."

That was the short of it all. Chifuyu didn't elaborate on how he treated or impacted her growth. If anything she just gave him the objective details of who he was.

"Also leader of the Hybrid Iramasha. Yes, there was that time as well."

When he brought up the second individual Chifuyu thought about it. Husk was an unfamiliar name but Azure never really felt like he was alone after Iceland. She hadn't thought about it too much, if anything in a twisted sense she might've viewed Husk as a good thing. Taking away the more sentimental aspects that her younger self viewed as unnecessary.

She did miss the way he interacted with her though afterwards. There was something nice and she felt bad that she didn't do enough to help him.

"He sounds like something irrelevant. If he becomes problematic, tell me though."

For the moment if she downplayed it. If she could antagonise the thing that stole Azure from her, it gave her satisfaction. If Saisei could erase his existence on his own then that was something for him, but if it thought it could take both of them. She would intervene this time and happily erase that pestilence.


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The Hybrid King
Joined : 2011-06-06
Posts : 2654
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A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return

Tue Feb 23, 2021 7:39 pm
A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Chifuyu was as harsh as harsh could get. It was but a game to Saisei, however. As soon as knowledge was brought into the mix he was gone. The one thing he always ached for, the thirst for knowledge. At the moment, Chifuyu was his fountain of youth. He had hoped from here on out he'd be able to drink from her well without question. If she would allow him, Saisei would accept her everything as it flooded his system.

Snapping out of his incessant thirst, he crossed him arms and listened. Chifuyu spoke clearly and with intent, the information she divvied out was almost diamond-like in quality. The young recruit couldn't help but fill with elation. His savior had finally arrived.

"So you knew him personally, interesting... I figure if so many people knew him he had to be important. Leading something like The Vanguard must have been pretty demanding, especially now that I rarely ever hear about it outside of archives back on base..."

His words trailed off as he thought of the City of Light, Saisei rubbing at his neck as he began to fill with worry. The Vandenreich might have issue with his current situation, it was better kept secret that he heard a little voice in his head at all times. If he didn't, command might take note and try to keep him cooped up. Husk would be a simple figment of his imagination if he could keep the Vandenreich at bay.

Shaking his head, he looked to the sky and clutched his chest. Hope was all Saisei needed to live his life to it's fullest.

"Will do Ma'am. On to my next set of questions. You 'oughta prepare yourself."

He was a ferocious beast, Saisei's words beginning to drown out the rest of the natural noises of the world. Chifuyu wouldn't be escaping the clutches of his mind anytime soon. With that being the case, the best thing for her to do is accept her circumstances and move on with life.

After all, Saisei had finally found the one thing he had been chasing since birth. Who was he?

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 FXpoQxJ
A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 2Y9rqGk

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Joined : 2016-02-15
Posts : 5810
Age : 24
Location : Good Question.

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A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 Empty Re: A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return

Tue Feb 23, 2021 8:10 pm
A Lost Soul | Azure Iramasha's Return - Page 2 Template-header


How cute, she liked him. It reminded her of Aria. The endless curiousity, however it was different she felt. Aria cared about things in a greater scale but Saisei seemed to be focused on the specifics. Although their circumstances were similar while she thought about it in the falling snow, leading him away from this scene. It wasn't her business to fight

"It was. Lots of things were a toll for him. You'll find Saisei the more you give, the more you have to give the more you'll lose."

There was a lot of things she wanted to assess, maybe even finding the how of Saisei. What he could do, how much of Azure had actually carried over. She felt like he was missing a bit but for now she just gave him the odd answer to the question he asked. Not really paying much heed while she thought about the approach she was going to be taking with him.

She heard the little voice in her head watching from above, wanting to know if she could come as well. After a very serious pause for consideration she yielded, not right now though. Maybe soon. The most she really gave was letting her possess the small amount of Aria's crystalline structure inside her body to get to peek around and borrow her senses.

It sure was a pretty day, who knew it could snow in Africa. It only occurred to one of them that the kanji for Chifuyu's name was written with winter.


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