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The Hybrid King
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Bottom Of The Barrel

Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:31 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Finally. The world was changing. Saisei felt the shift in the wind, life was finally moving in a direction he could appreciate. Today was the day that he would get to remove himself of his vestige. The newest recruit was no longer Saisei but a new boy by the name of Loukas. Loukas Holt, to be exact.

Saisei had already started making his way to the main rotunda of the dormitories that he and new recruits occupied as of late. With the sun high, many of the organization's members were already undergoing their daily rituals. For Saisei, his day always began with the same routine. Clothe yourself before you go downstairs, always grab something light to eat before arriving at the fountain. After arriving at the fountain, beg that today would be the day a new recruit was finally joining their ranks. Today's routine differed as one would expect with the arrival of Loukas Holt.

"Alright, Saisei. Getcha'self in the mood. You are the boss, you've waited all your life for this. You're the one in charge. Top of ladder, no one above you. You got this man, you got this."

Saisei stood before the spouting fountain, the gentle sound of water swishing back and forth filled his mind. His hands left marks along his face, rough slaps bringing him to the present as he tried to psyche himself up. Loukas was in for it, he thought. If Loukas was a troublemaker he was in for a world of hurt. Frankly, Saisei had no room to talk given the mess he had made of the nearby training center. Saisei vowed he'd do that to the boy if he had alternative motives.

Yeah, that was right. He flexed his muscles as he thought of all the terrible things Loukas could be. The new recruit better be watchin' his back, Saisei thought. Mr. large and in charge was on the scene. Finishing with his little spectacle, he stood up straight and awaited the arrival of the boy. The breeze left the scent of the ocean filling his senses as he waited, Saisei lived quite the interesting life.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

Bottom Of The Barrel FXpoQxJ
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Tue Feb 23, 2021 9:51 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

A lot of things had changed since that fateful day. Nothing was the same for Loukas, and nothing would ever be the same again. There would doubtlessly be a lot of trials and tribulations he had to go through now. His world was ending, shattering.

It was just way too bright out, after all. Of course, Loukas had his hood up, but still, the sunlight irritated his eyes immensely, making him squint against the glare as he looked down, hands shoved in his pockets to protect the sensitive skin from the burning glare. It just wasn't fair that even after changing into something completely different, he still sweat like a pig, roasting underneath his clothes. Frankly, in this very moment, sweltering as he was, Loukas wasn't sure that living like this was worth it.

These thoughts were just momentary, of course. The general doomsaying of someone experiencing a minor inconvenience. Truly, the definition of first world problems. It was also an easy way to distract himself from the upcoming and sure to be mortifying experience of being known, specifically as new blood. Almost ironic, considering what Loukas was now.

He slouched as he continued walking, making his way to the fountain, groaning internally as he imagined how people might react to him and his eyes. He still disliked looking at his own reflection and seeing the bright red staring back at him, so intensely different from the bland color he was used to. As Loukas arrived, he squinted further upon seeing a person. A person who seemed to be... flexing? Baffled, he paused in his tracks, staring at the spectacle for a moment until he figured it must just be a normal sight around here, continuing on his path. But he might have also tried his best to not draw the stranger's attention to himself. Not very well, but he tried. Give him an A for effort, why don't you?

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
The Hybrid King
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Tue Feb 23, 2021 10:39 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

Saisei continued the flex as he waited. The comical nature of the boy's actions weren't falling on deaf eyes, sadly. Each and every recruit that walked by him gave him a look of disappointment. So much for the recruit brought in by Helle Armstrong herself. If anything, he resembled a child rather than a legitimate recruit. The stares continued with each flex, his eyes slowly beginning to realize the mistake he had been making so very clearly.

Giving a loud cough, Saisei straightened once again before realizing one of recruits watching him was the famed Loukas himself. Spittle blew from his mouth, coating the fountain's edge as he struggled to focus on the task at hand. He had already made a buffoon of himself already. So much for top of the ladder, he thought. Alas, power was never meant to be within the boy's grasp. Tumbling down the ladder with his already hurt pride, Saisei spoke up.

"R-Right then. Loukas Holt, I presume? I'm Saisei, nice to meet you."

He reached a hand out in hopes of getting a solid handshake from the recruit. His file was rather sickening, filled with the reasoning as to why he was currently with the Vandenreich. After a half day of torture, the organization took the boy in in hopes of helping him with his new nature. Saisei wasn't entirely fond of knowing the boy's dirty laundry, it made him feel disrespectful. Nevertheless, he came prepared because of that very reason.

"I'm not really sure how to go about this, so let me be frank. When they asked me to introduce you around, the hospital also requested I keep a few of these on me."

Taking a small pack from a bag he had sat next to the fountain, Saisei tossed a blood pack towards the boy before continuing.

"Sorry about the poor start, you don't have to drink if you don't want to. I'd just like to help however I can. You alright with following me around for a bit? I've got a lot to show you before we really get to the nitty and gritty of what we're really about here."

His infectious smile beamed, elation filling him to the brim as he awaited Loukas' response. Saisei was genuinely happy about the newest recruit. He wasn't as alone anymore.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

Bottom Of The Barrel FXpoQxJ
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Tue Feb 23, 2021 11:13 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

Unfortunately, it seemed Loukas couldn't avoid interaction with the weirdo who continued to flex while he'd tried to sneak past. He thought momentarily about ignoring Saisei and his outstretched hand, but by the time he'd decided not to, there'd been a too long and awkward pause. Loukas lifted a hand up to his mouth, clearing his throat behind it, holding in a wince at the sudden sunlight on his fingers, and avoided looking directly at the other recruit.

"Uh, yeah. I'm Loukas. Nice to meet you too, man." Loukas tried for casual, hoping to somehow salvage the situation, even though truly it wasn't even that bad. He squinted at Saisei's hand before finally reaching out himself to grasp it firmly, giving a small squeeze before letting go and returning his hand to his pocket. Had that been too weird? Too short? It'd been a while since he'd been this nervous meeting someone new.

Saisei pulled out a pack of blood and tossed it at him and Loukas caught it, fumbling with it a little. Dumbly, he stared down at the item in his hands, eyes wide. Had he been that thirsty this whole time? It felt like the sensation was hitting him like a truck, throat parched. Loukas swallowed thickly, fingers tightening on the plastic. Briefly, he entertained the idea of just not partaking in it, but quickly discarded that upon remembering how he'd even gotten here to begin with.

"Yeah, I'll... I'll drink. Thanks," he said, clearing his throat once more. "Could you look away though? I'm not... used to this yet. It can get a little messy."

Messy. An understatement, really. Every time he fed, no matter how long ago his last feeding had been, Loukas felt like he was doing it for the first time in years. It was easier to ignore the hunger until he had something that was very clearly blood in front of him. He tended to accidentally rip the packs open while drinking still, unable to control himself very well in the moment until he was done.

He flicked his gaze back up towards Saisei, feeling a little more welcome when he noticed the other boy's bright grin. "And then you can show me around, yeah?" he said, offering a small smile of his own in return.

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
The Hybrid King
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Wed Feb 24, 2021 12:28 am
Bottom Of The Barrel WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

He smiled, shaking his head at the recruit's empty-like actions. Loukas wasn't intending to be rude, Saisei could tell that he was being rather open with him actually. His actions mirrored more of a doll trying to pass itself off as a human. It was endearing in a sense, the newest recruit felt obligated to try to make it feel as normal as possible. Saisei appreciated that, his eyes reading him up and down.

After Loukas made his stance on drinking blood in front of others clear, Saisei couldn't help but find himself interested.

"Sure, but just to maybe help out I little more I can try some myself."

The boy didn't actually recognize that what he had just said was rather absurd. Pulling a second bloodpack from the confines of the backpack, Saisei gripped it in both hands and looked away from Loukas. In one singular motion, he bit a relatively small hole in the side of the pack and sucked. The taste of iron filled his sense almost immediately, the viscous liquid leaving him at a loss for words.

After only a few seconds, Saisei pulled the pack from his mouth and stored it back into the backpack. Without a second thought, he turned back to Loukas with his eyes closed. Hoping the recruit had finished with his own bloodpack, he cleared his throat and awkwardly spoke on his own experience.

"Maybe blood isn't for me, I won't be doing that again. When you're finished I'll be more than happy to tour you around. After the general tour just be clear that I'll have to go ahead and get you taken care of inside the dormitories as well. After that, your time is free to be spent however you'd like."

He smiled yet again, his previously pearly white teeth shaded a gentle hue of red. Before long, he realized that it would have stained his teeth with little effort. Shuffling back to the fountain, the boy began to scarf down blood. Finishing off his little temper tantrum, he turned back to Loukas with a hesitant smile.

"I promise things don't normally go this poorly from the get go. Sorry for giving you the wrong impression, I really do want to make your first time here in the City a special one. It's my first time meeting a sueki too."

Saisei surely met sueki before, he simply didn't know it. Loukas was a first for him.

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

Bottom Of The Barrel FXpoQxJ
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Wed Feb 24, 2021 4:44 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

Saisei was surprisingly nonjudgmental about the whole situation, taking his awkwardness in stride. It helped Loukas to relax a little, something he was immensely grateful for. It reminded him of his time doing track, welcoming newbies to the team with as much warmth as he could muster in order to make sure they were comfortable there from the get go. Hopefully that was what Saisei was aiming to do, albeit a bit clumsily.

Loukas looked back down to his blood pack, lifting it up to his mouth, about to rip into it when his companion said possibly the strangest thing he'd heard since becoming a sueki. "Woah, wait-" he started, about to tell the other boy that he didn't have to do that, wincing when he saw he was too late. For a few seconds, Loukas just stared at him incredulously until he suddenly stopped and turned around, eyes closed.

Oh yeah, he still had his own pack to drink from. Gulping, he glanced back up at Saisei, making sure his eyes were closed, before finally digging in. He ripped a jagged edge with his fangs, making a light noise of relief as the liquid fell onto his tongue and started to spill down his throat. Quickly, he gulped his fill down, some drips of red spilling out of the corners of his mouth as he tipped his head back for ease of intake. After what felt like both a century and just not long enough, the pack was empty, and Loukas lifted it from his now bloodstained mouth to lap at a few stray drops and lick his lips.

He cleared his throat, lifting a hand to wipe at the excess liquid on his chin. "All good now." At least, he hoped so. "From what I hear, it's not really for anyone other than my kind. You really didn't have to do that, you know."

As Saisei washed his mouth out in the fountain, Loukas balled up and shoved the empty pack into one of his packets, unsure of where to dispose of it. "Sounds like a good tour plan," he agreed, nodding. "And don't worry about it, it was a little strange but... not too bad. So far anyways."

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
The Hybrid King
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:53 am
Bottom Of The Barrel WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

"Perfect. You aren't, I can't say that was tasty in any regard. I mean like, really. I've never had the taste of so much blood in my mouth. Trust me, I've taken my fair share of beatins'. I promise you, I've never tasted that much iron in my life."

Saisei couldn't help but break out in laughter. His mistake was one for the ages, his now soaked mouth dripped from the corner of his lips. The excess water he just consumed was one of champions, only the strongest of body builders would bother developing this type of thirst after choking on metal. Saisei however, was not one of those body builders. Frankly, it'd be sooner rather than later before he'd find himself in front of a bowl, draining himself.

He looked at Loukas before checking his watch. Little time had passed since he found the new recruit, perfect. First thing was first, if Saisei was going to give one of his patented tours there was only one place he needed to visit at this very moment. Taking the lanky boy by the head, he brightened up despite his recent intake of a horrendous meal.

"Alright, so get this right. Hear me out. This isn't normally on the tour but you've gotta trust me here. First place we've got to go is where I always stand for duty whenever they ask me to help out with the citizens. Gotta trust me."

Without a second's notice, Saisei grabbed Loukas' hand, his backpack and readjusted his ruffled clothing before trying to drag them away.

"I won't take no for an answer."

He refused, after all. This was the perfect spot to show so early in the morning. If Loukas and Saisei were ever destined to be friends, this is where he'd find out. Better to be sooner rather than later, he thought.
END POST | America's Line Of Defense

Bottom Of The Barrel FXpoQxJ
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Sun Feb 28, 2021 2:26 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel EQYSGpD

Loukas Holt | The Man Searching For A Future

Saisei was more than a little weird so far. Frankly, it was almost akin to watching a car wreck; Loukas just couldn't look away. But still, the sueki was more inclined to laugh with instead of at, however amusing the display in front of him was. He laughed with the other boy, grin wide and unfettered. "Luckily, it doesn't taste like straight up metal to me, but don't ask me to describe it. I don't really know how to."

Loukas wiped at his mouth and chin again, just in case, nodding in assent. "Alright. Take me to this special place of yours," he said, right before his hand was grabbed and he was tugged along. A little shocked at first, Loukas resisted a little before giving in to the pull. After all, there wasn't really any reason to not just go along with it.

As they made their way to wherever Saisei was bringing him, Loukas looked around as much as he could, a little in awe at how pretty this place was. City of Lights indeed.

END POST | The Vandenreich's Resident Sueki
The Hybrid King
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Sun Feb 28, 2021 5:39 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel WHdevDs

Saisei | The Vandenreich Frontline

There was zero chance Loukas could ever escape Saisei's clutches now that they were on their way to his... special place. The island fortress was far bigger and, frankly, far wider than people gave it credit. Given the city spanned across the entirety of the island chain, if you stood at just the right spot...

The sights and sounds of the City of Light were bright and overwhelming. While Saisei had grown used to them, he wasn't sure how Loukas would take such a sight. To him, it was far different than the town he called home back in Karakura. Karakura city was a futuristic metropolis, the City was far different in regards to architecture. Beautiful stone buildings, gorgeous water fountains and the constant shuffling of citizens throughout the streets. It was a sight for anyone to behold for the first time, no matter who they were.

"Alright. So check this out. I know I said hear me out but, clearly, I didn't give you a choice. Just over this ridge... Man, you're gonna have your mind blown. I cannot begin to describe how I felt standing here for the first time, viewing the world in all it's beauty."

The boy's smile was infection, his hair standing on end as they prepared themselves to cross the precipice. The City of Light had far more than buildings and people to share. No, the most important thing to share... was this.

"This... is what I was talking about."

As he dragged Loukas' along, the bright blue sky began to mix gently with the deep ocean blue that laid below. Standing along the very edge of the City of Light, Saisei brought the new recruit to the very edge of it's boundaries. This was it. Maybe it wasn't much to Loukas but to Saisei, it was the most beautiful spot in all of the city. The ocean below swept from left to right, it's gentle waves leaving the bright sea breeze filling their noses. It was serene, a place where Saisei felt truly alive, even with all of his recent problems as of late.

"Isn't it beautiful...?"

END POST | America's Line Of Defense

Bottom Of The Barrel FXpoQxJ
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Bottom Of The Barrel Empty Re: Bottom Of The Barrel

Mon Mar 22, 2021 7:36 pm
Bottom Of The Barrel PpPaw9R6_o

hold it, i'm about to drop off

The hood restricted some of his vision for sure, limiting how much of the city scenery Loukas could see at once. But even so, he drank it up as hungrily as he sucked down blood now, eyes wide with awe. Yes, he'd seen some of the city on his way to meet Saisei, but he hadn't even been thinking about appreciating the sheer beauty at that point. Loukas had mostly been nervous, and from their interactions so far, maybe it had been for good reason.

Even so, Saisei hadn't been as strictly intimidating as the sueki had expected. Still, he couldn't help but me nervous about every other meeting he'd ever had with other Vandenreich members, despite being part of the ranks himself.

Saisei speaking pulled Loukas out of his nervous thoughts, redirecting his attention to the head of pink hair in front of him. The other boy's grin was wide, full of pure intention, and Loukas couldn't help but smile back, fangs peeking. "It better be something spectacular for all you've been hyping it... up..."

Loukas trailed off as his mouth dropped open slightly, eyes taking in the new view. "Oh," he whispered, breathless. "That's... this is amazing, Saisei." It almost felt like they were at the edge of the world, able to leave it all behind if only they took just a few more steps... Of course, actually doing that was dangerous, a warning thought that dinged in the back of his mind and prevented his feet from moving any closer.

A sea-salted breeze blew past them and into the rest of the city, but for the moment, it was just them and this sight, something that had Loukas relaxing further and further as the seconds passed. He knew where he'd be heading to just take a little time to himself from now on, if anything.

drift into a deep fog
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