Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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God of Love
Joined : 2017-05-11
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:04 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] XGtVjsG


It seemed as though the Gotei had not as handily solved the issue of Fuuen's mind as he might have hoped. Well, he had only hoped, after all. It was not exactly feasible to expect such a simply solution to what had, by all standards, been a rather longstanding and complex issue.

Well, in the meantime, there were still duties to attend to. So it was that he found himself patrolling the lands of America, on the watch for Hollows and other untoward spirits. He had yet to see many thus far, and certainly not any which required any degree of serious effort. Well, that was just as well. To travel the land and hone his talents, was that not already his ideal life?

With a small camp in the badlands and a glass of sake, Fuuen simply watched the deserts for spirits. This part of America was hardly hospitable for most, but Fuuen had traveled the entire globe by now. This little out of the way abode was perfectly pleasant for him.


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:10 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


The badlands. Always with hollows getting around these parts and she found the terrain fun to train in and practice around. It wasn't like lots of people get around her. She kicked her foot off her hold, launching off the ridge before punching the otherside of the valley and sending a shockwave through it. Yeah, this place was great to let loose in and not have to hold anything back.

Spiritual pressure at max, blows to shake up small towns and being allowed to fly around the area and race herself. It made a great place to hang out for the girl.

"Yeah. That was really cool. Next time I should actually go to my full power, huh."

She said to no one in particular, herself and the imaginary gang mostly. While she did have higher forms of power with Shikko and Shunko, she was just pretending that she had not used the full scope of her base form.


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God of Love
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:31 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] XGtVjsG


Mmm... Well, all that noise certainly didn't sound entirely right, did it? Fuuen wasn't an expert on Gotei affairs just yet, and there was admittedly some part of him which wondered if he wasn't better off simply leaving whatever this was alone and letting a superior know about it. But, ultimately, that would likely not give him much in the way of influence, now would it? And though it was hardly an ideal state of things, he knew all too well that he would need to have decent standing if he were to request assistance with his memory.

So, with an all too reluctant air about him and a sigh of resignation, Fuuen picked up Yuudachi from the side of his tent, strapping it to his back and making his way off in the general direction of whatever this disturbance was.

Of course, he wasn't exactly fast, so it took a bit of time.

Nevertheless, he was a persistent man, and in (relatively) short order he found himself among the ridges and plateaus, a much less forgiving part of the area than the gentle hills and plains that he'd made camp in. His eyes watched carefully for whatever was actually demolishing the place, though as he looked, he noted the place was rather lovely to look at. What a shame it was to see it destroyed. Ah...there was the culprit. Well, he wasn't exactly capable of simply leaping up to where she was, but he could certainly walk at a relatively brisk pace. He was good at that.


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue999999/999999This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (999999/999999)

This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:37 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


What was that? She gave a keen look over to the side of the badlands, there was something approaching her. Slowly? Who was this guy? Should she be concerned. No way, he didn't even exude some shinigami aura but he was carrying a sword. He was wearing purple though. Was this guy lost?

"Hey Mister. Are you okay? Oh. You're a plus, probably looking for a konso right? I'm feeling really nice so I'd be happy to give you a ticket if you wanted, it's dangerous out here you know. I'm Yugiri by the way."

She remembered to introduce herself. Pluses she felt liked to know of their saviour that sent them to the soul society rather than become a hollow after all.


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God of Love
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Left_bar_bleue16000/1This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty_bar_bleue  (16000/1)

This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:45 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] XGtVjsG


"Er, yes. Well- no. I am perfectly okay, yes. But no, I'm not in any particular rush to recieve a konso. I'm already a substitute shinigami, so I imagine the Gotei might be a bit perplexed if I were to return from patrol in that way."

Well, she was certainly a character, wasn't she? Not that Fuuen could necessarily say that was a bad thing, he understood he tended to make company with more unusual sorts. Still, looking around at the area reminded him why he had actually come out this way in the first place, and he returned his gaze to her after a few moments.

"I do quite appreciate the kind offer, however. Ah, my name is Fuuen. Yugiri, was it? Give me a moment."

Unfortunately, propriety was a bit important to Fuuen, enough so that he drew his notebook from his pocket and took down a few notes, enough so that he could likely recognize her with a bit of reference. Which, of course, was enough time to forget why he had come by to begin with.

"What has brought you to this part of the world?"


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 6:53 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


"Oh. I see, that's pretty weird. Is that your zanpakuto?"

Had the Gotei gotten slack since she left? was this guy even qualified, did that thing even do konso!? There were so many questions she had here and now he was writing notes. Hold up, was this guy checking up on her? Did Abalia send him?

"Hey, whatcha writing?"

She thought to inquire, just to check. Imagine if Abalia Kyoraku felt she needed to check up on her like this. That would be so cool, right? Such a thing would likely not be what she got back though.

"You know. I just live around these parts."

Yeah, in the middle of nowhere. With hollows everywhere.


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] CHARACTER_LISTThis Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] GRAPHICS_THREADThis Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] TIMELINE_THREAD
God of Love
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:02 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] XGtVjsG


Fuuen continued with his note-taking, though he naturally paid attention to her as he did so. If there was one skill which had certainly ingrained itself into his muscle memory by now, enough to bypass even his severe memory issues, it was this.

"Ah, no, I've declined a zanpakuto. This blade has always been with me, and it is the only one I use."

Idly beginning on a sketch of Yugiri to accompany his notes, Fuuen studied her rather obviously, no particular shame in it given he had no reason to be ashamed of wholly pragmatic study.

"My memory is a bit unreliable, if I were to understate the matter a touch. I generally rely on this to keep perspective and not simply become wholly lost."

Flipping it around for her to see what he'd done so far, he continued to study her. Honestly, he'd written a lot in such a short amount of time, to say nothing of what he'd already managed to get drawn.

"I would say this is something of an odd place to make one's abode, but according to my notes I lived in a temple for the better part of a century. I suppose I have no particular room to make judgements."


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:26 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


"Okay, but if it's not a zanpakuto. How do you do konso? How are you meant to learn shikai? That's kinda dumb... I guess it's pretty cool though, where'd you get the sword?"

It looked like a really weird sword. Her eyes focused on it, it was bigger than her by no small amout. What the heck?

It wasn't about her being kept tabs on though, it had nothing to do with her which might've crushed her ego just a little bit.

"Okay. That makes sense. Why'd you live in a temple for so long? Wouldn't you have turned into a hollow, or was this after you went to the Soul Society?"


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God of Love
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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:32 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] XGtVjsG


"Ah, well... I suppose I'd not considered that."

Frankly, he had in fact not considered that at any point. Making a note to perhaps request a zanpakuto after he returned, Fuuen continued with his notes, mostly by merit of needing to throughout this conversation.

"I am unsure where the blade was made. The name of its smith has long since faded, and it was with me from the my first moments as a spirit, if my notes are to be believed."

Flipping through his journal once more, Fuuen looked around for the answers to Yugiri's questions, being reminded yet again of how tremendously inconvienient this was, and how much he would rather like to put an end to it.

"No, I've never turned to a Hollow, nor been sent along to the Soul Society. I've simply traveled the Earth and practiced with the blade."


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This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Empty Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]

Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:36 am
This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri] Yugiri-header-template3


What!? He just woke up with a really cool and big sword like that? No way. That was insane. The more shocking thing though was that he just didn't have a chain of fate, he never got a konso. He just... exists. He seemed really cool now, he might be a weak plus but he was a pretty unique plus. Yugiri was so indulged in his fabulous tale she didn't consider whether or not it was a fable.

"That's pretty cool, you know. I can turn into a cat. I was taught how to do it by a really wise man when I was a kid."

That really talked up when Yushiro taught her the transforming technique of the Shihoin bloodline that turned her into a cat. It sounded way more mysterious than it really was.


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