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- RawkGod of Love
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:43 am
What a strange ability. Though, if Fuuen thought about it, that did seem rather useful, didn't it? Cats were rather agile, and being so much smaller would assumedly have its benefits for travel and general living. There was also the simple fact that life as a cat did seem rather simple.
"Is that so? I suspect you could amass quite a following teaching that to others, you know. I've taught what I know of swordplay once, but there are a great many other teachers for that particular art, and I've found there are precious few students I would wish to teach."
The whole statement had ended up sounding astoundingly more exclusive and elite than Fuuen had actually intended, to say nothing of the fact that he had no idea he'd actually worded it in such a way. That tended to happen when one was as unfortunately absent-minded as he was.
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:50 am
"Ahaha. If only it was that easy, you need to have aptitude for it you know. It's not something you can just do. It's something special, you know.. like not turning into a hollow after centuries."
She thought about it, he was good with a sword right? Could he teach her? That'd be really cool if he could. Not because it sounded super prestigious but he clearly knew his way around swords and she didn't.
"Hey, you know. If I went easy on you. Could you teach me some swordplay? I need to get more in tune with my zanpakuto you know? Swordplay kind of sounds like it could work like Jinzen. What do you say, huh?"
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 7:56 am
"Ah, is that so? Well, that is quite fortunate that you've been so blessed with such a rare gift then."
It was pretty apparent that Fuuen was being wholly genuine as he said that, seemingly legitimately impressed at her ability to become a cat. If it required such aptitude, after all, it must have intrinsically been quite demanding an art.
"I may be willing, though I ought to make it clear that my style was not made for killing. I find violence an insult to the artistic merits of the blade, so I would ask that, if you wish to learn, you assure me that those things I teach you will not be used for such violence. Or, at the very least, will be used only in self-defense."
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:01 am
"Mhm. Pretty lucky, huh?"
She pretended that she glossed over the fact she was blessed with useless legs. He seemed pretty stoked and that made her stoked. When he mentioned the complications with his art she just giggled and nodded with a confident grin.
"That's alright. Don't worry, I only want to learn about swordplay for sake of bonding with my zanpakuto. If I need to fight I much prefer my fists. I'm pretty talented at using my body to fight you know so don't worry. I promise on my honour not to use your style for violence."
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:10 am
"Spectacular. The other woman I've taught tends to use her fists as well, if my notes are to be believed. Though, between you and I, you do seem a touch more collected than she."
It was clear from his quiet chuckle that Fuuen didn't actually mean any offense to Elyss by it, but then again, he hadn't exactly meant to feed into Yugiri's ego, either. Sometimes things just happened. Drawing his sword, Fuuen idly ran through the techniques in his mind that remained consistent, trying to consider which would be the easiest to teach.
"I suppose we might begin with Form 27, the Bushū Tamagawa. It is a fairly simple technique, one that can generally be applied in any instance. I would describe it for you, but most of my knowledge is simple muscle memory at this stage, so for now I ought to simply show you."
Taking a breath to focus himself, Fuuen made a single diagonal slash, seeming wholly unimpeded by the length of the blade. Frankly, there was very little about the slash which was different from any other slash of the sword, but the spiritual energy in the air very quickly coalesced into mirror images of his blade, following after his slash in exactly the same speed and direction. Despite the clear effect, it didn't exactly seem as though Fuuen had actually done anything beyond simply swing his blade very neatly. The spiritual energy had just...followed suit.
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:17 am
Oh wow. She was special huh? This would be really cool, she had to be better than his other student then. Simple as that. No reason to back out like this, especially when he got her all worked up and fascinated like this. He sure seemed to be something special, there was no power behind him either. Was it all just skill and technique?
"Bushuu Tamagawa. I see, that sounds like a really nice name for a technique."
She needed to compliment nice names where they were due but this technique didn't make much sense to her. It was almost Quincy in nature. The way energy just moved to follow his action.
"That's interesting... So how does one do that? What are you doing to make it follow?"
Yugiri pulled her sword out of the air, removing the black sheathe from it and taking up a stance to try and mirror his.
"Like this?"
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:27 am
"Ah, thank you. I've named the thirty-six forms after the pieces of...ah, of Katsushika Hokusai. I have a bit of fondness for his pieces, though I must admit my own memory prevents me from recalling them most of the time."
Shrugging at that, Fuuen simply returned his attention to the matter of teaching Yugiri, not hugely concerned with his own memory at the moment. It was rather impressive, considering that was one of his most central aims in life at present.
"So far as I am aware, there isn't anything necessary to do beyond simply making the strike with proper form and intention. Your stance does seem correct, however."
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 8:31 am
"That's cool. I named my techniques after Shogi pieces."
That was cool right? Her stance went into action though, this was the time for action. She channeled every bit of her inner chuuni, all that intention to bend the world around her sword swing. A swipe that'd make the world cry out in terror while trying to imitate the technique.
She did not know if it would work but her slash was so perfect... and kind of sloppy. It had been a while since she swung a sword. A stance was one thing but in action? Oh no, not that.
- RawkGod of Love
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:15 am
"Aiming for a tactical thematic, I suppose? That is reasonable."
Watching her strike with a studious eye, Fuuen, thought for a moment about the outcome. It was rather apparent she'd not achieved the same effect as he had, but even more apparent was that the actual form of the slash had been rather lacking. Well, that was no matter. She had asked for tutelage, after all.
"You seem a touch hesitant to use your blade. Even if you are not wholly confident in your own capabilities, always place absolute faith in each swing of your blade. It will not waver from its course simply because you are unsure."
- GammaVeteran Member
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Re: This Blade of Mine Glows With an Awesome Power [Fuuen, Yugiri]
Sat Feb 27, 2021 9:26 am
She gave him a thoughtful look. Was her technique bad? He affirmed her worries and her suspicions.
"Well yeah, it feels really hard to use my sword though."
It was an affliction of her heart more than any kind of issue with her sword, she bit her lip. The technique was also bad but she had a feeling that no matter what she did with in regards to getting her sword technique squared away, maybe she should try and figure out how he had tranquility with the blade instead. That would be a better first step.
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